
Hong Kong Festival Wind Orchestra Gala Concert


The HKFWO would like to express our gratitude to the following organizations and individuals for their generous support to the Orchestra.

香港節日管樂團謹向 下列機構及人士的支持深表謝意。
場地規則 HouseRule
中場休息 Intermission

Foundedin 1995,theHongKongFestivalWind Orchestra(HKFWO)isoneofthepremierwind orchestrasinHong Kong.Sinceits establishment, theHKFWOhasperformed anextensiverepertoire ofmainlymodernworksinHongKongand beyond. The HKFWO is composed of approximately 60 woodwind, brasswind and percussion players. Manyofthemareprofessionalperformersand instrumentalteachers.Studentsanddedicated amateursarealsotreasuredinourbigfamily.
Weaimtopromotetheworkofcontemporary composers(especiallyHongKong)andto encouragethedevelopmentof youngwindand percussionplayersinHongKong.Currently, theMusicDirectorandPrincipalConductorof theHKFWOisMr.CarlCHOI.
TheFestivalYouthwasfoundedin 2003 byour MusicDirector,Mr.CarlCHOIandConductor Laureate,Mr.JohnKOLJONEN.Theideawasto provideaforumforyoungmusiciansinwhich to learn, share, utilize hard-won musical prowess, andfostercreativity.Byencouragingyoung, vibrant,talentedstudentstoco-operatewith othershavingsimilaraspirations,we"graduate" lifetimeinterests inmusic, andnurture ourmusical leadersoftomorrow.In 2008,theFESTIVAL YOUTH(Division B)was establishedto encourage moreyoungerstudentstojointhebigfamily.
TheFestivalYouthisasteppingstonetothe HKFWO,withevenmoreexcitingmusical opportunitiesatlocalandinternationalvenues. Weteachpridethroughmusic.
Inrecentyears,theHKFWOhasperformed withleadingHong Konginstrumentalists,vocalists, choirs,and orchestras.We continueto commission andpremierenewwindmusicbyHongKong composersoftheyoungergeneration.

香港節日管樂團(簡稱【節日】)於一九九五年 一月成立,目的是透過有系統的訓練、演出及其它 外展活動,推廣當代管樂音樂、推動香港本土創作 及培育本港年青管樂及敲擊樂演奏者。【節日】現有 約六十名團員,當中不少為專業演奏家及管樂導師, 亦有高水平之業餘演奏者。現任的音樂總監及指 揮為蔡嘉樂先生。
【節日】經常舉辦不同形式的音樂會,帶領觀眾認識 管樂團及管樂作品。成立至今,已演出超過一百場 音樂會。近年【節日】經常與著名演奏家、歌唱家、 合唱團及樂團合作演出。另外亦多次委約及首演 本港新一代之管樂作品,致力推動本土管樂文化。

香港節日青年管樂團(簡稱【節青】)是【節日】 轄下樂團,由音樂總監蔡嘉樂先生及桂冠指揮 高樂寧先生於二零零三年創立。我們的宗旨是為 具有音樂天賦的青少年(十二歲至十八歲)提供 全面性的管樂團訓練。我們的主要目標是通過有 系統的訓練,讓年輕的音樂家認識及發展他們的 音樂潛能,提高其音樂質素及培養自律自發,積 極參與的精神。二零零八年,我們更成立了【節 青】 B 團,讓更多十二歲以下的兒童能加入我們 這個大家庭。
【節青】是【節日】的強大生力軍,希望透過不同的 活動及培訓,使青少年能接觸更廣的音樂層面, 務求使他們在成長中認識自己在多方面的才能, 從而使其得到身心之全面發展。

CHOIbegan hismusic studieswith Mr.Ping-tong CHENGandclarinetplayingwithMessrs.Charles LEE andPAKChitManathisearlyages.He graduatedfromtheUniversityofHongKong majoringinMusic.Duringhisuniversityyears, CHOIstudiedclarinetwithMaestroJohnAlbert Koljonen;compositionwithDr.AnneBOYD andMr.DomingLAM;conductingwithMessrs. DomingLAMandJimmyCHAN;andalsochamber musicwithMr.MalcolmBUTLER.
CHOIhasbeenappointed asMusicDirectorand PrincipalConductoroftheHongKongFestival WindOrchestrassince 1997 andtheMacau WindOrchestra.CHOIhasbeenappointed ArtisticDirectorfortheMacauInternational BandFestivalsince 2000.

Enthusiasticinmusic education,CHOIisactively involvedin conductingmaster-classes and workshops, andfrequentlybeinginvitedas adjudicatorofvariousmusiccompetitionsand guest conductor for various projects from recording tooverseastours.CHOIiskeenon compositionsandorchestralarrangements,he haspublishedoverhundredpiecesforsolos, ensemblesandorchestras. In1997,he wasawarded “TheBestMusicArrangementAward”forhis contributioninarrangingmusicforlocalschools.
蔡嘉樂早年隨鄭炳棠先生學習音樂,後曾師承 李嘉明先生及白哲敏先生學習單簧管。蔡氏畢業 於香港大學音樂系,除跟隨高樂寧先生學習單簧管 外,並在梅安妮博士及林樂培先生指導下研習作曲 ,亦隨林樂培先生及陳晃相先生學習指揮,更隨 畢梅甘先生學習室樂演奏。

