Automate, Increase Engagement, & Drive Revenue with
Triggered Messages
Automate, Increase Engagement, & Drive Revenue with Triggered Messages According  to  academic  literature,  the  average  maximum,  continuous  adult  attention  span  is  less  than  30  seconds  and  the  focused  attention  span  is  less  8  seconds.  Those  facts  mean  you  have  precious  little  time  to  get  your  subscribers’  attention,  keep  it  and,  as  a  result,  optimize  where  it  matters.  Based  on  these  statistics,  it  comes  as  no  surprise  that  relevance  and  timeliness  drive  responses  and  generic  mass  messaging  comes  up  short.  In  order  to  compete  for  inbox-Â,  mind-  and  wallet- share  with  your  customers,  your  messages  have  to  relate  to  them  instantly.  An  easy,  and  often  overlooked,  way  to  expand  a  successful  email  marketing  program  is  to  include  trigger-Âbased  email  FDPSDLJQV 6LQFH WKHVH DUH DFWLYDWHG E\ VSHFLÂżF DFWLRQV DQG EHKDYLRU \RXU HPDLO PDUNHWLQJ ZLOO EH PRUH UHOHYDQW PRUH HIIHFWLYH DQG XOWLPDWHO\ LQFUHDVH FRQYHUVLRQV :KHQ OHYHUDJLQJ WULJJHU EDVHG ZRUNĂ€RZV LQ \RXU HPDLO PDUNHWLQJ SURJUDP LW LV important  to  consider  the  following  best  practices  to  ensure  your  triggered  campaigns  are  successful.
Defining Trigger-Based Messaging A  real-Âtime  message,  or  triggered  message,  is  one  that  is  generated  based  on  a  meaningful  change  or  event  in  a  customer  EHKDYLRU RU SURÂżOH 2QOLQH EHKDYLRUV FDQ LQFOXGH SXUFKDVHV DEDQGRQHG FDUWV EURZVHU KLVWRU\ RU RWKHU DFWLRQ EDVHG EHKDYLRUV )RU EULFN DQG PRUWDU VWRUHV RIĂ€LQH WULJJHUV FDQ LQFOXGH LQ VWRUH SXUFKDVHV RU FXVWRPHU VHUYLFH FDOOV ,W LV LPSRUWDQW to  note  that  all  triggered  messages  require  an  explicit  opt-Âin  except  for  transactional  messages  such  as  order  and  shipping  FRQÂżUPDWLRQV RU DGPLQLVWUDWLYH HPDLOV VXFK DV SDVVZRUG UHPLQGHU QRWLÂżFDWLRQV RU ZDUUDQW\ XSGDWHV
Types of Trigger-Based Email Campaigns There  are  two  primary  types  of  trigger-Âbased  email  campaigns.  You  can  incorporate  both  into  your  email  program  or  you  can  EHJLQ ZLWK RQH LQLWLDOO\ DQG H[SDQG DV \RX JDLQ FRQÂżGHQFH LQ \RXU HIIRUWV
Action  Based  Triggers:  These  triggers  are  sent  when  a  direct  action  taken  by  a  customer  or  prospect.  They  can  include  a  UHVSRQVH WR D VDOHV LQTXLU\ RSW LQ FRQYHUVLRQ RU QRWL¿FDWLRQ RI DQ DEDQGRQHG VKRSSLQJ FDUW
Recurring  Triggers: 5HFXUULQJ WULJJHUV DUH SUR¿OH EDVHG 7KHVH WULJJHUV FDQ LQFOXGH ELUWKGD\V UHRUGHU RU RWKHU UHFXUULQJ business  rules  that  can  initiate  an  automated  campaign.  This  trigger  type  provides  your  email  marketing  program  with  a  great  amount  of  possibilities  depending  on  your  existing  data.
For  most  retailers,  recurring  triggers  are  the  easiest  to  incorporate  into  an  email  marketing  program.  However,  due  to  its  immediacy  and  reactionary  nature,  action  based  triggers  may  reap  the  most  return.  Consider  implementing  both  if  applicable  to  your  business  situation. Â
Calibrate Before You Automate Yes,  implementing  automation  into  your  email  marketing  program  can  help  exceed  your  goals  and  expectations.  %XW DV ZLWK DQ\ RWKHU VWUDWHJ\ \RX ¿UVW QHHG WR FRQVLGHU LWV LPSOLFDWLRQV DQG H[WHUQDO LQÀXHQFLQJ IDFWRUV WR HQVXUH optimal  performance.
