Kline Energy Practice Catalog 2019 - 2020

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Table of Contents 3

Global and Regional Lubricant Reports








Lubricant Basestocks






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Finished Lubricants Regional Focus

In Continuous Publication Since 1984

To be launched (Base year: 2018)

Opportunities in Lubricants, 2018-2020: North American Market Analysis

A three-volume service


Each volume details information and insights into specific end-use industries and is organized to reflect the industry’s view of market segmentation.

V Published (Base year: 2017)


Provides an examination of the continuing demand shifts throughout the entire market in critical areas such as shifts in viscosity grades, mineral to synthetic formulations, and the shift from DIY to DIFM customers.


All data tables in the published report are provided in an Excel database format to support internal analysis and “what if” scenarios based on your own perspective and assessment of current and future market conditions. Volume III: Industrial Oils and Fluids

In progress (Base year: 2018)

To be launched (Base year: 2019)

Opportunities in Lubricants: China A comprehensive analysis focusing on market size and growth, quality evolution, key trends, developments, challenges and threats, and business opportunities in China. Profiles leading participants in the Chinese lubricants market.

In progress (Base year: 2018)

Opportunities in Lubricants: India Provides analysis of the Indian lubricants market, focusing on key trends, developments, challenges, business opportunities and threats. Shows competitive positioning among the MNC suppliers, NOC/PSU suppliers, and other local independents, channels, and product trends.

In progress (Base year: 2018)

Opportunities in Lubricants: Latin America and Caribbean

17 country profiles available Assesses the current size of the Latin American and Caribbean finished lubricants market by major countries and product categories.

In progress (Base year: 2018)

Opportunities in Lubricants: Middle East Assesses the current size of the Middle Eastern finished lubricants market by major countries and product categories. Includes Year-in-Review and in-depth country profiles for Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Oman, and United Arab Emirates. Iran add-on report is available on request.

Published (Base year: 2017)

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Finished Lubricants


Usage & Products Focus Global Marine Lubricants: Market Analysis and Opportunities Provides a detailed and independent appraisal of the global marine lubricants market and the emerging opportunities for lubricant marketers. Includes key markets, technology and product trends, as well as market opportunities and future challenges. Regions Covered:



Europe *

North America

Published (Base year: 2018)

Natural Gas Engine Oils:

Global Market Analysis and Opportunities

This report will identify the market opportunities and challenges for natural gas engine oils globally and in key country markets in non-transport applications. It will help understand the competition between gas engine oils and gas turbines and growth in natural gas engines in various regions and applications.

Published (Base year: 2018)

General Industrial Oils and Fluids:

Metalworking Fluids:

Global Market Analysis and Opportunities

Global Market Analysis and Opportunities

This report provides insights by region, end-use industry, and product categories revealing key industry trends by different end-use markets and by different mainstream and specialty products.

A comprehensive study of the global metalworking fluids industry examining the lasting impact of the recession on this industry in terms of size, regions, products, technology, market trends, and “post-recession� growth.

Regions Covered:

Regions Covered:

Americas * Asia

* Europe

To be launched (Base year: 2018)

Americas * Asia

* Europe

In progress (Base year: 2018)

Lubricants for Wind Turbines: Global Market Analysis and Opportunities A comprehensive analysis of the market for wind turbine lubricants by region and product categories. Provides understanding regarding OEM and wind farm operator requirements on product performance to assist product development and product differention, as well as an appraisal of various govenmental policies, market trends, and supply and demand drivers. Countries Covered: China, Germany, India, Spain, United States, Rest of World (onshore), Global offshore

In progress (Base year: 2019)

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Heavy-Duty Motor Oil: China Channel Dynamics and Opportunities for Trucks, Buses, and Construction Vehicles

Finished Lubricants

HDMO Focus

This new report assesses the current state of HDMO sales channels in China and how they will likely evolve, and what HDMO distribution will look like in the future. Published (Base year: 2017)

The HDMO Market in 2040: A Long-Term Outlook

This report provides a comprehensive, independent appraisal of the evolving HDMO market in context of the electrification of commercial fleets, and the emergence of other transformative forces including telematics and digitalization.

