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Cheung yuen ching kiyo
D u oto n e s E x p e ri m e n t
Color Experiment Individual Project. July 2017 Self-studied Duotones on SkillShare.com. Won first in ‘Mastering Duotones in Photoshop’ held by Attitudecreative. 01 -03 : Photos searched on Google & Photoshop to try different effects. The last one is illustrated in 2015, edited in July 2017 for duotones practices. Link for the winning project: http://skl.sh/2srXY2b
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‘TUNG NAM SAI BUK’ Project Client: The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Group. February 2017 The concept is inspired by the traditional paper fold of ‘fortune teller’ 「東南西北」, which kids need to follow the instructions on the origami. It is noted that students gets tired and may forget to rest when they are too concentrated on revision. This card is designed to send the message of reminding all the HKDSE students to take rest from time to time and encourage them not to be too stressed.
Considered that the limited budget and manpower of the organization, the support card is designed in A5 size but print in A4 size, a visual guide of how to fold the origami is also designed at the back in case of no manpower to fold the card. Result Cards were sent to various centers of The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Group in Hong Kong for delivery. In order to show support to the students directly, a self-motivated project named ‘Tung Nam Sai Buk’ was created. I promoted the project by uploading a video on the social media to call for action. A group of volunteers were therefore joined and gathered to fold cards, put candy inside, and gave to students who are studying in public library or self-study room. Over ~300 cards were delivered to DSE students by hand. Link for the promotional video: https://vimeo.com/227247376
Final Cover
Final Back
Final LOOK
G R A P H I C D e s ign - C ard s
kiyo C heung P ortfolio
Since a few researches have discovered that candy can boost brain power, it is proposed that candy can be placed inside the origami as a friendly gesture while delivering.
B a n n e r D e s i g n 「賞 色 共 享」 Community Art Project 2017 Client: The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Group July 2016 The banner was designed to promote 「賞色共享」 Community Art Project 2016. As there are seven main programs of the project, hence seven characters are created to represent each main program. Software used: Illustrator, Photoshop
Community Art Bus Exhibition 2014 Client: The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Group 2014 The banner was designed to promote the event and as the photography props. Banners are still in use for other events and programs. Software used: Photoshop
kiyo C heung P ortfolio
Since 1904
ShauKeiWan Stamp Design Client: The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Group March 2017 Stamps are used in「賞色共享」Community Art Festival 2017. Concept inspired by the characteristic of an old but friendly town named ShauKeiWan.
S T A M P D e s i g n
主辦 :
Designed by Kiyo Cheung
ShauKeiWan Sticker Client:
The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Group March 2017
G R A P H I C D e s ign -S T I C K E R
kiyo C heung P ortfolio
Designed as gift and souvenir in「賞色共 享」Community Art Festival 2017. Concept inspired by the characteristic of an old but friendly town named ShauKeiWan.
天 下 太 平 COLOR
T C A R D 4 Set of Postcards Client: The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Group, April 2016 All postcards are distributed to various centers of the organization.
D e s i g n
F older D E S I G N
kiyo C heung P ortfolio
F old e r
D e s i g n
ShauKeiWan Client: The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Group March 2016 Two set of folder are designed as gift and souvenir for company’s program. Concept based on the theme of ‘Love our community and family’.
C o m m e rcial I ll u s tratio n
C r e a t i 3
v e 5
Lighter Green Background without desciption Suggested FB/IG desciption:
Darker Background
手機有TRAVPHOLER 旅行任我創」
o c e 1
2 Yellow Background
Bright yellow Background
Promotional Illustration Client: TravPholer November, 2016 Developed base on client’s initial concept of portraying three major Hong Kong governor going to travel by using the company’s service. Five illustrations were created for the company’s usage.
C o m m e rcial I ll u s tratio n Promotional Illustration Client: PaperShauKei , 紙筲箕| 地區迷你雜誌 May - July2016 I worked with a group of voluntary-based partners as a social media editor on Facebook Page of 紙筲箕| 地區迷你雜誌 (@papershaukei) during May to July 2016. My responsibility • Develop graphic works for the Page to enhance digital presence. • Successfully optimize and managing a social media page of over 16,000 followers.
D e s i g n TWO WEDDING LOGO Client: Rainbow Chan May 2016 Illustrated by Photoshop.
kiyo C heung P ortfolio
L O G O D e s i g n
‘SHOTEN’女 Logo Design Client: Souling Counseling & Holistic Development Centre Match 2015 A Logo designed for the program.
‘Souling’ Logo Design Client: Souling Counseling & Holistic Development Centre April 2015
orking as an intern in one of the world’s leading conservation organization, World Wide Fund
and position guidelines on different promotion materials. I learned to be extremely careful in dealing
me a few opportunities in taking part of several events. I was the photographer of the Conservation Volunteer
For Nature Hong Kong (WWF-HK), was such an eye-opening and unforgettable experience
with logo issues, and always ask if there is any logo guidelines before working, so as to improve my
Training Program, Nelson Mandela International Day as well as Summer School 2016 ‘Nature Adventurers’.
for me. I worked under the Human Resource Department, and was assigned a wide variety of job duties from administrative support to design and photography. Through this internship, I was able to apply my knowledge and skills to practical work situation, as well as to enhance communication, social and problem-solving skills; and to experience as a office clerk in a non-governmental organization.
working efficiency.
