PROYECTOS CAPÍTULO 3 F.CONTRERAS Carleton College J. PÉREZ ZAPATERO Barnard College F.ROSALES VARO Columbia University
In this chapter, you will learn how to introduce yourself and write a text for an online platform. ` Introduce yourself and others ` Exchange informationpersonal ` Subject pronouns ` Present tense of regular verbs ` The verbs llamarse and ser ` Nouns and articles ` Activities to learn a language ` Interesting topics in a courseSpanish In this chapter, you will learn how to talk about world.Spanish-speakingpersonalitiesnoteworthyinthe ` Exchange informationpersonal ` Ask and answer questions ` Express likes and dislike using me gusta/n, te gusta/n ` Present tense of ser, ir, tener, hacer ` Definite and indefinite articles ` Nouns and adjectives: gender and number ` Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns ` informationPersonal ` Nationalities and professions ` Numbers 1 to 500
location ` Identify places ` Describe and compare ` The verbs ser, estar, haber ` Formulating questions: question words ` Comparatives ` Superlatives ` College life ` Numbers ` Colors ` My room ` Periods, places and culture In this chapter, you will present a diverse and inclusive image of a place in world.Spanish-speakingthe ` Talk about daily routines ` Express likes, interests, and preferences ` Stem-changing verbs i e and o - ue ` The verbs gustar, encantar, and interesar ` Reflexive verbs ` Tener que + infinitive ` andStereotypesclichés ` Habits ` The calendaracademic ` Ordinal numbers 1-10 ` andWeatherclimate ` andMonthsseasons CAPÍTULO 1 PALABRAS p. 002 CAPÍTULO 2 IDENTIDADES p. 026 CAPÍTULO 3 MI ENTORNO p. 054 CAPÍTULO 4 LUGARES p. 084 CAPÍTULO 5 IMÁGENES DEL MUNDO HISPANO p. 110 IV SCOPE AND SEQUENCE LEARNING OUTCOMES LANGUAGE STRUCTURES VOCABULARY
In this chapter, you will decide what you want to do in your Spanish class and will apply to a studyabroad program in a country.Spanish-speaking ` Talk about future plans using querer + infinitive ` Express degree using muy, bastante, un poco (de)… ` Talk about abilities and knowledge ` Exchange email,informationcontact(telephone,address…) ` Stem-changing verbs e ie: entender, querer ` Present irregularindicative: yo verbs ` Porque, para and por ` adjectivesPossessive ` Languages ` Leisure activities ` The family ` The verbs saber and conocer In this chapter, you will learn how to evaluate the state of housing on your campus. ` Indicate
` Communication resources in the Spanish classroom ` Basic politeness ` How to create a text ` Alphabet and sounds ` Group: yourselvesintroducetothe class ` Individual: introduce yourself in writing on an online platform ` Linguistic landscape (USA) ` Hispanic artistic heritage in the United States ` Basic connectors: y (e), pero, por eso, también ` Studying vocabulary ` Intonation: questions ` Group: research and present basic information about the most influential Hispanics in the US ` Individual: make an infographic about five influential people in the Spanish-speaking world ` Celebrities in Spanish-speakingthe world ` Three Mexican film directors ` Self-portraits by Nahui Olín y David Alfaro Siqueiros (Mexico) ` Rules for using accents ` Writing emails ` Rules of accentuation ` Vowels ` Group: Spanishwhatclassmatesinterviewinganddecidingyouwanttodoinyourclass ` Individual: applying to a study-abroad program in a Spanish-speaking country ` The first academy of an indigenous language (Paraguay) ` Fernando Iwasaki. Las palabras primas (Peru) ` Use of the relative pronouns que, donde / en + article + que ` Objective subjectiveanddescription ` Stressed vowels ` Accentuation rules ` Group: Identify needs and find solutions to campus housing problems ` Individual: Report on the quality of campus housing ` Geography, history, and borders in the Spanishspeaking world ` Special places in Nicaragua ` Architectural styles in Guatemala ` Organizing information ` Contrasting arguments ` Making a poster ` Diphthongs ` Group: Prepare a presentation about a place in a Spanishspeaking country ` Individual: Write a text about an important day in your community ` Surprising data in Panama ` Images of Spain in art ORAL & WRITTEN TEXTS PRONUNCIATION PROJECTS CULTURE
In this chapter, you will learn how to create a menu and write a blog post about food. ` Order food in a restaurant and create a menu ` Describe a dish ` Give instructions and advice; make suggestions ` Comment and give personal opinions ` Commands with usted and ustedes commands ` Give instructions using the infinitive, the command forms and the present ` Constructions with se ` Talk about dishes and recipes ` At the this chapter,
you will learn how to prepare for a job interview and make a video résumé. ` Talk about experiences ` Express feelings ` Talk about skills and talents ` Talk about future plans ` The present perfect ` Time adverbials ` Uses of por and para ` The world of work ` Adjectives to describe mood and feelings ` Abilities personalityand ` Professions and experience CAPÍTULO 6 VIAJES p. 136 CAPÍTULO 7 GENERACIONES p. 164 CAPÍTULO 8 RELACIONES p. 188 CAPÍTULO 9 MODA Y CUERPO p. 218 CAPÍTULO 10 COMIDA Y SALUD p. 242 CAPÍTULO 11 EXPERIENCIAS p. 270 SCOPE AND SEQUENCE LEARNING OUTCOMES LANGUAGE STRUCTURES VOCABULARY
restaurant ` Illnesses and health problems In
