Sanctuary Girl Spring/Summer 2019

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c o n t faith things first

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inspired fashion

34 36 42 44

MEET THE FA I TH THI N G S FI R ST COLL E CTI O N When only God’s Word will do. KNOW THE W O R D . L I VE THE WORD. B E THE W O R D . Faith vs. Fashion? Why can’t we do both! MEET THE I CO N CO L L E CTI O N When words just won’t do, sometimes you just need the cross. PRODU CT SPO TL I G HT The Vine

on the cover

Photographer and Designer CHRISTOPHER HAYES | Model SABRINA HAYES


M E E T T H E IN S P IR E D FA S H ION C OL L EC T ION Inspiration and affirmation for everyone. S E M IC OL ON S P OT L IG H T What the semicolon represents is different for everyone. T H E I A M C OL L E C T ION Find yourself and declare yourself boldly with this collection. A F F IR M AT ION AV EN U E Our collection of all things affirming.

e n t s inspired home


sanctuary life

ME E T THE FA MI LY: THE I N SPI R E D HO ME CO L L E CTI O N Inspiration starts at home.

issue no. 2 | armored up

24 30

A M BA S S A D OR S P OT L IG H T S Hear our thoughts about some of our superstars. H ERE C OM E S T H E A L L OF A SUDDEN We are the men of SG, and we are Unapologetically Supporting HER.

Editors CHRISTOPHER HAYES, SABRINA HAYES | Art Director CHRISTOPHER HAYES | Contributing Photographers CHRISTOPHER HAYES, VICTORIA HAYES, REBECCA RAMSEYER, NATALIE PIMENTEL | Writers SABRINA HAYES, CHRISTOPHER HAYES, VICTORIA HAYES | Models SABRINA HAYES, REBECCA RAMSEYER, NATALIE PIMENTEL, VICTORIA HAYES ©2019 Sanctuary Girl. All rights reserved. Sanctuary Girl is a faith-based organization committed to providing all applicants the opportunity to establish an Independent Sanctuary Girl Business without attention to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, veteran or disability status.


e n g r av e d on the wall 02 03 07 08 10 50 56 57


W H Y TH E NAM E He is my rock. My shield.

LE TTE R FR O M TH E FO UND E R S’s the second one!

M I SSI O N STATE M E NT We exist to empower, embolden, and equip women.

FO UND E R S FAV O R I TE S O F TH E SE ASO N Chris and Sabrina share what they’re loving this season.

TH O UGH TS FR O M SABR I NA It’s time to bear arms!

PR O D UCT GUI D E 2019 Spring / Summer Collections

TH E SANCTUARY GI R L CR E E D What we believe.

I N LO V I NG M E M O RY. . . We dedicate this season to you, Claudele Cesar-Wood.




10 | FILLER BEADS IN GREY TONES Filler Beads give me life! Add our own Sanctuary Girl Slate Blue & Gray palette to it and my heart just explodes. These are perfect for my girls like me who love a chunky look to their wrist.


09 | FEARFULLY & WONDERFULLY MADE PENDANT Being the mom of three girls, this verse is a must. The world has so much to say about how a girl should look to be attractive and confident. Choosing this piece draws us back to what God says. Stacked with my #1 favorite in rose gold, it’s a stunning match.


08 | ARMORED UP STACKABLE: NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST ME Reminding yourself daily of God’s Word is essential to rocking out this fatih life. When the odds are stacked, or I’m feeling attacked, a glance down at my wrist sets me straight. I’m protected and I’m covered.


07 | KEY COLLECTION: HIS BELOVED This key is so versatile in that it can represent your love for Jesus or your tangible love for a special man in your life. I love that it can go both ways. Either way, wearing it reminds me that I am loved.



It’s not all about me. But it is. Just like it’s all about you. This piece tells me that I am chosen, handselected, equipped, and gifted for the purpose God assigned to me. You are chosen. Don’t ever forget it. 8



I feel like an alien a lot. But that’s because as Believers, we are set apart. We are called to be different. The I Am Sanctuary Girl stackable reminds me that I come from a different place, from within the safety and peace of God’s Holy Sanctuary. And that’s okay.

04 | ISAIAH 61 CREED TABLET NECKLACE Isaiah 61 is our creed here at Sanctuary Girl. It summarizes everything about us: why we are called, what we are called to do, and what will come of it when what we do. Wearing it keeps me focused on His why for me and for our company.

04 03

03 | THE CUFFS: ARMORED UP Every day. Every moment. Every breath. All of these are moments that I need to be armed and ready. Let us always stay ready to guard ourselves and those we love with the Word. This accessory drives that home for me.

02 | THE VINE The Vine is a constant favorite. Based off of John 15:5, it reminds me to stay connected to Him no matter what. For with Him, I can do all things. Without Him, I can do nothing.

01 | THE SANCTUARY GIRL DIFFUSER I am an absolute sucker for essential oils. Peace blends, grounding and balance blends, or even energizing blends carry me through almost


everyday. Now that I can wear them around my neck everyday with my beloved SG Icon, it makes this piece absolutely my daily go-to.

01 9


Let’s talk about the cover shall we? Our theme this season is “It’s Time to Bear Arms.” It’s an absolute play on words when you think about it in context of the cover, where my arms are bare. We did that on purpose. A few ladies even thought that we went so far as to be totally bare (my Grandmother would kill me! Lol!), but no, we went with bare arms, with the exception of my Sanctuary Girl accessories. This catalog is the start of a new season for us. We spent the first three months of our time wrapped in a cocoon with our Founding 300, testing our process, our products, and our plan. Most of it went well. Some of it was a tragic failure. Intertwined in that process were moments of severe attacks, both from within and from outside. We learned a lot about what it is to have to defend ourselves, both against plots from our spiritual enemies, our physical adversaries, and even those pestering thoughts inside of our own heads. Every moment was an exercise in wielding weapons of faith to keep ourselves safe. We stayed in our cocoon. But now it’s time to come out. If someone were to walk into your home and attempt to steal or kill your spouse, or your children, or yourself, or if someone were to come against your home and try to take everything away that was important


to you, you’d rise up with everything in you to protect those things. Some of us would even gather all of the knowledge of and collection of weaponry we have to aid our cause.

turn. It means reminding yourself constantly of who you are and Whose you are.

