An inclusive, communicative Spanish program that speaks to today’s young learners
1 Maneras de vivir
• to understand and summarize relevant details about the clothing industry in Peru 2
• to understand and describe the values of conscious fashion design projects 4
• to recognize and describe the values of a group of young Bolivian skateboarders 6
• to understand a video report about the lifestyle of a group of young Bolivian skateboarders 8
• to interpret the main ideas of a fictional text and describe the nomadic lifestyle of a character 10
• to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a lifestyle 11
• to comprehend an informal conversation between two friends about their neighborhood 13
• to show interest and ask for practical details in an informal conversation 13
• to understand a call for a volunteer program and summarize its benefits 14
• to request information about a volunteer program in an email to a friend 16
• to interpret a tourism campaign of Peru 18
• to create a tourism campaign of your country 19
• to interpret and write an opinion piece on the impact of tourism in Peru 20
• to compare and contrast information about music styles in different cultures 22
• past participles as adjectives 3
• the present tense 5
• the preterite tense vs. the imperfect tense 5
• expressing whises 7
• concessive clauses 9
• question words 9
• expressing effects
• the future tense 15
• graphs and economy 3, 19, 25
• fashion and influencers 5, 24
• community 7, 9, 26
• skateboarding 7
• linking words 7, 17, 29
• identity 9, 19, 26
• feelings and emotions 9, 27
• travels 11, 26
• neighborhoods and associations 13
• greetings and farewells in a conversation 13, 27
• asking for information and reacting in a conversation 13, 27
• volunteering 15
• asking for practical information 13, 17, 28
• greetings and farewells in emails 17, 28
• wellbeing 19
• tourism 21, 25
• useful expressions for writing opinion pieces 21, 28
• music and instruments 22
• useful expressions for oral presentations and cultural comparisons 23, 28
• word formation 24
What impact does our lifestyle have on our emotions, our communities, and our environment?
• alpaca fiber in Peru 2
• Annaiss Yucra and Marina Testino, two peruvian fashion designers 4
• ImillaSkate, a group of Bolivian female skateboarders 6, 8
• Peruvian literature 10, 11
• Barranco, a neighborhood of Lima 12
• the National Natural Reserve of San Fernando in Peru 14, 16
• Machu Picchu, an Inca citadel in Peru 20
• cumbia in Peru and merengue in the Dominican Republic 22, 23
• VIDEO Miguel introduces himself and his country 1c
• CAMERA GRÁFICO El Perú, líder en fibra de alpaca, Ministerio de Comercio Exterior y Turismo del Perú 2
• CAMERA align-left ARTÍCULO Moda sostenible en el Perú 4
• CAMERA FOTOGRAFÍAS Peruvian fashion designers Annaiss Yucra and Marina Testino 4
• CAMERA align-left ARTÍCULO “ImillaSkate: las skaters bolivianas que elevan el empoderamiento indígena”, Rock&Pop 6
• CAMERA FOTOGRAFÍA the skateboarders group ImillaSkate, Luisa Dörr 6
• VIDEO “En la piel de ImillaSkate”, Vogue México y Latinoamérica 8
• align-left TEXTO Los ríos profundos, José María Arguedas 10
• CAMERA FOTOGRAFÍA Peruvian writer José María Arguedas 10
• CAMERA FOTOGRAFÍAS Malecón de Barranco; MATE, art and photography museum in Lima; murals by Lima artists; street musicians; quintas, traditional houses in Barranco, Puente de los suspiros, Lima 12
• CONVERSACIÓN Miguel speaks to a friend about lifestyles in Barranco, a neighborhood in Lima, and a cultural association 13
• VIDEO ¿Te gustaría ser guardaparque?, Profonanpe 14
• align-left CORREO ELECTRÓNICO Miguel tells a friend about his experience as a volunteer in a natural park and proposes they do it together next year 16
• align-left CAMERA GRÁFICO Viajar por el Perú: otra forma de ayudar a tu país, Ministerio de Comercio Exterior y Turismo del Perú 18
• CAMERA align-left ARTÍCULO “Machu Picchu, del olvido a la masificación”, La Vanguardia 20
• CAMERA FOTOGRAFÍAS Machu Picchu citadel 20
• VIDEO Miguel gives a video presentation about Peruvian cumbia and its links to other rythms 22
• CAMERA FOTOGRAFÍA the Peruvian band Dengue Dengue Dengue 22
• VIDEO Alexander presents the origins of the merengue and its links with other rythms 23
• CAMERA FOTOGRAFÍA the Dominican band Mula 23
Crear un video promocional para animar a nuevos miembros a participar en un colectivo local. 30
Nuestras lenguas
• to interpret a graphic about indigenous Latin American languages and present my own country’s languages 34
