Knowledge 79 pg web

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For the residents of Filwood and parts of

Knowle & Windmill Hill


Sing-along at the Health Park

Celebrating Women of Knowle West p 9 Knowle West schools best in Bristol p 3 Are you ready for Universal Credit? p 4



THANKS TO: the Newsletter Steering Group and Knowle West Media Centre (Sue Mackinnon - Editor and Community Journalism Tutor, Bart Blazejewski - Designer). All articles express the views of individual contributors and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the Steering Group or KWMC.

elcome to issue 79 of The Knowledge which includes plenty of things to celebrate in the area. The first is International Women’s Day with a popular event brought back to Filwood after five years (p 9). It’s 100 years since some women in this country were given the vote – and a local project is looking for Knowle West women, past and present, who have made an impact and can be put in a special gallery (p 9). Filwood Community Centre is 80 in April – with celebrations planned all year. But this comes at a time when council funding is uncertain (p 5). The Knowledge also wants to congratulate local schools Ilminster and Greenfield E-Act Academies which for the second year running have been in the top five for SATs results in Bristol - and are some of the top performers in the UK (p 3). On a less celebratory note - with Universal Credit being rolled out in Knowle West from June – we’ve included places you can get help and support for your online application (p 4). And as 2018 progresses – there are still ways you can keep those resolutions to be more healthy, learn something new or get involved in your community. See p13 or Dates p20.

Sue Mackinnon Editor Get in touch: Call: 117 903 0444 Email: Write to us at KWMC, Leinster Avenue, Bristol BS4 1 NL

Next issue next issue:

Copy deadline: Friday 13 April Newsletter delivered from: Monday 21 May

Preparations are underway to demolish the former Royal Mail sorting office next to Temple Meads Station to make way for the new £300 million Bristol University campus. The university wants to build ‘state-of-the-art education and research facilities’ and create a ‘welcoming and inclusive’ campus. Seven new buildings will be built on the old sorting office site and part of Arena Island – providing a mix of research and teaching facilities, accommodation for up to 1,500 students as well as a range of commercial outlets. Tim Gander Photography

A word from us

Site preparation work begins for £300 million Campus

If the outline planning proposals submitted to Bristol City Council in November are approved - the university will run a public consultation later in the year. Over the coming months a team will further develop the campus designs to include accessible public spaces and cafés, new walking and cycle routes and spaces for businesses, living and leisure. For more information about the Temple Quarter Enterprise Campus visit: strategy/implementation/templequarter-campus Full story

South Bristol “worst” for TV licence avoidance South Bristol has been named as the worst part of the city for TV licence evasion – according to new data. Top areas are in BS13 – which includes Bedminster Down, Bishopsworth, Hartcliffe, Withywood and Headley Park – where 458 evaders were caught by TV Licensing in the last 12 months. This is closely followed by the BS4 postcode which includes Knowle West, Knowle, Brislington, St Anne’s and Totterdown – with 374 evaders.


The data has been released by TV Licencing to remind Bristolians to pay for their licence – and avoid prosecution and a fine of up to £1,000. A TV licence is required if you watch or record live TV on any channel. Since September 2016 it has also been needed to watch or download BBC programmes on iPlayer. For people struggling to pay for a TV licence, there are ways to spread the £147 cost weekly, monthly or quarterly. To find out more visit www.tvlicensing. Full story

MetroBus Services are expected to start on the MetroBus Cribbs Causeway to Hengrove route via Knowle West this summer. But first, Information Points (iPoints) need to be installed at every stop along the route. These are combined information and ticketing machines. Passengers will need a valid ticket before boarding - they will not be able to buy tickets from the driver. A pilot iPoint was installed this February at Long Ashton Park and Ride - with iPoints for all routes due to be installed by July. Visit

Helping carers find jobs Carers Support Centre is a partner in the West of England Works project to help carers in the local area aged 16 plus find employment. To find out more about this programme contact: employment@carerssupport / 0117 3 77 1015.

