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Crafts Americana Group
By Knitters, For Knitters Hey, we’re knitters too. We like soft, yummy yarns in rich colors. We like needles with sharp, well-tapered tips and flexible, sturdy cables. We like patterns for practical finished projects that are challenging and interesting, but never confusing. Ultimately we like to make and use things you like to make and use, and we strive to provide you with the best material available to enjoy our wondrous craft.
Margie Van Kleef Slavik
Karen Sorby-Wirth
Lauren Murray
brooke penner
Esther Yum
Lori Goldman
Elise Noel
Nicole Vaughan
Anne Baxter
Jennifer Torrel
Pat Hagle
a a
Joanne Daniels
Jane Hopper
Anna Wilson-Farrell
Samantha hall
Mary Rom
Xant DeWit
Megan Zimmer
Jaime Clem
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pau campos
Dina Fullerton
Lorraine Clarke
Fiona McClean
Elizabeth Olavarria
Casiop3a MC
Corona Holland
Chandre Nortier
Victoria Ivanova
Ashley Winfree
Natalia korgul
Annie Stewart
Butik Muslimahfashion
Michael Violette
Regina Hernández
marzieh s
Mandy Macfie
Imaka Bkk
issuu from the valley
Aubrey Turvey
Pili Abillar
Malky Waldman
Sharon Arrington