• to analyze and compare Guaraní with other languages 36
• to understand an autobiographical story about bilingualism and reflect on this topic 38
• to comprehend a promotional video and an interview about sign language and explore ways to be more inclusive 40
• to understand a conversation in a language exchange and have a similar conversation 43
• to make, accept and decline suggestions 43
• to schedule a language exchange and express preferences 43
• to write a formal response to an email indicating my interest in school activities 44
• to interpret an infographic and evaluate the benefits of AI in education 47
• to write an argumentative essay based on information from authentic sources 49
• to understand two presentations about body language and make cultural comparisons about the topic 50
• expressing wishes and effects in the past 37
• expressing feelings and opinions 39
• expressing opinions with impersonal constructions 40
• making suggestions 43
• the present participle 47
• making hypotheses 49
• recommendations with impersonal constructions 50
• languages 35, 37, 40, 52
• feelings, emotions, and opinions 37, 39, 53
• linking words 39, 49, 56
• inclusion 41, 52
• learning languages 43
• useful expressions for planning a language exchange 43, 54
• useful expressions for greeting, making proposals, and finishing formal emails 45, 54
• education and artificial intelligence 47, 49, 53
• useful expressions for describing advantages and disadvantages, and giving examples 49, 56
• non verbal communication 50, 54
• useful expressions for oral presentations and cultural comparisons 51, 56
• indigenous language families in Latin America 34
• countries of South America 34-35
• guaraní, an indigenous language spoken in Paraguay and other countries of the region 36
• language diversity and language policy in Paraguay 37
• María del Rosario Saavedra Saravia, a Bolivian teacher and quechua language advocate 38
• indigenous languages spoken in Bolivia: quechua, aimara and guaraní 38, 39
• the official sign language in Paraguay 40
• Rozalén, a Spanish popfolk musician, and Beatriz Romero, a Spanish sign language interpreter 41
• body languages and gestures in Paraguay and the United States 50-51
How can languages serve as tools for inclusion and communication in diverse communities?
What role can AI play in language learning and education?
• VIDEO Gabriela introduces herself and her country 32
• CAMERA MAPA Principales lenguas indígenas en Latinoamérica, Cinare 34
• CAMERA align-left ARTÍCULO La lengua guaraní, orgullo de un país, Noticias ONU, Naciones Unidas 36
• align-left TEXTO “Viviendo junto con nuestra lengua”, María del Rosario Saavedra Saravia, ¿Ser o no bilingüe? 38
• CAMERA FOTOGRAFÍA María del Rosario Saavedra Saravia 38
• VIDEO Lengua de Señas Paraguay, Secretaría de Políticas Lingüísticas de Paraguay 40
• VIDEO Rozalén. Three Thoughts sobre… Música inclusiva, rozalenVEVO 41
• CAMERA align-left INFOGRAFÍA Lo que no sabías sobre aprender otro idioma, Códice. Consejo de investigación ciudadana y empresarial 42
• CONVERSACIÓN Gabriela speaks to Oliver, her language exchange partner 43
• align-left CORREO ELECTRÓNICO A teacher requests the exchange program students details about their availability, interests, and suggestions for language practice activities 44
• CAMERA align-left INFOGRAFÍA Ventajas de la inteligencia artificial (IA) en la educación 46
• CAMERA align-left ARTÍCULO La inteligencia artificial (IA) en la educación: desafíos e inconvenientes 48
• VIDEO Gabriela makes a video presentation on body languages and gestures in Paraguay 50
• VIDEO Lia, the reportera from the United States, makes a video presentation on body language and gestures in her country 51
Presentar un programa de actividades diseñado para dar a conocer una lengua minoritaria y promover su reconocimiento y aprendizaje. 58
El Caribe innova
• to interpret an infographic and explain a community’s concern and involvement in biodiversity conservation 62
• to understand a video about marine conservation and brainstorm ways communities can help 64
• to record a podcast about the situation of coral reefs in the Dominican Republic and the Caribbean 65
• to understand an article about the use of technology for medical purposes 66
• to understand a video about technology-assisted medicine and make predictions 68
• to compare health care in remote areas in the Dominican Republic and your country 68
• to negotiate a favor in an informal conversation 70
