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Architecture For Simple Living
She embarked on a journey to discover the various aspects of bamboo, from its sturdy and delicate characteristics to its resilience and evocative qualities, and transformed them into aesthetically pleasing and functional spaces Despite encountering surprises and challenges along the way, her fascination with bamboo only grew stronger, ultimately leading her to choose it as her primary material Herimmense research,experimentalknowledgeandwisdominbamboo sectoriswrittenintwovolumesofBambooconstruction
Inclusive Communities
Communities are very important as they embrace diversity and promote equality for all. They foster social cohesion, promote understanding, and provide equal opportunities,leadingtoamoreandequitablesociety
The over utilization of resources by countries will impact the Human well being Pollution,Overly Densified cities, Urbanization are the indicators of bad built environment for communities Human Centric Designs are the solutions to promote Inclusivecommunitieswhereeveryoneandeverythinggetsachance
Emerging Technologies In Architecture
Dr KarteekGuturu AssistantProf,SPAV PlenarySpeaker
The new technologies platforms created by METAVERSE and ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE are the future for creative fields. Global architecture is shifting into futuristic designs through Computer generated designs. Meta verse and AI offer opportunities to design, visualize and simulate buildings in a virtual environment, improving efficiency and sustainability Architecture's future lies in skillful tool utilization to create optimal environments that enhance quality of life and
Ar RishabhWadhwa CEOBlessedArch Guestspeaker