蔡氏曾參與多個樂團演奏。蔡氏現為香港節日 管樂團和澳門管樂團之音樂總監及首席指揮。蔡氏 對推動港澳兩地之音樂活動,不遺餘力,先後創立 香港音樂大使、香港節日青年管樂團、澳門愛樂 協會及澳門管樂團。
二零零零年為澳門愛樂協會籌辦第一屆澳門國際 管樂節,並出任藝術總監至今。蔡氏亦為香港兒童 合唱團擔任器樂顧問,更為該團編寫中、西器樂 伴奏作海外演出,大獲好評。
蔡氏曾於多項比賽中擔任評判,還經常被邀請主持 管樂指揮及訓練之講座。蔡氏醉心於創作及編曲 ,至今巳發表曲目逾百首之多,當中作品更於 一九九七年獲香港教育處頒授「最佳編曲獎」, 表揚他在學界作出之貢獻。蔡氏亦熱忱於音樂教育 工作,曾為本港多間中、小學校組織管弦樂團、 管樂團及樂器培訓班。

MAbegan hermusical trainingon pianowith Mr. TsePan Hangand clarinetwith Mr.Carl Choiat herearlyages.Shegraduatedfromthe University of Hong Kong in 2004 majoring in music.Her teachers included the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra Assistant Principal Clarinet Mr. John Schertle;Dr. ChanHing Yanand Dr.Joshua Chan in composition studies.She was awarded the Rayson Huang Scholarships in Music, The Hong KongAustrian EducationFoundation Scholarship andBernardVan ZuidenPrize.Incessationto her study at University of Hong Kong, in 2006, MA receiveda graduateassistantship tocontinue her masterstudy inconducting atState Universityof NewYork atFredonia.Herprincipal teachersin conducting are Dr. Paula Holcomb and Maestro TimothyReynish.
In 2010,MA wasalsoinvited tobethe adjudicator for the 21st Century International Arts Festival wind band competition in Malaysia.At present, MAserves asthe residentconductor ofthe Hong KongFestival WindOrchestra andled theHong KongFestival WindOrchestra inparticipating the SingaporeInternational BandFestival (SIBF) 2010, andwasawardedtheGoldPrize(1stprize)inopen division.
Apart from conducting, MA has been actively promotingwind bandmusic inHong Kong,served as resource manager (2012-14) and secretary (2014-16)of HongKong BandDirectors Association from 2012-2016, organisingvarious concertswith localandoverseaswindbandcomposers.

Passionateinmusiceducation,MA iscurrentlythe conductorofPoLeungKukLukHingTooPrimary school band and St. Paul’s school (Lam Tin) Orchestra.
馬信宜於早年跟隨陳平鏗老師學習鋼琴,及師承 蔡嘉樂先生學習單簧管。二零零四年,畢業於 香港大學音樂系。在香港大學期間,跟隨香港 管弦樂團助理首席單簧管,約翰•史安翰先生 進修單簧管,及隨陳慶恩博士及陳錦標博士指導下 學習作曲技巧。
在大學期間更獲頒發黃麗松博士音樂獎學金、香港 奧地利教育基金及萬瑞庭慈善基金。其後在二零零六 年,馬氏獲美國紐約州立大學弗里多尼亞音樂學校 的獎學金,跟隨保拉•賀利金博士研習指揮,並於 二零零八年完成了碩士學位。在美國留學期間, 她更隨英國駐名管樂指揮家提摩西 •雷尼希學習 指揮。

於二零一零年,馬氏更被邀請擔任為馬來西亞 二十一世紀國際藝術節管樂比賽評判之一。馬氏 現為香港節日管樂團之駐團指揮,及於二零一零 年帶領樂團參加新加坡國際管樂節公開組比賽, 並奪得金獎及最高榮譽獎。
除了指揮外,馬氏於二零一二至二零一六年間為 香港管樂協會之委員,致力於香港推廣管樂音樂, 期間與不同本地及外地管樂作曲家合作,並舉行 了多場音樂會。
馬氏也熱衷於音樂教育,現為保良局陸慶濤小學 管樂團及藍田聖保祿中學管弦樂團之指揮。

Bornin HongKong, AlvinChu Kai-yeungstarted learning the piano, trombone and cello at his youngage, whilebegan tocompose andconduct insecondaryschool,underDrNgWahHeiandMs Betty Fung respectively. Alvin is currently studying Composition and Electronic Music in The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts under the tutelage of Prof. Clarence Mak and OrchestralConducting underProf. SharonChoa and HoMan Chuen. Hehas also participated in variousmasterclasses heldbyBright Sheng,Chen XiaoyongandHohChungShih.
Alvin is interested in a wide range of compositions, from Western instrumental solo, chamber and wind band music to Chinese instrumental chamberand orchestralmusic. His compositionsinclude Waxof theMoon, Hèn& Mù Chén.

