Turnford School Sixth Form Newsletter 13th March 2015

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6th Form Newsletter Issue 06 FEBRUARY 2015

The 101 programme is a series of enrichment programmes throughout the year that will help you discover more about you, your future, your mind body and soul. Its not all about grades, its about developing you as a person. Some events have already gone, some are still to come including:    

University 101 Meditation/Relaxation 101 Get Motivated 101 Fitness 101

Take advantage of these opportunities, students who have done so far have only been positive about their experiences. Still to come:       

Cooking 101 Ironing and Washing 101 Writing Extended Answers 101 Rhetoric 101 Organisation 101 Debating 101 Car Maintenance 101

And many many more

UNIVERSITY APPLICATIONS Well done to over 55 of you who have applied to university already. You can still apply as a late application. If you are still unsure of your destination please make sure you come and see us to discuss and make use of time in your tutorials.

APPRENTICESHIPS Resources National Apprenticeships Website— https://www.gov.uk/apply-apprenticeship Milk Round School Leavers—http:// schoolleavers.milkround.com Connexions—https:// www.youthconnexions-hertfordshire.org/ careers/jobs-apprenticeships/

PP: Finance – kick-starting careers for state school students Pure Potential is working in partnership with leading firms and organisations from the financial industry to host an event for students interested in kickstarting their careers in finance.

National Citizen Service (NCS) is a way for 15 to 17 year olds to make extraordinary friendships, learn the skills they don’t teach you in class and create unforgettable memories.

PP: Finance is a completely free event, where we will introduce leading financial firms from a range of sectors to ambitious sixth formers, through workshops, presentations and a careers fair.

NCS takes place outside of term time in spring, summer and autumn—each is a little different. There are plenty of dates to choose from so there’s nothing standing between you and NCS.

The event takes place at Cass Business School, London during the Easter break on Wednesday, 8th April. We have just 250 places at PP: Finance 2015 and will be allocating places to those students that fit the following criteria:  Achieved / predicted ABB at AS-Level or equivalent (excluding General Studies or Critical Thinking)  Attend a state school or college (non-fee paying)  In Year 12 or Year 13

There are four different phases to NCS: Phase 1—Adventure Phase 2—Future Phase 3—Making a Difference Phase 4—Graduation

We will prioritise students from lower-socio-economic backgrounds, and those

To find out more about this exciting opportunity go to www.ncsyes.co.uk

with no parental history of higher education. Please still apply if they do not meet these criteria. complete our short online application form. Applications will close at 5pm on Monday, 23rd March 2015. Please email info@purepotential.org or call 020 7122 1220 if you have any questions about the event.

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