Klaserie Chronicle 02-2005

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Klaserie Chronicle aserieKroniek

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Park Times, Desernber I ,

Twenty-four words written by who attended a three-day ecotraining session in mid-November last year, neatly sums up what Klaserie Private Nature Reserve, in partnership with Southern Cross School's Reach-a-Cross programme, aim to achieve. Continued on Page Two




(van Makumu) gebid. Dit s o m presies o p wat die Klaserie-privaatnatuurreservaat, in samewerking met I Southern C r o s s School's Reach-a-Cross, wil bereik. ; 1 ?1 Reuben w a s e e n van van j ses persone wat gedurende . middel-November verlede A bird in the hand is worth ... ECO-trainer~ h a n u ejaar ~ 'n d r i e - d a a g s e ekoMdhluli (Buffalo Lodge) holds a magnificent example of an African opleidingsessie hier bygeWhite-Backed Vulture - die Witrugaasvoel - (Gyps africanus). Vervolg op Bladsy Twee ,.






'Do giraffe mourn death?' asks Rosemary Ruest -

It is a story to tug the heartstrings of Homo sapiens. It is a first-hand experience related here by Rosemary Ruest. "It was October 2003. Hyenas on an open stretch of land on Ghekube Farm had brought down and killed a young giraffe. During a game drive a couple of days later we came upon three adult giraffe in the vicinity. The one female was incredibly unsettled and paced to and fro, from time to time sniffing the ground. It seemed she sought something in particular. "Another female and a male giraffe fol-

lowed at a slight distance all the while watching every move of the first female girafTe. Sniffing the ground every so often the mother found what she was seeking, the spot

where the young one had been killed. "I speculate that this female giraffe could only have been the mother of the deceased baby giraffe. She started a mourning ritual by swaying her long neck over the area of the kill, walking away and then returning to the same spot to repeat the neck swaying. The other two giraffe stood quite still at adistance, watching, as if in sympathy. "After the third repetition of this ritual the mourning mum, followed by her two companions, ambled off into the bush. What a touching experience!" concludes Rosemary. [See page 2.1

"Listen. Or your tongue will make you deaf" Cherokee Indian

All things exist for a purpose

Agter alles is daar 'n doel Vervolg vanaf Bladsy Een woon het. Zani Kunz van Reach-a-Cross het as fasiliteerder opgetree by die Novernberopleidingsessiewatvoellewe in al sy fasette geteiken het. Die groep het ook ander belanghebbende feite bespreek, soos byvoorbeeld, bygelowe, asook seldsarne en bedreigde spesies. Groepsessies het kornrnunikasievaardighede van toepassing op kinders bekyk. Dit is gevolg deur besprekings oor die morele kwessies van die lewe, regverdigheid, ensorneer en hoe hierdie sake by die kinders se opleidingsprograrn ingepas kon word. Saterdagoggend was voelkundige en veldgids, Bruce Lawson (van Transfrontiers Walking Safaris) se beurt. Hy het die groep praktiese opleiding gegee. Die groep het 15 alledaagse voelspesies gekies en elke spesie is in diepte bespreek. Die klankvanvoelroepe is ook teruggespeel en gei'dentifiseer. "Agter alles is daar 'n doel," is Brian Jones van die Moholoholo Rehabilitasiesentrurn se filosofie. Hy het die groep in die rniddag by die Sentrurn oor roofvoels toegespreek. Zani Kunz hetopgernerk dat die tydjie by Brianen sy span "'n onvergeetlike ervaring" was. Die laaste dag van hierdie Novernbersessie is aan die opstel van die finale program vir die kinders gewei.

