KnowBrockville - September 2013

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The Sears National Kids Cancer Ride arrived in Brockville on Monday September 16th.

Brockville Farmers’ Market Celebrates 180th Anniversary

There was a great crowd at the Brockville Farmers’ Market for their 180 year celebration. There was FREE corn on the cob and delicious cake as well! In the above photo is four generations of Brockville Farmers’ Market vendors.

Special Olympics Brockville Baseball Tournament!

A total of 7 teams from Special Olympics Ontario were competing in the Special Olympics Brockville & Area Invitational Softball Tournament on September 7th. Everyone on each team had a blast and it is so great to see the turnout for this great yearly event! The games took place at the Royal Canadian Legion Fields in Brockville. The tournament happens each year and gives everyone a chance to enjoy themselves for the day.

Beachfest 2013 - St. Lawrence Park, Brockville

Beachfest 2013 was held at St. Lawrence Park on August 25th and there was a great turnout. There were many events including a sand castle building event and best of all it was all FREE! What a great family event. Photos were taken by one of our community photographers Lisa of Heartbeats & Beyond Photography


Welcome to the September Edition of your KnowBrockville. It has been an amazing month and I am sure there are many parents out there that are happy it is Back to School time! Although we all love our children very much it does give us a break when they do go back to school! Drivers please be aware that there are now children on their way to school both walking as well as on school buses!

Founded May 2012 by Tim Sharpe

The Month of September has been exciting for KnowBrockville as well, we were out photographing many local events as well as highlighting community members and businesses. We are also very excited about our growth.

Publisher/Designer Tim Sharpe

KnowBrockville has launched KnowKingston and our reception on social media has been huge. We are excited to being covering Kingston as we do Brockville.

Web/Social Media Manager Tim Sharpe

Do you have an upcoming event, fundraiser or even a cheque presentation then you can post it on our website and we will even arrange for one of our photographers to be there to cover your event. Also, since we have the most followed Facebook page in the area your event will be promoted on our Facebook page giving it the best possible exposure!

Brockville Ad Sales Tim Sharpe 613-803-0822 Photographer Don Corneill How To Contact Us Telephone: 613-803-0822 Email Facebook KNOWBROCKVILLE is published monthly by Just One Man Media and is distributed through various locations such as libraries, corner stores, restaurants for FREE! The contents of this publication, website and Social Media accounts are protected by copyright. Reproduction of this publication in whole or in part without prior written permission of Just One Man Media is prohibited! KnowBrockville is an independent publication and in not affiliated with, partnered with nor funded by any corporation or public interest group! Letters and submissions are most welcomed and even encouraged! This is your community newspaper devoted to celebrating the stories, lives and events of the folks that live in the Brockville area. Get involved! Let us know what is happening in and around the Brockville area. Contributors in This Issue Don Corneil Photographer

Michelle Manoll

Fitness Contribution

Shanna DaSilva

In Love With The Small Things Technology Emily Black Cover Photo Sears National Kids Cancer Ride

I love Brockville and I love sharing it with you through my small locally owned business and I invite you to also share your Brockville with us. You can send your photos, stories and announcements and we will try and include them all. Thanks for picking up your copy of KnowBrockville and supporting Brockville’s only 100% locally owned newspaper. Tim Sharpe Publisher/Owner Heart & Stroke Big Bike was in Brockville on August 27th and over $6,000 was raised by the 5 teams that rode the bike around the chosen route.

