Knowledge newsletter 76

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For the residents of Filwood, and parts of

Knowle & Windmill Hill


Community rallies to give square its blooms p5 Knowle West gardener creates fruit farm p5 New youth project on Broadway p7 Return of Hearts and Stars p9


THANKS TO: the Newsletter Steering Group (Ann Smith, Ken Jones, Denise Britt), Neighbourhood Partnership (Andrew McLean,Val Talbot) and Knowle West Media Centre (Sue Mackinnon - Editor and Community Journalism Tutor, Bart Blazejewski - Designer). All articles express the views of individual contributors and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the Neighbourhood Management, Steering Group or KWMC.

A word from us


ith Volunteers’ Week in June - this issue is a real celebration of the tireless work of local people who give hours of their time for free to help improve this community. From looking after and improving local green spaces p 5 - to running community groups or being a trustee p 8. We’re delighted the Hearts and Stars award ceremony is back this summer to recognise and reward the work of often unsung heroes p 9. Volunteering is a huge way to improve your wellbeing – and with better weather on the way we’re also looking at other ways to boost your health by taking up a physical activity like cycling or by joining a course or group p 14. We also want to thank organisations, groups and individuals who have been so supportive of The Knowledge and would like to see it continue. You can find out how you can become a Knowledge supporter on p 10. We’re also looking for members of the community of all ages to become community reporters – no experience necessary as training is provided. Or why not be part of our steering group? Meetings will be held every quarter in the evenings – so please get in touch with me if you’d like to join. Wishing you a fantastic summer. Sue Mackinnon Editor

Get in touch: If you have stories and pictures you’d like included in the next edition or would like to write for The Knowledge: Call: 0117 903 0444 Email: Write to us at: Knowle West Media Centre, Leinster Avenue, Bristol BS4 1NL

Next issue Copy deadline: Friday 7 July Newsletter delivered from: Monday 14 August

Cuts to Health Association services

Fight to save Jubilee Pool to go before council

Knowle West Health Association has been forced to halve some of its services after cuts to its funding. Now the voluntary organisation, which works to ‘promote, protect and preserve good health and wellbeing’, is concerned local people could miss out if it has to run on reduced hours. Knowle West Health Association services include a community kitchen, free counselling and Let’s Grow, a community food growing project. The organisation was told last year its Public Health funding was being cut and it should apply for money from the new Bristol Impact Fund – but was unsuccessful. KWHA Community Development Worker Rhianan Lowes said: “…We will apply for funding from other schemes to bridge that gap but at the end of June everything will be split in half - voluntary roles and jobs… The allotment and classes will continue on less hours and there’s no money for development..." KWHA has also lost its subsidised footcare this May which was funded by the former Neighbourhood Partnership.

The campaign to save Jubilee Swimming Pool will now go before full council in June – with over 5,000 people signing a petition. The much-loved pool in Knowle which is 80 this year has been well used by many residents – following the closure of Filwood Pool in 2005. Local people held a protest outside the pool in February after hearing it could be closed. Bristol City Council plans to withdraw its £62,000 subsidy to Parkwood Leisure, which runs the pool, as part of its budget cuts. Campaigners had to reach over 3,5000 signatures before the matter could be debated at full council on 20 June. A Bristol City Council spokesperson said: "...Council officers have been in discussion with Parkwood to find a sustainable model for the pool since August last year. Parkwood Leisure have presented some proposals which we are currently considering." Facebook Save Jubilee Pool Full story:

New childcare scheme for working parents A new scheme to help working parents get free childcare has just been launched. Working parents can apply now for 30 hours of free childcare for youngsters aged three and four. The scheme applies to children who will be three on August 31. Starting in September, parents who earn at least £120 per week – the equivalent of up to16 hours at the National Minimum wage – are eligible. For details of this and other childcare schemes visit

Supporting carers into employment Carers Support Centre has partnered with Weston College to help people from disadvantaged groups find employment. For more details contact: employment@carerssupportcentre. or call 0117 965 2200.


Go ahead for 1,800 new homes Bristol City Council is planning to build up to 1,800 homes on part of Hengrove Park and Hartcliffe Campus. The council-owned land which used to be Whitchurch Airport is currently a public open space. A third of the homes would be affordable in what would be the largest regeneration scheme within the city. Work will now start on a huge consultation process to engage people living in the area to decide on the kind of houses and public services. Bristol Mayor Marvin Rees has set a target of building 2,000 new homes per year by 2020.

@culture_claire Finn our communities officer introduces our new #knowlewest display @mshedbristol to local residents tonight

News Debate continues over Filwood Quietway Discussions are still being held between local groups and Bristol City Council about the proposed walking and cycling route through Knowle West to the city centre. The Northern Slopes Initiative (NSI), a group of volunteers which helps maintain the area, wants to ensure the Slopes are included as a ‘destination’ as well as a ‘through route’ - and that the route benefits walkers and nature lovers as well as cyclists. NSI Chair Bob Franks said: “…The proposed route through the Slopes is very steep and will necessitate a zigzag format to make it feasible; thereby taking up still more of the Nature Reserve...” As with Victoria Park, the group is concerned removing the gates would encourage “unlawful motorcycle use and more fly tipping” as well as “serious confrontations with pedestrians”. A Bristol City Council spokesperson said there were still no fixed plans for this section of the Filwood Quietway and potential ideas were “subject to discussion with the community.” He said: “…As part of the discussions around the route, we are also considering what other improvements to the Glyn Vale Open Space could be provided to try and reduce any potential impact a route may have on the environment of the park, if it is decided that the route should go through it. “This could include improving existing park facilities to make sure the area benefits from being included in the scheme.”

For the full stories visit our website

police report Tell us what you know By Neighbourhood Beat Manager PC John Nash We’re urging local people to ‘tell us what you know’ to help reduce the harm being caused by drugs in the area. More operations are being run to keep the pressure up on local dealers - but more could be done if people overcame their reluctance to come forward with information.

Anti-hate campaign launched in Knowle West Avon and Somerset police have been out in Knowle West stencilling pavements across the area – to launch the “Hate has no Home Here” campaign for South Bristol. Communications Officer for Avon and Somerset Police Stephanie Dawkins said: “The aim of this campaign will be to build on the pride of the residents of these communities and ask them to be proud that ‘we have more in common that meets the eye’…” It also hopes to provide victims and bystanders with the confidence to spot and report a hate crime. One of the hashtags was stencilled in washable chalk outside Knowle West Health Association (KWHA) on Filwood Broadway.

Matthew Mathias and Stephanie Dawkins from Avon and Somerset Police (far left and far right) with KWHA Chair Carol Casey and the Friendship Club cookery class. KWHA Chair Carol Casey said: “We’re happy to support anything around fighting hate crime – it’s uniting the community…” Anyone who is a victim of or who would like to report a hate crime can contact Avon and Somerset Police by calling 101. We know a lot of drug dealing is going on behind closed doors in the area, which is why we need neighbours to report their suspicions. We understand people can be scared to do so, which is why we encourage reporting to Crimestoppers. It’s a totally separate organisation to enable people to confidently give information in the knowledge it’s 100 % anonymous. In March, officers released video footage showing the squalid conditions local children were being raised in because of drug using and drug dealing parents.

@tog4bristol The is the first @bristolnoise team in South #Bristol #MakingHistory in #knowlewest

Two new academies for Bristol – but no secondary school for Knowle Oasis Community Learning has just had approval to build two new academies in the city – but Knowle will not have its secondary school. Oasis will establish South Bristol Oasis Academy next to its John Williams Academy in Hengrove, which will open in September 2019 for 900 pupils. Oasis Academy Temple Quarter, due to open in September 2018, will have 1,800 students - including sixth form - and be a key feature of the Temple Quarter Enterprise Zone. Oasis’s Regional Director in the south-west region, Matt Butler said they were “delighted” the Department for Education had given the go ahead. But Bristol Grammar School’s (BGS) application for a 1,000 place nonselective secondary school at Knowle was unsuccessful. Headmaster Rod MacKinnon said he was disappointed at the news. He said: “...We will be getting feedback on the bid and are considering what we should do next. BGS remains committed to developing mutually beneficial partnerships between the state and independent schooling sectors.”