That was the first time ever for WWF-HK to celebrate Nelson Mandela International Day, and the first event
The first poster that I designed for the organization is the promotional poster for the Conservation
suggested and organized by the new WWF-HK CEO. Numbers of photographers were needed to take photos
Volunteer Training Program. After the seeking the approval on initial poster draft from my supervisor, I worked on the poster in home and offered her a few designs to choose. She appreciated my effort
and videos in the morning, so a brief video could be presented in the afternoon. My job was to pair up with a
and the department head also approved the design. However, on the day of publication, my supervisor
senior staff, take photos of volunteers in different areas, record video from time to time under
am grateful that my skills in design and photography were able to be applied during this internship. I
realized that some important information were lacked on the poster; she assigned me to work on this
the hot sun and mosquitoes attack. The senior staff that I paired up with is professional in taking
was assigned to design a set of poster, volunteer certificate and T-shirts for the project named Con-
before the day by using the computer in office. Concerning the urgency and fact that the office
photos of events, he taught me how to take good photos with different angles and give useful
servation Volunteer Training Program. As my supervisor, Ivy Lo was one of the project leader, I was
computers have no design software, I designed another posters with all the essential information by
tips and suggestions to my photos from time to time during the event. It was an unforgettable
her assistant in promoting this project. We discussed through the initial ideas of the design, and work closely from draft to final; coordinate with and approved by the branding team. Apart from the design works under this Conservation Volunteer Training Program, I also designed banners for event and provided software support for other department and teams;such as resizing banners and converting files.
Microsoft Word within two hours. That was a precious lesson learned: always ask for all the detail of
experience; but thanks to this, I learned the proper way to prevent dehydration under hot weather
the event and always seek double confirmation on the list of information to be put on the design work.
and the way of asking volunteers to pose for photos instead of just taking pictures of their working routine randomly.
In this summer, WWF-HK has launched various events and projects. Capturing and recording the precious moments of events are im-
portant in promoting the company
as well as to maintain relationIt was a whole new experience for me to design inside a well-known conservation organization. As
supervisor appreciated
working as a freelance designer, I used to focus on the visual aesthetics as my clients often gave
ship with volunteers. My
During the internship, I am not only proud to be able to apply my knowledge and skills in a real-life
my photography
working environment, but also grateful to obtain the opportunities in further improving my skills.
Also, I believe that the internship experience also help to enhance and develop effective commu-
me a reasonable working period. However, working inside an organization is all about immediate and
nication, social and problem-solving skills in a working condition.
informative design, while concerning the branding image. And not only the branding of WWF-HK that I have to concern, but also the sponsoring organizations. All the logos have specific size, color
I n t e r n s h ip
Click here
i n
to see more !
Ma y - J u l y 2 0 1 6 News Feed
世界自然(香港)基金會WWF Hong Kong @ Island House, Hong Kong
#WWFCommunityServiceDay2016 #NelsonMandelaInternationalDay2016
100,000,000 Like
P ac k a g e D e s i g n VITA MILK BOX Individual Project, March 2014
The concept of this design is to show the history of the brand and express the idea of ‘Vita being by your side ever since its establishment’. Software used: Photoshop
P ackaging D E S I G N
kiyo C heung P ortfolio
Vita Vitasoy has raised up a lot of children in Hong Kong. Being one of the kids raised by the brand, I have a strong connection with the company. Hence I tried to recreate the packaging of the Vita Milk Box.
Packaging Design of Tempo
P ac k a g e
Individual Project, March 2014 This project involves designing a new series of packaging designs for Tempo, the tissue company in Hong Kong. Tempo tissue is often on the must-bring list in our daily life, as it can help on various occasions. This inspired me to have the idea to design this set of packaging designs. The colorful designs feature energetic and cheerful images, which can attract people to purchase.
D e s i g n
Each design is inspired by the usage of the Tempo tissue, so each of them can be specially used on different condition and has its own story to tell.
For this design, the theme is ‘emergency’ and the importance of tissue paper. When somebody bleeds, especially on the occasion of nosebleed, Tempo tissue would be extremely useful in this kind of emergency incident. Hence, an emergency box is located in the center of the front design.
Sharing is the theme of this design. In Hong Kong, there is a famous phrase called ‘開心 share’, literary means ‘sharing something happily with others’. When we want to get tissue paper from others, we often say ‘May I ‘borrow’ a tissue paper from you?’ But we seldom return it back. This inspired me to design the back of the design. The theme is ‘Be Bold’ in this design. When people cry, we always give them the tissue paper. This inspired me to have this design. I believe that silence is the strongest support. My initial idea is to encourage people by giving them this pack of tissue and show them the back of it without saying anything.
