Text book on Family Approach in Extension Programme Management

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Textbook on Family Approach in

Extension Programme Management

Technical Editors: Dr (Mrs) Sumita Roy Formerly Professor (Home Science Extension Education) Punjab Agricultural University Ludhiana 141 004

Dr (Mrs) Tej Verma Formerly Assistant Director-General (Home Science) Principal Scientist (Agricultural Extension) Indian Council of Agricultural Research Krishi Anusandhan Bhavan I New Delhi 110 012

Dr (Mrs) Pushpa Gupta Formerly Professor and Dean Home Science College Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology Udaipur, Rajasthan 313 001



Directorate of Information and Publications of Agriculture Indian Council of Agricultural Research New Delhi

First Printed : June 2006 Reprinted : August 2012

Project Director (DKMA) : DR D K AGARWAL

Incharge(English Editorial Unit) : DR R P SHARMA Editing : REENA KANDWAL

Chief Production Officer : DR V K BHARTI Technical Officer (Production) : ASHOK SHASTRI

All Rights Reserved Š2012, Indian Council of Agricultural Research NewDeihi ISBN : 81-7164-055-9

Price : Rs 300

Published by Dr D.K. Agarwal, Project Director, Directorate of Knowledge Management in Agriculture, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Krishi Anusandhan Bhavan, Pusa, New Delhi and Printed at M/s Chandu Press, D-97, Shakarpur, Delhi-110092

Contents in v


Preface Section I: Focus on Extension Education 1. 2.


Dynamism of Home Science Extension Sumita Roy Extension Programmes - Past and Present Pushpa Gupta and Asha Sinphal Extension Training - Pathway to Development Pushpa Gupta and Asha Sinphal

3 27


Section II: Organization and Management 4.

5. 6.

Organization and Management of Extension Programmes Anita Jhamtani and K Vijayarapavan Extension Management Linkage K Vijayarapavan Group Organization and its Dynamics Rashmi Sinph

75 90


Section III: Extension Education for Human Resource Development

7. 8.


Extension Education for Family Development Sumita Roy and Leela Gupta Transfer of Homestead Technologies - Family as a Client Shashi Verma and Sushma Kaushik Empowering Women for Entrepreneurship Development Tej Verma, D. fJma Maheswara Rao and GA.K Kumar


131 149

Section IV: Information Education Delivery and Evaluation in Extension Education 10. Communication for Family Focused Extension Programmes Manisha Sinph and Sumita Roy ' , 11. Instructional Technology Varinder Randhawa and Ranjit Sinph



12. Monitoring and Evaluation of Extension Programmes GJI.IC Kumar


Index Notes on Editors and Contributors

223 225



Section I

Focus on Extension Education


1 Dynamism of Home Science Extension Sumita Roy


dynamism of Home Science Extension needs to be

X understood in context to people-centered and self-reliant development that

is socially acceptable, economically efficient and ecologically sound. This requires examining the place of individual within a household and the relationship of households with the community. The individuals belong to family and all members of the family live in harmony within the living and non-living things that are present in the environment. The near environment of individuals include natural resources like air, water, land, solar energy, minerals, fossils, plants and animals etc. These natural resources meet the day-to-day physical requirements of human beings and also facilitate in production of goods and services that are needed for survival like food, clothing, shelter, household and farming tools, equipment, accessories and other mechanical inputs. All individuals are first the social unit of a family and then of a community. The family and community are thus the social institutions where bondage exists according to cultural patterns, social norms and group relationships. The development of family and community is affected by factors like education, religion, economical and political forces; the laws, regulations and> policies; the technology and communication. It is, therefore, essential to understand these factors along with environmental factors that influence the role of individuals within a family and subsequently in the community for understanding people-centered and self-reliant development of individuals, families and community. HOME SCIENCE EXTENSION FOR FAMILY DEVELOPMENT

Home Science Extension has to be first examined for the term ‘extension’. In a simple language the term extension means to extend. The question then arises regarding extend what, why, how, where, when and for whom? The answers to these questions in context to Home Science Extension confines to family development. In other words the answer to what refers to Home Science knowledge. Why refers to providing knowledge for improving quality of life. The how is the method of extending knowledge and where refers to the place. While when pertains to as per need or situation, the for whom refers to families. In brief it can be said that Home Science Extension is meant for extending Home Science knowledge to families for improving the quality of life and thereby, the discipline encompasses the family approach.







