An inclusive, communicative Spanish program that speaks to today’s young learners
¡Hola de nuevo!
• to understand and give advice about health-related issues
• to describe typical dishes and traditional celebrations
• to describe and locate places in a city
• to describe past travel experiences
• to understand and give biographical information
• to describe objects and habits from the past
• to compare past and present situations
• FOTOGRAFÍAS Iguazu cascades (Argentina), scarlet macaws (Costa Rica), mole poblano (Mexico), Chimborazo volcano (Ecuador), Gabriela Mistral (Chile), Plaza Mayor de Madrid (Spain) 1
• align-left CAMERA ENTREVISTA Desirée Vila 2
• CAMERA CARTEL Gripe, Consejería de Sanidad de la Junta de Castilla y León (España) 4
• CAMERA FOTOGRAFÍAS Feelings and moods 5
• align-left ARTÍCULO Un plato mexicano: los tacos 6
• CAMERA CUADRO Barbacoa para cumpleaños, Carmen Lomas Garza 7
• PÓDCAST Traditional birthday parties in Mexico 7
• align-left ARTÍCULO Un barrio de Madrid: Sol 8
• CAMERA MAPA Madrid city center map 9
• align-left PUBLICACIONES EN RED SOCIAL Travel experiences 10
• DIÁLOGO A conversation between Jimena and Miguel about her travel experience in Argentina 11
• CAMERA FOTOGRAFÍAS Tourist activities in Argentina 11
• align-left BIOGRAFÍAS Hispanic personalities 12-13
• CAMERA FOTOGRAFÍAS Communication and entertainment objects 14
• DIÁLOGO A conversation between Marcos and his grandmother about her childhood 15
• the present tense
• affirmative and negative tú commands
• the impersonal se
• habitual actions with es + adjective and soler
• the verbs hay, ser, and estar
• the preterite tense
• the imperfect tense
• health-related issues
• feelings and moods
• food and celebrations
• cities
• travel experiences
• biographies
• communication and entertainment
• describing houses
1 Mi generación
LECCIÓN 1 Este es mi mundo
• to describe your personality, and your likes and dislikes 20
• to describe changes that occur in adolescence 22
• to understand surveys related to young people’s concerns 24
• to express opinions on the role of young people in their communities 26
• the population pyramid of Mexico 19
• the opinions of young Latin-American people on social issues 20
• three young Mexican artists: Girl Ultra, Diego Boneta, and Ángela Aguilar 28
• VIDEO Nico introduces himself and his country 16
• CAMERA CARTEL Mes de la juventud, Instituto Municipal de la Juventud de Zacatelco 18
• align-left CHAT Reporteros’ group chat conversation 19
• CAMERA GRÁFICO Pirámide de población de México 2020, INEGI, about the population pyramid of Mexico 19
• CAMERA align-left VIÑETAS ¿Por qué somos como somos? Unesco Guatemala 20
• align-left ARTÍCULO Soy adolescente, ¿qué me está pasando? 22
• CAMERA GRÁFICO Actualidad latinoamericana GDA, El Universal, about the concerns of young people 24
• VIDEO La situación de los adolescentes en Argentina, Unicef Argentina 25
• VIDEO Ver a los adolescentes de otra forma, Unicef Argentina 26
¿Qué tal? Me llamo Nico y soy de Oaxaca, México.
• CAMERA CARTEL Para ti, ¿qué significa #SerJoven? Unicef México 27
• CAMERA align-left REPORTAJE Nuevos talentos mexicanos 28
• CAMERA FOTOGRAFÍA the singer Girl Ultra 28
• CAMERA FOTOGRAFÍA the actor Diego Boneta 29
• CAMERA FOTOGRAFÍA the singer Ángela Aguilar 29
• the verbs ser and parecer 30
• the verbs interesar, preocupar, and importar 32
• personality traits 34
• comparisons 34
• moods 35
• changes 35
• social issues 36
• opinions 36
• agreement and disagreement 36
Presentar un collage sobre ti. 37
What is important to teenagers today?
How do we build friendships?
