Reforming the Navy’s Acquisition Process By Sean J. Stackley, Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research, Development and Acquisition knowledgeable acquisition professionals who To consider what improvements could know how to work in the unique defense marbe made in acquisition today, it is important ketplace, who understand the technical dimento understand the environment in which it sions of extraordinarily complex systems, and operates. Within the Department of the Navy who can navigate the bureaucracy and produce (DoN), we are responsible to the warfighter excellent outcomes in spite of it all. and taxpayer to manage and execute upwards With the above in mind, history of $60 billion per year for Navy and and experience have demonstrated Marine Corps development and that programs succeed when they procurement. Clearly, our first prioradhere to basic principles: (a) get the ity is to meet the needs of our sailors requirements right; (b) perform to and marines deployed around the a stable plan; (c) make every dollar world, fighting today’s war. At the count; (d) rely on an experienced same time, we are also responsible to acquisition workforce; and (e) foster bring forward significant advances in Sean J. Stackley a healthy industrial base. capacity and capability that the Navy and Marine Corps will rely upon to maintain naval superiority well into the 21st century. Getting the Requirements Right This must be accomplished in an environment characterized by constrained budgets, increasArguably, requirements definition is the ing system complexity, limited competition, most critical phase in determining the successful a shrinking industrial base operating within a outcome of a major weapon systems program. tough economy and increasingly burdensome Requirements that are underpinned by a requirements associated with the administrathorough assessment of technical feasibility and tion, oversight and reporting of our major a realistic cost estimate are inherently at lower weapon systems programs. It is also important risk of cost or schedule overrun, or performance to understand the essential nature of weapon shortfalls, during program execution. Conversely, systems procurement; neither DoD nor the the preponderance of “failed programs” can defense industry exercises a classic role of buyer trace their undoing to poor understanding of or seller in the free-enterprise system. As a the technical requirements (including what are result, it can be difficult to attract new entrants often referred to as “derived requirements”), cost into a unique, high-entry-cost, and often lessand risk intrinsic to such programs’ operational understood market in the United States. And requirements. Our mandate—to properly define finally, this large government bureaucracy that and seamlessly transition from requirements to envelops defense acquisition discourages risk design, to build, test, field and sustain and to do and thwarts rapid or even timely delivery when, so within agreed budgets and schedules based on in fact, the very nature of weapon systems realistic estimates—necessitates unity of purpose development is risky, and the very pace of and unity of action between the Requirements technology and of the threat demands a faster and Acquisition organizations each step along appropriate response. Given this environment, the way. And it all begins with and hinges upon which is not prone to agility, primary emphasis getting the requirements right. must be placed on the need for experienced, Continued On pAGE 35 ➥
5 May 2015
• F-35 Engine Inspection • Augmented Human Performance
Positioning the Navy Reserve for the 21st Century By Vice Admiral Robin R. Braun, Chief of the Navy Reserve Over the past year, the Navy responded to Combatant Commander (CCDR) requirements with tailored force packages of Reserve units and personnel. Reserve V. Adm. Component (RC) soluRobin R. Braun tions met the full range of support required, from Navy core missions to CCDR ad-hoc requirements. Our force structure provided integration options ranging from the mobilization of an entire unit to the activation of a single Individual Augmentee (IA) sailor. In support of their strategic surge roles, nonmobilized sailors maintained their readiness through training and operational support to the Fleet. This model delivers increased flexibility and depth to the Total Force, and the experience gained by Reserve sailors through mobilizations and operational support enhances the Navy Reserve’s interoperability with the Active Component (AC) and the Joint Force. The newly published revision of A Cooperative Strategy for 21st Century Seapower states the following: “To ensure our active and reserve sailors, Marines and Coast Guardsmen—as well as civilians—remain our greatest asymmetric advantage; we will … optimize the total force mix by strategically employing the Selected Reserve, managing differentiated talents to create more adaptive and agile warriors and expanding service opportunities to a wider population in support of peacetime operations and to provide essential surge capacity.” Continued On pAGE 38 ➥
May 5, 2015
Table of Contents Editorial Editor
Jonathan Magin jonathanm@kmimediagroup.com Managing Editor
Harrison Donnelly harrisond@kmimediagroup.com Copy Editor
Kevin Harris kevinh@kmimediagroup.com Correspondents
Reforming the Navy’s Acquisition Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Positioning the Navy Reserve for the 21st Century . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Future Operating Context: Augmented Human Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 CSRB Details Released for EOD Warfare Officers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 CNO’s Director for Information Dominance Sees Training Firsthand . . . . . . . . . . . 4
J.B. Bissell • Kasey Chisholm • Catherine Day Michael Frigand • Nora McGann
Fort Worth Departs Singapore After Scheduled Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Art & Design
Electromagnetic Railgun Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Art Director
Jennifer Owers jennifero@kmimediagroup.com
SSC Atlantic Seeking FOE Award . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Ads and Materials Manager
USS Blue Ridge Concludes PLA(N) Engagements with Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Senior Graphic Designer
Man-Portable Tactical Navigation Aid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Graphic Designers
F-35 Engine Quality Assurance Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
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KMI Media Group Chief Executive Officer
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Lightweight Low-Cost Conformal Array . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 USS Farragut Responds to Distress Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 COTS Airborne Direction Finding (DF) Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Navy Small Business Innovative Research Topics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Contracts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
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Exclusive Subscriber Content Subscribers to Navy Air/Sea receive exclusive weekly content. This week’s exclusive content includes: • An article about a recent meeting of Navy stakeholders at the 2015 Naval Additive Manufacturing Technical Interchange (NAMTI) which discussed ways to incorporate 3-D printing within the fleet. • An account of Exercise Saharan Express 2015, which was conducted as part of the Africa Partnership Station (APS) program. A member of the Senegalese navy recounts his experiences boarding and securing ships during the exercise.
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Calendar of Events May 5-7, 2015 AUVSI’s Unmanned Systems Atlanta, Ga. www.auvsishow.org/ auvsi2015
| May 5, 2015 | Navy News Weekly | www.navy-kmi.com
May 5-7, 2015 AFCEA Defensive Cyber Operations Symposium Baltimore, Md. www.afcea.org
May 20-21, 2015 AFCEA Spring Intelligence Symposium Springfield, VA http://www.afcea.org/ mission/intel
Future Operating Context: Augmented Human Performance By Scott Cheney-Peters, Department of the Navy
Over the next 20 years, the world will see a proliferation of the means to supplement human performance. A parallel rise in their use will impact both the battlefield and supporting military functions from shipyards to watchfloors. Human performance enhancement will come in several forms: wearable, implantable, biological and chemical. This is not an endorsement of any of these approaches but instead a discussion of developments that might aid our future forces or else emerge among their adversaries. Wearable Today’s wearable human augmentation devices largely are those that increase situational awareness, such as augmented reality and heads-up displays (HUDs) in helmets, and those for protection, such as armor or gloves. A few, such as firefighting oxygen tanks and early exoskeltons provide operational benefits by broadening specific human capabilities. Others, such as health monitors and smartwatches’ computing power and communications, provide operational benefits by adding new abilities. The next decades will see these augments improved, joined by those that offer even more capabilities, all combined in integrated wearable systems. Some of these advances will be integrated in exosuits. Exosuits will increase strength and endurance, lower risk of injury and incorporate a range of operational benefits including immediate medical healing systems. Sailors in the next decades will be able to use the suits for such tasks as damage control, deck and port operations and performing general shipboard maintenance while Marines are likely to make direct use of them in combat. Both services will have to contend with the availability of less integrated, but still powerful wearable augmentation capabilities widely available as the result of commercial developments. These will make their way into the hands of the civilian populations the Navy and Marines interact with at sea and ashore, as well as adversaries, which may pose threats. Implantable Wearable devices aren’t the only means to achieving many of the promised boosts to human performance. Implantable devices do the same more permanently and discreetly, and are sturdier. While most applications to date have focused on prosthetics for missing limbs, restoring capabilities to skilled workers who might otherwise leave the workforce, many of the same technology gains can be applied to improving performance for people without a physical impairment. Furthermore, some of the capabilities of wearable devices can be improved upon using implants, especially those that interact with the human body to achieve effects. These include health monitoring sensors, machines that provide a biological stimulus, and implants that interface with the brain and neural impulses to control external gear—from drones to communication equipment. Major ethical concerns about the voluntary and reversible nature of such augmentations mean that it is more likely these
enhancements will first gain traction in state and non-state forces that do not place as much weight on ethical concerns as our own. Additionally, our personnel system might confront the problem of recruiting from a population whose use of augmentation clashes with policies for use by service members. This is already an issue with chemical and biological substance use, such as anabolic steroids and human growth hormones, especially when substances are legal but prohibited by policy. On the other hand, the costs of implantable augmentation may mean it’s available only to well-funded individuals or organizations. Biological and Chemical The same ethical concerns that will bedevil the Department of the Navy’s (DoN’s) policies toward implantable devices exist in the realms of biological and chemical supplements. Yet, the prevalence of caffeine in the naval forces shows that acceptance of substances to enhance human physical and cognitive performance has long been a matter of degrees. Over the next decades, DoN’s policies might not change much from today, or may do so as advances in performance enhancement materialize. The result will depend in large measure on the substances’ costs and safety and the reversibility of their impacts. As with implantable devices, whatever policies are in place in the U.S. military are likely to be more restrictive than those of our least restrictive adversary. This means the future well may hold new dangers for our forces operating among and against those enjoying the benefits of performance enhancement drugs, whether they be to increase strength, endurance or mental abilities. Future Operating Considerations As the above sections indicate, there are actions DoN can take to leverage the maturing technologies of human augmentation, and actions it should take as a matter of diligence. While DoN can support the research, development and testing of specific augmentation technologies to ensure it has access to the best equipment and CONOPS for use, ethical considerations will guide its policies for use. DoN should begin the exploration of ethical implications of future augmentation advances now, to better explain initial positions on use and adoption while understanding that the level of comfort with any specific technology (and therefore acceptable use) may well evolve over time. At the same time, DoN should prepare to contend with a future of adversaries and civilians with access to augmentation technologies—exploring the implications and developing ways to mitigate potential disadvantages borne of a reluctance to adopt ethically questionable augmentation practices. For example, a VBSS team might need increased protection operating on a ship whose crew includes individuals willing to greatly augment their strength through chemical or biological substances. While U.S. naval forces may never be willing to go as far as others into the grey areas of augmentation, they must nonetheless be ready to deal with those who do.
www.navy-kmi.com | Navy News Weekly | May 5, 2015 |
CSRB Details Released for EOD Warfare Officers The renewal and modification of the Explosive Ordnance Disposal Warfare Critical Skills Retention Bonus (EOD CSRB) program was announced in NAVADMIN 101/15 released April 28. Qualified lieutenants will be offered the opportunity to commit to a four-year agreement with a maximum bonus amount of $80,000 or a three-year agreement with a maximum bonus of $45,000. Lieutenant commanders will continue to be offered the sole option of a three-year agreement with a maximum bonus of $46,000.
The renewal authorizes payment of $22,000 in year one of the agreement, with $12,000 paid the final two years’ annual installments. The Critical Skills Retention Bonus (CSRB) is a special pay that aims to incentivize sailors with critical skills and experience to stay Navy. Eligibility requirements and details on the application process are outlined in NAVADMIN 101/15.
CNO’s Director for Information Dominance Sees Training Firsthand The corporate director of Information Dominance for the Chief of Naval Operations met with the experts who train the fleet Information Dominance Corps during a visit on April 24. During his visit to the Center for Information Dominance (CID), Rear Admiral Bruce F. Loveless was briefed on the Digital Tutor (DT) program and the Information Systems Technician, Information Warfare Officer and Information Professional Officer courses. He was also updated on the Center for Language Regional Expertise and Culture (CLREC) program and the Navy’s Credentialing Opportunities On-Line (Navy COOL) program during his tour. “I continue to be amazed with the high-caliber and advanced technical abilities of our young enlisted sailors and officers,” said Loveless. “I am also extremely impressed at the professionalism and dedication of the CID staff as they provide a breadth of Information Dominance Corps (IDC) training and education and a depth of expertise at the leading-edge standard of excellence.”
DT is an artificial-intelligence-based training method designed for the next generation of cyber warriors. The program was developed by studying how the best instructors teach and how they adapt to individual students. This information is then incorporated into the DT process, enabling the program to teach each student one on one in a computer-based environment. The Information Systems Technician course teaches network administration and database management, along with computer hardware and software implementation. Graduates are able to operate and maintain Navy global satellite telecommunications systems, as well as serve as administrators on mainframe computers and network systems throughout the fleet. The Information Warfare and Information Professional Officer courses teach collecting, processing, analyzing and reporting signal intelligence; conducting computer network operations; planning and delivering information warfare effects during operations and exercises; and how to secure, operate and maintain networks and
| May 5, 2015 | Navy News Weekly | www.navy-kmi.com
systems to support Navy operations and business processes. CLREC coordinates language, cultural and regional familiarization training across the Navy and prepares sailors for the multiple and diverse cultures they will encounter while conducting the full spectrum of military operations across the globe. Navy COOL is a Web-based hub that consolidates information from numerous sources at the federal, state and local levels on certifications, licenses, apprenticeships and growth opportunities that correspond with each Navy rating as well as enlisted jobs and occupations. Commanding Officer of CID Captain Maureen Fox noted that this was a great opportunity for Rear Admiral Loveless to gain insight into the collaborative efforts in place to develop and deliver training to future IDC warriors. “Today’s visit gives us an opportunity to showcase our training efforts that extend across the whole CID training enterprise and I’m pleased to have that opportunity,” said Fox. “CID is ready and able to provide a competitive edge in all information dominance mission areas.” Loveless’ visit concluded with a questionand-answer session with Information Dominance Corps officers from local area commands. Based at Corry Station in Pensacola, Fla., CID is the Navy’s learning center that leads, manages and delivers Navy and joint forces training in information operations, information warfare, information technology, cryptology and intelligence. With nearly 1,300 military, civilian and contracted staff members, CID provides training for approximately 24,000 members of the U.S. Armed Services and allied forces each year. CID oversees the development and administration of 226 courses at four commands, two detachments and 12 learning sites throughout the United States and Japan.
Fort Worth Departs Singapore After Scheduled Maintenance The littoral combat ship USS Fort Worth (LCS 3) departed its maintenance and logistics hub in Singapore April 30, after a five-day preventative maintenance availability (PMAV) and a two-week long repair availability (RAV). The RAV was the first extended maintenance availability for the ship during its 16-month rotational deployment to the IndoAsia-Pacific. According to Commander Michael Desmond, LCS Crew 103 executive officer, these maintenance periods make it possible for Fort Worth to remain in theater and underway for a majority of her extended deployment. “Dedicated time in the ship’s schedule to attend to maintenance is a key part of the LCS operating concept, and this inport period proved to be another success for Fort Worth,” said Desmond. “The entire maintenance team worked very hard to complete a long list of routine checks and repairs. With the RAV/ PMAV behind us, we’re looking forward to completing our remaining underway milestones before turning Fort Worth over to Crew 102 in late May.” Fort Worth is the first LCS to deploy under the “3-2-1” manning concept, swapping fully trained crews roughly every four months. This concept allows Fort Worth to deploy six months longer than the 2013 USS Freedom (LCS 1) deployment and twice as long as typical U.S. Navy ship deployments, extending LCS forward presence and reducing crew fatigue for the entire 16-month deployment. It is named 3-2-1 because three rotational crews support two LCS ships, one of which is deployed. “The maintenance period included more than 580 checks and 100 tag outs of engineering, deck and combat systems,” said Lieutenant Lemont King, chief engineer for LCS Crew 103. “Some of the maintenance that was performed was originally scheduled to be completed during the first quarter of Fort Worth’s deployment, but was successfully rescheduled after Fort Worth was reassigned to assist in the search efforts for AirAsia flight QZ8501.” Compared to other Navy ships, the LCS has a relatively small crew. Fort Worth’s crew size is around 100 sailors and consists of sailors from LCS Crew 103, Helicopter Maritime
Strike Squadron (HSM-35) Detachment 2 and Surface Warfare Mission Package Detachment 1. The LCS maintenance construct builds in time for inport maintenance that is normally beyond the capability of Fort Worth’s optimally-manned crew. “Contracting out some of the ship’s maintenance is what allows us to operate the ship under an optimal manning construct,” said Desmond. “This maintenance period will certainly go a long way in allowing Fort Worth to continue to meet her future operational commitments.” Fort Worth will conduct routine patrols in the U.S. 7th Fleet area of operations before returning to Singapore for the International Maritime Defense Exhibition and Conference (IMDEX) 2015 just ahead of the next crew swap in late May. Throughout the summer and fall, Fort Worth will take part in most of the 2015 Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training (CARAT) exercise series. In its 21st year, CARAT is an annual, bilateral exercise series with the U.S. Navy, U.S. Marine Corps and the armed forces of nine partner nations, including Bangladesh, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Republic of Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Timor-Leste.
Fast, agile and mission-focused, littoral combat ships are designed to operate in nearshore environments and employ modular mission packages that can be configured for surface warfare, mine countermeasures or anti-submarine warfare. Fort Worth will employ the surface warfare (SUW) mission package for her entire deployment, augmenting her 57mm gun and rolling airframe missile launcher with two 30mm guns, two 11-meter rigid-hull inflatable boats, and two six-member maritime security boarding teams. Enhancing the SUW mission package is the embarked aviation detachment from Helicopter Maritime Squadron (HSM) 35, the Navy’s first composite expeditionary helicopter squadron, which consists of one MH-60R Sea Hawk helicopter and one MQ-8B Fire Scout unmanned aircraft system. The Fire Scout complements the MH-60R by extending the HSM-35’s range and endurance, enhancing maritime domain awareness. The U.S. 7th Fleet conducts forwarddeployed naval operations in support of U.S. national interests in the Indo-Asia-Pacific area of operations. As the U.S. Navy’s largest numbered fleet, U.S. 7th Fleet interacts with 35 other maritime nations to build partnerships that foster maritime security, promote stability and prevent conflict.
www.navy-kmi.com | Navy News Weekly | May 5, 2015 |
Electromagnetic Railgun Project By Roger Ellis, ONR Research Program Officer, Electromagnetic Railgun (EMRG), Air Warfare and Naval Weapons Application The railgun program is a visionary, longrange, high-energy gun system that uses electricity rather than gunpowder or rock motors to launch hypersonic projectiles. In doing so, the railgun promises to provide a potent new punch to future surface ships. When fully operational, railgun projectiles will bolt at speeds greater than Mach 6 and strike greater than 100 nautical miles down-range in about six minutes. That velocity allows the weapon’s projectiles to rely on kinetic energy for maximum effect, and it reduces the amount of high explosives needed to be carried on ships. It also minimizes the dangers of unexploded ordnance remaining on the battlefield. The current Navy railgun effort began in 2001 when Rear Admiral Charlie Hamilton, program executive officer, Ships (PEO Ships), asked for ideas using the massive electric-generating capacity of the newest class of destroyers for a generation of new electric weapons. Late that year, ONR, PEO Ships and Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) Dahlgren co-sponsored an electromagnetic railgun workshop to gather the nation’s subject matter experts, stakeholders and skeptics to determine if the development of an operational railgun system was indeed technically feasible. In 2002, Admiral Robert Natter, commander, Fleet Forces Command, agreed to fund a series of demonstrations at the railgun facility in Kirkcudbright, Scotland. Excited about the demonstration, Thomas Pendergraft, NSWC Dahlgren technical director, prompted NSWC to fight for and to internally fund the initial test facility building in 2004. The Naval Warfare Development Command completed an analysis of railgun employment and, in 2006, published the Railgun Operating Concept, which included war games, exercises and detailed lethality analysis. The Department of the Navy’s science and technology corporate board chartered the Innovative Naval Prototype (INP) construct to foster game-changing and disruptive technologies ahead of the normal requirements process. Its progress—including successes, failures and surprises—are monitored
by the EMRG Executive Steering Committee and numerous other stakeholders. The Electromagnetic Railgun INP was initiated in 2005 for around $250 million. The goal during Phase I, a proof-of-concept demonstration at 32 mega-joule muzzle energy, has been achieved. The most daunting and challenging tasks were cranking up the launch energy while extending barrel life. State-of-the-art launch energy has quadrupled during the past years to greater than 32 megajoules while barrel life has advanced from tens of shots to hundreds of shots. A future weapon system at this energy level would be capable of launching a 100-plus nautical mile projectile. This launch energy has the advantage of being able to stress many components to evaluate full-scale mechanical and electromagnetic forces. Phase I focused on the development of launcher technology with adequate service life, development of reliable pulsed power technology and component risk reduction for the projectile. Phase II, which started in 2012, will advance the technology for transition to an
| May 5, 2015 | Navy News Weekly | www.navy-kmi.com
acquisition program. Phase II technology efforts will concentrate on demonstrating a rep-rate fire capability. Thermal management techniques required for sustained firing rates will be developed for both the launcher system and the pulsed power system. With its increased velocity and extended range, the railgun will give sailors a multi-mission capability, allowing them to conduct precise naval surface fire support or land strikes, ship defense and surface warfare to deter enemy vessels. As the system moves forward along its planned schedule from the laboratory launcher, we’ve achieved breakthroughs in compact power and gun design, and will test the next phase of prototype at both sea- and land-based sites in 2016 and 2017. To become a game-changing technology, the electromagnetic railgun needs to be further developed and transitioned onto the ship of the future and into the hands of our sailors and marines, ultimately changing the way we fight and win wars. A variety of new and existing naval platforms are being studied for integration of a future tactical railgun system.
SSC Atlantic Seeking FOE Award Department of the Navy (DoN), Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center (SPAWARSYSCEN) Atlantic is seeking to award a fair opportunity exception (FOE) contract to Mantech. The contract has an estimated dollar value of $263,066.25, and it is for a one-year base with two additional optional years and covers LCS, DDG and LX-R work. This contract will support SSC Atlantic, Charleston, and is required given the highly specialized technical skills
specific to the LCS, DDG and LX-R ships needed to complete the tasking. It will provide PMS501/LCS, PMS500/DDG and PMS/LX-R with program management and systems engineering support in the development of their ACAT I programs by developing, for example, capability development documents (CDDs), enhanced information support plans (EISPs), ISP test scenario viewpoints (ITSVs), cyber warfare services viewpoints (CWSVs), in-progress reviews and other studies and analysis
tasks associated with each ship’s C4I communications suites. Completion of current tasking is also contingent on this FOE to receive local contractor services to continue efforts already in-progress in order to achieve the programs acquisition life-cycle critical design review requirements and milestones. According to SSC Atlantic, an award to Mantech is required for several reasons. The FOE notes that Mantech is “highly experienced with DoN Information Support Plan
Processes and the required ISP and enhanced ISP (EISP) Development along with the ISP knowledge groups and stakeholders historical interaction,” in addition being “highly experienced with ISP aggregations of concepts.” The FOE also cites Mantech’s proven past experience with NR-KPP, ISP and CDD type of work and vigorously reviewed CMMI Level III processes. Point of Contact: David M. Miller, (843) 218-3576
USS Blue Ridge Concludes PLA(N) Engagements with Exercises In the gray-fogged port of Zhanjiang, People’s Republic of China, a flagship eases into dock. After feet move fast onto the pier, Captain Kyle P. Higgins, U.S. 7th Fleet flagship Blue Ridge commanding officer accepts a gift. His roughened and strong seafaring hands hold the gift: a bouquet. Cameras flow currents of images around the captain, like the electric buzz of dragonflies across some newfound moor. A new horizon of partnership across the immense and pummeling Pacific dawns through handshakes, smiles, red carpet and the gallant pageantry of this ship pulling in. This welcoming ceremony was a warm, humble beginning that set the tone, leading toward the ship’s eventual sendoff and all that transpired within. Blue Ridge departed Zhanjiang on April 24 after completing a routine four-day port visit as a means to build naval relationships and trust with China’s South Sea Fleet, ensuring peace and prosperity for the Indo-Asia-Pacific region. After departing, the flagship conducted exercises in the South China Sea with ships from the People’s Liberation Army (Navy). As part of the exercises, Blue Ridge conducted a search-andrescue, recovering a simulated man overboard cast from a PLA(N) ship. Blue Ridge is also on the front line with implementing new naval procedures by actively engaging in an exercise called CUES, or Code for Unplanned Encounters At-Sea. Blue Ridge conducted CUES with CNS Qilianshan (LPD 999) and Fuxian Ho (LPD 888). CUES was created at the Western Pacific Naval Symposium in Qingdao, China, just last year. It was also agreed upon by numerous navies around the globe. While in Zhanjiang, Vice Admiral Robert Thomas, commander, U.S. 7th Fleet, and Higgins, along with other U.S. 7th Fleet and Blue Ridge officers, met with senior PLA(N) officials in a series of engagements to build partnerships between the nations.
