DAVVERO 1 - Annotated Instructor's Edition

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‹ The cultural heritage of Italian cities The city of Venice 181


This first contact section aims to introduce the linguistic content and themes of the chapter through images, word cloud and simple activities.

2.The students guess the name of the building and/or its location, then show it to them. After you can have them work in pair for the second part of the activity, the categorization of the world in the cloud.

3. You can have the students work in pair or group to make the activity more engaging you could give a time limit.



Chapter 7


‹ The past perfect (II)

In this section, students will familiarize with the vocabulary of the chapter and recognize adjectives and nouns associated to the description of a city.

2. ANSWER KEY Palazzo Vecchio, Firenze


1. Before starting, you can explain the chapter’s title: it’s a tribute to the homonymous and very popular song performed by Italian band Equipe 84. Start by pointing at the words in the cloud, what words students already know, what are completely new? Do they know different words connected to the description of a city or buildings?


GRAMMAR ‹ The difference between the uses of essere and esserci Nouns and adjectives ending in -co, ca, -go, -ga ‹ Indefinite adjectives and adverbs (II)

‹ The locative ci ‹ Invariable nouns

EXTENDING You can have the students brainstorm about cities: do they know any Italian city? Do they know any expression in Italian to describe a city, its amenities and touristic services? Write on the whiteblack board the Italian words mentioned. You can also make a list of the cities mentioned and see which are the most famous ones.


The objective of this section is to enable the students to describe places with a good degree of accuracy, express their preferences and explain them, reflect on the usage of the indefinite adjectives. Have the students brainstorm in pairs for a couple of minutes then ask them about their findings/opinions. KEY An article in a travel magazine. You can find there descriptions and information about cities and their touristic attractions.



The goal for the activities in this section is to introduce the vocabulary to describe cities and their amenities and to revive the formulas to express ones’ opinions and preferences. The grammar focus is on adjectives and indefinite adjectives. The icon Audiolettura and the icon Testo mappato indicate that a “mapped” version of texts can be downloaded from TheItalianHub together with one track of the text read. BENCHMARKS





TESTO MAPPATO activity 4 AUDIOLETTURA activity 4

Ask the students to read the text by themselves once. Then with a classmate have them find the cities mentioned in the article on a map of Italy. Have the students now read in pair the text again to underline the words they don’t know/understand and ask them to translate using the vocabulary. You could also have four students read aloud in class and translate with them the new words.

5. EXTENDING After the reading and comprehension of the text (activity 5) ask the students in Italian if they’ve ever visited a city in Italy and which Italian city they prefer. Ask them if they can mention in Italian at least one amenity or place worth visiting in the Italian cities they mentioned. It’s a good chance to practice the passato prossimo too.

5. ANSWER KEY 1. Siracusa, Sicilia 2. San Gimignano, Toscana 3. Verona, Veneto 4. Ferrara, Emilia Romagna

8. PLANNING Pair up the students and have them have a brief exchange about the cities proposed. Have them use the sentences in red, make an example yourself and tell them they can use the expressions just covered in the text (activity 5), but encourage them to be original!


7. PLANNING Have the students brainstorm and deduct the rules in pairs. Then interrogate them about their findings.

6. PLANNING In pairs have the students underline the descriptive adjectives used for the cities only in the text they’ve just read then have them translate the adjectives in English. Point at the similarities between the Italian and English version of the adjectives, many of them are cognates.

7. EXTENDING You can have students write 2 new sentences using both structures, one indefinite adjective + noun and one indefinite adjective + an adjective. Then have them read their sentences to the class and correct them together. If necessary explain the rule using the support of the grammar section.


Discuss and practice: have the students find these cities in the map at the end of the book. Witch one they have never heard before? Are they surprised about the information listened in the audio? Can they use one of the adjectives listed in the info card to make a complete sentence to describe their own city or a particular area of it?


You will find this special activity at the end of each section. It summarizes the teachings contained in the section it belongs and allows the students to practice and asses what they have learned so far. It is a an hands-on engaging activity that stimulates communicative competences. This activity requires a computer and a good internet connection for the students to find and use the image required. If it is not possible you can encourage the students to draw a symbol like a geographical or architecture characteristic of the city chosen. Have your students carefully follow the project’s step from a. to e. Monitor the passage b. and d., have the students share their small presentation with the class. Give your feedback on the spot.

