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For the residents of Filwood, and parts of

Knowle & Windmill Hill

photo by Chris Bahn


From Knowle West to p.7 Lord Mayor’s Mansion Food Festival at Inns Court


Local Chef is Bristol’s Food Hero



THANKS TO: the Newsletter Steering Group (Ann Smith, Ken Jones, Denise Britt), Neighbourhood Partnership (Andrew McLean,Val Talbot) and Knowle West Media Centre (Sue Mackinnon - Editor and Community Journalism Tutor, Bart Blazejewski - Designer). All articles express the views of individual contributors and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the Neighbourhood Management, Steering Group or KWMC.

Learn something new

With summer here – despite the uncertain weather – it’s good to see so much going on in our local community to bring people together. There are planned fun days and the second Knowle West Fest will be back in August (p5) – as well as holiday activities taking place at many local venues. This is also a real “foodie” edition – highlighting just how much activity there is across the area. Not only is there a big food festival planned for September at Inns Court (p3) but Knowle West has yet again produced a BBC Bristol Local Food Hero (p7). Congratulations to chef Barny Haughton who runs Square Food Foundation at The Park. There are also two new local cook books recently launched in the area, compiled by a school and local mums (p8). We also want to congratulate Councillor Jeff Lovell who was sworn in as Lord Mayor at the end of May (p7). He’s definitely put Knowle West on the map – and hopes to inspire the area’s young people. Finally – we are looking to develop The Knowledge – so we’re asking readers to complete a short survey on p9 (also available at www. – with the chance to win a £50 shopping voucher. Thanks for your help – we’ll let you know the results in the next issue.

Sue Mackinnon Editor

Get in touch:

If you have stories and pictures you’d like included in the next edition or would like to write for The Knowledge: Call: 0117 903 0444 Email: Write to us at: Knowle West Media Centre, Leinster Avenue, Bristol BS4 1NL

Next issue

Copy deadline: Friday 9 September Newsletter delivered from: Monday 3 October

Bristol Community Learning is organising free courses from September in the local area – open to people aged 19 plus. They are based in and around Knowle West – some with a crèche available. Plans for September onwards include: Brush up your Maths or English, Food Safety Level 2 and Self Confidence for Employment. If you have few or no qualifications, are looking for work or need support to try new learning opportunities, contact Lucy Fieldhouse on 0116 903 9809 or 0778 835 3446 or email Visit Facebook Page – The Learning Community Team.

Nominate your “Happy Hero” in Knowle West If you know an older person who brings happiness to others - it’s time to nominate them for a Celebrating Age Festival award. The Festival is looking for “Happy Heroes” living in Bristol aged 50 plus, who help others, have overcome adversity or go that extra mile. Winners will be announced at this year’s Celebrating Age Festival (CAF) Launch at the M Shed on Sunday 18 September. For nomination forms contact Shelley Hankins, Services Manager, Age UK Bristol, Canningford House, 38 Victoria Street, Bristol BS1 6BY, email shelleyhankins@ageuk bristol. Deadline: Friday 26 August. Visit: www.celebratingage festival.

Iwona leaves Green Business Park Filwood Green Business Park said goodbye to Iwona Tempowski at the end of June - its Business Manager for the past year. Iwona said: “This has been a fantastic project to be involved in, and it’s great to see the place filling up with such a lovely and inspiring group of entrepreneurs…It won’t be easy to find another equally attractive workspace…”


New pupil governors Children at two Knowle West schools now have more say on the way they are taught and how their schools are run. Following a pilot last year, Ilminster Avenue and Greenfield E-ACT Academies are two of three schools across Bristol to have an established team of six or seven Associate Pupil Governors each.

The new pupil governors will represent their fellow students and contribute towards making lessons more interesting as well as planning and assessing their school’s progress.

Half price entry to exhibition with bus ticket Bus travellers will be able to claim half price entry to the latest exhibition at M Shed. The museum at Harbourside has partnered with First to offer bus travellers 50% off entry to The Story of Children’s Television from 1946 to Today exhibition – which opened at the beginning of July. The offer is only available on certain routes – including the 90, 36, 51 and 54. All you have to do is show your bus ticket at M Shed. The business park now has three awards – the 2degrees Champions Award and the Bristol Post Green Capital Award in 2015 and the latest, a Bristol Civic Society Design Award.

Free cash machine over 12 hours a day The newly-refurbished Post Office and shop on Melvin Square is reminding residents they can get free cash withdrawals over 12 hours a day. Manager Kevin Patel said: “People can get free cash withdrawals and pay their bills at the retail site. Otherwise they have to travel to Broadwalk or even Bedminster.” The branch is open 7am-10pm Monday to Saturday and 9am-10pm on Sunday.

Visit for more news and info

News South Bristol Toy Library comes to Marksbury Road South Bristol Toy Library started last month at Oasis Academy Marksbury Road - providing free swap and play sessions on Friday afternoons during term time. The charity is a new community resource run by volunteers, which for a small yearly membership fee, allows families to borrow toys for their children as they grow. Committee Chair Annie Berry explains: “…We particularly want to reach more isolated parents and carers - maybe those new to the area, going through postnatal illness or not on social media.

Food festival in Knowle West Residents will be able to come and sample locally produced food at a festival celebrating all that’s best in the area. A Taste of Knowle West will take place at Inns Court Family Centre on 10 September to encourage residents who make or produce any food to come and sell their products - while offering tasters and demonstrations of what they do. It’s being run by a group of local organisations – Inns Court Family Centre, Knowle West Children’s Centre, Incredible Edible Bristol and Love Food Festivals. Sara Venn from Incredible Edible BrIstol explains: “The aims of the festival are to bring together all the small producers in the area, facilitate a

Parkour closed following arson attack A well-used community facility at The Park has been forced to close – following a second arson attack last year. The centre in Daventry Road had one of the only parkour arenas in the southwest, used by hundreds of people across the area. Parkour involves moving rapidly through an environment and negotiating obstacles by running, jumping and climbing. It is thought the blaze last August was started deliberately and it ruined at least a quarter of the rubber surface causing some £10,000 of damage. It was the second time the facility had been attacked – it was set on fire three

“We want to make it easier for everyone to access good quality toys and to encourage children to learn to share at the same time…” Membership costs £10 a year and then from 20p to £2 to borrow toys. Sessions will resume at Oasis Academy Marksbury Road Primary School on Fridays from 9 September, 2 - 4pm. During the summer holidays the group will run on alternative Tuesdays from 26 July - 23 August, 10am - midday at the United Reform Church in West Street, Bedminster. For more information: www.south, Facebook: southbristoltoylibrary or email south

Mayor meets hens at school allotment Pupils at Greenfield E-ACT Primary had a visit from the new Mayor of Bristol Marvin Rees in June to open their annual garden party. Mr Rees also helped supervise the naming of the first hens and rooster to join the school allotment, pulling selected names out of a hat. They are now called Rosie, Sam and Louie. At the garden party, Year 1 and 2 children showed how they are meeting the Fiver Challenge, which encourages business in schools. The new allotment is already providing strawberries, spinach and tomatoes. The Fiver Challenge is backed by Virgin Money and Young Enterprise to help children set up mini businesses in school.

