Knowledge 78 in full

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For the residents of Filwood, and parts of

Knowle & Windmill Hill


Knowle West Fest p.9 Daniel’s X Factor journey p.7 Plans for old cinema building p.3 Awards for green spaces p.5


THANKS TO: the Newsletter Steering Group and Knowle West Media Centre (Sue Mackinnon - Editor and Community Journalism Tutor, Bart Blazejewski - Designer). All articles express the views of individual contributors and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the Steering Group or KWMC.

A word from us This edition we’ve been pleased so many of you have been writing for us – from supplying recipes to columns and opinion pieces – with some of our younger contributors under 18. We’ve recently revamped our website where you can find longer versions of many of our stories and regular news items between editions. Take a look at There are always people living or involved in the area achieving great things. If you’ve been watching Daniel Quick’s X Factor journey (p.7) you’ll realise how well he did to get so far out of thousands of hopefuls from across the UK. Others making waves are Noah Marshall (16) from Knowle Boxing Club, Runner Up at the England National Youth Championships (p.6) and Chad Bartley who converted a garden shed to run his pasta delivery business. (p.4). A number of groups and organisations working on local green spaces have also been recognised at the RHS It’s Your Neighbourhood Awards (p.5). New housing seems to be another theme and we’ve updates on local developments (p.2 and 3) - and Knowle West’s very own transportable home (p.9 and 17). As we go into 2018 - if you want to take up something new or get fitter or healthier – there are plenty of activities to help you. Look at our Health Page or Dates for Your Diary. Wishing all our readers a happy Christmas and New Year.

Sue Mackinnon Editor Get in touch: Call: 117 903 0444 Email: Write to us at KWMC, Leinster Avenue, Bristol BS4 1 NL

Next issue next issue:

Copy deadline: Friday 26 January Newsletter delivered from: Monday 26 February

South Bristol housing scheme

New homes and health centre in Marksbury Road

South Bristol communities are being invited to have their say on plans for two large-scale residential development sites at Hengrove Park and Hartcliffe Campus. A series of events until May 2018 will be a chance for local people to find out more information and give feedback. Bristol City Council allocated £1.8m in March to progress to the next stage of development - which could deliver affordable homes alongside a new public park. The consultation events will be held at Hengrove Leisure Centre. The next ones are: Round 2 Public Consultation Exhibition – Thursday 7 December, 3 -7pm and Saturday 9 December, 10am - 2pm. Public exhibition of outline planning applications: Hartcliffe Campus Masterplan – Feb/March 2018 and Hengrove Park Masterplan – April/May 2018. For updates visit:

Seventy-five new houses and a health centre are currently being built on the site of the old college in Marksbury Road – with the first homes ready by New Year. There will be a mix of one, two, three and four bedroom homes – with 36 going to Sovereign Housing Association and the rest sold on the open market by Linden Homes. They are all due for completion by autumn 2018. Marksbury Road Health Centre is due to be finished by summer 2018. It will include an on-site pharmacy, as well as 20 different consulting rooms for treatments and minor operations. The Wedmore practice in St John’s Lane will be moving to the new site to offer patients improved facilities. The build is part of the regeneration project which has included the new Oasis Academy school. To view impressions of the houses search Malago Linden Homes.

Temple Gate works Work is currently underway to remodel the Temple Circus roundabout near Temple Meads station. The work will mean changes to how people travel to and through the area – both during construction and when the scheme is completed. For information visit www.bristoltemple For enquiries email

Pharmacy consultancy Residents are being invited to have their say on pharmacy services in the region to make sure they are meeting the needs of local people. Anyone who uses these services can comment by completing an online survey until 27 November. Visit

Universal Credit Universal Credit will be rolled out next year to Filwood residents. Local organisations are working together to look at what can be done to ease any issues this may cause. For guidance on advance funds visit: universal-credit-advances


New Neighbourhood Manager for south Bristol Avon and Somerset Police has a new Neighbourhood Manager for South Bristol based at Broadbury Road Police Station. Inspector Paul Bolton-Jones replaces Nigel Colston - who was in the role for six years but is now Area Commander for South Bristol. Insp Bolton-Jones started his career in the Metropolitan Police in 1993 and transferred to Avon and Somerset in 2000 where he was posted to Broadbury Road for three years. He knows Filwood well having returned in 2012 for another three years after being promoted to Sergeant and later Inspector. He says: “I’m pleased to be back. I consider South Bristol to be the best area to police in the city, as there is such a strong sense of community.” (See police report p 4).

‫@‏ ‏‬wood5y a few years ago, some of us did suggest cable cars from Knowle West to other parts of the city...

Work underway at Filwood Park

News Plans to bring old Filwood Broadway cinema into use Local councillors have been carrying out a survey about plans to bring the old cinema building and derelict former garage site on Filwood Broadway into use. There are proposals to put a temporary moveable building on the disused site next to the cinema - which would be a factory and learning centre for apprentices. This would partly manufacture new modular housing – an example of which is the new ‘TAM’ building at Filwood Community Centre – to help address the current housing crisis. Filwood councillors Chris Jackson and Jeff Lovell have been consulting residents living in all the surrounding streets about the plans to “provide jobs and opportunities on the site.” The old cinema is in a bad state of repair and has been found to contain asbestos – so they say the only option is to turn it into a storage centre. Cllr Jackson said: “We are at the very initial stage and have knocked on 240 doors and delivered 350 letters…” Over 200 people took the survey and no-one wanted houses on the site because they felt the cinema was a community building. The councillors stress there would be very little noise when the temporary factory is put up - and it could be constructed within a day. To comment on the plans email cllr. or write to Councillor Chris Jackson, City Hall, Bristol BS1 5TR.

Spending a penny in Filwood Broadway With public toilets being closed across Bristol – Community Reporter Kerrie Nicholson looks at where you can go in Filwood Broadway if you get caught short…


egeneration work at Filwood Park has reached an early milestone - with construction of new homes due to start on site in November. A total of 150 homes are being built - consisting of two, three and four bedroom houses and two bedroom appartments which will be on sale from April 2018. The land, owned by the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA), was formerly the site of support building for the old Bristol (Whitchurch) Airport. Current work includes creating access roads from Creswicke Road and Filwood Park Lane (off Hengrove Way). The plans include a number of ramps to be installed for traffic calming, following concern from local residents it could become a rat run. Developer Barratt Homes says the housing will overlook parkland at the heart of the development with “plenty of room for the children’s play area and paths for walkers and runners”. There will be a park hub building for residents to hold activities with a kitchenette that could be used to serve tea and coffee to park users and staff. To view images visit: and search for Filwood Park.

Council cuts

MetroBus – works on time

Bristol City Council will be looking at plans to cut local libraries and lollipop patrols on 4 December. A council spokesperson said “the results and the recommendations” from recent consultations would be presented to Cabinet. Of the city’s 27 libraries, 17 could be axed as part of a raft of measures to save over £4.7m in the next three years. In the “Your Neighbourhood” public consultation people were asked to choose from three options, with Marksbury Road Library under threat in all three, Filwood could close under option 1 which saves Knowle. Half of the city’s 80 lollipop patrols could be cut - including at Christ the King, Oasis Academy Connaught and Knowle Park Primary. Under the plans all the city’s 18 public toilets look set for closure. A protest rally took place in the centre of Bristol on Saturday 9 September.

The construction phase of the Metrobus works on Hartcliffe Way has been completed on time – but services won’t start running until next year. MetroBus is a rapid public transport system which uses segregated busways and bus lanes. After 10 months of congestion, Hartcliffe Way re-opened to traffic in both directions. A section of Parson Street has been widened to improve the flow of traffic. There are also new traffic signals and the removal of the right turn from Hartcliffe Way into Parson Street to improve safety for pedestrians and the flow of traffic travelling into the city. The first MetroBus services will start operating in early 2018 from Long Ashton Park and Ride to Bristol Temple Meads and the city centre. A second phase of MetroBus services will launch later in 2018. Visit

Filwood Community Centre has toilets by the hall which people can use. There’s also a small disabled toilet by the Community in Partnership Knowle West (CIPKW) office where people can use a key or ask Centre Manager June McNeil (until 4pm) to open it.