• to write a response to a formal email to request a replacement device and negotiate terms and conditions 72
• to understand and summarize a scientific article about insects 74
• to write an expository article explaining a scientific process and its impact on the environment and society 76
• to analyze the main ideas of a fictional text about coffee cultivation 78
• to compare and contrast the roles of coffee and cocoa cultivation in two different countries 80
• the passive voice (ser + participle) and the passive se 63
• uses of the conditional tense 65
• the future perfect tense: haber (furure tense) + past participle 69
• possessive pronouns 71
• conditional clauses 73
• si clauses: imperfect subjunctive + conditional 75
• the imperfect subjunctive 75
• marine conservation 63, 64, 82
• statistics
• useful expressions to summarize 65, 85
• health 67, 70, 77, 83
• drones 67, 68, 82
• time expressions 69, 79, 87
• technology 70, 72, 83
• useful expressions for asking for favors, justifying a request, and giving thanks 71, 85
• useful expressions for accepting a request 71, 85
• useful expressions for setting and accepting conditions 71, 85
• useful expressions for applying for something and expressing conditions 73, 86
• the ecosystem 75, 84
• useful expressions for writing an expository text 77, 86
• coffee and cocoa growing 79, 80, 84
• useful expressions for oral presentations and cultural comparisons 81, 87
• the Bayahibe coral reef, Dominican Republic 64
• the Dominican health system 68
• dengue, an endemic desease 77
• Julia Álvarez, American writer of Dominican origins 78
• coffee in the Dominican Republic 80
• chocolate in Colombia 81
How do scientific and technological innovations change environmental and health conditions?
• VIDEO Alexander introduces himself and his country 60
• CAMERA align-left INFOGRAFÍA Caribe - Informe de impacto, The Nature Conservancy 62
• VIDEO Conservación de corales en Bayahibe, República Dominicana, Fundemar 64
• CAMERA align-left ARTÍCULO “Los exitosos 167 vuelos del dron médico”, El País 66
• VIDEO Cómo unos drones ayudaron a mejorar la atención de salud en la República Dominicana, Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo 68
• CAMERA align-left INFOGRAFÍA El internet de las cosas 70
• CONVERSACIÓN Alexander speaks to her friend Sabrina and she asks him for a favor 71
• align-left FORO The customer service of a technological online shop answers to questions 72
• CAMERA align-left CAMPAÑA INFORMATIVA El papel de los mosquitos en el ecosistema, Corporación Autónoma Regional del Guavio 74
• CAMERA align-left ARTÍCULO “Un ejército de mosquitos modificados para arrinconar al dengue”, El País 76
• CAMERA FOTOGRAFÍA Julia Álvarez, American writer of Dominican origins 78
• CAMERA align-left NOVELA El cuento del cafecito, Julia Álvarez 78
• VIDEO Alexander gives a video presentation about coffee in the Dominican Republic 80
• VIDEO Germán gives a video presentation about chocolate in the Dominican Republic 81
Crear un pódcast sobre las innovaciones científicas y tecnológicas más interesantes de la última década relacionadas con la salud y el medioambiente. 88
Hecho en Guatemala
• to interpret an infographic and summarize relevant details about the population of Guatemala 92
• to understand a video and discuss how to contribute to community development 94
• to understand a promotional video and analyze the importance of forests in the economic development of Guatemala 96
• to discuss ways to regulate the timber industry in a sustainable way 98
• to understand a fictional text about a boy whose parents have emigrated to the US 100
• to understand an article and describe the professional achievements of a Guatemalan entrepreneur 102
• to understand an article about Guatemalan immigrants in the US and write an article based on the testimony of an immigrant in my community 104
• to understand an infographic about the Mayan ball game 106
• to describe the rules of a sport or game and answer questions about it 107
• to understand a call for cultural projects and reply to an email giving instructions to follow the process 108
• to compare two ancient civilizations 110
• al + infinitive 95
• adjective clauses 97
• conditional clauses 99, 109
• time clauses 101, 103, 105
• making hypotheses 103
• the present perfect sunjunctive: haber (present subjunctive) + past participle 110
• population and statistics 93, 112
• socioeconomic challenges 95, 112
• forest resources 97
• markets 97, 99, 113
• the forest sector 99, 113
• migration 101, 105, 114
• word formation: diminutives 101, 114