LECCIÓN 2 Mejores amigos
• to describe characters from a movie and their relationships 40
• to understand and tell personal stories 42
• to ask for advice and make recommendations to solve personal issues 44
• to tell a story about how you met someone special 46
• the Mexican movie Todas las pecas del mundo 39, 40
• the education system in Mexico 39
• a novel by Valerie Hernández, a Mexican author 46
• three Mexican filmmakers, Guillermo del Toro, Alfonso Cuarón, and Alejandro González Iñárritu 48
• CAMERA CARTEL Todas las pecas del mundo 38
• align-left CHAT Reporteros’ group chat conversation 39
• align-left ARTÍCULO The characters of the movie Todas las pecas del mundo 40
• align-left TEXTO Nico tells anecdotes about his friends 42
• VIDEO La anécdota de Marcela 43
• CAMERA CÓMIC Mario’s personal issues 44
• align-left TEXTO Frente al escenario, Valerie Hernández 46
• CAMERA align-left REPORTAJE Los tres amigos 48
• CAMERA FOTOGRAFÍA The filmmakers Guillermo del Toro, Alfonso Cuarón, and Alejandro González Iñárritu 49
• CAMERA CARTELES Babel, El laberinto del fauno, Roma 49
• reflexive constructions to express reciprocity 50
• the past progressive 51
• the preterite tense vs. the imperfect tense 52
• relationships 54
• personality traits 55
• feelings 55
• useful phrases to ask for advice and make recommendations 56
• reacting in conversations 56
• linking words 56
Grabar un pódcast con anécdotas. 57
Crear y representar una escena de una serie web. 58
• Interpretive mode 60
• Presentational mode 61
• Interpersonal mode 62
• Cultural comparisons 63
Viajes de ida y vuelta
LECCIÓN 1 Viajes que te cambian
• to provide information about activities you have done 64
• to talk about trips and give travel and packing advice 66
• to talk about different reasons to study abroad 68
• to understand volunteers’ personal testimonials 70
• what to do in Panama 66
• the Panama Canal 67
• the Baru volcano 68
• the Panama Canal’s famous train 76
• VIDEO Andrea introduces herself and her country 64
• CAMERA MAPA Map of Panamanian regions and activities 66
• align-left CHAT Reporteros’ group chat conversation 67
• CAMERA CARTEL Activities you can do in Panama 68
• PÓDCAST A conversation between Andrea and two other reporteros about activities they have done 69
• CAMERA INFOGRAFÍA Viaja como un pro, Pictoline 70
• PÓDCAST Andrea gives tips for traveling in Panama 71
• CAMERA FOTOGRAFÍAS Two places in Panama: Bocas del Toro and Volcán Barú 71
• CAMERA INFOGRAFÍA Cinco razones para irse de intercambio, Universidad de las Américas (UDLA) 72
• align-left ARTÍCULO Testimonio de Irene Aguilar, voluntaria en Costa Rica, Cooperating Volunteers 74
• CAMERA align-left REPORTAJE El tren del canal de Panamá 76
• CAMERA FOTOGRAFÍAS Panama Canal’s train 76
• CAMERA MAPA Panama Canal’s train route 77
• the present perfect tense 78
• adjective clauses 80
• activities 82
• clothing and luggage 83
• trips 84
• experiences 84
• volunteering 84
¡Hola! ¿Qué tal están? Soy Andrea, de Panamá.
Crear un folleto informativo para estudiantes de intercambio. 85
What can we learn from traveling?
What is it like to live in a multicultural country?
LECCIÓN 2 Ciudadanos del mundo
• to understand and tell stories about past events 88
• to understand and recount changes related to immigration experiences 90
• to analyze stereotypes 92
• to understand an interview with a chef 94
• cultural fusion in Panama 87
• Quan Zhou, a Spanish artist 92
• Isaac Villaverde, an Afro-Panamanian chef 94
• Panamanian food 95
• the Chinese community in Panama 96
• CAMERA CARTEL Acortemos distancias, ACNUR 86
• align-left CHAT Reporteros’ group chat conversation 87
• align-left FORO Marcelo asks for advice about immigrating to Panama 88
• CAMERA ILUSTRACIONES Edwin’s bad day 89
• CAMERA CARTEL Tu causa es mi causa, ACNUR y OIM 90
• ENTREVISTA Ricardo recounts his immigration experience 91
• CAMERA FOTOGRAFÍA Spanish artist Quan Zhou 92
• CAMERA VIÑETA Gazpacho agridulce, Quan Zhou 92
• VIDEO Así es crecer entre las costumbres chinas y la sociedad española, La Sexta 93
• CAMERA align-left ARTÍCULO El sabor de la cocina afropanameña, an article about the Afro-Panamanian chef Isaac Villaverde 94
• CAMERA FOTOS One pot and Torrejas de bacalao, two typical Panamanian dishes 95
• CAMERA align-left REPORTAJE La comunidad china de Panamá 96
• the past perfect tense 98
• acabar de / dejar de / empezar a / volver a + infinitive 100
• pasar tiempo + present participle 100
• immigration 102
• stereotypes 103
• identity and belonging 103
• fusion of cultures 103
• describing experiences 104
• time expressions 104
Hacer una entrevista a una persona migrante o descendiente de migrantes. 105
Jugar a un juego de mesa sobre viajes. 106
• Interpretive mode 108
• Presentational mode 109
• Interpersonal mode 110
• Cultural comparisons 111
LECCIÓN 1 Antes y ahora
• to share information about Internet habits 116