Filwood Library – doesn’t have a public toilet but people attending groups can use it and pre-school age children.

Filwood Hope has one toilet which the public can use. It’s open every week day morning from 9.30am - 1pm.

@KWestFuture is having a community statement for developers to see about what community wants from #Knowle West #regeneration a good one? Let us know.

Other shops say they would make a judgement call – or send the person to Filwood Community Centre or Filwood Hope. Full story


Your community

Ted retires Ted Bowden has worked tirelessly in the area for many years – and recently retired from Community in Partnership Knowle West (CIPKW) due to ill health. Ted (80) was on the CIPKW board for over ten years and says one of his highlights was “getting Filwood Community Centre going again”. He also helped start Inns Court Residents Association (ICRA) under the umbrella of the Neighbourhood Watch of which he was Chair for 12 years. He resigned when he became ill three years ago and the organisation folded as no-one else wanted to take the role. He says of his work in the community: “I enjoyed every minute of it. I enjoyed the camaraderie and the neighbourliness. “At ICRA – people used to phone me up if something was going on and I’d phone police headquarters. Crime went right down and police used to go round singularly and knew they could knock on my door any time to get a cup of tea.” Other favourite moments were the CIPKW Hearts and Stars award ceremonies for volunteers in the community – where both ICRA and Ted received awards for their work. Ted is pleased the Inns Court Residents Group has been set up this year, supported by the police, and has been attending meetings. He says “You never know, ICRA might be able to start up again – as we’ve now found a new Chair.”

Police Report: By Inspector Paul Bolton-Jones We continue to work hard to reduce the harm caused by drugs in your community - as the recent jailing of two drug dealers demonstrates. A 31-year-old man from Wells Road in Knowle was sentenced to five years in September, after being convicted of possession with intent to supply heroin and cocaine, as well as carrying a knife in public.



'Drop the Knife' campaign

campaign to help tackle knife crime across the region has been started by a local Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator. Les Bowen (80) wanted to do something under the project Our Community Cares – involving the Neighbourhood Watch Association and Avon and Somerset Police. He came up with the idea when talking with his friend Keith Smith as they were concerned about rising knife crime. Together they devised a poster “Drop the Knife and Save a Life” which Keith illustrated – and took it before Avon and Somerset Police. Now with the full backing of the police, the poster will go in venues across the force area, including libraries, social clubs and community centres. Les explains: “I’ve always cared about the community. Every time you get up in the morning you read that someone else somewhere has been stabbed. “This is not a political - it’s a community thing and we want to get the message out…If it can save a life it’s worth it or if it just has someone think ‘I won’t take my knife with me’…”

Crime Commissioner to attend Inns Court Residents Group A group set up to tackle low level crime and antisocial behaviour in Inns Court is to receive a visit from Police and Crime Commissioner Sue Mountstevens. Inns Court Residents Group has been active for just three months and meets with PC Ben Blackmore from the Filwood Neighbourhood team to raise any concerns. At time of going to press Ms Mountstevens was due to attend a meeting on 13 November to answer any questions. Since the group was established A 21-year-old man from Wallingford Road in Filwood was also sentenced in September to 30 months in prison for dealing heroin and cocaine. He was arrested earlier that month after being seen to deal in the alleyway behind Creswicke Road. These cases are great results not just for the vulnerable people they were targeting but the wider

Avon and Somerset Police have run operations to place knife surrender bins in police stations, including Broadbury Road. Chief Inspector Zoe Chegwyn, force lead for knife crime said: “…Every knife surrendered is one less knife out on the street where they can, and do, cause serious harm. "…It’s fantastic to see communities taking ownership of issues like this, so we fully support the Drop the Knife campaign.” Full story this summer, residents have worked with the police to monitor speeding around Inns Court using a speed gun. Anti-social behaviour has also reduced dramatically for those who have reported issues affecting them directly. PC Ben Blackmore said: “… As a group we have achieved so much but will continue to do our best to improve the local area. The group is open to all Inns Court residents so please come along to our meetings to have your say about your area.” The next meetings are at Holy Cross Church, Inns Court on 13 November and 11 December, 12pm – 1pm and evening meetings 20 November and 18 December, 6pm – 7pm. community who simply don’t want the intimidation, drug use and litter in their neighbourhoods. Local people have a crucial role to play in letting us know what’s going on where, so we can target our patrols and operations effectively. If you don’t want to talk to the police, you can contact Crimestoppers anonymously, by calling 0800 555 111.

@WeCanMake_ P 4 In case you missed it! Nice article in @bristol247 on the #WeCanMake project. #affordablehousing #ukhousing #TAM …

Awards for local green spaces

Your community

Funding to learn about local wildlife sites The Northern Slopes will be part of a new project to reveal some of Bristol’s hidden spaces for wildlife - supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund. The My Wild City is being led over four years by Avon Wildlife Trust in partnership with Bristol City Council. It will link with communities near eight local wildlife sites across the city – including the Filwood-based Northern Slopes, Hengrove Mounds and Dundry Slopes. At a time when council funding will be cut for parks maintenance by 2019 – the project will give local people the chance to learn more about their green spaces and how to protect them for the future. Avon Wildlife Trust will restore and improve these sites over the four years. The Heritage Lottery Fund has earmarked £457, 500 of funding and awarded a £41,500 development grant so the project plans can progress. Chair of the Northern Slopes Initiative NSI Chair Bob Franks said: “…We look forward to working with the two organisations and others to ensure the positive things we want to do on the Slopes, to enable this nature reserve to remain an inspirational green space for people and wildlife.” Avon Wildlife Trust will be running guided walks and family days at each site from 2018. They are looking for people to get involved to learn how to spot wildlife and look after the habitats. Contact matt.collis@avonwildlifetrust. Full story

Launch of Redcatch Community Garden Redcatch Community Garden officially opened in October – with a launch party to celebrate how far it has come in just eight months. The garden – on the site of the disused bowling green in Redcatch Park – started as a seed of an idea from Knowle West gardener Steve Griffiths earlier this year. Together with a group of volunteers – they have created a thriving project. Roots Café is now open serving teas, coffees and cakes - with plans to sell food made from fruit and vegetables grown on site. There’s a building for


ocal groups and organisations have scooped awards in this year’s RHS South West in Bloom awards for their green spaces. The results for the seven local entrants in the It’s Your Neighbourhood scheme were:

Green Gym members with their award.

Northern Slopes Level 5 Outstanding Let’s Grow Community Allotment Level 5 Outstanding Andy’s Haven Level 5 Outstanding Bramble Farm Level 4 Thriving Parson Street Railway Station Level 2 Improving Friends of Redcatch Park Level 5 Outstanding Community of Perrett’s Park Level 5 Outstanding education courses, a polytunnel and produce and plants are sold six days a week. Steve says: “We wanted to say a big thank you to all our funders and volunteers that have supported us. The event has gone really well, a lot of people and their families have turned up…” Chair of Friends of Redcatch Park Sue Davies cut the ribbon to declare the garden open.

Picture by Tina Badley Visitors were able to buy produce, sample organic food and take part in activities including apple pressing, willow weaving and wood turning. Hannah Mactaggart (28) came to the event with husband Rory and eight-month-old son Rex. She said: “…I think it’s great because apart from this there’s nothing in this park…I want to learn some gardening skills as I’m quite new to that.” Redcatch Community Garden is open 9-4pm from Monday to Saturday. For more information about courses and activities visit Facebook@redcatchcommunitygarden

The Northern Slopes Initiative (NSI) a group of volunteers which manages the Slopes said they were delighted to win an Outstanding for the first time. NSI Chair Bob Franks said: “We’re over the moon. It shows the hard work of all the volunteers, in particular the Green Gym which meets on Thursdays and keeps it going.” The Northern Slopes, Redcatch Park and Victoria Park have also been nominated in the Fields in Trust UK’s Best Park – with results to be announced on 29 November.