AUDIO activity 17 TRASCRIZIONE activity 17



Inform the students they are about to listen to a radio interview where people will discuss about the Italian cities they like the most. They will hear many new words along with the ones just covered. Clarify your expectations, they are not supposed to understand every single word or entire sentences, but they need to be able to identify the basic information mentioned in the dialogue and check them on the info card. Have them read carefully the info card first, then play the audio once. Give them a minute and assess with them their degree of understanding. Play the audio a second time then correct the activity with the entire class.


10. PLANNING Read with the students the instruction, translate in Italian the words neighborhood and redeveloped for them. Have them read the text in couple and translate with the support of vocabulary the words they don’t know. After completing the reading and comprehension part, have the students discuss in couple which one of the three presented neighborhoods is the most interesting in their opinion. Ask them to come up with at least three sentences each. Have them use the expressions in blue, make an example for them if necessary.

10. EXTENDING Ask the class if in their city there is a “quartiere recuperato” they think is interesting or important to visit. Have some volunteers answer you in Italian.

The objective of this chapter is to enable the students to describe a neighborhood with a good degree of accuracy, using correct expressions of place and grammar.

TESTO MAPPATO activity 10 AUDIOLETTURA activity 10



This section presents the vocabulary and the expressions for the description of neighborhoods and specific locations. The grammar focuses on the pluralization of invariable nouns and nouns in -co, go, -ca, -ga , plus some expressions of place.The icon Audiolettura and the icon Testo mappato indicate that a “mapped” version of texts can be downloaded from TheItalianHub together with one track of the text read.


14. PLANNING Have the students in pair work on a written description of their neighborhood or an interesting neighborhood in their city. Let them use the vocabulary and encourage them to use the expressions just learned. Give the class a time limit and a word amount limit. (Suggestion: 15 minutes - 120 to 150 words).


12. EXTENDING Can the students remember other words that belong to the invariable nouns category? (università, cinema, foto, computer…) Have them add the extra words to their list!

Have the student find new adjectives that describe the city in the text just read (activity 10) and ask them to add these adjectives to the list they have worked on at page 126. Then have the students, in pair, complete the list of words by putting them in the correct category. Clarify/ translate if needed what locali di svago and servizi are.



Have the students find in the text (activity 10) the plural form of the words listed here and fill the correspondent column. Ask them if they can detect a pattern and a correspondent rule. If necessary explain the rule to the class using the Grammar section for support.


Have the students look at the highlighted words in the text (activity 10) and fill the blank. Ask the class if they can detect a pattern and the correspondent rule. Listen to their ideas then, if necessary, explain the rule of the pluralization of these nouns using the support of the grammar section.


Explain /translate the name of the monuments and the location presented in the pictures. Have a map of Rome where the neighborhoods are presented. Ask the students if they know other famous monuments in Rome and look for their correspondent neighborhoods/locations. PLANNING

Explain the students that like every city Rome is divided in many neighborhoods. In order to complete the activity have the students connected to the Internet to search the Roman neighborhoods where each monument is located. PLANNING Have the students look again at the pictures in activity 15, now they have to match the correct description for each picture. Explain them that the preposizioni articolate a and da + the definite article of the noun that follows, indicates an expression of place. EXTENDING Have the students translate from Italian into English the descriptions and point out the differences especially regarding the preposition used.







Pair up the students, then invite one member of each couple to choose an object in class without disclose this information. Then the student has to describe where the object is located using al the expressions of location learned following if necessary the example in red, his/her partner has to guess what’s the object. Once done the game start over taking turns.



Have the students use the highlighted words in the previous exercise in order to fill the blank in the below rectangle. Remind them to properly adapt the definite articles to the nouns that follow.

18. EXTENDING You can ask your students to answer some extra questions orally, describing the location of well known places in their city or campus. You can ask for example “Dov’è il campo da basket? Dov’è la fermata dell’autobus? Dov’è la biblioteca?”

This activity has to be conducted outside the classroom. You also need a projector or a screen to share in class the collage your student have sent you or to show the students’ project directly from their Informlaptop. the students they can take selfies only if comfortable with it, otherwise just simple images would be ok. Have the students follow the instruction carefully. Suggestions: invite your students to send you first their collages, so that you can correct the written part and give them a private and direct feedback. After that they can share the final result with the class.

The objective of this section is to enable the students to communicate about various typology of accommodations and city areas. Also, it aims at making the student familiar with the vocabulary and structure of the online review format and express their likes and dislikes in the past tense.