Loss of free pharmacy scheme Knowle West residents have signed a petition against the loss of a pharmacy scheme that allowed patients to receive in-store minor ailments advice and assessments. A spokesperson for NHS England and NHS Bristol Clinical Commissioning said they were now trying to secure funding for a new service. Visit minor-ailments or The idea was to show the reality of what’s going on behind closed doors and why it’s so important people step up and report what they know. Several arrests have been made over recent months, with drugs, cash and so-called ‘community cars’, used to deal drugs in the area, seized. To give information to Crimestoppers, visit or call 0800 555 111. They never ask for your name and cannot trace your call. You could qualify for a cash reward.


Your community


s you might know - council funding for the Neighbourhood Partnership is coming to an end following the decision taken by Bristol’s councillors on 21 Feb 2017. This means communities in Filwood (Knowle West), Knowle and Windmill Hill will need to decide what they want to do in terms of having a relationship with the council, police and so on. The Neighbourhood Partnership (NP) has helped local people make important decisions for the area, as well as influence the council and police on how they use resources. Local play areas such as Newquay Road, Filwood Broadway and Inns Court are all here thanks to local people getting involved and saying what they think is important. Helping to prioritise local highways schemes or managing the Wellbeing Grants for community groups and their activities, have helped to improve the area. The NP had a plan to prioritise what was most important for the area, and to focus on that. Now it’s time to find out what you think is most important, and how to try and progress this.

Office on Filwood Broadway to close As part of the budget reduction for Neighbourhood Partnerships, the office at 37 Filwood Broadway closed on 12 May. This is a great shame - but NP staff are hoping to keep a presence in the area. When we have made those arrangements we will let people know.

What do you think Knowle West should do now? If you have ideas or want to find out what other residents and local organisations are already planning, get in touch with Neighbourhood Partnership Co-ordinator Andrew McLean on 0117 9224446 / 07467335714 or email andrew. or myself, Lloyd Allen at Lloyd.allen@bristol. Now more than ever it’s important for you to make sure your voice is heard. Knowle West Together is a gathering of local residents,


What’s next for Knowle West after the Neighbourhood Partnership? organisations and groups who meet to share what is going on and to see how to work together on local issues. This group has already started talking about what might be the next steps. The next meeting is at 3pm on Wednesday 21 June 2017 at Filwood Community Centre. Feel free to come along, or get in touch if you want to know more with Andrew McLean on 0117 922 4446 / 07467335714 or email andrew.

Improving Filwood Broadway…? A group of local residents have been sharing ideas and suggestions about improving the look and feel of the area.

As a starting point, the group is looking at Filwood Broadway - with ideas so far including street furniture such as planters or street art. To find out more or get involved contact Don Jones on 0777 599 7307 or

Community Payback Team still available The council is no longer able to fund the Community Payback team which helped support a number of projects in the area. But if you need help with anything from a clean-up and litter pick to a bramble bash in your neighbourhood - the team of up to eight is still available to support community groups for £30 a session. For more details contact team Supervisor Richard Ward by email: Richard.ward@workinglinkssecure. or call 0776 824 1811.

Quality of Life survey open to all aged 16 plus Bristol’s Quality of Life survey provides an annual snapshot of people’s lifestyles and how they feel

By Neighbourhood Officer Lloyd Allen about living in the city. This year, for the first time, the survey is open to all members of the public aged 16 and over. It gives people the chance to tell the council and other local public services what life is like where they live – and what they think needs to be done differently in their area. The Bristol Quality of Life Survey runs until 29 May 2017 and you can complete it using the online link quality

Goodbye to Lloyd Neighbourhood Officer Lloyd Allen will be moving to pastures new – after working in South Bristol to help residents make positive change for the past six years. Lloyd has been part of the Filwood, Knowle and Windmill Hill Neighbourhood Partnership (NP) since 2014 and before that was Community Safety Officer for Safer Bristol. But following council funding cuts and loss of part of the NP team – he will now be moving to North Bristol. Part of Lloyd’s role on the NP has included running the Neighbourhood Forums and “helping to make things happen.” He explains: “We had some really positive action coming from residents wanting to work with local officers to make life better in the area…” His highlights apart from “working with some great people in Knowle West” include changes around Marshall Walk and Inns Court as a result of two year’s work to reduce anti-social behaviour and “help residents feel safe and confident to use their local shops again.” He was also encouraged by the success of the front gardens competition he ran last year in Knowle West and hopes it will continue next year. Lloyd says of his time in Knowle West he is grateful to “everyone who has taken an interest in their community and made working here a real joy”. He says: “My colleagues Andrew McClean and Lorena Alvarez will still be around - so do let them know if you are keen to help Knowle West become an even greater community.” Full story:

‫@ ‏‬squirrelnut79 #fitandfed partnership working crucial. School, council, pro football club and local volunteers combine to provide in Knowle West #bristol

Knowle West gardener to create fruit farm

Your community


Knowle West community gardener has just been given the go-ahead to create a fruit farm for the public to enjoy on the disused croquet ground at Redcatch Park. It’s now full steam ahead for Steve Griffiths to carry out his ambitious project – after Bristol City Council gave permission for change of land use at the end of April. His plans for Redcatch Community Garden include soft fruits such as raspberries, cherries and strawberries as well as growing more exotic varieties like kiwis, lemons and grapes – with the help of two polytunnels he will be installing. He will also have a café on the site and a shop selling the produce – and hopes to have local organisations from the area involved. Steve says: “The main thing is that everything will go through the café so people can have healthy food and we’ll have an open gate policy so the public can come and pick the fruit to raise money for the project.

Berry Maze proves fruitful A unique maze featuring 15 types of berries for foraging is on track to be created at Malago Greenway this autumn – thanks to generous funding boosts. Work is due to start on The Berry Maze Project in Brixham open space this November – an overgrown piece of land between Parsons Street and Marksbury Road. A grand opening event is planned for June 2018. The maze is the brainchild of the Malago Greenway team and is being supported by Parsons Street Primary School – which held a competition for the design of the 725 sq m piece of land.The winning design by nine-yearold Harry Ward will also feature around 200 plants, five planters and two benches as well as a huge drawing on a central cement slab. The project has reached its crowdfunding campaign target in only a month – thanks to a pledge from Growing a Greener Britain, and has also been selected for the Tesco Bags of Help Scheme. The maze has also been supported by local people and businesses including

“There is a lot of fruit waste and windfalls in the area, so we’ll send out gleaning teams which is an old tradition. People will knock on doors and ask for fruit which they will pay for and it will be used in the café and shop.” An event space is planned on the site with a building in the centre for education purposes. There will also be a vegetable plot and a plant hospital where people can bring ailing specimens to be revived. Steve is working with a core team of five local volunteers, including events manager Mike Cardwell who helped him come up with the plan and wife Nina. And he has been overwhelmed with the response - with already 40 other people signed up to help with the project. He is already itching to get his spade in the ground and aims to have the café up and running in May, having already raised £4,000

for a catering trailer. He says: “Hopefully we’ll get funding just to pay wages and we want to involve local people as much as possible…” To get involved call Steve on 0782 613 7106 or pop into the Pavilion at Redcatch Park on weekday mornings.

Red Row and Ivory Flowers and with a grant from Greggs Foundation. Project initiator, Raluca McKett says. “With all this great news comes a whole lot of responsibility and we are now striving to engage as many volunteers as possible… Thank you to everyone who contributed and please vote for us in the Tesco stores!” Parson Street Primary School Deputy Headteacher, Louise Hopcroft says: “It is going to be a fantastic project to be involved with, one in which the children and the local community will really benefit from…” To find out more or donate visit Facebook TheBerryMaze2017. To volunteer email

The event was organised by Filwood Tree Champion and environmentalist Jim Smith – with bulbs donated by community gardener Steve Griffiths and tools lent by local charity re:work. Mr Smith explained: “I put in a bid for £200 worth of bulbs and because of the cuts the council said there was no money for them… “I spoke to Steve Griffiths who said he had bulbs we could have and contacted Oasis Academy who said they would allow a certain amount of parents to take their children out of school to do this…” Mum Kelly Reed was one of the group who brought son Kobi (eight). She said “It makes it look tidier when people drive past and the kids can be proud they have done something.”

Community rallies to plant bulbs threatened by cuts Local residents turned out in force to spruce up Melvin Square and plant bulbs threatened by council budget cuts. Fourteen pupils from Oasis Academy Connaught primary school along with their parents came to help tidy up the area and ensure the square had its blooms. They were joined by others from local community groups.