• to exchange opinions about people’s behavior on social media 118
• to express what you like and don’t like about social media 120
• to understand a fictional text about a family of YouTubers 122
• Jordi Labanda, an illustrator from Uruguay 113
• social justice programs related to technology in Uruguay 117
• a book by young adult author Javier Ruescas 122
• assistive technologies in Uruguayan schools 124
• VIDEO Luis Alberto introduces himself and his country 112
• CAMERA ILUSTRACIÓN Two girls using their cell phones, an illustration by Jordi Labanda 114
• align-left CHAT Reporteros’ group chat conversation 115
• CAMERA GRÁFICO Uso de internet en Chile, Instituto Nacional de la Juventud de Chile 116
• CAMERA VIÑETA Nina. Diario de una adolescente, Agustina Guerrero 118
• VIDEO Época selfie, Mississippi spoken word 119
• align-left TEST ¿Qué te gusta, y qué te molesta de las redes sociales? 120
• PROGRAMA DE RADIO Audience discusses uses of technology in education 121
• align-left NOVELA Prohibido creer en historias de amor, Javier Ruescas 122
¡Hola! ¿Cómo están? Soy Luis Alberto y soy uruguayo.
• CAMERA align-left REPORTAJE Pioneros en educación digital 124
• the present subjunctive: regular and stem-changing verbs 126
• para + infinitive and para que + present subjunctive 128
• gustar / molestar que + present subjunctive 128
• social media 130, 131
• feelings 131
• activities on the Internet 132
• linking words 132
Hacer una clasificación de las aplicaciones digitales mejor valoradas por la clase. 133
What is the value of the Internet for young people today? What are our responsibilities as digital citizens?
LECCIÓN 2 Ciudadanos digitales
• to recommend best practices for being online 136
• to recognize misinformation 138
• to understand an article about the impact of algorithms on Internet users 140
• to write emails efficiently and respectfully 142
• a pact against misinformation in Uruguay 138
• the Uruguayan artist Jorge Drexler 140
• literary influencers in Uruguay 144
• CAMERA CARTEL Sé genial en internet, Google 134
• align-left CHAT Reporteros’ group chat conversation 135
• CAMERA align-left INFOGRAFÍA ¿Qué significa ser ciudadanos digitales responsables?, Fundación Paniamor Costa Rica 136
• MENSAJES DE VOZ Benjamín, Fabiola, and Lucía tell experiences they had on the Internet 137
• CAMERA INFOGRAFÍA ¿Cómo saber si una noticia es falsa?, Centro de Cultura Digital (Ciudad de México) 138
• align-left NOTICIAS News headlines and reactions to them 139
• align-left ARTÍCULO “¿Quién decide la música que escuchamos?”, El Comercio Perú 140
• VIDEO Educar Portal, Ministerio de Educación de Argentina 142
• CAMERA align-left REPORTAJE Influencers literarios 144
• irregular verbs in the present subjunctive 146
• impersonal constructions 147
• es cierto que + indicative, no es cierto que + subjunctive 149
• digital responsibility 150
• technology 150
• news 151
• written messages 151
• useful phrases for writing emails 152
Crear un test de ciudadanos digitales responsables. 153
Participar en un debate sobre cómo nos mostramos en las redes sociales. 154
• Interpretive mode 156
• Presentational mode 157
• Interpersonal mode 158
• Cultural comparisons 159
Futuros talentos
LECCIÓN 1 Preparo mi futuro
• to describe skills and abilities 164
• to express your plans for the future 166
• to understand and talk about training, achievements, and career expectations 168
• to understand a video résumé and a promotional video 170
• the music education program El Sistema Nacional de Orquestas y Coros Juveniles in Venezuela 163
• Miguel Rojas, a young Venezuelan passionate about astronomy 168
• Glass Marcano, the orchestra conductor 172
• VIDEO Rosmery introduces herself and her country 160
• CAMERA ILUSTRACIÓN The growth of a violinist, Rodrigo Avilés 162
• align-left CHAT Reporteros’ group chat conversation 163
• CAMERA CÓMIC Oswaldo the lifeguard 164
• CAMERA VIÑETAS Iván needs to repair his bike 165
• DIÁLOGO Iván calls Valeria to ask for help repairing his bike 165
• align-left TEXTO Treinta y dos mil tesoros y mil sueños de vida, José Santiago, 166
• align-left ARTÍCULO Miguel Rojas, un apasionado de la Astronomía 168
• VIDEO UNAM, la Universidad de la nación, TV UNAM, 170
• VIDEO Rosmery’s video résumé 171
• CAMERA MAPA MENTAL Mind map to prepare the video résumé 171
• CAMERA align-left REPORTAJE Un país dedicado a la música 172
• CAMERA FOTOGRAFÍA The choir Manos Blancas 172
• CAMERA FOTOGRAFÍA The conductor Glass Marcano 173
• describing skills: costar, resultar fácil / difícil ser bueno/a 174
• the future tense 176
• cuando + present subjunctive 176
• saber and poder 178
• abilities and skills 178, 180
• attributes 178
• studies 179
• careers and career paths 179, 180
MINIPROYECTO 1 Crear tu videocurrículum. 181
How can we develop our skills and abilities for the future? How can we prepare for our future careers?