Further Idea After finishing our meals, we use tissue to clean our mouth and hands. What if there is only one piece of tissue left when a group of friends have just finished their meals? I often face this problem. And in this situation, we always tear the tissue into various parts and share with each other.
T y po g rap h y The Food Alphabet Individual Project, March 2014 This is a set of alphabet design based on the theme of food. It is designed for kids to learn vocabulary in a fun way. It is believed that discovering vocabulary with strong linkage to daily life can help to enhance the interest in learning . This inspired me to design this alphabet set. I decided to take food as the theme because food is one of the essential elements in our life. And I design this set of alphabet in a cute style in order to attract kids’ attention and motivate theme to learn.
D r a f t
“Lost” Exhibited in BlackOut Exhibition, HKEDU Gallery, July 2016 Taken the sadness, childishness, and the unwanted pieces. Smoothing all angles;Turning black to white; Numbing the good and bad. Eyes, nose, lips, ears, each day grow into a strange face.
If memories are the stairs of knowing, Pieces to complete ones’soul. A soul with shattered memories: Is a numbed soul or complete soul?
“Deceived� Exhibited in BlackOut Exhibition, HKEDU Gallery, July 2016 Open up, let the ones with best memory, To take the unwanted and darkness; Lifting slowly, leaving lightly. Keep the brightness of life as hard as you could, so as to survive in such depressing world.
“Chill like Buddha” Ink with brush on paper, Digital coloring. Exhibited in ‘Underlive’ EdU Grad Show JCCAC, HKEDU Gallery, June,August 2017 Taken the sadness, childishness, and the Eyes shut. Headphones on. Welcome to your lalaland.
“Fishing Land” Ink with brush on paper, Digital coloring. Exhibited in ‘Underlive’ EdU Grad Show JCCAC, HKEDU Gallery, June,August 2017 Taken the sadness, childishness, and the Eyes shut. Headphones on. Welcome to your lalaland.
“June 2016� Ink on paper with digital color June, 2016
“Backpacks ” Ink on paper Exhibited in ‘Underlive’ EdU Grad Show JCCAC, HKEDU Gallery, June,August 2017 Packed, unpacked. Packed, unpacked. Push when your back cries. Oh la la. Here comes a city full of backpackers.
“Confessions:Note #1, #2, #3” Ink, water color on paper Exhibited in ‘Underlive’ EdU Grad Show JCCAC, HKEDU Gallery, June,August 2017 Do not become one of them.
“Confession’’ Ink, water color on paper Exhibited in ‘Underlive’ EdU Grad Show JCCAC, HKEDU Gallery, June,August 2017 Shamelessly counting daydreams inside the bubbles. Dreaming of conquering the world, but too scared to move. Yes, I have no idea what my future goes, but I have a few notes for myself. So here goes the first note: Stop playing with your fingers.
“Caged” Pencil on paper, July, 2015
“Untitled” Ink on paper Exhibited in ‘Fujian und Zurück. Ein künstlerischer Austausch.’ Exhibition, Frank-Loebschen-Haus ,Landau, Germany JAN - FEB 2016
“GunFire” Wax The Hong Kong Visual Arts Society 42nd Annual Exhibition, Hong Kong City Hall,Hong Kong DEC 2015 - JAN 2016
愛融義社會體驗計劃 VGO Group Project. January 2016 We, ‘VGO’ took part in a community video competition organized by 全城傳情 this year. The video was created for raising people’s awareness towards SEN (Special Education Needs). I was the director and video editor. We won 「最具深度短片」.The video is airing on different HKFYG centers in Hong Kong. By this, we sincerely hope to raise people’s attention and promote better understanding on SEN kids. Link for Full Video: https://youtu.be/3bUlLJe5CSo or Click for more
kiyo C heung P ortfolio
EX P E R I MEN T A L A n i m atio n C l ick
f o r
F u l l
v ide o
‘Hello 2017 Please Be Nice’ Individual Project. 1 January 2017 Illustrated and animated to celebrate 2017. Software used: Photoshop, After Effects, Premiere Pro
‘WWF Internship Reflection’
Link for Full Video:
School Project. September 2016 The internship program required us to made a 15 mins. Video to present what we learned. So I made a little animation to cheer up the video. Software used: Photoshop, After Effects, Premiere Pro, Prezi
Link for Full Video: https://vimeo.com/227213949
‘Hello There!’ Individual Project. January 2017 Experiment of making GIF in Photoshop Software used: Photoshop Link for Full Video: https://vimeo.com/227219857
C raft W or k
Hobby, Passion, Relax In leisure time I love to explore different crafts on the Internet and try to create some to challenge myself. I also like to record my creating process and share to my friends. ‘Making of Crayon Earrings’ is a stop-motion style video I made to present the process of making the earrings in a fun way. Link for Full Video: https://youtu.be/ZTYAtYiRroM
; L i k e
w h at
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s e e ?
Call me now! T : 62257143 / E : cheungyuenching.ky@gmail.com