Continuedfrom Page One... The November training session homed in on bird life with Zani Kunz of Reach-a-Cross facilitating. The group discussed bird shapes, beaks, feet, colour, territories, migratory birds, calls, patterns, nesting plus may other interesting facts including superstitions, rare and endangered species and record holders. Group sessions worked on skills on how to communicate with children. This was followed by discussions on moral issues covering equity, accountability and belonging and how these should be fitted into the children's training programme. On the Saturday morning Bruce Lawson, bird expert and field guide with Transfrontiers Walking Safaris, took all course-goers in hand and during a birding excursion put theory into practice. The group selected 15 common birds and set about discussing them in depth. Birdcalls were played and identified. Special effort Everything and everybody have a place and purpose on earth, Brian Jones of Moholoholo Rehabilitation Centre emphasised in the afternoon session spent at the Centre. Here,the trainees gleaned valuable information on raptors. Zani Kunz notes that, "Brian and his team made a special effort to make it an unforgettable learning experience." On the last day of the November training session the programme for the children was developed. Now the team could face the task that lay ahead.

Klaserie backs Field Ranger development

Ah so, This is a giraffe! The giraffe is the biggest ruminant and the tallest mammal of them all. Very long neck with short, upstanding mane, high shoulders sloping steeply to hindquarters; long legs nearly equal in length. Male: weight 1 100 kg - 1 932 kg, shoulder height 2.7m - 3.3m, top of horns up to 5.5






Female: weight, 700kg - 1 182kg, shoulder height average 65 cm shorter than males. A giraffe's head tap e r s t o point; long, prehensile tongue. Horns: solid bone, skin covered; a main pair in both sexes but female's, thin and tufted while male's, th~ckand bald on top, up to 13.5 cm in length. A median horn and four or more smaller bumps in males. Tail, hocklength, with long tassel. Colour, brown to rich chestnut (old males darker, even black), dissected into intricate tapestry by patches and blotches of lighter hair, pattern unique in each giraffe. Scent glands: possible glands on eyelids, nose, lips; adult males have pungent smell. Note: The website, http://www.nature-wildlife.com/ girtxt.htm tells us that, "From 50 per cent to 75 per cent of [giraffe] calves fall prey to lions and spotted hyenas in the first months, despite hiding and the mother's deter mined defense. As adults are too big to be regular prey, a mother will stand over and defend her calf against lions, which run the risk of being kicked to death if they get within striking distance. Females never use their horns, males only use theirs-in-contests-with_ peers." Land _ _ ._ - -




Here's proof that Klaserie Nature Reserve - KNP - is not 'talkand-no-do' but 'DO'in capital letters. The KNP has agreed in principle to provide 12 learners from the rural area abutting the park, practical experience over a period of six months, reports Marie-Tinka Uys. Marie-Tinka is a Site (Greater Limpopo Transfrontier Conservation Area) Coordinator for the INTAC (Integrated Tourism and Conservation Development) project. Marie-Tinka says the learners are being trained to Level 2 as set out in the National Qualifications Framework for Nature Guardianship. Marie-Tinka explains what this means: "The National Qualifications Framework (NQF) makes provision for three bands of qualifications: Basic Education (Level l), Further Education (Levels 2-4); and Higher Education (levels 5-8). 'Nature Guardianshipis a basic Field Ranger qualification. Field Rangers do patrols (with weapons), h k for snares, deal with poachers, do wildlife monitoring and so forh "Mr Martin Mthembu of the African Field Rangers Training hstiMe has undergone this training and has, in turn, trained KNP Field Ranger staffers at headquarters. Mr Mthernbu is convinced that the training of the 12 learners will make a huge impact on their employability through providing them with an opportunity to implement newly acquired skills. 'The training programme was initiated by THETA (Tourism Hospitality Training Authority) and is funded by the National Skills Development Fund. "Having undergone this training the course-goer is trained to the standard of a Field Ranger in a ConservationArea. HeIShe can handle a gun, do wildlife monitoring (encompassingan understanding of the eco systern and reporting on sick wildlife, erosion sites, maintenance of the fences and the like). 'The INTAC project comes to an end this year. Other projects may well follow," reports Marie-Tinka.

"All things are connected. Whatever befalls the earth befalls the children of the earth," ... Chief Seattle

Getting it right! Nyani Tribal Dancers caused quite a stir at a Camp George bush braai with the celebration of ~~~~~i~~ birthday earlier year. l-he Shangaan group comprise 15 dancers, drummers and ~~~~~~~~j~

singers. The routine spans one to WOhours and comes at a reasonablefee payable at the time of the performance. For reservations or enquiries telephone Eckson on

083 512 4865.