In this chapter, you will learn how to talk about travel, famous travelers, and cultural heritage. ` Talk about travel ` Talk about past actions and events ` Describe places ` The preterite of regular verbs ` The preterite of hacer, ir, and ser ` Relative pronouns ` The present progressive tense ` Ir a + infinitive ` Travel ` Types accommodationof In this chapter, you will learn how to talk about periods in history. ` Describe people, objects, places and situations in the past ` Talk about habitual actions in the past ` Talk about changes and similarities ` The imperfect of regular and irregular verbs ` Use of the imperfect ` Ya no, todavía + present ` Possessive adjectives and pronouns ` The stages of life ` Generations In this chapter, you will learn how to tell a story. based on a picture or painting. ` Express agreement and disagreement ` Talk about what we would do in circumstancescertain ` Talk about past events ` Talk about feelings and emotions ` Direct and indirect object pronouns ` The preterite: irregular verbs ` Contrast of preterite / imperfect ` Ser and estar ` The verbs prestar, dejar, pedir, and deber ` relationshipsSocialandFeelingsmoods
In this chapter, you will learn how to talk about fashion and write guidelines for bying clothes. ` Evaluate and give opinions about the world of fashion ` Give advice and make suggestions ` Identify and point out ` Refer back to something ` Tú commands ` Conditional sentences: si + present, imperative/present ` Commands using tener que / hay que + infinitive Clothes ` Colors ` The verbs ponerse, llevar, probarse, and quedar bien/mal
` for contrast: aunque, a pesar de que, y eso que, sin embargo ` Revising a text ` Review of intonation and sounds ` The consonants ` Group: make a presentation on life prior to a major historical event ` Individual: life in a city over time ` Women and the Mexican revolution ` Juan Gelman (Argentina)
` Texts to comment on and analyze graphss ` Analyzing and commenting on graphs ` Intonation: orders and instructions ` Group: present a typical Hispanic menu ` Individual: write an informative article for a blog about nutrition and health Cooking in the detective novels of Leonardo Padura (Cuba)
` of cause: porque, como, por eso ` Connectors of consequence: así que, de manera que ` Learning journals ` Meaning change because of stress and avoiding vowel reduction in unstressed vowels
` Group: make a presentation about historical journeys and travelers ` Individual: write a report about your family, community, city's background, etc. ` Countries and cities in the Spanish-speaking world ` The Caribbean and its pirates ` Travel literature
Narrative markers ` Reacting to what others say ` The literary narrative text ` r and rr ` Group: tell a story based on a picture or painting ` Individual: write a story ` Mexico and Surrealism ` A short story by Ana María Matute (Spain) and k • Group: write guidelines for buying clothes • Individual: write an article about buying clothes
` Connectors for sequencing: en primer lugar, en segundo lugar, por último ` Giving an oral presentation ` Forward positioning of t / d ` Group: practice a job interview ` Individual: produce a video résumé ` The job market in Spain and Latin America ` Skills needed to find a job ` Education in Costa Rica ` Karla Gachet (Ecuador)
` Make suggestions and give advice ` Explain problems and discuss the causes ` Express wishes and desires, needs, requests, and complaints ` Expressing wishes and complaints: querer / esperar / pedir, + infinitive, and querer / esperar / pedir que + subjunctive ` Expressing needs: es necesario / imprescindible + infinitive, and es necesario / imprescindible que + subjunctive ` The conditional ` Consumption and the environment In this chapter, you will learn how to come up with an ad campaign and give your opinion on a question related to advertising.
` Narrate
events `
disagreement `
present ` Relative clauses
` Express one's personal opinion and make comments ` Express purpose ` Construct an argument ` State, negate, and express certainty with creo que / es verdad / es evidente / está claro / está demostrado que + indicative, no es verdad / no es cierto / no creo que + subjunctive ` Express a personal opinion with infinitive / subjunctive: está bien / mal, es injusto / ilógico + infinitive, está bien / mal, es injusto / ilógico que + present subjunctive ` Express purpose: para + infinitive / para que + subjunctive ` Marketing advertisingand ` The goals advertisingof In this chapter, you will learn how to talk historicalaboutevents. Describe historical events ` Express opinion Express and The past perfect past The (narrative) with que, quien, and
` Compare statistics, data, and schedules ` Offer, ask for, and ask about a service ` Give advice ` The present subjunctive ` The neutral definite article lo ` Giving advice and evaluating with the infinitive/subjunctive ` Relative clauses with indicative/subjunctivethe ` Relating actions with cuando (+indicative/subjunctive) ` Offer and ask for services ` Expressions with the word tiempo ` managementTime In this chapter, you will learn how to write a manifesto and set up an initiative for consumption.cooperative
` Make predictions ` Talk about what is going to happen ` Place an action ` The future ` seguir + gerund, dejar de + infinitive ` Comparisons: mejor/peor que…, el mismo/la misma/los mismos/las mismas Conditional sentences: si + present, future ` Education and learning ` Ya, aún no / todavía no In this chapter, you will learn how to suggest solutions to improve management.time
In this chapter, you will learn how to talk about your future career.