Have the students look at the pictures and the adjectives provided, they can translate them if needed. Then, in couple, they can exchange their opinions and express their preferences taking turns. Invite them to use the words in blue to start their sentences.


This section presents the vocabulary and expressions to discuss hotel arrangements, describe different city areas, give feedback and write review about a past touristic experiences. The icon Testo mappato indicates that a “mapped” version of texts can be downloaded from TheItalianHub

20. PLANNING Have the students look at the symbols and classify the characteristics an accommodation can provide from the most important to the least important in their opinion. 20. EXTENDING Ask the students if they want to add any other option to this group (shuttle, free wi-fi, restaurant, recharge station for electric car …). Help them translate their ideas if necessary.


22. PLANNING Present to the class some additional information about Mantova, if possible show some pictures to support their comprehension. Then have the students reflect about which accommodation suits them the best and pair them up for a brief discussion about their preferences. Encourage them to expand and explain the reasons of their choice. They can use the blue sentences to start off their conversation.

21. PLANNING Have the students grab two pens/ pencils of different colours. Have the students find Mantova on the map at the end of the book, then inform them they are going to plan a weekend in this city. Have the students read the text once by themselves then, in couple, they can proceed to translate the words and expressions they don’t know. Once the meaning is clear they can underline with one pen the amenities provided by the various accommodations and with the other pen the ones present in the area. If they don’t have pens of different colour they can circle one category and underline the other. Have the students work in pairs and compare their answers.

TESTO MAPPATO activity 21

22. EXTENDING Ask the students if they have alternative suggestion for their staying in Mantova, which kind of accommodation they use the most when they travel and why.




Have the student find in the reviews just read the corresponding expressions to the statements listed in the table and fill the empty column. Then, ask them to work in pair and deduct what the highlighted ci is replacing. Give them a few minutes to work on it and ask to some volunteer to explain the grammar rule he/she identified. If necessary clarify the muddy points using the support of the grammar section 24. EXTENDING

Have the students read the reviews, you can ask 4 volunteers to do so. Then translate with them the words they don’t know. Once the meaning of the content is clear ask the students to match each review with the correspondent location selected among the ones in the grey labels and give to each review the most appropriate title, choosing among the quoted words in italic.

Ask the students to write three sentences using the ci locativo. Remind them that this is a pronoun, so the expression of location it replaces must have been previously mentioned in the first part of their sentence. Give them an example and encourage them to be creative. EXTENDING


Ask the students if they have ever left a review for a hotel or a restaurant and if they find this kind of reviews helpful when they need more information about services/amenities.

TESTO MAPPATO activity 23

Going back to the reviews (activity 23) have the students find and underline the verb piacere in the past tense. Point out at its auxiliary and ask the students to describe the rules for the usage of the verb piacere in the past tense. Explain the rule to the class again, if necessary, using the support of the grammar section and filling the possible gaps in your students explanations.

26. PLANNING Inform the student that they are going to listen to 4 reviews in which the customers will express their level of satisfaction about a service or a place. Set your expectations, the students are not supposed to understand each and every word but they should be able to get the gist of the audio track. Inform the students they will listen to the audio track twice, after the second time correct the activity with the entire class and clarify the vocabulary/expressions students haven’t understood.

This individual activity can be done during the asynchronous portion of the course or as an assignment. If done in class allow a fair amount of time for the student to complete the tasks. Give the maximum amount of words you’d like them to use (suggestion: max 100) or the maximum amount of sentences (suggestion: up to 6). Have the students carefully follow he indication provided. Correct their review providing solution in written form when needed.


Have the students write and then read to the class two sentences with the verb piacere in the passato prossimo, one with its singular and one with its plural form. Encourage them to use subjects different than io


AUDIO activity 26 TRASCRIZIONE activity 26


25. ANSWER KEY The verb essere is the auxiliary verb for piacere ADESSO TOCCA A TE

29. PLANNING Pair the students and inform them they are now required to exchange personal opinions about Pisa, invite them to follow the model in blue and to use as many adjectives as they can from the word bank provided. Monitor the activity and be ready to correct any mistake.

28. PLANNING Have the students read aloud and translating on the spot one word each from the list presented. Then inform them they will watch the video for a second time, and they have to check in the list the places of the city that appears in the video. At the end correct the activity with the entire class.