“Engaging our Pacific counterpart face-to-face helps build trust, which will make it easier for us to work together in the advent of an emergency,” said Blue Ridge Executive Officer Commander Nathan Fugate. “The hospitality was amazing and Blue Ridge sailors really seemed to enjoy Zhanjiang.” Along with a bouquet, the two countries exchanged many other traditional gifts. Not all gifts are something tangible, to be turned over in hand, palm over palm. The two countries let one another peek past that big blue Pacific aquarium into a part of each other’s cultures. Blue Ridge held a “big top” reception for PLA(N) South Sea Fleet Commander Vice Admiral Shen Jinlong and other senior officers on the main deck of the ship. “Big top” receptions have fine cuisines and harmonies birthed out of the U.S. 7th Fleet Band under white lights strewn in above heads along the ship. Members of the Blue Ridge and embarked U.S. 7th Fleet staff First Class Petty Officers Association participated in the first COMSERV by a U.S. Navy ship during a port call to China. “Knowing I helped make the kids at Zhanjiang Special Education School smile was the best part of this port visit for me,” said Religious Program Specialist 1st Class Brian Jewell. “It was an honor to work side by side with PLA(N) sailors during this historical COMSERV.” Along with members from PLA(N) South Sea Fleet, they entertained, gave gifts and conversed with children from the Zhanjiang Special Education School. Across foreign waters, ships can be sent out with more apt communications. The deep, bellowing echoes of a neighbor underwater is heard. And, hope builds for fostering more ties with any sailors out in the deepest, ocean blue. “Building these relationships and trust is the only way we can guarantee peace and security in the western Pacific,” said Fugate.
www.navy-kmi.com | Navy News Weekly | May 5, 2015 |
Man-Portable Tactical Navigation Aid The Naval Air Systems Command has issued a request for information for market research planning purposes in order to compile technical and operational data for defining a man-portable tactical navigation aid (TACAN) system for use by the United States Marine Corps. This man-portable TACAN system is to be employed by the aviation combat element of the Marine air-ground task force (MAGTF). A MAGTF is unique within our nation’s joint force, providing integrated combat capabilities across land, air, sea and cyberspace domains. MAGTF provides commanders with flexible, lethal, agile and persistent capabilities to meet a wide spectrum of combat, combat-support and special purpose requirements. To effectively employ aviation assets, the MAGTF and joint force commander must ensure the safe, orderly and expeditious flow of air traffic with reliable and effective air traffic control (ATC). The ability to provide this assured ATC to aircraft is a vital capability of MAGTF and joint forces. Navigational aids (NAVAIDs) must be operational in
| May 5, 2015 | Navy News Weekly | www.navy-kmi.com
all climatic conditions, terrain and the unique geographic locations deployed. NAVAIDs are force enablers that will provide continuous all weather, enroute navigation, non-precision landing approach guidance and departure ATC services to receiver-equipped friendly aircraft by providing range, bearing and station identification. The man-portable TACAN will provide enroute navigation information during initial entry tactical landing zone operations and be portable by one marine. Man-portable is to be defined as capable of being carried by one person. Specifically, the term may be used to qualify: 1.) items designed to be carried as an integral part of individual, crew served or team equipment of the dismounted marine in conjunction with assigned duties; 2.) in land warfare, equipment, which can be carried by one person over long distance without serious degradation of the performance of normal duties. Primary Point of Contact: Jill Oliver, jill.oliver@navy.mil, (301) 995-8924
F-35 Engine Quality Assurance Inspection Objective We inspected the F-35 engine (F135) program’s quality management system for conformity to contractually required AS9100C, “Quality Management System,” statutory and regulatory requirements, DoD policies and internal quality processes and procedures. F135 engines are procured by the Department of Defense from Pratt & Whitney for the F-35 Lightning II Program.
Findings A. Additional program management oversight is required by the F-35 Joint Program Office (JPO) and the Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA), as evidenced by the 61 nonconformities (violations of AS9100C, regulatory requirements and DoD policies) that we documented during our inspection. B. The F135 critical safety item (CSI) program did not meet DoD CSI requirements, including requirements for parts identification, critical characteristic identification, part determination methodology and supplier identification. C. The F-35 JPO did not establish F135 program quality goals and objectives that were mutually agreed upon by Pratt & Whitney for current contracts. Additionally, Pratt & Whitney metrics did not show improvement in quality assurance and process capability. D. The F-35 JPO did not ensure that Pratt & Whitney proactively identified, elevated, tracked and managed F135 program risks, in accordance with the F135 risk management plan. E. The F-35 JPO did not ensure that Pratt & Whitney’s supplier selection criteria and management of underperforming suppliers were sufficient. F. The F-35 JPO did not ensure that Pratt & Whitney demonstrated adequate software quality management practices. Pratt & Whitney had an outdated software development plan, requirements traceability issues and a software quality assurance organization that did not perform required functions.
Recommendations A.1.a – A.1.c. We recommend that the F-35 JPO coordinate with DCMA to conduct an effective root cause analysis and implement corrective actions for all 61 nonconformities identified during our inspection; review the contract data requirements list (CDRL) and determine specific items that should require approval; and evaluate open major variance requests to determine whether specification changes are required and if achievable closure plans can be developed. A.2.a – A.2.c. We recommend that DCMA review CDRL items to identify any deliverables that impact DCMA program surveillance and coordinate with the F-35 JPO to resolve CDRL distribution issues; review and update the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the F-35 JPO to ensure that all DCMA functions to evaluate waivers and deviations are clear and in accordance with the Federal Acquisition Regulation; and ensure that all associated data required to substantiate corrective action closure are accessible, available and retrievable. B.1 – B.2. We recommend that the F-35 JPO ensure that contractual flow down of all CSI requirements and Pratt & Whitney’s CSI program processes and specifications meet the intent of current DoD CSI requirements
and ensure that CSI parts or assemblies for already-delivered engines meet current DoD CSI requirements. C.1 – C.3. We recommend that the F-35 JPO establish F135 program quality goals and objectives that are mutually agreed upon by Pratt & Whitney and track Pratt & Whitney’s performance against those objectives; ensure that Pratt & Whitney’s quality plan meets contractual requirements; and ensure that Pratt & Whitney consistently analyzes and reports key product characteristic process capability index (Cpk) data for F135 engine hardware and that performance improvement plans are established. D. We recommend that the F-35 JPO ensure that Pratt & Whitney identify, elevate, track, and manage all risks that affect the program, including software and supply chain risks. E.1. We recommend that the F-35 JPO work with DCMA to ensure that Pratt & Whitney clearly defines, documents and implements minimum baseline criteria for supplier selection and actions to be taken for suppliers that continue to be high risk. E.2. We recommend that DCMA perform additional surveillance on Pratt & Whitney’s corrective action requests issued to suppliers and ensure that they are closed within a reasonable time frame. F.1 – F.3. We recommend that the F-35 JPO ensure that Pratt & Whitney resolve nonconformities related to software quality management systems; ensure that Pratt & Whitney’s Software Quality Assurance organization conduct audits, reviews and verification activities of both internally developed and supplier-developed software; and ensure that Pratt & Whitney assess the impact of insufficient software verification on delivered engines.
Management Comments and Our Response The F-35 JPO and DCMA provided comments on our findings and recommendations. The F-35 JPO agreed with seven recommendations, partially agreed with two recommendations and disagreed with four recommendations. DCMA agreed with three recommendations and partially agreed with one recommendation. The F-35 JPO disagreed with evaluating open variance requests, stating that the F135 program is still in development and the F-35 JPO is working to either meet or change the requirements at the end of the system development and demonstration phase. The F-35 JPO partially agreed with our recommendations on CSIs but still plans to align with updated DoD requirements and to work with the contractor to align with DoD requirements by May 2015. For engines already delivered, the F-35 JPO will first determine if significant escapes are discovered while aligning the F135 program with current DoD requirements before taking appropriate action. The F-35 JPO partially agreed with our recommendation on risk management but committed to ensure that Pratt & Whitney identifies, elevates, tracks and manages all risks that affect the program. The F-35 JPO disagreed with our recommendation on software quality management, stating that software is developed to the correct product software level, the software development plan is not obsolete and the F135 propulsion system software was properly tested. Comments from the F-35 JPO did not fully address the specifics of our recommendations; therefore, further comments are required. DCMA partially agreed with our recommendation to document corrective action closures but committed to work on a central repository to maintain corrective action documentation. Comments from DCMA addressed all specifics of the recommendations, and no further comments are required. www.navy-kmi.com | Navy News Weekly | May 5, 2015 |
Lightweight Low-Cost Conformal Array The Navy’s Program Executive Office, Submarines (PEO SUB) PMS401 has issued a statement of work (SOW) for lightweight low-cost conformal array (LWLCCA) and low-cost conformal array (LCCA) software development and engineering services. This SOW defines the efforts required for the program management, engineering, software development, logistics, configuration management, software integration test and evaluation and information assurance, LWLCCA and LCCA systems. This effort includes exploring the existing and new approaches to sensor processing and developing new or augmenting existing capabilities as required to meet the acoustic processing needs for the Navy. The efforts defined herein are applicable to SSN688I, SSN21 and SSN 774 Class submarines. The successful contractor shall develop, test and deliver a common operational
LWLCCA and LCCA software to meet all requirements specified in the “AN/BQQ10(V) Light Weight Low-Cost Conformal Array (LWLCCA) and Low-Cost Conformal Array (LCCA) Processing Specification” (PMS401-LCCA Spec-01). The delivery and acceptance of the common LWLCCA and LCCA Software shall be contingent on successful completion of qualification and acceptance testing. The contractor is required to deliver the common LWLCCA and LCCA software for TI-18 and TI-20 as governmentfurnished equipment to acoustic rapid commercial-off-the-shelf insertion (ARCI) system integrator for system integration and shipboard installation. There are also other industry partners whom provide engineering services and support of the A-RCI sonar system. The contractor shall work in a collaborative environment with a consortium of Navy, Navy
| May 5, 2015 | Navy News Weekly | www.navy-kmi.com
laboratories, academia, A-RCI prime system integrator, ownship monitoring ship developer, common acoustic cabinet developer and other industry partners to ensure continued success of the program. The contractor shall identify their approach to be used to support the open systems architecture” to enable third-party applications and allow for the efficient integration of improvements with the submarine acoustic systems. Based on the rapid development cycle for A-RCI builds, it is highly encouraged that the contractor maintains a constant presence at the A-RCI system integration facility to support all integration efforts, fleet support issues and common LWLCCA and LCCA system development. Primary Point of Contact: Danielle C. Tyler, danielle.tyler1@navy.mil, (202) 781-0828
USS Farragut Responds to Distress Call U.S. Naval Forces Central Command in Bahrain answered a distress call the morning of April 28 issued by the Maersk Tigris container ship after an Iranian Navy ship fired shots across its bridge and Iranian personnel boarded the commercial vessel, a Pentagon spokesman said. Army Colonel Steve Warren told members of the Pentagon press corps that at about 2:05 a.m. Eastern Time, several Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy, or IRGCN, patrol vessels approached the M/V Maersk Tigris, a Marshall Islands-flagged cargo vessel. The commercial ship was in Iranian territorial waters transiting inbound, or north, in the Strait of Hormuz, between the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman in the Arabian Sea. It is one of the world’s major strategic choke points, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Shots Across the Bridge “The ship’s master was contacted and directed to proceed further into Iranian territorial waters. He declined and one of the IRGCN craft fired shots across the bridge of the Maersk Tigris,” Warren said. After this, the master complied with the Iranian demand and proceeded into Iranian waters near Larak Island, Warren said. Larak Island is off the coast of Iran in the Persian Gulf. Warren said the Maersk is still at sea. Initial reports are that members of the Iranian IRGCN have boarded her and there are no further updates, he added. Navcent, having picked up the distress signal, directed the USS Farragut, an Arleigh Burke class guided-missile destroyer, to proceed to the nearest location of the Maersk Tigris, Warren said.
Navcent also directed a Navy maritime patrol and reconnaissance aircraft to observe the interaction between the Maersk vessel and the IRGCN craft, he added. The Tigris’s destination, according to a marine-traffic website, was Jebel Ali, a port town 22 miles southwest of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. Under a Marshall Islands Flag Maersk is a Danish company, but the Maersk Tigris was sailing under a Marshall Islands flag. The Republic of the Marshall Islands is a sovereign nation for which the United States has full authority and responsibility for security and defense under the terms of an amended compact that entered into force in 2004. The United States and the Marshall Islands have full diplomatic relations, according to the U.S. State Department. Navcent is the U.S. Navy element of U.S. Central Command. Its area of responsibility includes the Red Sea, the Gulf of Oman, the Persian Gulf and the Arabian Sea. Navcent consists of the U.S. Fifth Fleet and other subordinate task forces. “Navcent is communicating with representatives of the shipping company,” Warren said. “We continue to monitor the situation.” Innocent Passage The Pentagon spokesman said the Strait of Hormuz is in Iranian territorial waters, which is within 12 miles of the Iranian coast. But, he said, because the narrow strait is recognized as containing international shipping lanes, the principle of “innocent passage” is applied, so ships that abide by international rules of the sea are authorized to pass through the strait. Warren said that there are no Americans among the 30 or so people aboard the Maersk Tigris.
COTS Airborne Direction Finding (DF) Systems The Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center (SPAWARSYSCEN), Atlantic is seeking information about commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) airborne direction finding systems. The proposed DF system will be integrated with an existing, carry-on/carry-off system. For the purposes of this RFI, it is assumed that the proposed DF System shall consist of permanent (Group A) or temporary (Group B) equipment. The proposed DF system shall passively determines a line of bearing (LOB) to a radio frequency (RF) energy source in the 20 MHz to 3000 MHz (Threshold), with 3–20 MHz and/ or 3000–6000 MHz considered as objective frequency ranges. In order to support integration with the existing, carry-on/carry-off threat warning system, the supplier shall provide technical information
regarding interfaces (mechanical, electrical, logical) of the proposed solution. Moreover, the proposed solution shall provide a public application programming interface (API) that supports sensor management (configure, calibrate, etc.), DF tasking and built-in test. The supplier shall provide technical details regarding the environmental specifications (e.g., MILSTD-810, MIL-STD-461 or equivalent) met by proposed solution. Note that the Group B equipment must able to operate in non-pressurized spaces with operating temperatures from 0 degrees C to 50 or greater degrees C. The supplier shall provide a top-level component breakdown of the proposed solution, along with corresponding size, weight and power (SWaP) values.
Supplier shall provide evidence of operational capability within an accuracy of 5–15 degree range (RMS) of the true relative bearing of the test signals. SPAWARSYSCEN Atlantic is only interested in information on devices currently available on airborne platforms or easily adaptable to the airborne environments. For systems not currently available on airborne platforms, the supplies shall provide information regard the technology readiness level (TRL) of the proposed solution as well as a roadmap/plan for adapting the equipment for use on airborne platforms. Non-technical questions to the contract specialist at jackie.luna@navy.mil. Responses to this RFI should be e-mailed to Ashlee Landreth, ashlee.landreth@navy.mil, (843) 218-4082.
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Navy Small Business Innovative Research Topics Responsibility for the implementation, administration and management of the Department of the Navy (DoN) Small Business Innovative Research Program (SBIR) is with the Office of Naval Research (ONR). The Navy’s SBIR Program is a mission-oriented program that integrates the needs and requirements of the Navy’s fleet through R&D topics that have dual-use potential but primarily address the needs of
the Navy. Companies are encouraged to address the manufacturing needs of the Defense Sector in their proposals. Information on the Navy SBIR Program can be found on the Navy SBIR/STTR website at www.navysbir.com. Questions can be sent to the technical program points of contact until May 26, 2015.
Synthesis and Realization of Broadband Magnetic Flux Channel Antennas
Design and Produce Millimeter Wave Dipole Chaff with High Radar Cross Section
Acquisition Program PMA 234 Next Generation Jammer
Acquisition Program PMA 272 Advanced Tactical Aircraft Protection Systems
Design and develop frequency-independent geometries for magnetic flux-channel antennas that are conformal to aircraft surfaces. Solutions are required for line-of-sight and SATCOM applications that are low-profile and achieve higher gain than currently available solutions.
Develop low-cost chaff dipole materials with high Radar Cross Section (RCS) in the millimeter wave (mmW) frequency band to induce error in radar-aiming systems or cause a radar-guided missile to break its lock on a tracked aircraft.
Significant advances have been made recently in the development of magnetic antennas. These antennas are magnetic duals of electric antennas, which allow them to be mounted directly on an aircraft surface. No frequency-dependent backing-cavities are required, which allows true frequency-independent operations. Flux channels in the form of magnetic rings have been shown to replace vertical elements and crossed-linear dipoles. In both cases, no hull penetrations are required, save for the feed points, and the external presentation is minimized. However, application to the curved surfaces of aircraft has yet to be addressed. Issues involved are related to the tape-winding process that has been used to manufacture the channels. This process resists conforming to curved surfaces. Designs are required that can be applied to singly and doubly curved surfaces such as those found on aircraft. There is also opportunity here to arrange the geometries to adjust antenna pattern characteristics. The solutions will need to operate over a decade of frequency in the 3 – 600 MHz (MegaHertz) band with frequency-independent characteristics in both impedance and radiation pattern. The antenna should attain a gain greater than 0 dBi and a Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) equal to or better than 2.5:1 over at least the upper two octaves of the band. The design should be extendable to other and wider frequency bands for both line-of-sight and satellite communications applications. The primary objective of this solicitation is to extend the capabilities of magnetic-current radiators by constructing frequency-independent geometries. A secondary objective is to consider electrically small antennas and high-power antennas. Using the science and current development state are described by Sebastian in the references.
Current aircraft radio frequency (RF) chaff is made from aluminum-coated glass filaments produced in a continuous strand and then cut to lengths that achieve the desired resonance at frequencies in the 2 to18 GHz band. The filaments require a slip coating to prevent end welding of fibers when cut, and to minimize clumping when ejected. The typical chaff cartridge can contain millions of these coated glass filaments and has multiple sections of different lengths to create a reflective response across many frequencies at the same time. The millimeter wave band of 30 to 40 GHz is not addressed in the fielded chaff cartridge. The current chaff material is not well-suited to be cut and packaged to lengths required for efficacy in the millimeter wave region. Also, calculations show the amounts needed to produce the required response in that region cannot be achieved in the volume of the current chaff cartridge. Recent advances in nanofibers, nanotubes, meta-materials, conductive polymers, graphite fibers, graphene fibers, metal nanowire technologies and coating techniques using copper, silver, aluminum, zinc, etc., provide some promise that new higher performing chaff can be produced on a large scale. The new chaff may be able to double, triple or even quadruple the number of dipoles in the available volume. A novel dipole chaff material is needed that can be utilized for millimeter wave frequencies, is low cost, and can be produced easily in sufficient quantities, by industry, to satisfy the needs of the military community. This new chaff must have high-scattering RCS in the 33 to 38 GHz frequency band. Target cartridge volume is 1.4 inch diameter X 5.8 inch long cylinder. It is desired that the material RCS exceed 500 square meters at 35 GHz per cartridge.
TPOC (301) 342-9167 2nd TPOC (301) 757-8923
| May 5, 2015 | Navy News Weekly | www.navy-kmi.com
TPOC (904) 317-1996 2nd TPOC (301) 342-0083
Synthetic Aperture Radar Approaches for Small Maritime Target Detection and Discrimination Acquisition Program PMA 299 H-60 Program Office Objective Enhance military capabilities through improved detection, tracking and discrimination of small maritime targets at higher altitudes and at comparatively longer standoff ranges than is currently achievable by utilizing nontraditional synthetic aperture radar (SAR) based approaches. Traditionally SAR has been used to provide imagery of fixed structures on land. Objects moving in the scene were unfocused and generally not of value. For large vessels at sea in relatively calm conditions, some advanced focusing algorithms are able to provide high-quality imagery but are not useful for small vessels with very dynamic movements. For maritime environments, the community has relied on low altitude (<1000’) non-coherent techniques that leverage lower clutter returns present in at these low grazing angles. Coherent techniques based on SAR processing are far less sensitive to grazing angle, allowing the platform to operate at higher altitudes and steeper grazing angles (perhaps 10’s of degrees). In addition, they offer improved performance due to a richer set of potential discriminants. Increased standoff ranges are attained using the coherent techniques as well as allowing the use of lower cost, lower peak-powered radars. The suggested approach differs from traditional SAR in that the objective is not to “focus” the target but rather to leverage the nature of the target signature and the coherence of the background to improve detection, tracking and discrimination. TPOC (301) 342-2637 2nd TPOC (301) 342-9173
Test and Certification Techniques for Autonomous Guidance and Navigation Algorithms for Navy Air Vehicle Missions Acquisition Program PMA 262 Persistent Maritime Unmanned Aircraft Systems Objective Develop test and certification techniques for autonomous guidance and navigation algorithms that increase air vehicle autonomous operational capabilities for Navy missions. Many advanced autonomous guidance and navigation algorithms capable of dynamic route re-planning have been developed. The application of such algorithms to Unmanned Air System (UAS) missions has remained limited. This limited application results from multiple factors; however, the greatest obstacle is airworthiness certification.
The development of certification methods for these algorithms remains challenging because of the difficulty in defining test cases and expected results that suitably enumerate the broad range of conditions and nondeterministic responses that may be generated in response to complex environments. The current certification approach relies on brute-force methods to exhaustively test the algorithms making certification efforts prohibitive due to cost and schedule impacts. Therefore, the Navy’s current UAS inventory is limited to fixed, pre-planned mission plans that prohibit fully integrated operations with the fleet. Test and certification techniques for navigation and guidance algorithms specific to naval missions are needed to integrate higher levels of autonomy into naval aviation operations. A wide range of classes of algorithms have seen application in recent UAS autonomous path planning research, such as potential field methods, optimization methods and heuristic search methods. The present inventory of these algorithms is quite large, and the application of each class of algorithm can be quite nuanced. Although some test/ demonstration cases have been proposed, new and robust analysis, test and demonstration techniques must be developed to enable the Navy acquisition community to certify systems with autonomous path planning algorithms. TPOC (301) 995-2038 2nd TPOC (301) 995-1637
Gallium Arsenide Based 1-Micrometer Integrated Analog Transmitter Acquisition Program JSF-MS Objective Develop and package an uncooled optical transmitter operating at a wavelength near 1 micrometer for radio frequency (RF) photonic link applications on air platforms. Current airborne military communications and electronic warfare systems require ever-increasing bandwidths while simultaneously requiring reductions in space, weight and power (SWaP). The replacement of the coaxial cable used in various onboard RF/analog applications with RF/ analog fiber optic links will provide increased immunity to electromagnetic interference, reduction in size and weight and an increase in bandwidth. However, it requires the development of high-performance, high-linearity optoelectronic components that can meet extended temperature range requirements (-40 to 100 degrees Celsius (C)). Additionally, avionic platforms pose stringent requirements on the SWaP consumption of components such as optical transmitters for avionic fiber communications applications. To meet these requirements, new optical component technology will need to be developed. Current analog optical transmitter technology typically consists of discrete lasers and modulators operating at 1,550 nanometers (nm), with a requirement for active cooling for operation in avionic environments. To meet avionic requirements, the transmitter should integrate laser and modulator into a compact, uncooled package that can maintain
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performance over full avionic temperature range. It is envisioned that a Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) based transmitter at approximately 1 micrometer wavelength can meet this requirement. One (1) micrometer GaAs optical sources can operate over an extended temperature range (>100 degrees C) at high efficiency (up to ~60%). This is currently not possible at 1,550 nm. The desired optical component is a GaAs-based integrated analog transmitter (laser and high-efficiency modulator), with an integrated optical source with low relative intensity noise (RIN) (<-160dBc/Hz), 100 milliwatt (mW) output power, uncooled operation over a minimum temperature range of -40 to +100 degrees C and an integrated optical intensity modulator with low V-pi (<2V), packaged in a ruggedized package that has a height less than or equal to 5 mm, and a volume of <2.5 cubic centimeters. The packaged transmitter must perform over the specified temperature range and maintain hermeticity and optical alignment upon exposure to typical Navy air platform vibration, humidity, thermal shock, mechanical shock and temperature cycling environments. TPOC (301) 342-9115 2nd TPOC (301) 757-7124
Flight Deck Lighting Addressable Smart Control Modules Acquisition Program PMA 251 Aircraft Launch and Recovery Program Office Objective Develop Flight Deck Lighting Addressable Smart Control Modules to digitally control Light Emitting Diode (LED) aviation light fixtures on United States (U.S.) Navy surface combatants. Surface aviation and amphibious assault ships launch and recover aircraft whose pilots typically use Night Vision Devices (NVDs) for night operations. As a result, the NVD flight deck lighting solution requires control and dimming of various individual lighting fixtures and circuits aboard these ships. Digitally addressable control of these lighting fixtures is required in order to dim and/or turn these lights on and off depending on what the flight operations and atmospheric conditions require. The U.S. Navy desires a new solution for aviation lighting aboard air capable ships utilizing LED technology through a standardized smart module that will be able to recognize the lighting package configuration and what type of fixture it is controlling through embedded firmware/ software; this would allow lights of different functions and power requirements to be daisy chained, significantly reducing cable runs and installation costs. As lights are added to the system, they should self-configure and appear on the operator control panel in the correct lighting group. The smart module would eliminate the need for multiple configurations, set-up issues and complex troubleshooting while providing a simplified configuration that allows it to be easily replaced when a light is not able to be turned on/off, dimmed or flashed from the operator control panel. Failures of any light should not affect the operation of any other light.