@kittywebster To any growers in Knowle West, show us your veg! @kwhathegardener @kwhealthassoc @knowlewestcc @KnowleWestHealh

space where they are able to sell their goods and get local people excited about the food they eat - inspiring them to try new, tasty, affordable and healthy alternatives they can cook at home with confidence… Anyone who produces anything edible in the area is invited to come along and set up a stall and we encourage them to get in touch. There will also be foraging walks, a barbecue and children’s activities at the event. The food festival will take place on Saturday 10 September from 11am 3pm. For more information or to have a stall contact Inns Court Family Centre on 0117 904 1220 (9am-1pm) or Sara Venn on 0778 619 4803, email sara@ Full story:

years ago and reinstated – but now The Park can not afford to replace it. Centre Manager at the Park, Emma Hinton, told the Knowledge: “We have had to take the very difficult and unfortunate decision to remove the parkour facility here at The Park, following a number of arson attacks. “This facility was widely used and respected and a great free resource for the community. “We are extremely upset and disappointed that the actions of a few have resulted in this action. However, as a charity we could not continue to fund this. “We are looking to the future and how we can continue to support Parkour here at The Park in a different way. Watch this space……” Mr Rees said: “…Teaching pupils about the importance of healthy eating, physical activity and teamwork from a young age will help them flourish, so I’m really pleased to hear about the work taking place at Greenfield Primary.”


Your community

Filwood, Knowle and Windmill Hill Neighbourhood Partnership By Andrew McLean and Lloyd Allen

What is the local Neighbourhood Partnership? The Neighbourhood Partnership for Filwood, Knowle and Windmill Hill is a local decision-making group that delivers positive activities for the Partnership area. These activities are written into a local Neighbourhood Partnership plan agreed by local residents, Bristol City Council and other agencies such as the police. The Neighbourhood Partnership also manages a small grants fund to support the work of local community groups and agencies delivering services across the Partnership area. For more information visit: www.bristol.

How can I get involved? Any resident can come along and take part in the following meetings:

Neighbourhood Partnership Meeting – 6pm on Wednesday 21

September 2016, at Knowle West Media Centre, Leinster Ave, BS4 1NL. Contact Andrew McLean on 0746 733 5714 or email andrew.mclean@ for more information on the meeting or anything to do with the Neighbourhood Partnership.

Highways and traffic issues

received funding for different activities such as: • A Winter Lantern Parade • The Sprint Community Bus • A Feel Good Friday event, • Arts in the Park event • A Human Sundial

Front gardens enforcement As a result of concerns from local residents - council officers carried out enforcement action in Illminster Avenue and Newquay Road against householders who have allowed waste to build up in their front gardens. They will now be looking at other streets in the area.

Knowle West Front Gardens Competition 2016 Residents said it would be great to do something positive to encourage people to do more with their front gardens - to make them something

to be proud of. They’ve asked if there could be a front garden competition. So far, a handful of residents have come forward and offered to be judges - but so that a larger part of Knowle West could be included, more help is needed. Do you want to help out? We’ve already received garden pictures from those who want their garden to be included. It will be great to have you on board. Please contact Lloyd (details below) for more information.

Improvements to parks and open green spaces The Neighbourhood Partnership has access to funds to help improve parks and open green spaces in Windmill Hill, Knowle and parts of Filwood. If you have suggestions on how our parks can be improved, contact Lloyd Allen on 0117 922 4320 or email Lloyd.allen@bristol. to request an Improvement form. The form will have to be returned no later than Friday 5 August. Please note that parks and open green spaces within the Knowle West regeneration boundary cannot benefit from the available funding. Please see the map below for the regeneration boundary.

All highways and traffic issues will be discussed and managed by your local Neighbourhood Forum. Future forums will be working towards agreeing traffic schemes and maintenance works for your local area. So for example, if you need cars to slow down in your area or have problems with anti-social parking, or any other traffic issue - then pop along to your Neighbourhood Forum. For more information about reported traffic issues in your area visit: https://tracker.

Wellbeing grants At the Annual General Meeting of the Partnership, local councillors awarded £14,172 to local groups for the benefit of residents in Knowle West, Knowle and Windmill Hill. Some 19 groups


‫‏‬‪@carolynhassan‬ ‬ Please support @bayleahart write her book @unbounders - she’s raised 27% #young #knowlewes #talent #loghouse #crowdfunding

Your community

Inns Court Family Fun Day By Lloyd Allen

On a very hot Sunday on 5 June, residents of Inns Court came to the play area for a Family Fun Day. It was great to see so many people out - and many enjoyed a free ice cream! Residents said they would like to have a table-top sale as part of another fun day. This is a great idea. Do you want to be involved / have a stall? Please get in touch with Lorena Alvarez on 07464 989137 or as soon as possible.

like-minded people come together to start new social groups and find solutions to shared issues. “Already I have met lots of passionate residents with great ideas. I’m really looking forward to getting to know Knowle West over the coming months, finding new opportunities to bring locals together and celebrating the skills and talents of friends and neighbours in the community…” If you want to talk to Alex about your ideas you can contact him by email or by mobile on 0758 530 7354. Or If you see him in the area – come over and say hello!