@filwoodcc Signs of spring in #Filwoodbroadway Think this might be a bit of #guerillagardening #AbCD #agentsofchange #knowlewest #bristol

Gardener Steve Griffiths on the site for the fruit farm at Redcatch Park.

Cuts to parks – NSI considering way forward Following the announcement of proposed council cuts to parks funding by 2020 – the Northern Slopes Initiative (NSI) is looking at ways it can move forward. The group will be asking people what the Slopes could look like in 2025 and needs residents to get involved. Contact onenquiries@

Star baker James leaves Knowle West

Your community

Social club celebrates fifth anniversary as a company A Knowle West social club celebrated five years as a successful company in April since re-opening under the name CTK 2012 Ltd. The club in Hartcliffe Road, next to Christ the King Church, was closed down by the Bristol Diocese in February 2012. But through the determination of local residents it re-opened on 1 April of that year as a company with six directors. Simon Noble, a Director and Chair of the CTK 2012 Ltd explained: “…After a lot of campaigning we got it open on the proviso we took on £30,000 debt. Members were elected in to get the company set up… we are now plus £31,000.” Director Simon Pirret said: “It’s a really good turnaround. It’s been a lot of hard work and the event is to celebrate this. It’s well-used by the local community and we’ve been able to put money into local charities…”

Left to right: CTK 2012 Ltd Director and Chair Simon Noble, Bar staff Kirsty Roberts, Lord Mayor of Bristol, Councillor Jeff Lovell, Bar Manager Julie Pirret, Lady Mayoress Mrs Bridget Lovell, CTK 2012 Ltd Directors Simon Pirret and Sheila Butterfield.

The Five Year Celebration party, which included a children’s afternoon and entertainment, was attended by the Lord Mayor of Bristol, Councillor Jeff Lovell and Lady Mayoress, Mrs Bridget Lovell. Cllr Lovell said: “It was crazy to see such a cracking community club wither on the vine. It’s been completely restructured from the ground up and they are now five years in credit. It’s a true community facility…” The club works closely with Christ the King Church which runs its coffee mornings and monthly bingo there. It has also been supported by brewery Heineken UK to help get it back up and running. CTK 2012 Ltd now has 500 paying members and is open every day of the year – including Christmas day. It is popular with local families and can be hired out for children’s parties and private functions. For more information or to join the club call 0117 966 4481 or email



ames Newman is probably best associated with breadmaking in the Knowle West community - as well as his role as Men’s Engagement Worker. But after nearly four years he’s leaving Knowle West – having proved himself a star baker with a knack for getting the community involved in activities. It all started in 2013 – when he was invited to volunteer at the Bread Café in Knowle West Health Park. It had been set up by local Baptist Pastor, Mike Pearson, working with Whisk, as a way of engaging people in the community. James recalls: “This was an opportunity for people to come in early, make bread and form a group… "I hadn’t learnt before and didn’t have a background in it.” But after six sessions of training the group was on a roll and started selling everything from focaccia to cheese bread on Thursdays at the Health Park – expanding to support different community events. At the end of that year there was a post available for the Men’s Project at the Health Park – a pilot project funded by Public Health. James explains: “The bread group was engaging men already and they asked if I could incorporate this in the Men’s Project. "I got different organisations together to see what they could do for men in the area …” In 2015 Man Alive was set up at the Health Park which included monthly men’s breakfasts at Springfield Allotments as well as activities such

Lee Abbey marks 25 years Lee Abbey Christian community marked 25 years in Knowle West – with a free event and visit from the Bishop of Bristol. Some 120 people packed Filwood Community Centre on a sunny April day to join the anniversary party – including past members, supporters and local churches as well as a number of residents. The Bishop, Mike Hill, shared a few words about the value of a Christian Community while Pioneer Leader for Lee Abbey Knowle West, Ed Palairet, shared highlights of local

as swimming, woodland skills and fishing trips. James established Rising High to keep the bread project separate and started using the kitchen at Inns Court Centre. He says: “Man Alive was all about health and wellbeing and getting guys involved who were available during in the week… “A lot has been about confidencebuilding and helping people connect with their community and then going beyond that to play a part in it and being needed. There’s a pride that comes from being asked to take part in things…” James cites one of his highlights as “pulling off events we never thought possible from teamwork and people being able to stick it out.” At the Health Park Fun Day for example they catered for over 200 people. He will miss the “sense of togetherness” from events, ‘baking bread and seeing people enjoying it and relationships in the community”. “I would encourage people to keep at it. The monthly men’s breakfast will continue, it’s a place to meet new guys over a bacon buttie … and Man Alive is still going.” For more details about Man Alive contact Knowle West Healthy Living Centre on 0117 377 2255. engagement over the years. People also had the chance to admire the new graffiti art on the wall of Lee Abbey House in Filwood Broadway – spraypainted by the Streetspace youth team. Mr Palairet told The Knowledge: “It was a special time to see people reunited… We thank the Bishop of Bristol for joining us and for his words of encouragement.” Bishop of Bristol Mike Hill at Lee Abbey’s anniversary party.

@EdwardPalairet One side of the values-based street art we had done over the Easter holiday: read about it at … #knowlewest #graffiti

Local stories

Piercings shop in the heart of Knowle West From small beginnings in a storage cupboard at The Park five years ago – Soniya Zellinger has now opened her own piecing shop in the heart of Knowle West. Launching on Filwood Broadway at the end of March - Soniya runs Piercings 4 You with partner Aaron Pritchard. She specialises in body piercings while Aaron carries out tattoo laser removal.

three months and says it’s extremely popular in the area. “You’ve got older people who had tattoos when younger and their children want them to remove them… Someone could be now in a different job. One of the biggest ones is tattoos of ex partners…” The pair stress how important it is the treatment rooms are to a high medical standard with premises checked by Public Health. They are looking forward to expanding the business and hope the venture will encourage other shops to set up on Filwood Broadway. Future plans include having a semi permanent make-up artist in the shop tattooing lips and eyebrows. Piercings 4 You is based at 39 Filwood Broadway and open Saturdays and weekdays except Wednesdays. For more information visit or call 0796 7248 787. Full story

Mini Market closes

Soniya says: “I’m looking most forward to being back in the heart of the community. I love Knowle and having a shop front means people can access us easily. “I do piercings everywhere, ears, lips, tongues, eyebrows, nipples, genitals and belly button. They are very popular… I also do microdermal inplants, which are little plates under your skin with gems on top so you can have diamonds all over your body…” Soniya also claims to be Bristol’s first branding and scarification artist – trained by one of the top body modificators, Dr Evil. A 650 degrees iron is used for the branding but Soniya says nerve endings are bypassed “so it’s not very painful”. Her scarification designs are cut into the skin with a surgical scarpel. Soniya first decided to train in piercing five years ago after her 11-year-old son had a stroke and she spent three months in hospital with him. She recalls: “My tattooist said I needed to find a different career ... I didn’t like blood and needles but I went and did training courses, set up a room at The Park and got licensed and the rest is history…” Former scaffolder Aaron has carried out tattoo removal for the past

The Mini Market on Filwood Broadway closed its doors at the end of April – to the dismay of local customers. Lynn and Martin O’Reilly who ran the shop for the past 12 years posted a goodbye on the the shop front – thanking their customers and saying they would miss them. The shop sold a real mixture of products from household cleaning and dog food to sweets and soft drinks. It used to be formally known as All Occasions and was run by Lynn’s mum Pat before the couple took over. Regular customer Benji Bennett (61) said: “It’s a shame, they’ll be sorely missed, a really nice couple, always polite and made you welcome, a lovely part of the community.” Another customer said: “I’m very sad. They are really nice people and have been there a long time…”

New youth project on Broadway A new project for local young people has been running on Filwood Broadway for the past four months – bringing music, art and graffiti to the local youth. Streetscape Knowle first opened its doors in January on the site of the former One Stop Job Shop providing a hub out in the community where young people can “hang out and have fun”. Lead Youth Worker Richard Martin started the project after talking to local young people in the community who wanted somewhere to go in the evenings. After successfully applying for funding he opened the building on Monday nights which he plans to fully renovate to create a “multi-use space.” He says: “We’ve met around 50 young people since January and we’ve got between 20-23 regularly every week… The overriding value this place is founded on is its availability to young people to become whatever they want it to become. “We are not trying to prescribe stuff to the area and they have been part of the consultation…”