What is a serum? Do we need it? Or is it just another layer in your skin care routine? If you belong to the category of those who ignore the existence of serums, now you have the opportunity to discover and add to your daily program of skin care these innovative products that guarantee impressive results! What is a serum? Serums are thick liquid-like products with active ingredients like vitamins and anti-oxidants that are formulated with smaller molecules so they can penetrate deep into the skin. Serums are designed to ,penetrate and treat various skin conditions such as redness, dehydration or lack of firmness,wrinkles,dark spots or to brighten skin. Faster and lighter are the qualities many of us look for in a car, a laptop, and our bodies when we’re running a marathon. They’re also the prized attributes of skin care serums - light, fast-absorbing liquids used as an alternative or in addition to creams or lotions. The biggest difference between a serum and a cream or lotion is what the formulation doesn’t include. Serums leave out occlusive, or airtight, moisturizing ingredients such as petrolatum or mineral oil that keep water from evaporating. They also contain fewer lubricating and thickening agents, like nut or seed oils. Most serums are water-based, eliminating oils altogether. Cost Because active ingredients are more expensive than thickeners, serums are also the costliest product in many skin care lines. But when applied properly, a 1-ounce container of serum should last months. Many brands come in pump bottles or have medicine-dropper applicators to dispense just the tiny amount you need. Those few concentrated drops are super-efficient. Serums are made of very small molecules, so the skin absorbs them quickly and deeply. Still, serums aren’t for everyone. The liuid or gel-like texture of a serum can be a poor match for people with chronic skin conditions like eczema or rosecea which weaken the skin barrier. For these people, serums may penetrate too quickly, causing irritation. Others need the hydration that a rich day or night cream provides. So if you have dry skin, you can’t get away with using just a serum instead add-on to your skin care regimen, layered under your moisturizer. There’s a lot of benefit to serums, from smoothing fine lines to reducing age spots, this can’t be reproduced in any other formulation. I have to say that I am a true fan of serums, I love the way it makes my skin feel. In the summer I use it alone under my make up and as winter moves in and my skin is dryer I use it under my moisturizer. Don’t have time for all that? Add a small amount to your foundation, your skin will still look good and feel great and reap the benefits! Opinions expressed in this article are only opinions and are not suggestions or recommendations by Stepheny Rocks, Sears Brockville, Sears Canada, KnowBrockville or Just One Man Media!

I Am Alive Dog Rescue held a raffle in the parking lot of Giant Tiger n Brockville on September 7th. All the proceeds went directly to the dogs and helping to rescue even more dogs. Baskets were donated by PJ’s Pets, Avon’ (Pat Durant), Sharon Yeldon and Mika Olto. This amazing group will be at Giant Tiger until 4pm. Snapped in this photo is Pat, Sharon and Mika. KnowBrockville are proud sponsors and supports of I Am Alive Dog Rescue - Giving back to the community!

Alvin is here suited up and ready to play for the Ottawa Ravens at the Special Olympics Brockville & Area Invitational Softball Tournament that was held at the Royal Canadian Legion Baseball fields on Saturday September 7th.. Snapped here with Alvin is the Ravens Head Coach Tanya!

Mike and his wife Ruth were on hand at Mike’s Right to Sight BBQ being held at Hardy Park on September 1st. Mike is legally blind, but is able to see with a set of special eSight glasses that cost $9,750.. When KnowBrockville was there we were told they were at the half way point, go down to Hardy Park and support this great cause!

The annual Spiked Beach Volleyball tournament was held August 17th at Boston Pizza. Three more teams joined it this year for a total of 11 teams. All funds raised were being donated to the Brockville YMCA. This is an annual event so watch next year to register your team and join in all of the fun!

