A d d i n g v a l u e … e v e r y d ay
Y o u r t o ta l s o u r c e f o r t h e w o r l d ’ s m o s t c o m p l e t e l i n e o f r e s i s ta n c e w e l d i n g e q u i p m e n t Dengensha makes welders, weld guns, feeders and controls with consumables, spare parts, training and service to back them up. Automotive, agricultural and general manufacturers across North America know Dengensha America is their total source.
E Q U I P M E N T T H AT O U T L A S T S A N D O U T P E R F O R M S . When
it comes to your production, there is no room for downtime, which is why we offer reliable, durable resistance welding equipment that outlasts and outperforms. Dengensha equipment continuously sets the industry standard for innovation, durability and lasting value, a key reason so many engineers specify Dengensha. E X P E R T I S E T H AT G I V E S Y O U T H E E D G E . Our engineers and
sales people work with you from pre-sale analysis and innovative design to installation assistance and production start up, providing technical support, documentation and maintenance. Our resources and technical expertise – here and abroad – give us the ability to meet your manufacturing challenges, so you can take your production to the next level. BETTER
VA L U E . ROI studies show
Dengensha consistently at the point where quality and price meet to yield maximum value. Purely on a cost basis, you may find a lower bid,
See our welders,
but no one provides a better cost/quality ratio.
weld guns and
A D VA N TA G E . As a subsidiary of Dengensha
feeders in action at
Manufacturing in Kawasaki, Japan, we are backed by more than 75
years of experience in the industry and a global network that assures quick supply and friendly service. With sales offices in Canada, U.S. and Mexico, Dengensha America is wherever you need us. We have English-, Spanish- and Japanese-speaking sales and service representatives and a website in English and Spanish. SIMPLICITY
equipment is designed to be the most user-friendly in the industry. Our global standardization program assures customers that not only is operation simple, but also that the same reliable equipment available in the U.S. is being used by manufacturers across the globe.
Dengensha Manufacturing Company, Ltd. founded in Kawasaki
Kawasaki headquarters and plant demolished. Production resumes in Nakano.
Plants open in Nakano (near Tokyo) and Hoten, Manchuria
Gun assembly plant opens
Headquarters and plants move from Nakano to Noborito, Kawasaki
Timer assembly plant modernized
Transformer assembly plant modernized
Servo spot gun production begins. Dengensha Europe opens in Shenstone, UK
Dengensha America Corp. opens in Bedford, Ohio, USA
Dengensha Indonesia opens in Jakarta
Dengensha achieves ISO9001 certification
2010 Initiates global standardization program
the power to produce more I N C R E A S I N G E F F I C I E N C Y. Dengensha equipment has speed, accuracy and
continual improvement that ensures our equipment is the easiest to operate and the most reliable in the industry. A D A P TA B L E S O L U T I O N S . With long lists of standard features and available
options, our equipment adapts to any working situation. Whether you need a complex, integrated line or a few feeders, we can help you order to meet production goals without expensive extras. R E S P O N S I V E , R E L I A B L E S E R V I C E . When you have a question or need a
repair, you can rely on our friendly, knowledgeable network of engineers and technicians to be ready 24/7 via phone or on-site. With staff in the U.S. and global support, we offer world-class service. P R O A C T I V E M A I N T E N A N C E . The key to reducing downtime and operating costs is preventive
maintenance, which is why we give you the resources to keep equipment at peak performance: • Training. We teach machine operators and technicians day-to-day preventive maintenance techniques that enhance and prolong machine life. • Calibration. Optimal production requires monitoring equipment calibrated to the right specification. Our experts can calibrate for you, or we can train your technicians to monitor your process properly. • Rebuilds. With certified technicians and Dengensha parts, we offer complete rebuilds of feeders. D E D I C AT E D T O E X C E L L E N C E I N D E S I G N A N D M A N U F A C T U R I N G .
We adhere to strict ISO 9001:2008 standards, a demonstration of our commitment to leadership in resistance welding.
“ Thank you for your VERY prompt turnaround. The project team was impressed!” Being responsive is one of the many ways we add value… every day.
I n n o v at i o n i n w e l d e r s , w e l d g u n s ,
feeders and controls
w elders w ith flexibility, precision and ease of use . Machine
bodies are designed to be rigid and compact. Operator controls are convenient and adaptable to operator preference. Weld forces and throat depths offer maximum ranges. T oday ’ s best w eld guns . Servo spot, lightweight compact servo spot, and
portables. Symmetrical designs reduce parts inventory. Lightweight transformers and aluminum bodies are long-wearing and low weight. This allows you to use lower-load-capacity robots for big space and cost savings.
• New product development • Superior design • Superior service • A better company
T H E B E S T N U T A N D B O LT F E E D E R S I N T H E I N D U S T R Y. Dengensha feeders are
custom-built to your production weld nut or bolt specs for accurate selection and precise feed positioning, every time. Whether it’s control flexibility, urethane coatings, low-maintenance pneumatic systems, high-capacity bulk hoppers or dust/spatter covers, Dengensha feeders are built to last and to lower costs throughout their lifetime. T H E L AT E S T D E S I G N I N W E L D C O N T R O L S . Integrated or stand-alone models in
AC or MFDC. Conforms to both CE and UL for global use. Maximum 2000Hz for today’s lightweight guns. IP54 compliant. Increased speed in a compact, robot-integrated design. S I M P L I C I T Y T H R O U G H S TA N D A R D I Z AT I O N . It’s our design philosophy and what
drives Dengensha to produce durable equipment that is easy to operate and applicable on a global scale. Simple, intuitive technology combined with 75 years of time-tested designs means customers around the world can rely on Dengensha equipment.
• Every day
Feeders Accurate selecting and feeding maximizes speed and production.
• Vibratory style nut and bolt feeders • Rotary style nut feeder • Cassette style nut feeder • Low profile nut feeder
Welders The most advanced welders in the industry.
Weld Controls
• Stationary spot welders
More accurate current controls and wider settings.
• Projection welders
• MFDC controls
• Specialty resistance welders
• Robot-integrated series • AC and AC inverter controls
Weld Guns Lightweight, compact guns for manual or robotic lines.
Monitoring Equipment
• Servo X and C
Accurate current monitoring with multiple functions,
• Reduction Gear
precise and easy to use.
• Lightweight Compact
• Weld Scope current monitor
• Robot guns with transformers
• Pressure Mate pressure gauge
• Portable X and C • Portable with transformers
C o n s u m a b l e s / S pa r e Pa rt s Large inventory for quick, easy access to feeder parts and consumables.
• Electrode assemblies
Outstanding reliability and dependability, easy to install and integrate.
• Locator pins
• Timer integrated
• Nut covers
• AC portable
• Lower electrode cap tips
• DC rectified portable
• Stainless steel guide pins
• Multi-Transformers
• Electrode holders
• MFDC Lightweight transformers
• Feed and head units
I n n o v at i v e d e s i g n , q u a l i t y e q u i p m e n t, e x p e r t s e r v i c e When you need reliable equipment, responsive service and a knowledgeable, friendly team, rely on the company that manufacturers have trusted more than 75 years – Dengensha. For a complete list of Dengensha products and services, visit dengensha.com or call our office at 440-439-8081. See how we can help solve problems, enhance production and move forward.
7647 First Place Dr., Bedford, Ohio 44146 P: 440.439.8081 | F: 440.439.8217 www.dengensha.com | sales@dengensha.com ISO 9001:2008 Š2012 Dengensha America