Regions Covered: Global Published (Base year: 2018)

OEM Genuine Oil Brands and Programs in the Heavy-Duty Commercial Segment: Market Analysis and Opportunities Though commercial vehicle OEMs have not tended to focus on genuine oils in the past, there has been some budding interest in using genuine fluids to ensure proper engine protection, fuel economy, and building brand equity. This study will assess the growth and market penetration of OEM genuine oil brands in the global market for heavy duty motor oil (HDMO).

Regions Covered: Global Published (Base year: 2018)

www.KlineGroup.com Š 2019 Kline & Company, Inc.

Energy/Petroleum Energy/Petroleum

Finished Lubricants Lubricants Finished MCO Focus

Lubricants for Motorcycles, Scooters, and Mopeds: Global Market Analysis and Opportunities

A comprehensive analysis of the global market for two-wheeler lubricants by region and product categories that also provides an appraisal of leading suppliers of two-wheeler oils, their positioning, and market strategy. Countries covered: China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Italy, Germany, Spain, USA, Mexico, Colombia, and Brazil Published (Base year: 2017)

Two-Wheeler Lubricant Brands and Consumer Insights Southeast Asia This report explores how different lubricant brands are perceived in the market, provides up-to-date information on the top five brands, and gives insights on end users' purchasing behavior. Countries covered: China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam Published (Base year: 2017/2018)

www.KlineGroup.com Š 2019 Kline & Company, Inc.


Finished Lubricants Lubricants Finished Databases

LubesNet Database LubesNet Database provides granular data covering finished lubricant demand at the global, regional, country market, market segment, product type, and viscosity grade level. If you are looking to know, for instance, the ratio of monograde PCMO to multigrade PCMO in Nigeria or which countries consumed more 2T/4T engine oil in 2017, LubesNet answers these questions.

This 13th annual release includes a new dashboard and level of functionality for truly customizable data search and analysis. Regions Covered:

Africa * Asia

* Europe *

Middle East * North America * South America

Updated semi-annually

Featuring 59 country markets and market share estimates for nearly 200 finished lubricants suppliers

Lubricant Blenders Database Kline’s database includes quantitative information for more than:

900 major lubricant oil blending plants in more than 30 countries ALL MNCs, NOCs, and key contract toll blenders and other local players.

Updated in 2018

www.KlineGroup.com Š 2019 Kline & Company, Inc.

Finished Lubricants


Global Lubricants:

Market Analysis and Assessment

In Continuous Publication Since 2003

Over 60 country markets Over 20 supplier profiles

Customize report with your choice of country markets and/or supplier profiles and receive a comprehensive Year-in-Review presentation!

In-depth analysis of automotive and industrial finished lubricant products, end-use industries/trade classes, major suppliers, and market trends in leading country markets and regions. The study consists of:

Year-in-Review - a presentation summarizing the overall global lubricants industry. Country Market Profiles - includes commercial, consumer automotive and industrial oils and fluids segments, as well as country overviews and appraisals. Lubricant Supplier Profiles - with background and

organizational structure, financial performance, recent developments, and more!

In progress (Base year: 2018)

Global Synthetic Lubricants:


Market Analysis and Opportunities

Market Analysis and Opportunities

An analysis of the synthetic lubricants market focusing on changes, challenges, and business opportunities

This study includes insights of the key growth markets for bio-lubricants as well as an analysis of the industries where the bio-lubricants market is expected to grow

Regions Covered: Africa * Americas * Asia * Europe * Middle East

In progress (Base year: 2018)

Countries Covered: Australia, Benelux, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Japan, Nordic countries, South Korea, United Kingdom, United States

In progress (Base year: 2019)

www.KlineGroup.com Š 2019 Kline & Company, Inc.

