Tourism Greater Shepparton Member Pack

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WELCOME FROM THE BOARD Dear Member The board of Tourism Greater Shepparton is acutely aware, more than ever before, of how important it is to offer appealing benefits and “value for money” to its members. With this in mind, we would like to highlight a number of opportunities and cash saving offers this financial year. Financial members will be able to take advantage of the following benefits: •

Up to 50 per cent off advertising rates in various tourist publications, including 52 Great Discoveries.

Free event listing in the offical Tourism Month calendar of events during Greater Shepparton Tourism Month in October 2013.

Free listings on Discover Shepparton website and weekly “What’s on” listings circulated throughout the region.

Access to the TGS Facebook page.

Free brochure display at the Greater Shepparton Visitor Information Centre.

Heavily subsidised attendance fees to networking and guest speaker functions and workshops.

Dozens of opportunities to tap into the tourism dollars spent annually by hundreds of thousands of visitors to Greater Shepparton.

There are many more benefits to your TGS membership and they are listed in our monthly newsletter and on the Member Benefits page of this pack, I encourage you to check them out to make the most of your membership. Please contact Kate Smith via email, if you are not receiving our emailed newsletter. Tourism is everyone’s business. Along with the direct spending from tourists here in Greater Shepparton be it for a holiday, sporting event, business or visiting family and friends, there are also the associated economic benefits for the entire community. Tourism generates different types of income for our local community: business income, wages, rates and levies. Direct spending by visitors has a positive impact on business profitability and employment growth. This money is then circulated and re-spent into the local economy. One of the most important roles for the TGS board to play is to lobby Local and State Governments on the importance of tourism to our local economies and how we can grow a vibrant and sustainable industry. Please consider renewing your membership, or becoming a new member, as a vital support to these efforts. It is crucial we have solid membership to have our messages heard. Kind Regards,

Cheryl Hammer President, Tourism Greater Shepparton

MEMBER BENEFITS TGS has three levels of membership, as listed below. The benefits to your business are invaluable and the various advertising discounts, free website listings and placement of your brochures in the Visitor Information Centre among many other benefits by far outweigh the cost of your annual membership. Ensure you are taking full advantage of your membership benefits.

Full Membership Benefits • • • • • • • • • • • • •

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Up to 50% discount when advertising in various tourism publications. Placement and display of business brochures in the Visitor Information Centre. Access to the Victoria Tourism Industry Council (VTIC) bronze level member benefits Free website listing on the website. Access to the TGS Facebook Page. Your businesses listed as a featured ‘like’ on TGS’s facebook page at various times throughout the year. The opportunity to have a half hour Southern Cross Ten Weeknights show hosted from your business at an exclusive TGS member only rate. TGS collaborative marketing and promotional opportunities. Business Profile in the TGS newsletter. Access to Gouburn River Valley Tourism regional collaborative marketing opportunities and quarterly newsletter. A brief editorial in the newsletter after joining as a member. 5% discount on all printing and promotional products from Willprint. Invitation to participate in Tourism Month. The benefits of inclusion in Tourism Month activities are: • FREE Exposure for your event throughout Tourism Month. • Opportunity to obtain business statistics relevant to your business. • Promote your business during Greater Shepparton’s largest tourism event. • Generous sponsorship packages to assist in promoting your business. Invitation to networking meetings with industry relevant guest speakers. Invite to display brochures/products at Trade Shows where TGS is participating. Invite to participate in workshops, seminars etc. (Min. costs may be applicable). Inclusion in direct marketing campaigns. Up to 25% discount on industry familiarization tours run by the Visitor Information Centre. Access and support from the Board (initial contact by email please). Minutes from monthly Board meetings. Monthly member’s newsletter. Have your say in the newsletter. Invitation to Annual General Meeting. An emailed distribution list of local and regional events which may create opportunities for your business. List of member names for networking (updated as new members join). Referrals to your business through other members. Membership identification card for current financial year. Membership Logo display sticker for current financial year.

Registered Non - Profit Organisation Benefits •

Registered Not For Profit Organisations will receive Full Membership Benefits.

Friends of Tourism Member Benefits • •

Invitation to four (4) annual network meetings with guest speakers. Monthly newsletter.