Members of Streetspace spraypainting a mural at Parkfest. The young people have also been out into the community – working with graffiti artist, Nick Halahan, they have decorated the wall of Lee Abbey in Filwood Broadway, the Streetspace shutters and also took part in ParkFest in April. Richard plans to increase sessions at Streetspace to open Tuesday evenings as well. He also wants to start a Life Recovery Group for addicts on Thursday nights and a Young Father’s group for 16-25s on Fridays during the day. He explains: “The idea is to make this work five days a week with open access in the evenings…and detached youth work in the area four nights a week. “I think being here on the Broadway is highly visible - I don’t think there’s another youth club that is so visible at the moment and it’s just grown.” Streetspace currently runs from 5-7pm Monday nights for 10-13s and 7.309.30pm for 14 plus. To join pop in, look on Streetspace Knowle Facebook page, Snapchat, email streetspaceknowle@gmail. com or ring Richard on 0748 323 2869

‫@‏‬TweetEco See latest work by #liveworkmake postgrad @uwearch students working in #KnowleWest & @edenproject @uwearchsociety …


Local Stories


olunteers’ Week which runs from 1-7 June is an annual campaign to thank volunteers and celebrate the difference they make to communities. A recent review commissioned by Volunteering England has found volunteering also has huge health benefits. It can increase life expectancy, improve mental health and keep people fitter - enabling them to cope better with illness. Community Reporter Kerrie Nicholson sets out to discover the importance of volunteering to people in Knowle West…

Volunteers’ Week making a difference Connaught Rainbows For Sophie Walker – a Butterfly (leader in training) at Connaught Rainbows - volunteering was initially meant to be temporary…

Boys Brigade since 1946, where he also trained as an officer. Now 81, he shows no signs of slowing down… Over the years in his community, he has been Church Secretary; Director (and Assistant Treasurer) at Knowle West Health Association and a trustee and volunteer at Filwood Hope for 20 years, to name but a few!

South Bristol Toy Library South Bristol Toy Library has been running at Oasis Academy in Marksbury Road since June 2016 - and relies solely on volunteers to keep it going.

Annie Berry (right) and volunteer Stacy Yelland. They are all local people either with children or an interest in children’s development and play as well as reusing resources. Committee chair Annie Berry explains: “We had all seen the young population grow around us and felt many people could benefit from a service that allowed carers and parents from the area to share and reuse good quality toys as their children grew… “This is one of the few volunteering opportunities you can bring your children to and they have a fun time playing while you assist other carers and parents.” The group runs fortnightly Swap and Play sessions on Friday afternoons, where between 20 - 40 children and adults try out and borrow toys. Annie says: “…We literally would not be where we are without volunteer-power and we’re very proud of the community resource we have all achieved on a shoe-string budget!” For more information or to volunteer, please contact: hello@southbristoltoy


Sophie (29) was helping set up the new unit before she returned to work after maternity leave - but enjoyed her role so much it became permanent. Running the unit with the help of two other volunteers, Ladybird and Bumblebee, she takes responsibility for planning, unit finances and parent liaison. She says: “I love listening to what the girls want to do and finding activities which will keep them excited as well as teach them life skills and help them to gain new experiences in a safe space with their peers… “I love being a positive role model for our young people… I have found my girlguiding experience so far very rewarding. I have grown as a person and am dedicated to continuing on this journey. And giving her time is also teaching Sophie’s own children to “be generous and share.” She explains: “My daughter is at Brownies and loves to help prepare for Rainbows. She will be a great leader when she is older!” For more information on the girlguides, or to volunteer visit: become-a-volunteer/register-yourinterest

Long serving volunteer Graham Blacker is one of Knowle West’s most prolific and longest serving volunteers of nearly 65 years. At just 17 in 1952, he trained as an Assistant Youth Leader in his local church, following his time in The

In 2013, Graham had the “great honour” of receiving The Lord Mayor’s Award to mark a milestone achievement of 60 years of volunteering in the community. He says: “I’m trying to cut down, but I feel it gives me something to look forward to when I get up in the morning… I will continue to work as long as I can, because it helps me as well as people on the estate.”

Volunteering opportunities 1625 Independent People is a charity supporting young people aged 16-25 at risk of becoming homeless or already homeless in the South West. It is looking for volunteers for The Money Tree Project to help young people manage their finances. It would be for one day a week (or more) for six months, with training provided. To find out more or apply visit Oasis Community Learning is one of the largest Multi Academy Trusts in England. It is looking to recruit volunteer Academy Councillors and Chairs to some of its Academies in the South-West. Contact Sam Russe-Jones, for more information on 0797 751 6552 or email Visit

‫@ ‏‬KnowleWestGirl Jewellery making and training with the latest tech at @kwmcthefactory for people in Knowle West, Hartcliffe and Withywood

The return of Hearts and Stars

Local stories

Knowle West Fest is back

he Hearts and Stars awards evening which celebrates some of the important contributions made by volunteers and “hidden heroes” in Knowle West is returning this summer. The once popular ceremony held for a number of years at Filwood Community Centre is being brought back on 9 June at the end of Volunteers’ Week. Chair of Community in Partnership Denise Britt says: “It’s been a number of years since Hearts and Stars was held in Knowle West and we felt it time to celebrate some of the contributions made by volunteers in organisations, and hidden heroes who give their time in our community – often unnoticed…” There’s still time to vote - with boxes placed around the community until 26 May.

• • •

Neighbour Volunteer Coordinator Newcomer

Community groups and organisations as well as schools and churches across the area are being invited to attend the ceremony to help celebrate “the often unsung work” of local volunteers. The evening will take place at Filwood Community Centre in Barnstaple Road at 7pm and tickets include a welcome drink, two course meal and a disco. Tickets are available from Filwood Community Centre or by calling 0117 914 9216 or emailing Some of the winners at a Hearts and Stars award ceremony in February 2012.

Awards will include: • • • • •

Rising star - Young Person Shining star - Older Person Voluntary Group Serving in Churches People’s Choice


Knowle West Fest will be back on Filwood Broadway in September – and is looking for people to get involved. Organiser and Chief Executive of re:work Vicky Beckwith says: "Each year the Knowle West Fest gets bigger and better… “There are loads of ways you can be involved from planning, selling things…helping out on the day being a roadie or marshal, preforming or just coming along to enjoy yourself…” The festival, with a range of music, stalls and activities, will be held on Saturday 9 September from 11am 3pm. To get involved contact Vicky on 0117 953 0689, email or call into re:work at 16 Filwood Broadway. Follow Knowle West Fest on Facebook for latest updates.


‫@‏‬Reworkcharity Here's a little film from @KnowleWestFest 2016. Want to join in with 2017's fest? Drop us a line. #one #community


Local Stories

The Knowledge – how can you help We reported in the last edition of The Knowledge that Bristol City Council is no longer able to fund the newsletter. We’re passionate about community journalism - and know from your feedback The Knowledge plays a really important role in letting you know what’s going on in Knowle West. We want to work with you to ensure that we’re able to keep the newsletter thriving. Through advertising and other activities we’ve secured a substantial amount towards our annual costs - but we need to raise a further £5,000 to make sure The Knowledge continues for the year. If every household that received the newsletter could make a gift of just £1 we would not only hit our annual target– but also have some funds for the following year. To become a Knowledge supporter visit: knowledge and make your pledge today. Thanks for all your support. Businesses interested in sponsoring The Knowledge please contact Caryn on 0117 903 0444 or email caryn. For advertising contact Sue Mackinnon on 0117 903 0444 or email sue@kwmc.

Wanted: older artists and local heroes The annual Celebrating Age Festival which launches in September is looking for creative over 50s to enter its art competition and nominations for Older Achievers. Submissions for the art competition should be no more than 3ft by 3ft, include full contact details on the back and must be dropped off at Central Library by 23 August. An Older Achiever can be anyone over 55 who lives in Bristol. If you know someone who helps others, has overcome adversity or is an unsung hero who goes that extra mile – nominate them by 4 September. Winners for both the art competition and Older Achievers’ Awards will be announced at the Celebrating Age Festival (CAF) launch event at City Hall on Saturday 23 September. For more details and a nomination form visit, email caf@ageukbristol. or call 0117 929 7537.

