Chisnallwood Intermediate School

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Where individual ne eds are recognised and children are encouraged to develop to their potential

Chisnallwood Intermediate PROSPECTUS 2009

Address Asoke Tower, 213/4-C 5th Fl., Sukhumvit 21 Rd., Klongtoey-nua Wattana Bangkok ,Thailand 10110

Office 02-664-3450-1 Mobile 086-330-9250 Email Website

Table of Contents 1

Principal’s Message


Staff of 2 0 0 8


Impressions - Head Boy and Girl




Sport and Cultural Activities




School Calendar


Guidance and Support


School Routines and Procedures


Me eting Student Ne eds


Guiding Principles




School Uniform


Care of Property



Chisnallwood Interm ediate School Bre ezes Road, Christchurch, New Zealand Telephone (0 3) 3 8 8-4 1 9 9 FAX (0 3) 3 8 8-4 8 0 3 Email: Website:

Principal’s Message Welcom e to Chisnallwood Interm ediate and the 2 0 0 9 school year. Nam ed after land owners Chisnall and Wood, Chisnallwood is a very unique school. Drawing on students from approximately 3 0 different schools in New Zealand it also has an active International Departm ent that caters for children wishing to extend their learning and language abilities from Asian countries and beyond. Recognised for its innovation Chisnallwood is a highly resourced school modelled on the best of Middle School and Junior High School practices. With a wide range of specialist staff and facilities Chisnallwood focuses on helping children to becom e lifelong learners through hi-tech stimulating program m es where individual ne eds and abilities are recognised and encouraged. We welcom e you to this stimulating, vibrant place and ask that you work with us as we take your children into an exciting program m e of discovery and growth.

Richard Paton Principal


Staff 2008 Principal Mr R.D.Paton, BA, DipEd Admin., DipTchg.

Specialist Teachers Mrs J. Bell, Mus. B (Hons), A.I.R.M.T. Ms. K. Baker, Dip Tchg., B.Tch&Lng., Dip Bi Ling & Im m. Tchg (I.T. Specialist) Mrs. R. Deavoll, B.Tchg & Lng. (Visual Arts) Mrs. M. Harris, H EcTchrDip., B.Tch & Lng. (Food) Mr G. Henderson, M.A., DipTchg. (Guidance Counsellor) Mr. N. Yeoman, Dip Ed. (Workshop) Mrs K Jones, LTCL (tch), ATCL (perf), Cert. Exec Music,AIRMT Mr B Privilege, Dip. Tchg, City & Guild (London) Electronics, Marine Electronics. Mrs M.A. McCabe, Dip Tchg. (Learning Support) Ms D. Robertson, HEC Tch, Higher Dip Tchng (Textiles), Diploma of Specialist Subjects Mr A. White, B.Tchg & Lng, (Te Kauhua & Phys Ed)

Deputy Principals Mrs. C Harris, B.Tchg & Lng, Dip Ed Man, Dip Tchg Mrs Iva Hamilton, Post Graduate Diploma Educational Studies, Diploma in Teaching Students with Special Ne eds, Advanced Diploma in Tchg Senior Teachers Mrs. B. Bell, DipTchg. Miss. I. Knight, B.Tch & Lng. Ms. J. Robinson, DipTchg. Mrs. A. Delaney, B.Tchg & Ling., Cert in T.E.S.O.L., Higher Dip Tchg. Mrs. E.M. Eddington, DipTchg, B.Tchg & Lng., Higher DipTchg, C.C.L.T., M.Ed (Gifted & Talented). Mrs. D. Wright, B.Ed., Dip Tchg. Mrs V.S. Kleinschafer, BA. DipTchg. Mrs. M. Pearson, DipTchg. Cert TESOL Mr. C. Everett, B.Tch & Lng. Miss. L. Squire, Cert TESOL., B.Tchg & Lng., H.DipTchg. Miss. A. Best, B.Tch & Lng.