• digital technology 103
• biographies 103, 114
• verbs for introducing reported speech 105
• games and sports 106, 107, 115
• useful expressions for describing games and sports rules 107, 115
• useful expressions for welcoming and introducing someone 107, 115
• useful expressions for thanking 107, 115
• convocatoria calls 108, 116
• useful expressions for giving instructions 109, 116
• useful expressions for offering help 109, 116
• time expressions 110
• ancient civilizations 110, 117
• useful expressions for oral presentations 110, 111, 117
What role does cultural heritage play in the economic and social development of a country?
• demographic distribution in Guatemala 92
• main ethnical groups in Guatamela 93
• xate, a native plant from Guatemala 96
• Luis von Ahn, a Guatemalan technology entrepreneur 102
• quitapenas dolls 105
• the Mayan ball game 106
• the Ancient Mayan civilization 110
• the Ancient Inca civilization 111
• VIDEO Ana introduces herself and her country 90
• CAMERA align-left INFOGRAFÍA XII Censo nacional de población, Instituto Nacional de Estadística de Guatemala 92
• VIDEO Miska, escuelas de cocina y emprendimiento, ICCO América Latina 94
• VIDEO Entorno del sector forestal de Guatemala, AGEXPORT 97
• align-left ARTÍCULO "El secreto para detener la deforestación en Guatemala", Rainforest Alliance 98
• CAMERA FOTOGRAFÍA Javier Zamora, writer from El Salvador 100
• CAMERA CUBIERTA DE LIBRO Cover of the book Solito, by Javier Zamora 100
• align-left NOVELA Solito, Javier Zamora 100
• CAMERA FOTOGRAFÍA Luis von Ahn, Guatemalan entrepreneur 102
• CAMERA align-left ARTÍCULO Luis von Ahn, el guatemalteco que revolucionó internet, revista Orsai 102
• align-left ARTÍCULO "El chapín no olvida sus raíces", La Hora 104
• CAMERA FOTOGRAFÍA Quitapenas dolls 104
• CAMERA FOTOGRAFÍA Folkloric Guatemalan dancers on Día de la Hispanidad in New York 104
• CAMERA align-left INFOGRAFÍA Description of the rules of the Mayan ball game 106
• ENTREVISTA Ana answers questions about the Mayan ball game in a radio program 107
• CAMERA align-left MATERIAL PROMOCIONAL Convocatoria de becas para proyectos culturales 108
• align-left CORREO ELECTRÓNICO Elena writes an email to a friend requesting instructions to apply to a call for proposals 109
• VIDEO Ana gives a video presentation about the Ancient Mayan civilization 110
• VIDEO Miguel, the reportero from Peru, gives a video presentation about the Ancient Incan civilization 111
Crear un folleto sobre un deporte antiguo para una jornada de intercambio. 118
Colombia es mágica
• to understand a promotional campaign for Colombia and create one for a place that interests you 122
• to understand an article and an interview about the style of an artist 124, 127
• to describe a piece of art 126
• to interpret the meaning of a song 128
• to write a short song or a poem 129
• to understand a literary example of magical realism 130
• to understand what magical realism is about 132
• to write a story with magical realism elements based on a painting 133
• to understand and provide details about special community events 134
• to reply to a formal email to make recommendations for art at my school 136
• to compare and contrast information about architecture in different cultures 138, 139
• noun-adjective order 123
• commands 123
• expressing purpose 125
• estar + present participle 126
• estar + past participle 126
• time clauses 131
• acabar de + infinitive 131
• telling stories using past tense combinations 133
• describing events with ser 135
• describing people and places 123, 140
• nature 123, 126, 129, 140
• art 125, 126, 141
• linking words 125, 126, 132, 137, 138, 139, 145
• literary language 129, 142
• como / cómo 129, 145
• stories 130, 133
• magical realism 132
• useful expressions to tell stories 133, 143
• time expressions 133
• carnival 135, 142
• useful expressions for describing events 135, 143
• useful expressions for greeting, thanking, making proposals, and finishing formal emails 137, 144
• architecture 138, 140
• useful expressions for oral presentations 139, 144
• Stefania Tejada, a Colombian artist 124-127
• orchid, the national flower of Colombia 127
• Carlos Vives, a Colombian singer 128
• realismo mágico 130-133
• Cien años de soledad, by Colombian writer Gabriel García Márquez 130-131
• Carnaval de Barranquilla 134
• colonial architecture in Cartagena 138
• colonial and Creole architecture in New Orleans 138
How are different forms of beauty embraced and celebrated within their cultures?