New community gardener for Health Association Knowle West Health Association (KWHA) has a new community gardener who has just started working on their site at Springfield Allotments. Fleur Handley takes over from Steve Griffiths and has a wide range of experience, having volunteered at Windmill Hill City Farm gardens and Bath Botanical Gardens. She has also run a plot to plate café, been a gardener and farm worker in France and Head Gardener at Kaama Kethna, an ecological yoga resort in India. She says: "I am very excited and happy to be KWHA's new Community Gardener as I will be joining an inspiring team who actively help the local community to build stronger connections amongst themselves whilst promoting mental and physical wellbeing. “I have always been a keen gardener and truly believe in the therapeutical benefits of being outdoors and gardening so to be involved in such a project of providing the community with a green, peaceful and productive space is very motivating for me." * KWHA is currently looking for volunteers at Springfield Allotments. Contact Stacey Thompson on 0117 963 9569.

@SouthBrisRocks‬ Such a lovely atmosphere at the launch party for ‪@Redcatch_Garden‬ it’s on til 5pm with tons to see, eat and do

Another young champion for Knowle Boxing Club

Your community

By Community Reporter Kerrie Nicholson

Conor Ben at the launch of new Filwood shop Fans turned out in force to meet professional boxer Conor Benn – who came to help launch the new Fight n Fit boxing shop on Filwood Broadway. Dubbed “The Destroyer” because of his explosive punching power, Conor (20), who competes at welterweight is the son of British former world champion boxer Nigel Benn. He was invited to the grand opening of the Knowle West store in September by owners Rob Dent and Martin Davis.

Rob said: “We’re so excited … you don’t usually get this in the community. Kids would only ever see him on TV and the only shops that hold signings are usually big shops…” Conor – who arrived in a white Mercedes – happily posed for pictures with fans in the shop before signing photos of himself. He told The Knowledge: “I haven’t been here before and it’s great to see the love I get here. When I’m in training I normally shut myself off...” Fight n Fit sells anything to do with boxing – from equipment and fitness supplements to signed memorabilia. Knowle West resident Shaun Lock (30) came to meet Conor with his nine-year-old son Shaun and had a picture taken with the champion. (See picture above) He said: “We came along because we both box … it’s a great sport and it’s all about the technique and discipline, it also helps with your mood and lifts your spirits up.” Fight n Fit is based at 41 Filwood Broadway, Knowle West.

Carol leaves Health Association after 25 years She’s been dubbed “part of the Knowle West Mafia”– challenging officials to get things done for the area.



oxing has always been a huge part of Knowle West’s heritage - and a local club is continuing to build on its success producing local champions. Knowle Boxing Club has been based at Filwood Community Centre for the past 26 years, run by former boxers Bobby Jones and Neil McDonnell. The club caters for both children and adults, with ages ranging from seven to 40 and has had several successful boxers pass through its doors. The latest is sixteen-year-old Noah Marshall who this year achieved Runner Up at the England National Youth Championships. Noah, a regular since he was eight, is currently studying sport at Filton College and also plays rugby for The Academy. He says: “I felt proud, I was nervous at first and didn’t expect to get that far. We’re not a very big club so bringing back a silver medal gave a boost to the club…” Other former champions from the club include Richard O’Connor,

Now after 25 years as Chair of Knowle West Health Association (KWHA) Carol Casey has stepped down – but will be continuing to battle for the community. She says: “I’m still Independent Advisor for the police… And I’m also still supporting drug addicts on a one-to-one basis but from home.” She recalls how KWHA was set up after the death of a child from glue sniffing. Based at the back of re:work, it started with only two staff – a development worker and an admin. “We did wellbeing activities and women’s mental health. We also used to do the carnival and get the different floats and it used to go all around the estate…” The organisation moved to Filwood Community Centre eight years ago starting cooking classes and taking on an allotment. It’s been at its current site on Filwood Broadway since 2014. Carol is proud she set up a domestic violence support service there and that KWHA had the first Ofsted registered crèche in Knowle West.

Young England and Schoolboy runner up, Lee Cotterill, Schoolboy Champion and Luke Clayfield Schoolboy and Junior runner up in the Great Britain Championships. Bobby (58), who boxed for England from 1977-85 believes the club’s success is a combination of motivation, discipline - and keeping the area’s heritage going. He says: “There have been so many boxers in Knowle and families want to keep the tradition going…It gives them respect for the community they have been brought up in and saves them from hanging about on the streets…” Knowle Boxing Club holds sessions on Mondays from 7.30-8.30pm. Contact Bobby Jones on 0777 577 3686. Full story She cites one of her highlights as: “The people that used to come in for the classes and the Friendship Group … “ Another was when KWHA won the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Services in 2010 and she visited the palace for the ceremony.

Within the community Carol’s been just as active - from helping set up charity re:work and starting the community bus to establishing the Playing Fields as a charity trust - and going to number 10 to fight for the community hospital. She laughs: “I’ve been 35 years in the community out on the estate – I could write a book.”

@owenhatherley surprisingly Nowa Huta vibes in Knowle West, Bristol

Local stories


From Filwood Stage to X Factor He told The Knowledge: “It was nerve racking… I never thought I was going to get through, I didn’t have much confidence going into the first audition. “I’d had people tell me to do it – I like singing and making music anyway. It was for myself but for my community as well…” Working in Iceland in Broadwalk as a checkout assistant – he says his newfound fame is “mental” with people regularly approaching him. Daniel first came to the drama group – which meets Tuesday evenings at Filwood Community Centre – as a child with his grandmother, Edna Quick (69), who helps out there. He says: “It’s built up my confidence in performing …six years ago when I sung a couple of songs in the Christmas show, that’s when I thought I’d do it properly.

Local entrepreneur makes pasta in garden shed

South Bristol with a “royalty theme”. Former electrician Chad says the 9m by 3m shed was “falling to pieces”. It took a year to renovate and he did most of the work himself. It’s now completely refurbished filled with the latest mod cons. He decided to start his own food business two years ago following the unexpected passing of his father. “I realised life’s too short, I’ve always been interested in food and enjoy making my own.” After studying web design and completing business school for a year - Chad travelled to Italy to learn how to use pasta machines and create fresh pasta. Back in Knowle West he tested his ideas in local markets. Dishes range from ‘Cheesy Jester’ Macaroni cheese to ‘Gate Keepers Garden’ a vegetarian dish including poppy seed rigatoni in a tomato and basil sauce with peppers and courgettes. He says: “My most recent creation is a breakfast ravioli containing beans, sausage, bacon and black pudding. It’s Italy meets Knowle West for a full English.” Chad would like to expand the business - currently delivering to Knowle, Whitchurch, Hartcliffe and Bedminster - and is hoping to open his first shop in Southville.

By Community Reporter Megan Hicks (16) A converted garden shed in Knowle West might not be the first place you would expect pasta to be made… But local entrepreneur Chad Bartley has just started a pasta takeaway company in his mum’s back garden. Chad (36) has transformed his late father’s run-down building into

a brand new food outlet fit for a king - aptly named Pasta Palace and launched at the beginning of October. The business supplies fresh original pasta dishes delivered around

@chlo_marli‬ Finally managed to watch Dan's (Daniel Quick's) X Factor audition and I couldn't be more proud, gooo eee our kid, do it for Knowle West

Picture Syco/Thames TV

aniel Quick has become a local celebrity – after his X factor journey which saw him getting through to bootcamp and the sing-off stage of the competition. The eighteen-year-old - who has been a member of Knowle West Art Promotion drama group since he was seven – impressed the four celebrity judges at his first audition with his rendition of Elton John’s Your Song. After Daniel’s performance, which moved mum Tracey to tears, head judge Simon Cowell said: “I like you Daniel. I always like being surprised at auditions…” The judges were also amused by the amount of animals Daniel had at home – including Shelley the tortoise – which Simon likened him to for “coming out of his shell”. Daniel – who performed recently at Knowle West Fest and the Hearts and Stars award ceremony in June – said of the X Factor he had never done anything “this big”.