Get gigabit broadband Homes in the Bristol city area could improve their broadband speeds as part of a new Government trial. For a limited time groups of residents can apply for the Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme providing vouchers worth up to £500 to install a gigabit-ready broadband connection. The scheme is also available for businesses, registered charities and small and medium enterprises (SMEs), who can apply for vouchers worth up to £3,000. To find out more visit www.con nect

‫@‏ ‏‬knowlewestmedia: Pick up a copy of @TheBristolCable this month & find out more about @WeCanMake_ & community-led #housing in South Bristol #knowlewest

News Lottery funding as numbers increase at Matthew Tree A Knowle West-based charity has been awarded £94,000 by The Big Lottery Fund to increase its food distribution operation. The funding will help The Matthew Tree Project (TMTP) – which runs a food bank from Filwood Broadway – to handle the growing volume of food collected and given out in the region. TMTP’s Rebuilding Lives provides emergency crisis support and a range of services for individuals and families – many at risk of homelessness.

The charity, which currently gives out around 4,500 meals a week, has seen a sharp increase in the number of people using the service – opening an additional support centre last December. It is also considering opening its doors for a second day to tackle demand and hoping to recruit new volunteers. TMTP founder, Mark Goodway said: “We have outgrown our present food distribution hub, and desperately needed more space and better equipment to enable us to safely sort and handle the food we are kindly given. “Recently we have seen the numbers of people and families coming to us for help sharply increase… having enough food on the shelves to meet the rising demand is our biggest challenge.” The charity is inviting potential partners to work with them on the delivery of ‘Rebuilding Lives’ from April 2018. For more information visit, email info@ or call 0117 966 8071.

For the full stories visit our website

Knowle West Schools some of highest performers in UK K

nowle West primary schools are celebrating achieving some of the top SATs results in the country for the second year running. The Department for Education released primary school league tables in December - based on pupil performance in last summer’s Key Stage 2 assessments. There is an expected standard for children in their final year of primary school across reading, writing and maths, which this year 61% achieved nationally. Ilminster Avenue E-Act Primary Academy is one of the best schools in the UK for progress - with 89 per cent of children reaching the expected standard. It is the third highest attaining school in Bristol. Head teacher of Ilminster Avenue E-Act, Hilary Dunford, says: “We are very proud of all our children and, indeed, this year's KS2 outcomes. “The extraordinary lengths that the staff here go to ensure that children are well cared for and that they attain in line nationally with their peers, so that their life chances are significantly improved, is second-to-none. They are an amazing team!” Sister school Greenfield E-Act is the fifth highest attaining school in the city with 84 per cent of children meeting the expected grade. Head teacher of Greenfield E-Act Paul Tooth said: “I am extremely proud of all that the year 6 pupils and staff achieved last year. They have proved that with hard work, commitment, dedication and perseverance you can achieve your goals.” At Oasis Academy Connaught, 69 per cent of children reached the expected grade – also above the national average.To view the performance statistics visit

Axing of 24 crossing patrols – but Christ the King saved Schools across Bristol will lose 24 crossing patrols in the latest round of council cost-cutting – but Knowle West’s School of Christ the King has been saved. The city-wide cuts have been scaled back following protests from parents and schools – to save £90,000 rather than the original £155,000. In the original plans around half of all school crossing patrols would have been axed. But after listening to feedback from the Your Neighbourhoods Consultation and carrying out site visits, the council has reduced the number – with 21 schools affected. These include Greenfield E-Act Academy, Oasis Academy Connaught and Parson Street Primary which will lose one crossing patrol while Knowle Park Primary School will have two patrols axed. School of Christ the King will now retain its lollipop patrol – following fears from outraged staff and parents that

