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SchoolofArchitecturestudentshaveattended2programs15 days Education Innovation Camp and 30 days Innovation Projectprogram
Students stayed in AIT during 15days Camp and for internshiptheystayedonemonthwhilecontinuingtherestof theprojectthroughonlineforthenexttwo-months.Students are guided and mentored by AIT Faculty and Researchers
Project aimed at addressing the objectives of one of the SDGs (Sustainability Development Goal) related to water, sanitation, energy, health, urban, environment, and education
Studentshavelearnednewtechnologiesfordevelopment. Technologies which were taught during the camp were Dornes in construction management, Earthquake Resistant buildings, GIS , Geospatial applications Water Resource management, Smart Solid Waste management options to create smart cities and Geo crowd sourcing data collection and mapping ,all these sessions gave students sound knowledgehowtousetheminArchitecturefieldofstudy.