MEMBERS ATTRACTION LISTING As a Full Member or Not For Profit Organisation your business receives a free listing on the Discover Shepparton website ( To ensure your business details are uploaded correctly, please complete this form and return it with your membership form and fees. Full or Non For Profit Members are eligible to have six (6) photo’s attached to their listing on the website. Please email current photo’s to: Business Name Email Website Phone Fax Postal Address Town Post Code Opening Hours Point of Difference A one-two line description here as a marketing tool to your property. This is the opening statement that will be displayed at the top of your listing, and is your first opportunity to sell your business and tell your customers why you are different to your competitors. Business Description This is a wordier description of your business that will be displayed below the point of difference. Provide the customer a detailed description of your business and what they will love about it. This is your chance to advertise your business, be creative and engage the reader!

Directions from your nearest town Assume the customer has made it to the centre of town and direct them to your property. Include a detailed description.


Upon receipt of payment, this registration form may be used as a Tax Invoice Please print all information, copy for your records, then return original to: Tourism Greater Shepparton, PO Box 110, Shepparton VIC 3632 Business Trading Name Company Name ABN Postal Address City/Town:




Business Address Contact Person(s) Business Telephone Number Mobile Phone Number Business Fax Number Preferred Email Address Distribute my contact details to other members (please circle). YES NO This will enable members to contact you regarding potential strategic partnerships, relevant issues etc.

Please circle the appropriate membership level and fees payable Full Member Annual Fees

Registered Not For Profit Annual Fees

Friends of Tourism Annual Fees

$365.00 $200.00 $85.00 Direct Deposits: Quote your business name as the reference. BSB 633 108 Account No. 1125 35083


I enclose a cheque to the value of $ ____________________ Signed:___________________________________________ Date: ____/____/201___ Name (Please Print): _________________________________ By completion of this form you are authorizing Tourism Greater Shepparton to use the information contained within this document. Other authorities are required to obtain written permission from Tourism Greater Shepparton prior to use.

VISITOR INFORMATION CENTRE WHAT CAN A VISITOR INFORMATION CENTRE DO FOR YOUR BUSINESS? Greater Shepparton Visitor Information Centre Supporting Tourism Greater Sheparton The Greater Shepparton Visitor Information Centre is located in the popular Victoria Park Lake precinct, 534 Wyndham Street, Shepparton. The centre is open every day, 9.00am – 5.00pm (except Christmas Day) • The Visitor Information Centre is fully owned, operated and funded by Greater Shepparton City Council. Whilst the Visitor Information Centre is a separate entity to Tourism Greater Shepparton, Council recognises TGS as its primary tourism industry stakeholder and provides Visitor Information Services to stimulate industry growth, attracting more people to an expanding range of attractions and events and helping tourism businesses to grow and develop. • The Visitor Information Centre. assists 50,000 visitors per year, both in the Centre, and via displays at major events. Add to that the 1500 visitors per month to the centre’s website ( au) and that represents a lot of opportunities for representing Tourism Greater Shepparton businesses. • The centre’s frontline customer service is delivered by passionate and proud volunteers and a small team of professional staff. These volunteers give in excess of 5000 hours annually towards the promotion of Greater Shepparton which includes your business! The Visitor Information Centre encourages visitors to stay longer, spend more and experience all the attractions and facilities on offer in Greater Shepparton. Being at the forefront of tourism activity in Greater Shepparton, volunteers and staff know the far-reaching business activity tourism generates. The nature of enquiries serviced by the centre includes not just the obvious (accommodation, attractions, dining and entertainment conference venues); visitors and travelers come to Greater Shepparton for all sorts of reasons, and need to access the same types of services that we all need day-in, day-out. For example: banks, chemists, caravan repairers, hardware, car sales, internet access, etc. A lot of our visitors also have time on their hands to spend $$$ on their interests, from scrapbooking to antiques, sports and fitness, beauty and wellbeing, reading, cycling, etc.

What the Centre can do for TGS Members: Members of Tourism Greater Shepparton are entitled to a free listing on the Discover Shepparton Website (accommodation providers must provide regular inventory to the site’s booking engine to be listed). The Centre exclusively displays brochures and flyers of Greater Shepparton businesses who are TGS members (and not for profit organisations). Members can also have any special events listed on the website Businesses find this calendar a useful resource for scheduling events and promotions and roster planning. The Visitor Information Centre also stocks a range of local products and souvenirs for sale and welcomes enquiries from TGS member suppliers. The Visitor Information Centre chooses TGS members over non-members as preferred suppliers for accessing goods and services wherever possible. More On Next Page ...

