WIRE | HOs' Special

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SPECIAL ISSUE 20/4/2014 | Europe

THE HOS issue 3 | WIRE | 1


by Triin Kaup (EE) & Štěpán Kment (CZ)

It has been almost a month since we all travelled towards Strakonice, but one group of people were already planning the session months before. The organising team was lead by two fierce young women, who managed to create an incredible session, which all the delegates and officials will remember for a long time. We picked their brains about organising and how the session came together, so take a look what kind of wise words our wonderful Head-Organisers have to share. Why did you decide to head-organise the National Selection Conference? Lenka: We were also thinking about applying for Czech Forum. Applying for this session was more for practical reasons since Kate is graduating. Kate: We had this idea for a very long time. First we had the thought separately to organise a session in Strakonice, and at one point we talked to each other and realised “Oh, you also want to organise a session in Strakonice!” What are the pluses and minuses of being a Head-Organiser? Kate: It is very demanding, exhausting, and it also changes you as a person. It takes a lot of time, sometimes not only your free time.

city and we know a lot of people in here, and therefore a lot of people know us. Throughout the years, you build a certain reputation. It is definitely an advantage to host a session in your city. We have noticed that you do not have any time, so on a daily basis – how many hugs to you receive per day? Kate: Actually a lot, and you cannot imagine how much a hug can help – we really appreciate that. Lenka: That would actually be a good idea to have a special organiser for hug support. Imagine a scenario where the Head-Organiser of an International Session comes up to you and asks “Pick a city you would like the session to be held and it cannot be a Czech city”, how would you answer?

Lenka: On the other hand, the positive side for me is definitely personal development – by doing things that are demanding and challenging, a person learns from it, either it is good or a bad experience. Head-organising gives you many experiences you have never had before, for example I recently had my first press conference, and I thought it would take years to have your own press conference, but EYP and head-organising brought me to this in present day. Regarding the thing that was most demanding about being a head organiser, it would definitely be time management.

Kate: I would say Barcelona, but the upcoming International Session is already there, so I would say London. It is a wonderful city, not only because I am moving there, but it is a city full of old architecture and modern lifestyle.

Kate: I agree. And with time management you have to realise, that it is not only communicating with each other, you have to organise all the organisers, give them tasks and communicate with them – that is really time-consuming.

If you could not be a Head-Organiser or Organiser at this session, which other position you would choose?

You did a great job at choosing the venues. How did you manage to book an entire club just for us on weekend days like Friday and Saturday? Kate: I talked to the owner of the club. Fridays were not a problem, since it was not open on that day, but if you look around the city, you see posters saying that on Saturday it is closed. It is a bit about connections as well, since it is our 2 | WIRE | HO Special

Lenka: It is really hard to pick one city, since I love so many of them. Recently I visited Krakow, so I guess I would pick that one. Kate: As we mentioned in our speech as well, I am always going west, and Lenka is going east.

Kate: I would definitely be a Chairperson, I find the position very challenging and it is different each time. I really like the group psychology aspect of chairing. Lenka: I would like to try Jury, I have had the Organiser, Chairperson and Media Team experience, so Jury is completely blurred to me. It would be interesting to observe how people act and develop in a committee.

HO Special | WIRE | 3

The 16th National Selection Conference Strakonice is organised under the auspices of Mgr. Jiří Zimola, the Regional Council President of the South Bohemian Region and in cooperation with the Town of Strakonice and the Cultural Centre of Strakonice.



Projekt je podpořen Zdravým městem Strakonice na základě rozhodnutí občanů na VII. Fóru zdravého města

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