Klaserie ondersteun veldwagter-ontwikkeling ~ i e by r die ~laserie-natuurreservaat(KNR) bly dinge nie net by praatjies mask nie, maar word daar tot AKSIE oorgegaan. As bewys hiervan het die KNR ingestem om 12 leerders vanuit die landelike gebied grensend aan die park raktiese opleiding oor 'n t ~ d ~ e rvan k ses maande te gee, p e r i g Marie-Tinka Uys.

Marie-Tinka is 'n ko-ordineerder van die GLTCA (Greater Limpopo Transpontier Conservation Area) vir INTAC-projek (INTAC, Integrated Tourism and Conservation Development). Sy berig dat die 12 leerders tot op Vlak 2 opgelei word soos uiteengesit in die Nasionale Kwalifikasie Raamwerk vir Natuurkuratorskap. Sv verduidelik voorts wat dit beteken: "Die Nasionale ~walifikasieRaamwerk maak vir drie kwalifikasiegroepe voorsiening, naamlik: Basiese Ondenvys (Vlak l ) , Verdere Onderwys (Vlakke 2-4); en Ho&r-Onderwys(Vlakke 5-8). "Natuurkuratorskap is 'n basiese Veldwagterkwalifikasie. Veldwagters doen patrollies (met vuurwapens), soek strikke, tree teen wilddiewe op, doen monitering van wild, ensovoorts. "Mnr Martin Mthembu van die Afrika Veldwagters Opleidingsinstituut het hierdie kursus gevolg en op sy beurt het hy veldwagterpersoneel by die KNR hoofkwartier opgelei. Mnr Mthembu is daawan oortuig dat die opleiding van die 12 leerders

in poet impak op hulle werksgeskiktheid sal maak deur hul te voo,ien van die geleentheid om hul nuutverwerfde vaardighede prakties toe te pas. u ~opleidingsprogram i ~ is dew THETA ( ~~ ~~ ~ TrainingAuthority) van stapel gestuw en is dew die Nasionale Vaardirzhede Ontwikkelingsfondsgefinansier. " ~ e &hierdie kursus 'ie ondGgaan beteken dit dat die kursusganger tot Veldwagtervlak opgelei is. Hylsy kan 'n vuurwapen hanteer, wildmonitering ondemeem (isluitend insig ten opsigte van die ekosisteem, verslag doen oor siek wild, gronderosie asook die instandhouding van heinings en soortgelyke items). Die INTAC projek kom hierdie jam tot 'n einde maar ander projekte kan we1 volg," aldus Marie-Tia.



A call for Chronicle content Here is a 'fish eagle's' call for stories of interest, observations to be shared andlor photographs of unusual or interesting wildlife behaviour. There might also be items for sale, for example, pumps, trailers and the like. Readers may also have suggestions and comments on the Klaserie Chronicle. All or any part of this appeal can be faxed or e-rnailed to Sandy. Fax: 015 793 3521. E-mail: sandy@pumula.co.za

"To s e e what is right and not to do it, is want of courage" Confucius


List of tree seed donors Hereunderi s a list of tree seeds donted to be propasted by children whose parents are employed within the Reserve. The list is in alphabetical order of farm or camp where the children's parents are employed. Their "homework" was to plant and care for the seeds they were given. Our promise was that those who returned with growing trees to the next training session (December 2004) would be photographed with their plants and be presented with these photographs at the very next training session in March 2005. Links is 'n lys van skenkers van boomsaad sowei as hoeveelheid Anderson 1& 2 soorte boomsaad beskikbaar Bach gestel. Die boomprojek het vanaf Bateleur Oktober 2004 tot Maart 2005 Boustred geduur en was 'n groot sukses Braithwaite bestempel. Die kinders het self Camp George die saad geplant en vir die plante, Camp Mkombe nadat die saad ontkiem het. Charloscar 4 gesorg. 3 Connan Demos Du Preez Du Toit Gerondeanos Hartman HQ Katzenellenbogen Makumu Moscow Myer Ntoma NyeletilBuffalo Ogilvie Thompson Ross Roussouw Schulenburg Senelala Taljaard Tindall v.d;Sihyff 12 Van Staden 1 Yeowart 7