VISITOR INFORMATION CENTRE The Visitor Information Centre gives first preferences to TGS members for many opportunities made available to operators, including preferred businesses to include in educational tours and information sessions for our staff and volunteers. The Visitor Information Centre, via its association with Council, negotiates to be the official accommodation booking provider for many major events which the region attracts, giving accommodation operators direct marketing exposure to event attendees.

And does it work? The Visitor Information Centre conducts surveys using the VICKIT survey model. Consistently, the results of these surveys show that visitors to the centre are influenced to:

Stay in Greater Shepparton longer than planned (40% of visitors in 2011)

Undertake more activities than planned (47% of visitors in 2011)

Return to Greater Shepparton again (90% of visitors in 2011)



Welcome to...

Tourism Talk Greater Shepparton

News from

The Board Member News Member Benefits General News


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News from the Board

News from

The Board Member News Member Benefits General News Contact

POSITIVE START TO 2013 to do with the stars lining up and the universe having its way. I was happy about that


piece of news but I would like to think it is because of a lot of hard work, persistence

The response to our March 22 event “Marketing with no money - how to get the

and resilience that many of us in the “tourism” spectrum might enjoy a prosperous,

attention your business deserves” has been fantastic from both TGS members

energetic and successful year. I know at TGS board level we are feeling very positive

and non members. The topic and the speaker is obviously of great interest to not

about the next 12 months on the back of some great work last year to deliver on

only tourism operators but business people in general. To book your ticket, find

many of our member benefits and attract new and interested operators to our

out more and read a testimonial from Quest Shepparton General Manager, Sonya

I read somewhere the other day that the year 2013 will be a more positive, happier and more productive year, compared to the past decade, for many of us. Something

industry organisation. We are celebrating our biggest number of members ever,

Boaden, CLICK HERE or go to our General News page. You will be hearing a lot more

pushing the 100 mark, and we are receiving great feedback from some of our long

about the Business Breakfast and Workshop in the next few weeks as we ramp up our

time , and new, members about the work we are doing on their behalf. We value all

promotion throughout Greater Shepparton and beyond ... so don’t miss out.

feedback, good and bad, so we can offer a quality membership package.

Tourism Month

WIN A TICKET to the Business Breakfast on March 22. See general news for more information



It may seem a bit strange that we make mention of someone from Destination

In a bid to find out how we can best serve our members and why some operators

Melbourne moving on, however the present CEO, Chris Buckingham, is worthy of a

choose not to be members, I have made a few phone calls recently to talk to the

mention by TGS. Back in 2008, TGS board invited Chris Buckingham, who was then

latter. I have spoken to an accommodation provider who chose not to rejoin TGS

General Manager of Gippsland Tourism and Chairperson for Destination Gippsland,

after one year as a member and a couple of operators who believe they do not

to speak at our networking night. From this night came a seven point “wish list”

need to be members. I have to admit many of the reasons they have given are not

including the establishment of a Tourism Award, a Tourism Week, which became a

earth shattering or unpredictable, as I admit in the past TGS has not been consistent

month, a web presence and a more strategic direction for TGS.

in delivering on its promises, or been proactive in offering worthwhile member benefits. The present TGS board believes this is a thing of the past and that the page

Chris’ passion for the industry, and practical, solid advice, was the catalyst for many of

full of benefits in this newsletter says much toward the work we have done to rectify

the things TGS prides itself on now. Chris was also a guest speaker at the first Greater

the gaps in our delivery of valuable opportunities for members.

Shepparton Tourism Week in 2009 and many people still recall his tourism message.

Again, we encourage all feedback - good and bad- but if it is good then let everyone

More on Chris on the General News page.

you know about it. A personal recommendation to another operator is a powerful way to help grow our member numbers.

FEBRUARY MEETING The TGS board will meet for the first time this year on February 14 with a jam packed agenda and we look forward to bringing you more news next month. Regards, Cheryl Hammer President.

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The Board

Shepparton Motor Museum’s First Birthday

Member News

famous GOGGO mobile! Shannon’s Super Rig will be in attendance, it’s the ultimate

News from

Help the Shepparton Motor Museum celebrate its 1st birthday on Sunday, February 17 by checking out their Motor Show and the Shannon’s Insurance Big Rig and the BIG truck - encompassing large plasma screens, driving simulators, gaming consoles,

Member Benefits General News Contact Tourism Month

memorabilia displays and a web kiosk. Comprising an impressive 21-metre long truck and trailer unit, the Super Rig unfolds into an eight metre by eight metre

Now Is A Great Time For A Paddle

state-of-the-art hospitality, entertainment and information centre.