“I still help out backstage and with the tap dancing and I’ll be performing in the Christmas show. After the first audition they made a cake and a banner for me…” And for the future – he’s determined to continue his singing career and already has some bookings. Gloria Tucker who runs the group says: “He was so shy when he first came… He didn’t start singing until he was ten. People always said he should go on the X Factor…” Daniel’s Facebook @danielquickmusic

Mayor to visit boxing club Bristol Mayor Marvin Rees will be visiting The Park Knowle Boxing Club on 29 November to meet members and owner Skemer Winters. The land in Tavistock Road where the club is based is currently up for sale. The site is owned by The Park which needs to sell it in order to keep going. Former boxer Skemer, who was unable to raise £300,000 to buy the land is looking for a new home within Knowle West. He is interested in Inns Court Family and Community Centre when Knowle West Children’s Centre moves out. He says he would like a grant to pay for the building he's in now, if not – he wants to take his boxing gym elsewhere and have the gym as a full working set-up and run an anti-bullying campaign from there. He says: “I spoke to the Mayor personally and they sent me an email confirming he wants to come to my gym." Members of the boxing club have also been invited to go and visit the Mayor in City Hall.

And with increasing referrals through his website and Facebook - his work could soon move from his mum’s shed across Bristol. Visit or for deliveries call 0117 966 5562. Full stories


Oasis Academy Connaught pupils News from schools first Mini Police

New staff at Ilminster Avenue Nursery School Two new staff have been welcomed to Ilminster Avenue Specialist Nursery School. Jodie Gardiner is the class teacher in Star room and Siobhan Hayward an Early Years Practitioner in Sun room. Jodie who has come from New Fosseway School in Hartcliffe says: “I am looking forward to working with everyone at Ilminster this year.” Siobhan says: “…My team within Class 5 have been supportive and have helped me to settle in quickly, not forgetting the class children who are inspiring to work with.” The school says children have settled well and are beginning to form “lovely friendships”. They have been enjoying the last of the sunshine in the garden before they have to start wearing waterproofs and wellies out to play. Pupils been taking part in lots of activities from “splashing, swinging and riding to balancing, digging and running” (See page 11).

Community room opened at Parson Street Parson Street Primary School officially opened its brand new community room on 29 September with a visit from the Lord Mayor. Cllr Lesley Alexander cut the ribbon at a special ceremony to launch the Primrose Community Room - named after a former pupil of the school. Primrose Mary Salter attended the school in 1918 and left some money in her will

The Year 5 pupils at Oasis Academy Connaught were sworn in as Mini Police on October 17. Neighbourhood Sergeant Alecto Shyne said: “The idea of the Mini Police is to build relationships with children at a young age, give them an insight into what policing is all about, and engage with them so that they see us as friends who are part of their communities, rather than people to be suspicious of…” Executive Principal of Oasis Academy Connaught, George Franks said: “…The scheme is clearly going to give our young people some great experiences over the next year, and we are hopeful this pilot scheme grows into something bigger across other local schools.” The first 15 pupils were selected through an interview process. During their time in the Mini Police, they will take part in a range of activities and trips, which will help to develop their understanding of the police and build links within their community. Lexi, aged 9 said: “I’m so happy to be in the Mini Police because now I can help the community and make sure people are doing the right things.” The scheme is already being run in a number of other police forces across the country – and if successful will be rolled out to other schools in Avon and Somerset. Full story which has been used to provide books, support school trips and help the children over many years. The school’s Business Manager Adam Sheldon says: “It’s great that we now have a lasting tribute to Primrose, using the last of the money that was left to us, for the community to enjoy.” The room will be used for community events, meetings and a place where parents can have a chat over a cup of tea.

Knowle West Children’s Centre site to re-open January

Teacher Jasmine Pettitt and children from Year 2

in the new Primrose Community Room.


Children at Oasis Academy Connaught have become the first in Avon and Somerset to be given a taste of policing at an early age - as part of a new scheme.

Work is progressing quickly at the new Knowle West Children’s Centre site on Leinster Avenue. The extension is nearly in place and building work is on schedule -

which means children and families will be welcomed back to the Centre when it reopens in January 2018. Deputy Head Matt Caldwell says: “Now that the main groundworks have been completed, our friends at the Greenplay project will be landscaping our outside space and adding logs, bridges, outside cooking areas, treehouses, a running stream, and even a canal boat! “…We have had a warm and welcoming stay with our friends at Inns Court Community Centre, but we are really looking forwards to the new space..." Jake the Therapy Dog at the Leinster Road site.

@AandSPCC ‬You can come and stand under our PCC umbrella ella ella at Knowle West Fest!

Local stories


ith everything from face painting and a Jamaican kitchen to pom-pom making and live performances – a bit of bad weather didn’t stop crowds turning out for Knowle West Fest. Held at Filwood Community Centre on Saturday September 9, the event saw community members and local organisations come together to provide a day filled with fun activities and entertainment. Chief Executive of rework Vicky Beckwith, who coordinated the Fest this year, commented: “Over 300 people attended the event. Despite the weather, I think everyone had a great time. “It was an opportunity to see a huge range of things that are going on in our community. I hope everyone had fun and learnt something useful. “ We are very lucky to have so much space, not many communities can have such a massive street party and move it all indoors if the weather turns bad…It gave us a chance to celebrate the diversity of Filwood's culture.” Local celebrity-in-the-making Daniel Quick (19), who recently appeared

We slept in the TAM… Knowle West’s Transportable Accomodation Module (TAM) behind Filwood Community Centre has attracted a lot of attention. This eco-friendly movable building is seen as the answer to the current housing crisis… See p17.

Knowle West Fest

Knowle West Fest was started in 2015 to bring the community together and celebrate different ages, cultures and talents across the area. This year was the third festival organised by Knowle West Together – a group of local organisations working to improve the area. Jess Linington went along to experience the event for herself. on X Factor, took to the stage to sing Calum Scott’s ‘Dancing On My Own’. Asked whether he was more nervous about performing here or for the X Factor judges, he commented: “It’s nerve wracking, but fun. I was more nervous here because I know people!”. Daniel is also a member of Knowle West Arts Promotion which runs a tap, modern and drama class for local children. Led by Daniel, the group also did a performance at the festival – involving tap dancing to Abba!

Facepainting was a huge hit with all the kids – local company Birfdee Wishes not only provided some incredible designs, but also had a well-stocked dressing up box and photo booth so kids could really run away with their imaginations. Also at the event was the ‘Health Zone’, where local groups and organisations were keen to educate people about healthy living through fun activities. Avon Wildlife Trust, which runs regular sessions on the Northern Slopes, was teaching visitors about local wildlife and giving the opportunity to make bird feeders out of wicker. Jane Williams (45) who attended the event with her family said: “It was a great event, the chance to see what’s going on and chat to people you might not see very often." The first residents to stay there were June McNeil followed by Femi Ola. Centre Manager June (59) says: “I thought I would like some peace and quiet and I really did get it. I slept like a baby. It was so spacious sitting there on the evening, I was thinking that me and my husband could quite easily live in something like that and be more than comfortable… I can really see it working for older people looking to downsize, or families starting out…” Femi (63) said: “I loved staying in the house. It was so cosy and warm… There are lots of new families, older people, bachelors who need a home - just a modest space. This could help them get going…

"My plan is to have a petite house in my garden that I can stay in and then I can rent out my house. That will sort out my retirement…”

@itvwestcountry Could a £90,000 house made of straw be the solution to Bristol's housing issues? news/westcountry/update/2017-11-02/could-90-000-house-made-of-straw-be-the-solution-to-bristols-housing-issues/ …



Download MY SUPERMARKET App and compare product * pricing between supermarkets. Sent by Gaynor Milkins.

Tomato soup traybake Ingredients:

2tsp baking powder 3/4 tsp bicarbonate of soda 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon 1/2 tsp ground ginger 1 tsp nutmeg 225g golden caster sugar 1+ 300g tin Heinz tomato soup 2 medium eggs 50g raisins or 100g of chocolate chips On top: 125g softened unsalted butter 100g icing sugar sifted 300g full cream cheese 1/2 tsp vanilla extract Jelly tots or other confectionery to decorate


Instructions: 1. Melt the unsalted butter and allow it to cool. Use a little to grease a 23cm- 30cm traybake tin (there is no need to line it unless you want to turn the cake out). 2. Preheat the oven to 190c/170c fan/gas 5. Sift the flour, baking powder, bicarbonate of soda and spices into a large bowl, then mix in the sugar. Whisk the soup, eggs and melted butter in another large bowl. Combine the two mixtures; whisk until smooth, then stir in the raisins. Pour the mixture into the tin.

to a large bowl, blend in cream cheese, a spoonful at a time until smooth, then work in the vanilla extract. If the mixture seems grainy, give it a quick whirl with an electric whisk, but don’t use a food processor as it will liquefy the mixture. 5. Spread the topping over the cake. Decorate with sweets and place in the fridge to set for about an hour. If not serving immediately; cover with cling film and chill. Remove from the fridge about 30 minutes before eating.