@HarrietRobbo I'll be on @bbcrb with @johndarvall around 10.40am talking about my chat with @KnowleWestboy for @InsideOutWest #musicvenues #knowlewest #Bristol #BBC

children’s lives would be at risk if lollipop lady Carina Harvey was removed. Head teacher Matt Condon said: "...Thank you to all parents, carers and the community for supporting Carina to keep this valuable service for our school…” See Day in the Life p 15 Full story

Community Toilet Scheme Bristol businesses are being asked to consider opening up their facilities to the public – after the council pulled the plug on 18 public toilets. The remaining toilets on streets and in some parks were closed at the end of January to save £400,000. The scheme will allow the public to access toilet facilities across the city with the aim of at least 70 per cent being wheelchair accessible. Broadwalk Shopping Centre is one of the businesses which has signed up. To join the Community Toilet Scheme, visit For a list of toilets in the scheme visit


Universal credit

Your community

Police Report: By Inspector Paul Bolton-Jones Readers may have seen the pictures in the last issue of our Mini Police cadets - a pilot scheme we are running in partnership with Oasis Academy Connaught. It welcomes children into the ‘police family’ from a younger age than we have traditionally. The scheme is an extension of our popular Volunteer Police Cadets and aims to build relationships with children, so they understand what it means to be a responsible citizen who can make a positive impact in their community. This edition, I’m thrilled to be able to share a picture of the second intake of the Mini Police, who were sworn in by their head teacher whilst their families looked on proudly. Since last October when we launched the scheme, the Mini Police have formed a strong link with local residential home Southlands, where they read poems for Remembrance Day and sang carols with residents at Christmas.


niversal Credit will start to be rolled out across Bristol from June 2018 – and includes Knowle West. As a result – a number of organisations within the area have come together to look at different ways of tackling the new claims process. Headed by Knowle West Health Park Chief Executive, Heather Williams, the group hopes to better prepare local residents for this change. In order to make a Universal Credit claim, you will need access to a computer and some online skills. Skills needed to claim: Use your own email address to send and receive messages Click on a link within your email to activate an account Search the internet for a specific website Switch between browser tabs Fill in an online form with personal information using drop down menus and search functions Create and securely save a username and password Type information into a text box Be able to copy letters and numbers into a text box to "digitally verify" you are not a robot Print a document Attach a document to an email Access your bank or credit union information online If you do not have access to broadband internet at home, the majority of supporting organisations offer free WiFi access in order to process claims via your personal smartphone or tablet. To help you set up and manage your claim there are drop-in and support sessions, including the use of computers and free courses available. Info can be found at: • Filwood Community Centre (Filwood Broadway)

• re:focus - (Filwood Broadway). Session must be booked on 0117 953 0689. Neighbourhood Sergeant Alecto Shyne said: “The pride the children have in wearing their Mini Police uniforms is utterly heart-warming. You can really see them growing in confidence and they take the role really seriously. “All pupils who want to take part have to write an application form and take part in an interview process…” Faye Morgan, Learning Mentor at Oasis Academy Connaught and Mini Police leader said: “After just a few months, I can already see the change in the children who are involved. They are so proud to put on their uniforms, and see it as a force for good in the school…”


• Knowle West Media Centre (Leinster Avenue) • The Park (Daventry Road)

For more information visit: Who will be affected? Low-income families Part-time and zero hours contract employees Working Tax Credits and Housing Benefits claimants Jobseekers Allowance Employment and Support Allowance

@theparkknowle Free course starting here on 19th February. Help get confident using a computer and applying for Universal Credit. Contact us for more information.