• VIDEO Germán introduces himself and his country 120
• CAMERA CAMPAÑA DE REDES SOCIALES Carnaval de Negros y Blancos en Pasto, Nariño, Cancillería de Colombia 122
• CAMERA CAMPAÑA DE REDES SOCIALES Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Gran Caribe Colombiano, Cancillería de Colombia 122
• VIDEO Colombia, el país de la belleza 122
• CAMERA align-left ARTÍCULO “ La conexión con la naturaleza de Stefania Tejada”, Vogue México y Latinoamérica 124
• CAMERA FOTOGRAFÍA Colombian artist Stefania Tejada next to A Familiar Sentiment, one of her paintings 124
• CAMERA CUADRO Primavera, by Colombian painter Stefania Tejada 126
• ENTREVISTA Interview to Stefania Tejada about the main features of her art 127
• CAMERA align-left CANCIÓN La tierra del olvido, by Carlos Vives, Fanny Lu, Fonseca, Maluma, Andrea Echeverri, Cholo Valderrama, Coral Group, and Herencia de Timbiquí 128
• CAMERA FOTOGRAFÍA Colombian singer Carlos Vives 128
• CAMERA align-left NOVELA “Remedios, la bella”, from Cien años de soledad, by Gabriel García Márquez 130
• CAMERA FOTOGRAFÍA Remedios, la bella illustration, Helena Pérez García 130
• CAMERA FOTOGRAFÍA Colombian writer Gabriel García Márquez 131
• VIDEO Realismo mágico, Histeria de la literatura 132
• CAMERA CUADRO El tren volador, by painter Gonzalo Endara Crow 133
• CAMERA align-left CARTEL Program of the Barranquilla Carnival 134
• ENTREVISTA Germán interviews Alejandra about the highlights of the Barranquilla Carnival 134
• CAMERA align-left CORREO ELECTRÓNICO The highschool principal requests the students for suggestions for a new mural for the school 136
• VIDEO Germán gives a video presentation about the colonnial architecture of Cartagena 138
• VIDEO Lia, the reportera from the United States, gives a video presentation about the architecture of New Orleans 139
Montar una exposición con imágenes, relatos y poemas sobre Colombia 146
Energía latina
• to interpret an infographic that describes the impact of the Hispanic community on the United States 150
• to understand a video report about the changes in a village in the United States and the cultural exchange with the Hispanic community 152
• to write a short article about the evolution and contribution of the Hispanic community in the United States 153
• to understand an article about influential Spanish-speaking people and participate in an interview 154
• to understand a biography about a Spanish-speaking person in the field of space science and write one of another person 156
• to understand an anecdote and explain one 157
• to provide information about myself and specific life events in a personal interview 159
• to write a response to a forum post offering support and advice 160
• to interpret a timeline with information about Latin music styles 162
• to read a report about the origins of a musical style and write one of another style 164
• to interpret a literary text including different time frames and discuss its details 166
• compare the cuisine of two countries and describe the cultural origins of each one 168
• the past perfect subjunctive 153
• the conditional perfect tense 153
• si clauses + the conditional perfect tense 153
• narrating past events 155, 167
• reported speech
• time clauses
• making recommendations 161
• the world of work 151, 155, 156, 170
• community 151, 153, 155, 171
• useful expressions to comment or react 151
• sports 159, 171
• useful expressions to conduct an interview 159, 174
• time expressions 159, 163, 168, 175
• linking words 159, 175
• useful expressions to request and provide information 161, 174
• music 163, 165
• highlighted moments 163, 165, 172
• useful expressions to write a report 165, 174
• entertainment 167, 172
• food 168, 173
• useful expressions for oral presentations 169, 173
• the Hispanic community of New Braunfels, Texas 152
• five Hispanic people in the world of space science, Noelia González, Frank Rubio, Rosa Ávalos-Warren, Katya Echazarreta, and Ellen Ochoa, 154, 156-157
• Latin music styles 162, 164
• Tex-Mex cuisine 168
• Guatemalan cuisine 169
How does the Hispanic community influence the US?