Long time TGS members River Country Adventours have been around for nearly 20 years and offer canoeing safaris on our award winning Goulburn River at all times of

Shannon’s little green GOGGO mobile will be on display in the Maude Street

the year. Safaris can vary from just a splash and a giggle to half or full day tours, or

Mall on the Saturday from 10am - 3pm and at the motor show the following day.

extended treks down this beautiful river. Canoe safaris on the Goulburn River are

Jim Richards will be in attendance with two of his racing cars which include the Ford

available to locals and are also a great attraction to inform the many visitors to the

Falcon Spring and his Porsche GT2RS. Shannon’s TOP TEN trophies will be awarded

region about. Canoeing down the river provides a different perspective of the local

on the day. The event is open to ALL motoring enthusiasts and their families. Trade

landscape whilst having fun and taking in the ambience. Safaris are from $55.00 and

stands, food and drinks available. Contact: David Gillson on 0402 395 469 for more

are available everyday except Christmas Day. Hire on Lake Victoria is also available and costs just $35.00 per hour. Lake bookings can be made at the Visitor Information

information or please CLICK HERE for a printable version of the flyer.

Centre or with Caroline on 0400 813 316, or to book at Goulburn River Safari call Rob

WIN A TICKET to the Business Breakfast on March 22. See general news for more information

New Council Representative

or Joan on 0428 585 227 or CLICK HERE to visit their website.

Due to a change in her position at Council, representative Carrie Donaldson has resigned from her role as Council representative on the TGS board. Carrie has been

Online Goods and Services Auction

appointed to the role of Manager - Arts, Events and Tourism and has handed the

Now is your last chance to bid on the ConnectGV online goods and services auction

reigns over to Maree Glasson. Maree is the Coordinator of the Greater Shepparton

which closes on Monday, February 11. Place your bid on a Jeep Grand Cherokee,

Visitor Information Centre and has been employed there since 2004. She manages

exclusive tours of the Lindsay Park Racing Stables or Swettenham Stud, a quad bike,

the day to day operations of the Centre including customer service, the volunteer

holidays, restaurant and catering packages, various goods and service vouchers and

program and training, staff training, booking service, the Discover Shepparton

so much more. All proceeds go to the ConnectGV Foundation to provide respite

website, operator liaison, policies and procedures, collaboration with other VIC’s

services for local families of children with Autism. CLICK HERE to bid now and to see

in both GRVT and the Murray regions and maintains top level accreditation under

the full list of items.

the Australian Tourism Accreditation Program. Maree has a tertiary qualification

in tourism and management and past tourism industry experience includes tour

Easter Holiday Events or Offers

planning and operations with a major Australian tour company, event organisation, managing budget styled accommodation (UK), and tourism and events development in the local Government sector. We welcome Maree and her breadth of knowledge to our board.

If members are holding an event or have any special offers during Easter or the school holidays that they would like to promote via this newsletter please email details and a photo to Kate at by Wednesday, 27th February. This is a great way to share this information with other members to enable them to have a wide range of offerings to inform their customers and database about. And, don’t forget to share your events and offers on the TGS Facebook Page.

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... More Member News on the Next Page

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HOME News from

The Board Member News

MEMBER NEWS SheppARTon Festival - Emerging Voices The 2013 SheppARTon Festival will be staged over 11 days from March 1 to March 11. This year The SheppARTon Festival again celebrates voices with the theme Emerging Voices which ties in with the Emerge on the Goulburn Festival who will stage Emerge at Twilight during the SheppARTon Festival.

Member Benefits

Festival coordinators strive to keep ticket prices low and affordable for many events and they also offer a significant number of free events. This includes choir workshops,

General News Contact

The Moonlight cinema, a ukulele workshop, performance at Victoria Park Lake, a youth concert staged by Word and Mouth and a lantern-making workshop. A number of local schools are incorporating the lantern making into their art curriculum. The lanterns in the shape of large turtle eggs will be used at the community performance at Tallis Winery, Dookie, to light a giant long-necked turtle

Tourism Month

ploughed into the side of the hill. The red-rich soil will provide the perfect medium for this spectacular art form that will attract significant media attention. Dhungala Childrens choir led by Deborah Cheetham will compliment the evening. Choirs will perform the festival song “Welcome Turtle” written by Xani Kolac from The Twoks, who will also be part of the entertainment with her electric violin. It will be a great free, family event that will celebrate our unique landscape and indigenous culture. You will also find the much-loved regular events, still on the calendar.

