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6th Form Newsletter Issue 06 FEBRUARY 2015
Eight year 13 students all taking BTEC Art and Design we invited to display their work in the Youth Arts Centre in Waltham Cross in January. Their work was designed to celebrate cultural diversity within the Borough of Broxbourne. The students work was very weel received by the community and shows just what hard work and dedication that have put into their projects. The students who exhibited were: Jessice Butterfield, Jessie Hector, Katie Holton, Matthew Hurry, Becky Ryde, Scarlett Sandford, Emily Tracher and Alice Wilkinson Well done and what a credit to the sixth form.
UNIVERSITY APPLICATIONS Well done to over 55 of you who have applied to university already. You can still apply as a late application. If you are still unsure of your destination please make sure you come and see us to discuss and make use of time in your tutorials.
National Citizen Service (NCS) is a way for 15 to 17 year olds to make extraordinary friendships, learn the skills they don’t teach you in class and create unforgettable memories.
Resources National Apprenticeships Website— Milk Round School Leavers—http://
Stanley Connexions—https:// careers/jobs-apprenticeships/
Morgan Stanley is one of the world's leading investment banks, and they have asked Pure Potential to invite bright sixth formers to apply to two of their programmes this summer. Step in, Ste! p up (14th-16th July)– this programme comprises of case studies, panel sessions, a trading floor tour and interactive workshops. It will provide the perfect stepping stone for any budding students looking to kick-start their careers in banking and finance. Open to female students in years 12 and 13. Open Day (21st July) – this event consists of interactive presentations and workshops where students will learn about our various divisions, as well as meeting and networking with industry professionals. This really is a great introduction to the Bank and will offer you a valuable insight into life at a leading, global firm. Open to male and female students in year 13. Having a prestigious firm such as Morgan Stanley on a student's personal statement or CV will be hugely beneficial when it comes to applying to university and looking for work experience when an undergraduate. Applications have already opened and students will need to submit a CV and covering letter by Tuesday, 2nd June 2015.
NCS takes place outside of term time in spring, summer and autumn—each is a little different. There are plenty of dates to choose from so there’s nothing standing between you and NCS. There are four different phases to NCS: Phase 1—Adventure Phase 2—Future Phase 3—Making a Difference Phase 4—Graduation To find out more about this exciting opportunity go to
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