In 2017 heparticipated inthe scorereading session co-organised by HKNME and the Philadelphia Orchestra. In the same year, he was commissionedby theConsulate Generalof Israel in Hong Kong and Macau to write a piano solo pieceWane ofthe Moonfor youngIsrael pianist NabeelHayek.Alvin isComposer-in-Residence of Festive Chamber since 2014 and Gaudeamus Dunhuangsince 2018
生於香港,自幼習琴、長號及大提琴;中學時間 先後師隨伍華晞博士學習作曲及譚馮佩玲女士學習 合唱指揮。 2016 年獲「梁思豪獎學金」全額資助 完成香港演藝學院音樂文憑,現修讀香港演藝學院 作曲及電子音樂系學士學位,師承麥偉鑄教授; 指揮師承何文川老師及蔡敏德教授。
自2014為「菁薈雅頌」駐團作曲家,其間多次負責 為本地不同慈善機構籌辦之籌款音樂劇的音樂製作 ,當中包括《菁薈•眾樂樂》、《Wings of Life》 、《Worldof Love》及《Lovein AllSeasons》, 作品曾由「讚管樂團」、「香港節日管樂團」、 「RedBricks Harmonica Ensemble」等團體演出; 同年亦開始發表不同類形的作品。
2016 年接受「演藝管樂團」委約,創作了《恨》 一曲。同年暑假前往敦煌考察,回港後開始創作 有關敦煌文化的作品。2017年獲選為香港創樂團及 費城管弦樂團所合辦的讀譜工作坊之一員,同年 完成第二首管弦樂作品《暮晨》的錄音。 2018 年 接受以色列駐香港總領事館委約,為年輕得獎鋼琴 演奏家創作《月缺》一曲;其後獲得本地知名樂團 「玥―琵琶室內樂團」及「綠韻―混聲合唱團」 委約創作。同年委任為「天籟敦煌樂團」駐團作曲家 ,並於 9 月份在絲綢之路(敦煌)國際文化博覽會 當中完成新作品首演。
Described by The Independent as a composer who “has a distinctive voice”, Fung Lam first gainedattention morethan adecade agowhen the BBCPhilharmonicgavetheworldpremiereofhis Illumination. Since then, he has established himselfas oneof theforemost Asiancomposers of his generation, with commissions from significant music organisations from both local and abroad.His music has been performed in someofthe mostprestigiousvenues oftheworld, includingCarnegieHallinNewYork,Konzerthaus Berlin, Sydney Opera House, Royal Albert Hall andSouthBankCentreinLondon.
Lamholds thedistinction ofbeing theyoungest Chinese composer and the first Hong Kong composerevercommissionedbytheBBC.Hehas to date written over ten orchestral works, includingthreecommissionsfor BBCRadio 3 and two commissions for the Hong Kong PhilharmonicOrchestra(HKPhil).
TheworldpremiereofEndlessFormsby theBBC Symphony Orchestra at the BBC Proms in 2012 received critical acclaims, taking his music to a global audience. An excerpt from Evening Standard’sreview reads,"… Lam,working witha carefully constructed minimum of material, shapes his musical world with dreamy individuality."
He served as the Robert H. N. Ho Family FoundationComposer-in-Residence withthe HK Philfor the 2013/14 season. Quintessence,written incelebration ofthe orchestra’s 40thanniversary, hasbeen performedin HongKong andon tourin 13major citiesin Europe(2015), China(2016) and Asia/Australia (2017) by the HK Phil under their MusicDirectorJaapvanZweden.
BorninHong Kong,Lamwas awardedaDoctor of Philosophy degree in composition from the Universityof Sussexin 2012.Inthe sameyear he receivedthe Young ArtistAward 2011 from the HongKongArtsDevelopmentCouncil.
Fung Lam is currently the Director of Artistic PlanningoftheHKPhil.

林丰博士為香港管弦樂團藝術策劃總監及一位 作曲家,作品曾於世界各大音樂殿堂演出,包括 紐約卡奈基音樂廳、柏林音樂廳、悉尼歌劇院、 倫敦皇家阿爾伯特音樂廳、倫敦南岸中心等。
林丰為英國BBC廣播公司委約的最年輕華人作曲家 及首位香港作曲家,至今已創作超過十首管弦樂 作品,包括在 2012 年 BBC 逍遙音樂會中首演的 《無盡藏》。他於 2013/14 樂季曾任香港管弦樂團 何鴻毅家族基金駐團作曲家,而為慶祝樂團成立 四十週年創作的作品《蘊》更於香港管弦樂團與 梵志登歐洲、澳洲和亞洲巡演期間在 12 個主要 城市巡迴演出。

林丰於 2012 年獲英國蘇塞克斯大學頒發作曲博士 學位,同年獲香港藝術發展局頒發 2011 年度藝術

Lo Hau-man graduated from the Hong Kong Academyfor PerformingArts, majoringin Horn and Composition; Lo got the DMus in composition from the Chinese University of HongKong,wherehestudy compositionwithMr. LawWing-fai, Prof.David Gwiltand Prof.Chan Wing-wah, conducting with Miran Kojian and JohnHarding.
Hehaswritten musicforvarious mediaincluding dance, drama, multi-media performances, chambermusic, orchestralmusic, opera,Church Music,jingles andpopular songs.His workshave beenperformed inJapan, Singapore,Malaysia, UK, Germany, France, China, Australia, Norway, TaiwanandNewZealand.HisOpera“Lengendof Zhengbaozai” award“the bestserious music”in the2010“CASHGoldenSailAward.

Lotaught inHong KongInstitution ofEducation andHong KongAcademy forPerforming Arts,is nowteaching inthe ChineseUniversity ofHong Kong,activeasacomposeraswellasaconductor.
盧厚敏早年畢業於香港演藝學院,主修圓號及 作曲;後進入香港中文大學,主修作曲,獲頒音樂 博士學位;作曲師承羅永暉先生、陳永華及紀大衛 教授。
他從事的音樂創作非常多元化,包括舞蹈、戲劇 、多媒體演出、室樂、合唱、管弦樂、歌劇、廣告 及流行音樂等;除本港外,作品曾於日本、中國 、韓國、臺灣、馬來西亞、澳洲、澳門、新加坡 、紐西蘭、比利時、挪威、美國、德國、阿根廷 、英國及法國等地上演,並代表香港出席亞洲 作曲家同盟、國際現代音樂協會、國際電腦音樂 協會及聯合國作曲家會議等國際會議。其歌劇 「張保仔傳奇」獲作曲及作詞家協會之金帆獎。

盧厚敏曾任教於香港教育學院及香港演藝學院, 現任教於香港中文大學 。

Born in Hong Kong, Lok-Hin NG is currently studyingtrumpet andcomposition atHong Kong BaptistUniversity. Ngbegan hispiano andtrumpet studiesat hisearly ages,as wellas electricguitar and bass guitar at the age of 14. Ng has been studyingtrumpetundertheguidanceofMs.Helen Pui-Yan LEE, Mr. Ho-Ming JIM, and Mr. Joseph Chi-Kuen NGAN.During his studies, he attended trumpet master class with artists like James THOMPSON,AllenVIZZUTI, DominiqueBODART, Paul ARCHIBALD and Eric AUBIER. NG also studiedconductingwithMr.Carl CHOI,heisnow the conductor of Farm Road Government Primary School Senior Concert Band and the assistantconductor ofHong KongYouth Festival WindOrchestra(DivisionB).

