September 2020 Market Update

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46.0% ++ 46.0%

39.4% ++ 39.4%

31.5% ++ 31.5%

Changeinin Change NewListings Listings New AllProperties Properties All

Changeinin Change ClosedSales Sales Closed AllProperties Properties All

Changeinin Change Inventoryof ofHomes Homes Inventory AllProperties Properties All

Local Market Update | September 2020

September September

DetachedSingle-Family Single-Family Detached

9-2019 9-2019 44 44

NewListings Listings New Closed Sales Closed Sales

9-2020 9-2020 42 42

++/ /–– 4.5% - -4.5%

12 15 12 15 $1,195,000 $1,300,000 $1,195,000 $1,300,000 95.0% 94.9% 95.0% 94.9% 96 69 96 69

MedianSales SalesPrice* Price* Median Percent of Original ListPrice PriceReceived* Received* Percent of Original List MarketTime Time Market InventoryofofHomes Homesfor forSale Sale Inventory

Yearto toDate Date Year

25.0% ++25.0% + 8.8% + 8.8% 0.1% - -0.1% 27.9% - 27.9%

73 73

73 73

9-2019 9-2019 380 380

117 102 117 102 $1,260,000 $1,330,250 $1,260,000 $1,330,250 96.0% 95.4% 96.0% 95.4% 137 152 137 152

0.0% 0.0%


September September

AttachedSingle-Family Single-Family Attached

NewListings Listings New Closed Sales Closed Sales

MedianSales SalesPrice* Price* Median Percent of Original ListPrice PriceReceived* Received* Percent of Original List

9-2019 9-2019 391 391

9-2020 9-2020 593 593

125 125 $375,000 $375,000 96.4% 96.4%

176 176 $381,000 $381,000 97.3% 97.3%

69 69 658 658

57 57 888 888

MarketTime Time Market Inventory Homesfor forSale Sale Inventory ofofHomes

9-2020 9-2020 318 318

++/ /–– 16.3% - -16.3% 12.8% - -12.8% + 5.6% + 5.6% 0.7% - -0.7% + 10.9% + 10.9%



Yearto toDate Date Year ++/ /–– 51.7% ++51.7% + 40.8% + 40.8%

9-2019 9-2019 3,318 3,318

9-2020 9-2020 3,704 3,704

++/ /–– 11.6% ++11.6% + 1.5% + 1.5%

1.6% ++1.6% + 0.9% + 0.9%

1,416 1,416 $350,000 $350,000 96.9% 96.9%

1,437 1,437 $410,000 $410,000 97.0% 97.0%

17.1% ++17.1% + 0.1% + 0.1%

17.5% - -17.5% + 35.0% + 35.0%

71 71 ----

75 75 ----

5.6% ++5.6% ----

* Does not account for sale concessions and/or down payment assistance. Note: Activity for one month can sometimes look extreme due to small sample size. * Does not account for sale concessions and/or down payment assistance. Note: Activity for one month can sometimes look extreme due to small sample size.

Changein inMedian MedianSales SalesPrice Price from from Prior Prior Year Year(6-Month (6-MonthAverage) Average)†† Change DetachedSingle-Family Single-Family Detached

All All LakeView View Lake

+ 40% + 40%

AttachedSingle-Family Single-Family Attached

All All LakeView View Lake

+ 25% + 25%

bb aa

+ 20% + 20%

+ 30% + 30%

+ 15% + 15%

+ 20% + 20%

+ 10% + 10%

+ 10% + 10%

+ 5% + 5%

0% 0%

0% 0%

- 10% - 10%

- 5% - 5%

- 20% - 20%

- 10% - 10%

- 30% - 30%

- 15% - 15%

- 40% - 40% - 50% - 50% 1-2009 1-2009

bb aa

- 20% - 20%

1-2011 1-2011

1-2013 1-2013

1-2015 1-2015

1-2017 1-2017

1-2019 1-2019

- 25% - 25% 1-2009 1-2009

1-2011 1-2011

1-2013 1-2013

1-2015 1-2015

1-2017 1-2017

1-2019 1-2019

Eachdot dotrepresents representsthe thechange changeininmedian mediansales salesprice pricefrom fromthe theprior prioryear yearusing usingaa6-month 6-monthweighted weightedaverage. average. ††Each Thismeans meansthat thateach eachofofthe the66months monthsused usedininaadot dotare areproportioned proportionedaccording accordingtototheir theirshare shareofofsales salesduring duringthat thatperiod. period. This Current as of October 14, 2020. All data from Midwest Real Estate Data. Report © 2020 ShowingTime. Current as of October 14, 2020. All data from Midwest Real Estate Data. Report © 2020 ShowingTime.

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