Energy/Petroleum Energy/Petroleum

Finished Lubricants Lubricant Basestocks

Global Lubricant Basestocks: Market Analysis and Opportunities An objective assessment of the present basestocks business and its future direction which includes three modules covering lubricant basestock supply-demand analysis, manufacturing cost analysis, and price analysis and forecast Regions Covered:


* Americas

* Asia

* Europe *

Middle East

In progress (Base year: 2018)

Global Business Outlook for Brightstocks:

Global Synthetic Lubricant Basestocks: Market Analysis and Opportunities A comprehensive analysis of the synthetic lubricant basestocks business, focusing on changes, challenges, business opportunities and threats. Regions Covered:

Africa * Americas Middle East

* Asia

* Europe


Focusing on paraffinic and naphthenic brightstocks used in commercial automotive, consumer automotive, and industrial lubricant and functional fluid applications, this report provides insights on current and projected supply and demand of brightstocks, emerging shortfall in the brightstocks market, potential substitutes, their supply and suitability for different applications. Regions Covered: Africa * Americas * Asia * Europe * Middle East

Published (Base year: 2017)

Published (Base year: 2017)

Business Outlook for Polyisobutylenes:

Global Napthenic Basestocks: Market Analysis and Opportunities

Global Market Analysis and Opportunities PIBs are produced in two major types — conventional and high-reactive (HR-PIB). The report will provide a detailed analysis on the application of both of these types of PIBs. It will also provide an in-depth analysis of the supply and demand scenario of low, mid, and high MW PIBs.

An objective assessment of naphthenic basestocks supply, demand, and outlook, and the impact on pricing. Key application areas (tire and rubber, transformer oils, metalworking fluids, process oils, other applications) are described. Naphthenic basestocks are compared to competing products.

Regions Covered: Asia * Europe * North America * Rest of the World

Published (Base year: 2016)

Published (Base year: 2018)

Global Used Oil and Re-refined Lubricants: Market Analysis and Opportunities This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the global used oil market and addresses such questions as, “How is used oil currently disposed?” or “What share of used oil is re-refined and used within finished lubricants in each region?” Regions Covered:

Americas *


In progress (Base year: 2018/2019)

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Rest of the World * Western Europe


Finished Lubricants

PCMO Focus OEM Genuine Oil Brands and Programs in the Consumer Automotive Segment: Market Analysis and Opportunities Assesses which consumer vehicle OEMs offer a genuine oil branded product and Identifies which OEMs offer a genuine oil program available to their new vehicle dealership network by country and region. Published (Base year: 2017)

The Changing Face of Passenger Car Servicing and Emerging PCMO Sales Channels in China Assesses the current state of PCMO sales channels in China, how they will likely evolve, and what PCMO distribution will look like in the future. Published (Base year: 2017)

PCMO Market in 2040: A Long-Term Outlook

Assesses the nature of the most current disruptive technologies, the drivers and roadblocks to their proliferation, and their impact on PCMO consumption. Reviews the state of development for the leading country markets and the scope for penetration of these new technologies and quality levels. Published (Base year: 2017)

www.KlineGroup.com Š 2019 Kline & Company, Inc.

Energy/Petroleum Energy/Petroleum

Finished Specialties Lubricants Petroleum


Global White Oils: Market Analysis and Opportunities

The report provides a comprehensive analysis of the white oils market and helps subscribers assess the demand for white oils in terms of applications and markets; analyze the impact of changing basestocks, manufacturing technology, and regulations; and understand key growth areas in terms of applications and markets. Regions Covered: Global

To be launched (Base year: 2018)

Global Fuel Additives:

Global Lubricant Additives:

Market Analysis and Opportunities

Market Analysis and Opportunities

A comprehensive analysis of the fuel additives market looking into the size of the global fuel additives market by product type and chemical class, the additive requirements of new fuels (biodiesel, ethanol, GTL, etc. and the emerging regulations, and how they affect additive demand.

Provides a detailed independent appraisal of the lubricant additive market. Estimates of additive consumption by end-use applications, additive function, and regions are provided. Demand estimates for different additive function classes are further broken down by chemical classes.

