The ‘me’ I want others to see Klara Valkova
The concept of the collection „INSTABILITIES: The ‚me‘ I want others to see“ is based on my experience coming from the surroundings I grew up in. The life Czech people (especially women) are living nowadays seems to pursue very predetermined goals to study, to get married, to have children, to have one stable job. I look the ways this fact might reflect in fashion. I have become aware of the clash between clothes as fixed stable objects with familiar shapes and meanings, and the fast changing faces of fashion in the world at large.
I studied clothes to the point where I stopped judging people by what they are wearing. For example to meet someone wearing punk style on the street actually does not necessarily mean that person has embraced the punker’s lifestyle. I want to provide my woman with clothes that offer freedom of expression. She decides how to wear them. She sets the limits. She loves to explore herself. Modern.Powerful.Elegant.
The collection presents 8 different looks. It is about new shapes, variable clothes, non-stability. The patterns are reduced to abstract shapes, basically a piece of fabric that can be folded in any way one likes. Clips are used as construction features. It gives the collection its sense of passing time and instability. The choice of strong primary colours in blocks is a reference to the way we very often think - about our lives, other people, clothes… In closed „boxes“ of imagination and prejudices with certainly predetermined meanings.
look book
Look no. 1, front
Look no. 1, back
Look no. 2, front
Look no. 2, back
Look no. 3, front
Look no. 3, back
Look no. 4, front
Look no. 4, back
Look no. 5, front
Look no. 5, back
Look no. 6, front
Look no. 6, back
Look no. 7, front
Look no. 7, back
Look no. 8, front
Look no. 8, back
Special thanks to: ELISKYS photography HANA ČIHÁNKOVÁ MUH artist LUAL Lunga s.r.o. METRANS a.s. KOVAR a.s. Klára Válková e-mail: mob.: +420 731 872 578 © Czech republic, 2015