LECCIÓN 2 Buscamos a alguien como tú
• to wish someone well 184
• to understand a job advertisement 186
• to write a cover letter for a scholarship 188
• to learn to participate in a job interview 190
• Venezuelan scholarships programs 183
• a book by Antonio Skármeta 190
• the poet Pablo Neruda 191
• Yulimar Rojas and Gleyber Torres, two Venezuelan athletes 192
• CAMERA CARTEL Campaign for scholarships from UCAB, Universidad Monteávila, and Universidad Metropolitana 182
• align-left CHAT Reporteros’ group chat conversation 184
• align-left PUBLICACIONES EN RED SOCIAL Rosmery updates her followers on her experience as a volunteer 184
• align-left PUBLICACIONES EN RED SOCIAL Celia and Gabriela explain different situations 185
• CAMERA CARTEL Offer to apply for Expedición Oceania, 186
• VIDEO Se buscan jóvenes extraordinarios, Oceania Expedición Mar Azul 187
• align-left TEXTO Roberta Molina’s cover letter 188
• align-left NOVELA El cartero de Neruda, Antonio Skármeta 190
• ENTREVISTA A job interview 191
• CAMERA align-left REPORTAJE Campeones venzolanos 192
• CAMERA FOTOGRAFÍA The Venezuelan baseball player Gleyber Torres 192
• CAMERA FOTOGRAFÍA The Venezuelan athlete Yulimar Rojas 193
• expressing wishes and hopes: esperar / desear / ojalá /… + que + present subjunctive 194
• adjective clauses with the present subjunctive 196
• world of work 198, 199
• useful phrases for a cover letter 200
• useful phrases for a job interview 200
Hacer una entrevista de trabajo. 201
Participar en una feria de actividades formativas. 202
• Interpretive mode 204
• Presentational mode 205
• Interpersonal mode 206
• Cultural comparisons 207
Un mundo sostenible
LECCIÓN 1 Somos parte de la naturaleza
• to understand how Andean cultures relate to nature 212
• to examine issues related to wild animals and suggest actions to protect them 214
• to discuss eco-friendly and healthy eating habits 216
• to read an excerpt from an adventure book and make hypotheses 218
• Bolivia’s environmental diversity 211
• the Andean philosophy of el buen vivir 212
• ancestral and sustainable food in Bolivia 216
• Francisco Leal Quevedo, a Colombian writer 218
• el Salar de Uyuni 220
• VIDEO Alan introduces himself and his country 208
• CAMERA CARTEL Bolivia biodiversa, campaign for #DíaInternacionalDeLaBiodiversidad 210
• align-left CHAT Reporteros’ group chat conversation 211
• CAMERA ILUSTRACIÓN Painting representing the buen vivir, Juan Umajinga 212
• align-left TEXTO Los principios del buen vivir, Gobierno de Bolivia 213
• align-left ARTÍCULO Proteger a los animales salvajes 214
• CAMERA CARTEL Día mundial de la gastronomía sostenible, Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Agua de Bolivia 216
• VIDEO Día Mundial de la Gastronomía Sostenible, Fundación Ambiente & Medio 217
• align-left NOVELA Aventura en el Amazonas, Francisco Leal Quevedo 218
• CAMERA FOTOGRAFÍA Author Francisco Leal Quevedo 218
• CAMERA align-left REPORTAJE El Salar de Uyuni 220
• lo + adjective and lo que + verb 222
• the conditional tense 223
• wild animals 226
• the environment and our relationship with it 227
• eating habits 228
• linking words 228
Presentar un programa de actividades para celebrar el Día de la Biodiversidad. 229
How do we relate to nature?