None of us would stand for it.

It means bearing arms and taking our spiritual security back. Our marriages back. Our children back. Our peace of mind back. Our relationships with others back.

Why are things so different when it comes to engaging in spiritual warfare? The Word says that our enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy and he looks for opportunities daily to do just that. He digs into our marriages, sowing seeds of disunity and chaos. And we let him. He grabs ahold to our children, planting lies and behaviors that affect them. And we let him. He whispers in our ears, telling us lies about how we aren’t good enough. And we let him. He uses other willing humans around us to cause us pain and render us bitter, hurt, and unforgiving. And we let him.

It means no more games when it comes to protecting yourself and those you love. There’s too much at stake not to bear arms, fighting a fight no guns or sharp words could ever win. We believe God is looking for a nation of women that are willing to rise up and bear arms. We believe we are among those and that it’s our time. Will you join us?

It’s not okay to be willing to react so strongly in matters of the flesh, to be willing to defend all things physical, and to be willing to engage a human on a tangible level fighting with words and weapons, but to let our REAL enemy get in and wreak havoc without a fight.


It’s time to bear arms. What does that mean? It means knowing the REAL weapons of warfare. It means surrounding yourselves on all side with God’s protective Word. It means recognizing your true enemy and resisting him at every



meet the faith things first collection

FAITH THINGS FIRST COLLECTION When only God’s Word will do, the Inspired Faith Collection presents pieces based on Scripture and faith alone. Cover yourself in Truth for every occasion. So commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these words of mine. Tie them to your hands and wear them on your forehead as reminders. - Deuteronomy. 11:18


ARMORED UP STACKABLE COLLECTION Sometimes you need Scripture in front of you at all times for the season you are in. “Tie them to your hands” with our Statement Bracelet Collection and meditate on them throughout the day while staying on trend and in style. Collect and stack them for an even better look and a bigger dose of the Word over your life!

P R ODUCT SP E CS & DESC RIPT IO N 2 ½ inch Metal Alloy Plated Rose Gold Flex Wire Surround 2-inch Metal Alloy Engraved Bar Lead and Nickel Compliant Weight: .3 ounces

A | GOD IS FOR M E W IR E B A NGL E Item No. 4201 $22


B | GOD IS W ITHIN M E W IR E B A NGL E Item No. 4202 $22

C | A M HIS W IR E B A NGL E Item No. 4204 $22




D | NO WEA PO N WIRE BA NGLE Item No. 4207 $22

E | BE ST ILL A ND K NOW W IRE BA NGL E Item No. 4200 $22


F | I C A N DO A L L THINGS W IR E B A NGL E Item No. 4206 $22

G | I A M SA NC TU A RY GIR L W IR E B A NGL E Item No. 4205 $22

know the word. live the word. be the word.



faith vs. fashion


FAITH VS. FASHION Why can’t we do both? Let’s change the narrative.








A | FE AR FULLY & WONDERF U LLY H E ART & CH AR M N E CKLA C E Item No. 8202 $25 B | IS AIAH 5 4 :1 7 S CR IPT U RE TA BLET Item No: 8233 $25 C | J E R E MIAH 2 9 :1 1 SC RIPT U RE TA BLE T Item No: 8234 $25


D | P H ILIP P IAN S 4 :1 3 SC RIPT U RE TA BLE T Item No: 8235 $25 E | IS AIAH 6 1 :1 S CR IPT U RE TA BLET Item No: 8232 $25 F | J ABE Z SCR IP TUR E TA BLET Item No: 8210 $25


WHEN WORDS WON’T DO When words just won’t do, sometimes you just need the cross.


TH E STON E CRO SS: T U RQ U O ISE { ICON COLLEC T IO N } Natural Stone w/Zinc Alloy Chain 30-inch length Agate Stone Lead and Nickel Compliant Weight: 2 ounces Item No: 13503 $39


THE STONE C R OSS: B L A C K { IC ON C OL L E C TION } Natural Stone w/Zinc Alloy Chain 30-inch length Agate Stone Lead and Nickel Compliant Weight: 2 ounces Item No: 13502 $39


THE { I CO N CO L Silver Rhineston 3-inch e Lead and Nick Mixed M 16-inch to Weight: 1 Item N $4


VI NE LL EC T I O N } r Tone ne Accent extender kel Compliant Metal Alloy otal length 1.7 ounces No. 6501 45


T HE ST O NE C RO SS: SLAT E { IC O N C O LLEC T IO N } Natural Stone w/Zinc Alloy Chain 30-inch length Agate Stone Lead and Nickel Compliant Weight: 2 ounces Item No: 13501 $39


THE HA M M E R E D C R OSS { IC ON C OL L E C TION } Burnished Silver Tone 3-inch Extender Lead and Nickel Compliant Multi bead/layered Cross Pendant Necklace Set 2.5-inch Hammered Pendant 1.25 Fish Hook Earring Length: 17-inch Weight: 1.5 ounces Item No. 6600 $39

I am the vine... are the branches

the vine PRODUCT SPOTLIGHT Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Tho who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.