WIN A TICKET to the Business Breakfast on March 22. See general news for more information

Welcome New Members - 1U Cafe The 1U Cafe has recently joined Tourism Greater Shepparton. Located in Wunghnu the cafe offers home cooked breakfasts all day everyday, an ever changing lunch menu, tempting cakes and slices, milkshakes, exceptional coffee and the 1U Cafe is also the home of the famous Wunghnu vanilla slice. The relaxed child friendly atmosphere makes it a great place to head out with the family or friends. Children can entertain themselves in the fully enclosed playground or pat the friendly sheep while you enjoy the relaxed atmosphere and fine food. It is situated on the northern end of Wunghnu on the highway (look for the bright green signs) and provide plenty of parking for cars, trucks and buses. The 1U Cafe would like to

To devise an entertaining long weekend for a visitor, a great start would be the Friday night Emerge to the Edge. This event at the McIntosh Centre is Shepparton’s answer to the Speigeltent. A bit edgy, a bit raunchy and a bit fringe. For information please CLICK HERE to visit the website. Note people accessing the

offer all TGS members, their guests, fr‌iends and family a buy one get one free coffee. Please mention this newsletter, or tell your guests to mention this newsletter to take up this great offer. CLICK HERE to visit the 1U Cafe website.

Catch Up On Past News

website via smart phones will be directed to the SheppARTon Festival App that can

Have you missed any past Greater Shepparton Tourism Talk Newsletters, or if you are

be downloaded for free. For up to the minute news please CLICK HERE to ‘Like’ the

a new member you may like to read past newsletters. Please click the links below.

Festival’s Facebook page. Or for further enquiries please contact Liz Connick at

January 2013 December 2012 November 2012

Greater Shepparton City Council on 5832 9504. TGS encourages you to assist organisers in promoting this fantastic event through your website, Facebook page and your customer databases. There is something for everyone and it is a great way to encourage visitors to stay longer in the area and to enjoy the various events held across the 11 days. Previous Page

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Grea t disc overi in Gre ater es Shep part on

News from

The Board

TGS has three levels of membership. These include Full Membership, Registered Not for Profit Organisation Membership and Friends of Tourism Membership. Be sure to

Member News Member Benefits General News Contact Tourism Month

read the benefits below to ensure you are taking full advantage of your membership.


Full Membership Benefits •

Up to 50% discount when advertising in various tourism publications.

Placement and display of business brochures in the Visitor Information Centre.

Free website listing on the website.

inSid e for

Access to Gouburn River Valley Tourism regional collaborative marketing • opportunities and quarterly newsletter.

A brief editorial in the newsletter after joining as a member.

5% discount on all printing and promotional products from Willprint.

Invitation to participate in Tourism Month.

Registered Non - Profit Organisation Benefits Registered Not For Profit Organisations will receive Full Membership Benefits.

Friends of Tourism Member Benefits •

Invitation to networking meetings with industry relevant guest speakers.

Monthly newsletter.

Business Profiles

• Promote your business during Greater Shepparton’s largest tourism event.

As a member of Tourism Greater Shepparton you are invited to submit information

• Generous sponsorship packages to assist in promoting your business.

news for more information

Membership Logo display sticker for current financial year.

TGS Facebook page.

• Opportunity to obtain business statistics relevant to your business.

March 22. See general

TGS collaborative marketing and promotional opportunities.

• FREE Exposure for your event throughout Tourism Month.

Business Breakfast on

Membership identification card for current financial year.

Spec ial co upon offer S

The benefits of inclusion in Tourism Month activities are:



great iscover place s to v isit

on your business for consideration to be placed within the monthly newsletter. As

Invitation to networking meetings with industry relevant guest speakers.

seen on the Member News page, each month we will profile a TGS member business. Invite to display brochures/products at Trade Shows where TGS is participating. If you have something new or interesting within your business please contact Kate Invite to participate in workshops, seminars etc. (Min. costs may be applicable). Smith at, or CLICK HERE.

Inclusion in direct marketing campaigns.