Fantastic response to tree growing project Well, well, well, the result of the seed-planting exercise triggered in September2004 resulted in the presentation of no less than 336 germinated trees by the return date in December. In March more than 150 photographs were handed out to proud and enthusiastic participants in the project. For instance, above, Loetsa Mathebula receives her photo-recordcertificatefrom Richard Mkhomolowhile Zani Kunz reads out the names of the recipients in the background. On the left, Thandi Mathebula shows her plants with great pride and humour,while belowwe find Ally Makhubele with his production. Each photograph was mountedon a boardwith the participant's name, the number of growing seedlings and the date. And now? The participating children returned home to plant and care for their trees.

Pasop, voelwaarnemers aan die uitkyk. Zani


Kunz (links in foto) saam met die groep van ses 'onderwysers' skep hulle Maartmaand opleiding in die praktyk om.


"When you s e e a new trail or a footprint you do not know, follow it to the point of knowing" Anonymous


Alan MacSmith (extreme left in photo left) assisting Zani Kunz with specialis' training of teachers in March this year addressingthe teachers on the subjecf of 'mammals' (starting second from left), Rexon Moeng (Senalala), Jimmy Mathebula (Camp Mkombe), Elvis Mathebula (Camp George), Richard Mkhomolo (Ntoma Estates), Phanue Mdhluli(Buffalo Lodge), RubenMotlouts (Makumu), and Ronald Moropane (Dover). "Welcome to Ronald Moropane

who has joined our team of teachers".

Elephant Trunks - Marvels of Nature by Alan and Sarah MacSmith Breathing, smelling, fighting, feeding, caressing, intimidating, vocalising, communicating,rubbing,scratching,wiping, drinking, cleaning and chemical analysis. There surely isn't a more adaptable organ in the animal kingdom. Comprising in excess of 150 000 units of muscles and h~ghlyconnective tissue, an elephant has long been the focus of wonder. People often ask - - - -- -- . - - -. - . what indicates an elephant's intent. While the tail, ears and Pasture are certainlyOb-


March this year.

behaviouralsubtleties which are so important to interpret. The tip is constantly probing and scenting, even when an elephant appears to be totally at ease. Vibrissal hairs, nerves and special corpuscles comprise the tip, possibly the most tactile and sensitive apparatus around. Have you ever noticed an elephant flattening the tip of its trunk over urine on the ground? This is part of their chemical communication processto determine the social or reproductive status of others. They may then inhale the scent and blow warm air over the spot, supposedly to assist in intensifyingthe smell. [Hey, this is so interesting we are going to continue on page 6 ED.]


Elephants and the Tsunami!

For most of US there has on1 been one tsunami in our lifetime, that of December 2084.There have been reports of amazing animal behaviour to emerge from this natural disaster: Elephants workin at an elephant-back safari operation in Thailand were a le to sense the imminent earthquake and moved to hi h ground before the waves hit. Amazingly they even helpe to save people caught in the water by plucking them out and lifting them onto their backs, while trumpetin , wailing and literally weeping - read Alan and Sarah's artic e on the elephant. In Yala National Park in Sri Lanka, not a single animal was found to be harmed by the tsunami.




"True meaning of life is about quality, direction of spirit and a greater awareness of 5 what is around you ..." Alan and Sarah MacSmith

F;"oaar-d%y fy-0

It wasn't all work and no play over the March four-day eco programme for the 1851200 children drawn from the region abutting the Klaserie. The serious stuff covered the environment and the importance of conservation. Quiztimeeach daywaswhiu! Frequent breaks for snacks and juice were eagerly enjoyed while paper plates turned into all manner of beast.







