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Keziah White

Fashion Portfolio

Trend Research For this project we were required to research into trends that had been predicted for 2015 and then come up with our own trend based around our research. It involved us looking into colour, pattern and fabric to eventually come up with a trend package that included colour swatches, technical drawings of garments and accessories and graphics such as point of sale that could be used in conjunction with the trend.

Independant Study Over the next 5 pages is a collection of illustrations that I have created in my own time, either for my own personal projects or for competitions that I have entered off my own back, all of which were first created by hand and then have been finished using Photoshop. The first illustration is from experimenting with inks, the second and third are illustrations of a collection designed for the British fur competition. And the last two were created using a combination of marker pens and Photoshop filters.

Design Realisation The design realisation brief was designed to make us think of the entire process. We were required to think of a theme that we could research and gather inspiration from to design and manufacture a shirt. The process included looking into current shirt trends, drawing from our chosen inspiration themes, designing a variety of shirts from this theme and then creating and manufacturing our chosen design. We also had to style our shirt for a photoshoot.

Design & Illustration The design and illustration brief require us to pick a high end brand/store and create a shop report from it. The shop report was to include quick drawings of the items in the shop and prices as well as the fabric and timings if possible. From this we had to create a moodpboard of the shop, and pick a muse that we thought would identify with the brand. From this we were too design garments that could be put together into an outfit for the muse, and to then create an illustration of our muse in the outfit we had created.

muse moodboard

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