Kiwanis Family & Relations Manual

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2017-2018 CNH KIWIN'S




Table of Contents: K-KIDS .........................................................................................1-2 Tips When Working With K-Kids ..................................3 Builders Club .........................................................................4-5 Tips When Working With Builders Club .................6 Key Club ....................................................................................7-8 CNH KIWIN'S ...............................................................................9 Tips When Working With Key Club ........................10 Circle K .................................................................................11-12 Tips When Working with Circle K ............................13 Kiwanis..................................................................................14-15 Tips When Working with Kiwanis ............................16 Aktion Club .......................................................................17-18 Tips When Working with Aktion Club...................19 Kiwanis Terrific Kids and Bring up Grades.........20 Key Leader...............................................................................21

K-KIDS History: In K-Kids, more than 36,000 children are learning leadership through accommodation. They're taking on the responsibility of running a K-Kids club as they orchestrate and participate in projects. They assist the elderly with chores or organize community service projects.They accommodate their schools, raising funds for sports equipment and extracurricular activities. Their members are elementary school age students. Focuses on serviceship & leadership.

“My happiest memory is doing Ice Breaker Activity, we get to learn all the new members and become best friends with them.I like becoming an active member in our society and helping those that need help.” - Chelsea


Core Values: Character building: The ability to do the right thing, even when it might be the unpopular choice. Leadership: The ability to listen, communicate, serve and guide others. Inclusiveness: Accepting and welcoming differences in other people. Caring: The act of being concerned about or interested in other people or situations.

Pledge: "As a K-Kid, I promise to serve my neighborhood and my school. I will show respect toward my environment and I will try to make the world a better place in which to live."


Tips when working with K-Kids Attend one of their local community events and try to start a conversation with their advisor. Their faculty advisor or Kiwanis advisor is the best person to approach when trying to get in contact with a K-Kids Club. Try to host bonding activities! A day of bonding with â…™ of the Kiwanis family can be very cherishable at the end. Something to consider: K-Kids clubs has assigned positions similar to Key Club. Try to connect with the kids and always make them feel like they can have fun when you are around!



The first Builders Club was eastablished in 1975. Builders Club is the largest service organization for middle school and junior high students, with more than 45,000 members worldwide. Builders Club is a student-led community service organization that operates under school regulations . Builders Clubs can also be established at libraries, Boys & Girls Clubs, YMCAs, or similar facilities. Their members participate in service around their community. There are more than " Builders Club was a once in a 1,600 clubs lifetime experience. It helped me worldwide! open up as the person I am today and it has given me many opportunities to grow as a leader. " Jocelyn Martinez


Pledge: "I pledge on my honor to uphold the objects of Builders Club. To better my school, my community, my nation, and myself. To aid those in need while enhancing leadership capabilities, and to encourage the fellowship of all mankind."


Building leaders.

Core Values:

Character building: The ability to do the right thing, even when it might be the unpopular choice. Leadership: The ability to listen, communicate, serve and guide others. Inclusiveness: Accepting and welcoming differences in other people. Caring: The act of being concerned about or interested in other people or situations.


Tips when working with Builders Club The best person to approach is the club's faculty or Kiwanis advisor. Try to attend one of their local events in order to meet the advisors. If you would like to collaborate on a project, once getting approval by their advisor, try to talk to their club board to get their opinions and contributions. Doing this will help build their communication and collaboration skills. At the beginning of the term try to host a mini officer training conference in order to give them advice based on you and your club's experiences.


 KEY CLUB History:

Key Club was founded in 1925 in Sacramento, California. Key Club is lead by high schoolers, for high schoolers. Key Club is also the oldest and largest service program for high school students! The passion of Key Club members fuels life-changing work in lives around the world. Key Club members around the world are learning how to lead and be a role model through service and volunteer work.

As of 2015, there are 270,046 Key Clubbers worldwide!

" Throughout my term, I have been able to interact with fellow Key Club members all through the state. The bonds that I have been able to make are by far the strongest I've had in my life." Schuyler McNaughton


Core Values: The core values of Key Club International are leadership, character building, caring and inclusiveness.


Caring‌Our Way of Life.

Pledge: I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.


 CNH KIWIN'S History: KIWIN'S comes from the Otchipew language and translates to "people, men and women, working together in service." The Cal-Nev-Ha District changed their name to dispel gender specific connotations and promote growth. In 2001 at the District Convention in Woodland Hills, CA, we made even greater strides when we were adopted into Key Club International as the Cal-Nev-Ha KIWIN'S 32nd District of Key Club International. We became the first ever District to share boundaries with another District, CNH.

The CNH KIWIN'S District is comprised of nine divisions: Emerald, Jet, Goldstone, Crystal, Diamond, Turquoise, Ruby, Sapphire, and Jade.



Tips when working with Key Club It will be most convenient to approach Key Club, because you are most likely already a Key Club member! To get in contact with Key Club, talk to your high school and see if there is a Key Club chartered. Building relationships with Key Club will be just as easy, because you can become a club member yourself. Once membership dues are paid, you are an official Key Clubber, and can begin service with a smile! The best people to approach are Lieutenant Governors of your corresponding division, as well as club cabinet members.


 Circle K History:

In 1936, the “Circle K House� at Washington State College was established by the Kiwanis Club of Pullman, Washington. Organized as a fraternity, Kappa Iota Phi served men who needed financial aid to attend college. Kiwanians also wanted to provide collegiate students leadership opportunities for their future careers and work service projects to better their communities while having a sense of fellowship. In 1947, Circle K changed from a fraternity to a service organization. That year, the first Circle K club was chartered. Circle K International (CKI) is an international collegiate service organization. They promotes service, leadership, and fellowship by making positive impacts in their communities.