A | THE V INE W / E A R R INGS SE T { IC ON C OL L E C TION } Silver Tone Rhinestone Accent 3-inch extender Lead and Nickel Compliant Mixed Metal Alloy 16-inch total length Weight: 1.7 ounces Item No. 6501 $45

– John 15:5 NLT The Vine reminds us to stay connected. Everything we do and everything we are - wives, moms, professionals, entrepreneurs, caregivers, and more - all of it is done with success when we remain connected to Him: The Vine. Stay connected. The Vine can help you to remember. 22



ambassador spotlights

Alycia Cardona, San Diego, CA Foundational Value: Compassion · Inspiration

Having made the choice to pursue a better life for herself and her furbaby pit bull, Bluebelle, Alycia made the fearless and faithful choice to pick up and move from one corner of the USA to the other. Selling everything and packing up a trailer, she drove herself across the country to start fresh in a place where she knew no one. Moving was the start of a new Alycia. Exploring her spiritual gifts at a local retreat for women, she was able to identify spiritual gifts that she’d already been operating in for years, leading to a strong inclination towards missions, caring and providing for women and children in desolate areas of neighboring Tijuana, Mexico, and leading women to run their Sanctuary Girl businesses with the goal to impact lives. Her goal is to be a strong part of the start of a missions arm for Sanctuary Girl.

“Sanctuary Girl has helped me find my way back to God and allowed me to walk confidently in my purpose, while allowing me an avenue to help other woman do the same.”


Becky Thackston, Atlanta, GA Foundational Value: Courage · Encouragement Becky and her husband Billy gather courage daily to fight extraordinary health challenges in the form of cancer and the effects of strokes. At the time of this writing, the Thackstons were making their way through bone marrow transplant after-effects, including almost a month inhospital. The financial and physical toll it takes on the both of them is unimaginable. Through it all, Becky shows the greatest levels of courage, continuing to live a life of service not just to her husband, but to those in her space. Through her business, she’s touched others with a Keys of Love program, allowing women to gift words of encouragement through their purchase and donating keys herself to women as she is prompted. Through her love for all things crafting, she serves others in total disregard to how she herself may need to be served. Becky lives a life of faith and perseverance that inspires us all.

“My dreams are simply to share the word and love that is built on the foundation of Sanctuary Girl with every heart I can touch.”

Nadia knows how important it is to leave a legacy for her children when it comes to being committed and passionate about her calling. Through her interactions with family, friends, and even her fellow Sanctuary Girl family, Nadia is popular for walking the talk and doing everything with a spirit of service and love. Nadia sets an amazing example for all of us and inspires us to stay committed and to persevere through all things. Showing up for trainings, for every post, and anything that has to do with the Sanctuary Girl Community, Nadia is always there with her whole heart and a smile that can be felt through her words of encouragement to others. She displays a willingness to learn every single day with commitment and grace.

Nadia Denkins, Warrenton, Nc

“My priority for my Sanctuary Girl business is to be successful, to prosper personally, and to become a blessing to other women by being their inspiration and helping them to become successful in their loves. I aim to be the leader that I’ve always desired.”

Foundational Value: inspiration · Passion


Liz is someone who is always sharing ideas, answering questions, asking God to give her wisdom and navigating any challenge with a smile on her face. From day one, Liz has been one to jump right in and be present in her business. She stays informed at all times and makes it a priority to stay informed. In our flexible start-up company this is crucial to success and she is a shining example. She has also shared ideas non-stop! She embodies the culture of Village Leadership that we want to have at Sanctuary Girl. She has shared ideas for her business, ways to implement news to customers, and basic business tips on our websites. Anytime there is something new to learn she is excited to learn. It may a bit scary or new, but she does not let that stop her. She listens to the training, does what is asked, and reports back to inspire others.

Liz Coffel, Michigan Foundational Value: Discipline · Generosity

Liz radiates Sanctuary Girl. She encourages, emboldens, and equips others to feel like they can conquer the world! She is a blessing to everyone she comes in contact with.

“My desire is that through my Sanctuary Girl ministry that lives and souls will be transformed and inspired; everything else beyond this I know He will provide as He sees fit!”

Robin Wooten, Michigan Foundational Value: Discipleship · Encouragement Robin is a breath of fresh air and a ray of sunshine on the cloudiest of days. Robin is a natural leader. I remember the first time I interacted with Robin directly during “Structured Enrollment;” Her Regional Leader was unavailable during their scheduled day and she stepped up to help work with her team to get them enrolled and ensure everyone was kept informed. Robin was the first to send an encouraging note during the shipping challenges we faced and was so graceful in stating, “My order can wait.” She can always be counted on for positive and encouraging commentary on the Founding Ambassadors page. Robin is not only a source of encouragement but she is a powerhouse in her business with 7 directly partnered Ambassadors on her team. Your light shines so bright. We see you Robin! Way to go! You are an inspiration to us all!

What matters most to me is that God allows me to use Sanctuary Girl to make an impact on those I touch by sharing his word; use SG to encourage and help women be their best and have fun doing it!


Lauren has quite the story because she is quite the woman. Walking through a years-long family health experience with her son Darren, who has been fighting brain cancer, Lauren has a faith story that is absolutely incredible. The amazing twist to this story is that while managing to help lead her family through this season, her positivity and faith never seems to wane. Lauren has channeled her energies into helping other families with children with cancer through her organization Happy Crates, which sends boxes of goodies to the kids, and by publicly sharing her son’s story as a means of encouragement. Lauren is the epitome of what the Sanctuary Girl heart is for others: grace, light, love, and support for others. Despite her own circumstances, she looks for opportunities to make others smile and to lead them to success. We honor Lauren and her family today for their amazing show of faith.

“I want women to know WHO they are, and WHOSE they are so that they can stand tall on a firm foundation no matter if they’re just headed into the storm, in the midst of it, or it’s already passed.”