News from Knowle West Children’s Centre New baby and staff rooms By Deputy Head Matt Caldwell KWCC have all moved in to their temporary home in Inn’s Court. The last two parts of KWCC to move

These recipes are from Taste of Knowle West Family Recipe book. We’d love to have your favourite family recipes to share with readers. Send them with the stories behind and a photo to: Gail Bevan, Knowle West Media Centre, Leinster Avenue, BS4 1NL or email

were our Baby Room and staff room. They are both now in the row of shops at Inn’s Court and we are finally all together as a team! Both of the rooms have a homely and welcoming feel to them as you can see - and we look forward to working with Inn’s Court Community Centre to give them another use when we move back to our site on Leinster Avenue later in the year. If you have any ideas of what these spaces could be used for as community rooms then please let us know by email: or pop in to see us and talk to our team.

Tips and advice Send in your top tips – from ideas around food to simple household tips that can help others save time and money. We want to publish them – with a prize for the winning tip. Email or drop them in to Knowle West Media Centre, Leinster Avenue, Bristol BS4 1NL.

Elderflower cordial

Elderflower Cordial

Rinsed elderflower stalks 2 lemons and 2 limes 50g citric acid

Rocket pesto

Rocket pesto 200g of rocket 100g cheddar

5 tablespoons of olive oil 1 clove of garlic


3.5lb/1.5g sugar 3.5 pints/1.5 litres water Measure sugar and boiling water into a large dish. Dissolve the sugar in the water. Slice the fruits and place into the cooled sugarsyrup with the elderflower heads and citric acid.

salt and pepper

Stir over so all the flowers are covered in syrup. Cover the large dish and leave overnight or for 24 hours.

Blend everything up in a blender or food processor, add salt, pepper and olive oil to taste!

Decant into sterilised bottles or jars and keep refrigerated. You can freeze the cordial or elderflower heads.

‫@ ‏‬white_design #Communityled #housing #Bristol #WeCanMake Homes 11th May @knowlewestmedia & @uwearch #liveworkmake #ukhousing

1. Brothers Luke (7) and Joseph (5) Thompson took part in the egg and spoon race at A Taste of Knowle West on Springfield Allotment this April. (Picture KWMC).

2. Connaught Rainbows joined with 1st Connaught Brownies to learn about St David’s day – making flags and playing games. (Picture Sophie Walker).

3. A Mad Hatter tea party was the first event to celebrate the fifth anniversary of South Bristol Community Hospital. L to R: Neina English, General Manager and Deputy Head of Nursing with granddaughters Poppy and Fern and Caroline Bannister, Speciality and Deputy General Manager. (Picture South Bristol Community Hospital).

4. Spotted reading The Knowledge: Residents of Blagdon Close sheltered housing at a communal breakfast. (Picture KWMC). 5. The sun shone on ParkFest this April – an arts festival at The Park with the Batala drummers, graffiti artists and painting workshops as well as crafts, circus performers and home cooked food. Another festival is planned for 2018. (Picture Millie Carrier). 6. Past and present members came together for Lee Abbey Knowle West’s 25th anniversary celebrations at Filwood Community Centre. See p 6. (Picture Lee Abbey).

Rachel Donne-Davis‫@ ‏‬R_DonneDavis Great day helping @CityHandsBris coordinate @bristolnoise projects in Knowle West. #lovebristol

7. Family story making sessions were held at Filwood, Marksbury Road and Hartcliffe libraries run by Anita MacCallum and funded by Community Access Support (CASS) Service. (Picture Maya Woolfe).

8. Meeting England Players: Youth Moves sports group went to Twickenham during the Six Nations Rugby to watch England. L to R Joe Launchbury (England player), Bradley Lippett, Ben Youngs (England player), Oakley Vile, Cody Vile, James Maby (staff), Bradley Wright, Taylor Morrison. (Picture Alistair Dale). 9. Volunteers from Bristol Noise worked in Knowle West over the May bank holiday weekend on community projects.The charity then held a free Family Fun event on Filwood Fields on Bank Holiday Monday. (Picture Stewart North).



Fifth anniversary for hospital

Wellbeing Session A relaxed informal group to support you towards better mental health Coping with difficult emotions Mindfulness & relaxation Healthy relationships Creative activities Filwood Managing stress Making changes Community Centre Assertiveness

Every Wednesday

2-4pm For information & support call the ACE enquiry line:

No need to book, just come along!

0117 239 8969 If you would like this information in an alternative format, such as large print, please let us know.

ACE Wellbeing Groups Two wellbeing groups are running in Knowle West to help local people towards better mental health. The groups are being run by Assertive Contact and Engagement Service (ACE) which works with people with mental health needs who have found it difficult to access mainstream services. Breathing Space has just started at Inns Court Nursery on Mondays 1-2.30pm and is designed to provide a weekly "breather" for parents. For more information or to book a crèche call Genny at KWCC on 903 0214 or Jen from ACE on 0783 417 7485. Weekly Wellbeing Sessions for adults also take place Wednesday afternoon at Filwood Community Centre from 2-4pm. Simply drop in and take part in activities including mindfulness, relaxation and stress management. For information and support call the ACE enquiry line on 0117 239 8969.


(Mon-Fri, 8am-8pm)

South Bristol Community Hospital has been celebrating its fifth anniversary - with a series of community events. The hospital first opened in March 2012 to deliver local healthcare for the people of South Bristol. Caroline Bannister, Speciality and Deputy General Manager says: “...It is down to the commitment and hard work of our staff that we’ve been able to deliver safe and high quality care closer to home…” The hospital is holding five celebratory events for patients, staff and the community. The next one is on 10 June at Bristol Family Cycling Centre. See Dates for Your Diary and p11.


Bristol South Scouts‫@ ‏‬Bristol_South Knowle West group wins 2nd place for The most innovative inclusion project award at the scouting 4 all awards! @Scottstowell90 @AvonScouts

Health Walking sports at Health Park Fancy getting back into sport – or would you like to help others enjoy physical activity? Knowle West Health Park is working with Wesport to run some taster events in Walking Netball and Football.

There is also the chance for exnetballers keen to help others return to the game to become Walking Netball Leaders - and help set up local sessions. A host training event will be held at Merchants Academy in Withywood on 20 May.

2017: I want to lose weight but just can’t seem to shift it…

Wesport is also looking for people who might want to become coaches. For information about taster sessions contact the Health Park by email info@knowlewesthealthpark. or call 0117 377 2255. For Walking Netball Leader training visit: walking-netball-host-training-workshop-somerset-2/ For coaching visit: #YourInnerCoach

Health Improvement Advisor Shaun Hawkins who works in Knowle West has been trialling the app. He says: “The best thing about Active 10 is that you can fit it in when you’re going to the shops or meeting a friend. You don’t need to buy any expensive equipment or wear lycra to do it either…” Visit or search ‘Active 10’ online to find out more and to download the app.

New app turns your walk into a workout A free health app has just been released with tips on how to fit ten minute bursts of brisk walking into your day. Active 10 has been created by Public Health England which says a daily ten-minute walk at a faster pace can make people more energetic and improve their mood. Over time it can help lower the risk of serious illnesses like heart disease and type 2 diabetes. The app tracks your walking and tells you when to increase your speed to benefit your health.

National Breastfeeding Week National Breastfeeding Week takes place from June 20-26 raising awareness of the health and wellbeing benefits of breastfeeding. Local groups are at Ilminster Avenue Children’s Centre, Fridays 1-2.45pm, and Toast and Talk at The House, Knowle West Children’s Centre on Downton Road, Mondays 9.30 -11am.

Book yourself a free ‘Health MOT’ at Knowle West Health Park and get those New Year’s good intentions back on track

Includes…….. • • • • •

Blood pressure, cholesterol and weight checks Lifestyle assessment Healthy lifestyle advice and information Smoking and weight management support Signposting to local health & wellbeing services

2017: This year I’ll be the same age my mum was when she had a heart attack. I’m worried I might be at risk….

If you are aged 40-­‐74 years and not receiving treatment for a cardiovascular condition (diabetes, heart/kidney disease, high blood pressure or cholesterol), you could have a free NHS Health Check. Find out if you’re more at risk of heart attack or stroke, and what you can do to help prevent these, and other, health problems.

‫@ ‏‬FlanaganAnnhttps: // Check out my documentary on the community at Knowle West. Where my father and his side of the family grew up.

Free parking! Evening appointments available.


