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informal learning spaces A Report for SHAPE Architecture Kevin Jingyi Zhang

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INTRODUCTION Informal spaces are inhabitable spaces that buffer and act as portals between formal spaces. Due to the informal nature of their programming, these spaces are often overlooked and under designed when compared with formal spaces such as classrooms and labs. However, there exist tremendous opportunities in taking advantage of the flexible spaces to create lively social spaces and effective learning environments. The IPD building, being a joint initiative between SCARP and SALA will have the potential to foster greater interaction between planning, architecture, landscape architecture and environmental design. This report will investigate the methods to achieving sociable and productive informal learning spaces in the IPD building through a study of precedents. The author would like to thank JISC InfoNet for providing many of the photos illustrating innovative design solutions in this report.

Kevin J Zhang | SCARP | 2011

SCARP students discuss the new Integrated Planning and Design Building.

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SEATING Seating provide more than places to rest or work. Seating help shape the structure of the interactions between individuals. The dynamic between a 2 people chat is different from that of a 6 people discussion. Even the same topics may result in different outcomes. Therefore, it is important to have a variety of seating arrangements populated with different furniture to accommodate these interactions.

Kevin J Zhang | SCARP | 2011

Start-up Cafe Comfortable sofas allow students to exchange ideas in a casual environment.

Incubator Space As study equipment become more compact, more space becomes personalizable.

Saltire Centre Playful seating can lighten the mood during long group meetings.

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EXCHANGE Informal spaces are the perfect locations for exchange of ideas between students, faculty and the community. The relaxed nature of informal spaces allows for ideas to flow freely between individuals. It is important that the sharing of information be made as easy as possible. Pin up boards, internet access and private discussion spaces allow ideas to be publicly available, references to be easily accessible and generative conversations to take place. SCARP’s kitchen table discussion paradigm extends far beyond its physical connotations. It is a culture within the school that promotes constant engagement and genuine consideration of stakeholder’s opinions. A wide variety of exchange spaces are needed to accommodate such interactions.

Kevin J Zhang | SCARP | 2011

Writable Walls Unstructured presentation boards allow students to broadcast ideas with ease.

Quick PC Access Shared computers reduce baggage for students. Waiting areas can be come productive places for exchanging ideas.

Private Discussion Pod Small rooms allow students to have privacy without the need to occupy an entire classroom.

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STRUCTURE Without the strict formal requirements that are often placed on formal spaces by their respective programs, informal spaces can be shaped with greater freedom. The structure of the informal space can easily be tailored to suit the specific desires of the users. SCARP’s informal spaces can be used for a variety of purposes, from storing bicycles to quiet contemplation, from communal eating to group writing. Each of these activities has a set of spatial requirements. Designing spaces to accommodate these unique activities will help communicate SCARP’s vision and unique culture to the community at large.

Kevin J Zhang | SCARP | 2011

Projection Screens The structure of the room can be determined by the content generated within the space.

Information Floor Spaces can be partitioned to match students’ mental maps of the organization.

Outdoor Rooms Outdoor spaces can be shaped like indoor spaces to achieve maximum use of the space.

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COLOUR Because informal spaces often lack clear definition of their boundaries, colour can used a tool to delineate their programs. The IPD building will be used by students from many faculties. A unified colour language can be used to mark shared spaces and create an identity for this collaboration.

Kevin J Zhang | SCARP | 2011

Coloured Ceiling Occasional accented ceiling brings joy to an otherwise overly serious academic environment.

Coloured Zones Colour coding helps students identify informal spaces that are often hard to name.

Changing Colours Dynamic visuals reflect the actions and capacity of the room.

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FUNCTION The IPD building aims to be one of the most sustainable buildings on campus. Therefore, it must be efficient in the use of its floor space. This may mean that every space be multifunctional, even informal spaces. Informal spaces can be designed to be more temporary in nature and thereby making it easier, and less costly to modify. As the people and curriculum at SCARP progresses and changes with each coming year, it is important that the IPD building be design flexible enough to accommodate the diverse functions.

Kevin J Zhang | SCARP | 2011

Skype Phone Booths Hallway combines traditional phone booths with current technology.

Work and Play Leisure time is built into the informal spaces to give students a much deserved break.

Discussion Lounge Walls that double as screens allows the presentation of material in an effective yet nonintrusive manner.

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DECENTRALIZATION With the increased portability of technology and decreasing requirement for physical learning materials, more learning can take place in informal settings. New designs such as mobile outlets can facilitate this transition. In SCARP, while the final products produced by students is usually in written form, the work process often requires collaboration with other students, faculty and the community. Semi work/rest areas allow the ideas generated by a lively discussion to be immediately transformed into workable material through the use of technology. Therefore, it is important that the informal spaces within and around the IPD building be conducive towards socializing and work at the same time.

Kevin J Zhang | SCARP | 2011

Outdoor Learning Spaces Wireless internet allows most work to be done outside.

Outdoor Class Area Outdoor furniture can be used for more structured learning.

Mobile Outlets Support infrastructure closely follows the shifting trends in computing and work.

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CONCLUSION This report has presented the many aspects of informal spaces that are important to a productive and social learning environment. Examples were also given to help generate ideas for the IPD building. Thank you for your time.

Kevin J Zhang | SCARP | 2011

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