3. Bake for 30-35 minutes until risen and firm and a skewer inserted at the centre comes out clean. Run a knife around the cake and leave to cool in the tin. 4. To make the topping, place the butter and icing sugar in the bowl of a food processor and cream together. Remove

Supplied by Joan Roberts

@jesslinington It's #WorldMentalHealthDay17 - @CASSBristol event in Knowle West reminding us to make time for ourselves

1. Artists from across Bristol stayed overnight

7. A group cycle ride run by Bike Minded went from Knowle West Health Park to Dundry Slopes - to visit a Wellbeing Through Nature project run by Avon Wildlife Trust. Visit www.lifecycleuk. for details of rides and events. 5. One of 17 pianos placed across Bristol (Picture Bike Minded). 2. Grandmothers and grandchildren made as part of the Play Me I’m Yours project plaster casts of their handprints at a workcame to Knowle West Media Centre this 8. The first planters were put up in Filwood shop at Knowle West Children’s Centre. This summer - attracting a lot of musical talent. Broadway by Don Jones (left) and Tim Jones as was the first of five Grandmother’s Footsteps Knowle West Healthy Living Centre now part of the Filwood Boulevard Project. The aim workshops in the area this autumn. Look out has its own piano too. (Picture KWMC). is to spruce up the street and create “an for an exhibition at Knowle West Media Centre attractive, green and welcoming space”. Visit: in January. (Picture Misty Tunks). 6. Happy and Active in Knowle West took place at Knowle West Media Centre (Picture Lewis Campbell). 3. Thanks to Friends of Filwood Library, 32 (KWMC) in September. The event for over children and 16 parents were able to attend 55s included a range of activities - from 9. IT classes have started at Filwood Community a visit by Zoolab – an animal handling and a singing session to seated exercise and Centre - with computers donated by City of Brislifelong learning company. Aaliyah Rawlins afternoon tea. It was organised by KWMC tol College. Run by N-Gaged they offer help with (4) holds Twinkle Toes – a Yellow Banded and Knowle West Healthy Living Centre. anything from job searching to using email. Tutor Kate Bruce with Glen Permial. (Picture KWMC). Millipede. (Picture Filwood Library). (Picture KWMC). at Filwood Community Centre in September, as part of Knowle West Media Centre’s Artist Hotel event. Visit (Picture Ibolya Feher).

4. Water play – children from Ilminster Avenue Specialist Nursery School enjoying time outside. (Photo Ilminster Avenue Nursery).

@knowlewestmedia‬ We've loved ‪#bristolstreetpianos‬. Here's one of our final pianists, taught by the same teacher who taught her grandma!




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Health Award for Knowle West walking group A walking group which has been running in Knowle West for nearly 20 years was given recognition for its work at the Celebrating Age Festival’s Older Achiever Awards. The group is run by Knowle West Healthy Living Centre in Downton Road and led by volunteers – with walks ranging from One to Three Hearts, depending on fitness levels. Walk leaders Ken and Marie Jones and Marion and Bill Davis were given the award for a “group that enhances the lives of others” by the Lord Mayor Cllr Lesley Alexander at a ceremony at City Hall in September.

L to R: Bill Davis, Marion Davis, Lord Mayor of Bristol Cllr Lesley Alexander, Marie Jones and Ken Jones. Picture courtesy of Age UK Bristol. Ken Jones (85) has been part of the group since 1998 with wife Marie (83). He became a volunteer walk leader in 2003 and Marie a few years later and they both take the Two Hearts group out. He says: “Walking helps keep you healthy and fit, the more you are able to walk and keep involved in things – that can help you to live longer. Some of our members if they didn’t go walking would probably not go anywhere…” The walking groups are run on Mondays, meeting at 11am at Knowle West Health Park and Tuesdays and Thursdays meeting between 9.30-9.45am in designated points around Bristol. For more details contact Laura Hathway at the Healthy Living Centre on 0117 377 2255. Full story:

Help to stop smoking Giving up smoking is one of the UK’s top ten New Year’s resolutions along with exercising more and losing weight. Knowle West Healthy Living Centre (KWHLC) holds Stop Smoking Sessions giving advice and support - and in October backed a national campaign that challenged smokers to give up cigarettes for 28 days.

L to R: Stop Smoking Advisor Stella Picton with ex-smoker Carol Minton and Health Champions Vincent White and Frances White. Stoptober works on the basis that people who stop smoking for this period of time are five times more likely to quit permanently. Stop Smoking Advisor Stella Picton says “…In October people are coming out of the holiday season and saving for Christmas. “After Christmas people are short of money and as it’s winter they don’t want to go outside to smoke and it’s also the best thing you can do for your own and your family’s health…” Ex-smoker Carol Minton (60) who has been attending sessions said: ‘I smoked for 43 years, 60 a day and quit for my health... I had been trying for years and switched to vaping and it helped. Stella is on the end of the phone for support and I’ve saved £1,500 in 10 months…” To join Stop Smoking Sessions or for help and support contact Stella Picton at the Knowle West Healthy Living Centre on 0773 964 983.

Lifestyle change helped “overcome diabetes’ Interview by Community Reporter Kasia Guzowska Local resident Mark Butterworth managed to overcome his diabetes diagnosis in just a year – by completely changing his lifestyle… Mark (51) was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes in 2015 – a revelation that took him by surprise. He says: “I was frightened at first,

@m4mbristol Thanks to the women of 'Fit & Fab' group at Knowle West Health Centre #Bristol for their generous #donation. We were really touched #pnmh

I’ve got a needle phobia - and I knew I had to change my lifestyle. I weighed 21 stone, drank quite a lot of alcohol and I also like chocolate and used to eat a whole packet of biscuits at one sitting…” When he received a leaflet through the door about a Diabetes UK Support Group at Knowle West Health Park – he decided to join. Together, with their support, along with exercise and quitting drinking - he managed to not only lose five stone - but also turn around his diagnosis in just a year. He says: “I started to eat more healthily and look recipes up on their website and I joined a walking group at the Health Park…” Mark is now a walk leader, has taken up Tai Chi and trained as a Health Champion. He says he would recommend anyone in the same situation to “join support groups”. “I want people to know it can be done – there is light at the end of the tunnel and with hard work you can get rid of Type 2…” The Diabetes UK Support Group meets at Knowle West Healthy Living Centre on the last Monday of every month from 6.30 - 8.30pm. Visit or contact Mike Deane on 0749 484 9739,

Dementia gardening group seeks volunteers A free gardening group in Knowle West for people living with dementia and their carers has grown in popularity - and is looking for volunteers. The group, run by local organisation Growing Support, has been able to continue thanks to funding from the Dementia Wellbeing Service. Social and Therapeutic Horticulture Facilitator with Growing Support, Hilary Barber says: “... Growing Support gardening groups depend on the help of local volunteers. "They support members with the more difficult tasks and help create a cheerful atmosphere, chatting with the gardeners and encouraging reminiscence and storytelling...” The group meets every other Friday from 10.30am to 12.30pm at Bristol Community Links South in Langhill Avenue. Activities take place indoors if the weather is bad and over the winter the group enjoys nature-based craft activities. To join or volunteer contact volunteers@ For more information visit


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Web: @StreetGamesBris Kids getting #fitandfed @StreetGamesBris holiday Want to advertise your business? Call Sue on 0117 903 0444. camp at Connaught School, Knowle West today. Council @StreetGames TheCut_DovetonAD.indd 11 12/9/12 13:13:27 13:13:27 TheCut_DovetonAD.indd 12/9/12 Phone: 0117 9660078 Phone: 0117 9660078 14 Web: 14


A Day in the Life of a Mede Sprint Driver… By Sprint Community Bus Driver Angela Perrett


river? No I wouldn’t call myself that - a friend, a help, a person to share the highs and lows of life... What do I do? I drive the local community bus picking people up to go shopping, the doctors, social clubs, visit friends and lots of outings. Whether I’m loading the shopping, helping with wheelchairs, walking aids or just there for confidence it’s a job that I love. I really enjoy meeting my extended family, (it’s how I see them), getting them out and about. It may sound silly but that little chat on our way somewhere can make all the difference to their day. The stories I hear from their ailments and diagnosis going to the doctor. The excitement, fears and even tears over life events.