6' Zani Kunz's camera went into overtime

mode when it came to animated paperplate animal time - photos left and above.




Continued from page 5 Should the scent require further processing, the urine moisture is cotlected by the vibrissal hairs and deposited in thevomeronasal organ and palatal pits, an elephant s chemlcal laboratoryin the roof of the mouth. The status of the urine is then processed. This is so acute that a scent of about three days old can be analysed. An elephant's sense of smell is well documented and respected by naturalist guides. Elephant are equipped with two more sets of receptor units (known as turbinals) than dogs have, allowing for their olfactory prowess. Despite taking all the necessary precautionsofwalkingdownwind, all of us have been detected at some stage by these pachydermla1 bloodhounds as the faintest change in wind or slightest tin-


and Sarah ("Thank-you to Alan and Sarah" - ED.) gering scent is enough for them. Perhaps the most fascinating feature of the trunk is the presence of concentrated specialist receptor cells called Pacinian corpuscles. Consisting of multiple layers of membrane surrounding a nervefilled gelatinousfluid, thistissue is highly sensitive to touch and movement. It is also currently believed that these corpuscles are able to detect seismic vibrationsand are also found in elephant feet. This ultra-sensitivityagainprovides further evidence why elephants are so deliberate, in-tune and perceptive with what'shappening around them. Furthermore the Pacinian Corpuscles, which are also found in our own fingertips, explain the dexterity an elephant possesses when manipulating objects with its trunk. The trunk is also a vital member of an elephant's orchestra - the resonating

tract. Air is compressedfrom the lungs over the vocal chords in combination with its mouth, tongue or trunk. The high-pitch trumpeting sounds occur by controlling the vibration of the chords with the position and constriction of the trunk. A high-pitched noise Can measure at 112 decibels at close range. This intensity compares favourabl~ a BOeing747 at 50metres - no wonder an elephant gets attention when it trumpets. The pharyngealpouch(which isalso a band member) is unique to elephants. Located behind the tongue, the pouch Can store an emergency store of water. BY inserting its trunk into the mouth and literally pumping the water out of thepouchintothe trunk* the ephant can have limited back-up supply inadverse conditions.






6 "Finding out - not knowledge



is the spring that makes life fascinating," E F Benson



1 Learn 811 about the birds and the bee


Lawson's Tours, PO Box 16849,West Acres, Nelspruit, South Africa 1211. Office Telephone: 013 741 2458 or 2618. After Hours Numbers: 013 741 3527 Fax: 013 741 3689 E mail: info@lawsons.co.za

The colourfulCarmine Bee Eater, in black and white more's the pity!


Here's a great way to brush up on your birding skills.

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Lawson's Birding Academy offers a well thought out suite of birdwatching and photographic tours targeting the ordinary layman, tourist (local or international) who just want to know more about birds to the managers and guides at game lodges who would like to hone their skills to specialist level. The 'suite' of courses cover the following 1. A six-night, seven-day SpecialisedBird TrainingJEducation Course. 2. A Weekend Bird Identification Course (two nights, three days). 3. Bird Identification Corporate Weekends. 4.One-day Bird Identification Options. Who is Bruce Lawson of Lawson's Birding A juvenile DarkchantingGoshawk Academy, you might well ask? Bruce is a qualified THETAFGASA SKS Dangerous Animals and Birding specialist guide with 12 years experience. He has a wide knowledge of most natural history subject. in addition to birds and is qualified to take people walking in big game country. Our man Lawson spent two years on islands in the Sub Antarctic working as a paramedic and assisting with the study of seabird breeding. In the late 80's Bruce and two friends attempted a Guinness Book ofRecords unsupported walk from Cape to Cairo. Political instability brought the walk to an end at the border ofthe Sudan after 12 500 kilometres.

To find out more about the courses on offer, minimum numbers and cost contact the Academy: Lawson's Tours, PO Box 16849, WestAcres, Nelspruit, South Africa 1211 Office Telephone: +2 713 7412458 or 2618AfterHours Numbers: +2713 741 3527 Fax: +27 13 741 3689 E mail: info@awsons.co.za.