Youth Speak Written By Leigh Bursey I can’t thank you all enough for joining me here once again this month. I’ve really enjoyed this experience, and it is about to take another interesting turn since the recap of the 2012 Brockville and Area Youth Questionnaire has been completed, and now I am being asked to provide an analysis of area youth challenges, without a safety-net of source material to pull quotations and statistics from. Now, I am shooting from the hip, hoping to keep it interesting and hoping to keep it relevant. So here goes nothing. As a proud Brockville resident, city councilor, volunteer coordinator, community talk show host, and activist, I meet people from all walks of life. I go into classrooms and speak to hundreds of students from every economic background, every common ideology, and every type of unimaginable challenge. And no matter what perils they face, what drama their daily lives are intertwined with, or what sadness they carry - they inspire me. Speaking to area youth about changing the world is what I love to do. So much so that I recently published a book of some of the essays I have written about those experiences, called Born To Build A Castle. I settled on that name because that is exactly what I was born to do. It’s what each of us is born to do. Build our own unique castle to the stars. Travel our own journeys, find our own paths, and build a better world. These youth reinforce this principle with every single visit I make to their schools. As a former volunteer coordinator with the Volunteer Centre of St. Lawrence-Rideau, I worked hand in hand with area youth, recruiting them for volunteer activities, attempting to inspire them with my own journey, and building connections with them on a variety of different levels. Most notably, I have spent the last two years coordinating the Change The World youth volunteer challenge through the Ontario government. And through that experience, I have literally talked with, worked with, and volunteered with thousands of area youth on a mountain of meaningful projects and initiatives. And in an effort to inspire them, they have instead inspired me. And continue to every single time I stand in front of them and speak. We have to remind our youth that the challenges they face, which may be unlike anything we have had to face in our childhoods, also present them with incredible opportunities. Many of us did not have a social network to share ideas, to grow, to teach, and to learn from. We must encourage them to use this power for good. Each cell phone in a classroom of thirty students is a gateway to hundreds of contacts, memories, obstacles, and stories. Each morning our youth attend a small convention centre of brilliant (and sometimes defiant) resiliency. Each school day, our youth are surrounded by those that like them, will inherit our triumphs and mistakes. Not only are we responsible to nurture a positive atmosphere (free of discrimination) for them to grow and learn in, but we are also responsible to make sure that we include them in the discussions that directly affect their futures. As a young person in this community, finding meaningful employment can be a challenge. I got lucky. But even as a city councillor, I can attest that everyone in my demographic that I have ever loved, desired, bonded with, or respected has left my city behind. Some have returned. Many have not. This is a sad fact, and one that keeps me awake at night. One that motivates me to make my community better for them to return to.

South eastern Ontario has been hit hard by downturns in our economy. As we shift towards a more service-based region, and move away from manufacturing and some of the well paying jobs of seasons past, we must be vigilant that economic challenges breed anguish for families. It is not only the dollar signs that hurt in our economy, it is the households that struggle, and the youth that grow up in need. But while we turn a blind eye to many of our neighbours’ challenges, hoping to shape the world in our own way, and isolate ourselves to our nine to fives, many times it is our young people who are tasked with standing for a cause, picking up the pieces, and using their innocence and enthusiasm to trumpet a purpose greater than any of us realize. Case in point, the recent Walk Against Poverty held by the students of St. Mary Catholic High School. I was lucky enough to take part in this initiative, and count it towards the ChangeTheWorld challenge. I walked hand in hand with this excited crowd of beautiful and thoughtful students who for one afternoon were the voice of so many in our community who are voiceless. We are all stronger, and better for their hope. The world is a better place for their enthusiasm. With a little elbow grease, and a little more attention to the challenges that can’t always be seen and quantified, maybe we can begin to heal and build, and prosper for those of us who aren’t strong enough to do it on their own. This is a lesson you can’t learn in a classroom, or at most work settings. But it is one you can learn from the gifted and powerful minds and hearts of students right here in our community. They are already changing the world. We have no excuse. We just have to open our eyes, and let hope in.

Brockville’s own 12 year old Liam Kendel headed back to school with a difference this fall. That difference is that Liam is attending Canada’s National Ballet School in Toronto on a full one year scholarship. Established in 1959, Canada’s National Ballet School is one of the world’s foremost training institutions for aspiring young dancers and teachers. Attracting students from across the country and around the world, NBS is the only ballet academy in North America to provide elite dance training, academic instruction and residential care on the same campus. The School’s progressive curriculum, with its emphasis on the physical and emotional well-being of the student, has put NBS at the forefront of dance training internationally. Liam is a former dance student of Sam Crosby at the Bread of Life Dance Theatre (BOLDT). Later this year Liam will be performing in the National Ballet of Canada’s production of The Nutcracker this December. KnowBrockville is proud to have featured such a talented young person from our great city.

An amazing 174 people and teams came out to Brockville’s part in the 33rd Annual Terry Fox run that was held at Thousand Islands Secondary School in Brockville on Sunday September 15th. The TISS Cross Country Track team also took part in the Terry Fox run for Cancer Research. There was also a prepared bbq waiting for the participants when the finished the run. There was many level of participants from skilled runners to individuals that walked the route, they were all welcomed and greatly appreciated. KnowBrockville was told by Pam Russell one of the organizers that the Brockville Terry Fox run had raised a little over $16,000 which is truly amazing way to go Brockville!