Non-Teaching Staff Mrs. S. Warman, (Offi ce Manager) Mrs. S. Shearer, (Executive Offi cer) Mrs. M. Frazer, (Admin Assistant) Mrs. D. Rusbridge (Offi ce assistant) Mrs. S. Tomlinson, (Librarian) Mrs. E. Schutte, (Library Assistant) Mr. O. Minchington, (Caretaker) Mr. K. French, (Assistant Caretaker) Mr. B. Hodge (Groundsman) Mrs. C. Collins, (Cante en/Teacher Aide) Mrs. G. Wealleans, (Cleaning Supervisor) Mrs. P. Appleton, (Teacher Aide) Mrs. R. Humphreys, (Teacher Aide) Mrs. H. Stevenson, (Successmaker Tutor) Mr. D. Frazer (Technician) Mrs K Park (Korean Support) Mrs. L. Wood, E.S.O.L., C.E.L.T.A.

Teachers Miss. V. Bennett, B.Tchg & Lng. Mr. T. Betts, B.A., B.Tch & Lng. Mr. T. Blake, B.A., DipTchg. Mr. N. Campbell, B.Tchg & Lng., B.Sp.C. Mrs. B. Bruorton, B.Sc., DipTchg. Mrs. G. Kundig, Adv. DipTchg. Mr. B. McGregor, B.A., DipTchg. (on leave) Ms. C. Parsons, B.Tchg & Lng. Mr. N. Richardson B.Ed., DipTchg. Mrs. S. Robertson, B.Ed, DipTchg., Cert. TESOL. Mrs. D. Taylor, B.A., B.Tchg & Lng (L.T.R.) Ms. E. Waymouth, B.A., DipTchg. Mr J Kelly, B.Tchg & Lng Mrs A Shackley, Dip Tchg Ms K Kane, B.A., Sports Admin, Graduate Dip Tchg & Lng Mrs L Waaka (LTR), B.Ed Mr G Burn, Dip Hort Man., B. Tchg & Lng (on leave) Ms R Wenborn, B.Ed., Dip Tchg. Ms K Turner, B.A., Dip. Tchg & Lng Mr D Vann (LTR) B.Tchg & Lng Mr D Robertson (LTR) B.Sc., Dip Tchg & Lng

Dental Therapists Mrs. J. Blake Ms. R. McKay (Assistant) Further Appointments Pending


Impressions and Welcome Head Boy - Danyon Pitt

stage…. You nam e it it’s got it all. Two other fantastic facilities that are worth m entioning are the Science Laboratories and the Performing Arts Centre.

Chisnallwood. It is a school known for its diversity of opportunities, teachers and students. Coming to Chisnallwood is by far the best thing that has happened to m e in a long tim e. Of course it was going to be nerve racking, but I soon discovered that it was a proble m that was easily solved as I got to know the school better.

But right now, all that matters is that I’m loving my tim e here and I dread the day it ends. So, my advice is make the most of your two years at this great school and don’t let opportunities pass you by.

Chisnallwood brings out the best in students who com e here and provides opportunities you wouldn’t think possible as early as this in ones educational journey. From rugby to golf, tennis to water polo and violin to piano, its all here and all you have to do is grab the opportunity.

Head Girl – Michelle Williamson I had never be en so nervous in my life as I walked through the gates one foot at a tim e. No matter how nervous I was, I knew that the next two years of my life would be the best in my life.

We also have our own Outdoor Education Centre at Takamatua called Camp Taylor. Having be en there several tim es over the past two years, it never gets boring. Each tim e there are different things to enjoy.. sailing, archery, kayaking – there’s always a new challenge at Camp Taylor.

Chisnallwood has som e of the best facilities of all the Interm ediate Schools in the South Island and even better than in som e High Schools. The new gymnasium/hall boasts state of the art technology and can seat up to 7 0 0 students. This is great as we can have year group asse mblies where we enjoy musical and cultural performances by our own students or from visiting groups. Attached to the hall are the Super Loos, P.E. staff offi ces, storage facilities and changing rooms.

Another program m e that students may get the privilege to do is Fear Factor, run by our Student Support Counsellor Mr. Graham Henderson. Year 8 students take part in a we ekly program m e designed to boost self este e m, m ental and team work ability. I enjoyed my involve m ent in the Fear Factor program m e and particularly with the opportunity to work with the other thre e student leaders.