For more information or to book an appointment contact: Pip A’Ness, Health Checks Outreach Worker Tel. 0117 377 2255


On your bike


Allotment course to improve mental wellbeing A new allotment project has been launched in Knowle West to teach people how to grow seasonal produce – and improve their mental wellbeing at the same time. Time to Grow is run by voluntary organisation Knowle West Health Association, based on Filwood Broadway, which has an allotment on the Springfield site.


ike Week which takes place 10-18 June is a national event demonstrating the ‘social, health and environmental benefits of cycling’. It aims to get people to give cycling a go - for fun or as a means of getting to work, school, or local shops.

want to improve their fitness and well-being. It runs free, friendly group rides on cycle paths and quiet roads, free 1-1 cycle training and help buying a bike at low-cost. The project is planning regular rides around Knowle West starting

A Ride in the Park cycling group.

The project, which started in March, has been funded by a grant from Tesco using money generated by the 5p plastic bag charge. It supports residents in South Bristol who experience, or might be at risk of poor mental health due to social isolation, and loneliness. Time to Grow provides opportunities for people to get outside in the fresh air, meet others and learn how to grow and harvest their own produce. Participants are also supported to manage their mental health. Allotment Coordinator Jess Fish explains: “We see a lot of changes in people’s personal growth and development by engaging with nature, the environment and being with others.” The free Time to Grow courses run weekly for six weeks at Springfield Allotment on Andover Road. The next courses are: Tuesday 30 May, 1, 18, and 20 June and 29 July from 1-3pm. For more information or to make a referral contact Jess on allotment@ or 0117 963 9569. For more information visit

App to tackle loneliness among Bristol mums A new app is tackling social isolation among Bristol mothers - by helping them organise “mum dates”. A national survey of 4,000 mums by free app Mush found that 60% sometimes went a whole day without adult interaction. Mush aims to help mothers who are new to an area, struggling to get out with their baby or who just want to meet others in


A Ride in The Park has been established in Knowle West since 2013 to cater for mixed ability cyclists. Based at The Park in Daventry Road, the group offers safe cycling on Wednesday afternoons - the oldest person is 80 and the youngest four. John Bennett who runs the group explains: “It’s basically if you haven’t been on a bike for years, or for people who can’t go on two wheels to ride a trike… it’s traffic free and a smooth surface and we give general instruction on how to improve their cycling.” The group also meets every other Saturday morning for trips out which John says help build up confidence and are also a social event with lunches out. For more information contact John on 0117 903 9770/0773 701 9116, email john.bennett@ or visit Bike Minded run by Bristol-based charity Lifecycle UK is a project offering support to people who

the same situation. The app lets you create a profile detailing the area you live in, the ages of your children and what you’re interested in. You can then see who else lives near you and message them to arrange coffee or a play date. Mush also helps you organise group meet ups, such as coffee in a child-friendly café or a weekly group walk - and these are now taking place regularly in Bristol.

this summer, the first one will be on Saturday 10 June as part of South Bristol Community Hospital fifth birthday celebrations at the Family Cycling Centre in Hengrove. Viv Maginnis, Coordinator of Bike Minded says ‘A bike is such a simple invention…but can do so much! I love riding my bike, it’s changed my life – it has given me confidence, helped improve my fitness …” To find out more contact Viv at, call Life Cycle at (0117) 353 4580 or vist The Bristol Family Cycling Centre at Hengrove opened in Spring 2016 on the site of the former Whitchurch athletics track. It gives people of all ages and abilities the chance to ride in a safe, traffic-free environment. It has almost daily sessions – many are drop in and include Bikeability training, family cycling activities and fun days and bike maintenance sessions. It also has back to biking sessions for adults to regain their cycling confidence. For more information visit familycyclingcentre Alice Gilbert (32) from Mush Bristol is mum to two-year-old Trixie and found it hard to meet people at first. She says: “...There are loads of great play groups and classes in Bristol, but it can be nerve-wracking trying to strike up conversations in a big group of people you don’t know, so I joined Mush and have since met some lovely mums I would probably never have met otherwise.” For more information visit

@StreetGamesBris Kids getting #fitandfed @StreetGamesBris holiday camp at Connaught School, Knowle West today. Council @StreetGames

competitively priced Local services Leaflets >> Newsletters >> Brochures >> Mailing >> Folders >> Books managed offices to let in To advertise your local business contact Sue environmentally on 0117 903 0444 or email friendly building RENT INCLUDES:

for garden maintenance and clearance. For a free no-obligation quote call 0117 953 0689.

caretaking & cleaning visitor reception CCTV security car park and bike racks high speed wireless internet access utilities

Rates are fully inclusive and we can offer flexible terms. Find out more - call 0117 903 0444 or email caryn.davies@kwmc.

Leaflets >> Newsletters >> Brochures >> Mailing >> Folders >> Books The Flower Stall 64 Leinster Avenue Flowers for all occasions Tel: 0117 953 0788

Print solutions to meet your needs

58 Leinster Avenue 0117 966 7502


Monday and Tuesday OAP rates

Print solutions to meet your needs

A complete ‘In-house’ Lithographic sheet fed Printers with digital capability. We can complete your printing requirements from start to finish.

A complete ‘In-house’ Lithographic sheet fed Printers with digital capability. We can complete your printing requirements from start to finish.

For more information on the services we provide, or just some friendly advice: Email:


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Web: Phone: 0117 9660078

Want to advertise your business? Call Sue on 0117 903 0444. TheCut_DovetonAD.indd 1


12/9/12 13:13:27

Summer is here, but it won’t be forever!

Gardening Column

By Community Gardener Steve Griffiths


Save money on your utility bills!

Why not try something new and grow your own veg? It’s cheaper than chips and healthy. May

If you’d like some help making winter warmer and cheaper, give us a call. We can:

Runner beans can be planted straight in the ground now, plant two seeds per cane. Also beetroot can go in outside, the same for carrots, cabbage and sweetcorn. For the greenhouse or tunnel - cucumbers, peppers chillies, your summer squash and my favourite broad beans also. For pumpkins try the giants like Atlantic Giant or Twin Giant but these seeds are not cheap - a packet of just two seeds will cost £9.99 so beware! You can also plant courgettes and marrows. June

• Help you compare utility prices • Guide you through the process of swapping suppliers • Provide a builder to make small changes to make your house more energy efficient

FOR FREE! For more information or to book a visit, call Heather on 0117 953 0689

This month is almost the same as May for the veg - so beans, beets and squash but also herbs like basil, coriander, dill and oregano. Also melons - yes melons can be grown outside in the UK. The types to look out for are Sugar, Baby and Crimson Sweet. And if you like peas then plant them in the ground now. You can all start your hanging baskets, now if you like that sort of thing. Yes, they do look nice but these large garden centres get through so much plant waste so if you are going to buy bedding plants get them from a small independent supplier. July Again, the same as June. If you are thinking about the winter - then kale broccoli and lettuce can be sown all year round and spring onions. And if you like radishes you can fill a container with soil or compost and sow your radish seeds. Within six week you will be eating fresh radishes and if you do this once a month - you will have radishes all year round.

16 Filwood Broadway, Knowle Charity no. 1086946 Company no. 03738243


‫@ ‏‬knowlewestmedia Swopping life stories & sharing treasured possessions over tea & biscuits. Read the final #WeCanMake Homes blog at …

Who are we? We’ve been based here since 1996, supporting people to get the most out of digital technologies and the arts. Contact us: 0117 903 0444 or come to Leinster Avenue, BS4 1NL. Visit and find knowlewestmedia on Facebook and Twitter.

There’s no place like home

Switch, save and support your community! Looking to switch energy supplier? You could save money on your gas and electricity bills and benefit your community at the same time! Bristol Energy is donating money to Knowle West Media Centre every time someone switches to them, quoting the code KWMC001. Bristol Energy will donate £15 for switching gas and £15 for switching electricity. Also, every pound will be matched by Arts Council England through their Catalyst Evolve fund, meaning donations to KWMC will be doubled in value if you change supplier with this offer.

KWMC Director Carolyn Hassan with the Bristol Energy orb. Peter Haigh, Bristol Energy’s Managing Director, said: “Bristol Energy was set up to be a different kind of gas and electricity company, offering people across the country a fairer deal on their energy. Owned by Bristol City Council, Bristol Energy will reinvest its profits back into the city. As the city’s local energy company, we’re committed to supporting our local communities. Sitting at the heart of South Bristol, Knowle West Media Centre has done incredible work over the last 20 years. By coming together,


local people to create some unusual wallpaper inspired by people’s favourite household objects, which is also on display. You can drop into the test space Monday to Friday between 10am and 5pm and see what’s been happening. If your home is too big or too small for what you need, or you have family members looking for somewhere to live in Knowle West, get in touch and find out how citizen-led housing might be able to help. Call Melissa or Martha on 0117 903 0444 and look out for more events between May and July too!