At this juncture there is a need to recognize that all families have family characteristics, value system, goals, traditions, needs and resources. Therefore, the family approach in Home Science Extension must be aimed at bringing about desirable changes for family development. For this, the factors that stimulate or impede family development must be considered which has been illustrated in Fig. 1.1. The figure shows that individuals are surrounded by environment that are of three types, namely, natural, human and socio-institutional environment. The natural environment includes physical and biological resources; the environmental conditions; the location, and time relationships. While the natural environment supplies basic necessities to individuals for survival, the socio-institutional environment meets the social and psychological needs. The surrounding environment influences the individual at household level where family structure, family needs, resource availability, family bondage and the transformation process according to stages of life bring about differences in life style through knowledge and technology input. The output can be then assessed for knowledge enhancement, change in attitude, and acceptance of technologies and improvements in skill. The end result leads to individual and family well being; combined with societal and community well-being that happens to be the ultimate concern of Home Science Extension. At this point it is important to recognize that families exist in rural and urban areas and therefore, Home Science Extension must focus attention on rural and urban families. Home Science as an academic discipline takes care of this aspect and provides need-based education to girls to manage their family, establish self-identity as empowered individuals and to accept career opportunities along with homemaking. It is in this context, that there is a need to first understand the significance of Home Science for magnifying its applicability in family development through Home Science Extension. MEANING OF HOME SCIENCE

The word Home Science consists of two words that is home and science. The term home refers to the place of residence known as home where family as a social unit live together. The term science refers to systematized knowledge that is based on facts, principles and laws. When these two words are combined then a new word is framed that is called Home Science which systematizes knowledge for daily use. Hence, Home Science deals with: » providing education for family living; • improving the efficiency and effectiveness of human and non¬ human resources used by families; • conducting research for providing technologies as per changing needs of families and communities; and • helping the family and community to improve the quality of life.








Bondage and transformation

Resource availability

Family structure Needs



Knowledge enhancement Attitudinal changes Technology Acceptance


Knowledge Technology


Fig. 1.1 Relationship between individual, family and community well-being

Technologies and information


educational, economical

Institutions-religious, social

Family traditions, value system,



Food, clothing, shelter, household tools, equipment and appliances, human behaviour, education, family and economic security, peer groups, friends,

Location and time relationship

Biological resources - plant and animal kingdom, geo-resources etc.

Physical resources- air, water, solar energy, land, climate etc.






Individual and family well being Social and



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The past experiences support that identity of Home Science as a field of study for girls has remained constant over a period of time but the emphasis that education in Home Science is meant for strengthening family life has been supplemented with career education. The present century witnesses Home Science education as a well recognized professional education for girls. Home Science no more exclusively means education for homemaking but by keeping scientific home making at its base within the family dynamics, the discipline tries to prepare individuals to enter into job market or undertake micro-enterprises to generate income. Thus, Home Science contributes in increasing self-reliance in order to help individuals to navigate the path of success in performing their dual role as homemaker and professional. Home-making however, remains to be an inseparable role for all women, irrespective of whether a woman undertakes a wage earning job or micro-enterprise or does both. A woman has to manage her home where she must apply the principles of science for efficient home-making that happens to be the thrust of Home Science education. DEFINITION OF HOME SCIENCE

The first definition of Home Science (Home Economics as it is called in USA) was first given in 1914 by Dr. Ellen H. Richards, founder of the American Home Economics Association. The definition says the freedom of home from the dominance of things and their due subordination to ideals, the utilization to ideas, the utilization of the resources of modern science to improve home life, the simplicity in material surroundings which will free the spirit for more important and permanent interests of the home and society and achieving the ideal home life for today unhampered, by the traditions of the past The pioneers in the field of Home Science in India have synthesized their thoughts and ideas according to their experiences to define Home Science. In this direction Devedas (1961) defined Home Science as education for home and community living - its goals are abundant happiness, health and fulfillment of aspirations of the family. Later Devadas (1974) redefined the statement in the light of various aspects of life of the individual and community that is dealt in Home Science. Accordingly, the definition says that Home Science integrates the application of knowledge synthesized from different sciences and humanities to improve the human environment, family, nutrition, management of resources, child development and consumer competencies. According to Adhikary (1973) Home Science is the knowledge which allows for a harmoniously organized family life in order to satisfy under the best possible conditions - the physical, social, economic, aesthetic, cultural, emotional and intellectual needs of all members of the family and their relationship with the community. The International Federation of Home Economics has defined Home Science as the exact and reasoned knowledge of all problems related to the home and dissemination of research concerned with food, clothing, shelter, health and human relationships and management of resources.