Filwood Quietway – watch out for more events Public events to shape a planned walking and cycling route through Knowle West have been happening across the area. Filwood Quietway is being created by Bristol City Council, working with Sustrans - to provide a “safe and direct route” between the city centre, Hengrove and Filwood. From February to May there were events to allow the public to have

New Community Development Officer Knowle West has a new Community DeveIopment Officer who will be out and about in the area talking to local

will be a celebration of different ages, cultures and talents in the community. This year organisers promise it will be “even bigger” with a host of activities for everyone to enjoy - from musical performances and circus skills to food demonstrations. As well as a range of sports and arts activities for all the family, there will be stalls, a tea dance – and visiting fire engine and police horses. One of the organisers and Chief Executive of re:work, Vicky Beckwith says: The Knowle West Fest is getting bigger and better each year. We have music from across the city – including Knowle West. We have crafts, games, a smoothy bike, giant fruit … animals, music workshop, At-Bristol, fresh local food, a pop-up M shed museum – and loads and loads more. “If people want to run a stall, activity, perform or just be involved give me a shout. If you want to find out about anything and everything that is going on in the wonderful area of Knowle West – and have a fabulous day – come along…” Knowle West Fest will be happening on Filwood Broadway on Saturday 20 August from 12-4pm. This year the celebrations will run into the evening at Filwood Community Centre. Follow the plans at: KnowleWestFest/?ref=bookmarks For more information or to get involved call Vicky on 0117 953 0689 or email Police Box at last year’s festival.

their say about any issues and improvements that could be made – with the final one at Filwood Broadway. Now Sustrans is considering all responses and working on the designs. There will be some consultation events on these for both the Northern Slopes and Victoria Park routes planned to start around September. people. Alex North has moved to Bristol from Devizes in Wiltshire - and will be working from the Neighbourhood Partnership office on Filwood Broadway. But he says most of the time he “hopes to be out in the community, knocking on doors and speaking to people in the streets”. He says: “I will be working with residents out in the community, listening to their ideas and helping

Knowle West Fest returns in August Following the huge success of last year - the second Knowle West Fest will return to Filwood Broadway on Saturday 20 August. The free festival is being run by a group of local organisations called Knowle West Together who are working with residents to improve the area. The event

‫‏‬‪@LloydAllenBCC‬ Knowle West front gardens competition: enter ‘most improved’ & ‘best overall’. Entries to me by 12 Aug. Please share


Karate club scoops 19 awards

Local Stories

Local dog is beauty queen They say every dog has its day – but for eight-year-old Kiska from Knowle West recognition comes all the time. The Alaskan Malumute has recently scooped Miss United Kingdom for her breed – which was by online vote. She was then awarded Runner Up in Miss World, only pipped at the post by Miss America. And next year the pooch pin-up is due to appear in a Malumute calendar. Kiska’s owner Filwood Councillor Chris Jackson said: “I’m over the moon – I’ve always known she was the best dog about and now I’ve been proven right. “She’s always with me… I take her out every day and everyone knows her by name and then ask me, ‘Are you that councillor?” Kiska has attended council meetings and gone on walkabouts with Cllr Jackson in the area. She was also there the day he finally got a dog bin in Filwood Park after five years of campaigning. The canine beauty originally came from a dog rescue centre at just 10 weeks and had been “very neglected” - but has never looked back since arriving in Knowle West. She has won other competitions in the past - awarded best in her age group and Best Dog at Redcatch Dog Show three years ago – when they were “just going for a walk in the park” and she was a last minute entry. Now Cllr Jackson thinks Kiska may retire from competitions – but she will continue to be a regular fixture on dog walking circuits around the area. Full story:



By Community reporter Dan Marles

newly established Knowle West karate club has just achieved 19 awards in only three competitions. The Karate Club, based at Filwood Community Centre, has only been running for 18 months and practises the traditional style Shukokai. Members are all local and ages range from five to adult – but it is the youngsters who have been clocking up the awards. In June seven students, all under 13, came away with 12 medals at the Gloucester Open – in Gold, Silver and Bronze. Six students also achieved first and second in Team Kata in the World United Martial Arts earlier this year. And the club also shone at the Gloucester Invitationals - with three pupils aged nine and under winning five awards. Instructor Val Davies said: “They’re a good club because they train together and support each other... They’re not medal chasers – they just want to please...

“I teach children with disabilities… but it doesn’t stop them achieving…” Mum, Dawn Brooks, says the club has really helped her autistic daughter Breanna (nine). She says: ”It has made her more social and helped her with body co-

Meet Knowle West Health Park’s new Chief Executive

Heather is looking forward to taking on her new position and “ the challenge it will be.” “I realise Vicki Morris will be a hard act to follow but am so thankful she has paved a glorious path for me to walk – almost like the yellow brick road!” Heather shares Vicki’s love of cake at work - and promises to put her baking skills into good use. Her other interests include swimming in the sea – having purchased a wet suit recently - and she’s also been known to known to jump out of an airplane at 10,000 feet and abseil down Avon Gorge and tall buildings! She is enthusiastic at the prospect of getting to know the community and hopes people will feel free to contact her and say “hello”. Full story:

Knowle West Health Park Company has a new Chief Executive – following the departure of Vicki Morris in June. Heather Williams has lived in South Bristol all her life-enjoying “ the realness of people and the opportunity to have a natter with someone wherever you are.” She comes to the post from Hartcliffe and Withywood Community Partnership - where she was a community development worker for ten years. For the past few years she has also delivered the Dundry View Neighbourhood Partnership. She explains: “My role was a mixture of anything and everything that would enable residents to have a say in how they lived in their community and be part of the solution - from drinking tea to picking up dog poo… “Over the last four years I’ve been working alongside partners and residents - looking at how people can make a positive difference in their lives by improving their health and wellbeing…”

ordination… she can read instructions in Japanese and tell you what the words mean.” The Karate Club meets at Filwood Community Centre Wednesdays from 5 - 6pm and Sundays from 3.30 5pm. For more information contact Dawn on 0797 094 8006. Full story:

‪ ‫‏‬‪@rogerg44‬ ‬ @Araikes talks postive mental health w/ communities @BristolCCG @ @Ujimaradio @BristolBMEVoice in knowle west

Local stories


Local councillor becomes new Lord Mayor Story and picture by Community Reporter Johnny Dadds

e left school at 15 with no qualifications - but has journeyed to become Bristol’s new Lord Mayor. Now Councillor Jeff Lovell (63), who was born and brought up in Knowle West, has a simple message for today’s young people in the area: “If I can, you can.” And after only a few weeks in his new post, he says his “feet haven’t touched the ground.” The Lord Mayor takes on a demanding role which could see him attending over 900 events a year, working seven days a week. Mr Lovell describes the position so far as “an incredible journey… challenging, but thoroughly enjoyable.” He says: “One of the reasons I took it on was because I wanted to inspire those individuals in our community who struggle throughout their educational period - who think there’s no light at the end of the tunnel… “I had no formal qualifications, I spent 31 years in the fire brigade, 10 years as a councillor and now I’m Lord Mayor.”

