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Kitty O'Cairre
not much to say.. in spare time i research & do geneology,love of ancient civilizations cultures art , all the 'unknowns that you can spend a lifetime in researchin just one fact of the mysteries. outdoors,, pow wows (when i can get off work..) of my irish in rootsan siciily write & recite cowgirl poetry. love outdoors a member of pampa paranormal research team under dan gutherie.dang good guy!just meetin good folks.. ARE U A V~ DUBB PERSON?? LIKE OUR PAGE WEST TEXAS AIR COOLERS ALL VW'S WELCOMED! "-. Put this dog on .//^ ^\\ your profile (/(_â¢_)\) to show ._/''*''\_ that you are (/_)^(_\) against animal cruelty