Technology in our Classrooms Written By Emily Black Every year as kids we dreaded the end of the summer. As August came to a close we start thinking about going back to school. With all the books, classes, reading, essays, tests and homework on our minds, the idea of back to school shopping was the only bright side. For me, going back to school was made exciting by the idea of the new technology I would get to use. Whether it was learning how to write my own programming, develop my own photography, or use the Internet to look up new knowledge I couldn’t find before. These days, technology plays such a large part not only in our day to day lives, but also in how kids are taught and experience the world. In this article I am going to focus on the two main reasons why parents and students make a trip to Future Shop an important part of back to school shopping. Laptops are not just needed to write a paper anymore, these days’ students are expected to put together impactful media presentations --words, video, pictures and music together in a multimedia presentation designed to draw in your audience. Students need a laptop powerful enough to handle multi-tasking, and light enough to carry around. If you are looking to buy for a student some things to consider are the processor, video card, and the new features that take full advantage of Windows 8. Some features I look for when a laptop comes in new to Future Shop, or when helping a customer, are a quick responsive touch screen, amazing sound, and backlit keyboard. Tablets are no longer just something we see in an episode of Star Trek. Everywhere you go you see people doing their banking, talking to family, or conducting business on these wonderful pieces of portable technology. Recently, I had a young couple come into Future Shop and tell me that they needed an tablet for their son going into Junior Kindergarten. While this may seem outrageous to some, I see a great move in the shaping of young minds. Tablets give you the ability to download apps to help with learning math, spelling, writing and problem solving. Lots of schools have tablets for students to share, but providing one for your own child will give them a powerful edge this school year. While conventional learning from books and reading is still there and needed, we cannot ignore that technology has made its way into the classroom. It is important for us to embrace this as a society and get excited about what is next. From my perspective, young people now have the ability to be more aware of the world around them than we ever were, and that is exciting. Have a tech question? E-mail me! I will answer the most popular questions here, along with new information about our tech world.

LEEDS AND GRENVILLE— Girls Incorporated of Upper Canada is happy to accept a donation from Scotiabank King Street Branch for our 2nd Annual Fascinating Afternoon Fundraiser held on August 18th at Maplehurst Manor. With the support of a great event team, generous attendees and sponsors, and our partnership with Scotiabank the event was a great success for Girls Inc. programs that inspire all girls to be strong, smart, & bold! The event featured signature cocktails, British tea fare, memento photographs, live music, silent auction and door prizes. Guests heard the inspiring story of 12 year old McKenna Modler. While fighting brain cancer, this very special and incredibly well-spoken young woman has taught many people lessons about life, hope, and generosity. Featured in this photo from right to left is Scotiabank King Street Branch Manager Nancy Lemaire, Jamie LaSalle, Girls Inc. Executive Director Karen McDonald-Hurley, Owner of Isis Dress for Special Occasions Suzanne Guild and JoAnne Wiekamp. Girls Incorporated of Upper Canada is a non-profit organization dedicated to inspiring all girls to be strong, smart and bold. Through programs that promote education, leadership, sports, health and self-esteem, Girls Inc. has empowered millions of girls internationally to be the best that they can be; to say, “I Can.”

New Hope Children’s Centre - Loving the unloved in our society Uplands, Kenya Africa