| May 5, 2015 | Navy News Weekly | www.navy-kmi.com
The existing lighting control system includes an expensive (estimated $60,000) electronics box, FLEXDRIVER, which drives up to 48 light fixtures on a ship in each enclosure; this reduces system reliability and creates single-point failures. A large ship may need in excess of 12 FLEXDRIVERâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, each of which must be individually configured for the compliment of lights the flight deck has. Each configuration is a unique mix of multiple driver cards for the specific light fixtures it drives, and each light has a direct connection to a FLEXDRIVER, increasing system cabling. An innovative approach is needed to identify the most cost-effective methods to achieve successful installation of the smart module. Objectives to consider include the ability to reduce the system cable plant, minimize system interconnections, provide redundancy for fault tolerance, provide for on/off, flashing and dimming control of various lighting groups, configurations that can be incorporated into existing lighting fixtures or interconnection junction boxes while minimizing total system cost of ownership. The consolidated control of the total system would be over the shipboard Local Area Network (LAN). The proposed system should meet strict Electro Magnetic Interference (EMI) requirements of Mil-STD-461 and navy shipboard environmental requirements. Of note, there are 12 different LED lighting fixtures of varying quantities that make up the Advanced Flight Deck Lighting (AFDL) system. More will be developed in the future. Current lighting fixtures range from a single LED fixture to fixtures containing multiple LED strings (1-6) with different voltage (328VDC) and current (68-3150ma) requirements. TPOC (732) 323-1696 2nd TPOC (732) 323-2459 3rd TPOC (732) 323-1431
Ability for Electronic Kneeboard (EKB) to Communicate and Operate in a Multi-level Security Environment Acquisition Program PMA 281 Strike Planning and Execution Systems Electronic Kneeboard Program Objective Develop a software solution for operating mobile tablets in multilevel secured, disjointed mission environments to aid in the establishment of a common EKB capability across all United States Naval (USN) and United States Marine Corps (USMC) aviation platforms. The EKB is currently being developed to enable access to digital publications, tactical imagery and other dynamic data in all USN and USMC aircraft. This capability will greatly enhance aircrew situational awareness, reduce cockpit clutter, improve precision fire and enable in-flight mission replanning. The warfighter would greatly benefit from a mobile platform capable of communicating on multilevel security domains, leveraging any and all available transport media. The utility of EKB is dependent on a tablet device ability to operate at both unclassified and classified levels, within a loosely defined and inconsistent
connectivity model. Unclassified operation will be required for various administrative functions (Naval Air Training and Operating Procedures Standardization (NATOPS)/Naval Aviation Technical Information Product (NATIP)/Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), study, access to email, and routine mission planning); while the classified environment will be essential for tactical mission execution that includes but is not limited to ingestion of live data feeds, chat, tactical imagery, etc. The objective of this project is to design and develop a softwarebased solution to achieve unclassified and classified (definition for classified is Secret) personas on a single tablet. The development effort will have to address a major challenge, which will require a highly innovative approach to devise a software tool that is sufficiently “secure” to meet National Security Agency (NSA) requirements for highly classified communications. Proposers should consider the requirements of NSA’s Commercial Solutions for Classified (CSfC) program (see reference below). Further, the software-based solution should utilize a variety of transport media to send/receive data from/to the device when a network connection is present. The solution should address the need for predictable, timely execution of system commands. The software tool should utilize a smart algorithm/load balancer to analyze available connections and make the most efficient use of the bandwidth provided over each security level, based on network performance metrics, application priority and others. For example, a shipboard environment may have a Satellite Communications (SATCOM) presence/Consolidated Afloat Networks and Enterprise Services (CANES) Wi-Fi, a Forward Operating Base may have SATCOM/cellular, and a training squadron may have cell/Wi-Fi/ Navy Marine Corps Intranet (NMCI) hardwire. This approach would enable devices to receive, process and display a variety of data types from existing networks, aircraft systems and sensors. Data types to include standard Office documents, imagery files, e-mail, text and voice traffic. A smart processing construct is critical to the success of this effort. Current solutions in this problem space fail to effectively leverage both internal system resources and external system interfaces. Internal resources (i.e., system memory, Central Processing Unit (CPU) cycles) are simply divided based on a predetermined split across various virtual machines. This structured methodology does not account for the dynamic reallocation of critical resources based on mission need. Further, current tablet technologies do not gracefully assess system interfaces and the bandwidth available across each of them. Standard bandwidth monitoring techniques are obtrusive, utilizing methods which further exacerbate the limited bandwidth problem. TPOC (703) 200-7851 2nd TPOC (301) 342-3782
Infrared Search and Threat Identification Acquisition Program PMA 265 F-18 Aircraft Program Office Advanced Targeting ForwardLooking Infrared (ATFLIR) Program
Objective Design a software application that can be used with an infrared (IR) sensor to identify a potential target threat by analyzing its infrared signature. A number of thermal imaging devices and sensor systems that are capable of tracking an IR signature exist in the fleet today; however, they do not have the capability to identify the threat level of the designated target. For example, the AN/AAQ-37 Distributed Aperture System (DAS) on the F-35 provides situational awareness, detection and tracking but not threat identification. The Advanced Targeting Forward-Looking Infrared (ATFLIR) on the F/A-18 provides long- range target detection without threat identification. The capability to infer, from existing sensor IR imagery data, the identification and classification of high-end airborne threats, is needed. This passive capability would be integrated into existing airborne sensors to allow for threat identification in emission-controlled and emission-denied tactical operational environments. The goal is to provide threat identification as a software application within the current sensor system such as the F-35 DAS or the F/A-18 ATFLIR. The capability needs to provide temporal discrimination of IR signatures and positive-threat identification with a low false alarm rate. The solution must be supportable with the form, fit and function of the target sensor with efforts to minimize space, weight and power (SWAP) impacts for future compatibility. The government will provide SWAP requirements once the target sensor is selected. TPOC (301) 757-0725 2nd TPOC (301) 757-0729
High-Peak-Power 1.9 um ThuliumDoped Solid-State Lasers for NextGeneration Compact and Robust High Peak-Power Blue Lasers Acquisition Program PMA 264 Air AntiSubmarine Warfare Systems Sonobuoys and Sensors Systems Program Objective Develop a compact, ruggedized and scalable high-peak-power 1.9-um laser for use as a critical source and/or active optical element for airborne atmospheric and maritime-based laser imaging and ranging (LIDAR). A need exists for high-pulse energy high-repetition-rate lasers for LIDAR transmitters. LIDAR systems have been shown to be a powerful tool to remotely probe various oceanographic and atmospheric processes. Each system generally requires specialized transmitters at often hard-to- achieve wavelengths. Often the lasers available to hit these wavelengths are not suited for high peak-power operation. A Thulium and Holmium 2-um system, together, is ideally suited to cover this requirement. It has a large tuning range, and in combination with one or two frequency conversion steps, it can cover a large part of the electro-magnetic spectrum. Furthermore, the long-lived upper states
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required for energy storage can facilitate high pulse energy operation. There is even more compelling motivation for the Navy that is driving the development of this high-peak-power 1.9-um solid state laser. There has been a requirement for a high peak-power blue laser system solution to be operated in pulsed mode with high repetition rate for standoff oceanographic sensing applications. A combination of the intrinsic wide-tuning range of Thulium and a two-stage second-harmonic generation (SHG) can be utilized to generate light optimized for different ocean scenarios. The current state-of-the-art blue laser solutions with high peak-power capability usually incorporate complex, inefficient, and relatively bulky and heavy multiple-stage non-linear processes that require second- or third-harmonic generations and/or optical parametric oscillation approaches. These approaches often do not meet the stringent space, weight, power (SWaP) and performance and reliability requirements set forth by the Navy. Therefore, it is anticipated that frequency quadrupling of a compact high peak-power 1.9 um laser would potentially result in a blue laser with high peak-power with 50 percent reduction in size and weight, thereby circumventing many of the drawbacks of the more conventional approaches. NASA Langley Research Center has been actively pursuing coherent Doppler wind LIDAR development for 3-D winds measurement for the last 15 years. The intensive research efforts have led to significant advancement of a 2-um laser transmitter, and the NASA team has recently demonstrated a Holmium- (Ho) and Thulium- (Tm) doped solid-state laser and amplifier at ~2 um emission wavelength with 250 millijoules (mJ) per pulse at a pulse repetition rate of 10 Hz [1] and a Ho:YLF slab amplifier with 125 mJ at 350 Hz [2]. These are Holmium-based systems at wavelengths slightly longer than 2 um. For some Navy applications such as the aforementioned application in the blue spectral range, it is desirable to use wavelengths shorter than 1.9 um. To cover this desired wavelength range, further development of Tm-based solid-state lasers with high peak-power and repetition rate is needed. It is therefore the goal of this program to seek the development of a compact, ruggedized, high- energy, high-repetition rate, 1.9-um, Thulium laser that will meet the size, weight, power performance and reliability requirements stated in the following. The performance objectives of the laser solution are: 1. 2.
High repetition rate—Threshold: 200 Hz; Objective: 250 Hz. High peak power—Threshold: 80 mJ per pulse with pulse width no more than 100 ns. 3. Wavelength—Threshold: between 1.850 um and 1.960 um; Objective: 1.890 um. 4. Line width of less than or equal to 2 Angstroms. 5. Polarization—single polarization >100:1. 6. Wall plug efficiency—Threshold 10 percent; Objective 20 percent. 7. Laser beam quality M-squared less than 3. 8. Light weight. (Total weight including the laser head, cooling system, power supply and control system)—Threshold: less than 50 pounds; Objective: less than 35 pounds. 9. Small volume. (Total volume for the cooling system, power supply, control system and laser head)—Threshold: less than 2 cubic feet; Objective: less than 1 cubic foot. 10. Electrical power requirement—Threshold: less than 1.5 kW; Objective: less than 1 kW. 11. Ability to be ruggedized and packaged to withstand the shock, vibration, pressure, temperature, humidity, electrical power conditions, etc. encountered in a system built for airborne use.
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12. Reliability: Mean time between equipment failure—300 operating hours. 13. No cryogenic cooling allowed. TPOC (760) 939-0239 2nd TPOC (301) 995-2865
Multi-wavelength and Built-in Test Capable Local Area Network Node Packaging Acquisition Program JSF-MS Objective Develop and demonstrate a wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) optical network node capable of 10 Gbps operation and integrated built-in test (BIT). The Navy is interested in advancing built-in test (BIT) capable digital avionics single-mode wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) local area network (LAN) node technology. Combining integrated active and passive WDM components with planar light-wave circuits (PLCs), and integrated optical time domain reflectometry (OTDR) technology will create low cost, space, weight and power (SWAP) WDM packaging technology for Department of Defense (DoD) aviation platforms. Application of BIT capable WDM technology on DoD aviation platforms will enable a drastic increase in the aggregate transmission bandwidth and network node connectivity, reliability and maintainability relative to today’s copper and single-wavelength fiber optic point-to-point link designs. Current fiber optic systems utilizing single wavelength point-topoint links limit the ability of the avionics designer to maximize network redundancy, reliability, and maintainability, while minimizing the number of onboard interconnects. This fundamental limitation of point-to-point fiber optic links for high-speed digital data transmission points directly towards WDM technology as a viable solution. The inherent speed and latency advantages of optical communication in future designs trend toward ultra-high speed fiber optic WDM local area networking. The recent development of precision fiber optic component connection and OTDR application specific integrated circuit technologies and advancements in integration of ruggedized digital WDM active components and avionics WDM LAN topologies point toward an innovative research program to integrate the various components into functional packages for board level integration. It is expected that WDM LAN technology will be incorporated in future generation avionics architectures. In order to meet the needs of military avionics, the Navy is seeking innovative approaches for creating WDM LAN nodes based on hybridintegrated BIT capable optoelectronic packages containing OTDR application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC), tunable laser, wavelength converter, fixed and tunable multiplexer/de-multiplexer, planar lightwave circuit (PLC), and advanced connection technology. Placing WDM LAN node components on a printed circuit board enables easy insertion within avionics weapons replaceable assemblies. This will advance technology readiness and thus eliminate apprehension on the part of
avionics integrators to adopt WDM LAN technology in next generation designs. Successful development could also result in significantly reduced WDM LAN component packaging cost. Final packaged solutions including all electronic interface circuitry shall meet the following SWAP requirements. Size: Package height shall be less than 8 mm Threshold /5 mm Objective. Package footprint shall be less than 100 cm2 Threshold / 50 cm2 Objective. Mass: Package mass shall be less than 1,000 grams Threshold / 500 grams Objective. Power: Package shall require less than 12 W of electrical power (including cooling if needed) to meet Phase II routing objectives. TPOC (301) 342-9115 2nd TPOC (301) 757-7124
Advanced Non-destructive System to Characterize Subsurface Residual Stresses in Turbo-machinery Components Acquisition Program JSF-Propulsion Objective Develop a non-destructive inspection (NDI) system that provides quantitative measurements and tracking of subsurface residual stress at critical locations of turbo-machinery components of the propulsion system. Compressive surface treatments are frequently used in turbo-machine components to add a factor of safety to their component life. The residual stress (RS) profile that is imparted to metallic components can vary by application, service use, time and environment. The U.S. Navy is interested in non-destructively measuring the subsurface residual stress field in metallic engine components, specifically in titanium and Inconel alloys. The current industry standard for measuring RS is x-ray diffraction (XRD), which is limited to measuring surface stresses. In order to measure subsurface stresses with XRD, the component must be destructively evaluated. Because of this, a subsurface stress for a production component is unable to be confirmed except for the few candidates used for quality assurance. Even when these candidates are analyzed, XRD-measured RS does not correlate well with the design model showing the difficulty in modeling subsurface stress. Extensive measurements of surface RS have been performed during recent years confirming that surface RS relaxes at critical locations of engine components with operational usage. These components are designed to initially have compressive RS at key locations; however, as the RS relaxes with usage, it may approach a tensile condition and the component no longer benefits from the intended factor of safety. An NDI system that provides quantitative, subsurface measurements of RS at critical locations of turbo-machinery components of the propulsion system is sought. Such technology will provide the ability to implement subsurface stresses to a design model, confirm that the design intent was met, as well as offer the ability to actively monitor the life remaining for a component due to operational
stress relaxation. Critical components of concern include fans, disks and blisks/integrally bladed rotors (IBR). Critical locations tend to be inside surfaces of bolt-holes, bores, slots and fillet radii. In order to be a valuable design tool, the new NDI device must be capable of the following: • Resolving stress within 10 percent of actual stress value (emphasis will be placed on method of validation); • Resolving stress location within 10 percent of modeled local mesh size; • Discerning stress values in each element of the model used to life the component; • Results for stress magnitude and location should be repeatable to less than 10 percent, using ASTM F1469 as a guideline; • Through component measurement for typical gas turbine engine components is desired. The ability to measure residual stress at depths customary to advanced surface treatments (~0.150 inches) is necessary. Components can be moved or manipulated to achieve this requirement; • Measuring Titanium- or Inconel-based alloys common to cold section components with ability to expand to other materials; • Producing a favorable return on investment; • And be safe for the user. Attributes such as time per measurement, measurement environment and system size should be addressed. Time per measurement and system size should be minimized as much as possible while the measurement environment should be practical (e.g., humidity, component cleanliness, etc.) The ability to quantify the percentage of each grain orientation (e.g., 100, 111 planes) for cubic and hexagonal structures in a specific volume and discern the stress of a specific orientation is not required but would be encouraged. The desire for this solicitation is to develop a technology with the ability to measure subsurface stresses for use in component design, and the ability to be developed into a manufacturing quality control tool as well as a portable, field inspection device. Establishing a working relationship with relevant original engine manufacturer(s) (OEM), while not required, will greatly enhance probability of success. TPOC (301) 757-0486 2nd TPOC (301) 757-0472
Inducing Known, Controlled Flaws in Electron Beam-Wire-Fed Additive Manufactured Material for the Purpose of Creating Non-destructive Inspection Standards Acquisition Program JSF-Air Vehicle Objective Develop and demonstrate effective and reliable methods for inducing known and controlled flaws representative of porosity, lack of fusion
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and solidification/shrinkage crack defects into electron beam-wire-fed additive manufactured (EBAM) standards. Several military platforms are targeting EBAM for production of new, replacement and repair components. Standard NDI methods are currently being applied to EBAM components, but significant capability gaps exist in inspections of component preforms thicker than approximately 3 inches. Uncertainty remains around the probability of detection, minimum detectable flaw size, and resolution of non-destructive inspections (NDI) on typical flaws found in additive manufacturing (AM) materials. Improved standards are needed to down select and optimize specific NDI techniques (X-ray, computed tomography (CT), and ultrasound (UT)) for these components. Typical NDI standards for X-ray, CT and UT inspection consist of a block of material fashioned to a representative shape and thickness to represent the component to be inspected. Representative flaws are introduced by drilling side-drilled and/or flat bottomed holes and/or burning electric discharge machining (EDM) notches into the standard. These flaws do not always adequately represent volumetric flaws within a component, particularly with methods such as CT. A novel method to induce known, controlled flaws in EBAM materials for production of improved NDI standards offers the promise of increased confidence and reliability in these inspections. TPOC (904) 790-6420 2nd TPOC (904) 790-6410
Innovative, High-Energy, HighPower, Light-weight Battery Storage Systems Based on Li-air, Li-sulfur (Li-S) Chemistries Acquisition Program PMA 234 Airborne Electronic Attack and Next Generation Jammer Objective Develop and demonstrate reliable Lithium-air (Li-air) and Lithiumsulfur (Li-S) battery technologies that have the potential for high energy, power density, and cycle life for Naval aircraft applications. As the Navy modernizes its Fleet, the energy needs of naval aircraft are increasing significantly. Meeting the energy demands of these aircraft is a formidable challenge which requires looking beyond current Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries. The state-of-the-art Li-ion cells have a theoretical specific energy of 387 Wh/kg (watt hour/kilogram) and energy density of about 1015 Wh/L (volumetric energy density), respectively. The specific energy of the Li-ion cells are attractive because, in comparison to nickel-cadmium and lead-acid batteries, Li-ion batteries offer significant advantages – decreased weight (~1/3) and increased capacity (~3X). The decrease in weight would result in cost savings due to lower fuel consumption during flight or the ability to increase payload, which increases mission capability. Li-air and Li-S are two
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emerging chemistries that can meet such energy demands. There are two types of rechargeable Li-air batteries undergoing research, namely, non-aqueous and aqueous systems. The theoretical specific energy for the non-aqueous system (organic electrolyte based) is 3,505 Wh/kg and the theoretical energy density is about 3,436 Wh/L, which are about ten times greater than the Li-ion cells. The corresponding parameters for the aqueous systems are 3,582 Wh/kg and 2,234 Wh/L, respectively, which are also approximately ten times greater than the Li-ion cells [1]. The Li-sulfur cells have a theoretical specific energy of 2,567 Wh/kg with a theoretical energy density of 2,200 Wh/L. Each component of the non-aqueous Li-air battery faces unique technical challenges. For example, dendrite formation on the Li metal anode raises safety concerns that impact the capacity retention of the cell and contribute to voltage gap during cycling process. One of the challenges for the aqueous type Li-air is the requirement of a Li-ion conducting membrane to protect the Li metal. The polysulphide solubility is a concern for the Li-S batteries [1-3]. These challenges lead to low specific energy and poor cycling efficiency for the current Li-air and Li-sulfur systems. Combinations of material innovations and advancement in obtaining stable interfaces are key to solving such challenges. Disruptive new Li-air and Li-S concepts have the potential to increase cycle life, round trip efficiency, and power density from their current levels which are critical to the development of reliable next-generation battery chemistry technologies. The purpose of the topic is to develop 28V (Volt) DC (Direct Current) / 270 VDC electrical energy storage devices based on emerging chemistries such as Li-air and Li-S. The offerors must demonstrate the minimum specific energy for Li-air cells in the range of 600 –1,000 Wh/kg or higher (at least 3X higher than Li-ion cells) or in the range 400 800 Wh/kg for Li-S cells. The offerors must propose innovative approaches to overcome the challenges mentioned above to achieve the defined threshold values with the goal of approaching theoretical energy density as objective values. The battery system to be developed (28V / 270V DC) must be stable under aircraft operational, environmental, electrical, and safety requirements governed by applicable government documents [4-5]. The requirements include, but are not limited to, sustained operation over a wide temperature range from -40 deg (degrees) C (Celsius) to +71 deg C, including exposure to +85 deg C and the ability to withstand carrier based shock and vibration loads, altitude range up to 65,000 ft. (feet), per MIL-STD-810G [6], and electromagnetic interference of up to 200 V/m (Volts Per Meter), per MIL-STD-461F [7]. Proposed innovative pathways must meet additional requirements of low self-discharge (< 5 percent per month), good cycle life (> 2,000 cycles at 100 percent depth of discharge (DOD)), and long calendar life (four to seven- years’ service life) at cell level (threshold) and at battery product level (objective). The diagnostic/ prognostic capabilities of the system that will lead to developing a safer, reduced total ownership cost-functional product should also be addressed. TPOC (301) 342-0365 2nd TPOC (301) 995-4559 3rd TPOC (301) 342-0816
Model-Based Tool for the Automatic Validation of Rotorcraft Regime Recognition Algorithms Acquisition Program PMA 299 H-60 Aircraft Program Office Objective Develop a model-based tool and test kit that will validate rotorcraftbased regime recognition (RR) codes for effective integration into health and usage monitoring systems (HUMS). Due to practical, technical and logistical limitations associated with achieving direct loads monitoring for every fatigue sensitive component on an aircraft, the Navy is relying on flight maneuver recognition to provide usage data across a fleet of aircraft in order to refine fatigue life calculations. However, current RR tools have trouble accurately and precisely recognizing flight regimes. These existing RR tools are based off of empirical or rule-based systems. They are derived from actual flight tests, which makes them vehicle-, load out-, weather-, and pilot- dependent. In addition, their development is costly and time-consuming, since each air vehicle system and maneuver type must be individually flight tested and verified against the RR code. As a result, RR codes do not have the accuracy required for fleet usage in HUMS. It is therefore important to verify that future RR codes for use in rotorcraft applications correctly represent as many flight conditions as possible. In order to ensure the fitness of RR tools, per ADS-79D-HDBK, new RR codes require an independent verification and validation (IV&V) effort. Current verification of RR tools is performed by manually comparing the input of physical flight test data to the RR tool’s output. This process is often labor intensive and error prone. Without an automatic and standardized way of comparing codes, selecting the “best” code can be a subjective process. Automating the validation process would not only expedite the process considerably, it would also allow for the quantitative comparison of RR codes. The use of physics-based simulation to recreate a set of validation test flights can reduce flight test costs and streamline the RR validation process. Despite their present shortcomings, an effective RR code would be invaluable for tracking fatigue damage to parts through the accurate detection and measurement of flight regimes experienced by a rotorcraft. RR schemes have many other possible benefits to rotorcraft operations, including updating service usage spectrums, as well as component damage tracking. These improvements could drastically reduce unscheduled maintenance and downtime. An automated validation tool which leverages physics-based simulation that will provide validation of RR codes, be fast, simple to use, and provide feedback on the accuracy of the RR tool’s identification of regimes is sought. This validation tool should be able to identify codes that capture at least 97 percent of maneuvers, or sufficient maneuvers in order to not under-predict the fatigue damage fraction of life-limited parts by more than 0.5 percent. The tool should alert users to inconsistencies between the outputs of the RR code and the performed maneuvers. The validation tool should use scripted HUMS flights on instrumented aircraft. TPOC (301) 704-4869 2nd TPOC (301) 342-8396
Ultra-High Temperature (UHT) Sensor Technology for Application in the Austere Environment of Gas Turbine Engines Acquisition Program Joint Strike Fighter-Prop Objective Develop an in-situ engine sensor system capable of operating, uncooled, in a temperature regime upwards of 2500°F in an environment featuring high speed flow and abrasive material with the capability to observe rotating component vibration and clearance. Current blade health monitoring sensors are capable of operating at 1100°F continuously uncooled, and have been demonstrated to work up to 1800°F with cooling. Use of compressor air for sensor cooling would adversely impact the cycle efficiency and potentially produce case distortion, and hence, a need exists to develop uncooled sensors that can operate in a +2500°F environment in the aft end of the turbo machinery. Design progression also alludes to a high-temperature need in the compression system. Current developmental and future engines for DoD propulsion systems will need to operate at high efficiencies to meet the missionweighted fuel burn (MWFB) requirements. This means that engines operate with tighter running clearances, increased blade loading and at substantially higher temperatures. As these designs have matured, high-cycle fatigue (HCF) failures have become a more common problem. Engine structural integrity program (ENSIP) criteria (MIL-HDBK1783B, A.4.13.3) was modified to state that components shall have a minimum HCF life of 10^9 cycles (up from 10^7) and must be designed to 40 percent of the endurance limit (down from 60 percent); however, these contemporary design standards are still lacking in their ability to mitigate HCF failures. As a result, broader design margins are required to mitigate safety risks. Mission requirements for enhanced propulsion system performance and reduced fuel burn present significant design challenges for original engine manufacturers (OEM’s). An effective method to increase performance, while decreasing weight and specific fuel consumption (SFC), is to dramatically increase compression ratio and use fewer, more efficient stages. These increased compression ratios directly translate to increased temperatures which exacerbate the HCF issues. There is a need to understand the temperature environment in which these airfoils operate to better assess the impact to dwindling HCF margins due to thermal effects on fatigue and endurance capabilities. Current developmental and future engines are expected to see increased creep incidents due to rising engine stresses and temperatures. With larger stresses present inside engines, creep can occur at lower temperatures (cold creep) and may appear more prevalent in the cold sections of engines, although creep has traditionally been classified as a hot section issue. There exists a need to understand the impact of degradation mechanisms such as HCF, cold creep and others on material capabilities during engine operation. Important aspects of a sensor system for this environment to consider are footprint, overall ruggedness, and practicality of system-engine interface. An onboard diagnostic system must be of compact geometry and maintain a minimum weight. Should a system utilize line of sight probes requiring ports through the engine casing, said ports should also be