Lauren Leonard, Maryland Foundational Value: Faith · Love

Iuvina Basile, North Carolina Foundational Value: Courage · Inspiration From overcoming addiction and homelessness, to prison ministry and ministry to young women recovering from abuse, Iuvina is a huge inspiration to the Sanctuary Girl family. She understands the mission and walks it out in such a way that it inspires other women to press through their circumstances to change their lives. Extremely public with her testimony of faith, salvation, and restoration, her love for God’s ability to make all things new brings a story of redemption to light. Sanctuary Girl has become the perfect forum for women like Iuvina to share their testimonies with others, encouraging them beyond what most would consider to be indomitable circumstances.

“My hope for my SG business is that it will pave the way for women from all walks of life to realize how special and powerful they are due to the fact of who and whose they are.”



I’m the Artist. My wife is the Author. But I’ve got things to say so here goes!

There isn’t a soul reading this article right now who doesn’t have a hope, a dream, a plan, a vision, or something in mind that they want for themselves and for those they love. Some of these things may seem out of reach, but many of them may actually be attainable. I know I have many for me and my family that I just haven’t gotten to working out.

Without that nudge off the cliff, I would’ve missed that blessing. Without the nudge off the cliff that prompted us to move two cities over into a home we never thought we’d own, I would’ve missed the blessing of being connected to people who would usher us into His newest purpose for our family.

But here is a question for you and for me:

Without the nudge off the cliff to try Direct Sales for the first time, my wife would have never learned what she needed to learn about this industry to start Sanctuary Girl.

What are we waiting for?

And without the nudge off the cliff to support my wife, we would not be here today. Every push, every nudge, every prompt was in the direction of our all-of-a-sudden.

What is holding us back? Or the more sobering question: Are we holding ourselves back? What’s in our way? Not having the details? We may not have all of them at once. (Trust me, I know.)

And no: We don’t have all the details. (Still don’t.) We don’t have tons of money. (Still don’t.) We can’t believe we are actually doing this. Everyone doesn’t believe in us. (Oh the stories we could tell.) And we absolutely don’t feel ready.

Not having enough money? They’ll never be enough cash. (Trust me, I know that too.) Not believing we can actually do it? If we never try, we’ll never know. Not having someone ELSE believe we can actually do it? Does that really matter in the grand scheme?

But we know two things: We’ve got God. And we’ve got each other.

Not feeling ready? Maybe next month? Year? When will you know you’re ready? You won’t. You won’t fly if you never take the leap of faith. I saw an illustration of Jesus Christ kneeling with a large teddy bear behind His back trying to exchange the surprise for a small broken one being held by a little girl. He’s literally asking her to surrender what she thinks is so good for what He has that is so much better. He’s asking her to trust that He has something much bigger for her if she would just believe. She refuses to let go and thus holds it tightly, unaware that what she could get is so much better. If only she would trust.

I’m so proud of Sabrina. Seeing her grow into this role and into her purpose. She used to be so shy and reserved and not very confident at all. Most who know her now wouldn’t believe it! Now look at her. God is faithful! Having fear, uncertainty, and self-doubt is a choice. You can choose to have these, or you can choose to remove them from your mentality. My Pastor said just today: “You can choose to believe the lies of the enemy, people around you, or even your mind. Or you can choose to believe what God says about you.” Fear is poison. Don’t succumb to it.

There’s a bigger and better waiting for all of us. I know it to be true because it happened to me. Years ago I held on to what I thought was an amazing job opportunity, fighting the urge to start my own company. My secure, 9 to 5 job was my small teddy, but the company He had for me to start on my own was my all-of-a-sudden blessing. But I was scared. I felt safe with what I had. His promise made me nervous because I just wasn’t sure.

So prove yourself wrong! Treat every second like it’s an investment... because it is! We don’t know that we’ll have time to experience these blessings later. It’s your time.

There’s something about our Father that causes Him to love us too much to let us live life scared and miss our all-of-a-sudden blessings. When my company moved “out of the blue” and I was laid off, His nudge sent me off the cliff and I took my leap of faith.

Don’t worry about not being ready. God will ALWAYS equip you to succeed in works for His Kingdom. All He asks is that you be willing.

Amalgamated Pixels, Atlanta’s newest graphic design firm was born. And it has been the biggest blessing for my family ever since.

Your all-of-a-sudden blessings could be dependent upon it.

Final thought: If you are reading this, you have been called. God has a purpose and a plan over your life and He is asking you to walk it out. The most important thing is how will you respond?

Be willing. Be fearless. Be obedient.




The use of essential oils are not just on trend, but they are necessary. From peace blends to balance blends, healing blends and focus


blends, essential oils can be a life-changer. Using our exclusive Sanctuary Girl Diffuser Pendant keeps these life-giving scents where they matter most, right next to you.

A | SA NC TU A RY GIR L DIFFU SE R P E NDA NT (SILV E R ) Item No. 1110 $25 B | SA NC TU A RY GIR L DIFFU SE R P E NDA NT (R OSE GOL D) Item No. 1111 $25


The Anointed Ones gives women the opportunity to keep their anointing oil on deck for immediate need. Blessing a home, a sick patient, a child, or even yourself is simply a


matter of reaching up.