The VIDEO section provides activities to develop the comprehension skills through audio and video stimulation. The focus is on the grammar and vocabulary covered in the previous sections of Chapter 7 and includes written and audio texts, together with comprehension assessment activities. The icon Video and the icon Trascrizione indicate that the activities can be downloaded from TheItalianHub together with the correspondent transcription.


The objective of this section is to make the students able to describe a city, consolidate vocabulary learned in the previous sections, talk about past travel experiences, give and ask opinions, propose a weekend itinerary related to tourism, understand basic conversations about travel and touristic activities.


27. PLANNING Inform the students they will now watch a video that advertise the touristic attraction of an Italian city. Do not disclose the name of the city in question. After watching the video have the students guess what’s the city they just watched. After that pair the students and have them discuss in Italian what they believe is interesting in Pisa and why. Invite them to use the suggested words in blue.

VIDEO In giro per Pisa

31. PLANNING Inform the students this conversation activity will require them to use the passato prossimo. Have them reflect individually about the trip they want to describe and write down some notes to support their conversation. Allow 5 minutes for their preparation, then pair them up and have them discuss their past experience taking turns. The listeners should be encouraged to ask some questions to the classmate at the end of his/her speech.

32. EXTENDING Students can present their itinerary to the class, have the classmates ready to ask at least 2 questions to the students presenting their projects, such as personal opinions, technical details about costs and transportations or other pertinent information they might be interested in.


32. PLANNING Have the students prepare the touristic itinerary of a city they visited (or their own city). They can pretend they are suggesting this itinerary to a friend who is going to spend a weekend in the city of their choice. Encourage them to present their own opinions along with the simple list of things to do and to see.

Introduce the activity to the students, have a volunteer read the activities listed and translate them if necessary. Inform the students they will watch for the third time the video, this time they have to pay attention to the part in which the couple decides to do certain kind of activities in Pisa and they need to find out if the listed statements are true or false. You can let them work in couples or peer-reviewing the activity at the end. Provide the solution when the activity is concluded.



LAYING THE GROUNDWORK In this section the grammar topics covered in Chapter 7 are presented in a synoptic and synthetic way so that the students can identify them easily and retrieve the necessary information. The icon Tutorial and the icon Quiz indicate that on TheItalianHub both a video tutorial and a multiple choice quiz are available. PLANNING You can use this section any time during the lessons on the chapter as a support to clarify grammar structure or rules, alternatively you can have the students read it before the beginning of Chapter 7, or have this presented to the students at the end. PROFICIENCY BENCHMARKS The objective of this section is to enable students to develop linguistic and grammatical competence. 196

TUTORIAL Grammaclip: le espressioni di luogo QUIZ chapter 7 197

33-39. PLANNING You can have the students work by themselves or in pairs, then correct the exercises with the whole class or let the students correct each others (peer review). Provide solutions at the end of the exercices. 38. ANSWER KEY a. Vai in centro in autobus? 5. No, ci vado in bici. b. Conosci benissimo Venezia! 4. Sì, ci vado tutti gli anni. c. Quando andate a Roma? 3. Ci andiamo a giugno. d. Andiamo al cinema. Vieni? 1. No, grazie. Ci vado domani con Michela. e. Sei andata a vedere la mostra? 2. No, non ci sono ancora andata. 198

Have the students listen to the recording and work in pairs on this exercice. At the end correct the activity with the entire class.

AUDIO activities 40, 41, 42 TRASCRIZIONE activities 40, 41, 42


This section offers exercises to practise pronunciation and intonation. Various kind of activities enhance the learning process of the correct pronunciation and the reflection on the rules behind it.





Have the students read first the words listed and recognize the different sounds. Then have them listen to the recording and complete the activity. At the end provide the solution.


The students are expected to learn and practise pronunciation, focusing on: intonation (expressing curiosity, surprise, disappointment), double and single consonants and the distinctive use of the accent.

Inform the students they are now practicing different intonation in order to express different feelings. Tell them that these kind of intonations are absolutely the same as the ones they have in English. Make 3 examples, one for each feeling. Have the students practice in pair the reading from the listed statements and listening to each other. Then have them listen to the recording, clarify the statements accordingly to their comprehension and correct their pronunciation if necessary.


Alternatively practice in pair, have the student who listen classify each statement with the emotion expressed by his/ her/their classmate accordingly to his/ her/their pronunciation. Then have the students compare the intentions of the reader and the result perceived by the listener.