The definition of Home Science given by Verma (2000) states that Home Science education focuses at coordinating the scientific and practical knowledge drawn from different fields to utilize it in a suitable way for the development, welfare and happiness of individual, family, community and nation at large. SIGNIFICANCE OF HOME SCIENCE

Education must keep pace with new challenges, knowledge explosion, technological advancements, new developments and growing needs of individuals to change human behaviour for successful living in the society. Home Science is one such education that trains individuals to face with confidence the challenges of changing times in a most befitting manner. Home Science education adequately prepares individuals for harmonious living by using the scientific and technical knowledge for satisfaction of physical, social and psychological needs of self and family. This recognition exists all over the world and Home Science is recognized by different names across the globe. In USA it is known as Home Economics, Human Ecology, Family and Consumer Sciences. In African countries, Canada, Japan, Phillipines it is known as Home Economics. In U.K. as Domestic Science and in New Zealand and'India as Home Science. In recognition of global significance of the discipline, the International Federation of Home Economics supports the contributions in resolving the reasoned problems related to home and community. For this ideology the Home Science discipline must prioritize on research-based knowledge regarding food, clothing, shelter, health, human relationship and management of resources toward synchronizing improvements in family and community living. This would imply that the significance of Home Science must get concentrated in coordinating the scientific and practical knowledge drawn from different fields for its suitable utilization in order to promote and maintain well-being and happiness of family, community and nation at large. CONCEPT OF FAMILY

While trying to understand the meaning and significance of Home Science the word ‘family5 has been repeatedly used. It is therefore ,desirable to understand the concept of family in context to its relevance to community. The word family can be compared with a scientific word called atom. We know that atom is the smallest particle of an element or compound that is capable of retaining its identity with the substance in mass. Similarly, family is the smallest unit of a community that consists of individuals and retains its identity in the community where community is comparable to mass. The family, like an atom has vast potential energy to bring about changes in the community and hence family approach has great potentiality for community and nation building. There is no denial of fact that time, development and emerging patterns of living create differences in family functions, structure and family







relationship just as atom does by moving in a molecule to form a variety of patterns. Thus, each family retains its independent identity in the universal human grouping called community because the family is a vital and indispensable social institution of a community whose roots are spread within the community. In view of this, all efforts to bring qualitative changes in family living can subsequendy contribute to development of community. CONCEPT OF HOME SCIENCE EXTENSION

The concern and dominant characteristics of Home Science is well¬ being of individuals, family and community through application of systematized knowledge. Home Science integrates the body of scientific knowledge for personal and social benefits in this continuously changing world of advancements. The families who live in rural and urban settings differ in their needs, resources, and tasks due to which, the content and approach for transferring Home Science knowledge differs. In this regard the thrust on upliftment of rural families and communities become the responsibility of Home Science Extension. Over the decades or ever since the concept of ‘Extension’ came into existence the farm and home have been treated at par for development activities as both are strongly interdependent for the purpose of production and consumption. The responsibility for increasing farm production lies with Agricultural Extension with farmers as target group. The responsibilities related to consumption, processing and storage of farm produce for food and health security of rural families lies with Home Science Extension that further systemises the appropriate technologies, information and training for efficient and effective management of farm-homes and families. Hence, the subject enjoys its independent identity, which cannot be substituted by Agricultural Extension. There is also a need to realize that Home Science is family-centered and Agriculture is farm-centered and therefore, Home Science Extension and Agricultural Extension must enjoy their own identity and they must exist side-by side to serve the cause of rural population. The relevance and functions of Home Science Extension has been discussed in detail in later part of this chapter. HOME SCIENCE