Owning and publishing my own newspaper comes with many benefits one of which recently was the opportunity I had to meet a very inspirational lady from Kenya Africa. Anne Chege, Director of the New Hope Children’s Centre Orphanage from Uplands Kenya Africa is in Brockville until October. Anne is here in Brockville to raise much needed funds but just as important awareness about her orphanage back in her own community. The orphanage is home to over 130 children, New Hope Children’s Centre is dedicated to lifting orphans out of poverty and ignorance, and giving them the help they need to find a better future ... or perhaps more simply said, to find HOPE. New Hope Children’s Centre – Uplands is a registered charitable Children’s Home dedicated to lifting orphaned children out of poverty and ignorance, and giving them hope for a better future. Our concern is to show love and kindness to them, but more especially (by God’s grace) to help them ‘know God and Jesus Christ whom He hath sent’. The Home is situated at Githuya Area, Uplands (about 42Km from Nairobi) along the Nairobi-Nakuru Highway – near the View-Point of the Escarpment overlooking the Great Rift Valley. The orphanage’s objectives are: - To take care of orphans, bringing them up in the fear of God through the Christian faith, helping them to know Jesus Christ as their Lord & Saviour. - To promote self-reliance in the child by providing training and experiences that will help them excel in life. - To build the child’s social responsibility so that they may give back to the community and make the world a better place. - To strive to become an independent and self-sustaining entity. The home offers basic necessities in life i.e. food, shelter, clothing, education (up to high school). Children wishing to pursue further education may do so, subject to the availability of funds. Others will be encouraged to take some training of their interest. About Their Children We admit destitute orphan children without a home, or who are living with guardians who are unable to take care of them due to extreme poverty or physical disability. However, dire cases of poverty may also be considered. Today there are over 130 children in the Home, who hail from the following areas: Lari Division, Banana-Kiambaa, Murang’a, Limuru, Nyeri, Gatundu, Nairobi, Kiambu, Kinangop, Ol Kalou, Nyandarua, Samburu. How Is The Home Funded? The Home relies solely on the benevolence and generosity of individual/corporate well wishers for its survival. Any help (in cash or in kind) is highly appreciated.

How did the home begin? Mr. & Mrs. Chege (formerly employees of Bank of Baroda & Barclays Bank respectively) brought up, in their home, several orphans and destitute children together with their four children. They later on left employment and went into full-time ministry, as volunteers in service of the Most High God. Their children too assist in this work. The Home was officially opened on 16th April 2000 with Mr. & Mrs. Chege as the Directors of the Home. At present, Mr. & Mrs. Chege run the Home as full-time volunteers, assisted by 12 staff and a committee of 9 members. Occasionally volunteers from the local community and abroad do come to assist. Anne is setup in the 1000 Islands Mall at press time selling handcrafted items from her own community back in Africa. I personally looked at the items and you cannot match the quality anywhere else. The detail and work that goes into these items is simply amazing. So please come out on September 20, 28 & 29 and support Anne’s efforts to raise the much needed funds. For details on Anne’s work and her orphanage please feel free to visit their website located at or you can email Anne at

The Brockville Braves held their season opener on Friday September 6th. Former Braves two time CCHL Defenceman of the Year, Doug Andress and son R.J. drop puck for ceremonial face off. RIGHT PHOTO Bev Franklin picked up her Sears $50 gift card, $20 Tootsies Shoe store gift card plus a pair of Brockville Braves tickets

PHOTO ON THE LEFT In this photo are the lovely ladies from the Cosmetics Department in Sears Brockville. This photo was taken during the second edition of “KnowBrockville Day” at Sears Brockville. KnowBrockville Day is a partnership between your KnowBrockville and Sears Brockville. It is a monthly event that will see followers of KnowBrockville on Facebook having a chance to win a great gift basket. For September Pam Tanney won an Estee Lauder gift basket valued at more than $300.00. Please watch our Facebook page for details about our upcoming October “KnowBrockville Day”.

On September 5th, 26 riders began the journey in Vancouver BC and riding approximately 220kms per day they will complete this epic journey in Halifax on Saturday Sept. 21st. The financial goal for the ride is $1,500,000. Riders have been and continue to be joined by riders in the communities that they visit. Sears Brockville had a great event to welcome the riders at their store. They had a great fundraising BBQ, face painting, games and more fun! The Brockville Fire Department had a couple of trucks on location as well. It is estimated that approximately 10,000 children are impacted by Cancer and it is Sears Canada goal to help with research to bring these numbers down. All proceeds raised goes towards funding research and support in hopes that we may one day be able to avoid Cancer in children.