C | T H E AN OIN TE D O NE S P E N D AN T: T UR Q U O ISE Item No. 8201 $20

D | T HE A NO INT ED ONES PENDA NT: P INK Item No. 8200 $20






E | N O W EA PO N S HIE L D NEC KLA C E 24-inch heavy link chain Stainless Steel Lead and Nickel Compliant Weight: .8 ounces Item No: 3010 $29

F | ST RO NG & C O U RA GEO U S C U F F SIZE S/M 22-cm Cow Leather Band Item No: 14014 $29

G | A R M OR E D U P C U FF SIZ E S/ M 22-cm Cow Leather Band Item No: 14013 $29

H | M A N OF GOD C U FF SIZ E S/ M 22-cm Cow Leather Band Item No: 14011 $29

SIZE L/XL 29-cm Cow Leather Band Item No: 14017 $29

SIZ E L / X L 29-cm Cow Leather Band Item No: 14016 $29

SIZ E L / X L 29-cm Cow Leather Band Item No: 14015 $29




A | M Y STORY ISN’T OV E R NE C K L A C E (L ARG E) Zinc Alloy 1.5-Inch Pendant (with Sanctuary Girl Charm) 18-inch Link Chain w/ Extender Lead and Nickel Compliant Weight: .4 ounces Item No. 8220 $20

meet the inspired fashion collection

MY STORY ISN’T OVER YET Inspiration and affirmation for everyone, regardless of faith or belief. Sometimes you just need to encourage yourself.



my story isn’


“A semicolon is used when an author could’ve chosen to end their sentence, but chose not to. The author is you and the sentence is your life.” - Amy Bleuel · The Founder of Project Semicolon a written perspective from

Victoria Hayes

daughter of the founders

What the semicolon represents is different for everyone. Depression is more than just a sad feeling every now and then. It’s an attacker that has taken and continues to take life every day, and is something I’ve struggled with for a very long time. Sometimes it’s hard when people tell you how “easy” the fixes are. It alienates you, it makes you feel like maybe perhaps you ARE unfixable, because you can’t just “think happy” or “change your lifestyle” like everyone else. When I first heard of the semicolon movement, I was skeptical of another romanticization trend. However, I’ve come to find that it has created a community of people who feel the same way I do. In many ways, this tattoo has inspired me, made me smile, and even gave me opportunities to share with people how serious depression can actually get. Suicidal thoughts are no stranger to me. Though a serious attempt was never made, there have been many points in life where it legitimately seemed like a more ideal option. When I got this tattoo, I was getting more than just a tattoo. I was getting a permanent reminder that my life, my sentence, is not over yet. I was getting a permanent reminder that there are people out there who feel the same as I do, and are fighting just as hard. I was giving myself a symbol of hope for a future that I originally did not long for. A simple symbol of continuation, on a body that didn’t want to continue. My sentence is important. So is yours. I believe a lot of people need to hear this, and it’s through this symbol that I can communicate it.



’t over yet

A | MY STORY IS N ’T OVER NEC KLA C E (LA RGE) Zinc Alloy 1.5-Inch Pendant (with Sanctuary Girl Charm) 18-inch Link Chain w/ Extender Lead and Nickel Compliant Weight: .4 ounces Item No. 8220 $20

B | M Y S TORY IS N ’T OVER NEC KLA C E (SMA LL) Zinc Alloy .75-Inch Pendant 18-inch Link Chain w/ Extender Lead and Nickel Compliant Weight: .2 ounces Item No. 8204 $15





fillers 38








A | AQUA FILLE R SIZE: S/M (19-cm) Item No. 15013 $18

BR ACELET SIZE: L/XL (22-cm) Item No. 15014 $18

B | BR OWN FILLE R BR A C ELET SIZE: S/M (19-cm) SIZE: L/XL Item No. 15017 Item No. 15018 $18 $18

C | PINK F ILLER SIZE: S/M (19-cm) Item No. 15015 $18

BRA C EL E T SIZE: L/XL (22-cm) Item No. 15016 $18

D | MU LT ILAYER BEA DS: EA RT HY T O NES Item No. 5703 $18


E | M U LTIL AYE R B E A DS: B L U E TONE S Item No. 5706 $18 F | M U LTIL AYE R B E A DS: B L A C K TONE S Item No. 5704 $18

G | M U LTIL AYE R B E A DS: GR AY TONE S Item No. 5705 $18












the keys A | C O NQ U ERO R KEY Item No: 1211 $20

C | SET A PART K E Y Item No. 1217 $20

E | HIS B E L OV E D K E Y Item No: 1213 $20

G | U NB OTHE R E D K E Y Item No. 1219 $20

I | FAV OR E D K EY Item No: 1212 $20

B | PO WERF U L KEY Item No: 1214 $20

D | U NA F RA ID K E Y Item No. 1218 $20

F | P U R P OSE D K E Y Item No: 1215 $20

H | SA NC TU A RY GIR L KEY Item No: 1216 $20

J | V IC TOR IO US KEY Item No. 1220 $20


A | I AM WORTH Y Item No: 2006 $22 B | I AM E N OUG H Item No: 2007 $22 C | I AM CHOSE N Item No: 2004 $22 D | I AM HIS Item No: 2001 $22 E | I AM FE AR LE SS Item No: 2003 $22 F | I AM LOVE D Item No: 2002 $22 G | I AM BLE SS E D Item No: 2005 $22









i am collection THE I AM STACKABLE BRACELET COLLECTION When you don’t feel beautiful, when you don’t feel loved, or when you don’t feel like you’re enough...Remind yourself that you are ALL the things; because you are His. Welcome to the I Am Collection. Find yourself and declare yourself boldly here.


I AM PENDANTS COLLECTION A | I AM HIS Item No: 2101 $18 B | I AM E N OUGH Item No: 2105 $18 C | I AM WORTHY Item No: 2103 $18 D | I AM LOVE D Item No: 2102 $18 E | I AM BLE SS E D Item No: 2106 $18 _________________________

(N OT P ICTUR E D ): I AM FE AR LE SS Item No: 2106 $18


I AM CH OSE N Item No: 2106 $18





i am all of the above 44


A | LET GO C HA RM N E CKLA C E Stainless Steel Item No: 1107 $20 B | ANT IQ U E DO ME KEY (S ILVER) Item No: 1104 $18

THE DANDELION COLLECTION The dandelion seed is judged to be light and airy, floating around, with no apparent ability to do anything but look wispy and pretty. But oh when she lands and is planted... She changes the entire landscape of her environment, and it takes a force to uproot her. Sort of like us girls. We may seem light and airy and cute and underestimated in our ability to make an impact... ...but oh when we land. B

The dandelion reminds us that we can be beautiful and wispy and light, but don’t underestimate our abilities, our ideas, and our power as women to change the landscape of the world around us. 45

It’s who we are.

meet th


e fa mily the inspired home collection


inspiration starts at home...