The past events form the history and accordingly, the past history of Home Science should be understood in context to present status to know the contributions that Home Science is making in the present century. The following discussion highlights on glorious past of the discipline of Home Science Initiation of Home Science The reflections of Home Science dates back to 1881-1901 when special education in all aspects of life was given to girls at school level for





managing harmonious home and family life in the form of Domestic Science as per recommendation of Indian Education Commission. The girls were educated in aspects like care of children, supplying nutritious food to family, taking care of health of family members and managing their homes. The All India Women’s Conference in 1920 recognized the need for imparting special education for girls. Continued efforts were made to make this education meaningful and suitable for girls as in the olden days the girls got married in their early teens and had to shoulder the household and family responsibilities. It is in this context that education for girls got the boost and Home Science as a subject got recognition. Birth of concept of Home Science The concept of Home Science originated from the concept of house¬ keeping. It was Maharaja Sayajirao Gaekwad of Baroda, now known as Vadodara who first took the initiative in training his palace staff in housekeeping. Later the Maharaja realized that this kind of training was most appropriate for girls who were the future homemakers and needed training for efficient housekeeping. Therefore, in 1919 the Maharaja Sayajirao Gaekwad invited Miss. Ann Gilchrist Strong, the Home Economist from the University College, Dunedin, New Zealand to informally teach Domestic Science to girls. This idea was welcomed by Maharani Girls’ High School in Baroda who decided to start teaching Domestic Science in an informal manner from 1920 onwards. Gradually the Domestic Science became a formal subject of study for the girl students.

Home Science in pre-independence period and onwards

Efforts ofAll India Women’s Conference

The stepping stone was the recognition of Home Science as a high status subject for girls by educational planners at All India Women’s Conference in 1920 whose contributions helped in the growth of Home Science. The All India Women’s Conference appointed a committee under the leadership of Mrs. Dorothy Cousins to examine the possibilities of expansion of Home Science education. The committee observed two major probiems namely, lack of qualified staff and lack of funds for teaching Home Science courses. In view of these problems the All India Women’s Education Fund Association was formulated under the Presidentship of Lady Dorothy Irwin, the wife of the then Viceroy of India. The association made tireless efforts and succeeded in raising huge funds for starting Home Science Colleges in India. The present status of Home Science is on account of tireless efforts made by women in the past who wanted to strengthen needbased education for girls.

Efforts of National Freedom Movement

In support of efforts of All India Women’s Conference the National Freedom Movement in thirties and forties emphasized on equality of women.






This was sought in all aspects of women’s expanded role in home and development of the nation that served as incentive for strengthening Home Science.

Efforts ofAll India Women’s Education Fund Association

The worthwhile efforts of a group of committed women of All India Women’s Education Fund Association ultimately started Lady Irwin College at New Delhi in 1932. The college started offering one year Certificate Course in Home Science to 11 students under the Directorship of Mrs. Hannah Sen. The Diploma in Domestic Science was started in 1936 and thereafter, One Year Diploma in Teaching and Needlework Certificate courses got simultaneously started. In 1950, the college got formally affiliated to Delhi University and B.Sc. in Home Science was offered. Later one year programme of Bachelor of Education was started in 1952 to overcome the problem of lack of qualified teachers to teach Home Science. The beginning of college education was thus a landmark towards the development of Home Science education in India.

Efforts of missionaries

Followed by starting of Home Science College at New Delhi the missionaries from USA took initiative in starting two years’ post matric diploma. Mrs. Ethal Higginbottom in the year 1935 took initiative to start Diploma in Home Economics at Allahabad Agricultural Institute, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh and established the Home Economics Department. The term Home Economics was used instead of Home Science as Home Economics in USA was a well established discipline at that time. In 1945, the Home Economics Department became a full-fledged department of Allahabad University and continued offering two years’ Diploma in Home Economics that was equivalent to Home Science. In 1960, the diploma was discontinued and B.Sc. Home Science was introduced. The department attained the status of college in 2000 when the institute was declared as Allahabad Agricultural Institute, Deemed University.

Effortsfor starting degree programme

The year 1938 witnessed the introduction of B.Sc. Home Science at degree level by Madras University - now known as Chennai University. Home Science was introduced in the degree programme of Women’s Christian College, Madras and Queen Mary’s College, Madras. With the introduction of B.Sc. Home Science degree the education for girls in Home Science started getting more and more attention. Even Sargent Committee in 1944 highly acknowledged the importance of Home Science as a subject for girls in schools.

Home Science in post-independence period The significant roles played by University Education Commission (1948-49), Secondary Education Commission (1952-53), and National

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