Define Business Rules $ ZHOO GHÂżQHG WULJJHU EDVHG SURJUDP FDQ FUHDWH D VLJQLÂżFDQW UHWXUQ %H FHUWDLQ WR UHFRJQL]H ZKHUH LWÂśV appropriate  to  create  trigger-Âbased  campaigns  and  ZKHUH WKHUH PD\ EH OLWWOH EHQHÂżW )RU H[DPSOH FUHDWLQJ a  business  rule  that  sends  a  message  that  includes  an  up-Âsell  opportunity  only  makes  sense  if  the  product  that  LV SURPRWHG PDWFKHV WKH FXVWRPHUÂśV LQWHUHVW 2U PD\EH you  should  consider  promotional  opportunities  such  as  discounts  or  free  shipping  on  future  purchases  based  on  a  recent  conversion.  The  possibilities  are  limitless  for  how  you  can  use  trigger- based  email  campaigns.  However,  always  be  cognizant  of  the  impact  on  the  customer  and  use  these  considerations  in  building  your  business  rules.  You  want  it  to  be  a  positive  experience  that  reinforces  trust. Â
Set Frequency Limits Imagine  receiving  multiple  messages  within  a  short  amount  of  time  from  the  same  sender.  In  order  to  create  a  successful  campaign,  you  must  be  mindful  of  your  VXEVFULEHUV DQG WKHLU RSW LQ SUHIHUHQFHV 2QFH \RX KDYH established  your  business  rules,  review  your  plan  and  determine  occasions  where  a  customer  may  be  sent  too  PDQ\ PHVVDJHV RYHU VSHFLÂżF SHULRG RI WLPH $ ZHOO designed  trigger-Âbased  program  will  prevent  over-Âfatiguing  your  opt-Âin  list.  Most  reputable  Email  Service  Providers  enable  frequency  limits.  Keep  in  mind,  sending  messages  too  frequently  only  creates  unengaged  (and  slightly  irritated)  subscribers. Â
Remember Recency When  was  the  last  time  the  customer  or  prospect   received  something  from  you?  As  the  saying  goes,   “timing  is  everything.â€?  If  possible,  create  business  rules  around  when  your  prospect  or  customer  was  last  sent  a  message.  For  example,  if  you  can  predict  when  the  product  should  be  used  up  based  on  the  purchase  date,  such  as  with  make-Âup  or  hair  care  products,  then  you  can  send  a  reminder  email  and  try  to  capture  the  repeat  purchase  behavior.
Automate Where Possible You’ve  created  your  business  rules,  but  need  to  integrate  them  into  your  email  program.  Now  is  a  good  time  to  GRXEOH FKHFN DQG ÂżQG ZD\V WKDW \RX FDQ DXWRPDWH systems  that  weren’t  previously  using  these  trigger-Âbased  rules.  Automation  not  only  allows  you  to  react  quickly  to  your  customers’  needs  and  wants,  but  also  increase  productivity.  By  automating  programs  such  as  remails,  welcome  messages  to  new  subscribers  and  shopping  FDUW DEDQGRQPHQW QRWLÂżFDWLRQV \RXÂśUH DEOH WR QRW RQO\ LQFUHDVH HIÂżFLHQF\ WR IRFXV ZKHUH LW PDWWHUV EXW DOVR UHDS WKH ÂżQDQFLDO UHZDUGV RI DXWRPDWLRQ
Set Your Email Marketing Success in Motion Get  your  automated,  trigger-Âbased  messaging  started  with  these  programs:
Welcome Programs Welcome  Programs  are  an  excellent  way  to  introduce   your  brand  to  a  new  subscriber  and  engage  new  customers.  The  period  after  subscription  is  a  prime  time   to  reach  your  customers  when  they  are  most  interested  and  likely  to  respond.  Triggered  by  an  opt-Âin,  this  series  of  messages  can  include  a  bi-Âweekly  drip  of  exclusive  GHDOV VRFLDO OLQNV DQG RUGHU RSWLRQV 2WKHU WULJJHUV FDQ LQFOXGH D ÂżUVW WLPH GRZQORDG SXUFKDVH VDOHV LQTXLU\ RU registration.  Another  idea  is  to  use  a  welcome  program  as  the  time  to  get  to  know  your  customers’  likes  and  dislikes.  By  including  a  message  within  your  series  that  allows  subscribers  to  identify  their  interests,  you’ll  be  able  to  better  market  to  them  and  increase  conversions  in  the  future  and  help  them  control  their  own  email  inbox  by  avoiding  irrelevant  messages.