A | L OV E IS... P IL L OW C OV E R Item No. 7776 $12



B | I A M ... P IL L OW C OV E R Item No. 7777 $12 C | B R AV E FE A R L ES S B OL D STR ONG P IL L OW C OV E R Item No. 7775 $12 D | I W IL L NOT B E DE FE ATE D P IL L OW C OV E R Item No. 7773 $12


E | NO FE A R P IL L OW C OV E R Item No. 7774 $12 F | SA NC TU A RY GI RL P IL L OW C OV E R Item No. 7771 $12 G | IT IS W E L L P IL L OW C OV E R Item No. 7772 $12




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2 ½ inch Metal Alloy Plated Rose Gold Flex Wire Surround 2-inch Metal Alloy Engraved Bar Lead and Nickel Compliant Weight: .3 ounces

Be Still & Know Wire Bangle Item No. 4200 | $22

THE ICON COLLECTION The Vine w/Earrings Set

Silver Tone w/ Rhinestone Accent 16-inch length 3-inch Extender Nickel and Lead Compliant Weight: 2.5 ounches Item No. 6501 $45

The Hammered Cross

Burnished Silver Tone 3-inch Extender Lead and Nickel Compliant Multi bead/layered Cross Pendant Necklace Set 2.5-inch Hammered Pendant 1.25 Fish Hook Earring Length: 17-inch Weight: 1.5 ounces Item No. 6600 $39

God is for Me Wire Bangle Item No. 4201 | $22

God is Within Me Wire Bangle Item No. 4202 | $22

The Stone Cross: Black

I Am His Wire Bangle Item No. 4204 | $22

Natural Stone w/Zinc Alloy Chain 30-inch length Agate Stone Lead and Nickel Compliant Weight: 2 ounces Item No: 13502 $39

I Am Sanctuary Girl Wire Bangle Item No. 4205 | $22

The Stone Cross: Slate

I Can Do All Things Wire Bangle Item No. 4206 | $22

Natural Stone w/Zinc Alloy Chain 30-inch length Agate Stone Lead and Nickel Compliant Weight: 2 ounces Item No: 13501 $39

No Weapon Wire Bangle Item No. 4207 | $22

The Stone Cross: Turquoise Natural Stone 30-inch length Agate Stone Lead and Nickel Compliant Weight: 2 ounces Item No: 13503 $39

Fearfully & Wonderfully Heart & Charm Stainless Steel w/ Rose Gold Plating 2.75 Inch Pendant w/ Sanctuary Girl Icon Charm 24-inch Chain Lead and Nickel Compliant Weight: .9 ounces Item No. 8202 $25

Sanctuary Girl Diffuser Pendant (SILVER)

Rubies Lightweight Locket (ROSE GOLD) (SILVER) Zinc Alloy w/ Silver Plating 20- inch link chain 1 Locket Charm 1 Ruby Charm 1 Hand-mirror Charm Lead and Nickel Compliant Weight: .7 ounces Item No. 8220 $15

Zinc Alloy w/ Rose Gold Plating 20- inch link chain 1 Locket Charm 1 Ruby Charm 1 Hand-mirror Charm Lead and Nickel Compliant Weight: .7 ounces Item No. 8221 $15


24-inch chain 1.5-inch charm Stainless Steel Silver Plated Lead and Nickel Compliant Weight: .3 ounces Item No: 1110 $25

Sanctuary Girl Diffuser Pendant (ROSE GOLD) 24-inch chain 1.5-inch charm Stainless Steel Rose Gold Plated Lead and Nickel Compliant Weight: .3 ounces Item No: 1111 $25

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Unafraid Key

24-inch chain 2-inch key (with Sanctuary Girl Charm) Metallic Silver Metal Alloy Lead and Nickel Compliant Weight: .6 ounces Item No: 1211 $20

24-inch chain 2-inch key (with Sanctuary Girl Charm) Antique Bronze Metal Alloy Lead and Nickel Compliant Weight: .6 ounces Item No: 1218 $20

Favored Key

24-inch chain 2-inch key (with Sanctuary Girl Charm) Antique Silver Metal Alloy Lead and Nickel Compliant Weight: .6 ounces Item No: 1212 $20

Unbothered Key

24-inch chain 2-inch key (with Sanctuary Girl Charm) Antique Gold Metal Alloy Lead and Nickel Compliant Weight: .6 ounces Item No: 1219 $18

His Beloved Key

24-inch chain 2-inch key (with Sanctuary Girl Charm) Antique Red Copper Metal Alloy Lead and Nickel Compliant Weight: .6 ounces Item No: 1213 $20

Victorious Key

24-inch chain 2-inch key (with Sanctuary Girl Charm) Antique Gold Metal Alloy Lead and Nickel Compliant Weight: .6 ounces Item No: 1220 $20

Powerful Key

24-inch chain 2-inch key (with Sanctuary Girl Charm) Antique Gold Metal Alloy Lead and Nickel Compliant Weight: .6 ounces Item No: 1214 $20


Purposed Key

Antique Dome Key (SILVER)

24-inch chain 2-inch key (with Sanctuary Girl Charm) Antique Silver Metal Alloy Lead and Nickel Compliant Weight: .6 ounces Item No: 1215 $20