I know we can do even more. It’s easy to switch and donate in minutes – so do it today!” Find out more about Bristol Energy and how you could switch and support KWMC: visit www.bristol-energy. or call 0808 281 2222 quoting KWMC001.

you’re interested in finding out more, but if you have a particular interest in making, digital manufacturing or product design please contact Ian at The Factory on 0117 403 2306 or

Turn your creative ideas into a reality! Do you have a creative idea that you’d love to turn into a business or small enterprise? Do you wish you could make a living from your creative activity? If so, the team at our digital manufacturing space could support you as part of the new Network for Creative Enterprise – a partnership that offers business support for individuals and small companies to develop a creative idea into an economically sustainable business. KWMC: The Factory is one of four network ‘hubs’, alongside Coworking Bath (The Guild), Spike Island and Watershed. Over the next 15 months we’re looking forward to welcoming a group of creative people to The Factory on a residency programme – and you could be one of them! Some of the benefits of a residency at The Factory could include access to free space and mentoring sessions at our workshops in Filwood Green Business Park, and access to events, workshops and training sessions across the other ‘hubs’ in the network. You can contact any of the hubs if

Image: Ibolya Feher

Over the last few months we’ve been working with a team of artists, architects and residents to think about how local people can have more control over where and how homes are built – and who can build them. From re-thinking the planning system to exploring the possibilities of ‘flat-pack’ homes and community building societies, the last few weeks have been filled with conversations and experiments! Our research with students from the University of the West of England School of Architecture has revealed that there are over 1,500 ‘micro plots’ in Knowle West. These

plots are big enough to build one unit (3.5 meters wide) and many of them can be found in the gaps between existing houses and in some of the larger back gardens. We’ve also held events at Filwood Library, Knowle West Media Centre and outdoors on St Whyte’s Road to talk through some of the big questions around building new homes and start thinking about answers… On 11 May we opened a new ‘test space’ in our main exhibition studio to showcase all of the research so far. It includes stories about home and housing, as told by Knowle West residents, in a new audio artwork by Caitlin Shepard and new photography artwork by Joseph Ball celebrating the green culture of the area. Artist Charlotte Biszewski has been using a ‘mobile making machine’ to work with

Network for Creative Enterprise is Coworking Bath (The Guild), Knowle West Media Centre, Spike Island, UWE Bristol and Watershed. It is funded by Arts Council England and the European Regional Development Fund.

Events Control-Alt-Delete Mondays, 4.30-6pm (free) Learn the basics of coding. Work on apps, websites and your own creative projects. Call James on 0117 903 0444. Computers for Beginners’ Tuesdays, 10 – 11.30am (free for six weeks, then £3 per week) A friendly and informal environment for adults to learn more about digital technology. Call Gail on 0117 903 0444. XLR Music Sessions Tuesdays, 6-8pm (free) Sessions for young people interested in music. A great opportunity to find out more about recording, performance and how to build your knowledge of the music industry. Contact James for details: or 0117 903 0444. Creative Hub Wednesdays, 5-7pm (free) A space for young people to experiment and create their own artwork and media projects. Recent sessions have included animation, photography, coding and virtual reality. Call James on 0117 903 0444.


Healthy Living Centre in Knowle West For more information Call: 0117 377 2255 Email:

Keeping Active (for adults)

issues, from general aches and pains to stress and anxiety. £5 a session.

Monday 11 - 12 Gentle Exercise Class. Studio. £2.50. For people with reduced mobility who want to stay fit.

Man Alive! Support and activities for men of all ages, including a monthly men’s breakfast.

Tuesday 6 - 7 pm Hips, Bums and Tums. Studio. £3.50. 7 - 8pm Hips, Bums and Tums. Studio. £3.50. Two friendly groups to help you tone up.

Lip Reading Class (10 - 12pm Fridays) Supportive, friendly weekly class. £2.50 a session.

Wednesday 10.30 -11.45 Tai Chi Movements for Wellbeing Studio. £3. Give yourself the gift of relaxation and let your mind and body release tension and stress. Thursday 6 - 7pm Step Aerobics. Studio. £3.50. Meet new friends and burn those calories. 7:30 - 8:30pm Stretch and Roll Workout. This is a friendly and relaxed women’s exercise class, including a lovely stretch workout routine and an introduction to Ginastica Natural Yoga & Jiu Jitsu with Adrienne Till. All of the stretch exercises and the yoga & jiu jitsu are adaptable so the class is suitable for all levels of fitness. Tel: Adrienne 0796 291 4002. Regular Walking Groups Regular One, Two, Three Heart Walking groups and monthly social walks. Various days. Boot Camp—Military Style Tuesday/Thursday/Saturdays (mornings & evening) Call: Jason 07855 465872.

Healthy Eating Waist Watchers Free drop in weekly weigh-in, Monday 9.30 -10.30 & 4pm. Advice and support on how to lose weight sustainably.

Mental Health & Wellbeing Art Ease Group Feeling low or isolated? Our Art Group is aimed at people with mild to moderate mental health needs. Benefits include improved selfconfidence, learning new skills and making new friends. £1 per session. Call for referral. Relaxation/Massage & Baby Massage Course Regular courses running call for dates. Ear Acupuncture Gentle and relaxing therapy which can help with a whole range of medical


Women of Worth (6.30 - 8.30pm Wednesdays) Friendly support group for local women with a range of activities most weeks.

Regardless of age or ability, come and try street dancing. School holiday Sports Fun Days 10am - 3pm During school holidays Age 4 - 11 years. Outside/Studio. £5. Well organised, fun packed sports days for boys and girls. Tel: 07809 483 191.

One to One Advice Active Lifestyles Meet with our Wellbeing Co-ordinator to find out what’s available locally to help with your overall health and happiness. FREE. Pathways to Health Free sessions with qualified health and wellbeing worker to advise, support and motivate you to make healthy lifestyle changes. FREE. Plus follow up support groups.

Fit & Fab A women’s only support group. Contact Sally Clements on 0117 903 0024 to make an appointment.

Children’s Activities Monday Multi Sports Club. Monday, 4-5pm, outside/studio. £1. For boys and girls aged 5-11 of any ability. Activities include football, dodge ball, tennis, cricket, tag rugby, handball and lots more! Weekly prizes to be won. Text Barry on 0780 9483 191 or email smartsports@ Tuesdays 9.30 - 11.00am First Steps including Stretch and Grow for under 5s. Studio. 50p. Lots of fun and games for pre-schoolers. Wednesday 3pm - 5pm Free Play Session—open access. Age 8 -12 years. Outside in Health Park. Free. A wide range of activities games, arts and crafts, camp fire cooking (with Learning Partnership West) 5.30 - 6.30pm. Inferno Beatz Street Dance Classes. Age: 4 - 11 years. Studio. £4. 6.30 - 7.30pm Fresh Beatz Dance Classes. Age 12 - 17 years. Studio. £5.

GET HELP TO STOP SMOKING Help to switch over to vaping or quit completely. Contact Stella Picton on 07739649839 for FREE advice and book an appointment.

Other services The Green House - Rape and sexual abuse counselling for men & children (under 18 yrs) Call: 0117 935 1707. Diabetes UK Support Group For anyone affected by diabetes. Call: 07494 849 739. Off The Record Young People’s Counselling Call: 0808 808 9120.

Free Health Checks • Aged 40-74 years? • Book now for a FREE blood pressure, cholesterol, weight and lifestyle check • Help yourself to stay healthier for longer* Contact Pip A’Ness on 0773 9649 778 or paness@ * exclusions apply


The Park & Youth Moves

Daventry Road, Knowle, Bristol, BS4 1DQ 0117 903 9770

It’s looking like a busy summer is ahead of us at The Park.

So much to do! If you haven’t visited us recently it’s worth popping in! During the week we run a wide variety of fun classes and activities. We have lots of services on site, from a beauty salon to a puppy trainer! The Café has a great selection of affordable dishes and snacks and then you could visit our gym or sports hall to work them off! Like our Facebook page or visit us for a leaflet to find out more. There’s always something going on.

Andy’s Garden The chickens and ducks are laying and Andy’s garden is beginning to produce lovely fruit and veg after a winter rest. If you would like to buy these delicious organic goodies at very low prices, they are for sale in reception.

Football The Park Football Club has two new teams for under 10s and under 8s. New players are very welcome to join us for the next season.