At Chisnallwood we have a range of extra curricular activities to suit everyone’s strengths. We offer activities such as Sail Camp and Fear Factor where we test our abilities and face our fears.

Another highlight is our brand new gymnasium/hall facility with changing rooms, super toilets, offi ce facilities, state of the art technology and sound syste m, full length basketball court, performance

Unfortunately for Chisnallwood students we are only here for two years. This is even more reason why you should grab every opportunity that’s presented to you and make the most of your two years at Chisnallwood.

Below, L eft to right – Mitchell Panfi low (Deputy Head Boy), Michelle Williamson (Head Girl),Richard Paton (Principal), Danyon Pitt (Head Boy), Jessica Ashton (Deputy Head Girl)


Introduction Introduction Chisnallwood Interm ediate was opened in 1 9 6 7 as part of the Interm ediate School syste m offering two years specialist education in “the middle years�. As well as a heavy e mphasis on acade mic developm ent, and the wider range of activities in the sport, music cultural and specialist fi elds, it is designed to ensure children are well prepared to move on to their secondary education. Enrolment Procedure Year 6 students from any primary school are able to enrol at Chisnallwood Interm ediate. Simply complete the enrolm ent form and send it to Chisnallwood Interm ediate School. Contributing Schools Chisnallwood currently draws on students from more than 3 0 schools. Our main contributors Avondale, Burwood, Windsor and Banks Avenue will be supplied in Term Two with our Prospectus and enrolm ent form for parents to complete and forward to the school. We appreciate this being done as early as possible to enable all classes to be organised prior to the end of the year. Enrolments from other Schools Although Chisnallwood Interm ediate has an enrolm ent sche m e, enrolm ents are welcom e from all schools. Details of the application process is available from the School Offi ce. For enrolm ent zone map and details se e appendix. Those within the zone are entitled to automatic entry to the school. Both in zone and out of zone enrolm ents for 2 0 0 9 close on Friday, October 2 4th. With a Ministry determined roll of 8 1 5 students it is expected that all students who apply to attend Chisnallwood will be enrolled. International Programme Chisnallwood Interm ediate enrols a small number of foreign fe e paying students and also provides short-term English language program m es for groups of overseas students. With excellent hom e-stay, pastoral care and acade mic support, this international division gives extra strength and character to the school and those within it.


Sport and Cultural Activities Interm ediate Schools offer a unique opportunity for children of a similar age group to participate in a rich and varied range of cultural and sporting activities. These program m es are offered in the we ekly sports and leisure activities and students may select from the following options Creative Arts Soccer Futsal/Basketball Animal Pinata Badminton Outdoor Gam es Kayaking/Waterpolo Mosaics Hydroslide Graphic Design Creating Music on Computers Petrol Heads

Volleyball Aerobics Che erleading Rugby Leisure Swim Board/Maths Gam es Basketball Hockey Wood Burning Aquajogging Girls Self Defence Mini Golf

Squash Netball Pop Art Disability Awareness Rugby League Fit for Youth Whe els Nano-bots Puffy Creatures Rippa Rugby Animal Care

Additional options are added periodically. We welcom e parental and com munity involve m ent in these program m es, and where there is a ne ed, endeavour to provide the program m es required.


Facilities Facilities include: • Camp Taylor outdoor education facility (Takamatua) • Successmaker’ Suite • Information Technology Suite • Performing Arts Centre • Support Program m es Suite • Modern Library • New Science laboratories • Whare Wanaga • New Multi-Purpose Hall / Gymnasium • School Cante en • Sports Fields including cricket practice nets • Learning Support Team • Extensive Playground Equipm ent • Specialist Teaching - Hom e Economics - Textiles - Metalcraft - Woodcraft - Art - Music - Science - Computer - Physical Education • Two School Mini Vans


Calendar of School Events TERM ONE School Photographs Orton Bradley Yr 7 Trips School Camps – Takamatua Sum m er Sport Triathlon - School and Inter Interm ediate Sail Camp Art Camp Me et the Teacher Evening Swim ming Sports - School and Interm ediate Leadership Camp Term One Report – Goal setting

