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6. If you think it's hot outside, it's even hotter for your pet – make sure your pet has a means of cooling off.

7. Keep your dog free of external parasites (fleas, ticks) and heartworms – consult your veterinarian about the best product for your pet. 8. Consider clipping or shaving dogs with long coats (talk to your veterinarian first to see if it's appropriate for your pet), and apply sunscreen to your dog's skin if she or he has a thin coat.

6. If you think it's hot outside, it's even hotter for your pet – make sure your pet has a means of cooling off.

7. Keep your dog free of external parasites (fleas, ticks) and heartworms – consult your veterinarian about the best product for your pet. 8. Consider clipping or shaving dogs with long coats (talk to your veterinarian first to see if it's appropriate for your pet), and apply sunscreen to your dog's skin if she or he has a thin coat.



How to write a letter to our Servicemen & Women have to be ready for any life threatening Do you get excited when when you open contingency, but after a while the daily your mailbox and find a letter from a routine becomes tiresome. Frustration friend or family member? Now, take that brews. feeling and amplify it tenfold. That’s what A letter is a welcome gift from the home it feels like to receive a letter when you’re front. Here’s why writing letters to our deployed. troops is important: Writing letters is a great tradition and becoming a pen pal to an American troop overseas is one of the many ways you can support our men and women in uniform. Why Write? Writing letters to deployed troops is a great way to support them in their mission. Being deployed is tough. You leave your loved ones behind and are shipped to a faraway, unfamiliar location. For the next six months to a year you interact with a foreign culture and

1. Letters Encourage

opportunity to learn about what life is like in a combat zone. If you have been Letters and care packages from home deployed, then you can empathize with break up the monotony and remind our and support your pen pal through his or her troops of what is waiting for them back home. A word of encouragement or some struggles. of “mom’s homemade cookies” give them What to Write the strength they need to carry on and Writing to a complete stranger can be complete the mission at hand. challenging. What do I say to someone 2. Letters Bring Home to the Front Many troops don’t have anyone who writes to them. By writing supportive letters, you bring a little bit of home to their dangerous, stressful corner of the world. 3. Letters Build Friendship We all need friends, and having a written correspondence with a deployed service member helps to foster friendship. If you’ve never been deployed, then you have an

who I have almost no connection with? Kyle Lord, a military mom, of Keystone Soldiers sheds some light on how we can reach out to our brothers and sisters in arms thousands of miles away “The letter should be uplifting,” she told Veterans United Network. “Talk about yourself. Talk about everyday things that are going on. That connects you to the military person more than anything else.”

How to write a letter to our Servicemen & Women have to be ready for any life threatening Do you get excited when when you open contingency, but after a while the daily your mailbox and find a letter from a routine becomes tiresome. Frustration friend or family member? Now, take that brews. feeling and amplify it tenfold. That’s what A letter is a welcome gift from the home it feels like to receive a letter when you’re front. Here’s why writing letters to our deployed. troops is important: Writing letters is a great tradition and becoming a pen pal to an American troop overseas is one of the many ways you can support our men and women in uniform. Why Write? Writing letters to deployed troops is a great way to support them in their mission. Being deployed is tough. You leave your loved ones behind and are shipped to a faraway, unfamiliar location. For the next six months to a year you interact with a foreign culture and

1. Letters Encourage

opportunity to learn about what life is like in a combat zone. If you have been Letters and care packages from home deployed, then you can empathize with break up the monotony and remind our and support your pen pal through his or her troops of what is waiting for them back home. A word of encouragement or some struggles. of “mom’s homemade cookies” give them What to Write the strength they need to carry on and Writing to a complete stranger can be complete the mission at hand. challenging. What do I say to someone 2. Letters Bring Home to the Front Many troops don’t have anyone who writes to them. By writing supportive letters, you bring a little bit of home to their dangerous, stressful corner of the world. 3. Letters Build Friendship We all need friends, and having a written correspondence with a deployed service member helps to foster friendship. If you’ve never been deployed, then you have an

who I have almost no connection with? Kyle Lord, a military mom, of Keystone Soldiers sheds some light on how we can reach out to our brothers and sisters in arms thousands of miles away “The letter should be uplifting,” she told Veterans United Network. “Talk about yourself. Talk about everyday things that are going on. That connects you to the military person more than anything else.”