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minimized in size and number. An onboard system will be subjected to engine vibration, debris in gas path and possible perturbations from bypass air (on a turbofan engine). The vibration experienced by the engine case and the rotor is not necessarily in unison so the system must be able to discern blade vibration due to foreign or domestic object damage (FOD or DOD) or HCF from other vibratory noise such as that from relative motion between case and rotor. Ideally, the system must be structurally ruggedized to withstand the vibrations and loads of an operating aircraft, debris that may be in the flow path and the highspeed airflow. Currently we work with probes that are 1/2 to 1/4 inches in diameter, and just over 1 inch in length. There is no current upper bound on weight; however. one must consider that weight is a premium in aircraft design and the more light-weight a design is the more attractive it is as a solution. These probes penetrate engine cases and today we would like to see innovation in decreasing these penetrant sizes. Of course, an innovative design proposal that challenges our concepts of probe construction and functionality is welcomed. It is highly recommended, though not required, that the collaboration with original equipment manufacturers be maintained throughout this development. TPOC (301) 342-3233 2nd TPOC (301) 757-0486 3rd TPOC (301) 757-0472
Miniaturized, Fault-Tolerant Decentralized Mission Processing Architecture for Next Generation Rotorcraft Avionics Environment Acquisition Program PMA 275 V22 Osprey Program and PMA 276 H-1 Helicopter Program Objective Develop a decentralized mission processing architecture/system capable of distributed processing amongst multiple fully capable mission computer nodes with a higher degree of fault tolerance/reliability allowing for at least a designation of Mission Critical with an objective of Flight Critical level of reliability operating in conformance with the Future Airborne Computing Environment (FACE) standard. Most avionics systems for rotorcraft currently rely on a federated mission computer/processing architecture which centralizes the aggregation of data for processing and subsequent human machine interface (HMI)/subsystem transmission. Current rotocraft federated architecture habitually claims redundancy by having a secondary processing computer that is either fully capable, or has a reduced situational awareness (S/A) capability giving the operators a â&#x20AC;&#x153;fly homeâ&#x20AC;? mode upon failure of the primary processing unit. This architecture has resulted in development of high-cost mission computers, $200K-$400K/unit, requiring multimillion dollar investments by the government. This centralized processing system worked in the
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past as power usage was lower; however, newer systems using commercial off the shelf (COTs)/government off the shelf (GOTs) processing boards in a 3U and 6U format are high speed/high power creating the need for heat rejection >200W for a relatively small surface area which is expected to increase as more video intensive processing is introduced with the Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED) II/III based tracking and digital map systems. As part of this effort, an evaluation of the integration of COTs/GOTs systems versus custom design needs to be investigated to optimize the processing profile. This system should be fault tolerant, capable of losing up to 50 percent of the processing nodes while maintaining full situational awareness (S/A) across four Extended Graphics Array/High Definition (XGA/HD) (720 and 1,080p) displays, processing map, digital video and A/C sensors. Additionally it should have a singular nodal processing system of at least three nodes with a documented expandability limit, a unit cost 20 percent or less of existing mission computers which cost $200,000 to $300,000. Another systems integration based point to consider is that the majority of aircraft avionics systems are designed for a 1553B daisy chain architecture for digital data transfer. New, higher speed systems rely more on a hub/spoke architecture with designated relay points (i.e., Ethernet) which drive physical integration issues based on the eight (8) wires necessary for connection between each node versus two (2) wires for legacy wired communications systems, i.e., 1553 and serial. Modular Open Systems Architecture (MOSA) and the Future Airborne Computing Environment (FACE) will be required for the majority of Avionics components in the future. While a MOSA computing environment should be achievable, there has been some debate about the ability to utilize an abstraction layer and maintain a true Real-Time processing environment. This issue should be addressed in the design of this system, identifying roadblocks to full FACE conformance and potential mitigations. This architecture could be utilized as a host architecture/framework for next generation Jet Engine controls, serving as the enabling functions for a dynamic distributed controls system if a the flight critical level of reliability and signal integrity is achieved during this effort. TPOC (301) 995-2677 2nd TPOC (301) 995-4481
Low Emissions Waste to Energy Disposal Acquisition Program NAVFAC Directed Energy and Navy Expeditionary Combat Command Objective Develop new waste to energy incinerator system with the goal of achieving net zero consumption of energy in disposal of waste while meeting air quality standards and reducing fuel consumption. Island bases and other remote forward operating bases (FOB) have limited land and energy resources to dispose of municipal solid waste (MSW). Open air pits are discouraged and congressionally required to
be nearly eliminated. Due to the high volume of generated MSW and limited amount of real-estate, landfills and bio-digestive approaches are impractical. Incinerators currently being used require expensive, complex scrubbers in order to meet air quality standards. Existing incinerators in use also consume excessive amounts of fuel (diesel or JP8) and require waste characterization and sorting to ensure proper operation. On island bases and other remote FOBâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, fuel is costly to importâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;not only in monetary value, but manpower and lives as well. Current DoD waste disposal practices for contingency bases involves trucking away waste or bringing in additional fuel to burn the waste, which adds to the transportation burden and increases risk to personnel. An Army Environmental Policy Institute (AEPI) study reported than a soldier or civilian was wounded or killed for every 24 fuel resupply convoys in Afghanistan during FY 2007 [2]. Thermal approaches to MSW disposal are sought that would generate energy in the form of a fuel, useful thermal energy or electrical energy. The goal is to achieve net zero consumption of energy in the disposal of MSW, while meeting air quality standards. However as a minimum the results of this project must show quantifiable improvement in energy consumption. The new incinerator system must be simple to operate and maintain in all climate conditions. The system must be able to be set up and operational within 24 hours Fuel or energy generation must be produced within 24 hours of operation. Typical thermal approaches that may be considered in developing the incinerator system include but are not limited to: combustion, gasification, pyrolysis, and thermal depolymerization. Plasma arc gasification concepts should address energy intensity of the process, include simplicity and robustness of the hardware to be used. Bio-approaches are not ideal, but will be considered. Any bio or chemical system must be robust and capable of functioning in all global climate conditions. The proposed incinerator system, when developed into a working system, should meet the following logistics foot print and capacity: For transportability to remote island bases or FOB, as well as ease of assembly, the system should be contained in TRICON size containers that can be reassembled and dismantled like modular building blocks. Each TRICON must weigh not more than 10,000 pounds, the maximum capacity of the material handling equipment within the Naval Mobile Construction Battalionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Table of Allowance. The system should be contained in no more than eight TRICON containers. The proposed incinerator system should be able to deliver at least a 95-percent reduction in volume of waste, be flexible in handling solid waste to include food, waste oil, and damp wood or vegetation. The system should be able to handle at least 1,200 pounds of waste a day and be able to be operated with a minimum of two personnel. Effluents and any char from the process needs to be environmentally safe for easy disposal. The system must be able to be setup and operational within 24 hours. Fuel or energy generation must be produced within 24 hours of operation. TPOC: Ken Ho (805) 982-1636 ken.ho@navy.mil 2nd TPOC: Grant Davison (805) 685-1312 grant.davison@navy.mil
Modular Smart Micro/Nano-Grid Power Management System Acquisition Program NAVFAC Directed Energy Objective Develop technology that simplifies implementation of microgrids. A modular, turnkey microgrid in a box solution is sought that would reduce cost and is universal and expandable to most facilities equipment, while ensuring cybersecurity of the base power grid. Microgrids are being considered at DoD installations to better manage energy usage, with the objective of providing better efficiency, reliability and higher integration of renewable generation such as wind and solar. While the benefits of microgrids are broadly touted, implementation has been slow and complex. A turnkey modular micro/nano-grid controller design is sought, that would expedite test and validation of the benefits provided by a microgrid in actual facilities test platforms. A modular approach would also result in standardization and high volume such that economy of scale and better reliability could be achieved than low-volume production. The envisioned power controller would be analogous to a network router, be modular and expandable such that each controller shall be able to communicate with one another in a mesh-type network with cyber security features. Each power controller would be plug-and-play such that standard types of power generators such as PV and DC battery backup, grid connection and loads can be detected and managed with minimal configuration. A modular approach would mean that the capacity of each controller may be small with a few controlling the power on a building but in sufficient aggregate the mesh of controllers would be able to manage a large base. Power would be transferred between buildings through existing power distribution lines. This would require integrated medium voltage solid-state transformers in the power controller. Proposals should focus on hardware design, cybersecurity and networking functionality of the concept in order to achieve desired results. TPOC: Ken Ho (805) 982-1636 ken.ho@navy.mil 2nd TPOC: Paul Kapoor (805) 982-4010 paul.kapoor@navy.mil
Cooled Bus Work for Shipboard Distribution and Energy Storage Acquisition Program PMS 320, Electric Ships Office; POM-15 Multi-function Energy Storage Module Objective Develop an innovative modular bus bar cooling system for energy storage with high-rate heat removal that leverages the thermal mass and conductivity of bussing systems.
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Improvements in the manufacturing of power density, power quality, and efficiency in power and energy management and control are needed by the Navy to meet power and energy demands and allow for future mission growth. The Navy is seeking to foster the development of common, affordable electrical components and systems that could have broad application to ships. Electrochemical storage (battery) cells have designs which do not lend themselves to effective thermal management. For planar and cylindrical cells, the axes that offer the maximum surface area are those that offer the greatest thermal resistance. This is due to the nature of the design, which is effectively a layered structure of polymer, metal and some thin chemical coatings, all wetted in an organic electrolyte. Developing a cooling system at the in-plane direction of the conductors may result in better thermal regulation from the use of tab and bussing connections, as well as vents, sensors and others that are often tied to the cell-ends, particularly by leveraging thermal regulation internal to the cells under high-rate transient conditions (ref #1). Cooling of the out-of-plane surfaces would likely still be used in combination with the innovative new system. The objective of this effort is to optimize use of the bus bar for cooling, given its intimate contact with the conductors internal to the cell, as well as its mass and necessity to be routed throughout battery modules for electrical conductivity (ref #2). Typically, batteries are electrically connected to one another through bus bars or similar bus work. And, typically, the main purpose of the bus bars is to conduct current with minimal resistance. However, in this work, an advanced bus bar for innovative thermal control and enhanced electrical performance is desired. The system will have to include the capability to circulate a cooling medium for optimized thermal control. Bus work developed should allow for integration on any battery module, thus the technologies proposed should be scalable from small 10Ah type cells through 60+Ah large format cell designs. Proposed approaches can be passively or actively operational and must consider the flow of cooling media and electrons in terms of media selection, system continuity, and failure modes. Technologies developed for this specific application will also be explored for applicability to electric power distribution bus work, such as those used in switchboards. Technologies proposed under this effort should not contain precious or hazardous materials, nor require significant deviation from a typical battery system design (such as cells placed in a geometric array and connected in series). It is optimal for these devices to operate such that chilled water is not required, though glycol/water mixtures can be assumed to be available at 40 degrees C, with sufficient flow available to meet mission needs. Ambient spaces should be assumed to be up to 60 degrees C and battery maximum operational temperatures should also be assumed to be 60 degrees C. In order to maintain density of the energy storage devices, the proposed approaches should not increase the cell length over 50 percent beyond the commonly accepted value for bussing for a specific ampacity associated with the cell’s maximum rating. If a special cooling fluid is to be utilized, the interface to shipboard cooling fluid should be considered, along with the impact on efficiency and device/system density and packaging size. The end intent is to utilize this design as part of a tightly packaged battery system, complete with thermal management, monitoring, fire suppression and requisite safety devices; the innovative approach proposed under this solicitation would serve as the connectivity between cells in battery modules of different sizes and ratings.
| May 5, 2015 | Navy News Weekly | www.navy-kmi.com
Proposed bus work concepts should meet the following thresholds: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Deliverable Design Characteristics Value Chemistry Li-ion Cell Capacity: 20-30Ah, scalable Cell Form Factor: Cylindrical or Prismatic (pouch or hard cell) Cell Case Polarity: Case positive, neutral or negative Operational Rate: Continuous >15 C-rate Design: Modular; combine in series via rack mount to obtain system interface Module Packaging: Metal or Polymeric Exterior Module Voltage: =48 VDC System Voltage: =1,000 VDC Voltage Isolation: >2,000 VDC Ambient Conditions: 0-60°C air Coolant Media: 0-35°C Seawater and/or 5-40°Coolant (50/50 Propylene Glycol/Water) Volumetric Penalty: =50 percent larger than appropriate copper bus bar Management: Battery Monitoring System (BMS) capable of temperature and voltage cut-out Isolation: Contractor and Fuse Safety Process: NAVSEAINST 9310 Shock*: MIL-S-901D Vibration*: MIL-STD-167-1A Transportability*: MIL-STD-810G * = Design to this attribute
TPOC: John Heinzel (215) 897-1413 john.heinzel@navy.mil 2nd TPOC: Jason Ostanek (215) 897-1666 jason.ostanek@navy.mil
Navy Air Cushion Vehicles (ACVs) Lift Fan Impeller Optimization Acquisition Program PMS 377- Ship-to-Shore Connector Program Objective Develop an advanced landing craft lift fan with increased airflow, performance, fuel efficiency and noise reduction. The Ship-to-Shore Connector (SSC), a replacement hovercraft for the existing fleet of Landing Craft, Air Cushion (LCAC) vehicles, utilizes a lift fan system to discharge air into the craft’s skirt and bow thrusters to lift the hovercraft under normal operation. Each SSC utilizes two identical lift fans, which are defined by an impeller and a volute assembly. Each lift fan impeller includes a center disk, blades, which are attached to both sides of the center disk, and two outer shrouds. Lift fan impeller blades are removable and replaceable without requiring the disassembly of the lift fan system. There is no commercial hovercraft of this scale and payload capacity. The current SSC lift fans meet craft performance requirements, but the SSC Program Office seeks the development of an advanced lift fan that increases fan efficiency by at least 10 percent while achieving
minimal noise levels (125 db or less). Improvements in fan efficiency will increase fuel economy. SSC lift fan performance will be enhanced when impeller blade characteristics are optimized through their entire length. Current impeller blade characteristics, such as shape, and structure, affect aerodynamic losses and efficiency of the impeller. However, studies suggest (Ref. 1) conventional design methods, such as the streamline curvature of the fan blades, do not adequately address aerodynamic improvement. In addition, an extrusion manufacturing process used to form impeller blades also inhibits the development of an optimum shape. Each impeller blade includes a large attachment foot on each end of the blade which disturbs flow and reduces efficiency and mass airflow. Each inner lift fan impeller blade foot is attached to the fan center disk through a series of bolted fasteners and each outer lift fan impeller blade foot is attached to one of the two outer shrouds through a series of bolted fasteners. Although, undergoing dimensional modifications and other changes, the foot-to-blade transition area continues to negatively impact the aerodynamics within the lift fan system. This foot-to-blade transition promotes flow separation along the blade, and may change the angle in which the airflow is directed into the bow thruster and skirt supply ducts, which affects the efficiency of the fan by approximately 3 to percent. Extending the blades radially outward and away from the fastened area or a design that removes the footing while maintaining structural integrity is a couple of ways the lift fan system could achieve greater efficiency. Sweeping the blade shape may also improve efficiency; however, areas to consider that may be affected by any changes to blade design are the blade leading and trailing edges, maximal flow and direction of flow. There are little commercial alternatives to a Navy-grade centrifugal fan applied to an aircushion system. Due to this limited availability, all performance aspects will be relative to legacy craft data and projected SSC estimates. The overarching goals of this effort are the development of a costeffective advanced lift fan blade design and manufacturing process that will increase lift fan efficiency by at least 10 percent to optimize SSC fuel efficiency and reduce noise; extend SSC mission range; and minimize SSC production and life cycle costs. In addition, the Navy requires the removal and replacement of fan blades without the removal of the impeller from the SSC. The advanced lift fan impeller must meet the Navy’s fan specification. TPOC: Jose Umeres (202) 781-0600 jose.umeres@navy.mil 2nd TPOC: Lee Myers (202) 781-4055 lee.r.myers@navy.mil
Amphibious Combat Vehicle Ramp Interface Modular Buoyant Kit (MBK) for Joint High-Speed Vessel (JHSV) Stern Ramp Acquisition Program PMS 385, Program Office for Strategic and Theater Sealift Objective Develop a Modular Buoyant Kit (MBK) for the JHSV stern ramp to facilitate Splash-Off Launch and Retrieval (L&R) of the United States
Marine Corp’s (USMC) Amphibious Combat Vehicles (ACVs) and Assault Amphibious Vehicles (AAVs). The United States Marine Corps has advised the Navy that it needs to develop a light weight kit that can be readily attached to the JHSV’s stern cargo ramp so that when the ramp is lowered directly into the water it would allow AAVs and ACVs to be launched and retrieved from the JHSV near the shore (splash-off). The Marine Corps needs a highspeed shallow draft connector that can launch a dozen or more AAVs/ ACVs within three miles from shore. These amphibious vehicles do not carry sufficient fuel to enable them to carry out their assigned mission ashore if they are launched from deep draft Amphibious Landing Ships positioned at a long standoff distance. The Navy is seeking concepts that do not require significant modifications to the ramp structure, but should rely instead on lightweight discrete systems to protect the ramp from sea state-induced motion and facilitate desired transfer operations. The Navy intends to develop a kit that will permit the L&R of Amphibious Vehicles close to shore from shallow draft high-speed JHSVs. The Navy seeks the development of an innovative compact lightweight MBK that can be stored inside the JHSV’s vehicle bay. The MBK will serve as flotation to the current JHSV stern ramp to facilitate launch and retrieval of the USMC ACVs and AAVs (Ref 1) through full Sea State 3 (SS3) with significant wave heights up to 1.25 meters without damaging the ramp. The primary purpose of the MBK will be to provide protection to the ramp from induced relative motions from the sea. The MBK also needs to be designed to accommodate the weight of the future Advanced Combat Vehicle (ACV) that is projected to weigh approximately 30 short tons and will be splash-launched directly into the sea via the stern cargo ramp and then driven back up the ramp from the sea and aboard the JHSV. The current stern cargo ramp that is installed in the JHSV has had structural failures when operated above its specified design condition. The current JHSV stern cargo ramp is designed to support vehicle transfer through SS1, flat seas up to 1 foot (Ref 2), during L&R (Ref 3). Torsion is particularly damaging to the JHSV ramp and its connections to the JHSV structure at-sea transfers. JHSV or receiving platform motions may impart dangerous accelerations to vehicles transiting the ramp. MBK development should be focused upon satisfying requirements in a cost effective manner. The MBK system should be portable enough to store in a Twentyfoot Equivalent Unit (TEU) meeting TEU tare weight restrictions of 47.6k pounds and be easily transferred from the vehicle bay to the stern “porch” with standard shipboard cargo movement forklift or similar gear. While JHSV does slow down to almost a complete stop prior to unfolding and deploying the ramp, the MBK must be designed so that it can be prepared for use by shipboard personnel while the JHSV is underway at speeds of up to 20 knots. As the ramp is being unfolded, the MBK should be designed to automatically position itself beneath the ramp prior to the ramp being lowered into the water. The MBK must be able to dynamically compensate for motion in SS3 while in use to ensure safe L&R. The MBK needs to be designed to operate in SS3 for the worst case condition in which the vehicle is being driven along the edge of the ramp instead of right down the middle of the ramp. It needs to be able to dynamically compensate for SS3 conditions using buoyancy, configuration, and other innovative techniques to prevent damage to the JHSV and the ACVs or AAVs during L&R. The addition of the MBK should also have little to no effect on ramp deployment and retrieval time. This will allow deployment of amphibious
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combat vehicles from the much more affordable JHSV platform rather than the traditional delivery by LPD 17 and Landing Craft Air Cushions (LCAC). TPOC: David Liese (202) 781-2591 david.liese@navy.mil 2nd TPOC: Frank Leban (301) 227-4698 Frank.Leban@navy.mil
Modular Boat Ramp to Launch and Retrieve Watercraft from Joint HighSpeed Ground/Sea Vehicles, Human Systems Acquisition Program PMS 385, Program Office for Strategic and Theater Sealift Objective Develop an innovative auxiliary modular boat Launch and Retrieval (L&R) System suitable for fast-tempo launch and retrieval of small boats and Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUVs) from the stern of a Joint High-Speed Vessel (JHSV). The JHSV’s boat crane does not have the requisite man loading safety factor needed to allow the boat crew to remain on board during L&R. In order for small boats to debark from the JHSV, they must enter the water using the boat crane without the crew on board, and then the small boat must be positioned alongside the JHSV in a coordinated effort by the crane operator and members of the ship’s crew using tag lines. After the small boat is secured alongside the JHSV, a Jacobs Ladder must be rigged between the JHSV and the small boat in order for the boat crew to climb into the small boat and depart. In order to embark a small boat aboard the JHSV after returning from a mission, the crane operator and members of the ship’s crew using tag lines must again position and secure the small boat alongside the JHSV and rig the Jacobs Ladder so that the boat crew can climb back aboard the JHSV. This operational limitation of not allowing the crane to lift the boat while its crew is aboard creates a safety concern whenever members of the boat crew are transferring between the JHSV and their small boat using a Jacobs Ladder in Sea State 3 or greater. This crane man loading restriction not only creates an operational safety concern but significantly slows down the rate at which small boats can be launched and retrieved from the JHSV. Therefore, approaches that are safer and support higher rates of small boat launch are being sought. The JHSV has a requirement to rapidly L&R a variety of manned and unmanned watercraft in full Sea State 3 (SS3) conditions with wave height of 3 to 5 feet. The manned and unmanned vehicles include 11 meter Rigid Hull Inflatable Boats (RHIB), 40- foot High-Speed Boats (HSBs), SEAL Delivery Vehicles (SDVs), Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUVs), and 40-foot long endurance drones. This watercraft have large length to beam ratios making them susceptible to spinning about the axis formed between the crane’s boom tip and hook caused by motions imposed upon the JHSV from the sea. L&R at this scale is not done commercially and high volume of craft launch at this weight is not done.
| May 5, 2015 | Navy News Weekly | www.navy-kmi.com
The Navy has determined that the existing crane installed aboard the JHSV should only be used for moving cargo aboard the JHSV from one place to another and that a different approach needs to be undertaken for watercraft L&R. To that end, this topic seeks to develop an approach for watercraft L&R that does not rely upon using the crane installed aboard the JHSV. An approach involving the development of an auxiliary ramp is being sought because that approach appears to be both safer and capable of providing faster L&R of watercraft. If successful, the Navy will either fund a ship alteration to modify the current stern cargo ramp or fund a ship alteration to develop and install an additional light weight modular boat ramp between the existing crane and the cargo ramp for L&R of watercraft from the JHSV. The operational safety and the rate at which L&R can be performed become much worse as the Sea State increases from SS0 through SS3. The crane installed on board the JHSV for this purpose has not successfully demonstrated L&R of watercraft above Sea State 2. Navy is seeking an innovative new Modular Boat Ramp (MBR) system that could be situated on the stern of the JHSV (ref #2). This system must be able to L&R manned 11 meter RHIBs SEAL Delivery Vehicle (SDV), or High Speed Boat (HSB) through SS3, (ref #3) allowing the boat crew to remain on board the RHIB during the entire L&R cycle. This system should be readily adaptable for L&R of Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USV) and UUVs in full SS3. The L&R system should be designed so that it can accommodate the launch or retrieval of all small crafts less than or equal to 40 feet in length in less than 15 minutes in SS3. When the system is fully operational, subsequent small crafts should be able to be launched every 10 minutes and retrieved every 20 minutes. The maximum dimensions of the small boats that JHSV shall accommodate and L&R are as follows: a. Length: 12.32 m (40.41 ft.), b. Width: 2.74 m (9.00 ft.), c. Height: 2.72 m (8.92 ft.). The design and fabrication of the system concept must be combatable to an all-aluminum vessel, comply with all applicable safety standards for manned boat operations, be readily stowed aboard the JHSV’s Vehicle Mission Bay (VMB), and be easily transferable from the VMB at a location near the back porch area to facilitate temporary installation of the system near the stern of the JHSV. This effort also requires technologies that facilitate command and control of the system by both ship’s force and the crew aboard the small boat. This L&R system must also provide a manual back-up mode of operation permitting at sea capture and release of the small crafts from the JHSV. TPOC: David Liese (202) 781-2591 david.liese@navy.mil 2nd TPOC: Gabor Karafiath (301) 227-7005 gabor.karafiath@navy.mil
Innovative Flexible Equipment Support Infrastructure Acquisition Program PMS 400D Aegis New Construction Destroyers Objective To develop an affordable, innovative modular flexible equipment support structure for large cabinets and consoles that will provide
greater adaptability and configuration flexibility for Command Center System upgrades to reduce modernization and reconfiguration costs.
to be minimal in order to prevent increased modification costs of ships to deploy FI on new and existing ships. In addition, the FI must have minimal weight and component costs and be easy to install.