24-inch chain 3-inch pendant (with Sanctuary Girl Charm) Silver Metal Alloy Lead and Nickel Compliant Weight: .5 ounces Item No: 1104 $18

Sanctuary Girl Key

24-inch chain 2-inch key (with Sanctuary Girl Charm) Antique Red Copper Metal Alloy Lead and Nickel Compliant Weight: .6 ounces Item No: 1216 $20

Antique Dome Key (ANTIQUE BRONZE) 24-inch chain 3-inch pendant Antique Bronze Metal Alloy Lead and Nickel Compliant Weight: .5 ounces Item No: 1102 $18

Set Apart Key

24-inch chain 2-inch key (with Sanctuary Girl Charm) Antique Silver Metal Alloy Lead and Nickel Compliant Weight: .6 ounces Item No: 1217 $20

Let Go Charm Necklace 18-inch chain with extender 1.5 inch diameter charm Stainless Steel Lead and Nickel Compliant Weight: .2 ounces Item No: 1107 $20


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No Weapon Shield Necklace

My Story Isn’t Over Necklace (LARGE)

Armored Up Cuff SIZE: S/M


My Story Isn’t Over Necklace (SMALL)

Man of God Cuff SIZE: S/M


Zinc Alloy 1.5-Inch Pendant (with Sanctuary Girl Charm) 18-inch Link Chain w/ Extender Lead and Nickel Compliant Weight: .4 ounces Item No. 8220 $20

24-inch chain Stainless Steel Lead and Nickel Compliant Weight: .8 ounces Item No: 3010 $29

22-cm Cow Leather Band Zinc Alloy Medallion Lead & Nickel Compliant Weight: 2 ounces Item No: 14013 $29

22-cm Cow Leather Band Zinc Alloy Medallion Lead & Nickel Compliant Weight: 2 ounces Item No: 14011 $29

29-cm Cow Leather Band Zinc Alloy Medallion Lead & Nickel Compliant Weight: 2 ounces Item No: 14017 $29

The Anointed Ones Pendant: Pink

29-cm Cow Leather Band Zinc Alloy Medallion Lead & Nickel Compliant Weight: 2 ounces Item No: 14015 $29

29-cm Cow Leather Band Zinc Alloy Medallion Lead & Nickel Compliant Weight: 2 ounces Item No: 14017 $29


Linen Construction w/Zipper Weight: 2 ounces Item No. 15110 (Small) 15111 (Medium) 15112 (Large) Small: $6 Medium: 10 Large: $12

Watch Her Pouch

Linen Construction w/Zipper Weight: 2 ounces Item No. 15104 (Small) 15105 (Medium) 15106 (Large) Small: $6 Medium: 10 Large: $12

God Within Her Pouch

Linen Construction w/Zipper Weight: 2 ounces Item No. 15101 (Small) 15102 (Medium) 15103 (Large) Small: $6 Medium: 10 Large: $12

Strength and Dignity Pouch

Linen Construction w/Zipper Weight: 2 ounces Item No. 15107 (Small) 15108 (Medium) 15109 (Large) Small: $6 Medium: 10 Large: $12


Metal Alloy w/ Platinum Plating 1-inch Pendant w/ Decorative Overlay 24-inch Beaded Chain Lead and Nickel Compliant Weight: .3 ounces Item No. 8200 $20

The Anointed Ones Pendant: Turquoise

Strong and Courageous Cuff SIZE: L/XL SIZE: S/M 22-cm Cow Leather Band Zinc Alloy Medallion Lead & Nickel Compliant Weight: 2 ounces Item No: 14014 $29

Zinc Alloy .75-Inch Pendant 18-inch Link Chain w/ Extender Lead and Nickel Compliant Weight: .2 ounces Item No. 8204 $15

Metal Alloy w/ Platinum Plating 1-inch Pendant w/ Decorative Overlay 24-inch Beaded Chain Lead and Nickel Compliant Weight: .3 ounces Item No. 8201 $20

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9.5-inch wristlet Stainless Steel Bar Leather Wristlet Lead and Nickel Compliant Weight: .3 ounces I Am His Wristlet Item No. 2001 | $22

I Am Blessed Wristlet Item No. 2005 | $22

I Am Loved Wristlet Item No. 2002 | $22

I Am Worthy Wristlet Item No. 2006 | $22

I Am Fearless Wristlet Item No. 2003 | $22

I Am Enough Wristlet Item No. 2007 | $22

Aqua Filler Bracelet SIZE: S/M


Brown Filler Bracelet SIZE: S/M


Pink Filler Bracelet SIZE: S/M


Black Filler Bracelet SIZE: S/M


19-cm Leather Bands Zinc Alloy Accessories Lead & Nickel Compliant Weight: 2 ounces Item No: 15013 $18

19-cm Leather Bands Zinc Alloy Accessories Lead & Nickel Compliant Weight: 2 ounces Item No: 15017 $18

I Am Chosen Wristlet Item No. 2004 | $22

SCRIPTURE TABLETS Jabez Scripture Tablet Stainless Steel 24-inch Chain 2-inch Rectangular Pendant Lead and Nickel Compliant Weight: .5 ounces Item No: 8210 $25

19-cm Leather Bands Zinc Alloy Accessories Lead & Nickel Compliant Weight: 2 ounces Item No: 15015 $18

Isaiah 61:1 Scripture Tablet Stainless Steel 24-inch Chain 2-inch Rectangular Pendant Lead and Nickel Compliant Weight: .5 ounces Item No: 8232 $25

19-cm Leather Bands Zinc Alloy Accessories Lead & Nickel Compliant Weight: 2 ounces Item No: 15015 $18

22-cm Leather Bands Zinc Alloy Accessories Lead & Nickel Compliant Weight: 2 ounces Item No: 15014 $18