TERM THREE International Competitions Mathe matics English Computing Leisure Education concludes Winter Sports conclude Ski Trips Cantamath School Science Scene South Island Outdoor Tournam ent Tauranga Sports Tournam ent Science Fair Leadership Camp Kiwi League Tag Tournam ent Aerobics –Inter Inte m ediate Tournam ent

TERM TWO Leisure Education com m ences Winter Sports com m ence Rugby League Tournam ent Vision Testing – Yr 7 Cross Country – School and Inter Interm ediate International Competitions Science Spelling Writing Spe ech Competition Portfolios sent hom e Parent/Teacher Interviews Leadership Camp Open Night

TERM FOUR 2 0 0 9 Scholarships Close Kids in Town South Island Indoor Tournam ent School Camps – Takamatua Athletics – School and Inter Interm ediate School Camps – Takamatua Inter Interm ediate Sum m er Tournam ent Big Day Out Leadership Camp End of Year Reports Year 8 Formal Final Asse mblies and Prize Giving


Guidance and Support Guidance and support is an important aspect of school life at Chisnallwood. To m e et parent/caregiver and student ne eds the following support is offered. • In School Support Counsellor - Provides support to students and parents/caregivers with school related issues • Learning Support Team - provides learning and behavioural support to students and their families, teachers - works collaboratively with outside agencies. • Guidance Resource Team - Experienced staff and com munity support personnel who m e et regularly • Public Health Nurse - Regular clinic for students, providing a link betwe en hom e, school and support agencies. • School Dental Therapists Available • Access to Outside “help” Agencies - Resource teachers of Learning and Behaviour and Group Special Education, Resource Teacher Literacy.


School Routines and Procedures School Organisation The school day extends from 8.4 0am to 2.4 5pm with the lunch break from 1.0 0pm to 1.4 5pm. Som e extra-curricula activities and sport are taken before and after school tim e. Pupils are encouraged not to enter the school grounds before 8.1 5am and must leave by 3.1 5pm, unless special written permission is granted. School Terms 2009 Term One Tuesday 3rd February to Thursday 9th April Term Two

Monday 2 7th April to Friday 3rd July

Term Three

Monday 2 0th July to Friday 2 5th Septe mber

Term Four

Monday 1 2th October to Friday 1 8th Septe mber

Public Holidays Waitangi Day Good Friday Que en’s Birthday Labour Day Show Day

6th February 1 0th April Monday 1st June Monday 2 6th October Friday 1 3th Nove mber

Home – School Communication Chisnallwood maintains regular contact with the parents and caregivers of our students. This is com municated in the following ways. • We ekly Newsletters and Newspaper news releases • Parent Teacher Organisation (PTA) • Reporting to Parents • Board of Truste e Minutes are available through the school offi ce and each term the Board of Truste es chairperson provides a written report. • Annual fe edback on student performance to secondary schools


Meeting Student Needs To provide the best learning opportunities the following program m es are available: • Literacy & Numeracy An e mphasis on program m es of literacy and num eracy. Students are encouraged to develop to their fullest potential. • Extension Classes Selected students who display both ability and attitude to strive for excellence are selected to make up our extension classes at Year 7 and Year 8. (Two classes at each level) • Learning Support Teacher A specialist teacher who provides educational support for students with signifi cant learning ne eds. • School Production An event that is open to all students and provides an opportunity for those with performing arts skills. • Music Extension instrum ental classes such as guitar, keyboard, fl ute, drums and clarinet. • Resource Teachers of Learning and Behaviour (RTLB) Provides educational support for students with signifi cant learning and/or behaviour ne eds. • Resource Teacher Literacy (Rt Lit) Access to Resource Teacher Literacy. She works collaboratively with teachers to support the learning ne eds of students in literacy. • Successmaker Suite Computer generated educational software providing individualised program m es to cater for re m edial extension and ESOL ne eds. Also available in out-of-school hours. Contact the school offi ce for further information. • Outdoor Education Extensive opportunities in Outdoor Education and sport. The school has its own outdoor base at Camp Taylor (Takamatua)