U.S. Navy Destroyers need an equipment support infrastructure for several shipboard electronics and command spaces for a Common Processing System (CPS). The purpose of the flexible infrastructure (FI) is to provide equipment configuration flexibility and the ability to complete Command Center System modernization and upgrades at reduced cost (by 30 to 60 percent ) compared to fixed-system modifications. Costs are associated with changes in doctrine, organization, training, material, personnel and facilities. The innovative designs developed will allow the Navy to incorporate a reconfigurable, modular support structure for large cabinets and consoles in the remaining DDG 51 class ships as well as have it considered for back fit in existing DDG 51 Class ships. DDG 51 Destroyers are continuously upgraded for numerous reasons including; new mission capability, response to new threats, or to add advanced technology to increase reliability (Ref 2). These upgrades involve the addition or substitution of new cabinets, displays, and electronics resulting in long periods in shipyards for re-outfitting of support structures in new configurations. During this time, ships are not available for deployment. An infrastructure that will allow equipment cabinets to be moved or replaced without welding would reduce significant work in the upgrade package. Support structure cutting and re-welding is labor intensive, time consuming, and very costly. The current FI systems found on other ships are designed with very specific bolt-hole patterns. Presently, DDG 51 Class cabinets and consoles do not align with the existing FI bolt-hole patterns and the solution so far has been a heavy adapter plate. Although technically feasible, current adapter plates are undesirable because they are very heavy, restrict access for bolting, and protrude beyond the dimensions of the cabinet causing a tripping hazard and increase the height of the cabinet. The total height of the cabinets is limited to 75 inches, consequently, when the FI replaces the existing deck structure, it must not cause cabinet height allowances to be exceeded. Increased height cannot be tolerated without significant ship redesign of the existing deck heights. This topic seeks innovative solutions to produce a light-weight, affordable, and flexible support structure that can accommodate very heavy cabinets and reduce installation costs by more than 30 percent in comparison to the current legacy structure. Current FI systems used on other ships are designed to handle cabinets of 150 pounds per square foot. A significant number of the cabinets on DDG 51 Class Destroyers are heavier than this. Typical shipboard computer racks and cabinets are 19 inches wide by 24 inches deep by 59.5 inches high (Ref 3) and weigh up to 2,000 pounds. While the FI must accommodate the weight of cabinets, it must not add weight to the ship when it replaces the existing deck structure. It is anticipated, however, that by not utilizing the adapter plates and potential use of lighter material for use in the flexible structure itself, the overall flexible system will help in reducing the total ship weight. The design of any support infrastructures, adapter plates, or modifications to the ship must meet ship specification requirements for underwater shock (MIL-S-901D), EMI (MIL-S-461F), and safety (NAVSEA DDS 078-1). Additionally, modifications to the existing ship design need
TPOC: Kyle Miller (202) 781-4249 david.k.miller5@navy.mil 2nd TPOC: Jordan Rongers (202) 781-1305 jordan.rongers@navy.mil
Manufacturing Near-Net-Shape Conformal Electro-optic Sensor Window Blanks from Spinel Acquisition Program UCLASS, The Carrier Unmanned Aviation Program Office PMA-268 Objective Demonstrate a manufacturing process for near net shape spinel blanks for large conformal sensor windows. A related topic NSMA152-918 will address methods to manufacture large conformal sensor windows that could be made from these blanks in the future. Electro-optic sensor windows that conform to the local shape of an aircraft mold-line are desirable for future air platforms to allow for a large sensor angle of regard. Conformal shapes may have little to no symmetry depending upon their location. Spinel is an excellent material candidate as it is both durable and multi-spectral (ultraviolet through mid-wave infrared). Spinel is more erosion resistant than multispectral zinc sulfide, which is another logical candidate for a large conformal window. The availability of blanks currently limits the size and curvature for potential window applications. The objective of this project is to develop and demonstrate new manufacturing processes to provide near net shape blanks to improve upon current state of the art processes which start with a thick, planar blank and grind them to the desired shape. Currently, the thickness of the planar blank limits the maximum sag (height of window from highest to lowest point) that can be obtained to approximately one inch. Although actual shapes will be chosen by mutual agreement with the government, it is expected that the approximate conformal shape for Phase II will be 16 x 16 inches with a sag of 6 inches. A small grain spinel is preferred for enhanced strength, which is a desired property. TPOC: Lee Cambrea (760) 939-7323 lee.cambrea@navy.mil 2nd TPOC: Daniel Harris (760) 939-1649 daniel.harris@navy.mil
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Metrology of Visibly Opaque, InfraredTransparent Aerodynamic Domes, Conformal Windows, and Optical Corrector Elements Acquisition Program Air-to-Air Missiles Program Office (PMA-259) Objective Develop a method and hardware to measure the optical figure and transmitted wavefront error of visibly opaque, infrared-transparent aerodynamic domes, conformal windows, and optical corrector elements with a precision of one tenth of the measurement wavelength, or better. The function of electro-optical sensors is greatly impacted by the windowâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s properties. Survivability depends on material strength, hardness, and thermal properties. Targeting is limited by optical properties of the window material. Drag is reduced by aerodynamic shapes. The objective of this project is to create metrology methods and hardware to measure the optical figure and transmitted wavefront error of visibly opaque, infrared-transparent aerodynamic domes, conformal windows, and optical corrector elements to provide feedback for optical figure correction by an optics shop. Example materials include standard grade zinc sulfide (ZnS), hot pressed magnesium fluoride (MgF2), and germanium (Ge). Some materials of interest have negligible transparency below two microns and aspheric shapes made from these materials cannot be measured by any known method today. Possible candidate shapes include toroidal windows, tangent ogive domes, and arch shaped correctors. Methods capable of measuring objects whose two surfaces deviate more than five degrees from parallel could be useful. Potential metrology methods should have a precision of one tenth of the measurement wavelength, or better. TPOC: Lee Cambrea (760) 939-7323 lee.cambrea@navy.mil 2nd TPOC: Daniel Harris (760) 939-1649 daniel.harris@navy.mil
Metrology of Visibly Transparent Large Aspheric Optics Acquisition Program UCLASS, The Carrier Unmanned Aviation Program Office PMA-268 Objective Develop a method and hardware to measure the optical figure and transmitted wavefront error of large aspheric optics including conformal windows, aerodynamic domes, and corrector optics. Measurements should have a precision of 0.1 micron or better. Candidate materials will have suitable transparency at a wavelength of one micron for optical measurements. Aspheric optics represent the next generation in electro-optic sensor windows allowing for windows that conform to the local
| May 5, 2015 | Navy News Weekly | www.navy-kmi.com
shape of an aircraft moldline, domes that reduce drag in missiles, and optical elements that correct for distortions produced by conformal windows and aerodynamic domes. The objective of this project is to develop metrology methods and hardware to measure the optical figure and transmitted wavefront error of large conformal windows, aerodynamic domes, and optical corrector elements to provide feedback for optical figure correction by an optics shop. Methodology development could begin with glass or fused silica specimens but is expected to move to spinel by Phase II. Possible candidate shapes include toroidal windows, tangent ogive domes, and arched optical corrector elements. Specimens to be measured are expected to have a footprint up to 24 x 24 inches. Metrology methods should have a precision of 0.1 micron or better. TPOC: Lee Cambrea (760) 939-7323 lee.cambrea@navy.mil 2nd TPOC: Daniel Harris (760) 939-1649 daniel.harris@navy.mil
Manufacturing of Visibly Transparent Large Conformal Windows Air Platform, Materials/Processes, Sensors Acquisition Program UCLASS, The Carrier Unmanned Aviation Program Office PMA-268 Objective Develop methods to grind and polish freeform conformal sensor windows with dimensions up to 24 x 24 inches with a sag height of approximately 8 inches and an optical precision of 0.5 micron or better. The purpose of this topic is to demonstrate manufacturing methods for optics from glass. A related topic NSMA-152-257 will address the production of near-net-shape spinel blanks for future manufacturing of optics. Conformal electro-optic sensor windows are desirable for future air platforms as they maintain the shape of the aircraft moldline and allow for a large sensor angle of regard. Such windows may have little to no symmetry depending upon their location. Spinel is an excellent candidate window material as it is both durable and multi-spectral (ultraviolet through mid-wave infrared). Spinel is more erosion resistant than multi-spectral zinc sulfide, which is another logical candidate for a large conformal window. The objective for this project is to create methods to grind and polish freeform conformal sensor windows with dimensions up to 24 x 24 inches with a sag height of approximately 8 inches and an optical precision of 0.5 micron or better. It is expected that methods will be developed with glass or fused silica and that a full sized window will be made from glass or fused silica. It is also possible that a full sized spinel blank may be available from the government during this project.
TPOC: Lee Cambrea Phone: (760) 939-7323 lee.cambrea@navy.mil 2nd TPOC: Daniel Harris Phone: (760) 939-1649 daniel.harris@navy.mil
Accelerating Instructor Mastery (AIM) Acquisition Program FNC: Accelerating the Development of Small Unit Decision Making (ADSUDM) --POR: MCTIMS Objective Develop an instructor platform (software and hardware components) that supports the development of novice instructors. This platform will be used by military instructors in formal schools houses (e.g., The Basic School) and easily integrate into MCTIMS and other learning management systems. Educators typically study for four years at a university building a solid foundation of instructional knowledge. In addition, most educators also have observed practical experience before they instruct on their own. In contrast, active duty military instructors often don’t have the benefit of any education on how to instruct. They are often recently graduated students; although their content knowledge is strong, they lack “expert instructor techniques” (i.e., strategizing, executing, and adapting classroom instruction as needed to achieve desired outcomes). Given the limited learning and practice opportunities for military instructors, there is a need to capture, explore, and practice military-specific best instructor techniques in the schoolhouse, in order to enable and accelerate effective and engaging instruction even by inexperienced instructors. There are many different ways to possibly facilitate instructor development outside of a traditional education setting. One method is to develop simulated environments. For example, TeachLivE is a mixed reality environment that uses simulated students to help educators practice their pedagogical skills. In this type of environment, the scenarios can be tailored, and scaffolding techniques can be provided to support until the instructional skills are mastered. Another method is to facilitate peer collaboration. Enabling re-use and re-combinations of previously developed training material (e.g., documents, PowerPoint slides, video, audio, practical exercises, etc.) allows instructors to use, update and further develop items that have proven effective in similar training curricula. Similar approaches have been studied in higher education, where teachers collaborate to generate content based on knowledge about teaching with technology. It is unclear which approach and systems would best facilitate and expedite learning and development for inexperienced instructors. Outside of the civilian traditional educational development model and system (e.g., four-year degree, professional conferences, etc.) there are limited technologies and materials for inexperienced military educators/instructors to effectively learn and practice pedagogical skills. Innovative solutions are sought to address this gap in enhancing inexperienced instructor capabilities among military populations. These capabilities should be as open source as possible, require a
low/no manpower footprint, and be a tool that can be self-sustaining and extensible for wide variety of military courses. TPOC: Peter Squire peter.squire@navy.mil 2nd TPOC: Natalie Steinhauser natalie.steinhauser@navy.mil
Reliability Centered Additive Manufacturing Design Framework Acquisition Program EPE-FY-17-03 FNC entitled “Quality Metal Additive Manufacturing” or QUALITY Objective To exploit the entire Additive Manufacturing (AM) design space by developing a Reliability-Centered AM Computational Design Framework (RCAM CDF) that incorporates reliability, inspectability and repairability in to the AM components themselves thereby assuring proper operation and safety throughout their entire operational life and assisting with the qualification and certification processes. The definition of “reliability” used in this topic is the “period of time during which a manufactured component will function in the operational environment with a specified level of performance and in a safe manner.” Additive Manufacturing offers the opportunity to fabricate equivalent (i.e., same fit/form/function) structures and components in a more costeffective manner and in ways that are not currently possible with subtractive, casting or other manufacturing approaches. Unfortunately, today there are only a limited number of AM components that can achieve complete equivalency to their original counterparts which significantly limits the use of this technology. Still, if the design space for AM parts is enlarged, enormous benefits could be realized if we are able to incorporate reliability, inspectability and repairability to those parts. By explicitly exploiting some of the inherent AM material anisotropies while minimizing or eliminating known AM weaknesses via effective utilization of topological designs; material, microstructural and functionally graded designs and other design space tradeoffs, efficient and reliable structural or functional components can be fabricated. Standing in the way for exploiting these seemingly endless design space trade-offs is the ability to inspect and reliably assure operational safety and performance of such advanced designs throughout the operational life of these components. This SBIR topic is seeking innovative approaches to monitor in-situ the reliability of complex AM parts through their entire design life by including “reliability assurance” as an integral part of the design process and embedded in the AM part itself. This topic is not interested in AM parts with simple geometrical designs which could be inspected with existing Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) Non-destructive Evaluation (NDE) equipment. Depending on the primary function of the AM part (such as carrying structural load, thermal management, material transport, flow control, signature control, etc.) the approach to ensure reliability will vary. Other factors will also need to be considered when choosing the approach such as part accessibility, part criticality, degree of multi-functionality, AM method used to manufacture the part, AM material options
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and many others. Cost should also be a factor when down selecting amongst several approaches that yield similar levels of safety and reliability. Addressing this topic in its entirety would require resources beyond those available through a single SBIR program because of the number of disciplines that need to be brought to bear. An AM design framework that incorporates reliability throughout the life of the component should integrate understanding and modeling of: 1 -- the different manufacturing technologies (SLA, SLS, SLM, FDM, EBM, EBF3, etc.) used to manufacture AM parts; 2 -- the materials, processing, microstructure, property, defect types and distribution in the final AM components; 3 -- functional performance and progression (load bearing, thermal management, material transport, EM); 4 -- the development, progression and criticality of damage in the AM parts; 5 -- the interaction between the different damage types and the interrogation method used to monitor part for integrity (such as ultrasonic, electromagnetic, thermal, visual, etc.); 6 -- as well as the reliability of the monitoring approach itself. Therefore, to narrow the scope of this SBIR topic, this solicitation will focus in only one AM technology for metallic components. Also, “repairability” will only be considered for implementation during Phase III if deemed necessary. The Navy will only fund proposals that are innovative, address the proposed R&D and involve technical risk. TPOC: Ignacio Perez ignacio.perez1@navy.mil 2nd TPOC: David Shifler david.shifler@navy.mil 3rd TPOC: Billy Short billy.short@navy.mil 4th TPOC: Caroline Scheck caroline.scheck@navy.mil
Dive Helmet Communication System Acquisition Program NAVSEA 00C (Diving Programs) Objective Create technologies to improve diver communications at working depths compensating for different gas densities and minimizing communication feedback. The objective is to investigate applications of digital signal processing and actuators (speakers and microphones) and apply these findings in developing a Helmeted Diver communication system(s). This development is to address diver helmet communications that will operate in high noise of diver helmet breathing noise and underwater tool noise while operating in varying gas density/mixtures (squeaky voice). The developed system (helmet (bottom-side) and diver station (topside)) must demonstrate improved and clear communications in actual dives and/or dive chambers. The components must be rugged and usable in marine environments while utilizing existing umbilical lines. It would include noise monitoring and consider future fiber optic signal umbilical lines. The current system being used is analog circuits (circa 1960s) with components to match. The communication components are susceptible to moisture and handling damage. Thus, the existing communication system has reduced intelligibility in the varying noise levels of the current helmet. The diver helmet currently used by Navy divers (Kirby Morgan KM
| May 5, 2015 | Navy News Weekly | www.navy-kmi.com
37NS) has documented high-noise levels from the breathing system with a circa 1960s communication system (analog on copper wire). This is a challenging communication environment,which is complicated when using helium mixed gas (squeaky voice) and/or at depth (compressed air). Breathing air maximum operating depth is 190-feet seawater (fsw) and is 300 fsw for helium-oxygen mixes. Either breathing medium may be used in water temperatures as low as 37°F, or as low as 28°F if the helmet is used with the hot water shroud and a hot water supply. In addition, at water temperatures below 40°F, the diver will be dressed in either a variable volume dry suit or a hot water suit. Additionally, the diver community has high incidence of noise induced hearing loss (high frequency). An ideal communication system would use modern, digital signal processing, with matched microphones and speakers (actuators) to overcome these challenges and the feedback that occurs in the current analog system. All required components must be included in the system for improved diver (helmet) and topside communications. The system shall be able to frequency compensate to keep incoming signals in the optimal voice range for divers and correct for topside signals. The new system must be robust enough to handle the moisture/salt in a marine diving (90 percent humidity) scenario and the inherent rough handling of diver equipment. The system should also include the capability for noise monitoring and use of fiber optic signal umbilical lines in the future (i.e., accommodate the use of fiber optic cables and the reduction of copper wire in the umbilical lines). The system must work in the current noise levels of 94 to 97 dBA, which are noise hazardous (reference 1) and compromise current communications. ANSI S3.2-2009 (R2014) (Method for Measuring the Intelligibility of Speech Over Communication Systems) would be an appropriate means of evaluation using the modified rhyme test. ANSI S3.2-2009 (R2014) includes factors that affect the intelligibility of speech. The new system must reduce the noise feedback loop in the helmet, producing high-noise levels at the diver’s ear, which increases the noise exposure. The goal is to reduce noise levels below 85 dBA. TPOC: Kurt Yankaskas kurt.d.yankaskas@navy.mil 2nd TPOC: Ryan Webb ryan.m.webb@navy.mil 3rd TPOC: William D’Angelo William.Dangelo@navy.mil
Rapid Initialization and Filter Convergence for Electro-optic/ Infrared Sensor-Based Precision Ship-Relative Navigation for Automated Ship Landing Acquisition Program INP CNR Leap Ahead: Sea-based Automatic Landing Recovery System (SALRS) Objective Develop fast initializing, real-time, precision ship-relative navigation (PS-RN) sensor processing for shipboard automated aircraft landings,
using electro-optical and infrared motion imagery across the range of lighting conditions and environmental obscuration. Carrier-based fixed-wing aircraft need accurate, high-rate, and high-integrity precision ship-relative navigation (PS-RN) to conduct safe and efficient automated landings. This SBIR is focused on capability that is not dependent on Radio Frequency (RF) emissions or Global Positioning System (GPS) in order to reduce vulnerability to interference. The PS-RN solution must initialize very quickly because of the relatively high-closure rates (approx. 120 knots). Electro-Optical/Infrared (EO/IR) aircraft mounted cameras are attractive sensors due to low cost and size, but do not directly measure range and angle, so these calculations must be reliably extracted from the imagery at a high-data rate (approx. 30 Hz). They must initialize quickly (10 seconds or less) when imagery becomes usable as the aircraft approaches the ship, even with obscured visibility and deck motion. Current image detection, tracking, and template matching require too much time (over 1 minute) to be usable for a jet aircraft approach in reduced visibility. Convergence rate of linearized filters is not adequate for the required precision of relative navigation; non-linear filters may provide a workable approach. For this SBIR effort, the sensors to be used are aircraft-mounted electro-optic and/or infrared cameras, with optional use of ship-mounted light or beacon sources. The navigation scenario begins at four nautical miles (NMI), with the aircraft at 1,200 feet Mean Sea Level (MSL), and within 10 degrees of the landing area centerline. The aircraft inertial measurement unit (IMU) can be used. Ship location is known within 1/2 NMI, course and speed are known within 10 degrees and 5 knots. The ship must be detected and tracking begin rapidly when it enters the sensor field of view; the initialization goal is 10 seconds. The camera system, including lenses, must be small (approx. 200 cubic inches) and able to withstand the electromagnetic interference, shock, and vibration environment of a carrier landing. Only two fixed focal lengths can be used for the entire approach. Computer processing must be done on one or two cards added to an existing mission computer. Aircraft pose estimate must be accurate within 0.20 degree in azimuth and elevation, and range within 4 percent. It must be a high integrity solution with sufficient accuracy and continuity (in concert with the IMU) suitable for aircraft control. Ship motions corresponding to sea state 4 must be identified. The lights or beacons must be suitable for installation on the deck, hull, catwalk, or other structural location on an aircraft carrier. TPOC: John Kinzer john.kinzer@navy.mil 2nd TPOC: Ravindra Athale ravindra.athale@navy.mil
Robust MEMs Oscillator Replacement for Quartz Crystal TCXO Oscillator Acquisition Program Hyper Velocity Projectile, SHD FY15-17, PEO IWS 3C Surface Gunnery Program
Objective Develop a high-G mechanical shock and temperature shock tolerant micro-electromechanical system (MEMS) replacement for quartz temperature compensated crystal oscillators (TCXO), currently used as precision frequency reference devices in GPS receivers, radio transceivers and other radio frequency devices. High Precision Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillators (TCXOs) are used in GPS receivers, radio transceivers and other radio frequency devices used in guided munitions. Quartz TCXO's are useful as a clock reference for these devices because of their high-frequency stability, often well below two parts per million (ppm). However, quartz crystal devices are sensitive to both mechanical shock and rapid temperature changes. This is particularly an issue for high-velocity gun-launched guided projectiles. This topic seeks a MEMS oscillator comparable in performance to temperature-compensated crystal oscillators (TCXO) in frequency accuracy, temperature stability, while providing similar or improved phase noise. The design must be survivable up to 30kgee high-G mechanical shocks during firing and temperature extremes with rapid fluctuations up to 250 degree F/min (surface) caused by aeroheating during flight. The design must also remain within or reduce the size, weight and power envelope of existing crystal oscillators it is meant to replace. The design must also perform within the operational constraints of existing crystal oscillators by exhibiting minimal aging and acceleration sensitivity, and by reaching a functional level of stability (<0.1 ppm / sec) within 0.25 seconds of application of power. TPOC: Adam Jones adam.r.jones@navy.mil 2nd TPOC: Hamish Malin hamish.malin@navy.mil 3rd TPOC: George Wiles george.c.wiles@navy.mil
Unmanned Undersea Vehicle (UUV) Detection and Classification in Harbor Environments Acquisition Program Strategic Systems Program Nuclear Weapons Security WQX-2 POR ACAT III Objective Develop or improve current sensing technologies that will provide reliable detection and classification of UUVs operating in a harbor environment. New or improved sensing concepts and technologies are needed to better recognize the presence of Unmanned Undersea Vehicles (UUVs) operating in ports and harbors, particularly in the proximity of U.S. Navy ships and submarines. The maturity and proliferation of UUVs throughout the world is presenting an emerging challenge for force protection in harbor environments. It is important to counter sensor laden units that do not present a direct threat, but an armed UUV presents a particularly compelling challenge.