Up to 25% discount on industry familiarization tours run by the VIC.

Access and support from the Board (initial contact by email please).

Minutes from monthly Board meetings.


Monthly member’s newsletter.

Membership Benefits list CLICK HERE

Have your say in the newsletter.

Membership Renewal Form CLICK HERE

Invitation to Annual General Meeting.

Business Listing on the Discover Shepparton website CLICK HERE

An emailed distribution list of local and regional events which may create

TGS Facebook Page CLICK HERE

opportunities for your business.

Discover Shepparton Calendar of Events CLICK HERE

List of member names for networking (updated as new members join).

Discover Shepparton Facebook Page CLICK HERE

Referrals to your business through other members.

Greater Shepparton Business Centre training events CLICK HERE

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HOME News from

The Board

GENERAL NEWS Marketing With No Money ... How To Get Your Business The Attention It Deserves

Member News

After much anticipation we are pleased to advise that tickets are now available for

Member Benefits

Join Tourism Greater Shepparton for a full cooked breakfast at Shepparton’s Emerald

I was truly amazed at the breadth of material that Leah openly shares. The ideas and examples that Leah shared were relevant to a cross section of business industries and I believe that any small business owner could benefit from attending one of Leah’s workshops. Sonya Boaden – General Manager Quest Shepparton

the TGS business breakfast and workshop being held on Friday, March 22.

Bank Woolshed from 7am - 8.30am and hear Leah Squire share her proven advice and tips on using social media and the internet to promote your business.

General News Following the breakfast will be the opportunity to participate in a workshop run

Contact Tourism Month

by Leah where she will apply her expertise to real business situations. This will be held at the Shepparton Motor Museum at Emerald Bank, Shepparton from 9.30 am

This event will be offered to all in the Goulburn River Valley Region, if members

to 12.30 pm. During the workshop Leah will demonstrate what can be achieved

would like to offer any accommodation or dining discounts to enable TGS to

in an interactive session where attendees can ask questions, offer ideas and share

put together packages for those travelling from out of Greater Shepparton

experiences. Attendees will leave the workshop with a page full of ideas that can be

please email them to Kate at by Friday, February 15.

implemented immediately into their own business. This is a not to be missed opportunity and all are welcome to attend so please tell Leah Squire is founder and owner of internet based travel company BYOkids ...your

your networks. CLICK HERE to obtain a printable copy of the flyer.

family travel gurus and author of “Marketing with No Money to get your


business the attention it deserves”. Leah has over 20 years of experience in the Australian tourism industry having worked and lived in many parts of the country. WIN A TICKET to the Business Breakfast on March 22. See general news for more information

Whilst travelling with her own children she realised there was a gap in the travel market and started the now multi-million dollar BYOkids just over 5 years ago with a marketing budget of zero. specialises in the niche market

Purchase tickets from the Shepparton Visitor Information Centre, or CLICK HERE to

of family holidays. BYOkids was awarded best new business in Australia in 2007

book online now. Places are limited, book early to avoid disappointment.

and best micro business in 2008, Leah licensed the company in 2009 and now has a network of consultants across Australia. In her book “Marketing with No Money

Breakfast Workshop

Both to get your business the attention it deserves” Leah shares the strategies

TGS Members:




and resources she uses to market her business on the cheap. Leah is a sought after

Non Members:




speaker on business, marketing and tourism.


Thank you to all those who put their business forward as a potential feature case study for the workshop. Leah could only select two and she has chosen Peaches

There’s no such thing as a free lunch but how about a free breakfast? To be

Cafe Shepparton and the Golden Cow in Tongala. Peaches Cafe is located at SPC

in the running for one of three free tickets to the business breakfast all you

Ardmona Factory Sales, they offer coffee, sweets, lunches, cold drinks and gluten

need to do is ‘Like’ the TGS facebook page. Don’t delay, CLICK HERE now

free options. The Golden Cow is a real life dairy farm, offering families a ‘day on the

and you may pick yourself up a free ticket.

farm’ experience. Previous Page

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Next Page

More General News on the next page ...


