Newborn Welcome Guide

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Hi there, I’m Kristen! Thank you for your interest in a newborn photography session. I hope to meet you and your little one soon! I am happily married to a very supportive husband and together we have two beautiful little girls. I have always loved photography but it wasn’t until my husband and I relocated to Charlotte in 2008 that it became more than just a hobby. After a successful career in the financial services industry I decided to pursue my passion and se launch my family and newborn photography business. I can honestly say that I love what I do and I hope that you can see that from my photos. I am a proud member of the National Association of Professional Child Photographers and recently placed in their International Image Competition. This is an honor I am truly humbled by.



ZKDW VHVVLRQ LV ULJKW IRU \RX" I offer newborn photography sessions in my studio. My studio has dreamy natural light and is perfect for newborn photos. I supply the blankets, props, hats and headbands but am happy to incorporate something special to you or your little one.

I also offer lifestyle newborn photography sessions where I come to you. I shoot a combination of the traditional posed newborn images and some candid photos of your new little family around your house. I am sure you have put a lot of thought and work into the nursery so why not capture that too?!

“ Babies are best photographed in the first 10 days of their new little lives. ” Once you decide to schedule a session with me, we will set a tentative date based on your due date. I collect a $100 deposit to hold a space on my calendar. I understand that babies rarely come when predicted and I will accommodate their personal plans for arrival. Once your baby is born, please get in touch with me and we will firm up our date and time. In general, the sooner we can schedule your session the better it will be.



SDFNDJHV DQG SULFLQJ All packages include a 3-4 hour studio* photography session, use of my props and editing of the images. Clients also receive a pre-session consultation to discuss style and colors as well as an in-person gallery viewing and ordering session. An online gallery is included for sharing, viewing and ordering.


7KH 35,17 3$&.$*( Three 8x10, Four 5x7 and Five 4x6 Prints + Twelve digital files

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All edited digital files with print release (~35 images)

$1,275 WKH ERRN SDFNDJH 8x8 Custome Designed Heirloom Quality Coffee Table Book All edited digital images with print release (~35)


Frame collections are offered in several styles and include prints and mats. Twelve digital files.




16x20 1 1/2 inch Gallery Wrap Canvas Twelve Edited Digital Images

*Add $75 for Lifestyle Sessions

EDE\ SODQV Kristen Montgomery Photography is pleased to offer First Year Baby Plans so you can capture all of the important first year milestones.



EXPS DQG EDE\ Traditional Studio Newborn Session Maternity Session (30 Minutes) Twelve Digital Images One 8x10, Two 5x7 & Three 4x6 Prints from EACH Session

EDVLF EDE\ SODQ Traditional Studio Newborn Session Six Month Mini Session (20-30 Minute Session) One Year Mini Session (30-45 Minutes) + Cake Smash 12 Digital Images, One 8x10, Two 5x7 & Three 4x6 Prints from EACH Session 10x20 Print Collage at Plan Completion


Traditional Studio Newborn Session Three Month Mini Session (20-30 Minutes) Six Month Mini Session (20-30 Minutes) Nine Month Mini Session (20-30 Minutes) One Year/Cake Smash Mini Session (30-45 Minutes) 12 Digital Images, One 8x10, Two 5x7s & Three 4x6s from EACH session 10x20 Print Collage at Plan Completion


Maternity Sessions can be added to the Basic Baby Plan or Premium Baby Plan for a discounted rate of $200 Add $75 for Lifestyle Newborn Sessions

GXULQJ \RXU VHVVLRQ Once you arrive I will give you some time in my studio to get settled. I often help new parents soothe the baby. and get them ready. Generally, I start my sessions by taking some portraits of your baby on my beanbag with blankets, wraps, hats and or headbands and then move on to props. After that we m incorporate poses with Mom, Dad and siblings. Sometimes we switch the order depending on your baby’s schedule. My focus will be to keep your baby calm and comfortable so that we can capture beautiful images. Safety is extremely important to me and I will not attempt any a pose that I don’t consider safe for your precious baby. Babies often need a break during the session to eat or be soothed back to sleep.

DIWHU \RXU VHVVLRQ Now you can go home and relax and dream about all the beautiful images that will soon be yours. I go through the images from your session and select the best. Once I have the “final cut” selected I meticulously edit each individual picture to correct any blemishes. Generally, co your images will be ready for viewing within two weeks. We will meet in person to view your images and depending on the package you have chosen, order your prints. All packages receive an online gallery for viewing, ordering and sharing. I offer everything from prints, birth announcements, canvases, frames and digital files to meet your needs.


7,36 IRU SDUHQWV Have any hats, bows, headbands, blankets, props, family heirlooms or other items you may want in the shots ready. Your baby will usually have their clothes off for most of the session so it needs to be extra warm. I generally keep the studio around 80-85 degrees and advise parents to dress accordingly. If we are shooting in your home, please be sure the room is very warm. It will be very hard to get those beautiful sleepy baby photos if your little one is cold! Feed baby approximately a half-hour before session is scheduled to begin. Make sure they are burped too. If you opted for a lifestyle session please remove all clothes and socks and swaddle your baby before you feed him or her (if possible). This will make for an easier transition once the baby is done eating. I recommend that parents bring a change of clothes in the event your baby leaves you a “present”. If you use a pacifier, please have one handy. I have nursing pillows for moms but if you have something special, please bring it. Try to be relaxed as possible the day of. I know this may seem hard given all of the instructions above but if you are anxious your baby will sense it. I am very patient and will work around your baby’s mood. My goal is to get them as comfortable and sleepy as possible! Don’t stress if your baby cries or takes a while to fall asleep in the beginning. I assure you that is the norm! I want you to enjoy your session!.



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