The Templars and the Shroud

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The Templars and the Shroud The Mystery Defined The first in a series exploring the Shroud of Turin and a possible connection with the Ancient Templars.


By Sir Knight John L. Palmer

ack in October of 2008, soon on its journey down through the centuafter I had the good sense to ac- ries. I say apparently, because I was uncept the offer to edit the maga- able to find a copy of the book printed in zine and this wonderfully interesting job, English, and my repertoire of languages I stumbled across a mystery. That mystery is limited to the southern-American vahad to do with the trials of the ancient riety of English and just enough Latin to Templars and the “recent discovery” of read a few mottos. I remembered readsome documents that may have had an ing a couple of books about the Shroud impact on Templar history as I had per- of Turin about twenty years ago and ceived it. Loving a good mystery, I decid- finding the subject very interesting, but ed to investigate and to share my findings I couldn’t remember much else, so I dewith you folks on the off chance that you also loved a good mystery. The result was a series of eleven articles during the next year, and your response was overwhelmingly positive. Toward the end of my investigation and the publishing of the series, I discovered another mystery. The same researcher who had “discovered” the lost Vatican documents and published the book about them had written another book on a totally different subject (or was it?). At any rate, Dr. Frale had published a new book about the relationship between the Shroud of Turin and the ancient Templars in which she apparently took the position that the Templars had helped to preserve the Shroud (c)1978 Barrie M. Schwortz Collection, STERA, Inc.

knight templar


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