NG is passionate in composing and arranging music.Being inspiredby Mr.Gabriel Kin-YinLAM atthe ageof 18,he thenstudied compositionand orchestration with Dr. David Francis URROWS, Dr. Christopher COLEMAN, Dr. Matthew SCHERIBEIS,and Prof.Christopher KEYESin the HongKong BaptistUniversity. NGhas beeninvited to arrange music for different ensembles, including the OctoBuzz Trumpet Ensemble and Saxfari Saxophone Ensemble; and events like wedding event, company’s annual dinner and party, and evangelism. NG also composed an originalsoundtrackfor microcinemas.The recent compositionincludes "Overture:Forever Young", whichdedicatedto theHong KongFestival Youth Wind Orchestra to celebrate their 15th anniversary.
伍諾軒現為香港浸會大學音樂系學生,主修小號 ,師承顏熾權老師。伍氏自小學習鋼琴及小號, 於 14 歲更自學電結他及低音電結他,並於兩年後 考獲得八級證書。隨後亦師承蔡嘉樂先生學習指 揮,現為農圃道官立小學的指揮及香港節日青年 管樂團的助理指揮。

於18歲伍氏隨林建兒先生學習樂理及作曲,於香 港浸會大學中隨David Francis URROWS博士, MatthewSCHREIBEIS博士,高爾文博士及祈道 緯教授學習作曲及配樂法。此外亦活躍於作曲編 曲工作,曾為小號合奏組合 OctoBuzz 及色士風 四重奏 Saxfari ,大金冷氣公司之年慶晚宴及派 對作、佈道會編曲工作。此外,亦曾為微電影作 配樂工作。於 2018 ,更獲香港節日青年管樂團邀 請,為其寫一序曲以慶祝樂團成立 15 週年。

BorninHongKong,AlfredWong’s musichasbeen performed worldwide. His compositions has been appeared in many international music events, such as International Society for Contemporary Music Festival held in Sweden, Waterlooville Music Festival in UK, Colorado Music Festival in U.S., Beijing Modern Music Festival, China ASEAN Music Festival and SingaporeInternational BandFestival.He hasbeen awarded CASH Scholarships twice. His music Voice of Heritage received “2014 CASH Golden Sail Music Awards” - Best Serious Composition, Nocturne to the Victoria Harbour was awarded Bronze in the ’Xinyi Cup’, granted by the Art Departmentof theMinistry ofCulture ofChina andthe ChinaNationalities OrchestraSociety for distinctiveworksfor Chineseorchestraby young composers, An Illusive Dream was awarded BronzeintheChineseorchestralcompositionson theyouth subject.Some ofhis workshave been recorded by Hugo Productions (HK) Ltd. and Modern Audio Limited; Songs from China was publishedby theHong KongChildren’s Choirand was selected to perform in tours in Russia, Hungaryand more.In recentyears, hehas been activein writingChinese instrumentalmusic and now has an oeuvre of over a hundred. Notable works include The Eight Immortals’ Adventures andThe EightImmortals’ AdventuresPrequel for musicaltheatre,commissioned bytheHong Kong ChineseOrchestra, 1894 HongKongPlague y a Musical, produced by Hong Kong Repertory Theatreas wellas "Dreamof theRed Chamber" Capriccioforcello&orchestra,collaboratedwith cellistTrey Leetogether withDetroit Symphony Orchestra under the baton of Leonard Slaktin. Besides, Wong was also invited to conduct orchestras, wind bands and ensembles in Australia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Guangzhou and Malaysia. Received his bachelor and master degrees from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, studied composition with Prof. Chan Wing-wah, piano with Dr. Cheng Wai and percussion with Dr. Lung Heung-wing, he is currently a guest lecturer at The Education University of Hong Kong, as well as teaching courses at the School of Professional and ContinuingEducation ofthe Universityof Hong Kong and the School of Continuing and ProfessionalStudies ofthe ChineseUniversity of HongKong.

香港作曲家黃學揚,作品於世界各地演出,包括 曾入選瑞典舉行的國際現代音樂節、英國滑鐵盧 維爾音樂節、美國科羅拉多州音樂節、北京現代 音樂節、中國東盟音樂周、新加坡國際管樂節等 ,並獲中華人民共和國文化部藝術司與中國民族 管弦樂學會聯合主辦的「新繹杯」青年作曲家民族 管弦樂作品評獎銅獎,「2014 CASH金帆音樂獎」 之最佳正統音樂作品等,部分作品由雨果製作 有限公司、現代音像等灌錄唱片。
近年活躍於中樂創作,編寫逾百首樂曲。大型創作 包括香港中樂團委約的劇樂《八仙過海》及《 八仙過海前傳》、 香港話劇團製作的大型音樂劇 《太平山之疫》以及與大提琴家李垂誼合作的《紅 樓夢大提琴隨想曲》,由美國底特律交響樂團首演 ,並於蘇州、武漢、重慶、長沙及上海巡演。此外, 他亦應邀到澳洲、臺灣、廣州、馬來西亞作客席 指揮。獲香港中文大學音樂系音樂碩士學位,隨 陳永華教授學習作曲、鄭慧博士學習鋼琴及龍向榮 博士學習敲擊。現為香港教育大學兼任講師、也 任教於香港大學專業進修學院及香港中文大學專業 進修學院。曾為香港節日管樂團敲擊樂手。

