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Kleft Jaw Press

Denver, Colorado, United States

Much like the Greek Klefts exploited by the ancient Ottoman Empire, we at Kleft Jaw seek to transcend the current reality of modern poetry/prose. We simply cannot believe, will not believe, will not lie & say there are limitations to the human consciousness. There is a magna-force of possibility, teeming inside all of us, and that's why we exist- to invoke the transcendental realist spirit in contemporary writing- to establish a new aesthetic, to make words dangerous again. We are a newly formed online venture with 2 scheduled print anthologies coming out in the year 2013. Kleft Jaw's online operations will run on a quarterly basis, beginning in the Spring 2013. Our first print anthology will be comprised of both new material and past contributions we find fit the true aestethic of transcendental realism.