Regions Covered: Americas

Regions Covered: Asia * Europe * North America * Rest of the World





Published (Base year: 2016)

In progress (Base year: 2018)

Opportunities in Coolants: Global Market Analysis This study provides a comprehensive analysis of the global coolant market, focusing on some of the most important country markets around the world. Regions Covered:






Published (Base year: 2016)

Global Rubber Process Oils: Market Analysis and Opportunities A detailed appraisal of the global rubber process oils market, highlighting opportunities and challenges in different markets. The study will cover all rubber process oil products, including various aromatic (DAE, TDAE, RAE, TRAE, and MES), paraffinic, and naphthenic products. Regions Covered:



Published (Base year: 2018)

www.KlineGroup.com Š 2019 Kline & Company, Inc.





Finished Specialties Lubricants Petroleum


Global Wax Industry: Market Analysis and Opportunities

A comprehensive analysis that highlights global supply and demand of waxes including animal-based, vegetable-based, and mineral, plus such synthetic waxes as Fischer-Tropsch (F-T), Alpha-Olefin (A-O), and Polyethylene (PE.) This study addresses “neat” GTL waxes, as well as the potential for GTL waxy raffinates to be processed in conventional refineries and blended with petroleum waxes to increase global wax volumes. Regions Covered: Africa * Americas * Asia

* Middle East * Europe

In progress (Base year: 2018)

Microcrystalline Wax and Petrolatum: Global Market Analysis and Opportunities This report will help subscribers assess global microcrystalline wax and petrolatum demand by region, industry, and product type. It will analyze the impact of alternatives to microcrystalline waxes and petrolatum and look at the un-met needs of microcrystalline wax and petrolatum consumers and discover the key success factors and barriers in this industry. Regions Covered:






To be launched (Base year: 2018)

Global Wax Suppliers: Company Profiles This report will provide detailed company profiles of the key suppliers of waxes, such as petroleum, synthetic, and vegetable. Industry participants will have access to a repository of wax suppliers by product type, along with their regional coverage and market strategies. Regions Covered:




To be launched (Base year: 2018)

www.KlineGroup.com © 2019 Kline & Company, Inc.




Africa * Middle East


About Kline

Kline Methodology Kline’s approach places principal emphasis on primary research techniques to ensure that the foundation of business intelligence and insight is accurate, current, and reliable. Building on our 60 years in the business and leveraging our worldwide network of offices, our teams of seasoned professionals draw upon pragmatic industrial and commercial experience to understand and interpret global impacts and local perspectives.

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Kline Credentials Kline is a leading global management consulting and market research firm offering the complete spectrum of services. The firm has served the management consulting and market research needs of organizations in the agrochemicals, chemicals, materials, energy, and consumer products industries for nearly 60 years.

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MANAGEMENT CONSULTING Working with individual clients to resolve tough business issues and help implement solutions.


Management Consulting

Actionable Solutions through Experience and Innovation Kline Management Consulting focuses its core competencies on areas that will increase the growth and profitability of our clients:

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Focused Industry Expertise Because the industries we serve are interrelated, we leverage expertise across practices to develop well-rounded, pragmatic analyses and actionable recommendations.

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Team Leaders Milind Phadke

George Morvey

Phone: +1-973-435-3379 Milind.Phadke@klinegroup.com

Phone: +1-973-435-3378 George.Morvey@klinegroup.com

Europe and Africa Erin Durham

Pilar Pardo

Vice President of Sales and Marketing Phone: +44-208-133-4679 Erin.Durham@klinegroup.com

Senior Account Manager, Europe Phone: +32-2-776-0737 Pilar.Pardo@klinegroup.com

Kristina Zablecke Senior Account Manager, EU and Africa Phone: +32-491-44-8636 Kristina.Zablecke@klinegroup.com

The Americas Mike Markovics

Alex Rappley Senior Account Manager, NA Phone: +1-973-435-3450 Alex.Rappley@klinegroup.com

Account Manager, NA Phone: +1-973-435-3368 Mike.Markovics@klinegroup.com

Asia-Pacific and the Middle East Pierre Zolghadri Senior Business Development Manager, AP/ME Phone: +86-21-6012-6500 Ext. 513 Pierre.Zolghadri@klinegroup.com

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Americas Asia Europe

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