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The mobility of UUVs limits the effectiveness of traditional mine countermeasures like change detection. The stationary nature of the assets that are being protected in harbors allows for slow and deliberate approaches by enemy platforms. Current strategies for detecting and classifying UUVs employ systems that were originally designed to detect combat swimmers and scuba divers. A number of these systems have demonstrated some capability against UUV targets that were presented in a controlled research environment, but the typical warning ranges do not provide a completely satisfactory response window. It is envisioned that multi-modal layered approach has the potential to significantly increase the average response window available to counter UUV approaches to U.S. Navy assets. TPOC: Robert Headrick bob.headrick@navy.mil 2nd TPOC: Kyle Becker kyle.becker1@navy.mil
GaN Avalanche Devices for RF Power Generation Acquisition Program Netted Emulation of Multi-Element Signatures against Integrated Sensors (NEMESIS) Objective Develop high-efficiency, high-power avalanche-diode-based millimeter- (mm-) wave and terahertz (THz) sources in Gallium Nitride (GaN) diodes. Radio Frequency (RF) power generation by diode sources enables compact and affordable sources for a wide range of sensor applications. Avalanche breakdown is an important mechanism for the generation of RF power in a two-terminal diode. Examples are IMPact ionization Avalanche Transit Time (IMPATT) diodes demonstrated in Silicon, Gallium Arsenide (GaAs), and Indium Phosphide (InP). By both thermal considerations and large breakdown field, Gallium Nitride-based avalanche devices should offer a substantial advance (~100X) in power output with improved efficiency (~2X). The problem in wide bandgap nitrides is that until recently, avalanche breakdown has not been experimentally observed, despite two decades of material advances. The absence of experimental observation is often attributed to the higher dislocation density of current GaN technology, which lowers the breakdown electric field threshold due to non-avalanching mechanisms. Recently there are reports of the observation of avalanchebreakdown-like behavior in GaN devices for power electronics, where avalanche breakdown phenomena are exploited to prevent device burnout. No RF devices have been developed to exploit the avalanche behavior. The goal of this topic is to demonstrate RF power generation in Gallium Nitride or related group III-Nitride diodes exploiting avalanche breakdown. TPOC: Paul Maki Paul.Maki@Navy.mil 2nd TPOC: David Meyer david.meyer@nrl.navy.mil
| May 5, 2015 | Navy News Weekly | www.navy-kmi.com
Active Thermal Control System Optimization Acquisition Program PEO IWS 2 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Air and Missile Defense Radar Objective Develop software tools to design and optimize the control architecture of multiple cold plate, high heat-flux thermal systems. Thermal Management is a critical requirement for future warships with electronic propulsion, weapon and sensor systems. Innovative thermal architectures are needed to cool next-generation, high-energy density electronics, which are expected to exhibit highly transient loads during pulsed operation. Two-phase cooling systems, such as vapor compression cycles, pumped cooling loops and hybrid systems, are of particular interest for electronics cooling applications due to the large heat transfer coefficients from boiling flow, as well as their capability to maintain isothermal conditions as ambient temperature varies. In the presence of large thermal transients, active control may be required to avoid temperature variations, thermal lag, flow instabilities and critical heat-flux, which do not occur in state-of-the-art systems based on single-phase convective cooling. While control strategies for air-conditioning and refrigeration systems are well developed, the use of phase change cycles for electronics cooling is relatively new. In order for the thermal control system to accommodate transients, the component response times need to be understood and the control system optimized to ensure stable operation of coupled components while avoiding dry-out. The objective of this topic is to develop a software toolset with a graphical user interface to model various component configurations and control approaches for an electronics thermal control system. This toolset will allow for modeling of component interactions under dynamic thermal loads and evaluation of control methodologies for optimizing thermal performance, while minimizing system size and weight. Such components include, but are not limited to, variable speed compressors, pumps, electronic expansion devices, accumulators, charge compensators, liquid receivers, cold plates, condensers and other components used in a two-phase thermal control system. The toolset will need to be able to monitor temperature, pressure and flow, and simulate active control of components for modification of operation based on control algorithms and user inputs. TPOC: Mark Spector mark.spector@navy.mil 2nd TPOC: Kevin Woods kevin.d.woods@navy.mil
Affordable Compact HPRF/HPM Attack Warning System Acquisition Program ONR Code 35: Counter Directed Energy Weapons Research Objective Develop an affordable compact High-Power Radio Frequency (HPRF) attack warning system with recording capability that detects,
characterizes and precisely geo-locates HPRF threats while being fully immune to HPRFs. System must have high-sensitivity/dynamic range, providing HPRF power, frequency, bandwidth, pulse length and rep rate. The system must also be capable of distributing alerts to key facility decision makers. Advances in high-power microwave threats pose significant dangers to critical naval electronic systems. To mitigate these dangers, a warning system is needed that will cover a broad range of potential HPRF frequencies and large dynamic range of intensities with the ability to survive and be operational under the highest intensities with low false alarm rate. The HPRF sensor should be able to provide frequency information of the attack, which may be wideband pulses (100 –500 MHz, pulse widths 2 – 200 ns) or narrowband (500 MHz – 5 GHz, pulse widths 1ns –5μs). It must also measure the approximate power level as well as information about the direction to, and possible range of, the attacker to provide information for possible evasion maneuvers or potential retaliation. It is desirable to obtain HPRF geo-location information with an error of less than 5 degrees in both the azimuth and elevation/declination and provide an approximate target range. The HPRF irradiation may or not be repetitive. The system should be able to survive HPRF field intensities in excess of 50 W/cm2 without damage to the detection system (i.e., sufficiently high damage threshold). The system should be able to detect and characterize the power and frequency of current and anticipated HPRF sources being developed. Peak power and waveform measurements of the HPRF along with historical tracking of background RF irradiation/waveforms should be used to maximize the detector dynamic range and reduce the false alarm rate to levels below 1 percent. The system should be capable of roughly estimating the direction of attack, and estimated distance, and RF parameters so that facility decision makers can take proper action. The project is subject to technical risks in covering the broad range of potential intensities, possible frequencies and waveforms. The affordable system should be immune to the HPRF attack and have a low SWaP footprint that can be easily integrated into navy platforms (such as helos and UAVs) and their power sources without negatively impacting current system functionality such as power supplies, aerodynamics, weight-balance, and/or cargo/passenger space. TPOC: Ryan Hoffman ryan.hoffman@navy.mil 2nd TPOC: Michael Traber Smith traber.smith@nrl.navy.mil 3rd TPOC: Matthew Mcquage matthew.mcquage@navy.mil 4th TPOC: Jacob Walker jacob.w.walker@navy.mil
Low Size, Weight, Power, and Cost (SWAP-C) Magnetic Anomaly Detection (MAD) System Acquisition Program PMA-264, FNC SHD-13-05, High Altitude ASW from the P-8 Unmanned Targeting Air System
Objective Leveraging recent advances in miniaturization of magnetometers, develop a low SWAP-C MAD system for use on small UAVs and helicopters. Research over the last decade has significantly reduced the size, weight and power (SWAP) of atomic vapor magnetometers, making these sensors a good match for unmanned Navy vehicles. This topic seeks innovative designs that incorporate such magnetometers into a Magnetic Anomaly Detection (MAD) system, including both the hardware and software to detect, localize and track a magnetic dipole target from an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). Traditionally, MAD systems must account for a variety of noise sources such as sensor noise, platform noise, geomagnetic noise and movement in gradient fields so this effort must contain additional sensors to remove these noise sources. This MAD system is envisioned to provide a common sensor for use on Tier 1 UAVs as well as being towed from helicopters. The hardware goals are driven by the intended application for small UAVs. As such, the total field magnetometer should be commensurately small: sensor head size <100cc, electronics module <500cc, low-power (<5W total objective), and low-weight (<5 pounds total). The noise floor should match or improve upon current commercially available sensors at 0.35 pT/rtHz between 0.01–100 Hz with a raw heading error <300 pT, compensated heading error <10 pT (objective), and remove dead zones inherent in traditional total field magnetometer designs. The system should operate in all Earth’s field conditions (roughly 25 μT – 75 μT). Proposals should include the performance of the existing total field magnetometer planned for incorporation into the MAD system and describe modifications that would be needed to meet these performance goals. The cost objective should be less than $10,000 in small quantities (~10/year). To reduce noise, additional sensors are usually included in a MAD system: a 3-axis vector magnetometer to compensate for platform noise, a 3-axis accelerometer, GPS inputs, and other sensors. These additional sensors should be in-line with an overall compact low-power design, but need not be included in the SWAP parameters above. Software should be able to detect, localize,and track a magnetic dipole target using GPS coordinates that are not necessarily straight and level flight. The algorithms should allow for the possibility of geomagnetic noise reduction with an external reference magnetometer. Computer intensive computations such as heading error correction, noise suppression and MAD algorithms need not be done in the magnetometer and can be done in an external computer. TPOC: Stephen Potashnik stephen.potashnik@navy.mil 2nd TPOC: Bill Gelatka william.gelatka@navy.mil
Ultra High-Density Carbon Nanotube (CNT) Based Flywheel Energy Storage for Shipboard Pulse Load Operation Acquisition Program P&E-FY15-03 Multi-Function High-Density Shipboard Energy Storage
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Objective Develop Carbon Nanotube (CNT) based flywheel energy storage system for ultra-high density, high cycle rate, megawatt-scale pulse load energy storage systems. The introduction of advanced weapons systems such as rail guns, lasers, and other future pulse loads to future warships create power and energy demands that exceed what a traditional ship electric plant interface can provide. This creates the problem of satisfying growing demand for with stored energy, while working within the limited space available aboard ship platforms. Flywheel energy storage systems are potentially attractive due to high cycle life capability, tolerance for military environmental conditions and capability for buffering multiple stochastic loads. This is provided by the capability to support rapid discharge and charge cycles on a continuous basis. However, prior Navy flywheel installations have been “built in,” which do not allow for easy removal and replacement via a hatchable and/or modular installation that is scalable for multi-MW operation. The size and overall design of these flywheel systems are driven by issues such as rotor energy density due to tip speed limitations due to available material strength. Carbon Nanotube (CNT) based macrostructures in the form of conductive fiber and sheets with high strength and resilience provide the potential to improve state of the art flywheel energy storage. For flywheel designs, it is anticipated that CNT based composites can increase the available energy by over 30 percent as compared to existing state of art composite materials. This results in a potentially thermally, mechanically and dynamically compliant system operating with a tip speed greater than 1,000 m/s. Given the infancy of this technology, innovative research is necessary to identify and prove the actual improvements over baseline state of the art composite designs, by applying new means of CNT integration into advanced wheel designs. The U.S. Navy is therefore interested in developing and characterizing the advantages of innovative shipboard flywheel system designs, directed and optimized to the MW scale, which maximize the advantages of CNT material integration. For the purposes of this effort, the below theoretical metrics of the flywheel design will be used as a basis. • Continuously online charge-discharge of up to 50 percent duty cycle (e.g. up to 50 percent charging, 50 percent discharging). • 26” shipboard hatchable design for easy removal or installation of components. • Modular installation and operation capability to multi-MW levels, with relevant bus voltage and power conversion. • Operation over the temperature range (40 – 140 F). • Provide the capability to last for 60,000 hours of online use and support >20,000 cycles. • The flywheel should be designed such that any the inertial material or other moving parts cannot penetrate into any personnel space under a catastrophic failure. TPOC: Donald Hoffman donald.hoffman@navy.mil 2nd TPOC: Harold Coombe harold.coombe@navy.mil
| May 5, 2015 | Navy News Weekly | www.navy-kmi.com
Attack-Sensitive Brittle Software Acquisition Program PEO-SHIPS, PEO-C4I, PMW-130 Objective Develop transformation mechanisms that can be applied to software to achieve “fast-crash” property where successful attacks/ compromises will cause the software to cease operating rather than continuing to operate in an unsafe state. Critical cyber systems are subject to attacks by the enemy. Generally, resilience and survivability are considered desirable properties for software in these systems. They aim to remain operational, though at a degraded state, when they are compromised. However, this is not always desirable. There may be circumstances where it is preferable for the software to be brittle and simply crash when attacks/exploits are successful. This would be the case when integrity and confidentiality requirements are much more important than availability requirements. Compromised or misbehaving software could be much more dangerous than simple unavailability. Another circumstance is when redundant and diversified backup systems are readily available. A faster failure and timely switch-over would minimize the disruption/damage and actually enhance overall resilience. Brittleness would be a plus in these circumstances. The aim is for the crash to occur as soon as possible after a successful attack and program control is lost. The objective of this solicitation is to develop transformation mechanisms for software that increase brittleness and achieve the “fast-crash” property. The transformation mechanisms should be generic and able to be applied to third party software. They should also preserve the functionality of the original software and incur relatively small computational overheads. We are interested in transformations that act on all layers including binary, byte code, and source code. The “fast-crash” property can be defined as the number of instructions/jumps/stack operations that gets executed after control of the program is lost. Compromised software will eventually crash; our goal is to speed up the crash so that malicious behavior cannot take place before it occurs. As such, “fast-crash” should occur within a handful of instruction/branches. Techniques that enhance resilience and survivability of code segments and systems have been an active area of research. We are looking for techniques that do the opposite. There is currently little research that explicitly aims to create brittleness in software. However, it is often the side-effect of some security techniques especially in the context of artificial diversity and randomization. For example, address space layout randomization (ASLR) aims to prevent buffer overflow attacks by making it difficult to reliably jump to a particular exploited function in memory [4,5]. Attempted attacks would crash the program by attempting jumps to invalid addresses. ASLR would be considered an effective “fast-crash” mechanism. We are looking for other mechanisms of achieving the “fast-crash” property against different categories of attacks such as return oriented programming (ROP). We would consider application, customization, or assessment of existing security mechanisms in the context of “fast-crash.” However, novel mechanisms will be prioritized especially if they are able to be simpler, lighter weight and more dependable than mechanisms meant for other purposes. It’s important to note that “fast-crash” is different from active integrity verification techniques that directly identify attacks.
We are NOT as interested in mechanisms that monitor the system and trigger a crash when attacks are detected. Ideally, the system crash should simply be a byproduct or guaranteed side-effect of a successful attack and compromise. The system should crash quickly and consistently after faults that are associated with deliberate attacks. At the same time, the system should not crash when attacks are not taking place or after random faults. The success of the result will be measured by both the false-positive rate and the false-negative rate. This SBIR topic will also consider active techniques if they are novel, generalized and easily deployed. Another preference is for techniques that do not require source code and can be applied to raw binaries the military already deploys. TPOC: Sukarno Mertoguno sukarno.mertoguno@navy.mil 2nd TPOC: Myong Kang Myong.kang@nrl.navy.mil
Compact Air-Cooled Laser Modulate-able Source (CALMS) Acquisition Program Tactical Aircraft Programs (PEO(T))/PMA272 ATAPS PE 064272N TAIRCM Objective Develop an air-cooled, compact laser source with selectable multiline emission in the ultra-violet (UVA) portion of the spectrum that is scalable in power and able to change modulation state quickly, upon command, from continuous wave to 10 kHz. Today, flexible compact laser sources in the UVA (315 nm – 400 nm) are not available for lab/field testing or other military applications. Technology solutions to this problem are needed in several key areas: 1) increasing the output power of individual laser modules operating in the UVA spectrum, 2) developing the capability to efficiently combine the outputs of multiple laser modules into a single optical fiber for delivery to an optical pointer, and 3) combining these technologies into a compact system package that is suitable for applications with severe size and weight constraints. State-of-the-art off-the-shelf diode lasers in this band are 250 mW or less. The ideal system design would be able to accommodate three or more lines anywhere within the UVA band, provide greater than 3W power output, be electronically driven from an external pulse source (1 – 100 percent duty cycle pulses), permit two to three orders of magnitude amplitude control, quickly switch between waveforms (DC through 10kHz), and couple to a 100 micron core fiber output. TPOC: Vincent Cassella vincent.cassella@navy.mil 2nd TPOC: Peter Craig peter.craig@navy.mil 3rd TPOC: Richard Moore richard.moore@nrl.navy.mil
In-Transit Visibility Module for Lifts of Opportunity Program (LOOP) & Transportation Exploitation Tool (TET) Acquisition Program NAVSUP Transportation Exploitation Tool is local prototype seeking to become a program of record. Objective Develop and demonstrate an In-Transit Visibility (ITV) module that will enhance Lifts of Opportunity (LOOP) planners’ ability to accurately and in near-real-time monitor the transportation of critical end items, predict time of arrival and potential hazards to the mission, and provide decision support tools including mission performance metrics and automatically generated alerts if human intervention is required. The United States Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM) plans and executes worldwide movement of cargo and people at sea, on land, and in the air, launching an average of 1,700 movements a day. Navy Fleet/Force transportation requests within USTRANSCOM are routed to specialists who focus on satisfying requirements using a mode of transportation with minimal coordination between them and their counterparts. To avoid the high cost for dedicated USTRANSCOM Special Assignment Airlift Mission (SAAM) or contracted commercial flights, the Navy developed and implemented a Transportation Exploitation Tool (TET) prototype. TET helps planners find cargo capacity on SAAMs or other conveyances that can support mission requirements resulting in significant cost avoidance for the urgent movement of cargo worldwide. Once a mission is booked, transportation planners and fleet forces require the ability to accurately track urgently needed cargo as it moves from its origin to its destination and through all transportation nodes, and then allow planners to close out the mission. The ITV of critical supplies throughout the movement will have several important benefits: 1) allows team to plan for material handling, and other special equipment and personnel needed to load the cargo at transportation nodes, 2) provides early identification of problems or delays during the mission that may necessitate replanning, and 3) increased visibility helps ensure critical items are not needlessly re-ordered. Current state of the art for large scale DoD ITV systems use radio frequency identification (RFID) tags and a network of read/write stations (to include satellites). Systems like the Army's Joint-Automatic Identification Technology (J-AIT) have more than 1,900 stations alone. These types of systems are costly and manpower intensive. The limitations the Navy has for manpower and funding require an innovative solution for an ITV capability using data that are already available. The focus of the ITV module is threefold. First is development of software tools (Intelligent Agents (IAs) and semantic services) that can take disparate sources of data (real-time feeds, near-real-time feeds, manual entry and historical references) and fuse them to accurately infer location data of transported items with high confidence. Second is development of additional decision support tools to aid planners. This includes automatic generation of alerts and tracking of mission performance metrics. Third and final is development of
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predictive models that will use the same data sources to anticipate arrival times of logistical items. The capability to predict arrival times (updated as the current location changes) of goods in finer granularity than current methodologies is necessary to facilitate planning. Using machine learning methodologies, the predictive models should be able to learn from previously executed missions to identify trends that support successful mission planning and execution. Challenges include development of a robust IA that can digest large quantities of data and mine pertinent information (specified and inferred) on specific items. Data may need to be semantically connected (for example, connection of the cargo ID to a strategic mission with its flight schedule and inflight tracking data) in order to derive relevant mission data (location, time to arrival, and probability of success for completing the next mission leg). The software tools need to be accurate, reliable and able to run efficiently on handheld operating systems compatible with the Ozone Widget Framework (OWF). The existing TET system runs as a web service on the NIPRNET/SIPRNET (the Department of Navy’s unclassified and classified internal computer networks). For this effort, the ITV module will initially attain static or live data feeds from existing TET services through an existing systems integration laboratory (SIL) environment (the government will ensure access to the SIL for the awarded companies) at The Pennsylvania State University (PSU) Applied Research Laboratory (ARL), independent of Department of Defense (DoD) networks but funded by the government. The SIL environment with virtual machines will allow experimentation and integration without the need for operational security and information assurance certification until the system is actually deployed. Message communications between TET and the ITV service is required; for example an alert of a missed transportation connection would be pushed back to TET to initiate dynamic replanning of the mission. Examples of communication channels that need to interface with TET/ITV: Marine Corps’ Tactical Service Oriented Architecture (TSOA), Naval Tactical Cloud (NTC). Examples of incoming data feeds provided via the SIL: IDE/GTN Convergence (IGC), Global Decision Support System (GDSS), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), National ITV Server, Global Air Transportation Execution System (GATES), Weather, Coast Guard Automated Information System (AIS) or equivalent. Real-time feeds will ultimately be pursued with support from the government. TPOC: Le Nolan le.e.nolan1@navy.mil 2nd TPOC: Billy Short billy.short@navy.mil
| May 5, 2015 | Navy News Weekly | www.navy-kmi.com
Advanced UHF SATCOM Satellite Protection Features Acquisition Program Navy Communications Satellite Programs, PEO Space Systems, PMW 146 Objective Develop advanced electromagnetic interference protection features for future Ultra High Frequency (UHF) SATCOM satellites. More than 60 percent of Satellite Communications (SATCOM) users are supported by the Ultra High Frequency (UHF) band. The Navy’s Communications Satellite Program Office (PMW 146) acquires UHF SATCOM satellites for the DoD. The current operational UHF Follow-On (UFO) satellites will soon be replaced by the Mobile User Objective System (MUOS) constellation, which should be fully launched by 2017. Soon the Navy will investigate potential next generation UHF SATCOM systems. Acquisition of the system that follows MUOS will likely start in the next few years. Enhanced protection features will be critical for that system. Since the MUOS satellites were designed, it has become apparent that the space domain “is becoming increasingly congested, contested and competitive” as described in the National Security Space Strategy. The next generation of satellites must be protected from a number of threats including radio frequency interference. Many previous research efforts have developed technology to protect terrestrial UHF SATCOM terminals. These efforts aimed to protect terminals against local interference in the SATCOM downlink (space to ground link) or against interference in the SATCOM uplink (ground to space link) that was rebroadcast to the ground by the satellite transponder. This effort seeks innovative solutions which are resident on the satellite. The goal is to protect the SATCOM uplink at the satellite instead of protecting the terrestrial terminals. CubeSats or nanosatellites are popular among universities and are gaining momentum with commercial and government organizations. They may be an avenue to demonstrate new electromagnetic interference protection features quickly and at low cost. Such a demonstration path, if applicable to a particular interference protection feature, would likely allow the new technology to be tested in space in time for it to be incorporated into the next generation of UHF SATCOM satellites. If the technology is also applicable to nano-satellites, it could find use in emerging nano-satellite programs within DoD. TPOC: Austin Mroczek (619) 221-7749 austin.mroczek@navy.mil 2nd TPOC: Paul Kaplan (619) 553-9517 paul.kaplan@navy.mil
Reforming the Navy’s Acquisition Process ➥ Continued From pAGE 1 Expert knowledge is required to understand the link between operational requirements and technical requirements; the development, design and production challenges that must be overcome to achieve these technical requirements; and the time and resources that will be required. This expert knowledge should be the inherently governmental responsibility assigned to the acquisition workforce (AWF). Accordingly, it is critical that the acquisition arm, which will be accountable for delivering to the technical requirements defined for a weapon system, is embedded in the requirements definition process to provide the department its best assessment of technical feasibility, cost and risk in the course of defining those requirements. Understanding the cost and risk of a program’s requirements are not, however, sufficient. As Secretary Gates remarked in his speech at the Eisenhower Presidential Library in 2010, “Without exercising real diligence, if nature takes its course, major weapons programs will devolve into pursuing the limits of what technology will bear without regard to cost or what a real-world enemy can do.” Accordingly, because today our services’ requirements exceed our budgets, the DoN has directed that cost—or more appropriately, affordability—must be defined alongside, and managed with the same discipline and rigor, and if need be, drive tradeoffs across such traditional requirements as the speed, power, range or payload of a weapon system. The DoN has designed its acquisition process, commonly referred to as the Navy Gate Review process, to ensure there is no gap between the requirements and acquisition organizations so that the Navy understands the relationship between requirements, technical feasibility and cost. The process requires the Navy/Marine Corps operational requirements leadership and acquisition leadership to agree, and repeatedly affirm that agreement throughout the development, acquisition and sustainment of a system. A misalignment between requirements and acquisition is always costly and sometimes fatal—inducing unnecessary costs associated with redesigning, retesting, schedule delays and even cancellation. The DoN uses Gate Reviews to eliminate that misalignment early in a program and to check alignment regularly. Each “gate” is co-chaired by the service chief or senior military requirements officer and service acquisition executive (SAE). In all, there are six gates. The first three are chaired by the service
chief (co-chaired by the SAE) and ensure that warfighter requirements are well understood and can be translated into technical requirements that the acquisition community can affordably achieve in the commercial or defense marketplace. The last three gates are chaired by the SAE (co-chaired by the senior military requirements officer) and ensure the technical specification, statement of work and request for proposal have accurately translated the warfighter's requirements into an acquisition approach that is executable, affordable and agreeable across acquisition and requirements leadership. Within the Department of the Navy, this acquisition method reinforces the authority and strengthens the ability of the service chiefs to set and manage operational requirements, to realistically budget for these requirements and oversee execution pursuant to their responsibility to man, train and equip the force. Likewise, it reinforces the authority and strengthens the ability of the SAE to manage the technical requirements, to construct the acquisition strategy to achieve these requirements, and oversee execution pursuant to his/her responsibility to the service chief to deliver the warfighting capability on-cost, on-schedule and within performance parameters.
Performing to a Stable Plan Good acquisition outcomes are more probable when a program manager can manage to a plan with a foundation of stable requirements, technical baselines and budgets—which is an expected benefit of the Gate Reviews described above. Alternately, instability causes added cost in rework/time, and a chronic inability to accurately estimate program costs. Perpetual instability produces an historical record of higher-than-necessary cost estimates which, in turn, are used as baselines to estimate future programs which, in tum, are used to inform budget submissions—establishing a repeatable cycle of spiraling, self-fulfilling cost growth. Good examples of program stability that enable performing to a stable plan include the DDG-51, Virginia class, F/A-18E/F, MV-22 Osprey, Mobile Landing Platform, and Next Generation Enterprise Network (NGEN). In each case, the Navy/USMC made strong efforts to establish well-defined and stable requirements that allowed industry to more accurately understand the government’s requirements, and then produce cost-effective proposals. Program stability also permits the use of additional cost-saving contracting measures not available where stability is
absent, such as multiyear contracting and shorter construction cycles. A chronic counter to program stability, however, is the bureaucratic environment in which program managers operate. In this context, the “bureaucracy” is viewed by the program manager as the accrued effects of individual stakeholders across the broad government who have, or believe they have, a role derived from the myriad of regulations and policies embodied in the FAR, DFAR, FMR, DoD 5000, Services 5000, JCIDs, etc., in decision-making, administering or overseeing some element of that program. In pushing the boundaries of science and technology to deliver leading-edge capability, the risk, complexity and cost of our weapon systems have grown significantly. The response has been decades of well-intended legislation, regulation and policy designed to reverse cost trends and avoid past mistakes. The result being that program managers spend increasing amounts of their time fighting back the destabilizing effects of an increasingly bureaucratic oversight system that is too risk-averse, and less time performing to a stable plan. The unplanned, unpredictable and often intrusive bureaucracy the program manager faces undermines his or her ability and therefore, accountability, to execute a plan too often interrupted or modified by well-meaning individuals outside of the chain-of-command, who may have positional authority, but otherwise are not themselves responsible, accountable or incentivized to ensure a program manager is successful. Further attempts to improve program manager accountability should be mindful of this reality. Budget instability destabilizes programs and reduces the likelihood a program manager can control program outcomes. The great uncertainty, delay (continuing resolutions) and frequent changes to budgets through the annual authorization and appropriations process counter our efforts to effectively execute to a plan. Sequestration alone threatens to undo all of the department’s gains in productivity brought about by Better Buying Power initiatives. A timely, predictable defense budget (ultimately, a multiple year budget) would directly increase the productivity of defense acquisition; provide needed stability to the industrial base; and improve both government and industry’s ability to manage outlay risk and invest in R&D, facilities and people. It would also reduce government deadline pressures to meet artificial obligations or expenditure benchmarks that impact effective contract negotiations. Reducing these pressures
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would allow the time necessary to achieve the best deal for the department. Budget stability is also critical for managing through challenges in program execution. There is a compelling need to establish a management reserve (MR) account to address the execution risks inherent to every major program. Absent an MR account, each program is left to establish and protect its own MR, which at best, results in inefficient resource allocation. At worst, those programs unable to provide for such reserve within the program’s budget suffer program breakage as funding shortfalls emerge in the course of program execution. An MR account to be administered by the services could be established with unobligated funds and be used by the services to address individual program risks or urgent needs that have emerged in an execution year.
Making Every Dollar Count As stated earlier, the DoN’s requirements exceed the DoN budget. While it is left to the budget cycle to balance the two, it is essential that, corporately, efficiencies are achieved by procuring at efficient rates, leveraging investments across multiple programs, and maintaining year-to-year stability in programs. In short—making every dollar count. Program by program, the DoN remains committed to competition at the prime and subcontract level through early prototyping, spiral development, open architectures, fixed-price contracts and effective use of incentive fees. Competition or competitive rivalries can take many forms. Head-to-head competition is not appropriate for everything the department buys, nor is it always an available option, but in almost all cases, it is a program manager’s best friend. The DoN has successfully applied multiple and various forms of competition, beginning with competing against the budget itself, ensuring each dollar spent is necessary to meet a requirement. Beyond that, the DoN has recently applied direct, full and open competition to major programs to include Next Generation Jammer, Consolidated Afloat Network Enterprise System (CANES), NGEN, Presidential Helicopter and Amphibious Combat Vehicle (1.1). Taken together, the savings generated relative to pre-award independent cost estimates have been significant and allowed the department to direct those savings to increase procurement where we fall short of the warfighting capacity requirement. In cases where there is a fragile and limited industrial base, the DoN has competed profit between two primes; competed quantity; competed different solutions, which satisfy the same
requirement; combined acquisitions in a competitive manner; and tied successful cost-proposals in limited competitions to anticipated additional quantity. Various competitive forms have allowed the department to make every dollar count. Open architecture has proven to be a necessary component to achieve repeatable and sustained full- and-open competition and to level the competitive field, allowing small business to compete head to head with large business. The DoN’s previous open architecture success in the Submarine Acoustic Rapid COTs Insertion Program established a business model that has been replicated in other DoN programs, including AEGIS Combat System modernization, F/A-18, Littoral Combat Ship, Air and Missile Defense Radar, CANES, NGEN and MK 48 Torpedo Programs, to name a few. The DoN’s experience with open architecture has emphasized an important principle that affects acquisition reform— DoN “ownership” of the system interfaces/protocols/definitions is necessary for success, placing added emphasis on the need to hire and retain outstanding technical talent. Further, there is a need to ensure that total ownership cost, including energy considerations, carries weight in the formulation of major acquisition strategies and source selection criteria. These fundamentals are emphasized in department policy, including policy that emphasizes program decisions that favor DoN corporate interests, though such policy may at times appear at odds with individual program preferences. The program manager is expected to execute within the framework of established requirements
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and budget. During execution, it is important to sustain a constant effort to pursue cost reductions and bring forward recommended changes to specifications, scope, requirements, policy, acquisition strategy or management practice that would meaningfully reduce program cost or risk without substantively impacting key requirements—regardless of what phase the program is in. The DoN’s program managers are tasked, not merely with understanding the basis of estimate for their programs’ costs, but equally or more importantly, to understand what drives those costs and to formulate a strategy to reduce those costs in accordance with the program’s best estimate of its “should cost”—again, making every dollar count.