In this section the vocabulary is presented together with explicative images in order to support the memorization process through visualization. Matching and “fill the blank” exercises aims to reinforce the connections among specific lexical chunks. A special space is dedicated to practice the discursive markers. You can use this section any time during the lessons on the chapter as a support or have this presented to the students at the end of Chapter 7.



Students will practice and memorize the vocabulary presented in Chapter 7 by associating pertinent expressions and being able to create grammatically correct sentences. PLANNING Present this visual vocabulary to the class and encourage the students to study and memorize the words provided. You can introduce this page at the beginning of the chapter in order to have the students becoming familiar with the vocabulary covered in Chapter 7.



Inform the students they are going to match the words on the left list with their opposite on the right, like in the example. Correct with the whole class.

47. PLANNING Have the students match the words in the word bank with the pictogram. The students should not consult the visual vocabulary provided at the beginning of this section. Encourage them to reflect on the fact that these are international symbols they should be able to understand. Correct with the whole class.


Inform the students they are going to fill the blanks with the adjective provided in the word bank. Tell them to choose between masculine and feminine form according to the noun the adjectives refer to. Make an example for them, then correct with the whole class.


Inform the students they are going to complete the mental map with the words/expressions they can mentally connect to the one presented. Make an example for them and encourage them not to overthink. They can connect additional words to the expressions provided. Have the students share their mental maps with their classmates. PLANNING



Inform the students they are going to match a noun and an adjective to reproduce the expression covered in Chapter 7. Make an example for them. Correct with the whole class.


AUDIO activity 50 TRASCRIZIONE activity 50

The students have to add the words or expressions that go with the verbs provided. Have the students read the beginning of each line, they can consider these examples. Inform them they are expected to write complete expressions and words with correspondent articles and preposition when necessary. To keep the activity interesting you can give a time limit and simulate a competition where who finds more expressions/ words (in total) wins.


50. PLANNING Have the students read carefully the questions and then matching the correct answers. Then, have them listen to the audio track and find out the different functions the discourse markers have. If necessary let them listen to the audio track twice. Correct with the whole class.

Have the students write below each image where is John using the expressions provided in the instructions.


LAYING THE GROUNDWORK This section presents cultural, historical and geographical information about Venice. Additional vocabulary connected to the description of this particular city, means of transportation and neighborhoods will be provided. PROFICIENCY BENCHMARKS Students will be able to learn about Venice’s culture and history, they’ll learn how to research, gather and present information about the topics of this section. 204

52. PLANNING This activity can be done by the entire class together. Inform the students they can solve the riddle by looking at the map and find a word that rimes with the last adjective.

53. PLANNING In pairs, have the students look at the picture and answer the question.

54. PLANNING After reading the instruction together inform the student they are going to listen to an audio track, if necessary twice, in order to check the answers. Correct with the entire class.

51. ANSWER KEY Sample answers: a. A Venezia vivono 263.736 persone. b. Le persone che vivono a Venezia si chiamano veneziani. c. Si organizzano il Carnevale, la Festa del Redentore, la Regata storica, la Mostra del Cinema e la Biennale. d. No. I mezzi di trasporto sono gondola, motoscafo, barca, vaporetto e taxi acqueo. e. Ci sono 7 quartieri (chiamati sestieri): Cannaregio, Santa Croce, San Polo, Dorsoduro, San Marco, Giudecca e Castello.


Have the students look at the map and read the information box before answering the questions. Students can work in pairs or groups.


AUDIO activity 54 TRASCRIZIONE activity 54

55. PLANNING Have the students work in small groups, be sure they have the access to the internet to conduct the brief research required. Encourage them to prepare in advance the document, with the 3 prompts mentioned, where they are going to write the information. Suggest them to use a list format. Give a time limit.

This section provides creative and engaging activities that aim to have the students use and re-elaborate the vocabulary and the grammar structures learned in Chapter 7. The first activity is a group work, the second one is for an individual performance.


Have the students read carefully the instruction, follow the 3 steps of the project and the working strategies. Inform the students they can use the template provided and have the comment written separately. If performed during the in-class time allocate a reasonable amount of time and inform the students about it. 206


In this section, students will will engage in gathering information, describing, giving and understanding information about a neighborhood and a city in order to practice the content seen thus far.

Inform the students they are going to create a promotional material about a city or a neighborhood of their choice with touristic attractions. Have the students organized in groups. If performed during the in-class time allocate a reasonable amount of time and inform the students about it. Have them follow the 3 steps of the project and the working strategies.



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