Unlike the elected mayor, the Lord Mayor is a non-political and civic role that has existed for around 800 years, representing the city on formal occasions and chairing council meetings. Mr Lovell explains: “Whereas the Bristol Mayor looks after the finances … I look after the dignitaries who visit the city.” Growing up in Filwood, he attended Ilminster Avenue School and the former Connaught Road Secondary School - where he competed in the West of England athletics championships. He recalls: “…I loved every minute of it; the youth clubs, the fields, the school was wonderful…” The closure of Connaught Road Secondary School is what he points

Knowle West Chef is Bristol Local Food Hero

He says of the award: “It’s brilliant, it feels like an endorsement of 30 years work in a way and so it’s obviously not just about me but everyone who’s been on this journey… “The mission here is to build on what we’ve started and to make food democracy - creating an en-

A Knowle West chef and champion of food education has won the BBC Bristol Local Food Hero award. Barny Haughton - who runs Square Food Foundation cookery school at The Park - received his accolade at the Radio 4 Food & Farming Awards. The award recognises his lifetime of achievement as a pioneer of organic and sustainable food and valuable contribution to Bristol’s food scene. Barny is director and head teacher at Square Food Foundation – a cookery school and community kitchen that teaches “people from all walks of life to cook good food from scratch.” This is the second Local Food Hero Award for the area. Last year it was won by gardener Steve Griffiths, from Knowle West Health Association, for his work at Let’s Grow Community Allotments. Barny’s career spans nearly three decades, opening Rocinantes Tapas Bar on Whiteladies Road in the 1990s, followed by Quartier Vert, and then Bordeaux Quay on Harbourside.

to as a cause of some of the area’s issues - which he has looked to tackle as Labour councillor for Filwood since 2007. “I’m hoping people will agree the quality of life is tremendously better now and people feel more confident… Don’t look so much at what I’ve done, but look at what I’ve been part of…giving the people a voice and letting them make the noise.” His wife Bridget, who has worked with him throughout the years in local communities, has taken on the role of Lady Mayoress, accompanying him on official duties - when she isn’t busy being a grandmother. The couple raised three children as Mr Lovell worked in the fire brigade – which itself he describes as a “unique family.” He was the first father to be seen at the local play school, converted the garage into a classroom and gave up smoking for several years to fund his daughter through university. But now it’s the whole of Bristol he will be taking under his wing. He says: “My family is 460,000 people now.”

Rugby star on tour in Australia

vironment where people can cook, shop and eat what is coming out of Knowle West …we have been working on creating a market at The Park for example… “People are exited about what’s going on. All over Knowle West there are hubs of food activity. It’s coming from within the community and it’s growing and we’re all making connections between each other as well.”

‪ @VolBristol‬ ‬ Re:work Steward/rodie for Knowle West Fest 20th of August setting up and clearing down manning the entrances support

Congratulations to rugby star Eillis Genge from Knowle West who has been selected to play for the England squad for the summer tour of Australia. Ellis (21), who is a prop for Leicester made his full England debut against Wales at Twickenham in May – and his rapid rise has shocked the sporting world. The former pupil of Ilminster Avenue Nursery and Knowle Park School represented England at Under 17 and Under 20 levels, helping England to the Junior World Championship final in 2015. His advice to other young people is to “stick at it, don’t follow the crowd.” “I was told countless times I’d never make it in rugby. If you think you can do a sport and make something of it, keep going and don’t listen to anyone else.”


Local Stories

Cookbook encourages kids to eat healthily

Cookery book launched at KnowleDGE

A new cook book to help parents encourage their children to eat a wide range of foods has been created by three local mums. Janet Narocki, Kelly Harris and Tina Wilson are parent volunteers who run the Cook and Play group at Knowle West Children’s Centre (KWCC). The idea of the book grew from the success of the group - which gives children from the local community the chance to enjoy hands-on cooking with their parents. In the introduction the trio explain: “Cook and Play gives children the opportunity to try new foods, and also the time for parents to cook with their child… “We thought the book could help parents to encourage their children to eat a wide range of foods, and also show that cooking from scratch can be quick, easy and delicious…”

A cookery book launched at KnowleDGE in June has involved the whole school - with recipes supplied by pupils, staff and parents. And the occasion was celebrated with a large cake - which was a copy of the front cover illustration. Hospitality and Catering Tutors Maxine Golbourne and Jayne Townsend have been leading the project – which has taken a year to complete. Maxine explains: “It was a suggestion from one of the teachers and we saw it as something all the pupils could be involved in. It covered art, conversions in maths and English… “We’ve fundraised by pop-up cafe’s selling preserves and biscuits, L-R: Rebekah King (14), Matthew Webley tasters in the school café and a (12) and Jack Wring (16) with Hospitality soup café to local organisations…” and Catering Tutor Maxine Golbourne.

L-R: Mums Janet Narocki, Kelly Harris and Tina Wilson. They say the book contains a range of nutritious, tasty and cost effective recipes to give parents healthy alternatives at mealtimes. They include popular Beetroot Muffins, Chicken Fajitas and Lamb Koftas. The Cook and Play cookbook will be available to buy from the three KWCC sites and at local events, with any profits going to the group. Full story:

New sandwich shop offers play sessions A new sandwich shop and café in Knowle West is offering a Tuesday morning toddler and baby session with a nursery nurse. Local residents Natasha Osbourne and partner Scott Plumpton, both 24, are joint owners of The Sandwich Bar - which opened in mid-June on Leinster Avenue.