The reminiscing over the old days makes me laugh and sometimes makes me feel ill! (Chitterling/tripe/ pigs’ trotters - YUCK). The days out are great, seaside, shopping, even a nice pub lunch! We are friendly bunch and are always looking for new members…so come and join us and make use of YOUR community bus. We can even be hired out privately. One event I loved was providing transport for a wedding! We are for ALL of the community, yes that’s you with the pushchair, you who would appreciate door to door transport…why stand in the

rain? Not feeling up to the walk to the doc…jump on board! I work with an amazing team and we want to help you in any way we can. PS If this sounds like something you would enjoy - join us and become a volunteer.

The Mede Sprint is based at Inns Court Community and Family Centre in Marshall Walk – for more information pop in, call 0117 904 1220 (open mornings up to 1pm) or email

History Novers Hill Isolation Hospital By Ivor Grimsted, Filwood Chase History Society Novers Hill has for over 100 years been associated with the provision of facilities connected with healthcare one of these is the Novers Hill Isolation Hospital. Outbreaks of smallpox occurred in 1856, 1864 and when there was another in 1872, Bristol Corporation’s only provision for isolation of those infected were two small wooden buildings at St Philips which could only cater for around 24 patients. Another smallpox epidemic occurred in 1887- 88, and in 1891 the Sanitary Committee decided to build a new hospital. A site being considered was in the countryside at Novers Hill. Owned by Sir Greville Smyth, it was 13 acres and would cost £2,650. A further smallpox outbreak struck in 1893-4 with about 360 cases and 30 deaths. The Sanitary Committee purchased the Novers Hill site in 1894,

for a new Smallpox Hospital. Designed to provide 78 beds, it cost £17,500. That year, it also bought 99 acres at Ham Green, where it planned to build a much larger infectious disease hospital and TB sanatorium with 76 beds. The building of the two hospitals was completed as quickly as possible. Ham Green was to be the main hospital, and the beds at Novers Hill were reduced from the original

In the early 1920s there were further epidemics, and overspill from Novers Hill was sent to Ham Green. Ham Green Hospital expanded, and by the 1930s it was a major centre for the treatment of infectious diseases, medical research and developing new treatments. Whereas, the Novers Hill site was much smaller, and was being crowded out by the new houses of the Knowle and Bedminster Housing Estate (Knowle West). With the concentration of isolation cases at Ham Green, the Novers Hill site was wound down, and in 1934 it was transferred to the Education Committee to become an open-air school.

Administration building at Novers Hill by Samuel Luxton 1897.

proposed 78 to 35. Novers Hill Hospital was completed in 1895, whilst Ham Green was opened in 1899. Usually, the smallpox cases were treated at Novers Hill, while scarlet fever, TB, diphtheria and measles went to Ham Green.

@theparkknowle Who listens to people living in Knowle? Journey to Justice would like to hear from you tonight. Please come and tell your story.

Picture courtesy of Bristol Reference Library which holds the original copy and the print.

* For more information about Filwood Chase History Society contact Ivor on 0785 676 9285 or email filwoodchase@



Reasons why you should allow your children to play video games By Ben Griffiths-Hammond (16) With the video game market rapidly expanding every year - it’s hard to choose what you think is morally right when it comes to allowing your children to play games. I have about 12-13 years of experience in playing games, so I know how they have enriched my life and could possibly enrich your children’s lives. Firstly, a lot of video games such as

Filwood Park closed By Charlie Watts (18) It shocked me to see the Creswicke Road entrance to Filwood Park blocked off by a fence during a recent walk through Knowle West. Soon after I realised that fencing, in fact, surrounded the entire park. It is my understanding that the fence, though temporary, has been put up to allow for construction to commence on the

Gardening column By Community Gardener Steve Griffiths It’s that time of year again – autumn. The leaves are falling but this is good use your mower and pick them up and either dig them straight into your veg or flower bed or even better start a pile of leaves to make leaf mould as it’s good for the garden. You can still plant veg outdoors things like onions, garlic, broad beans, spinach, winter lettuce, asparagus and


Young people have their say Minecraft and Roblox can strengthen a child’s imagination as they have to build structures and buildings to survive. In fact, they can build anything they want as their only limit is their imagination. This also means that children will become more creative in everything that they do. Secondly, many video games can teach children important life lessons. For instance, games like GTA V may be violent - but teach your children how to use money efficiently. In the game you might have limited funds, so you could buy that car you want but you won’t be able to pay the bills on your apartment. Some games even need your children to seriously use their brains, such as one of my favourites Kerbal Space Programme - as if you don’t take the games physics into consideration then the spacecraft you build won’t be able to fly properly or crash. Thirdly, playing video games could

become some of their favourite memories. Some of mine are from playing my favourite PS2 games, such as Burnout Revenge and Worms 4: Mayhem, on Saturday afternoons. And waking up at 5am every weekend and holiday, through no fault of my own, and playing mine and my brother’s favourite GameCube games, such as Mario Kart: Double Dash and Super Smash Bros Melee, until my parents woke up. Lastly, it might lead them to them finding other media they didn’t know about. For instance, through the Pokémon games they could be introduced to the Pokémon anime, both of which are excellent. I found two of my favourite bands, The Offspring and Bad Religion, through the game Crazy Taxi and I am still listening to their music today. Do you still think it’s a good idea to not allow your children to play video games?

site as part of the Filwood Park regeneration scheme. Still, it is a strange sight to see the park shut off from local residents; I have always found the park easy to access, so it is a shame to see it closed. I myself have fond memories of playing in the park when I was younger. I live in Whitchurch now but was born in Knowle West, so the park is dear to my heart. With the park fenced off, I feel for the likes of dog walkers, cyclists and locals, who, for the time being, cannot make use of the green space. I particularly feel for young people, like myself, who are currently unable to use the park as a place to relax

from studying. Hopefully, the regenerated park, when open to the public, will be as - if not more - accessible to local residents. I have always thought of Filwood Park as a 'communal back garden' for the people of Knowle West. I would like to think it remains that way when the site development is finished, albeit surrounded by houses.

cabbages - in a cold frame or greenhouse – there’s still plenty of choice. Jobs for November include, digging up your rhubarb and splitting the crowns - just take a spade and spit it down the centre or even into quarters then plant it back in the ground and it will be fine. Cut your grass and put the cuttings on the compost heap, then give your lawn a good raking over. Wash down your paths or patios and move your tender plants inside the green house or conservatory. Prune climbing roses, divide herbaceous perennials and cut down perennials that have died back.

In November, you can also prune your fruit trees, pick up the last of the leaves, clear and dig over beds - leave and let the frost, if we get it, do the work for you. Plant bulbs and fleece up tender plants you can’t move. In December plant bare root trees, shrubs and hedges. Get some logs in the corner of your garden to encourage wildlife such as frogs and toads - and put your feet up as it won’t be long until it all starts again

A Barratt Homes spokesperson said: "For the safety of potential park users, our neighbours and our construction team we are legally obliged to close off the land during construction. This land will be reopened as we are required to under our planning permission."

I cant wait.

@jumpkwmc‬ "This is awesome, it's even better than I expected." It's all fun and games at the Gaming & Anime Expo today at ‪@knowlewestmedia‬!

Come and play: open evening and games night

Image: Ibolya Feher

Looking for a meeting space? We offer a range of venue hire options including meeting rooms, event spaces, offices and production facilities. We’d love to welcome you to KWMC and show you around our straw bale building – give us a call on 0117 903 0444 to organise your tour today!

