Dream and Reality Yet Another Ecumenical Story

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Dream and Reality Yet Another Ecumenical Story Nikos Kosmidis Nikos Kosmidis, a reader in his diocese, serves as a member of the Echos Commission on Youth in the Ecumenical Movement, the World Council of Churches youth body. He has responsibility for the ecumenical youth project “KIVOTOS–Bridge of love and communion.” He is currently studying European Civilization. Introduction “Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer” (Ps. 19:14).1

Last summer I received an invitation to write an article about the future of the ecumenical movement from an Orthodox and ecumenical youth perspective. I felt deeply honoured and, at the same time, a little out of place to think of my name among those who have contributed, for more than sixty years now, articles presenting some of the richest and most challenging contemporary ideas of world Christianity. Most of the authors have much more respected and deeper ecumenical experience than mine. This invitation came at a time when the member churches of the World Council of Churches (WCC), reflecting varied expressions and interests of the one ecumenical movement, are in a period of preparation, as we move closer to the tenth assembly of the WCC: we hope this assembly will blow new breath into intra-Christian dialogue and reinforce a revived ecumenical vision for peace and justice for the whole of humanity and for creation. I also understood how difficult it is to write about something that goes beyond human predictions and speculations or any other anthropocentric approaches. There is nothing new in observing that both the ecumenical movement in general and the WCC in particular are at a turning point. But who can say exactly where this turning point will lead our steps? How can you write about a future that involves the stunning, mysterious dynamic of divine and human synergy? If we believe that the Parakletos, the Spirit of 1

All quotations from the Bible in this essay are from the Authorized (“King James”) Version.

DOI: 10.1111/erev.12042 Copyright © (2013) World Council of Churches. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.


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