Cross-Sell and Up-Sell Programs Sending  the  right  cross-Âsell  and  up-Âsell  recommendations  at  the  right  time  is  critical  to  increasing  repeat  purchases  and  enhancing  the  customer  experience.  Leverage  automated  messaging  to  suggest  similar  or  related  products  and  accessories  via  a  post-Âpurchase  trigger  to  customers  who  have  opted-Âin.  To  start,  consider  setting  up  a  trigger  to  send  a  message  to  subscribers  who  purchased  your  top  products  that  includes  complementary  accessories,  care  products  or  even  extended  warranty  information.  For  an  advanced  strategy,  utilize  recommendation  engines  such  as  MyBuys  or  iGoDigital  to  ensure  a  more  personalized  customer  experience.
Lead Nurture Programs
Win-Back Programs
Bridging  the  gap  between  you  and  your  subscribers  is  only  a  nurture  campaign  away.  Lead  Nurture  Programs  allow  you  to  build  a  relationship  with  customers  through  their  interests  and  behaviors.  Create  action-Âbased  email  triggers  that  create  relevant,  personalized  dialogues  over  time  to  encourage  purchases.  This  type  of  program  also  gives  online  retailers  the  opportunity  to  utilize  a  customer’s  online  behavior  as  a  catalyst  for  timely  interactions.  For  example,  if  your  customer  clicks  on  a  certain  number  RI ZHE SDJHV ZLWKLQ D VSHFLÂżF SURGXFW FDWHJRU\ RYHU an  amount  of  time,  automate  an  education-Âfocused  campaign  and  pre-Âsell  products  through  personalized  communications.
Whether  we  as  marketers  like  to  admit  it  or  not,  subscribers  fall  off  the  grid  and  become  inactive.  Win-ÂBack  Programs,  also  called  Reengagement  Programs,  allow  you  to  reconnect  with  your  customers  and  give  them  a  reason  to  reactivate.  If  a  customer  has  not  returned  to  your  site  or  made  a  purchase  in  an  extended  period  of  time,  then  integrate  a  win-Âback  email  that  entices  the  customer  to  return.  To  ensure  you  win  back  their  business,  make  certain  you  encourage  an  immediate  action.  Make  them  an  offer  they  can’t  refuse  through  a  limited-Âtime  special  promotion  or  strong  call-Âto-Âaction.  Also,  don’t  be  afraid  to  mention  all  the  reasons  why  your  subscribers  fell  in  love  ZLWK \RX LQ WKH ÂżUVW SODFH VXFK DV IUHH VWDQGDUG VKLSSLQJ on  orders  over  a  certain  amount  or  exclusive  monthly  promotions  to  your  subscriber  base.
Customer Satisfaction Programs Build  an  automated  message  that  triggers  when  a  customer  makes  a  high  dollar  value  purchase  to  request  the  satisfaction  of  the  shopping  experience.  Customer  Satisfaction  Programs  not  only  help  moderate  your  customer  service  efforts  and  product  quality,  but  also  ensures  a  smooth  transition  into  customer  retention.  Want  to  increase  your  brand  awareness  and  gain  valuable  feedback  simultaneously?  Include  a  survey  or  product  UHYLHZ LQ \RXU RUGHU FRQ¿UPDWLRQ HPDLO WR UHLQIRUFH \RXU brand’s  commitment  to  customer  satisfaction.  Including  a  product  review  opportunity  in  your  satisfaction  program  validates  your  product  quality  and  gives  shoppers  input  from  the  voice  of  their  peers  during  the  research  stage  of  the  customer  lifecycle.