Two new cook books produced in Knowle West

Mum of two Natasha says: “I’ve got young kids myself, so I wanted somewhere child-friendly because I know eating out with kids is not a calm situation. “We have a trained nursery nurse who will do some activities with them. Parents can get involved if they want. They get a free cup of tea and coffee while it’s happening and 10% off their dinner.” The café offers a range of food including hot and cold sandwiches, jacket potatoes and the Slimming World Breakfast as well as children’s meals. Natasha adds: “We want it to be a real community place, we like to have a chat and get to know local people.” Local mum Kelsie Swatton who came with daughter Kerris (two) said: “It keeps the kids entertained while you are having food...” The Sandwich Bar at 69 Leinster Avenue is open from 7.30am – 2.30pm, from Monday to Saturday. For orders call 0792 5134 715.

Some of the entries feature the stories behind the recipes as well as family favourites - ranging from apple crumble to rice and beans with stewed chicken. There are also some of the most popular dishes sold at the school’s on-site Café Kenya. Maxine adds: “There’s also information about healthy eating and although not all the recipes are healthy – I’ve given suggestions to adapt them to make them healthier.” The book is available for sale from KnowleDGE in Leinster Avenue with all money raised going towards school funds.

Owner - Natasha Osbourne (L) with catering assistant Gemma Wilson.

‫‏‬‪ ‫‏‬‪@Bristolplaybus1‬ Join our Playrangers at Knowle West Fun Day at Knowle West Health Park on 26th July 2016 11am-4pm @Bristol20mph‬‬

Knowledge Survey

1. Do you read the Knowledge Newsletter? £ Always Usually £ £ Sometimes £ Never

Your views are important to us – so we’re carrying out a survey to help us develop The Knowledge and secure future funding.

2. Do you read: £ All of it £ Most of it £ Some of it £ None of it

Tell us what you think

Your survey will be put in a random prize draw and we’re offering a £50 shopping voucher of your choice for the winner. If you would like to enter please include your name and contact details below. You can enter online at: Or simply cut out the survey and pop it in boxes round the area at:

3. Please let us know what makes you want to read it?

4. If you sometimes or never read it, what stops you?

• Knowle West Media Centre, Leinster Avenue • Filwood and Marksbury Rd Libraries • Inns Court Family Centre • re:work on Filwood Broadway • Knowle West Health Park • The Park Please complete by Friday 9 September.

Name: Postcode:

5. Does the Knowledge newsletter makes you feel more part of the community? £ Yes £ No 6. Do you feel able to send in or suggest content? £ Yes £ No 7. If yes, what makes this possible? / If not, why not and what can we do to help?

Email/and or phone number: Age: Gender:

Thanks for taking part



‫‏‬‪@BobConstantine‬ C ‬ eremonial swearing in of Cllr Jeff Lovell - first man born in Knowle West to become Lord Mayor of #Bristol !


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Free dental care for South Bristol residents

Health Singing for the Brain A new Singing for the Brain group has just launched in Knowle West for people with dementia and their carers. The group, run by the Alzheimer’s Society takes place on Tuesday mornings at Filwood Community Centre. Group Co-ordinator Kate Thorn explains: “Singing for the Brain gives the opportunity to enjoy music and reminiscence whilst socialising with others over a cup of tea. “If you, or someone you know thinks


ocal residents will be able to access free dental care at South Bristol Community Hospital. Dental student teams at the hospital – also working as part of Bristol Dental Hospital and School – are looking for a variety of new patients. Clinical Lead for Dental Services and Teaching, Alison Lee says: “…We already deliver a popular service within the area; we are now reaching out to more of the South Bristol community to engage with people of all ages and backgrounds. “All routine dental care and treatment can be carried out by students. They are able to treat most people, and for more complicated procedures, they always direct people to best care…” Groups and individuals interested in working with South Bristol Community Hospital (SBCH) dental services or accessing care should contact Alison by email or call 0117 342 9791. For more information on SBCH dental services, call 0117 342 9792. Full story:

they would like to give it a try, please contact Alzheimer’s Society on the number provided. We would be happy to hear from you!” The group runs on Tuesdays at Filwood Community Centre in Barnstaple Road, BS4 1JP. To attend a session email or call 0117 961 0693.

Public consultation on Oral Health Promotion

Getting the right support for mental mealth

provoking and reminded us of the need to work together.”

Following Mental Health Awareness Week in May – a free workshop took place in Knowle West in June called Challenging Mental Health Stigma. Organised by Community Access Support Services (CASS) and Stand Against Racism & Inequality (SARI) – the event at The Park in Daventry Road looked at how mental health stigma can affect people’s every day lives - and what could be done to tackle the issue. There was also the chance to hear what volunteers, group leaders and others active in local communities thought about mental health services in Bristol. CASS Board Member and CEO of Wellspring Healthy Living Centre, Elaine Flint said: “… A great audience of local groups and professionals working in mental health all thinking about how we can support our communities to get the right support at the right time. Really thought -

A joint public consultation on an Oral Health Promotion Strategy 2016-21 for Bristol and surrounding areas is now open until 22 July. The strategy sets out how the oral health of people across Bristol, North Somerset, B&NES and South Gloucestershire will be improved. The consultation is keen to gather views from a wide range of people. You can complete a short survey on the website: consult.ti/oralhealthpromotion/consultationHome

Some Local Services: Changes Bristol runs a free support group for anyone living with low moods or emotional distress Wednesdays 1.30 – 3.30pm, Redcatch Community Centre. It’s free and you can just turn up on the day. Visit: http:// Groups/Find-A-Support-Group Knowle West Health Park Company has a number of selfhelp and counselling groups including Fit and Fab, a womanonly general health meet up and Man Alive! - a group for men to get involved in health and community activities. services/all-services/self-helpcounselling/ Knowle West Health Association offers a free counselling service on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 42b Filwood Broadway.

‫‏‬‪ ‫‏‬‪@Neet1‬ ‬@dollytwh leaving do at Knowle West HP happy & sad day! #goodluckvicki

For appointments call 0796 973 7076 or email: service/ The ACE service has a hub at Filwood Community Centre – offering support to individuals finding it hard to access mainstream mental health services. It provides group support and one-to-one. assertive-engagement-service/ Other information and services:


1. The first turkey chick of the year at Andy’s Haven based at The Park. The youngster is photographed with his father Perky to show just how much he has to grow. Andy’s Haven, along with Springfield Allotments and Bramble Farm - was open to the public on 9 June for the annual Get Growing Trail. (Picture: KWMC) 2. Owners with their pets arriving for the Pooch Photoshoot with photographer Tommy Sussex – which took place at Knowle West Media Centre in June. (Picture: KWMC) 3. During Volunteers’ Week, Filwood Hope held a special lunch and presented all regular volunteers with a gift of thanks. (Picture: Laura Hathway, Filwood Hope).