Composer/ArrangerfromHong Kong.Graduated fromtheHong KongBaptistCollege andlater,the Chinese University of Hong Kong, majoring in Composition and Performance.He taught for morethan 20 yearsatthe HongKongGovernment MusicOffice &conducted theYouth Symphony, YouthBandandJazzensemble.Recentyears,Yau focushis careeras composerand arrangerwith his works commissioned and premiered / performed in Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Taiwan,Macau, theU.S.A., France,Singapore and Malaysiaetc. Someof hisworks arepublished by publishers in Guangzhou, Taipei and Singapore. Yau have been serving as adjudicator in the Taiwan Clinic 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010. In 2008 he was invited by the 1st Singapore International BandFestival.In April 2013,he wasinvitedby the Ministryof Educationof Singaporeto beone on thepanel ofadjudicators inthe SingaporeYouth Arts-presentationFestival.

香港資深作曲家/編曲家,香港浸會學院及香港 中文大學畢業,主修作曲及演奏。於香港政府 音樂事務處任教二十多年,並曾指揮香港青年管弦 樂團、青年管樂團、爵士樂團等。近年專注於作曲 編曲事業,作品在本港及國內外如北京,廣州、 深圳、臺灣、澳門、美國、法國、星加坡、馬來西亞 等地演出;部份並交由廣州、臺北、星加坡出版社 出版。此外曾應邀為國際管樂節出任評委,包括 台灣國際音樂節 2006 、 2007 、 2008 、 2010 ; 2008 星加坡國際管樂節等。 2013 年 4 月應星加坡 教育部之邀,出任星加坡青少年藝術節評委。

Bornin HongKong, AustinYip’s workshave been performed worldwide. Places like the United States,Argentina, Scotland,Italy, Spain,Slovenia, Korea, Japan, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, China and Australia have seen traces of his performance records. His musical creations are very diverse, ranging from orchestral piece to electroacoustic works, from Western orchestral to folk instruments. All the above shows his knowledgeandcreativityupondifferentstylesof music.
Yiphas participatedin numerousmusic festivals, in which he has worked closely with many world-renownedperformers andensembles. Yip has received commissions from the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, Radio and Television HongKong, HongKong ArtsFestival, HongKong Composers’ Guild, Hong Kong Chamber Orchestra, Hong Kong Wind Philharmonia, HellHOT!NewMusicFestivalandmore.
Yip received his PhD and Master of Philosophy degreesat theUniversity ofHong Kongunder the supervisionof Dr.Joshua Chanwith thesupport fromthe UniversityPostgraduate Fellowshipand University Postgraduate Studentship. He also holdsa Bachelorof Arts(Music) degreefrom the University of California, Berkeley with a “high distinctionin generalscholarship”, anda FTCLin composition.Yip isthe holderof CASHGolden SailMusic Award 2017 withhis orchestralwork “Metamorphosis”, 2018 Chou’sAnnual Composition Commission Award, James Kitagawa Memorial Music Scholarship, Regents’ and Chancellor’s Scholarship, Henry Holbrook Scholarship,James KingScholarship, EisnerPrize, Milton C. Witzel Memorial Prize, Rayson Huang Scholarshipand CASHBest CommissionedPiece Award.
Yip’s works are published by Donemus (Netherlands), ABRSM (UK), BabelScores (France), Ablaze Records (US),Navona Records (US),Hugo Productionand HongKong ComposersGuild. He is the chairman of Toolbox Percussion, and is currently a lecturer at the Hong Kong Baptist University.

葉浩堃為香港作曲家,其作品廣於世界各地公演 ,並屢獲殊榮。近期作品包括與法國 Centrede Vidéo Dansede Bourgogne 合作的舞蹈作品《Eurydice》、 由香港管弦樂團委約並首演,同時獲得 CASH 金帆獎的《破繭》,及為前三藩市交響樂團首席 敲擊手 Jack Van Geem 所寫的馬林巴琴協奏曲。 葉氏的作品由荷蘭出版社 Donemus出版,他現為 香港浸會大學音樂系講師。

