Pros and Cons of the Three Deployment Mechanisms of Pocket Knives
When it comes to the best pocket knives, people are more likely to choose spring assisted knives as their EDC. This article will analyze the three types of knife deployment mechanism that is typical for pocket knives; each of the deployment mechanism offers a different systematic ability to the wielder of the pocket knives. I am talking about the opening and deployment mechanism of the spring assisted knives; the fixed knives, and the automatic pocket knives. I will also make a brief analysis of the knife action with regards to their respective deployment mechanism.
Advantages and Disadvantages of the Automatic Knives With respect to functionality, the automatic knives work in a somewhat similar way as their counterparts, the spring assisted knives. Nonetheless, there is one crucial
factor that sets the difference between the spring assisted knives and the automatic knives; the automatic blades do not require some push/assistance to unleash their blades. All one needs to do is pressing the button with the knife taking over of what remains. There are few pros of the automatic knives, for instance, they resemble the spring assisted knives in other features, such as lightweight; single-hand deployment and use; also, their super-fast deployment mechanism. If you crave for your pocket knife to have the "cool factor'; then, the automatic blade is definitely your musthave item. Referring to the disadvantages of the automatic knives, we all know that these are banned in many states and countries. There is also the possibility of having a hard time keeping the automatic knife steadily locked. As compared to the automatic knives, the spring assisted knives are the safer option.
Advantages and Disadvantages of the Fixed Knives The simplest versions of pocket knives are the fixed-blade pocket knives. It is considered that fixed blade pocket knives are the strongest pocket knives available in the markets and online stores. As compared to partial-tang, the fixed knife with a full tang is sturdier and fully reliable. In contrast to the spring assisted knives, the fixed knives have no pivot which means that all you have to do in the hour of need is pulling out the fixed blade knife out of the knife sheath. The advantages of the fixed knives include their strength and reliability. Also, the fixed blades carry no real risk of breaking easily. The only disadvantage that I see is that these are bulkier and not as easy to carry as their folding counterparts, the spring assisted knives.
Advantages and Disadvantages of the Spring Assisted Knives In contrast to the fixed-blade knives, the spring assisted knives to have a spring mechanism that is used in their deployment mechanism. It comprises f pivots and more moving parts as well; the spring assisted knives are much popular among the survivalists due to the fact that these are compact and can be carried anywhere without catching someone's eye. In contrast to the automatic blades, the spring assisted knives are legal to carry and own in many states and countries worldwide.
One disadvantage of carrying spring assisted knives is that if something is some part of the knife is malfunctioning it might impact the whole knife mechanism.