the greater akron alumni chapter of the sigma chi fraternity invites you to our Annual Alumni Dinner at Fairlawn Country Club (200 N. Wheaton Road, Fairlawn, Ohio) on Saturday, July 9, 2011
Thomas G. Knoll, co-founder of Stark & Knoll, will be honored as a Significant Sig in recognition of his long service as the leader and tireless supporter of many charitable and community organizations. Many brothers will be recognized as Semi-Century Sigs. 6:00 pm 7:00 pm 8:00 pm
Reception/Cash Bar Dinner Program
$45 $45 $30 $30
Brother Spouse or Guest Undergraduate Brother Undergraduate Brother’s Guest
Reservations: Due by July 1, 2011 Please make your reservations by filling out and mailing the attached card along with your check made out to Akron Alumni Chapter of Sigma Chi.
Mail to: Dennis Kleidon 4760 Granger Road Akron, Ohio 44333
the greater akron alumni chapter
of the sigma chi fraternity
2011 Annual Alumni Dinner Please make your reservation by returning this card, along with your check.
$45 $45 $30 $30
Brother Spouse or Guest Undergraduate Brother Undergraduate Brother’s Guest
RESERVATION DEADLINE: July 1, 2011 Enclosed is a check for $______________ Make payable to Akron Alumni Chapter of Sigma Chi.
NAME__________________________ GUEST_ ________________________ ADDRESS_ _______________________ CITY/STATE/ZIP______________________ PHONE_ ________________________ EMAIL__________________________
For additional information, contact Dennis Kleidon at 330-666-5984. STAY ON THE MAILING LIST
If you cannot attend but would like to remain on our mailing list, please fill out the information above and check the box below. I would like to remain on the mailing list.