What Women Really Want for Valnetines Day - Flowers?

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What Women Really Want for Valentine's Day Hey, it's Mike Fiore . . . I meant to talk to you about this earlier, but I've been busy training women how men REALLY think . . . Anyway, Valentine's day is today and I want to make sure you don't make a huge mistake . . . See, a lot of guys think what women really want for Valentine's day are flowers and candy and expensive dinners and pieces of jewelry that cost as much as your car (hope you have cheap car.) But what women REALLY want for Valentine's day (and EVERY day) is to KNOW how you really feel about her. Honestly, I think of flower and candy and all that BS as "romantic methadone." If a woman doesn't feel truly loved and adored then she gets "bitchy" and "demanding" and wants you to spend a bunch of money on her. But REAL romance is cheap. (When I was prepping my "Secret Survey" program and asked women "If you had telepathy and could read men's minds, what's the one thing you desperately would want to know" almost ALL the answers were variations of "Does he really love me?" by the way.) If you really want her to swoon (and get out of the romantic dog house you'll get into if you don't do anything at all) you need to bring her down the "golden path" of romance . . . That means teasing her . . . Seducing her . . . Making her feel like the most special woman in the world . . . And to me the EASIEST way to do that is with my "Text The Romance Back" program. TRB is the program I was on the "Rachael Ray" show for last year . . . And it's like crack to women. As a guy it shows you EXACTLY what to say to get her motor running, let her know how you really feel, break down her low self esteem and basically make her feel like a queen. Oh, and if you do it right it gets you laid too =-) If you're scrambling around for Valentine's day, you should go watch this video I put up that explains TRB (Text Romance Back) in a lot more detail . . .

Click here to watch the video NOW and study MORE!

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