4. Filwood Broadway now has its own Prayer Box. Residents can post prayer requests for a person or situation, anonymously if they wish, at Lee Abbey House. The Lee Abbey community will include these in their morning prayers. (Picture: Lee Abbey) 5. The Park hosted a BBC Radio 2 Jeremy Vine Show live broadcast In May. The show was broadcast from a village, town and a city ahead of the EU referendum - with The Park hosting the Bristol city show. Jeremy did a Ride in the Park session, held animals and talked to the community. (Picture: The Park).

6. Residents may have been surprised to see Filwood Broadway shop fronts transformed in the first week of July to include a pet shop, travel shop and tattooist as well as a florist, solicitors and veg shop. It wasn’t part of the regeneration – but for the filming of a BBC drama to be shown in December. (Picture: KWMC) 7. The popular parkour facility at The Park is closed following the latest arson attack. See p3 (Picture: The Park). 8. Spotted in a Filwood garden – Maisie the shirehorse grazes happily on the front lawn. 9. Youngsters took part in forage on Springfield Allotments to find ingredients to make summer drinks as part of Bristol Food Connections. (Picture: KWMC)

‫‏‬‪@kwmcthefactory Taste of Knowle West has arrived in the form of #shedonwheels @knowlewestmedia find out at

Who are we? We’ve been based here since 1996, supporting people to get the most out of digital technologies and the arts. Contact us: 0117 903 0444 or come to Leinster Avenue, BS4 1NL. Visit and find knowlewestmedia on Facebook and Twitter.

New workshops to help people make it in business This autumn we’ll be launching a new programme of training to support people to explore the possibilities of self-employment and setting up their own businesses in the making and manufacturing industries.

Remembering a sporting legend KWMC Trustee and ex-boxer Bob Fisher has chosen a selection of photographs from the George Gallop Archive to celebrate Bristol’s boxing heritage and commemorate the life and achievements of boxer and activist Muhammad Ali, who passed away in June.

Recent funding from NatWest’s Skills and Opportunities Fund will enable us to provide workshops at our training and making space KWMC The Factory, which is located at Filwood Green Business Park (just off Hengrove Way). The workshops will be free, fun and practical, covering topics from product design and digital manufacturing (using equipment such as laser cutters and 3D printers) to business planning. If you’re interested in making, business or new technologies, you can register your interest in the ‘Making it in Business’ workshops by contacting Justin Ricks on 0117 903 0444 or

Calling all dog lovers! Last month we hosted a free photoshoot where Bristol photographer Tommy Sussex photographed local dog lovers with their prized pets. Some of Tommy’s images will be included in the 20/20 Visions exhibition at KWMC later this year, which will coincide with our 20th birthday party. If you missed the photoshoot and you’re interested in hearing more about Tommy’s work and how you could get involved please contact Melissa on 0117 903 0444. Bob’s choices include snaps of Muhammad Ali sparring with a young fan in 1979 (pictured) and a 1993 book-signing in Waterstones, as well as images of boxing bouts in Whitchurch and the popular boxer Frank Bruno. You can view the mini collection at archive and the full archive at www. You can also purchase prints of George’s pictures online. George Gallop was a Bristol-born photographer who lived in Knowle West as a child and spent a 30-year career photographing events, celebrities and the people of Bristol. In 2010 George worked with KWMC to digitise his archive of 10,000 photographs.


Events Computers for Beginners Tuesdays, 10 – 11.30am (free for six weeks, then £3 per week) A friendly and informal environment for adults to learn more about digital technology and computers. Term-time only. Call 0117 903 0444 for details.

The team from KWMC The Factory with NatWest’s Direct of Business Banking for Bristol and Bath. Image courtesy of NatWest.

Thank you to everyone who voted for us in the public vote and helped to spread the word about the programme. KWMC was one of three organisations selected for funding in the South West – and the only one in Bristol! Summer Soapbox Derby 2 & 3 August, 10am – 4pm, KWMC: The Factory, Filwood Green Business Park Construct your own soapbox car from scratch in our making space, then race against your friends! Suitable for ages 10 – 19. For more information call Sandra on 0117 903 0444. Save the date Knowle West Media Centre’s 20th birthday party will take place on Tuesday 15 November – and you’re all invited! More details to follow next issue. Control-Alt-Delete Mondays, 4.30-6pm (free) Learn the basics of coding in a fun and exciting environment. For ages 9+. XLR Music Sessions Tuesdays, 6-8pm (free) Sessions for young people interested in music, from singing and rapping to playing an instrument or making beats. Find out more about recording, performance and how to build your knowledge of the music industry. For ages 13-19. Creative Hub Wednesdays, 5-7pm (free) A space to experiment with technology, creative media and arts. Work independently or in a team to create short films, animations, websites, apps, photography exhibitions, original music and more. For ages 10-19.


Healthy Living Centre in South Bristol

For more information Call: 0117 377 2255 Email:

Keeping Active (for adults) Monday 11 - 12 Gentle Exercise Class | Studio | £2.50 For people with reduced mobility who want to stay fit. Tuesday 6 - 7 pm Hips, Bums and Tums | Studio | £3.50 7 - 8pm Hips, Bums and Tums | Studio | £3.50 Two friendly groups to help you tone up. Wednesday 10.30 -11.45 Tai Chi Movements for Wellbeing | Studio | £2.50 Give yourself the gift of relaxation and let your mind and body release tension and stress. Thursday 6 - 7pm Step Aerobics | Studio | £3.50 Meet new friends and burn those calories. Regular Walking Groups Regular One, Two, Three Heart Walking groups and monthly social walks | Various days. Boot Camp—Military Style Tuesday/Thursday/Saturdays (mornings & evening) Call: Jason 07855 465872.

Healthy Eating Waist Watchers (Mon 9.30 - 10.30am & 4 - 5pm) | FREE Drop in weekly weigh-in. Advice and support on how to lose weight sustainably. Healthy Eating Course Are you wanting to lose weight or simply needing to learn more about how to create a healthy diet. Regular courses running, call for dates.

