Our Asset Preservation Work Preserving the Past and Maintaining the Future
Breathing new life into aging properties. With the critical disciplines of architecture, engineering and interior design all under a single roof, our firm is uniquely qualified to provide a suite of professional services specifically tailored to the needs of clients engaged in the preservation and modernization of both distressed and under-performing real estate assets.
Ensuring residents feel safe and secure. When it comes to the safety and security of residents, it's all about the details. And we know them well. Hardwired smoke and CO2 detectors, properly sized and vented emergency generators, and updated elevator cars and hoisting equipment are only some of the items vital to a safe living environment in an aging building.
Designing maintainable properties for staff. A healthy building is one that is easily maintained. Providing plumbing zone isolation valves, replacing obsolete electrical panels and rooftop stack exhaust fans, correctly sealing ducts and properly balancing the vertical risers, and the replacement of leaking roofs are all part of a package aimed at making the lives of property managers and their staff easier.
Always with the comfort of residents in mind. Any successful property, whether residential or commercial, begins and ends with the comfort and happiness of its end users. New ENERGY STARÂŽ windows, weather-sealed joints and zoned controls for heat in each unit are just the start to ensuring that a building ultimately meets the expectations of all those who will use it.
And an overall reduction in operational costs. Whereas safety, security and comfort are keys to establishing happy tenants, lowering a building's overall energy usage and operational costs are key to happy owners. ENERGY STARÂŽ fixtures, appliances and roofs, high efficiency water heaters, modular high efficiency boilers, and low flow fixtures and toilets all work together to achieve this aim.
Allowing client's assets a future of successes. A broad range of professional design services is required in conjunction with the evaluation, rehabilitation, modernization and adaptive reuse of existing buildings. And the real world benefits of our firm's integrated approach are highly successful projects that are aesthetically pleasing, contextually-appropriate, highly functional, and cost-effective to operate and maintain into the long-term future.
Stephen L. Schoch, AIA, LEED®AP Managing Principal
(856) 854-1880 x223 sschoch@kitchenandassociates.com —
Geno Schiavo, AIA, PP, LEED®AP Principal, Director of Asset Preservation (856) 854-1880 x121 gschiavo@kitchenandassociates.com —
Mary Ely, LEED®GA
Director of Business Development (856) 854-1880 x322 mely@kitchenandassociates.com
Kitchen & Associates | 756 Haddon Avenue | Collingswood NJ 08108 | (856) 854-1880 | kitchenandassociates.com