Switch, save and support your community Are you looking to switch energy supplier? You could save money on your gas and electricity bills and benefit your community at the same time! Bristol Energy is donating money to KWMC every time someone switches to them, quoting the code KWMC001. Find out more about how you could switch at



ack in September we were delighted to welcome over 100 people to a housewarming party for a distinctive new home… The TAM (Transportable Accommodation Module) was built behind Filwood Community Centre this summer as part of a new programme at KWMC called We Can Make. It was designed by architects White Design (who also designed Knowle West Media Centre ten years ago) and was kitted out by local people. Through the We Can Make programme we’ve been working with local people, artists and architects for almost a year to explore how communities can play a greater role in creating new homes specifically homes that are built to meet local needs. Ideas include using the space in some back gardens and between buildings to construct 1-2 bedroom houses. This process is opt-in only: homes would only be built where people want them. Since the housewarming on 7 September, Knowle West residents and the Mayor of Bristol, Marvin Rees, have stayed overnight in the one-bedroom TAM, which is a fully-functional environmental building complete with garden decking, kitchen and en suite bathroom. If you live in Knowle West and are interested in staying in the TAM for a night (for free!) or exploring how a different type of home could work for you, please contact us on 0117 903 0444 and ask for Melissa.

Image: Ibolya Feher

Have you ever wondered what goes on at KWMC? This November we’re holding our annual showcase event to coincide with a special games night – and we’d love to welcome you! Join us from 6.30-8.30pm on Thursday 30 November and be one of the first people to try new games created during our Autumn Gaming Season. The game-makers will have had just two weeks to come up with the concepts for their game and build a working model; come along and test what they’ve created! The event will also include a review of our last year where you can find out more about what we do and what’s coming up at KWMC and our making space KWMC: The Factory. Look out for more information on our website www. and Facebook page (knowlewestmedia) or give us a call on 0117 903 0444. We look forward to meeting you.

Feeling right at home!

Getting festive at The Factory We’ve had a busy few months at our manufacturing space KWMC: The Factory: people have been making everything from clocks and other homewares to Christmas cards and stocking fillers. The Factory, which is based in Filwood Green Business Park, offers a range of training courses throughout the year, as well as access to laser and CNC cutting equipment and support and advice for people looking to develop a business of their own. Our 2018 courses will be announced soon. If you fancy learning a new skill in the New Year keep an eye on or follow @kwmcthefactory on Twitter!

Regular activities Silver Screen Film Club Tuesday 14 November, 1.30pm Tuesday 12 December, 12.30pm (free). Welcoming film club for anyone aged 50+ who loves the movies! Meetings take place at Novers Park Community Association (behind KWMC). Contact us on 0117 903 0444 to arrange transport if you need it. Getting to know computers Tuesdays, 10 - 11.30am (term time only, free for six weeks then £3 per session) A friendly and informal drop-in class for adults to learn more about computers and the internet. Learn at your own pace and feel free to bring your phone, tablet or any technology you’re having trouble with!

Community Journalism Tuesdays, 2 – 3.30pm, (term time only) (free) Learn how to research and write your own articles and see your work published in the Knowledge! No journalism experience is necessary but sessions must be booked in advance. Contact Sue on 0117 903 0444 or

Activities and creative courses for young people aged 10-21. Look out for our 2018 programme coming soon!

Leinster Avenue, Bristol BS4 1NL

0117 903 0444


Knowle West Healthy Living Centre For more information call: 0117 377 2255 email: Knowle West Health Park, Downton Road, Bristol, BS4 1WH

Keeping Active (for adults) Gentle Exercise Class For people with reduced mobility who want to stay fit. Monday 11 - 12pm | £3.50 Hips, Bums and Tums Two friendly groups to help you tone up. All sizes, all abilities, no experience needed. Tuesday 6—7 pm & 7 - 8pm | £3.50 Tai Chi Movement for Wellbeing Give yourself the gift of relaxation and let your mind and body release tension and stress Wednesday 10.30 -11.45am | £4 Step Aerobics Meet new friends and burn those calories Thursday 6 - 7pm | £3.50 Stretch & Roll Workout Womens exercise class with an introduction to Jiu Jitsu & Ginastica Yoga. Call: Adrienne 07962 914002 Thursday 7.30 - 8.30pm | £3 Boot Camp—Military Style Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday (mornings and evening) Call: Jason 07855 465872. Walking Groups Friendly, regular walking groups to suit your level of walking. From short, very gentle walks through to whole morning walks and monthly social walks. Supported by our welcoming, trained volunteer Walk Leaders.

Healthy Eating Waist Watchers Mon 9.30 - 10.30am & 4 - 5pm FREE Drop In: Weekly weigh-in, plus advice and support on how to lose weight and keep it up.

Mental Health & Wellbeing Art Ease Group (Tues and Weds morning). Are you feeling stressed, experiencing low mood or depression, coping with change, feeling lonely or caring for someone else. Our art group is aimed at people with mild to moderate mental health needs. Benefits can include improved self confidence, learning new skills and making new friends. No previous experience needed. £1 a session (call for referral).


Ear Acupuncture (11 - 12 pm Friday) Gentle and relaxing therapy which can relieve a range of health issues, from general aches and pains to stress and anxiety. £5 Man Alive Breakfast (first Friday of the month) A welcoming group for men where you can meet and make new friends, find out what is going on in the area, learn a new skill ,or join in with others to get a little fitter. Lip Reading Class (10 - 12pm Friday) Supportive, friendly weekly class £4.00 a session. Fit & Fab (10 - 12pm Thursday). A women's only support group: Encouragement from others to help you build self-esteem, confidence and improve your health. Call Sally 0117 903 0024 to find out more. Women of Worth (6.30 - 8.30pm Wednesday) Friendly support group for local women with a range of activities Community Access Support Service CASS works with community, equalities and faith groups (big & small) in Bristol. If you’d like information about how to support the emotional wellbeing of your group members and local communities email

One to One Advice Social Prescribing (SPEAR) Social Prescribing is an approach that seeks to improve your health by looking at social, physical and emotional wellbeing. We offer a free, confidential 1 to 1 service. The support will enable you to access social or community activities and resources in your local area. Working alongside your GP we will support you to address social and practical issues to improve your health. Self referrals welcome.

Free NHS Health Checks If you are aged 40 - 74 years old book yourself a free ‘Health MOT’. To be eligible you must be: aged 40-74 years registered with a Bristol GP not receiving treatment for a cardiovascular condition (diabetes, heart or kidney disease, high blood pressure or high cholesterol) Smoking Cessation Get help to stop smoking. One to one sessions offering support to stop smoking or switch to vaping. Call: Stella 07739 649839

Children’s Activities Drop in and Play with Stretch ‘n’ Grow Lots of fun and games for pre-schoolers Age 2-5 years (term time only) Tuesday 9.30 - 11.30am. £1 FREE Play Session - open access A wide range of activities games, arts and crafts, camp fire cooking (with Learning Partnership West). Age 8 -12 years. Wednesday 3 - 5pm Outside at the Play Pod Inferno Beatz Dance Class Regardless of age or ability, come and try street dancing. Age 4-11 years (term time only) Wednesday 5.30 - 6.30pm | £4

Other services The Green House Rape and sexual abuse counselling for men & children (under 18 yrs). 0117 935 1707 Diabetes UK Support Group for anyone affected by diabetes. 07494 849739 Off The Record Young Peoples Counselling 0808 808 9120 Thyroid Support Group Last Friday of each month. 0117 377 2255 Bristol Tranquilliser Project 0117 950 0058


The Park & Youth Moves Join us!

Did you know that The Park is home to over 20 organisations working in and for our community? We are a fun and vibrant place to work, enjoying The Park’s sports facilities (including a gym), our café serving really delicious food, a licensed bar, free parking, plus IT support and maintenance on site. We have a few spaces available for rent, as offices or for group activities. If you would like to have a look around and discuss options for renting then please get in touch with emma.hinton@thepark or call 0117 903 9770.

BINGO! The Park is launching a regular bingo night on the fourth Wednesday of every month. We kick off on 22nd November at 6pm. The bar will be open. Tea, coffee, soft drinks and snacks will also be available. No need to book, just drop in. We look forward to seeing you for a fun evening.