HOME News from

The Board Member News

GENERAL NEWS Destination Melbourne Destination Melbourne recently announced that their Chief Executive Officer, Chris Buckingham, will be stepping down when his contract expires on 30 June 2013. As stated in their media release, after five years in the role, Chris has decided to

Member Benefits

explore other options. Chris Buckingham said; “This was not an easy decision, but it is time for new leadership at Destination Melbourne,” he added, “Destination Melbourne has made a significant contribution to the visitor industry. It has been a

General News Contact Tourism Month

privilege being part of such a passionate and professional team. Together we have helped build a vibrant community and changed the way we do business.” Chris has worked tirelessly with business, community and government to help grow Melbourne as an outstanding global visitor experience. To read the full media

It’s A Boy! Former TGS Secretary Rebecca Ross contacted us to tell us her exciting news and to

release please CLICK HERE.

send us a photo of her bundle of joy! (see on this page) ... It’s a boy, Cooper Ross was

New Official Visitor Guide Available Now

and Bec is enjoying her new tole of Mum and enjoying being back close to family to

born on Christmas eve at 4.10pm weighing 9 pound. Bec and Cooper are doing well share this special time. Congratulations Bec and family, on the birth of your little boy.

The current and new look Greater Shepparton Official Visitor Guide is now available and looks fantastic. If you would like to obtain copies for display within your business please contact the Greater Shepparton Visitor Information Centre. The guide is also available online, please CLICK HERE to view and add this link to all of your customer correspondence. A phone App is also available, please encourage your visitors, WIN A TICKET to the Business Breakfast on March 22. See general news for more information

family and friends to download this, it’s free and this will enable them to have all the information they need at their finger tips, CLICK HERE to download the App (App currently for iPhone users only, an Android version will be released in the coming

Latest Goulburn River Valley Visitor Statistics Goulburn River Valley (GRV) recently released the visitor statistics for the year end September 2012. GRV received 696,000 domestic overnight visitors - up by 11.9% on year end (YE) Sep 11. Visitors spent over 1.6 million nights in the region - down by 7.2% on YE Sep 11. In terms of market share the region received 5.9% of visitors and 4.6% of nights in regional Victoria. Compared to YE Sep 11, the share of visitors


was up by 0.3% pts and the share of nights was down by 0.6% pts. Visitors spent an

New Visitor Services Officer Appointed

Goulburn River Valley received nearly 2.0 million domestic daytrip visitors - down by

estimated $160 million in the region in the YE Sep 12 - an average of $99 per night.

Greater Shepparton City Council has appointed Kim Robson as the new Visitor

3.1% on YE Sep 11. In terms of market share the region received 6.9% of daytrips to

Services Officer based at the Visitor Information Centre. Kim will work full time

regional Victoria. Compared to YE Sep 11, the share was down by 1.0% pt.

for 12 months, covering Rebecca Ross whilst she is on maternity leave. She will be responsible for delivering exceptional visitor service at the Centre and at a range

‘Holiday or leisure’ was the largest purpose for both overnight and day trip visitors

of events supported by Council, servicing visitor enquiries and providing support

to the region, followed by ‘visiting friends and relatives’ and ‘business’. Further,

to enhance Greater Shepparton’s visitor profile. Kim is reacquainting herself with

‘Visiting friends and relatives’ was the most popular activity undertaken by visitors

her home territory of Greater Shepparton, having returned from Wodonga where

to the region. Visitors spent an estimated $200 million in the region in the YE Sep 12

she was employed with the Department of Defence. Kim’s background in customer

- an average of $101 per visitor. Please CLICK HERE to read the full report.

service, information servicing and previous government employment will be most Previous Page Information Centre, the local tourism industry and Council. - 7 Next Page valuable for the Visitor More General News on the next page ...


HOME News from

The Board Member News

GENERAL NEWS Greater Shepparton Events Bringing Visitors To Town Below is a snap shot of the events to be held in Greater Shepparton during February 2013. The Greater Shepparton Tourism & Events team work with a number of groups and associations to encourage visitation through events to the region. Research shows that events deliver strong social and economic benefit along with raising the profile of our region in the minds of visitors. For more details on how you can be involved please contact the organisers or Council’s Events team on (03) 5832 9700. Event



Member Benefits General News

Tourism Month


Appr. %



of visitors


to region





Event information

Showcase of Appaloosa horses competing for

Vic Appaloosa



4 - 10

Motor Show



16 - 17


Motor Show Sunday, Shannon’s SuperRig and


more at the Motor Museum McLennan Street Mooroopna.


Tatura Park

Appr. 2012

the Victorian Titles. More than 100 events.