Relying on an Experienced Acquisition Workforce (AWF) An experienced acquisition workforce is the single-most important fundamental in achieving strong, repeatable performance in Defense acquisition. GAO has reported that “the principles and practices that programs embrace are determined not by policy, but by [program managers’] decisions.” The business of defense acquisition consists of tens of thousands of individual decisions made daily—requirements, technical, contracting, financial, supply, etc.—and the more experienced and qualified the AWF, the better the decisions. The best acquisition outcomes are produced by the most experienced acquisition people—in technical knowledge and business acumen. As the Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics (USD(AT&L)), Frank Kendall,
stated to the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Subcommittee on Contracting Oversight on April 30, 2014: “Maybe we’ve been changing the wrong things. Defense acquisition is a human endeavor, and my view is that we have focused too much on organizational structures, processes and oversight mechanisms, and not enough on providing people with the skills and the incentives they need to be successful.” The AWF requires highly educated and highly skilled professionals in the following areas: scientists & engineers; contracts officers; program managers; cost estimators; financial managers; logistics managers; auditors; acquisition attorneys; information technology professionals; and construction engineers and architects. It requires highly talented and dedicated military and civilians who are the “Special Forces” of the federal civilian workforce. To recruit and retain the best and brightest for this work so that the DoD AWF becomes the premier technical and business workforce in the world requires changes to human resource authorities, accommodations and compensation. The idea of building and retaining a highly capable AWF as the cornerstone of improving the Defense acquisition system is not new. Indeed, echoing similar findings of the Blue Ribbon Defense Panel in its report to the President in July 1970, Dr. Ron Fox states: “Were there a more attractive government career in DoD acquisition management, it would then be possible to minimize the conflicts associated with frequent turnover of military personnel and widespread military retirements to industry, while preserving the rights of individuals to careers in acquisition management. The basic goal of any legislative remedy must be achieving and maintaining outstanding competence and integrity to the defense acquisition system.” The same statement is true for the civilians who make up the AWF. The professional acquisition workforce, however, is increasingly difficult to sustain. The AWF operates in a human capital system that was not designed with the 21st century professional employee in mind. It is archaic and lacks agility to hire and retain an elite workforce. Further, the AWF remains subject to the same undistributed government personnel reductions as with any other part of the federal workforce and, today, is operating in the shadow of the FY 2013 furlough and FY 2013 government shutdown. The prospect of the same scenario looms in the current budget cycle. None of these facts are attractive to prospective hires or the current acquisition professionals the department must retain. Congress has recognized the Department’s need for a large, robust, highly qualified AWF,
and provided much-needed legislative relief with the passage of Section 852 in the 2008 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and Section 219 in the 2009 NDAA, and support for the department’s desire to expand the Acquisition Demonstration Project to more of DoD’s AWF. These provisions, which have been amended several times, provide helpful authorities for AWF hiring, training, and retention, as well as budget authority dedicated to rebuilding the department’s in-house science and engineering foundation. These provisions are important and the DoN is grateful to the Congress for their support. But for the 21st-century AWF, more agility will be needed to hire and retain quality people with elite skills.
Fostering a Healthy Industrial Base In the end, improving acquisition outcomes relies upon performance by industry, so it is appropriate to understand the issues affecting industry’s performance. Industry needs experienced engineers, skilled tradesmen, capital to invest and fair opportunities for stable production and repeatable profits over the long-term. On the other hand, defense acquisition needs sustained competition, repeatable cost performance, and repeatable product performance. The difficult reality is today’s defense industrial base is fragile, less competitive, has limited U.S. growth opportunities, and continues to face an uncertain defense and national budget environment. The result is a somewhat smaller, less competitive defense industrial base comprised of large consolidated prime integrators with multiple tier suppliers. The primes are often compelled to invest outside of defense to maximize shareholder value. Without more stability and predictability in defense budgets, there is less defense market investment and innovation, and less product affordability without more companies in the market to improve competitive pricing. Attracting new entrants into the defense industrial base to offset the loss of innovation and competition has proven challenging as well. Barriers to entering the defense market remain chronically high as the overhead cost of entering and operating in a unique, uneven, and overly bureaucratic market discourages prospective entrants—both large and small commercial companies. These industrial base (and supply chain) realities come at a time when combatant commanders, via the requirements process, need and expect the defense acquisition enterprise to respond with significantly more speed, agility, and innovation. No longer are the small, rogue non-state actors the only ones able to supply warfighting units with
material capability faster than the U.S. defense acquisition system can respond. Even a country the size of China can now produce capability seemingly much faster than its U.S. counterpart because, in part, it is unburdened by U.S. defense acquisition laws, regulations, and policies. The unfortunate mismatch is that warfighters are expecting the acquisition system to respond at the speed-of-technology at a time when agile and more affordable medium and small businesses find it increasingly difficult to penetrate the defense acquisition bureaucracy. As our industrial base and its supply base continue to undergo reshaping as a natural response to U.S. and global economic conditions, it is vital that weight be given to these factors when considering any new legislation or policy affecting defense acquisition.
Final Thoughts Defense acquisition is a large enterprise of complex, interdependent systems-of-systems, engineering disciplines, procurement rules, budget rules, organizations and processes. Oversight and governance of the enterprise is necessary and is expected, but it is crucial to strike the right balance in order to achieve affordable outcomes. The penalty for too much oversight is ever-increasing costs and impediments to execution that have no ceiling. The penalty for too little oversight is the costs and risks of rework for unforced errors. Oversight and governance requirements have added multiple layers of prescriptive processes, authoritative organizations and extensive reporting and documentation requirements. In short, the sheer size and overlapping nature of the bureaucracy runs counter to objectives of efficiency, productivity, and performance. Lessons learned from highly successful programs highlight that the right balance is attainable by applying the fundamental disciplines already known and available to each Program Manager (like those expressed here), then exposing the products of that discipline to simplified oversight by an appropriate but limited number of highly experienced managers, engineers, and business executives who serve at the Service Secretariat and OSD levels in policy oversight capacities. The fundamentals expressed in this statement have proven to produce successful acquisition outcomes. The DoN recommends the subcommittee work with USD(AT&L) in the current effort to identify and roll back legislation that has produced unnecessary and redundant, regulatory and reporting burdens on Program Managers which have the effect of thwarting the steady application of these fundamentals.
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Positioning the Navy Reserve for the 21st Century ➥ Continued From pAGE 1 In line with this vision, we are engaging with resource sponsors to operationalize more of our RC to support steady-state operations and provide essential surge capacity. As we reflect on the accomplishments of 2014, the Navy is already moving toward this vision. Last year, the Navy Reserve was heavily engaged with deployments by Navy Mobile Construction Battalions (NMCB), Cargo Handling Battalions, Coastal Riverine units, Maritime Patrol squadron detachments, and Special Operations Force (SOF) capabilities delivered by both Reserve helicopter squadrons and RC SEAL Team units. Reserve sailors filled 75 percent of the Navy’s total IA requirements, enabling AC sailors to fill critical at-sea billet vacancies. Reserve sailors also provided direct support to CCDR and Fleet operations and exercises including RIMPAC, Cobra Gold and Urgent Provider, comprehensively delivering greater than 2 million man-days of operational support. In 2014, the Navy Reserve’s flexibility facilitated assumption of the High Value Unit (HVU) escort mission from the Coast Guard at Groton, Conn. Navy Expeditionary Combat Command’s (NECC) Reserve Coastal Riverine Squadrons surged to meet this new requirement. By leveraging RC sailors’ experience gained through deployments in support of Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) missions, Navy Reserve sailors will assume full mission responsibility for escorts in the ports of Hampton Roads, Mayport, Puget Sound and San Diego by the end of FY16. This Total Force solution enables Navy’s AC units to remain on their established operational deployment schedule. SEAL Teams 17 and 18 are Navy Reserve units that provide SOF capabilities to CCDRs by deploying SEAL, Special Warfare Combatant Craft (SWCC) and combat service support personnel. The manner in which Naval Special Warfare (NSW) employs their RC sailors is carefully considered and designed to deliver strategic benefits. They leverage the maturity, continuity and experience offered by RC sailors to generate long-term region-specific expertise and cultural understanding and to cultivate a network of partners. NSW has also been drawing on their Reserve sailors with specialized civilian experience to develop Unmanned Aerial System elements, which provide vital augmentation to critical SOF missions. Through ongoing mission analysis of the Navy Total Force Integration Strategy, U.S. Fleet Cyber Command has developed a Reserve Cyber Mission Force Integration Strategy that leverages our Reserve sailors’ skill sets and expertise to maximize the Reserve Component’s support to the full spectrum of cyber mission areas. Within this strategy, the growth of 298 Reserve billets from FY15 through FY18 will be individually aligned to Active Component Cyber Mission Force teams and the Joint Force Headquarters-Cyber. Accordingly, the Joint Force Headquarters-Cyber and each Navy-sourced team will maximize its assigned Reserve sailors’ particular expertise and skill sets to augment each team’s mission capabilities. As our Reserve Cyber Mission billets come online and are manned over the next few years, we will continue to assess our integration strategy to take advantage of RC sailors’ military and civilian expertise. Commanders in the field have noted that the civilian professional expertise of Reserve sailors enhances their military capability. As one Joint Task Force Commander recently noted, “The background and contemporary industry knowledge members of the Navy Reserve bring
| May 5, 2015 | Navy News Weekly | www.navy-kmi.com
to my organization cannot be understated—they bring a unique set of skills, which consistently results in a better solution or product when they work side by side with their active duty counterparts, government civilians and contractors.” The unique combination of civilian and military experience and skills provided by Reserve sailors can offer the diversity of thought and insights which regularly generate innovation and act as a force multiplier.
Navy Reserve Force Readiness The Navy Reserve focuses on providing sailors who are available for mobilization at a moment’s notice. Reserve Personnel, Navy (RPN) funding is essential to providing trained and ready sailors to support the Navy, Marine Corps and the Joint Force. On any given day, approximately 90 percent of eligible sailors are mobilization ready. It is important to understand that mobilization readiness involves more than just training our sailors for their jobs; it also includes ensuring our sailors’ resilience through medical, physical, spiritual and family readiness. In addition to RPN, these programs are supported with OCO funding. Personnel Readiness Discretionary RPN funding in PB-16 is the primary means with which we generate readiness and provide operational support to the Fleet and CCDRs. A unique advantage of these funds is the immediacy with which they can be allocated to provide timely manpower and capabilities to support emergent requirements anywhere they are needed. As historical execution rates show, every dollar of RPN contributes to operational support, and I thank the committee for its continued support of discretionary RPN funding. In addition to providing operational support for CCDRs, OCO ADT funds are used to provide RC sailors with essential mobilization training. OCO funds also support critical resilience programs delivered via the Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program (YRRP) to help RC servicemembers and their families before, during and after deployments. YRRP programs promote awareness and understanding of available resources to address unique challenges faced by Navy Reserve sailors, especially as they reintegrate into their communities, families and civilian jobs after mobilization. Reserve-specific programs like these are necessary because, in many cases, our sailors reside far from military installations where support services are traditionally provided. We are focused on building a culture where asking for help is encouraged and looked upon as a sign of strength. These programs are vital in providing the continuum of care for our sailors. Equipping the Navy Reserve Almost 15 years of increased operational tempo have taken a toll on a significant portion of the aircraft and other equipment our sailors operate. In order to safely accomplish our assigned missions and seamlessly integrate with the AC, the Navy Reserve depends on modern and reliable hardware. As noted in DoD’s FY16 National Guard and Reserve Equipment Report, the Navy Reserve’s top equipping challenges “continue to be aircraft procurement.” Aircraft recapitalization is absolutely our number one equipping priority. It is critical for the Navy Reserve’s ongoing operational support
to the Naval Aviation Enterprise, and my staff has been working closely with the Active Component Resource Sponsors to address the Navy Reserve’s future resourcing concerns. Fiscal constraints have created an environment where we must be increasingly focused on extending the life of every piece of infrastructure and hardware; however, each has a finite lifespan and we accept increasing risk as we approach that limit. Even when we are able to extend the life of legacy equipment such as F/A-18A+ and P-3C aircraft, we cannot overcome the resulting interoperability barriers and maintenance issues associated with extended service. The Navy Reserve’s Tactical Support Wing (TSW), comprised of five Reserve squadrons, provides adversary training to the fleet and assists in fleet replacement pilot production. Two of these squadrons, VFA-204 and VFC-12, fly F/A-18A+ aircraft as the Navy’s strategic reserve of Carrier Air Wing (CVW) tactical aircraft. They maintain their readiness by filling a fleet operational support role of providing dedicated adversary support, also known as “Red Air,” for fleet replacement squadrons and deploying CVWs. Effective air-to-air training requires a skilled Red Air opponent and the TSW provides the Navy’s recognized experts at adversary flying. VFA-204, home-based in New Orleans, and VFC-12, home-based in Virginia Beach, are operating legacy F/A-18A+ Hornets that are nearing the end of their service life. As a group, the aircraft assigned to VFA-204 and VFC-12 are the oldest Hornets in the Navy, resulting in increased maintenance challenges. Reserve leadership is working with the Active Component to ensure our Reserve VFA community remains viable in the future. Our Electronic Attack Squadron, VAQ-209, completed its transition from the EA-6B to the EA-18G Growler and was certified “Safe for Flight” in May 2014. VAQ-209 has been deploying with the legacy EA-6B as part of Navy’s expeditionary Airborne Electronic Attack deployments since 1995. They are scheduled to deploy with their new electronic attack aircraft in FY 2016. The Navy’s strategic depth in the Maritime Patrol and Reconnaissance Aircraft (MPRA) community consists of two squadrons, VP-62 and VP-69, both of which operate legacy P-3C Orion aircraft. These units, based in Jacksonville, Fla., and Whidbey Island, Wash., have been instrumental in filling operational gaps in both deployed and homeland defense roles as the AC MPRA community transitions to the P-8A aircraft. By incorporating Reserve VP Squadrons into the deployment cycle, the Active VP squadrons will be fully transitioned to the new P-8A by FY 2019. Within the Fleet Logistics Support Wing, we will accept delivery of two C-40A cargo aircraft in FY-15, bringing our total inventory to 14 aircraft and a 15th C-40A will be delivered in FY-17. This will allow the Navy to continue fleet reconstitution following the 2014 divestiture of the inefficient and costly C-9B legacy aircraft. Navy Reserve C-40A cargo
and passenger aircraft are classified as Navy Unique Fleet Essential Aircraft (NUFEA). As NUFEA they are critical supporting elements to all facets of Navy’s deployed operations and are a prime enabler of Navy’s support to CCDR requirements. The NUFEA C-40A program places the Fleet closer to realizing a more capable and cost-effective lift capability. Following the direction and expectations communicated by the defense appropriations subcommittees, the Navy Reserve used prior National Guard and Reserve Equipment Appropriations (NGREA) to meet readiness and operational requirements. For example, the Navy Reserve invested in four new fully-equipped MK VI Patrol boats for our San Diego and Little Creek RC Coastal Riverine Force; we have invested in sustaining the fleet of F-5 adversary aircraft based at NAS Fallon and NAS Key West; and we have modernized and purchased new communications equipment for RC sailors in Navy Expeditionary Combat Command (NECC).
Facilities The Navy Reserve operates six region headquarters (Reserve Component Commands), two Joint Reserve Bases (JRBs) and 123 Navy Operational Support Centers (NOSCs). These facilities serve Navy Reserve sailors and are located in all 50 states as well as Puerto Rico and Guam. Our NOSCs reside on and off DoD installations as both Navy-only and Joint facilities. These facilities are a mix of stand-alone NOSCs, Navy-Marine Corps Reserve Centers (NMCRC) and Joint Armed Forces Reserve Centers (AFRC). We have made the best use of available military construction and facilities sustainment funding to provide the safe and modernized environment our sailors need to maintain training and readiness. Where able, we have partnered with other service components to relocate
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NOSCs onto military installations to leverage existing infrastructure and share force protection efforts, such as the relocation of NOSC Pittsburgh onto a USAF Reserve base. We have also partnered with other service components to establish tenancy in Joint Reserve facilities as we did with NOSC New Castle, which now shares a facility with the Delaware National Guard. PB-16 supports the relocation of an additional stand-alone NOSC onto a DoD installation. In response to force structure adjustments and our commitment to gaining efficiencies across the Reserve Force, our Military Construction, Navy Reserve (MCNR) projects have enabled us to build modern, energyefficient and technologically current facilities. As a part of the Navy’s Energy Program for Security and Independence, the Navy Reserve continues to seek opportunities to gain energy efficiencies through modernization and new construction. For example, in Fiscal Year 2014, we funded seven collaborative energysaving projects that will generate ongoing annual savings. Our plans prioritize vacating obsolete buildings, such as the one currently occupied by NOSC Des Moines, a converted 1906 Cavalry barn listed on the National Register of Historic Places. In 2013, we partnered with the Marine Corps Reserve to construct a new NavyMarine Corps Reserve Center. NOSC Des Moines is scheduled to transition into the new facility in 2017. Additionally, our plans also support the modernization and construction of two Joint Reserve Intelligence Centers (JRICs). These facilities are “hubs” of intelligence expertise that facilitate direct support to forward deployed warfighters and are a critical piece of the Joint Intelligence Program. Each year, we direct our Facilities Sustainment, Repair and Modernization funds to address the highest-priority modernization and repair projects. As can be expected with facilities located in every climate across the country, unforeseen events can trump planned projects when we are faced with major repairs that result from destructive weather events or deterioration issues. In any given year, we are only able to address a portion of our total facilities sustainment requirement. Adequate facilities are necessary to keep Navy Reserve sailors ready to mobilize and deploy forward. Your support represents an essential investment in the future health and readiness of the Navy Reserve’s citizen sailors.
Community Impact Navy Reserve sailors are the face of the Navy in communities throughout the nation. As they interact with the American public on a daily basis, they showcase the pride and professionalism of the U.S. Navy while supporting civic, educational, and community events. Through the Secretary of Defense’s Innovative Readiness Training (IRT) program, Guard and Reserve units conduct training missions that also support projects for underserved communities. During FY15, Navy Reserve sailors will help construct roads and buildings at the YMCA of the Rockies in Granby, Colo.; develop infrastructure for housing developments in the Fort Belknap Indian Community near Harlem, Mont.; and provide medical, dental and optometry services in Sikeston, Mo.; Binghamton, N.Y.; and Tuskegee, Ala. The IRT program is a synergistic approach to meeting operational readiness training requirements while executing valuable community service projects. Navy Emergency Preparedness Liaison Officers (NEPLOs) maintain strategic positions from which they respond to crises on a local, state or national level. NEPLOs plan and deliver integrated
| May 5, 2015 | Navy News Weekly | www.navy-kmi.com
Navy support to civil authorities when domestic disasters occur. They are a cadre of senior RC officers who are trained to determine how Navy assets can best fulfill emergency response needs. As they train regularly with emergency response personnel and National Guard units, they develop working relationships which ensure timely access to federal support. NEPLOs expedite responses when delays could result in greater damage to property or loss of life. In 2014, NEPLOs coordinated assistance for flooding in Colorado, a chemical spill in West Virginia, wildfires in California and Washington, severe winter storms in Pennsylvania, mudslides in Washington and tropical storms in Hawaii. This Navy capability is maintained solely in the RC due to its part-time force structure requirement. Reserve sailors also have the solemn duty of delivering funeral honors on behalf of a grateful nation to American veterans across the country. NOSC presence in every state makes this support possible. Our sailors execute this mission flawlessly with humility and compassion, often driving many hours to deliver these services. They are the deceased family’s final reminder of the proud military service and sacrifice given by their loved one. Last year the Navy Reserve fulfilled 64 percent of the Navy’s funeral honors requests, serving at 35,308 funerals for Navy veterans.
Health of the Force End Strength Although today’s Navy Reserve is 34 percent smaller than it was in 2000, the PB-16 requested Navy Reserve end strength of 57,400 is based on continuous efforts to optimize Reserve force structure and utilization. Today’s force mix is the result of deliberate consideration of multiple factors including cost, accessibility, responsiveness, flexibility, capability and capacity. Thorough analysis shows that maintaining capacity in the RC provides reversibility, reducing the cost and time associated with reconstitution, and, augmenting AC units with Reserve sailors provides strategic depth and surge capacity without the cost burden associated with full time end strength. Each mission area has a different optimal AC/RC force mix. No single force mix solution can be applied across all of the diverse communities and enterprises within the Navy due to each having distinctive requirements. Additionally, emerging threats as well as technological and fiscal environments impact the optimal AC/RC mix. Regardless, the keys to success in each community and enterprise are the same—deliberate consideration of force mix beginning at concept development, and the application of a common cost-assessment mechanism that accounts for the total life cycle cost of all personnel— active, reserve and civilian. Recruiting and Retention Due to high retention and ongoing end strength reductions, the Navy Reserve was only able to accept 25 percent of applications from separating AC sailors interested in a transition to the RC in 2014 (642 of 2,560). As Navy Reserve end strength stabilizes in FY 2016, we expect opportunities to increase. To further increase these transition opportunities, we have an ongoing effort to expand Continuum of Service (CoS) options that enables transitioning AC sailors to bring their valued experience to the Reserve force. Simultaneously, we are
advertising opportunities for RC sailors in specific ratings and year groups to transition to undermanned AC ratings in either a temporary or permanent capacity. Last year, 291 RC sailors permanently transferred to the AC. These CoS options enable the Navy to retain targeted skills and experience while supporting the needs of our sailors. The Navy Reserve employs a focused bonus strategy to selectively target the specific skills and experience needed by the Navy. Selective Reenlistment Bonuses, affiliation bonuses and enlistment bonuses are used to improve retention and recruitment of enlisted sailors in these specialties. Officer accession and affiliation bonuses and special pays are used to maintain or increase manning levels by targeting undermanned pay grades in critical and undermanned skill sets. There are two specific communities that present a persistent challenge to meeting recruiting goals: Unrestricted Line (URL) officers and medical officers. During FY14, Navy was only able to attain 87 percent of RC URL recruiting goals and only 67 percent of the RC medical officer recruiting goals. The challenge in meeting the URL goal is rooted in the single recruiting pool—officers transitioning from the AC—and high AC URL retention has limited the number of officers available to transition into the RC. As a result, URL affiliation bonuses are offered to officers from the EOD, SEAL, Surface, Submarine, and Aviation communities. Additionally, the Navy Reserve is authorized to use a limited Critical Skills Retention Bonus for Naval Special Warfare (SEAL) officers in an effort to reduce attrition in that community. Accessing health care professionals, specifically medical officers, remains an even more significant recruiting challenge. Past Congressional action authorized Navy Reserve to expend resources to attract and retain these officers for critically undermanned wartime specialties. These incentives are still necessary and are used to partially overcome challenges that include impacts of mobilizations on civilian medical practices and significant income loss during military service. Resilience Programs The Navy Reserve continues to lead the way in quality mental health care for our service members. Post Deployment Health
Assessment (PDHA) compliance and periodic re-assessments (PDHRA) for demobilizing sailors are elements of the continuum of care that function as mechanisms through which Reserve sailors can access reliable and quality mental health care. The medical foundation set forth by the PDHA/PDHRA will also be continually reassessed via the Mental Health Assessment (MHA) portion of the annual Periodic Health Assessment (PHA). The symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) or other related mental health conditions often do not manifest themselves immediately. This requires our leaders as well as every sailor and their families to be ever vigilant and responsive to changes in sailors’ behavior and performance after mobilization. Balancing the demands of military service, family obligations and a civilian career can be challenging and stressful. It is common for military families to experience stress before, during and after deployment. Family readiness impacts sailor readiness, so building resiliency and support for families is essential to a sailor’s ability to focus on their mission. The Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program remains the cornerstone of the Navy Reserve’s deployment readiness and reintegration training programs. The need for this continuum of care will extend well beyond the return of last combat mobilized sailor. A key program within the YRRP is the Returning Warrior Workshop, which focuses on the reintegration process for service members and their spouse/ family member, and helps identify sailors in need of follow-on care. Navy Reserve’s Psychological Health Outreach Program (PHOP) ensures remotely located Reserve sailors have access to appropriate psychological health care services. PHOP counselors provide Operational Stress Control (OSC) briefings to Reserve sailors across the nation. In 2014, PHOP counselors completed 355 NOSC and Navy Mobilization Processing Site visits, completing 2,637 Behavioral Health Screenings (BHS) and more than 30,000 individual contacts. Additionally, they served as facilitators at 14 RWWs to help identify sailors or families in need of support. This year’s implementation of Resiliency Check-ins (RCI) allowed PHOP counselors to provide oneon-one behavioral health assessments that include on-the-spot initial and follow-up referrals when needed. This removes any perceived stigma to seeking help and is a proven way to ensure sailors receive the mental health care they need. Referrals to non-medical counseling support military families with a variety of common concerns that can occur within the military lifestyle, including anger, loss, grief, separation and stress reactions to deployment cycles/reintegration. Prevention Programs The Navy Reserve is committed to eradicating suicide and sexual assault from our ranks. Prevention through education, awareness and training continues to gain increased traction across the force in both of these areas. The Navy Reserve is concerned about the increase in suicides from 2013 to 2014 and is focused more than
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ever on stress navigation and resilience-building tools to empower our sailors to thrive, not just survive. Navy Resilience and Suicide Prevention Programs promote community and focus on comprehensive wellness. The Navy Reserve is actively engaged in cross-functional teams charged with suicide prevention efforts and is assisting with the development of the Defense Strategy on Suicide Prevention. Additionally, RC members have access to PHOP counselors 24/7/365. With an all-hands approach of “Every sailor, every day,” we are committed to ensuring every shipmate knows they are valued, have resources available, and understand that asking for help is part of operating as a team and is a sign of strength. The Navy Reserve fosters a climate that is intolerant of sexual assault and other unacceptable behaviors such as sexist language and behavior, hazing and sexual harassment. Leaders at all levels continue to stress personal responsibility and accountability for decision-making and behavior. We promote a culture of treating all with dignity and respect while living by the Navy’s Core Values both on and off duty. To further our Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) efforts, we assigned a dedicated SAPR Officer at our Navy Reserve Force Headquarters to coordinate continued training and focus on eradicating sexual assault and destructive behaviors from our force. This year, we continue to focus on Bystander Intervention Training, which teaches sailors intervention techniques to prevent destructive decisions, thereby empowering them to take action and stop behaviors not aligned with our Core Values and Navy Ethos. The Navy Reserve has played an important role in the Victims’ Legal Counsel (VLC) Program since it was established in August 2013. Reserve judge advocates have filled over one-third of the billets in the program since its inception, providing corporate knowledge that best supports victims of sexual assault. Reserve sailors also initially manned three out of five Regional VLC Officerin-Charge (OIC) positions. Many Reserve judge advocates have handled similar issues in the civilian sector and are uniquely qualified to provide leadership, litigation experience and program policy development in support of sexual assault victims. A trusted VLC program encourages reporting by victims who will only step forward if they know their rights will be protected through the investigation and adjudication phases.