Meeting Student Needs -


Uniform We are proud of our school uniform which is a distinctive feature of our school. Details of the uniform are found later in this Prospectus. Attendance Regular attendance is required by law. Only in cases of illness or bereave m ent may children be kept from school. The school is not e mpowered to make exe mptions to this section of the Education Act. An explanation for absence is required, preferably in the form of a telephone m essage or note. Unexplained absences may lead to Board of Truste e involve m ent and in extre m e cases to Court action. Sickness at School The school policy is to inform parents im m ediately if children becom e ill or are injured at school and parents are expected to make necessary arrange m ents to collect children and take the m hom e. It is essential that the school has hom e and parent work telephone numbers as well as alternative e m ergency contact and the nam e of the family doctor in the case of extre m e e m ergency. Homework The amount of hom ework set will vary from teacher to teacher but in general children will be expected to complete half an hour each night (Monday to Thursday) with optional hom ework in we ekends. Cycles Cycles are to be left in the school cycle compound (entrance Pe mbroke Stre et) during the day. Children who go hom e for lunch will leave their cycles in the other stands outside the compound area. We advise that all cycles be locked; regardless of what area they are placed in. Please note: The school does not accept any responsibility for cycles left at school – this is done entirely at the owner’s risk.


Meeting Student Needs -


Lunches We encourage students to bring a wholesom e prepared lunch from hom e. The school does sell food from the Cante en at moderate cost – the e mphasis is on healthy food such as fi lled rolls, juice, fl avoured milk, hot dogs, yoghurt and Sushi. At present the Cante en is the recipient of the Silver Heartbeat Award. Stationery Early in the first we ek each student is issued with a list of require m ents for the year. We also suggest that each student purchase his or her own basic dictionary and calculator. Library The school has a well-stocked library from which students are encouraged to borrow books. Parents are required to take responsibility for books lost or damaged during the tim e of loan and to ensure that books taken hom e are cared for and returned undamaged. Damage to School Property Students at Chisnallwood are encouraged to take care of their school but in the event of breakage or damage resulting from vandalism or carelessness, restitution will be sought.


Guiding Principles - What to Expect A friendly positive learning environm ent is a high priority in providing quality education. A positive school climate is established through the standards of behaviour we expect in classrooms and around the school. Parents and students can therefore expect the school to: • Provide clear guidelines for work and behaviour and make sure they are m et • Provide effective learning, sporting and cultural activities to encourage students to reach their full potential • Provide a friendly, positive learning environm ent • Maintain regular, open com munication on all matters of com mon concern The school expects that our: • Students attend school regularly and are on tim e for classes • Students to be well mannered and considerate towards each other and staff • Students respect school property and the property of others • Behaviour code be followed • Students wear full and correct school uniform Our student code promotes: Consideration - of the ne eds and wants of others Courtesy - students, staff and visitors Cooperation - with all-around us Control - of self, to take responsibility for our own actions Com mon Sense - to promote a safe and happy environm ent Parents are encouraged to take an active interest in their daughter’s/son’s progress and support activities whenever possible.


Governance Board of Trustees The m e mbers of the Chisnallwood Interm ediate Board of Truste es represents a cross section of our com munity and are dedicated to ensuring the aims of the school are realised. They se ek to encourage new entrant parents to participate fully in our school and sincerely wish that you, as well as your child, becom e part of the school com munity. The Board of Truste es is elected to govern the school in accordance with the school charter. The aim of the Board is to ensure that it maintains the special character of Chisnallwood as a successful com munity school. Parents of the school elect fi ve m e mbers who serve a thre e-year term. In addition the staff elect one m e mber. The Board also has the power to co-opt up to four people for varying lengths of tim e. Board Members Mrs. C. Ellis Mr. P. Campbell Mr. D. Dixon Mr. P. Merrett Mr. B. Robertson Mr. R. Paton (Principal) Mrs. M. Harris (Staff Representative) Mrs. S. Warman (Secretary)