Fruit Salad Day

February 16


Skids For Kids

February 16









Tatura Park









Sizzler Show

19 - 24

ACA Masters

February 22

Cricket Match

1st annul Skids For Kids, all proceeds to the


Children’s Ward at Goulburn Valley Health.

Summer Sizzler Show - GV Western Riding Club. Over $60,000 in prizes.

WIN A TICKET to the Business Breakfast on March 22. See general news for more information

March 1 - 11

Legends of Aussie Cricket play against GV’s finest from 7pm. Matt Elliott, Greg Blewett,


Craig McDermott and Tom Moody.

Shepparton SheppARTon

“Goggo” mobile in the mall on the Saturday.




11 days of events. The highlight being the emerging voices community performance at Tallis Winery in Dookie.


March 1 - 3

Tatura Park




March 2 - 3


Thousands of items for sale or on show at the


Annual Antiques, Collectables and Modern

Horse Show Antiques and

Australian Miniature Horse Society of Victoria Show.


Firearms Expo. 9am - 3.30pm March 2




Park Lake



Congupna PS

March 3





An evening of food, dance and cultural activities for the whole family.





Fun for the whole family. Run/walk along the tracks beside the river. From 9am

Food and

March 3

Wine Festival

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Mactier Park Tatura




A Taste of Tatura Food and Wine Festival.

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News from

The Board Member News Member Benefits General News Contact Tourism Month

Please send all correspondence to: Tourism Greater Shepparton, PO Box 110, Shepparton VIC 3632 ABN: 41 505 178 163

Tourism Greater Shepparton Board Member Contacts President

Cheryl Hammer

The Churches

0410 561 934

Vice President

Gracie Sharwood GV Hotel

0419 200 473


Glenda Farrington Central Shepparton Apartments

0428 194 799


Kate Smith Marketing & Project Management

0418 382 985

Board Member Ross Graham


0428 709 848

Board Member


0411 856 263

Board Member Annabel Thomas

Prominent Group


Board Member

Big4 Shepparton East

5829 2396

Greater Shepparton Visitor Centre

5831 4400

0419 884 678

Tracey Toy

Kaye Bernardi

Council Rep Maree Glasson

Chamber Rep Morry MacKellar Shepparton Chamber of Commerce

Please submit all newsletter content for consideration by the Board to Kate Smith at by the 1st of each month. WIN A TICKET to the Business Breakfast on March 22. See general

Meet the Board Members Below are your Tourism Greater Shepparton Board Members. Be sure to look out for details of the next Tourism Greater Shepparton members networking function where you can meet the board members in person.

news for more information

Cheryl Hammer, Gracie Sharwood, Glenda Farrington, Ross Graham, Tracey Toy, Annabel Thomas, Kaye Bernardi, Maree Glasson Previous Page

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HOME News from

The Board


option to promote your event within 25 000 official Calendar of Events brochures


distributed during Greater Shepparton Tourism Month each October for FREE. This

Thank you to the 2012 sponsors of Tourism

is an opportunity too good to be missed, start planning now! You might like to hold

Month. Please support these valuable sponsors

TOURISM MONTH 2013 Tourism Greater Shepparton is already planning for Tourism Month 2013 ... Are You??

Member News

Another great benefit of being a member of Tourism Greater Shepparton is the

Member Benefits

an open day, have a product launch, a come and try day, festival or an expo. The

who are assisting us to showcase the fantastic

options are endless.

attractions and experiences on offer to both

General News

locals and visitors to the area. Calendar of Events brochures are distributed across Greater Shepparton and


into surrounding regions therefore the ideal way to promote your event to both visitors and locals. The Calendar of Events is also promoted via television, radio, the newspaper and an electronic copy is placed on Greater Shepparton’s official visitor

Tourism Month

website and on the TGS Facebook page. Don’t forget to book your place at the forthcoming TGS business breakfast and workshop in March where Leah Squire will provide you with a page full of ideas on not only marketing your business for free but how you can also market your events during Tourism Month. Events raise your business profile and have the potential to increase your customer

WIN A TICKET to the Business Breakfast on

base. With so many options for marketing your event for free this is a great opportunity and one that you should consider incorporating within your planning annually to grow and promote your business.

rism Month


March 22. See general

news for more information

Alternatively, if holding an event is not your thing, think about sponsoring Tourism Month, this is another great way to have your business name/logo distributed across the region and depending on your level of sponsorship, potentially at various events.

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