Honolulu-born violinist Patrick Yim has performed as soloist, recitalist, chambermusician,andorchestralviolinistthroughouttheworld.Hemade hissolo debutwith theHonolulu Symphonyafter winningthe Honolulu SymphonyConcerto Competition.He hasperformed inthe violinsections ofthe HawaiiSymphony andThe ClevelandOrchestra, amongothers. He hasalso performedat festivalsfrom aroundthe world,including arecent performanceinCarnegieHallwithmembersoftheEmersonQuartet.
As Guest Music Director of the Collegium Musicum Hong Kong, he collaboratedwithworld-renowned pipavirtuosoWu Manandperformed concertsattheHongKongCityHallasviolinistandconductor.
Hehas performedworld premieresat festivalsin theUnited Statesand Europe,andherecently curatedaseriesof concertsrelatedtothe SilkRoad at the Hong Kong Museum of History for which he commissioned and premiered new works for solo violin by Michael-Thomas Foumai (Honolulu),AustinYip(HongKong),andYaoChen(Beijing).
Yimhas taughtviolin andchamber musicat StonyBrook University,the Cleveland Institute of Music Preparatory Department, the Interlochen Summer Arts Camp, the Flatirons Chamber Music Festival, and the RushmoreMusicFestival.
Heis agraduate withhonors ofthe ClevelandInstitute ofMusic wherehe wasa studentof DavidUpdegraff andWilliam Preuciland wasawarded the FirstPrize atthe Institute’sDarius MilhaudPerformance PrizeCompetition fortwo consecutive years.At CIM,he studied chambermusic with the CavaniQuartet andPeter Salaffof theCleveland Quartet.He earnedhis Doctor of Musical Arts degree from Stony Brook University where he studiedviolinwithPhilipSetzer, JenniferFrautschi,andHagaiShaham, and chambermusicwiththeEmersonQuartet.
Heis theAssistant Professorin theDepartment ofMusic atHong Kong BaptistUniversity.
為獨奏家、室樂家、樂團樂手於世界各 地演出,包括卡內基音樂廳、大衛格芬 廳(紐約)、首爾藝術中心、香港大會 堂、哈爾帕音樂廳(雷克雅維克)、塞 弗倫斯音樂廳(克利夫蘭)、管弦樂廳 (芝加哥)、斯卡拉大劇院(米蘭)及 維也納金色大廳。他曾隨克利夫蘭管弦 樂團赴紐約、芝加哥及邁阿密,以及巴 黎、米蘭、布魯塞爾、盧森堡、科隆、 慕尼黑及維也納等地演出。他曾與各地 樂團合作演奏室樂,包括茱莉亞、艾默 森、太平洋、應氏、圣勞倫斯等四重奏 ,以及克利夫蘭管弦樂團、紐約愛樂樂 團。他畢業於克利夫蘭音樂學院,後於 石溪大學取得博士學位。他於香港浸會 大學音樂系擔任助理教授。
LAULik-chi Daniel,begins hismusic studieswith MrYUNG Ho-doand Ms LEUNGTsui-haathis earlyages,is currentlyayear 3 studentin theChinese Universityof HongKong. Danielreceived trainingsin vocalperformance underthe tutelageof MrWOO Wing-chingduring hisuniversity years.He alsoholdsanABRSMgrade 8 certificatesinCelloandTheory.

Danielis enthusiasticin choirperformances; heis nowa memberof the AquaVoiceandhasbeenthechairpersonoftheCUHKChungChiChoir.
劉力致,香港中文大學音樂系三年級 生,主修聲樂,現師隨男中音胡永正 先生,亦曾師隨容可度先生及梁翠霞 女士。另持有英國皇家音樂學院大提 琴及音樂理論八級證書。

劉氏亦熱衷於合唱活動,現為中大音 樂系學生合唱團 Aqua Voice 成員,亦 曾任香港中文大學崇基合唱團主席。

Quite a descriptive tone-picture drawn by the composer on the score y puttingforwardaninteresting conceptinthewritingof Windmusic.Not-to-be-comparewith themost commonstyle and soundof ‘bandmusic’ nor‘military music’,you willcertainly find here, is the chromatically shifts in harmony alongside, points of triads(in theirsecond inversionand seemsto beunrelated toeach other) inparallel progressions,are heardelsewhere. Theclarity of orchestrationand thecareful groupingof windinstruments show uniquecraftmanship inmastering differentinstrumental idioms& technique.Fromthework,youmayexpectsometonalcenter(s)but this actually will quickly emerged into or passed onto another seems-to-berelated tonalcenter.Allthe 12major keys(name and spotthemall ifyoucan) aregoingto beheardthough notinfull, but linkedswiftlytogether.