Education and Training We are taking applications from young people aged 16-19 for enrolment in September. Our courses are Animal Care, Health and Social Care, Life Skills, Construction, Art and Design and Childcare. We also have some spaces for young people aged over 19 (no upper limit) as long as you are not employed or in free education elsewhere. Please contact Angie on 0117 377 3669 or for more information or you can pop in and ask at our reception. If you are currently unemployed and need support to progress onto job search, training or employment we have people to help you with this as part of the West of England Works project. Please call 0117 353 3348 for more information.

A West End Experience in Knowle The London Dance Company will be at The Park on 4 June, running performance workshops for ages 7-13 and 14+. To book a place get in touch with us or log onto

Young Person from Youth Moves wins Bristol Young Heroes Overall Winner 2017 Award Youth Moves were delighted for Ashley Burnett, a young person we have worked with for a number of years and who has been involved with our Youth Opinions group, when she won the Bristol Overall Winner award at the Bristol Young Heroes ceremony on Fri 24 March. Bristol Young Heroes Awards is the city’s ‘Oscars’ for those who have overcome challenge and adversity to live life to the full, both for themselves and for others.

Young people were nominated by schools and youth projects across the city. It was amazing for Ash that her journey was recognised at this event held at the University of Bristol and attended by a range of leaders and celebrities from the city including the Mayor Marvin Rees; Claudia Fragapane – Olympic gymnast; Helen Wilde The High Sheriff 2016; Roni Size the musician and Alex Beresford the ITV news presenter. If you would like to join Youth Opinions please contact us via our Youth Moves Facebook page, email us on or call in to see us at the office.

Street Games visit Twickenham

Juniors 8-11 year old session

Our allotment site has been enhanced in the last couple of months by the addition of an Outdoor Cooking Space funded through the Tesco Bags for Life programme, and built by our Adult Volunteer Group which meets at the site on a Tuesday 11am-3pm. The facilities are a great addition to an amazing site which will benefit the young people attending our Urban Escape young people groups who meet on a Monday (8-12) and Thursday (13-19) evenings. If interested in any of these sessions please contact Ben Carpenter

Taking place at The Park on a Thursday from 3.45-5.15pm, it has been great to see so many young people coming along to take part in activities including a visit from James and his animals from the Wriggly Roadshow, sports, arts, and over the Easter holidays a trip out to Barton Camp.


Our sports group took the opportunity during the Six Nations Rugby to go and watch England in an open training session at Twickenham, which was also attended by Prince Harry and where the group got to meet players including Joe Launchbury and Ben Youngs. The group meets on a Monday night at The Park Sports Hall from 6-7pm and if you are aged 13-19 we would love to see you for a mix of sports activities.

Springfield Allotment


DATES FOR YOUR DIARY There are lots of great things happening in our community - including many regular groups and activities. Your community website has an events calendar: To add your organisation or event contact Sue, Knowledge Editor on 0117 903 0444.

EVENTS Pentecost Celebration Sunday 4 June with Churches Together. Details will be available at knowlewestchurches.weebly. com

Hearts and Stars Award Ceremony Friday 9 June at Filwood Community Centre, 7pm ‘till late. For more information call 0117 914 9216. See page 9.

Cycling Activity Day Saturday 10 June 10am-4pm. Free family event with taster cycling sessions. Bristol Family Cycling Centre, Bamfield. For more information 01275 832 800 or www.betterbybikeinfo/ familycyclingcentre

Knowle West Fest Saturday 9 September, Filwood Broadway 11am – 3pm, To volunteer, perform or run a stall contact Vicky at re:work 0117 953 0689, or pop into 16 Filwood Broadway.

Hello Knowle West Community Weekend Saturday 23 and Sunday 24 September. Free entry to AtBristol science centre for families with a valid flyer (available from community venues nearer the time) living in Knowle West or with children at school in the area.

Celebrating Age Festival Launching Saturday 23 September 10.30am-4pm at City Hall, College Green. Events and activities for over 55s.

ADULTS Learn Something New Bristol Community Learning is organising free courses in the local area - open to anyone 19 plus. Visit www. or contact Lucy Fieldhouse, 0117 903 9763/0778 835 3446.

Weekly Adult Volunteer Group

Centre, Tuesdays from 1.30pm. Next dates: 16 May, Tuesdays 11am-3pm for over 18s 13 June, 11 July and 15 Aug. Contact Karron on 0117 907 at the Roundhouse, Springfield Allotments, Andover Road. Learn 7038/0776 084 9371. about gardening, cooking and bushcraft. Contact Ben: 0117 903 9796 or email ben.carpenter@

New Pastures Ministry Sundays 10.30am-12.30pm at Knowle Community Centre, BS4 2SS. With Lighthouse Kids activities. Just turn up or call Pastor Frank on 077 862 71338.


Parenting Groups

Counselling Monday, Thursday and Friday at Knowle West Health Association, 49b Filwood Broadway. Phone 0796 973 7076 or email Sessions by appointment only.

Green Gym Thursdays at 10.15am on the Northern Slopes - meet next to 105 Wedmore Vale. A working walk on the first session of each month. Just turn up.

Ilminster Avenue Specialist Nursery School and Children’s Centre has lots of groups running. “Like” them on Facebook to see timetables.

Toy Library Sessions Fridays 2-4pm at Oasis Academy, Marksbury Road. Visit www.southbristoltoylibrary.

u Filwood Library Pre-school Story Times

Coffee Morning Last Saturday of the month at Filwood Library at 11am.

Over 50s Dance Group Mondays 1.45-4pm, Filwood Community Centre. Just turn up or call Jackie Crook on 0117 9721 424.

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Wednesday 7– 8pm, Filwood Community Centre. Call Jamie 0793 980 5097.

Sew Clever Tuesdays 1-3pm at 4 Filwood Broadway. All welcome. Bring your own project or start one. Also Fridays 10am -12. Run by volunteers so check if it's on with re:work, 16 Filwood Broadway.

Filwood Chase History Society Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons from 1 - 4.30pm at The Park in Daventry Road. Contact Ivor Grimsted on 0785 676 9285 or email filwoodchase@gmail. com

Over 50s Film Club Silver Screen meets monthly at Novers Park Community

CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE Free cricket sessions Tuesdays at The Park, Daventry Road from 4.30 – 6pm. Run by Wicketz Bristol for 8-11s. Contact Crispin Shingler on 07398 211 596 or email

NEETs Career Advice Mondays 12-2pm at Filwood Library. Advice and guidance for young people not in education, employment or training, from Learning Partnership West.


Wednesdays at 11.30am.

Imperial Knowle West Karate Club, Tuesdays from 7-8pm, Filwood Community Centre. Classes for children aged 4 upwards, young people and adults. Contact Adrian Williams 0788 408 3310 or just turn up.

Baby Hub

Girlguiding Groups

Fridays at 2pm.

Baby Bounce and Rhyme

Tuesdays 10-11.15am run by Knowle West Children’s Centre. Drop-in sessions for parents with babies and toddlers under two. All groups term-time only.

Free Wild Play Toddler Sessions Wednesdays from 1-2.30pm on the Northern Slopes (meet next to Bommie entrance 105 Wedmore Vale). Outdoor games and activities for 2-4 year olds. Visit

Little Beacon Parents and Toddler Group Friday mornings (term times only) 9.30 - 11am at the Salvation Army Hall, Padstow Road. For 0-3s but older siblings welcome. Call Charlotte Bramley on 0117 966 1369.

Printed on recycled paper with vegetable inks

Tuesdays 5.45pm at Connaught Oasis Community Hub. Rainbow (girls 5-7 years). Brownies (7-10 years). Contact Sophie: connaught., or for the Brownies, 1stconnaughtbrownies@

Scouting Groups Salvation Army Hall on Padstow Road. Mondays 5.45 - 6.45pm, Beavers (6-8 years). Wednesdays 6.30 - 8pm, Cubs (8-10 and a half years). Mondays 7pm - 8.30pm, Scouts (10 and a half -14years). Email

Tap and Drama Group Knowle West Art Promotion Group for ages 5 plus (and parents). Tuesdays 5-8pm at Filwood Community Centre. Contact Gloria Tucker 0117 953 2986 or 0751 358 8416.

Issue 77 (August - November 2017) Copy deadline: 7 July Delivered to your door from 14 August

All dates are subject to change – keep an eye on the Knowledge website for definite dates.

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