22-cm Leather Bands Zinc Alloy Accessories Lead & Nickel Compliant Weight: 2 ounces Item No: 15018 $18

22-cm Leather Bands Zinc Alloy Accessories Lead & Nickel Compliant Weight: 2 ounces Item No: 15016 $18

22-cm Leather Bands Zinc Alloy Accessories Lead & Nickel Compliant Weight: 2 ounces Item No: 15016 $18

Isaiah 54:17 Scripture Tablet Stainless Steel 24-inch Chain 2-inch Rectangular Pendant Lead and Nickel Compliant Weight: .5 ounces Item No: 8233 $25

Multilayer Beads Filler Bracelets: Earthy Tones Stretch Wood & Metal Alloy Beads 4-Set Bracelet Combo 3 charms Lead and Nickel Compliant Weight: 1.7 ounces Item No. 5703 $18

Jeremiah 29:11 Scripture Tablet Stainless Steel 24-inch Chain 2-inch Rectangular Pendant Lead and Nickel Compliant Weight: .5 ounces Item No: 8234 $25

Multilayer Beads Filler Bracelets: Black Tones Stretch Wood & Metal Alloy Beads 4-Set Bracelet Combo 3 charms Lead and Nickel Compliant Weight: 1.7 ounces Item No. 5704 $18

Philippians 4:13 Scripture Tablet Stainless Steel 24-inch Chain 2-inch Rectangular Pendant Lead and Nickel Compliant Weight: .5 ounces Item No: 8235 $25

Multilayer Beads Filler Bracelets: Gray Tones Stretch Wood & Metal Alloy Beads 4-Set Bracelet Combo 3 charms Lead and Nickel Compliant Weight: 1.7 ounces Item No. 5705 $18

Multilayer Beads Filler Bracelets: Blue Tones Stretch Wood & Metal Alloy Beads 4-Set Bracelet Combo 3 charms Lead and Nickel Compliant Weight: 1.7 ounces Item No. 5706 $18


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Love Is...

Metal Alloy w/ Stainless Steel Plating 1 ½ -inch Charm 18-inch Chain w/ Extender Lead and Nickel Compliant Weight: .6 ounces SKU: AB-IF-IAMN02 Item No. 2101 $18

18-inch Pillow Cover Linen/Burlap Blend Weight: 1.7 ounces Item No. 7776 $12

I Am...


18-inch Pillow Cover Cotton/Velvet Blend Weight: 1.7 ounces Item No. 7777 $12

Metal Alloy w/ Stainless Steel Plating 1 ½ -inch Charm 18-inch Chain w/ Extender Lead and Nickel Compliant Weight: .6 ounces SKU: AB-IF-IAMN03 Item No. 2102 $18

Brave Fearless Bold Strong 18-inch Pillow Cover Cotton/Velvet Blend Weight: 1.7 ounces Item No. 7775 $12

I AM WORTHY NECKLACE Metal Alloy w/ Stainless Steel Plating 1 ½ -inch Charm 18-inch Chain w/ Extender Lead and Nickel Compliant Weight: .6 ounces SKU: AB-IF-IAMN04 Item No. 2103 $18

I Will Not Be Defeated 18-inch Pillow Cover Linen/Burlap Blend Weight: 1.7 ounces Item No. 7773 $12

I AM FEARLESS NECKLACE Metal Alloy w/ Stainless Steel Plating 1 ½ -inch Charm 18-inch Chain w/ Extender Lead and Nickel Compliant Weight: .6 ounces SKU: AB-IF-IAMN05 Item No. 2104 $18

No Fear

18-inch Pillow Cover Cotton/Velvet Blend Weight: 1.7 ounces Item No. 7774 $12

I AM ENOUGH NECKLACE Metal Alloy w/ Stainless Steel Plating 1 ½ -inch Charm 18-inch Chain w/ Extender Lead and Nickel Compliant Weight: .6 ounces SKU: AB-IF-IAMN06 Item No. 2105 $18

Sanctuary Girl

18-inch Pillow Cover Linen/Burlap Blend Weight: 1.7 ounces Item No. 7771 $12

I AM BLESSED NECKLACE Metal Alloy w/ Stainless Steel Plating 1 ½ -inch Charm 18-inch Chain w/ Extender Lead and Nickel Compliant Weight: .6 ounces SKU: AB-IF-IAMN07 Item No. 2106 $18

It Is Well

18-inch Pillow Cover Cotton/Velvet Blend Weight: 1.7 ounces Item No. 7772 $12

I AM CHOSEN NECKLACE Metal Alloy w/ Stainless Steel Plating 1 ½ -inch Charm 18-inch Chain w/ Extender Lead and Nickel Compliant Weight: .6 ounces SKU: AB-IF-IAMN08 Item No. 2107 $18


THE SANCTUARY GIRL CREED The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is upon us, for the Lord has anointed us to bring good news to the poor. He has sent us to comfort the brokenhearted and to proclaim that captives will be released and the prisoners freed. He has sent us to tell those who mourn that the time of the Lord’s favor has come, and with it, the day of the Lord’s anger against His enemies. In our righteousness, we will be like great oaks planted for His own glory. We will rebuild ancient ruins, repairing cities destroyed long ago. We will revive them, though they have been deserted for many generations. We will be called priests of the Lord, Ministers of our God. We will feed on the treasures of the nations and boast in their riches. Instead of shame and dishonor, we will enjoy a double share of honor. We will possess a double portion of prosperity in our land, and everlasting joy will be ours. Our descendants will be recognized and honored among the nations. Everyone will realize that we are a people the Lord has blessed.

Isaiah 61


Thank you, Lord, for giving us just a moment in time. We dedicate this catalog season to you, Claudele. Rest in Heaven. From your Sanctuary Girl Family

Claudele Cesar-Wood February 1, 1969 - March 31, 2019

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