Theopeningofthework recallsthe‘Ding-a-dong’ y bellslike y clockstruck fromthe clocktower ofthe CityHall, asymbol ofour city,Hong Kong.Followedby the‘tick-talk’ ofa smallertable-clock in a syncopated way, the ensemble seemed to be dispersed into piecesofinstrumentalsectionswith dotsoftriadhoppinghere and there. The middle section re-assembles and creates with a funny-but-warm 2 bar-phrase of which may actually jump in a never-ending-like cycle.From here, the composer wishes to introducedifferent sectionsof windinstruments, whichlead toa common formation of a wind orchestra (an image of Brittens’s “YoungPersons’ GuidetotheOrchestra” y ifyou doinsist torealize so).Youmayhear, asfromthe topandgo rightstraightdown along the score, the high woodwinds, the double reeds (Oboes and Bassoons- whichare normallyhard tobe heardin theensemble) & the Clarinet family.An enchanting and sensational Saxophone choirgives amelancholy moodfollowed bythe brassfaculty (the Horns,Trumpets,Trombones, Euphoniums&Tubas inapair); lastly comesthe percussionsand aremarkably grandbut surpriseending servesasyourirresistablelightdessert.
作曲家以嶄新而富趣味性及具明快節奏之手法 譜寫此管樂曲。聽眾不難發覺此曲與常見的 管樂或軍樂曲作品有別,有以半音階形式漸 進之和聲進行、亦有以「點」之形式出現之 三和弦(多以其第二轉位來應用)平衡進行, 營造出跳脫的音樂效果。曲中配器的運用能 清晰而恰到好處地帶給聽眾清新的感覺,充 分反映作者能巧妙地運用各樂器之特色,匠 心獨運。更有趣的,是全曲共全數應用了十 二個大調,但卻每每快速而暢順地由一調性 轉移到另一調性。
樂曲開首乃取材於香港大會堂鐘樓之鐘聲, 繼以切分節拍模仿小檯鐘聲(兩者皆喻意時 光飛逝之感)及點點的三和弦(模仿鐘樓之 鐘聲);樂團看似被鬆散的樂思切割得支離 破碎,卻又帶領著聽眾進入跳躍而富動感的 樂章裡。樂曲中段主要以兩小節之樂句組成, 和諧溫馨,饒富趣味,當中並以各調之音階 及琶音為主要樂思構成部分,作者以兩者來 介紹組成管樂團的各種樂器,以於總譜中之 順序,由短笛、長笛、雙簧管類樂器(雙簧管 及巴松管均於管樂團演奏中,通常較難於清 晰地聽到)、單簧管家族;及後一段極富感性 之薩克管四重奏,奏出憂郁的調子;繼之出現 的銅管家族成員(包括圓號、小號、長號、 上低音號及大號)及敲擊組成員。樂曲之尾 聲始於再重現之一組強而有力的和聲進行, 接以最後亦再重現之鐘樓景色作結。
Hènhas amultitude ofmeaning inChinese, suchas regret,hatred. Thispiece ofmusic aimsto portraythe ecstasyof thecomposer towardsthisword.
Itried toattempt somemelodic figureinto themusic, butI realize thata melodyis toodecent forsuch aviolent emotion.Thereare different gestures through out the piece, by overlapping these figures;it createsdifferent texturesso toexpress differentkinds of emotion,feelingsand aura.
恨,一字,透過組合不同的字,能組成多個 不同意思的詞語,例如悔恨、仇恨等等;此 曲旨在抒發作曲家對此字的思考及幻想。
音樂中並沒有運用任何旋律性的素材,透過 不同音形互相堆砌,創造出不同的織體,藉 此表達不同的情感,為此作品的特色之一。
InnerLight waswritten in2002 whenI wasstudying fora master’s degreeincomposition inEngland.
Inspiredbythe paintingsofartist MarkRothko,with layersofcolour creating a sense of depth and luminosity, Inner Light is a slowly morphing work that showcases a more subtle and colourful soundworldofthewindorchestra.
Today’sperformance isaccompanied bya newly-createdvideo by architectAnthonyLai.
PeakCircle Walk,a beautifulnature trailenveloping thetop ofthe HongKong VictoriaPeak, takessome ofthe bestpanoramic views overthe VictoriaHarbour, aswell asthe scenicsouth sideof Hong Kong Island. Whether walking in the morning, afternoon or nighttime, millions of visitors every year are stunned by this world-famous vista, accompanying the lush tropical forests and extensivebirdlife.
<內光>(2002),是本人於英國修讀作曲碩 士課程時的作品。
受藝術家馬克•羅斯科富有深度及亮澤的畫 作所啟發,<內光> 以平流緩進的層遞手法, 旨在呈現管樂團微妙、豐富的音色世界。 是次演出特邀建築師黎智禮為作品配上全新 的原創影像。
自開埠以來,太平山一直見證著香港的發展, 而太平山的夜景更享譽全球。環繞太平山頂 漫步,除了可以俯瞰維多利亞港兩岸的壯麗 景觀及南區的大自然景色,也可細味香港 歷史的足跡。
ForeverYoung iscommissioned bythe HongKong FestivalYouth WindOrchestra in2018 tocelebrate its15th anniversary.Since the band is the Juvenile band of Hong Kong Festival Wind Orchestra (HKFWO),thecomposertookthemusicideafrom"FestivalPrelude", “theme song” of HKFWO, interspersed in the whole piece, as a tributetoHKFWO.
The piece is in the style of American high school overture, in a rhythm of fast-slow-fast formation. It opens with a fanfare, and followsbyenergeticmelody;whileinthemiddlesection,itfeatures asaxophone quartet,with avaried melody,follows byflute and trumpetsolo. Thepiece buildsup toa surgedand emotionalclimax whilethe tensionis resolved,back toa tranquilatmosphere; atthe lastsection,the piecereturnsto anenergeticmood, andendswith a fanfare.

(下稱節青)委託而寫,以慶祝樂團成立十五 週年。由於節青為香港節日管樂團的青年團, 作曲家採用了香港節日管樂團的主題曲《節日 序曲》的音樂意念穿插於全曲,以作致敬。 樂曲貫切美式高中序曲風格,分為三部分。 樂曲以有活力的旋律及輕快的慶典風格作 開首,於樂曲的中段部分,加入了色士風 四重奏以其抒情的旋律,進長笛及小號獨奏。 隨獨奏後,樂曲漸漸建立到澎湃的高潮,並 漸漸回落到平靜的氣氛。從而進入最後一 部分,樂曲又再次回歸到有活力的氣氛當中, 並以慶典風格作結束。
Violin Concerto No. 1: "Generation" is written for violin and symphonicband. Thethree movementswork, boundedby ashort “Prologue”and an“Epilogue”, depictspeople ofthe GenerationZ, Y andX inHong Kongrespectively. Thefirst movement“Generation Z” is gloomy in nature, it depicts the difficult situations young peoplehave atthe moment.It isfollowed bya verybusy second movement“Generation Y”,who arenow attheir thirties,working dayand nightfor survival.The thirdmovement “GenerationX” has amixture ofmoods, itbegins andends withquotations fromthe famous Cantonese opera Dainuifa, reminding the composer’s childhood memory of his parent’s musical interest. All the movements are played without pause. Sometimes, an optional cadenza is played before the “Epilogue”. Violin Concerto No.1: Generation is co-commissioned by Hong Kong Festival Wind Orchestraandviolinist Dr.PatrickYim.