• VIDEO Lia introduces herself and her country 148
• CAMERA align-left INFOGRAFÍA Panorama hispano de hoy, The Hispanic Star 150
• VIDEO Un pueblo de Texas se ha convertido en el secreto mejor guardado por los latinos, Univisión 152
• CAMERA align-left ARTÍCULO Latinos que trabajan en la NASA 154
• CAMERA FOTOGRAFÍAS Photographies of scientific writer Noelia González and space engineer Rosa Ávalos-Warren 154
• CAMERA align-left BIOGRAFÍA electric engineer Katya Echazarreta 156
• CAMERA FOTOGRAFÍA Photography of Katya Echazarreta 156
• PÓDCAST A podcast about the Hispanic community in the US talks about Katya Echazarreta 157
• CAMERA FOTOGRAFÍA Photography of engineer and astronaut Ellen Ochoa 157
• CAMERA FOTOGRAFÍAS Photographies of basketball player Diana Taurasi and baseball player Ronald Acuña Jr. 158
• CAMERA align-left INFOGRAFÍA Distribution of Latin sportspeople in the US 158
• ENTREVISTA Lia is interviewed by a basketball coach to join the university team 159
• align-left FORO Carolina just moved from Mexico and she asks for advice about places and activities in the place where you live 160
• CAMERA align-left INFOGRAFÍA Grandes éxitos de la musica latina 162
• CAMERA align-left ARTÍCULO Y aquella noche nació la salsa 164
• CAMERA align-left NOVELA Los Reyes del Mambo, Oscar Hijuelos 166
• VIDEO Lia gives a video presentation about Tex-Mex cuisine 168
• VIDEO Ana, the reportera of Guatemala gives a video presentation about her country's cuisine 169
Escribir un número de una revista sobre personas de origen hispano influyentes en los Estados Unidos 176
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Throughout the book, you will find the following icons and boxes.
Activities marked with this icon have been created specifically to develop critical thinking skills. In these activities, you will reflect critically on what you have read, on your own culture, and on the cultures of others.
RETO Activities marked with this icon are challenges.
Pair activity search
The magnifying glass indicates that you are going to analyze an aspect of the language in order to understand it better. Many times, you will be able to compare Spanish with English and work out the rules by yourself.
Brief explanations and examples of the grammar structures that you are going to use.
Lists of the words you are going to need to do the activities, translated or pictured.
The black loudspeaker indicates a text recording (a text read by a native speaker).
Group activity
Some typical words found in the variety of Spanish used in each unit’s featured country.
Strategies and advice for reading, listening, writing, speaking, memorizing, looking for information on the Internet, or creating different products like videos or presentations.
Information about a cultural topic relating to the page’s subject matter and documents, as well as activities.
Videos and playlists that will broaden your horizons concerning some of the topics presented.
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GRAMMAR TUTORIAL Grammar video tutorials
Worksheets to differentiate instruction
Worksheets for heritage learners
Interactive grammar and vocabulary quizzes
Suggestions for adapting projects to any situation: with or without digital tools.
Self-evaluation chart (intended for students)
Rubrics for the Proyectos and the Nuestras culturas section (intended for teachers and students)
Rubrics for the Proyectos finales (intended for students)
Interactive version of the Workbook