Community Centre celebrates 80th birthday - but future uncertain

Your community

Filwood Quietway Work has started on the Filwood Quietway – a cycling and walking route which will run from Hengrove to the city centre. The path across the Northern Slopes between Kenmare Road to the site entrance at Wedmore Vale, at the junction with Glyn Vale, will be closed while works to build the cycleway take place. It is expected to re-open in July.

ilwood Community Centre will be celebrating eight decades of serving local residents this April. But this comes at a time when council funding for the centre has been dropping yearly – and at time of going to press, a decision was due to be made on the budget for the next financial year. Acting Chair Tim Jones said: "The trustees are actively looking for additional sources of income that will enable the community centre to run into the future." The building has been hugely significant for the community - and will be opening its doors for local residents to come and help celebrate on Sunday 22 April, with an afternoon street party in the hall. Centre Manager June McNeill says: “I went to school on the site and in my lifetime it’s always been an important part of this area and still is. We’ll be holding celebrations all year with different activities.” To help mark the 80th birthday of both the community centre and Filwood Broadway, Knowle West Media Centre (KWMC) is supporting two artists to work with the community. They will be looking for local memories and old photos to share at the celebrations. If you have any stories to tell or images to share please get in touch with Martha King at KWMC by 6 April on 0117 903 0444 or The street party will run at the community centre on Sunday 22 April from 12-3pm. All welcome. Photo: Julie Flanagan

In a letter to local residents, contractors for Bristol City Council, Alun Griffiths Ltd, said work was starting on Monday 12 February for 20 weeks. Alternative arrangements have been made by the contractor for people needing to access the allotments on Kenmare Road. Vegetation is currently being cleared on the site and should be finished by March. The aim of the Quietway is to reduce traffic congestion and improve air quality but members of the Northern Slopes Initiative (NSI) which manages the area have been concerned about the effect on wildlife from the lighting and disruption. They suggested an alternative route crossing from Cavan Walk but this was rejected.


people need medication and more and more of it… “The premises are getting too small for us, we average 7,000 people a month. The back part is literally an extension to the pharmacy and the front of the shop is a disability shop.

Mobility Shop for Filwood A local pharmacy on Filwood Broadway has expanded into the shop next door to create extra space and Knowle West’s first mobility shop. Badham Pharmacy has taken over the former Tammy’s Bakery and refurbishment work has been taking place over a four month period. The front of the shop is for mobility equipment, which ranges from electric scooters and recliner chairs to home safety equipment. The back part is an expansion of the current pharmacy, knocked through to join the buildings together. Pharmacy Manager Hamed Ahmin said: “The pharmacy is growing – the population is ageing so more and more

“We will have scooters, walking sticks…everything a disabled person needs. The closest mobility shop is in Bedminster, so this will be a good opportunity to provide this service for the community…” The new shop is now open but there will be an official launch on Friday 20 April from 11-11.45am where a prize of a product can be won. Badham Pharmacy is at 45 Filwood Broadway and can be contacted for prescriptions on 0117 963 5232.

@mshedbristol Replying to @BrisUniSpColl @bristolarchives @RegionalHistory We especially liked the Knowle West TV clips! v=92p2mpKJNPw …

Big Spring Clean It’s time to get litter picking – with local communities invited to take part in the Great Bristol Spring Clean which runs for a week from 2-11 March. Bristol Waste Company and Bristol City Council will be supporting groups to get involved in the campaign – which is to encourage Bristol residents to help make their communities “cleaner, greener and more welcoming places”. The week also supports the Mayor’s Bristol Clean Streets campaign to make the city measurably cleaner by 2020. Bristol Waste Company has hundreds of litter picking kits to loan out. Anyone who is interested in organising a litter pick or to join a local group can call 0117 304 9022, or email hello@bristolwastecompany. For more information visit A litter pick is taking place around Malago Greenway, near the Berry Maze, between Marksbury Road and Parson Street on 10 March from 10am-12noon. Facebook @TheBerryMaze2017.

For the full stories visit our website

New chair for ICRA

Your community

By Community Reporter Ian Watt

Mayor visits threatened boxing club Bristol Mayor Marvin Rees received a warm welcome when he visited The Park Knowle Boxing Club. The visit came at a time when the future of the club is uncertain – as the land where it is built on Tavistock Road is up for sale. The club is run by former boxer Skemer Winters and caters for youngsters from six upwards as well as adults. Members came out in force for the visit to show solidarity.