CKI has over 13,000 members!

" Circle K not only motivated me to continue with the Kiwanis Family, but I was able to spend my college years surrounded by both a supportive and positive environment... it turned out to be the best decision I made as a college student. " - Lawrence Sahagun



"I pledge to uphold the Objects of Circle K International, to foster compassion and goodwill toward others through service and leadership, to develop my abilities and the abilities of all people, and to dedicate myself to the realization of mankind’s potential."


Live to serve, love to serve.

Today Circle K stands as the largest collegiate service organization with over 12,600 members in 500 campuses, in 17 nations worldwide.


Tips when working with Circle K When initially trying to reach out, try to email the corresponding division's Lieutenant Governor in order to get the club's contact information. The best person to approach when approaching a Circle K club is their President or any member of their Board. Attend their Key to College or any events geared towards Key Clubbers. Take your average community service event and transform it to a collaboration with Circle K! Any interaction members can have with Circle K will enable them to be more interested in joining when they reach college.


Kiwanis History:

Kiwanis International was founded in 1915 by a group of businessmen in Detroit, Michigan, USA. The organization was originally called the Supreme Lodge Benevolent Order of Brothers, but changed its name to Kiwanis a year later.The name "Kiwanis" was coined from an expression in an American Indian language of the Detroit area, "Nunc Kee-wanis," which means, "we trade." In 1920, the motto of Kiwanis became “We Build.” It remained the motto until 2005, when members voted to change it to “serving the children of the world.” In the early years, members focused on business networking but in 1919, the organization changed its focus to service—specifically service to children. “Since I have been in Kiwanis I There are more than have got to know so many people 8,600 Kiwanis clubs with and have a lot of friendships with nearly 300,000 members different people. It is a very in 94 nations and amazing experience that I don’t geographic areas. regret doing. “ -Pete Edwards


Pledge: I pledge to uphold the Objects of Kiwanis International, to provide service to my community, to extend the opportunity of membership to all persons of goodwill, and to dedicate myself to serving the children of the world.

Core values: Stewardship. Transparency. Responsiveness. Legacy. Trust.

Motto: Serving the children of the world.


Tips when working with Kiwanis It is very important to stay in close with your sponsoring Kiwanis club. In order to get information on your sponsoring Kiwanis club, contact your Lieutenant Governor. Once you get a hold of your sponsor, introduce yourself and explain to them what you have done with so far this year with your club! If you are a Board member for your club, ask if they could send community service opportunities. This will help ensure your club will not miss any opportunities to work with Kiwanis. Invite a Kiwanian to speak at one of your meetings! This is a great way for members to learn more about the Kiwanis family. Host a KIWIN'S Takeover at a Kiwanis DCM or weekly meeting. 16

Aktion Club History:

Aktion Club was first founded in 1987 by George D. “Jake” Swartout, 1988-1989 Governor of Kiwanis International's Florida District. In 2000, Aktion Club became an official Kiwanis Family Branch in October 2000. Aktion Club is the only service club for adults with disabilities, with more than 12,000 members worldwide. Aktion Club has provided many hours of service to communities each year. From collecting food for the hungry to fundraising for bed kits for underprivileged children, Aktion Club plays a vital role in serving their communities and children of the world.

You can find Aktion Clubs in various countries, like Canada, Barbados, Malaysia, Jamaica, Bahamas, Philippines, Australia!

"For me, I found my one of my Key Club moments at a Pizza Party service project with my local Aktion Club. I never met with disabled adults ever before in my life, and I wouldn't really know how to have this opportunity anywhere else. Aktion Club is the Kiwanis Family that, in my opinion, is the most inclusive and thoughtful branch, as there is no other club for disabled adults anywhere else. " - Holly Hugh Yeh


Pledge: I pledge on my honor to follow the Objects of Aktion Club.To better my community,my country and myself.To help those in need. To demonstrate loyalty to our community and nation.And to encourage others to do the same.

Core Values: Character Building Leadership Inclusiveness Caring


Where Development has no disability.


Tips when working with Aktion Club To approach Aktion Clubs, first find out where your corresponding Aktion Club usually hosts events or meets. This may be at a community center, park, or other structure. To best get in contact with Aktion Club, don’t be afraid to participate in their events, and talk to the head advisor of that Aktion Club for more information. They are the best person to approach, and visiting your local. Aktion Club highly boosts your relationships with your Kiwanis Family!


Bring Up Grades or BUG is a program designed to provide recognition to students who raise their grades into a certain range and maintain or continue to raise them from one grading period to the next. Terrific Kids is a student-recognition program that promotes character development, self-esteem and perseverance. “Terrific� is an acronym for Thoughtful, Enthusiastic, Respectful, Responsible, Inclusive, Friendly, Inquisitive and Capable. Students work with their classroom teacher to establish self improvement goals. All students who achieve their goals after a specified time are recognized as Terrific Kids.


Key Leader is a weekend leadership program for today's young leaders. This life-changing event focuses on service leadership skills that will help them serve their home, school, and community. Participants will participate in different workshops and make new friends! Key Leader camps are held in many different locations all throughout the country and world! To get more information on dates and locations of camps near you, visit


2017-2018 Kiwanis Family, Foundation, and International Relations Commitee Julianna Pantoja Kiwanis Family & Foundation Chair Holly Hugh Yeh Distict Secretary

Jocelyn Martinez Diamond Lieutenant Governor kiwins.diamondltg@gmail,.com

Sabrina Martinez Jet Division

Antwaine Sermons Emerald Division

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