On September 16th Breaad of Life Dance Theatre had a visit by Meagan O’Shea. Meagan is the owner of “Stand Up Dance” in Toronto. Meagan was showing some great moves to the competitive dance students in Sam Crosby’s dance school. Meagan has received great reviews in her career including “O’Shea is a rugged individualist” by Paula Citron of Classical 96Fm. Meagan O’Shea’s work fuses contemporary dance, improvisation and storytelling with visual spectacle to create innovative performances. Her innate playfulness combined with a curiosity for content and a rigor in performance practice generate work that is accessible and provocative.

The Brockville General Hospital (BGH) Garden Street Site held a very successful garage sale on September 7th, raising over $2500 for the Garden Street Site (GSS) Patient Fund. The GSS Patient Fund supports patient activities for patients through the purchase of bingo prizes, payment of entertainers’ fees, or assistance for costs incurred on bus excursions into the community. Attending one of the seasonal barbeques also held to generate funds for the Patient Fund are (l – r) Sherry Anderson, Director of the GSS programs; David Bessant, President of the BGVA; Tom Hanson, BGH staff; and Earl Dixon, BGVA volunteer.

WATERFRONT CONDO. Enjoy the view of the river while watching sunrises, sunsets and the activity of the St.Lawrence Seaway. 2 Bedroom, Low Condo Fees, Elevator. Kitchen all new cabinets and granite sink/appliances. $164,900 MLS 874061

258 Churchill Road, Prescott 1.5 Storey Home with 2 upstairs bedrooms. Large corner lot. Newer windows, heat pump for furnace, and electrical. $119,900 MLS 875875

North and South, protected, deep waterfront. Cottage is rustic, but comfortable. Enjoy all the St. Lawrence River has to offer. 45 Minutes to Ottawa. Minutes to the International Bridge. Large Storage Shed on South portion. Lots of room for parking. $199,000 MLS # 883651

Wonderful Large Family Bungalow. Rural Location. Large Lot. Only a short drive to all amenities and highways. 3 Bedrooms, 1 1/2 bath, Basement finished with kitchenette, walk in entrance from Garage. Family Room and Rec Room. 1 1/2 Car attached garage. $269,900 MLS 875887

PRESCOTT 545 Duke Street. Quiet Neighbourhood, walking distance to all amenities, included Fort Wellington, arenas, and the Prescott Golf Club. Want a lovely bungalow? This back split is deceiving in size. 3 Bedrooms, 1 Bath. CALL for your private showing NOW. MLS # 861642

Century Farmhouse, Fully renovated. MLS #866996 Price $149000. On well travelled road, 2 bedroom farmhouse, with 25 acres of mixed wood. Hobby Farm? Horses? Small farm? ATV? Call me, will not last.

BRINSTON Henderson Rd. Large Corner lot with stately century home. Beautifully renovated, with all open concept main floor living area. Kitchen has lovely finishes. Bath is large with Sunken Claw Tub, Large Shower stall, and double antique vanity. Balcony and Front Porch. MLS # 864611

Large spacious home with 3 bedrooms, seasonal riverview of the St. Lawrence. Walkiing distance to the historical 1812 Battle of Windmill site, Minutes from Prescott. . Bright rooms, spacious kitchen and bedrooms. Large family room, separate dining area. Well Maintained. New Flooring. $249,900 MLS 88082

Waterfront 2 bedroom townhouse. Completely renovated. spacious kitchen. PRESCOTT PLACE. Affordable condo fees at $285 mthly. Minutes to all the town’s historical sites, short walk to Harbour. $159,900 MLS 880200

PRESCOTT 991 Mackenzie Rd. Large Semi Detached. NEW TO MARKET. 4 Bedrooms, Large Living area. Inground pool. Hot Tub. Fenced yard. 40 Minutes to Ottawa. Walking distance to all schools, and shopping. Perfect for growing family. MLS #871168

Wonderful established business franchise. Business only. Please inquire for more information. Purchase includes all fixtures, equipment, signage, office equipment and territory. MLS # 875587 Price $40,000.

PRESCOTT 919 Mackenzie Rd. Brick 2 Storey Semi Detached. Many renovations. Lovely finishing, and custom paint. 4 Bedroom, 1 Bath. Large backyard. Minutes to the #401 and the International Bridge. Walk to golf, water sports, gym, shopping, schools and churches. Not through road. MLS#871406


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