Strategic Imperatives As the Navy transforms to meet future demands as determined by the DSG and QDR, so too, will the Navy Reserve. In alignment with CNO’s guidance, we will continue to build on the operational proficiency we have gained to remain ready to respond to emerging missions. We are also expanding our ability to draw on the civilian skills of our highly diverse and multitalented personnel, building an innovative team for the future. As the maritime battlespace continues to evolve and technology expands at ever increasing rates, the Navy Reserve is being guided by five Strategic Imperatives: • First, we will keep pace with the Navy’s future capabilities, integrating with the newest platforms and missions. Navy Reserve sailors will continue to play a critical role as part of the total force, with opportunities for careers using the latest technology, while supporting the newest platforms.
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• Second, we will maintain a ready force for tomorrow. We will remain operationally proficient, ensuring a ready, highly trained, and surge-capable Force. Ready sailors enable the Reserve Component to have a tremendous impact on fleet and combatant commander operations around the globe. Our force continues to aggressively seek opportunities to conduct and support missions with our fleet and joint commanders. • Third, we will broaden the manner in which we employ each sailor’s unique capabilities, leveraging their military and civilian skills in support of future requirements. Our sailors have unique capabilities derived from a combination of military and diverse civilian skills. Whether a tradesman, first responder, executive, or licensed professional, the Navy has long benefitted from the civilian experiences of our sailors. To harness this tremendous asset, we will catalogue the specific skills of our sailors and look for opportunities to use them as a force multiplier. • Fourth, we are working to consolidate and modernize the systems used to enable and manage sailor readiness, while ensuring security and improving sailor access to those systems. With the distributed nature of the Reserve work force, utilizing a single secure log-in to access the various internet-based operational, training and management applications, and integrating mobile and cloud-based IT solutions will reduce the time and effort associated with meeting readiness and training requirements. • Fifth, we are examining initiatives to provide more flexible options for a career of service. Our people, sailors and civilians alike, are what make our Navy Reserve strong. We are working to deliver expanded officer and enlisted professional development opportunities focused on enhancing leadership skills, character development and reinforcing our Navy ethos. Critical to developing future leaders is our ability to access and retain high-performing, knowledgeable sailors and civilians who are innovative and desire to continuously learn. To this end, we will expand Continuum of Service options to enable sailors to more easily transition between the Active and Reserve Components, thereby increasing the agility of the total force.
Conclusion As the Navy Reserve embarks upon our second century of service, we continue to be operationally engaged and ready to respond— where it matters, when it matters. As good stewards of our nation’s resources, we have sought and will continue to seek efficiencies while prioritizing mission effectiveness. PB-16 will sustain the Navy Reserve’s preparedness to surge when and where needed. While concerns remain—the foremost being aviation recapitalization—we will continue to work in concert with the AC to optimize utilization of the Reserve Component through continued innovation, force mix modifications, and process improvements. As we consider future force mix and force structure, we will continue to look for opportunities to recapitalize, modernize and improve our equipment and facilities and, when necessary, mitigate the risks associated with extending their service life. The future Navy Reserve is a force that keeps pace with warfighting capabilities and technology, while persistently identifying new ways to improve how we support and care for our sailors and their families.
Contract Awards
1 May
30 April
BAE Systems Land & Armaments LP, Armament Systems Division, Minneapolis, Minn., is being awarded a $27,458,219 firm-fixed-price contract for 6,360 57mm high explosive pre-fragmented, programmable proximity-fuzed cartridges, in order to support the use of the MK 110 MOD 0 gun mount on Navy ships. Work will be performed in Karlskoga, Sweden (86.5 percent); and Camden, Ark. (13.5 percent); and is expected to be completed by August 2018. Fiscal 2015 procurement of ammunition (Navy, Marine Corps) funding in the amount of $27,458,219 will be obligated at time of award and will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract was not competitively procured in accordance with FAR 6.302-1(a)(2) - only one responsible source and no other supplies or services will satisfy agency requirements. The Naval Surface Warfare Center, Indian Head Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technology Division, Indian Head, Md., is the contracting activity (N00174-15-C-0014).
Compiled by KMI Media Group staff
percent); Newport, R.I. (10 percent); Port Canaveral, Fla. (10 percent); West Palm Beach, Fla., and Andros Island, Bahamas (10 percent); Groton, Conn. (5 percent); Kings Bay, Ga. (5 percent); Norfolk, Va. (4 percent); Manassas, Va. (4 percent); Washington, D.C. (4 percent); Newport News, Va. (2 percent); Pearl Harbor, Hawaii (2 percent); and onboard Naval ships and submarines (14 percent). Work is expected to be completed by May 2020. Fiscal 2015 research, development, test and evaluation funding in the amount of $545,000 will be obligated at time of award, and will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This sole source requirement is a Phase III SBIR follow-on contract. A synopsis was posted September 2014 to the government wide point of entry and no inquiries were received. The Naval Undersea Warfare Center-Division Newport, Newport, R.I., is the contracting activity (N6660415-D-0131).
legacy DPS UYK-43 hardware computers and DPS UYK-43 software. Work will be performed in Newport, R.I., and is expected to be completed by April 2020. Fiscal 2015 operations and maintenance (Navy) funding in the amount of $230,000 will be obligated at time of award, and will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract was not competitively procured in accordance with 10 U.S.C. 2304(c)(1) - only one responsible source and no other supplies will satisfy agency requirements (FAR 6.302-1). The Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division, Newport, Newport, R.I., is the contracting activity (N66604-15-D-0132).
Systems Engineering Associates Corp., Middletown, R.I., is being awarded a $19,778,516 indefinite-delivery/indefinitequantity, cost-plus-fixed-fee contract for engineering services for the continued development of the Extensible Markup Language Test Data Analysis Tool (XTDAS) on all Navy submarines currently deployed. The XTDAS tool provides a portable, adaptable, and cost effective means for collecting, analyzing, verifying, and validating the required combat system data. Work will be performed at Middletown, R.I.. (30
Lockheed Martin Mission Systems and Training, Manassas, Va., is being awarded a $15,995,389 indefinite-delivery/ indefinite-quantity, cost-plus-fixed-fee contract for technical engineering, life cycle support and repair services of Ohio-class submarine data processing subsystem (DPS) equipment and related systems. The DPS is a “mission critical” legacy subsystem comprised of the DPS UYK-43 hardware computer and its associated software. This effort requires the ability to analyze legacy DPS UYK-43 hardware and software problems, maintain and refurbish
Huntington Ingalls Inc., Newport News, Va., is being awarded a $7,600,000 modification to previously awarded contract (N00024-08-C-2110) for onboard repair parts material procurement to support outfitting Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78). This contract action will enable the contractor to procure required spares identified in the “Q” Consolidated Shipboard Allowance List onboard repair parts in advance of contract award to support construction of Gerald R. Ford. Work will be performed in Newport News, Va., and is expected to be completed by September 2015. Fiscal 2015 shipbuilding and conversion (Navy) contract funds in the amount of $7,600,000 will be obligated at time of award and will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. The Supervisor of Shipbuilding, Conversion and Repair, Newport News, Va., is the contracting activity.
United Technologies Corp., Pratt & Whitney Military Engines, East Hartford, Conn., is being awarded a $156,955,110 fixed-price-incentive-firm target advance acquisition contract to procure long lead-time components, parts, materials and effort in support of 90 low-rate initial production Lot X F-135 propulsions systems for the F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter aircraft. These systems include (44) F-135-PW-100 for the Air Force; (9)
F-135-PW-600 for the Marine Corps; and (2) F-135-PW-100 for the Navy. In addition, this contract provides for the procurement of (30) F-135-PW-100 and (5) F135PW-600 systems for international partners and foreign military sales customers. Work will be performed in East Hartford, Conn. (67 percent); Indianapolis, Ind. (26.5 percent); and Bristol, United Kingdom (6.5 percent); and is expected to be completed in September 2017. Fiscal 2015
aircraft procurement, (Air Force and Navy) funds, as well as international partner and Foreign Military Sales funds in the amount of $156,955,110 are being obligated at time of award, none of which will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract was not competitively procured pursuant to 10 U.S.C. 2304(c)(1). This contract combines purchases for the Air Force ($64,015,312; 41 percent); the Navy ($32,345,557; 20 percent); international
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Contract Awards partners ($43,229,790; 28 percent); and foreign military sales ($17,364,451; 11 percent). The Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, Md., is the contracting activity (N00019-15-C-0004). The Boeing Co., Seattle, Wash., is being awarded a $29,318,485 cost-plusfixed-fee delivery order (3058) against a previously issued basic ordering agreement (N00019-11-G-0001) for the procurement of supplies and services to sustain the P-8A MMA test aircraft, the Patuxent River System Integration Lab, and associated support equipment in support of the P-8A MMA program. Work will be performed in Seattle, Wash. (48 percent); Patuxent River, Md. (38 percent); Atlanta, Ga. (10 percent); and Dallas, Texas (4 percent), and is expected to be completed in October 2016. Fiscal 2015 research, development, test and evaluation (Navy) funds in the amount of $15,800,000 will be obligated at time of award, none of which will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. The Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, Md., is the contracting activity. Tutor Perini Corp., Sylmar, Calif., is being awarded a $21,640,516 firm-fixedprice task order 0002 under a multiple award construction contract for whole house revitalization, Phase II at Lockwood Terrace, Naval Base, Guam. Work to be performed is for the design and revitalization of 48 three- and four-bedroom single family officer and enlisted housing units. Improvements will include the upgrade and reconfiguration of the following: living and dining areas, kitchen, hallways, bedrooms, bathrooms and utility areas. Revitalization will also include expanding existing units to accommodate a family room, laundry areas, garage and concrete-covered patio. The revitalization will include upgrades and
29 April
Global Dynamics, LLC, Columbia, Md. (N62645-15-D-5035); VetFed Resources, Inc., Alexandria, Va. (N62645-15-D-5033); and Washington-Harris Group, Inc., Greenbelt, Md. (N62645-15-D-5034) are each be-
replacements of air conditioning units with energy-efficient ducted split-type systems. Work will be performed in Santa Rita, Guam, and is expected to be completed by August 2017. Fiscal 2011, 2013 and 2014 family housing Navy funds in the amount of $21,640,516 are obligated at time of award and will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. Three proposals were received for this task order. The Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Pacific, Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii, is the contracting activity (N62742-10-D-1312). Systems Application and Technologies Inc., Largo, Md., is being awarded a $16,776,787 cost-plus-fixed-fee contract for continued support services to the Naval Air Systems Commandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Air Vehicle Modification and Instrumentation Department. Services to be provided include designing, developing, procuring, building, installing, testing and evaluating, calibrating, modifying, operating and maintaining instrumentation on aircraft and engines for the Navy and other government, commercial and foreign government customers. Work will be performed in Patuxent River, Md. (95 percent); China Lake, Calif. (2.5 percent); and Point Mugu, Calif. (2.5 percent), and is expected to be completed in May 2016. Fiscal 2015 major range and test facility base (Navy) funds in the amount of $5,650,000 will be obligated at time of award, none of which will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract was competitively procured via a 100-percent small-business set-aside proposal. Four offers were received. The Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division, Patuxent River, Md., is the contracting activity (N0042115-C-0036).
delivery order under previously awarded contract M67854-14-D-7403 for 40mm day/night practice cartridges, M1110 in support of Program Manager-Ammunition. The M1110 contains a chemiluminescent projectile to train Marines in the use of the 40mm low-velocity cartridge under day and night/low-light conditions. Work will be performed in Camden, Ark., and is expected to be completed by November 2016. Fiscal 2015 procurement (Marine Corps) funds in the amount of $6,639,924 will be obligated at time of award and will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This delivery order is issued against a sole source contract in accordance with 10 U.S.C. 2304(c)(1). Marine Corps Systems Command, Quantico, Va., is the contracting activity.
American Rheinmetall Munition, Stafford, Va., is being awarded a $6,639,924
T. Carroll Associates Inc. Silver Spring, Md., is being awarded a $6,573,962 indefinite-delivery/indefinitequantity, cost-plus-fixed-fee contract for the procurement of engineering services for vulnerability, recoverability, and hardening studies of ship structures, shipboard equipment, submarines, combatant craft, and Marine Corps vehicles. Work will be performed in West Bethesda, Md. (93 percent); Newport News, Va. (3 percent); Washington, D.C. (1 percent); Quantico, Va. (1 percent); Aberdeen, Md. (1 percent); and Ft. Walton Beach, Fla. (1 percent). Fiscal 2014 research, development, test and evaluation (Navy) funds in the amount of $128,574 will be obligated at time of award and will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract was competitively procured via the FedBizOpps website, with one offer received. The Naval Surface Warfare Center-Carderock Division, West Bethesda, Md., is the contracting activity (N00167-15-D-0004).
ing awarded a 30-month, firm-fixed-price, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity, multiple award task order contract for various ancillary services to include Allied Health, technician, technologist and assistant labor
bands at military treatment facilities in the northeastern region of the United States. The aggregate not-to-exceed amount for these multiple award contracts combined is $193,605,129. All three contractors
| May 5, 2015 | Navy News Weekly | www.navy-kmi.com
Compiled by KMIâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6;Media Group staff
will have the opportunity to bid on each individual task order as they are issued. Work will be performed at Naval Medical Center Portsmouth, Va. (86 percent); Naval Health Clinic Quantico, Va. (4 percent); Naval Health Clinic Annapolis, Md. (2 percent); Naval Health Clinic Great Lakes, Ill. (2 percent); Naval Health Clinic Newport, R.I. (1 percent); Naval Health Clinic Patuxent River, Md. (1 percent); Naval Branch Health Clinic Groton, Conn. (1 percent); Naval Branch Health Clinic Portsmouth, N.H. (1 percent); Naval Branch Health Clinic Saratoga Springs, N.Y. (1 percent) and any associated branch clinics in the Northeast Region of the United States (1 percent). Fiscal 2015 Defense Health Program funds in the amount of $21,748,091 will be obligated at the time of award under initial task orders, and the funds will expire at the end of the fiscal year. Work performed under these contracts is expected to be completed Sept. 30, 2017. Funding is predominantly from the Defense Health Program; however, other funding initiatives such as psychological health/traumatic brain injury, overseas contingency operations and wounded, ill, and injured may be used. These are all one-year funding types. These contracts were solicited via a multiple award electronic request for proposals as a 100 percent Small Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business set-aside; 23 offers were received. The Naval Medical Logistics Command, Fort Detrick, Md., is the contracting activity. AMG Healthcare Services, Inc., Miami, Fla. (N62645-15-D-5025); Cherokee Nation Healthcare Services, Stilwell, Texas (N62645-15-D-5026); Distinctive Spectrum Healthcare JV LLC, Largo, Md. (N62645-15-D-5027); Medforce Government Solutions LLC, Fairfax, Va. (N6264515-D-5028); Saratoga Medical Center, Inc., Fairfax, Va. (N62645-15-D-5029); SPDS, Inc., Ashburn, Va. (N62645-15-D-5030) and Team Placement Services, Inc., Alexandria, Va. (N62645-15-D-5031) are each being awarded a firm-fixed-price, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity, multiple award task order contract for various dental services that include, but are not limited to dental
hygienist, dental assistant, general dentist, dental laboratory technician and dental subspecialist. Work will be performed at Naval Military Treatment Facilities and their associated branch clinics in the eastern United States. The aggregate not-to-exceed amount for these multiple award contracts combined is $98,954,423 and each contractor will receive at least one Lot. Work will be performed in Naval Health Clinic Great Lakes, Ill. (23.1 percent); Naval Medical Center Portsmouth, Va. (21.4 percent); Naval Dental Center Camp Lejeune, N.C. (17.6 percent); Naval Hospital Beaufort, S.C. (7.7 percent); Naval Hospital Pensacola, Fla. (7.0 percent); Naval Hospital Jacksonville, Fla. (5.4 percent); Naval Health Clinic Quantico, Va. (3.7 percent); Naval Hospital Cherry Point, N.C. (2.9 percent); Naval Health Clinic Annapolis, Md. (2.3 percent); Naval Health Clinic Patuxent River, Md. (2.1 percent); Naval Health Clinic Corpus Christi, Texas (1.6 percent); Naval Health Clinic Charleston, S.C. (1.5 percent); Naval Health Clinic Newport, R.I. (1.5 percent); Naval Branch Health Clinic Groton, Conn. (0.7 percent); Naval Branch Health Clinic Portsmouth, N.H. (0.7 percent); Naval Hospital Camp Lejeune, N.C. (0.4 percent); Naval Branch Health Clinic Saratoga Springs, N.Y. (0.2 percent); and Navy Medicine Operational Training Center Pensacola, Fla. (0.2 percent). Work performed under these contracts is expected to be completed by Dec. 31, 2017. No funds will be obligated at the time of award. Funds will be obligated as test orders are issued. Funding will be predominantly from the Defense Health Program; however, other funding initiatives such as psychological health/traumatic brain injury, overseas contingency operations and wounded, ill, and injured may be used. These are all one-year funding types. These contracts were solicited via a multiple award electronic request for proposals as a 100-percent small business set-aside; 29 offers were received. The Naval Medical Logistics Command, Fort Detrick, Md., is the contracting activity.
awarded contract (N00024-10-C-2310) to exercise an option to procure two Main Reduction Gear (MRG) shipsets for Arleigh Burke (DDG 51) Class Destroyers. The MRG is the set of gears that transmit the power from two main propulsion power turbines to the propulsion shaft. Each Arleigh Burke (DDG 51) Class Destroyer has two gear sets, one for each propulsion shaft. The MRGs will be used for DDG 51 Class Guided Missile Destroyers procured in fiscal 2015. The equipment procured via this acquisition effort will be provided as Government Furnished Equipment to the DDG 51 Class shipbuilders. Work will be performed in Santa Fe Springs, Calif. (75 percent), Riverside, Mo. (10 percent), Latrobe, Pa. (2 percent), St. Augustine, Fla. (1 percent), Spring Grove, Ill. (1 percent), Fitchburg, Mass. (1 percent), Corry, Pa. (1 percent), Erie, Pa. (1 percent), Milwaukee, Wis. (1 percent), other United States locations (7 percent) and is expected to be completed by October 2017. Fiscal 2015 shipbuilding conversion (Navy) funding in the amount of $62,522,702 will be obligated at time of award and funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. The Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, D.C. is the contracting activity.
Timken Gears & Services Inc., King of Prussia, Pa., is being awarded a $62,522,702 modification to previously
Innovative Power Solutions, LLC, Eatontown, N.J., is being awarded an $8,725,406 firm-fixed-price, five-year
Diesel Engineering, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J., is being awarded a $16,159,462 modification to previously awarded contract (N00024-10-C-4200) for an additional 100 Engine Assembly Kits, 100 Transmission Upgrade Kits and 27 Cooling Components Kits in support of the effort to repair and upgrade the Israelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Achzarit Heavy Armored Personnel Carriers under the Foreign Military Sales program. Work will be performed in Englewood Cliffs, N.J., and is expected to be completed by October 2017. Foreign military sales funding in the amount of $16,159,462 will be obligated at time of award and will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. The Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, D.C., is the contracting activity.
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Contract Awards
28 April
requirements contract for the repair of the engine starter in support of the H-1 helicopter. Work will be performed in Eatontown, N.J., and is expected to be
completed by May 2021. No funds will be obligated at the time of award, and funds will not expire before the end of the current fiscal year. This contract was a sole source
requirement in accordance with 10 U.S.C. 2304(c)(1). NAVSUP Weapons System Support, Philadelphia, Pa., is the contracting activity (N00383-15-D-008N).
Lockheed Martin Corp., Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Co., Ft. Worth, Texas, is being awarded a $142,683,533 modification to a previously awarded cost-plusincentive-fee contract (N00019-02-C-3002) to continue development of the Joint Strike Fighter Autonomics Logistics Information System Standard Operating Unit Version 2 capability development effort. This modification includes the incorporation of sub-squadron reporting, dynamic routing, and decentralized maintenance capabilities. Work will be performed in Orlando, Fla. (80 percent); and Fort Worth, Texas (20 percent), and is expected to be completed in July 2017. Fiscal 2015 research, development, test and evaluation (Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force) funds in the amount of $18,576,713 will be obligated at time of award, none of which will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. The Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, Md., is the contracting activity.
$31,653,045 firm-fixed-priced, cost-plusfixed-fee, indefinite-delivery/indefinitequantity requirements contract for depot level repair, maintenance and modifications of the AN/AQS-24 Mine Detecting System to support the Navy for the currently deployed Airborne Mine Countermeasures legacy systems. This follow-on contract includes the technical support, analysis, repair, modification, interface equipment and engineering support and all depot repairs and incorporation of engineering change proposals, including the updates of all integrated logistics support documentation to support the conversions and sustainment. The AN/ AQS-24 is currently fielded for use by the Navy to conduct quick response, highspeed airborne mine countermeasures. This contract includes options which, if exercised, would bring the cumulative value of this contract to $84,520,065. Work will be performed in Annapolis, Md., and is expected to be completed by April 2016. No funding will be obligated at the time of award. The contract was
not competitively procured in accordance with FAR 6.302-1(a)(2)(iii)-only one responsible source and no other supplies or services will satisfy agency requirements. Naval Surface Warfare Center — Panama City Division, Panama City, Fla., is the contracting activity (N6133115-D-0011).
tract funds in the amount of $20,517,728 are being obligated on this award and will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. Four proposals were received for this task order. The Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Hawaii, Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii, is the contracting activity.
(T-AO 203). Work will be performed on both East and West coasts at shipyards yet to be determined. Final engine parts procured in support of this overhaul/repair work are expected to be delivered into the Military Sealift Command supply system not later than Dec. 9, 2015. Fiscal 2015 operations and maintenance funds in the amount of $9,887,447 are being obligated at the time of award and will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract was competitively procured with proposals solicited via the Federal Business Opportunities website, with one offer received. The Navy’s Military Sealift Command, Washington, D.C., is the contracting activity (N32205-15-C-3011).
Northrop Grumman Undersea Systems, Annapolis, Md., is being awarded a
27 April
Compiled by KMI Media Group staff
Insight Pacific LLC, Anaheim, Calif., is being awarded $20,517,728 for firmfixed-price task order 0004 under a previously awarded multiple award construction contract (N62478-14-D-4000) for the repair and renovation of the Air Mobility Command passenger terminal at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam. The work to be performed provides for repair of the existing facility, renovation to improve the in-bound and out-bound passenger processing, and compliance with current codes, requirements and accessibility standards. Work will be performed in Oahu, Hawaii, and is expected to be completed by March 2018. Fiscal 2015 working capital funds (transportation) con-
Coltec Industries Inc., doing business as Fairbanks Morse Engine, Beloit, Wis., is being awarded a $9,887,467 firmfixed-price contract for Man Diesel-Semt Pielstick PC4.2 diesel engine parts to support overhauls and repairs to the main propulsion diesel engines for USNS Big Horn (T-AO 198) and the USNS Laramie
| May 5, 2015 | Navy News Weekly | www.navy-kmi.com
Electric Boat Corp., Groton, Conn., is being awarded a $13,075,119 modification to previously awarded contract (N00024-13-C-2128) for procurement of Diesel Generator Set Detail Design. The contractor will be designing a diesel engine and generator in support of the Ohio Replacement Program. Work will be performed in Groton, Conn., and is scheduled to be completed by January 2017. Fiscal 2015 research and development funding in the amount of $8,000,000 will be obligated at time of award. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. The Supervisor of Shipbuilding Conversion and Repair, Groton, Conn., is the contracting activity.