How to Get Started The best way to send letters to military members overseas is through an organization that supports our troops. The standard method of starting a letter is to write “Dear Hero” and to introduce yourself. The troop who receives the letter will then have the choice to write back. There are a few organizations that coordinate pen pals. Each has a different method for doing so, so it’ll help to read a group’s policies to ensure your letter correspondence success. Keystone Soldiers is located in Pennsylvania and they support overseas service members by coordinating letter correspondence and care package mailings since 2002. They’ve sent an average of 5,000 letters a year. AdoptaPlatoon has served troops since 1998. They hold a variety of campaigns that support our uniformed men and women in a variety of ways. Soldiers’ Angels was founded in 2003 and volunteers assist veterans, wounded and deployed personnel and their families in a variety of unique and effective ways.

The best way to send letters to military members overseas is through an organization that supports our troops. The standard method of starting a letter is to write “Dear Hero” and to introduce yourself. The troop who receives the letter will then have the choice to write back.

There are a few organizations that coordinate pen pals. Each has a different method for doing so, so it’ll help to read a group’s policies to ensure your letter correspondence success. Keystone Soldiers is located in Pennsylvania and they support overseas service members by coordinating letter correspondence and care package

mailings since 2002. They’ve sent an average of 5,000 letters a year. AdoptaPlatoon has served troops since 1998. They hold a variety of campaigns that support our uniformed men and women in a variety of ways.

How to Get Started The best way to send letters to military members overseas is through an organization that supports our troops. The standard method of starting a letter is to write “Dear Hero” and to introduce yourself. The troop who receives the letter will then have the choice to write back. There are a few organizations that coordinate pen pals. Each has a different method for doing so, so it’ll help to read a group’s policies to ensure your letter correspondence success. Keystone Soldiers is located in Pennsylvania and they support overseas service members by coordinating letter correspondence and care package mailings since 2002. They’ve sent an average of 5,000 letters a year. AdoptaPlatoon has served troops since 1998. They hold a variety of campaigns that support our uniformed men and women in a variety of ways. Soldiers’ Angels was founded in 2003 and volunteers assist veterans, wounded and deployed personnel and their families in a variety of unique and effective ways.

The best way to send letters to military members overseas is through an organization that supports our troops. The standard method of starting a letter is to write “Dear Hero” and to introduce yourself. The troop who receives the letter will then have the choice to write back.

There are a few organizations that coordinate pen pals. Each has a different method for doing so, so it’ll help to read a group’s policies to ensure your letter correspondence success. Keystone Soldiers is located in Pennsylvania and they support overseas service members by coordinating letter correspondence and care package

mailings since 2002. They’ve sent an average of 5,000 letters a year. AdoptaPlatoon has served troops since 1998. They hold a variety of campaigns that support our uniformed men and women in a variety of ways.





! a d a t

Fireworks painting is a quick and easy 4th of July kids craft activity that can keep little ones entertained for ages! Lots of fun for kids ages 2-10! Just take the roll, dip the fringe in paint, and stamp it on to your paper. Easy peasy!

Start by cutting a toilet paper roll into 2� long fringes. Open up the fringe so that it sits flat against the table, and place the roll on to a paper plate that has been covered in a layer of tempera or acrylic paint. For our fireworks we used four rolls/plates – red, white, blue, and a glittery mix of all three colors.

! a d a t

Fireworks painting is a quick and easy 4th of July kids craft activity that can keep little ones entertained for ages! Lots of fun for kids ages 2-10! Just take the roll, dip the fringe in paint, and stamp it on to your paper. Easy peasy!

Start by cutting a toilet paper roll into 2� long fringes. Open up the fringe so that it sits flat against the table, and place the roll on to a paper plate that has been covered in a layer of tempera or acrylic paint. For our fireworks we used four rolls/plates – red, white, blue, and a glittery mix of all three colors.





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