How do we take care of the environment?
LECCIÓN 2 Desafíos ambientales
• to discuss environmental issues and positive actions 232
• to understand and propose ways for implementing a circular economy 234
• to understand requests and initiatives promoting urban improvement 236
• to write a letter requesting community improvements 238
• natural protected areas in Bolivia 231
• atrapaniebla, Latin American environmental technology 233
• Salvé, a Bolivian sustainable clothing brand 234
• urban vegetable garden in La Paz 237
• ancestral food from Bolivia 240
• CAMERA CARTEL Movilización mundial por el clima, Jhon Cortés 230
• align-left CHAT Reporteros’ group chat conversation 231
• CAMERA INFOGRAFÍA Naturaleza positiva para 2030 232
• VIDEO Atrapaniebla: Agua en tiempos de escasez hídrica, Investigación y Postgrado ULS 233
• align-left ARTÍCULO Salvé, una marca de moda circular 234
• align-left TEXTO Two people talk about the problems that exist in their cities 236
• VIDEO Huertos Urbanos - Vínculos Urbano-Rurales, ONU-Habitat Bolivia 237
• align-left TEXTO Open letter from the Quispe family to their neighborhood 238
• CAMERA FOTOGRAFÍAS Proposals to improve the school 239
• CAMERA align-left REPORTAJE Sabores andinos: un cultivo ancestral en tu mesa 240
• CAMERA INFOGRAFÍA Seis alimentos originarios de los Andes, about Andean food 241
• past participles as adjectives 242
• pedir / necesitar / lograr / permitir / … que + present subjunctive 244
• the environment 246
• urban gardens 246
• fashion 247
• sustainability 247
• useful phrases for writing a formal letter 248
• word formation 248
• linking words 248
Escribir una petición para su comunidad en una carta abierta. 249
Presentar un mapa interactivo con proyectos de mejora medioambiental 250
• Interpretive mode 252
• Presentational mode 253
• Interpersonal mode 254
• Cultural comparisons 255
gustan las historias
• to take a test about literary genres and understand descriptions of imaginary situations 260
• to understand book reviews and make recommendations 262
• to summarize the plot of a story 264
• to understand and provide information about a TV series 266
• books by Spanish-speaking authors 262, 264
• Spanish authors Carmen Martín Gaite and Carlos Ruiz Zafón 264, 265
• Spanish TV series El Ministerio del Tiempo 266
• Paco Roca, a Spanish cartoonist 268
• VIDEO Isabel introduces herself and her country 256
• CAMERA VIÑETA Cartoon about the transformational power of books, Manel Fontdevila 258
• align-left CHAT Reporteros’ group chat conversation 259
• align-left TEST ¿Qué género literario va contigo? 260
• DIÁLOGO Three friends talk about their favorite literary genres 261
• VIDEO Isabel reviews the latest books she read 262
• CAMERA FOTOGRAFÍAS Boulevard, Flor M. Salvador and Marina, Carlos Ruiz Zafón 262
• CAMERA FOTOGRAFÍA Spanish author Carlos Ruiz Zafón 262
• CAMERA ILUSTRACIONES Illustrations from the book Caperucita en Manhattan 264
• align-left RESUMEN Summary of Caperucita en Manhattan 264
• CAMERA FOTOGRAFÍA Spanish author Carmen Martín Gaite 265
• CAMERA align-left TEXTO Review of the TV series El Ministerio del Tiempo 266
• PÓDCAST Isabel talks about El Ministerio del Tiempo 267
• CAMERA align-left REPORTAJE El mundo dibujado de Paco Roca 268
• CAMERA VIÑETA Illustration from La casa, Paco Roca 268
• CAMERA CARTEL Movie poster of Arrugas, based on the homonymous book by Paco Roca 269
• the imperfect subjunctive 270
• si clauses: imperfect subjunctive + conditional 271
• recomendar + subjunctive 272
• literary and film genres 274
• reviews 274, 275
• recommendations 276
• summarizing a plot 276
Crear un álbum de reseñas visuales para una biblioteca pública. 277
What makes books, TV series, and movies interesting? What stories do art and fiction from Spanish-speaking countries tell?