Daventry Road, Knowle, Bristol, BS4 1DQ 0117 903 9770

Food fans

Drop into our reception and check out our low cost organic fresh eggs from the chickens and ducks on site, seasonal organic fruit and vegetables, and scrummy home-made jams and chutneys.

Help with getting work

If you are currently unemployed and need support to progress onto job search, training or employment - we have people to help you with this, free of charge, as part of the West of England Works project. Call a member of the team on 0117 353 3348 for more information.

Want to learn to DJ/ produce music? Come down to our Music Studio. Like being outside and Forest School? Then join our Urban Escape projects.

What’s on and new website launch Are you aged 8-19 years old? Looking for something to do in your spare time? Want to meet new people? Learn new skills? Have fun, go on trips and try new things? Then check out all of the opportunities Youth Moves can offer via our new website: All of our youth club sessions are planned and run based on the needs of young people. Aged 8-11? Come down to our Juniors night - Thurs 3.45-5.15pm Aged 11-14? Join us on Fridays 5.30-7.30pm for our Inters night Aged 13-19? Seniors night is Weds 6-9pm


Sporting chances

There’s no excuse not to kick start your fitness programme, have some fun and make new friends. We have a gym on site and we also offer classes in yoga, spinning, basketball, indoor cricket, kettlebells, HIIT, archery, ping, Zumba, football, circuits and martial arts. Definitely something for everyone!

For those who love sports and games then our Street Games sports sessions take place on a Monday at The Park Sports Hall. Go to Bedminster Down school, Merchants Academy or Bridge Learning Campus? If you do then look out for our after-school clubs that take place on these school sites.

These young people completed over 3000 hours on charity projects, went on to raise more than £6,000 for their chosen causes - young carers, youth mental health, homelessness, refugees and dementia. Everyone came together to recognise these achievements at Ashton Gate Stadium, where our local MP Karin Smyth celebrated their efforts, along with over 300 family members and carers - a great night.

New holiday programme packages coming soon, with overnight trips out to Barton Camp for those who attend regularly.

NCS 2017 an amazing year, now signing up for 2018 This summer we took 104 young people aged 16-17 from South Bristol on the once-in-a-lifetime NCS journey.

Another 77 young people have started NCS this autumn. If you want to book your place for next year do so via our website:



Mede Sprint Trips

Wed 22 November, 9am – Gloucester. Tues 28 November, 8.45am - Salisbury Christmas Market. Wed 29 November, 9.30am - Yate Shopping Centre. Call 0117 904 8215.

Tea, cake and piano singalong

Thurs 23 Nov, 2-4pm. £1 entry with free cup of tea. Knowle West Healthy Living Centre. Call 0117 904 8215 to book transport.

Christmas Fayre

Sat 25 November, 10.30am - 1pm. Inns Court Community and Family Centre. To hire a table call Bernie 0117 904 1220.

St Barnabas Fair

Sat 25 November, 1pm. St Barnabas Church, Daventry Road.

The Big Switch On

Christmas Lights Sun 26 November, 4.30-7pm. Ruthven Road.

Knowle West Health Park Fair

Wed 6 December, 3.45-7pm. Free stall but table needs to be reserved with £5 refundable deposit.

Open Day

Fri 8 December, 9am-3.30pm. Inns Court Community and Family Centre, Marshall Walk. See the space and facilities for hire from January. ADULTS

Learn Something New

Bristol Community Learning is organising free courses in the local area - open to ages 19 plus. Visit or contact Lucy Fieldhouse, 0117 903 9763/0778 835 3446. Facebook Page The Learning Community Team.

Slimming World

Mon 9.30–11am; 11.30am-1pm; 5.30-7.30pm; 8-9.30pm. Fri 9.30– 11am. Filwood Community Centre. Call Kim on 0792 002 3170. Printed on recycled paper with vegetable inks by Doveton Press

Bristol Credit Union

Fri 10-11am, at re:work on Filwood Broadway.

Weekly Adult Volunteer Group

There are lots of great things happening in our community to add your organisation or event contact Sue, on 0117 903 0444.

Knitting Group

Wed 2-4pm, Filwood Library Drop in or contact claire. or ring 0787 681 4604.

Tues 11am-3pm, for over 18s at the Roundhouse, Springfield Allotments, Andover Road. Learn about gardening, cooking and bushcraft. Contact Ben: 0117 903 9796 or email

Sew Clever

Wellbeing Sessions

Ilminster Avenue Specialist Nursery School and Children’s Centre has lots of groups running. “Like” them on Facebook to see timetables.

Wed 2-4pm at Filwood Community Centre with the ACE service. No need to book.For info and support call the ACE helpline on 0117 239 8969.


Mon,Thurs and Fri at Knowle West Health Association, 49b Filwood Broadway. Phone 0796 973 7076 or email kwhacounselling@ Sessions by appointment only.

Green Gym

Thurs 10.15am on the Northern Slopes - meet next to 105 Wedmore Vale. Just turn up.

Coffee Morning

Last Sat of the month at Filwood Library, 11am. Tea and cakes, bric a brac and a raffle.

The Reader

Fri 11.30am-1pm. Shared reading group at Filwood Library.

Over 50s Dance Group

Mon 1.45-4pm, Filwood Community Centre. Just turn up or call Jackie Crook on 0117 9721 424.

Friendship Club

Tues 10am-12pm, Filwood Community Centre. For ages 50+.Call Knowle West Health Association, 0117 963 9569.

Tues 1-3pm and Fri 10am12pm at 4 Filwood Broadway. Bring your own project or start one. FAMILIES

Parenting Groups

Toast and Talk Breastfeeding Group

Mon 9.30-11.30am at The House, Knowle West Children's Centre, Downton Road. Call 0117 903 0214.

Toy Library Sessions

Fri 2-4pm at Oasis Academy, Marksbury Road. Visit www.

FILWOOD LIBRARY (Term times only) Pre-school Story Times

Little Beacon Parents and Toddler Group

Fri (term times only) 9.30-11am at Salvation Army Hall, Padstow Road. For 0-3s but older siblings welcome. Contact Charlotte on 0117 966 1369

New Pastures Ministry

Sun 10.30am-12.30pm at Knowle Community Centre, BS4 2SS. With Lighthouse Kids activities. Just turn up or call Pastor Frank on 0778 627 1338. CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE

Free cricket sessions

Tues at The Park, Daventry Road from 4.30 – Run by Wicketz Bristol for girls and boys aged 8-11. Contact Crispin Shingler on 07398 211 596 or email crispin.shingler@

NEET's Career Advice

Mon12-2pm at Filwood Library. Advice and guidance for young people not in education, employment or training, from Learning Partnership West.

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Tues 6-7pm - future champions kids Fri 6-7pm - mixed adult and children Filwood Community Centre. Call Jamie on 0793 980 5097.

Girlguiding Groups

Wed at 11.30am.

Tues 5.45pm at Connaught Oasis Community Hub. Rainbow (girls aged 5-7). Brownies (7-10 years). Contact Sophie at connaught.rainbows@, or for the Brownies,

Baby Hub

Scouting Groups

Fri at 2pm.

Baby Bounce and Rhyme

Tues 10-11.15am, run by Knowle West Children’s Centre. Drop-in sessions for parents with babies and toddlers under two.

Wild Play Toddler Sessions

Wed 1-2.30pm on the Northern Slopes (meet Bommie entrance,105 Wedmore Vale). Outdoor activities for 2-4 year olds. Visit: mywildchild

Salvation Army Hall on Padstow Road. • Mon 5.45 - 6.45pm, Beavers (6-8 years). • Wed 6.30 - 8pm, Cubs (aged 8-10.5). Mon 7 - 8.30pm, Scouts (10.5 -14 years). Email

Tap and Drama Group

Tues 5-8pm, Knowle West Art Promotion Group for ages 5 plus (and parents) at Filwood Community Centre. Contact Gloria Tucker 0117 953 2986 or 0751 358 8416.

Issue 79 (February-May). Copy deadline 26 January. Delivered to your door from 26 February.

All dates are subject to change – keep an eye on the Knowledge website for definite dates.

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