Mental Health & Wellbeing Art Ease Group (Tues and Wed morning) Feeling low or isolated? Our popular art group is aimed at people with mild to moderate mental health needs. Benefits can include improved self confidence, learning new skills and making new friends | £1 a session | (call for referral). Relaxation/Massage & Baby Massage Course Regular courses running call for dates. Ear Acupuncture (11 - 12 pm Fridays) Relaxing therapy which can help with a whole range of medical issues, from general aches and pains to stress and anxiety | £2 a session.


Man Alive! Are you free during the week and/or a stay at home dad? Support and activities for men of all ages. Lip Reading Class (10 - 12pm Fridays) Supportive, friendly weekly class | £2.50 a session. Women of Worth (6.30 - 8.30pm Wednesdays)Friendly support group for local women with a range of activities most weeks.

Children’s Activities Tuesdays 9.30 - 10.30am Blue Rainbow & Stretch ‘n’ Grow | Age: 2 - 5 years | Studio | 50p Lots of fun and games for pre-schoolers. Wednesday 3pm - 5pm Free Play Session—open access | Age 8 -12years | Outside in Health Park | Free. A wide range of activities games, arts and crafts, camp fire cooking (with Learning Partnership West) 5.30 - 6.30pm | Mini Beatz Street Dance Classes | Age: 6 - 10 years | Studio | £3.50. 6.30 - 7.30pm Fresh Beatz Dance Classes | Age 11 - 17 years | Studio | £4 Regardless of age or ability, come and try street dancing. Thursday 4 - 5pm After School Activity Club Age 4 - 11 years | Outside/Studio | 50p A sport club offering a mix of games, skill tests, & matches | (with Smart Sports Coaching). School holiday Sports Fun Days 10am - 3pm During school holidays Age 4 - 11 years | Outside/Studio | £5 Well organised, fun packed sports days for boys and girls. Taking bookings now Tel: 07809 483191.

One to One Advice Active Lifestyles Meet with our Wellbeing Co-ordinator to find out what’s available locally to help with your overall health and happiness | FREE. Pathways to Heath Free sessions with qualified health and wellbeing worker to advise, support and motivate you to make healthy lifestyle changes. Optional massage | FREE | Plus follow up support groups. Healthy Money Free service to help, advise and support individuals and families with their money worries | FREE | Freephone: 0800 121 4511.

Smoking Cessation One to one sessions offering information, advice and moral support to stop smoking Nicotine replacement therapy available.

Other services The Green House - Rape and sexual abuse counselling for men & children (under 18 yrs) | Call: 0117 935 1707. Diabetes UK Support Group - For anyone affected by diabetes | Call: 07494 849739. Arthritis Care Monthly Drop-in Information & support for people with arthritis | Call: 01934 316346. Off The Record Young People’s Counselling Call: 0808 808 9120. Bristol Tranquilliser Project Call: 0117 950 0058.

Outreach Health Checks Bristol residents, aged 40 and over who are eligible for a free NHS health check can now access pop-up sessions taking place in their local communities and workplaces across the city. To be eligible you must be: • aged 40-74 years • registered with a Bristol GP • not receiving treatment for a cardiovascular condition (diabetes, heart or kidney disease, high blood pressure or high cholesterol) Call 0117 377 2255 to find your closest session.


The Park & Youth Moves

Daventry Road, Knowle, Bristol, BS4 1DQ 0117 903 9770

Be Part of Our Community Would you like to be part of The Park community? We have offices and a workshop available to rent. You could join the sole traders, organisations and charities working on our site and be part of a fun, supportive network benefitting from all the facilities that we have at The Park, including a gym and café. Prices start from £85 per week. For further information, pop in to see us or call 0117 903 9770.

Boogie Bounce Extreme A new fitness initiative has arrived in Knowle! It’s a fun, fat-burning exercise class on a mini trampoline, choreographed to inspiring music. So far, it’s proving really popular here at The Park with all ages, shapes and sizes joining in. By using a mini trampoline the exercise is 2-3 times more effective than

a normal aerobics class. Every muscle is worked. Even the facial muscles!! You can work at your own pace, party off the pounds, boogie on down and bounce into shape! Classes at The Park are on Tuesday at 10am. Due to limited spaces, booking in advance is required. Please visit the Boogie Bounce Xtreme South Bristol Facebook page, call 07904150853 or email: bbxsouthbris for more information.

Have Your Say We are planning for our future at The Park. Many of you will have had a knock on the door or an invitation to a coffee morning so that we can have a chat and talk about possible plans. If you haven’t been part of these informal conversations, watch out for a questionnaire that is being circulated in the community. We welcome everyone’s opinion as we begin to imagine the years ahead and what exciting things we can do with our site and our services to benefit all of our neighbours.

Our Café Wins Top Hygiene Award The Café at The Park was recently awarded the highest possible hygiene grade in a recent, unannounced visit from Environmental Health. Well done to Steve and his team who produce delicious, affordable meals and snacks every day.

Sad News for Our Parkour We have to announce that we will be closing our parkour – an area for “free running” enthusiasts to use, free of charge. Thanks to a few local vandals who have set fire to the flooring on a number of occasions, we can no longer afford to insure it, and it is not safe to continue allowing people on our site. It will be removed shortly, leaving many parkour enthusiasts in Bristol absolutely devastated. The damage caused has run into tens of thousands of pounds. We are a charity working hard to provide facilities for our local community and now we are no longer able to offer this facility to anyone.

Bath Colour Run

Members past and present of our Youth Opinions group took part in a sponsored run in Bath recently – they had great fun and raised some much-needed money for our work in South Bristol. t

Urban Escape cooks for local groups

Young People from our Urban Escape programme have been busy sharing their cookery skills with three local groups recently - Man Alive!, older people from Rosedale House Residential Care Home and Brandon Trust. Great to see members of the community coming together and sharing skills – for more see our Facebook page at Urban Escape Bristol.

Summer of Fun

t Looking for things to do this summer? Aged 8-14 and interested in sports? Then please join us for our summer sports camps at The Park working with Bristol City Community Trust, in the weeks of 15 and 22 Aug, Mon – Fri from 10am – 3pm. To book a place call 0117 963 0636 or online at www.bristolcitycommunity

Youth Moves on Social Media

For up to date info follow us on Twitter@InfoYouthmoves or like us on Facebook - Youth Moves



There are lots of great things happening in our community - including many regular groups and activities. Your community website has an events calendar: To add your organisation or event contact Sue, Knowledge Editor on 0117 903 0444.