Group: Debate our professional future Individual: Make a video to present what your career will be like 15 years from now ` Hispanic presence in the USA ` Juan Mayorga: El chico de la última fila (Spain)
` Enriching nominalizationvocabulary: ` Journalistic genre ` The letter ñ ` Accents on words ` The qu- group ` Group: present a historic moment through a monument, statue, building, etc. ` Individual: achievements in recent centuries ` The history of relations between countriesSpanish-speaking ` The history of El Salvador ` Committed literature: Laura Restrepo (Colombia) IX &
` Use of the comma ` Interpreting an opinion text ` The intonation of questions that are not neutral ` Group: propose solutions for improving your time management ` Individual: write a report on college/university students’ timetables ` Maya time (Mexico, Belize, El Salvador, Honduras) ` A poem by Gioconda Belli (Nicaragua)
` Connectors of cause and for consequence ` Text cohesion devices ` Translating a text ` g/j ` The ch- group ` Group: create a list of demands on the environment ` Individual: write an article for your college's blog on the environment ` Barro Colorado (Panama) ` Contemporary art in Chile ` Additive connectors for building an argument ` Advertising ` The intonation of exclamations ` Consonant + r, Consonant + l ` Group: design an advertising campaign ` Individual: write an opinion piece about a topic related to advertising practices ` The No zone (Chile) ` Orlando Arias: art and consumerism (Bolivia)
` Organizing information: por un lado..., por otro lado...; por una parte...; por otra parte ` Online discussion boards ` be/ de,
X In this chapter, you will learn how to present an influencer on the web and speak about the internet. ` Reported speech ` apologeticUnderstandingtexts ` Changes in verb tenses in reported speech ` Adverbial clauses with indicative / subjunctive ` Combining infinitives and pronouns ` The future perfect ` The internet ` New ways of working ` Anglicisms In this chapter, you will learn how to promote a cultural event from a Spanishspeaking country and discuss traditions.controversial ` Talk about past events ` Describe traditions ` Express opinions about events ` Pronominal and non-pronominal constructions ` Express impersonality ` Passive constructions ` Intensify with lo + adjective / adverb ` andcelebrations,Traditions,rites In this chapter, you will learn how to evaluate your college or university and create a feelings collage. ` Express emotions ` Give advice ` Thank, someoneapologize,congratulate,andasktoapologize ` Persuade and influence others ` Intensifiers ` Express opinions using verbs with an indirect object: (no) me gusta(n) ` Emotions and feelings ` Word families In this chapter, you will learn how to talk about theirworldSpanish-speakingwomenimportantintheandassessachievements. ` Conditions with different degrees of probability ` Expressing wishes ` Discuss over past and future events ` Ask someone to do something ` Report someonewhatsaid ` The past subjunctive in present and future conditionals ` The subjunctivepluperfectand conditional in past conditionals ` Use of the subjunctive (ojalá, me gustaría que...) ` The past subjuntive in reported speech ` andDiscriminationsociety Verbs p. 514 Glossary: Spanish-English p. 528 Glossary: English-Spanish p. 541 Index p. 554 Maps p. 557 Credits p. 560 CAPÍTULO 17 REDES p. 418 CAPÍTULO 18 TRADICIONES p. 442 CAPÍTULO 19 EMOCIONES p. 466 CAPÍTULO 20 MUJERES Y PODER p. 488 SCOPE AND SEQUENCE LEARNING OUTCOMES LANGUAGE STRUCTURES VOCABULARY
` Accuracy and enriching vocabulary: alternatives to the verb decir ` Summarizing ` The ll group ` Group: do a presentation about an influencer ` Individual: write a text on a theme related to the internet ` Barbarita Lara's emergency alert system (Chile) ` Kentukis, a novel by Samanta Schweblin (Argentina) ` Expository text ` The letter l ` Intonation to express obviousness and doubt ` Group: design an ad to promote a cultural event in Spanish-speakinga country ` Individual: write a report about a controversial tradition ` Traditions, celebrations, and rituals in the Hispanic world ` Popular festivities in Honduras ` Susana Baca, Peruvian musician ` Expressive and directive speech acts ` Combined speech acts ` Film critic ` Politeness: linguistic ressources ` Universal intonation patterns compared with those specific to Spanish ` Group: discuss the state of our college or university ` Individual: create a collage with feelings ` Education in the US: VIctor Rios ` Uruguayan poetry ` Academic text ORAL & WRITTEN TEXTS PRONUNCIATION PROJECTS CULTURE