Abandonment Programs According  to  Forrester  Research,  59%  of  online  shoppers  place  items  into  their  cart  and  fail  to  complete  WKH WUDQVDFWLRQ 1RW LI EXW ZKHQ \RX ÂżQG \RXUVHOI LQ DQ abandoned  shopping  cart  situation,  trigger  a  message  to  your  customer  regarding  their  left-Âbehind  items.  Abandoned  cart  reminders  are  promotional  messages  are  require  an  opt-Âin  though  they  are  often  mistakenly  considered  transactional  messages.  A  subject  line  similar  to  “Don’t  Forget  the  Items  in  Your  Cart,â€?  serves  as  a  great  UHPLQGHU IRU FXVWRPHUV WR ORJ LQ DQG FKHFNRXW 2IIHU DQ incentive  to  complete  the  purchase  as  a  second  attempt  if  \RX GRQÂśW JHW D FRQYHUVLRQ WKH ÂżUVW WLPH
Date-Triggered Programs $V \RX EXLOG RXW \RXU GDWDEDVH DQG VXEVFULEHUVÂś SURÂżOH information,  don’t  forget  to  use  special  dates  as  an  excuse  to  show  your  appreciation.  Date-Âtriggered  Programs,  such  as  birthday  and  anniversary  emails,  are  excellent  opportunities  to  send  your  well  wishes  and  also  offer   your  customers  a  special  deal  on  their  special  day.   When  gathering  information  on  your  customers,  make  an  effort  to  request  dates  for  commonly  celebrated  events.  This  simple  gesture  could  mean  a  big  payoff  for  your   top-Âline  revenue.
Best Practices to Consider You  have  created  your  business  rules  as  well  as  found  ways  to  integrate  into  your  current  email  marketing  program;Íž  now  it’s  time  to  think  about  best  practices. Â
From Line Make  certain  that  the  “from  lineâ€?  in  all  your  triggered  messages  is  recognizable  and  consistent.  Reinforce  your  brand  by  using  your  corporate  name.  Inconsistent  sender  names  will  only  cause  confusion  to  your  subscribers  and  potentially  result  in  increased  unsubscribes  and  decreased  deliverability.  Remember,  trigger-Âbased  messages  are  still  part  of  your  email  marketing  strategy  and  deserve  just  as  much  attention  to  every  detail.
Content Content  should  never  be  a  second  thought,  so  plan  for  your  content  and  promotions.  Remember,  that  despite  the  fact  that  these  are  triggered  campaigns,  the  message  that  you  communicate  to  your  customers  should  align  with  your  business  objectives  and  their  interests.
Use HTML where applicable 7ULJJHUHG PHVVDJHV KDYH VLJQLÂżFDQWO\ KLJKHU RSHQ UDWHV versus  standard  promotional  emails.  Make  certain  your  brand  experience  extends  beyond  promotional  messages.  Through  HTML,  you  can  incorporate  your  brand,  as  well  as  the  look  and  feel  of  your  other  marketing  touches.  But  also  remember  to  polish  the  text  version  and  make  sure  it  works  well  on  mobile  devices.  For  some,  that  will  be  the  only  version  they  see. Â
Customization A  vital  part  to  creating  an  ongoing  dialog  with  customers  is  customizing  your  message  to  the  individual  recipient.  Consider  including  dynamic  content  in  your  campaigns.  Your  customers  are  far  more  likely  to  respond  to  messages  that  include  information  that  relates  to  their  preferences,  behaviors  or  past  purchases.  However,  just  like  any  other  email  marketing  campaign,  don’t  leave  it  on  LWV RZQ 7HVW DQG UHYLHZ DQG ÂżQG ZD\V WR RSWLPL]H \RXU trigger-Âbased  email  program  to  increase  your  return  on  investment.
Trigger-Âbased  email  campaigns  are  an  effective  way  to  communicate  with  your  customers  and  prospects.  Through  DXWRPDWHG ZRUNĂ€RZV \RX DUH DEOH WR SUHVHQW D WDLORU made  message  to  your  customers  that  align  their  needs  with  your  offering.  In  addition,  once  up  and  running,  they  are  success  in  motion.  Take  these  concepts  and  best  practices,  and  create  your  automated  campaigns  today.
About Bronto  Bronto  Software  provides  the  leading  marketing  platform  for  retailers  and  other  commerce-Âfocused  companies  to  drive  revenue  through  email,  mobile  and  social  FDPSDLJQV 2YHU RUJDQL]DWLRQV including  Party  City,  Armani  Exchange,  Timex,  Samsonite,  and  Trek  Bikes  rely  on  Bronto  to  increase  revenue  through  interactive  marketing.  The  company  won  the  Stevie  Award  for  Best  Customer  Service  LQ DQG ZDV QDPHG D &2'L( Award  Finalist  for  Best  Marketing  Solution  in  DQG LV RQH RI ,QF 0DJD]LQHÂśV WRS fastest  growing  software  companies.  For  more  information,  visit  bronto.com  or  call  %52172