Wednesday 20 July from 11am 3pm. Free fun day at The Park in Daventry Road - including food, music and stalls as well as dancing, animal displays, massage and beauty.

Summer Family Fun Day

Tuesday 26 July from 11am 4pm at Knowle West Health Park in Downton Road. Includes free sporty activities and crafts for all the family, plus stalls, free food tasters and low-cost bike sale.

Free Family Wild Day

Thursday 18 August from 2 4pm at The Bommie, Northern Slopes (entrance next to 105 Wedmore Vale).
 For families with 6-12 year-olds. Parents/carers must accompany their children at all times. Wear old clothes and sturdy footwear. Bring a snack and a rug to sit on. Visit avon

Bristol International Balloon Fiesta

Thursday 11 - Saturday 14 August. Ashton Court Estate.

Knowle West Fest

Saturday 20 August from 12 – 4pm on Filwood Broadway including live music, stalls, workshops and food demonstrations. To have a stall or volunteer on the day contact Vicky Beckwith on 0117 953 0689, email vicky@ or pop into 16 Filwood Broadway. (See p5).

A Taste of Knowle West

Saturday 10 September at Inns Court Family Centre from 11am - 3pm. A food festival for local people who make or produce food to sell their goods. Tasters and food demonstrations, children’s activities and music. To have a stall contact Sara Venn on 0778 619 4803 or email (See p3).

Celebrating Age Festival

Launch day - Sunday 18 September, 10am - 4pm at the M Shed, Harbourside. Annual

event to engage older people in activities taking place across the city. Visit: www.celebrating

Free IT support at Library

HMRC volunteers are working with Filwood Library to offer free one-to-one IT support on Tuesday 20 September and 25 October, 1.30 - 3.30pm. Email


Saturday 1 October at The Park in Daventry Road – a street art festival showcasing major artists and workshops for children and young people as well as food and music.

Happy and Active in Knowle West

Monday 3 October from 1 - 4pm at Knowle West Health Park Company, Downton Road. Annual event for over 55s with free afternoon tea, activity tasters and tea dance as part of the Celebrating Age Festival. To book free transport call Sue at KWMC on 0117 903 0444.

ADULTS Green Gym

Thursdays at 10.15am on the Northern Slopes - meet at the green next to 105 Wedmore Vale. Activities according to ability including cutting and planting trees, building steps and controlling vegetation. Just turn up.

Gardening Club

A gardening club for older people, people with dementia and their family members at Springfield Allotments, Andover Road, Knowle on Fridays, 10.30am - 12.30pm. Indoor activities for rainy days. Contact Dale Cranshaw on 0758 128 1578, email dalec@growing or drop in.

Over 50s Film Club

Silver Screen meets monthly at Novers Park Community Centre, Tuesday afternoons from 1.30pm. Next dates: 23 August and 27 September. Contact Karron on 0117 907 7038/0776 084 9371.

Families/Parenting Groups

Ilminster Avenue Nursery and Children’s Centre has lots of groups running. “Like” them on Facebook to see their timetables.

Knitting Group

Wednesdays 2-4pm at Filwood Library. Drop in or for further information contact Claire at: or ring 0787 681 4604.

Filwood Chase History Society

Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons from 1 - 4.30pm at The Park in Daventry Road. For more information contact Ivor Grimsted on 0785 676 9285 or email filwoodchase@

Coffee Morning

Last Saturday of the month at Filwood Library at 11am. Tea and cakes, bric a brac and a raffle.

Retired Gentleman’s Woodwork group

Every Wednesday from 10am - 2pm at The Park in Daventry Road. Call 0117 964 5303 for more details.

Teenagers 13-16 years: Mondays 12 – 2.30pm. Adults and Children cooking together: Wednesdays 10am - 12.30pm. At least one adult per child and the child must be 5+. Cost: Children £1.50 and adults £3.50. To book email info@knowle, call 0117 963 9569 or pop into the office.

Big Friendly Read

The Summer Reading Challenge takes place every year during the summer holidays. You can sign up at Filwood, Knowle or Marksbury Road Library, then read six library books of your choice to complete the Challenge. This year’s theme is centred around characters from Roald Dahl books. Visit: www.summerread or pop into your local library.

NEETs Career Advice

Mondays 12 - 2pm at Filwood Library. Advice and guidance for young people not in education, employment or training, from Learning Partnership West. For more information about library activities: Filwood (0117 903 8581); Knowle (0117 903 8585) and Marksbury Road (0117 903 8574).

Free Wild Play Toddler Sessions

Avon Wildlife Trust’s My Wild Child sessions for 2-4 year olds. Every other Thursday, 1 - 2.30pm from 8 September on the Northern Slopes. Cooking for Adults (meet next to Bommie entrance, 105 Thursdays from 12 - 2.30pm at Wedmore Vale). Sessions offer fun the teaching kitchen, Knowle outdoor games and activities - wear West Health Association, 49b old clothes and sturdy footwear. Filwood Broadway. Bring a snack and a rug to sit on. For more information or to Visit book: info@knowlewest child for more information., call 0117 963 9569 or pop into the office Girlguiding Groups at 49b Filwood Broadway. Tuesdays at 5.45pm at the

YOUNG PEOPLE Summer Holiday Cooking

Every week of the summer holidays at Knowle West Health Association, 49b Filwood Broadway. The last week may be at Springfield Allotments, depending on the weather. Children 8-12 years: Tuesdays 9.15 -11.15am.

Printed on recycled paper with vegetable inks

Connaught Oasis Community Hub. Rainbow (for girls aged 5-7). Brownie groups (ages 7-10). For more information email Viki at

Scouting Groups

Salvation Army Hall on Padstow Road. Beavers (ages 6-8years), Mondays 5.45 - 6.45pm. Cubs (ages 8-10 and a half years), Wednesdays 6.30 - 8pm. Scouts (ages 10 and a half-14 years), Mondays 7 - 8.30pm. For further information email Kate at

Issue 74 (October-December 2016) Copy deadline: 9 Sept Delivered to your door from 3 Oct

All dates are subject to change – keep an eye on the Knowledge website for definite dates.

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