School Uniform Girls Uniform Summer Black Watch tartan skirt with 4.5cm pleats White blouse (short sle eved) or white polo shirt White socks, ankle or kne e high Black lace up shoes or black T-bar shoes with buckle Bottle gre en cardigan or jersey, may also be hand knitted Winter Skirt as above White blouse (long sle eved) or white skivvy White or black kne e high socks or tights Sports/PE Chisnallwood T Shirts Black sports shorts White sneakers or sports shoes White socks School cap NB: This is the only acceptable clothing for these activities All Students NOTE: Watches may be worn and studs worn in ears only. Pendants with religious or cultural signifi cance may be worn but must not be visible while in uniform. Rings and bracelets may not be worn. Hair longer than shoulder length must be tied up. Hair ties are to be red, black or bottle gre en. The dyeing of hair is discouraged. Extre m e hair colour is unacceptable. All clothing should be clearly marked for easy identifi cation. In Terms 2 and 3 school track pants may be worn.


School Uniform Boys School Uniform Summer Grey drill shorts Grey drill shirt or white polo shirt Grey socks with gre en turn down and red-maroon band or grey ankle socks Black lace up shoes (school-type leather shoes, not black leather skaties) Bottle gre en jersey, may be hand knitted Winter Mid grey shorts Grey shirt of heavier material or white or grey skivvy Black leather shoes Sports/PE Chisnallwood T Shirt Black sports shorts White socks White sneakers or sports shoes School cap NB: This is the only acceptable clothing for these activities All Students NOTE: Specialist sports uniforms may be loaned to students who will be responsible for returning and maintaining that clothing in a clean condition. All clothing should be clearly marked for easy identifi cation. In Terms 2 and 3 school track pants may be worn.


Care of Property We strongly recom m end the naming of all personal property, especially clothing and stationery, and ask students to take these steps if proble ms arise: 1. Report any loss im m ediately to the class teacher. 2. Check the Lost Property that is held in the Textiles Room. 3. Leave any valuables, money etc, with the School Offi ce or the Class teacher The school cannot accept liability for any lost or stolen property. School Donations $ 8 0.0 0 per student, reduced to $ 7 0.0 0 if paid before the end of Term One. Students are also required to make paym ent of $ 4 0.0 0 for consumables in technicraft and com munications technology lessons; $ 3 0.0 0 for swim ming instruction at Aqua Gym and $ 1 0.0 0 for Performing Arts events throughout the year.


Scholarships Chisnallwood offers thre e scholarships annually to students in Year 7. The Principal’s Scholarship, Acade mic Scholarship and Music Scholarship entitle recipients to have all school, technicraft and stationery fe es paid as well as the cost of a school uniform. Maximum scholarship value, $ 4 0 0.0 0 each. These scholarships aim to encourage and reward acade mic effort and all round achieve m ent. The scholarships are as follows: Principal’s Scholarship This non-acade mic scholarship is offered to a student de monstrating genuine interest in his or her own learning. The award will be made on information from the contributing school plus an interview with the fi nal applicants. Academic Scholarship Will be awarded to the student de monstrating the greatest acade mic potential and will involve sitting a series of tests and exercises. Music Scholarship Will be awarded to a student ke en to participate in music at Chisnallwood and who shows notable ability and potential. Prospective students may be called and asked for an audition. If you wish to apply for one of these scholarships, please complete the application form enclosed and send to: The Principal Chisnallwood Intermediate School Breezes Road Christchurch 8007 Applications close by 3.0 0pm on Wednesday, 1 5th October 2 0 0 8


Chisnallwood Intermediate School 2009


Study in New Zealand INTERNATIONAL STUDENT STUDY PROGRAMMES CODE OF PRACTICE Chisnallwood is a signatory to the International Students Code of Practice. Chisnallwood Intermediate has agreed to observe and be bound by the Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students published by the Minister of Education. Copies of the Code are available on request from this institution or from the New Zealand Ministry of Education website at:

Quality educational opportunities in a learning environment that cares for each student

Chisnallwood Intermediate Chisnallwood Interm ediate School Bre ezes Road, Christchurch, New Zealand Telephone (0 3) 3 8 8-4 1 9 9 FAX (0 3) 3 8 8-4 8 0 3 Email: Website:

Address Asoke Tower, 213/4-C 5th Fl., Sukhumvit 21 Rd., Klongtoey-nua Wattana Bangkok ,Thailand 10110

Office 02-664-3450-1 Mobile 086-330-9250 Email Website

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