LECCIÓN 2 Ficción y realidad
• to identify an iconic character and what they represent in an excerpt from a novel 280
• to describe a painting and make hypotheses about what is happening in the scene 282
• to understand the main idea and some details of a legend 284
• to understand the main idea and some details of a story 286
• Don Quijote and Cervantes 279, 281
• Las meninas and Velázquez 283
• a Mayan legend 284
• a story about the Spanish Civil War by Eduardo Galeano, Uruguayan writer 286
• Sant Jordi, a Catalan celebration 288
• CAMERA ILUSTRACIÓN El Quijote moderno, Fernando Vicente 278
• align-left CHAT Reporteros’ group chat conversation 279
• align-left NOVELA Cuando me veas, Laura Gallego 280
• CAMERA ILUSTRACIÓN Don Quijote and Sancho Panza 281
• CAMERA CUADRO Las meninas, Diego Velázquez 282
• VIDEO Isabel explains the painting Las meninas 283
• CAMERA FOTOGRAFÍA Self-portrait of Diego Velázquez 283
• align-left LEYENDA La leyenda del chechén y el chacá 284
• AUDIO La leyenda del chechén y el chacá 284
• align-left NOVELA Bocas del tiempo, Eduardo Galeano 286
• CAMERA FOTOGRAFÍA Uruguayan author Eduardo Galeano 287
• CAMERA align-left REPORTAJE La fiesta de Sant Jordi 288
• CAMERA CARTEL Sant Jordi, Ayuntamiento de Barcelona 288
• CAMERA FOTOGRAFÍA San Jordi’s celebration 288
• constructions to express hypotheses + subjunctive 290
• the preterite, imperfect, past progressive, and past perfect tenses 291
• stories and legends 294
• art 295
• describing images 296
• linking words for telling stories 296
Escribir una historia inspirada en una imagen. 297
Participar en una lectura pública de libros en español. 298
• Interpretive mode 300
• Presentational mode 301
• Interpersonal mode 302
• Cultural comparisons 303
The Spanish Hub is a platform offering digital content and resources for students and teachers who work with REPORTEROS.
It is designed with a clear purpose in mind: to improve teaching and learning experiences in middle school and high school environments with engaging content and helpful, user-friendly tools. The platform offers easy access to a vast array of material in different formats to help students better grasp and practice concepts, build their skills, develop cultural insights, and meet learning objectives. The Spanish Hub is easy, flexible and intuitive for all users.
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• An enriched eText version of the Workbook
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• Videos with scripts and subtitles in English and Spanish
• Videos with subtitles for students who are hearing impaired
• Grammar tutorials (video)
• Pronunciation tutorials (video)
• Audio versions of all the texts
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• Interactive quizzes
• Teacher’s assignments and messages
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• Self and peer rubrics
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Throughout the book, you will find the following icons and boxes.
Activities marked with this icon have been created specifically to develop critical thinking skills. In these activities, you will reflect critically on what you have read, on your own culture, and on the cultures of others.
The magnifying glass indicates that you are going to analyze an aspect of the language in order to understand it better. Many times, you will be able to compare Spanish with English and work out the rules by yourself.
Brief explanations and examples of the grammar structures that you are going to use.
Lists of the words you are going to need to do the activities, translated or pictured.
The stars indicate the level of difficulty of the grammar and vocabulary practice activities.
The black loudspeaker indicates a text recording (a text read by a native speaker).
Activities marked with this icon are challenges.
Some typical words found in the variety of Spanish used in each unit’s featured country.
Strategies and advice for reading, listening, writing, speaking, memorizing, looking for information on the Internet, or creating different products like videos or presentations.
Information about a cultural topic relating to the page’s subject matter and documents, as well as activities.
Videos and playlists that will broaden your horizons concerning some of the topics presented.
This icon highlights the digital resources available on The Spanish Hub platform for each double page spread of the book.
GRAMMAR TUTORIAL Grammar video tutorials
Worksheets to differentiate instruction
Worksheets for heritage students
Interactive grammar and vocabulary quizzes
Suggestions for adapting projects to any situation: with or without digital tools.
Self-evaluation chart (intended for students)
Rubrics for the Miniproyectos and Proyectos finales, the Preparo la evaluación IPA activities and the Nuestras culturas section (intended for teachers and students)
Rubrics for the Miniproyectos and Proyectos finales (intended for students)
Interactive version of the Workbook