The lion feeds tonight

Ontmoet hierdie gelukkige groep wat in Maartmaandopgelei is om die kinders kursus te gee, van links Rexon Moeng (Senalala), Richard Mkhomolo (Ntoma Landgoed), Phanuel Mdhluli (Buffalo Lodge), Edward Mathebula(HK), Elvis Mathebula (Camp George), Ruben Motloutsi(Makumu), Ronald Moropane (Dover) and Jimmy Mathebula (Ntoma Landgoed).

For the children on the March 2005 course it was awesome. The group had the experience of seeing lions on a buffalo kill. For many it was the first time ever they have seen a lion BUT to see a group of lions all busy on a buffalo kill added up to moments they will never, ever forget.

"Only the day dawns to which we are awake," Henry David Thoreau

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I ~everse


the taps Good, clean, clear, pure water is an essential part of healthy living in the 21st Century. What have you got on tap, pure water or pure minerals and chemicals? If you are looking for the first mentioned to the exclusion of the second consider what Water Wise Consultants can offer you. For between R4 500 and R6 000 depending on the installation selected, Water Wise can supply you with a four- or five-stage purification plant with, or without a booster pump. There is a five-year warranty on the whole system except for the filters. There is a one-year warranty on all electric parts. Read what Charlie Rylie has to say in his work The Healing Energies of Water (Page 101 - Filtering your water for Health): "~evkrseOsmosis systems produce the cleanest purest water of any filtration system. In Israel every member of the army carries a portable RO (reverse osmosis) filter because of their concern about the effects of possible nuclear contamination." AND what Andrew Weil has to say in his work Natural Health Natural Medicine (Page 81 - What Will You Have To Drink?) "People sometimes ask me if it is all right to drink water that is mineral free, such as distilled and reverse osmosis water. I think it is fine. Water is not the source of your minerals. You get them fiom food, especially by eating a variety of vegetables. There is no truth to the belief that distilled water leaches minerals out of the body."





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Hotdogs galore from this kitchen Thank-you for the donations. Thankyou to the caterers who made the four days in March such a fantastic success. In the photo on the left two of the ladies who put in 'kitchen time', Sarah Mac Smith and Bridget Puck.

AlDS clinic forerunner of comprehensive programme


Ayaryn=ss \, \ An AIDS clinic set up at Klaserie Nature Reserve headquarters is a forerunner of a comprehensive AIDS Droeramme for the Klaserie.

Christine du Preez, who runs an AlDS clinic in Hoedspmit, said late in May that she can give To glean more information on better feedback on the entire programme in the the plant on offer by Water Klaserie after the evaluation of the cornmnuity Wise Consultants contact vegetable gardens set up earlier this year. AccordAnnette van Reenen ing to Christine the clinic was set up upon the 012 331 0331 or Isabel initiative of the Klaserie with equipment being Schoeman 072 268 0709 or by donated by doctors in the area. At this stage the e-mail at dreamsandvisions@?xsiietco.za. clinic is open on one day a month. There are three componentsto the project. 1 1. Prevention activities involving a sDorts themed Behaviour Change Communication

Klaserie Kroniek soek insette

lndien 'n leser 'n interessante waarneming in die veld gemaak het of ongewone dieregedrag gefotografeer het, sal die Kroniek graag daarvan wil hoor. Of miskien is iemand opsoek na 'n waterpomp of sleepwa of het een om te verkoop, kan dit in die Kroniek geadverteer word. Kritiek enlof kommentaar oor die Kroniek is ook welkom. Faks of e-pas asb u bydrae aan Sandy by: Fax: 015 793 3521. E-mail: sandy@pumula.co.za





campaign of farmworkers on a number as peer educators of farms, training and improved access to condoms. 2. Care activities focused on the training of fannworkers as care givers to people living with HIVIAIDS on the farms 3. Advocacy among farm owners to encourage the prioritization of HIVIAIDS programmes on the farms.

8 "We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children" Chief Seattle


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