為小提琴及管樂團而寫,第一小提琴協奏曲 《代》描繪 Z 到 X 世代在香港的生活。樂曲由 序言開始,引入三個主要樂章,並以一段簡短 的結語結束。第一樂章〈 Z 世代〉描繪年輕人
現在所面對的困境,第二樂章〈 Y世代〉描寫 日以繼夜為生計勞碌的上班族,第三樂章〈 X 世代〉 的感情最為複雜,當中亦引用了粵劇 《帝女花》的名句,以懷念作曲家年輕時候經 常聽到長輩播放的音樂。有時候,在結語之前 會演奏華彩樂段。第一小提琴協奏曲《代》 由香港節日管樂團及小提琴家嚴天成博士聯合 委約。
Songof theSea presentsa seriesof seapictures. Themusic begins with a quiet scene of the sea, and then it grows up into gigantic heavy waves. A twisting of mood follows; it becomes a lyrical barcarolle, which is actually an ode to the sea. This piece is the overtureto themusical theatreThe EightImmortals’ Adventures,a productionbytheHongKongChineseOrchestraandtheHongKong RepertoryTheatre inDecember 2010.The windband versionwas commissioned and premiered by the Hong Kong Festival Wind Orchestrain 2012, with sponsorshipfrom CASHMusic Fund. It is performedin WaterloovilleMusic Festival2012 inUK andColorado MusicFestival2019inU.S.
「 海之歌」呈現了一幅幅海洋的畫面。音樂 開始猶如一片寂靜的海水,之後卻慢慢變為 一股滔天的巨浪。氣氛一轉,一段優美的船歌 表達了對海的讚頌。此曲是來自音樂劇場 「八仙過海」,由香港中樂團聯同香港話劇團 於2010年12月製作。管樂版由香港節日管樂團 委約,於 2012 年首演,費用由「 CASH 音樂 基金」贊助。其後亦於同年在英國滑鐵盧維爾 音樂節及2019年在美國科羅拉多州音樂節演出。
This composition was originally written for 9 players with a narrator, performed at the Festival International d’Art Lyrique d'Aix-en-provencewhichbytheyear 2012,theFestivalheldatheme onintroducing fablesworldwide.Dr.Thomas Verrierof theBlair SchoolofMusic,VanderbiltUniversity inNashville.TennesseeU.S.A. askedthe commissionedand conductedthe premiereof thework. Thefable“TheFox borrowstheTiger'sterror” fromChu-1,ZhanGuo Ce, was chosen as a representative work from the Chinese Literature. The ensemble formed by a Wind Quintet and a String Quartet, with the narrator telling the story alongside with the ensembleperforming themusic, playedan equallyimportant role inpresentingthework.
Inthe originalversion, theFlute doublingon thePiccolo, theOboe doubling on the English Horn and the Clarinet doubling on Bass Clarinet.The mainmusical themewas introducedby theHorn and re-appeared in variations later on in the work.A free style of compositioningeneral,suggesting thesceneswhilea story-tellingby thenarratoruntiltheend.
Laterin 2013, the workwas orchestratedinto asymphonic band versionwithoutlosingitsoriginality.

這作品是為 9 件樂器和講者而寫,由美國田納 西州凡德標大學貝裏雅音樂學院教授湯馬士 維里爾博士委約創作,並指揮作品在法國 2012 年 theFestivalInternational d’ArtLyrique d'Aix-en-provence 音樂節中首演。當年的音樂節 中部份音樂表演是以世界寓言為題,經選定後 以《戰國策楚一》中的「狐假虎威」作為 中國方面的代表作品。
原作品所用的樂器組合限定以木管五重奏和 弦樂四重奏組成,當中長笛樂手需兼短笛、 雙簧管兼英國管、黑管兼低音黑管。音樂的 主題旋律由圓號奏出,並以變奏形態在不同 段落中再現;整體音樂則隨著故事性發展而 自由創作,以配合場景的描述。在音樂演奏 的同時、講者需同步從旁述故事的發展。
作者於 2013 年將原作品配器成交響管樂團版 本。
HongKong isa cityof mixedculture ofEast andthe West,having a lot of western influence while embracing traditional Chinese customsand culture,especially theculture ofthe SouthernChina. ThepiecewillgivetheaudienceatouchofsomeHongKongculture, thoughnotarealisticone.
ThepieceUrban Soundscapeiswritten forsymphonicband, featuringthepercussion section.Themusicstarts withaloud tuttiforceof theband,whichintroducesthe“Jingzhe”(驚螫) ,orthe Awakening ofinsects, whilethe soundof“villainhitting”(打小人) willbeas backgroundof thesection.Throughoutthe piece,there willbe the soundof“Dai-pei-dong”,Mahjong andCantonese Operacoming in andout,transform intoakind ofmotifwhich willbeexaggerated by theband.Quotationofsomefolk-tuneswillalsobeused,butwillbe fragmented and also transformed into motives to develop.The pieceendswithacalmandpeacefulmood.
香港作為一個融合中西文化的城市,在存在 中國習俗和文化-尤其是南中國文化-的同 時,又深受西洋文化影響。樂曲將為觀眾帶 來某部分香港文化的觸角感受。
管樂團作品《城市風貌》以敲擊樂為主軸。 音樂以強烈的樂隊齊奏展開「驚螫」-昆蟲 的甦醒時節的主題,同時以「打小人」的聲 音墊在背景。整首樂曲充斥着大排檔、麻將 和粵劇的聲音,此起彼落,各種聲響轉化成 即將由樂隊擴充的主題句。一些民謠的零碎 段落也引用其中,同樣轉化成擴展用的主題 句。樂曲最後在平靜的氣氛中完結。
《城市風貌》為通利新青年管樂團於2011年 的委約作品,並在於台灣舉辦的「世界管樂 協會2011」中首演。樂曲後期經歷一次重大 修改,其中加入了更大量的打麻將和打小人 部分。