Mr Rees chatted to parents and members and watched a class of 12 to 16s taking place. He was asked what the council could do to stop the club closing. He said: “…It’s massive how we support places like this, look at how many members of the community are here… “Once we know what the needs are we can keep our eyes and ears open and make the connections and find a solution within the city…” The Mayor also invited a group from the club to visit City Hall because he “wants the building to be a public space.” Skemer who is determined his club should stay within the community is currently looking for a new base. He told The Knowledge: “His visit gives a boost for the community – everyone is really excited … Hopefully we can carry on with the boxing club in Knowle West...” Tracy Davis who brings her grandchildren to the club spoke to the Mayor. She said: “It will be a great shame if they close it down … it’s just a sanctuary.” Full story

New project co-ordinator for Man Alive! Knowle West men’s group Man Alive! has a new member on board to help with the creation of projects and ideas.



nns Court Residents Association (ICRA) is up and running again as it now has a new Chair. David Woods (66) steps into the shoes of Ted Bowden who had to resign three years ago due to ill health. ICRA supports residents to make the best of their community and David finds group action is usually more powerful. He says: "If one person has a problem, if they come to ICRA we can probably identify a lot more people with that problem. there's more chance of success than a lone person on their own." ICRA can liaise with the police and Bristol City Council - or even a drain problem with Wessex Water. A former taxi driver, and local resident for 28 years, David is also trying to tackle fly tipping. He’s approached the council on a number of occasions about rubbish in the area and found it's been taken away. "I thought it was wonderful!" he says. The group, which runs monthly at Springfield Allotments gives local men the chance to meet others, learn a new skill or get fitter. Owen Bruce (23) says: “My role in the group is Project Coordinator, although a big part of the group runs itself…

“I enjoy working with the members…, they’ve all made me feel very welcome and inspired with what they have achieved so far. The Men’s Breakfast is also a highlight, the atmosphere is always open and friendly and the Roundhouse is a lovely place to spend your morning…” Before Man Alive!, Owen was a student in Leeds and volunteered with the Leeds and York NHS Mental Health Trust as a befriender. He has also worked as a primary school teaching assistant. He says: “Currently the group

David intends to build on the many good things already achieved by ICRA. This includes saving the demolition of houses at Inns Court – which is the reason he first joined the group. Now with warmer insulated homes and wonderful view of Dundry hills, David feels Inns Court is a great place to live and shows how benefits come from a community association improving things. "I think it's a very positive thing," he says. ICRA meets the second Monday of the month at 12 noon, at Inns Court Community Centre. All welcome. already has a strong base of members who do a fantastic job in sustaining it, my aim is to continue to help them consolidate it and help develop new projects. “One project we are starting is skill-sharing talks… the first held by Craig about Mechanics. I would like to see the members gain new skills and share and develop the ones they have.” Man Alive! meets the first Friday of the month at the Roundhouse, Springfield Allotments at 10am. To join call Knowle West Healthy Living Centre on 0117 377 2255.

Replacement trees for Filwood Nineteen new trees have just been planted in Knowle West to replace those lost along the MetroBus route. Ten trees have been planted along Novers Lane and Creswicke road and a further nine in the Banfield/ Whitchurch Lane junction by contractors Griswod and Toms. Volunteer Filwood Tree Champion, Jim Smith has the role of overseeing the tree stock in the area and reporting any problems. For any issues with local trees email

@Reworkcharity Nice little piece by out trustee, @JudithSluglett, about alternatives to the mayor's tube plans. … @bristol247

Learning to read changed my life

Local stories

By Community Reporter Kerrie Nicholson


magine not being able to read a bedtime story to your children - or everyday things like bus timetables. According to statistics from the National Literacy Trust, around 15 per cent of adults in England could be described as “functionally illiterate” – and might struggle reading about “unfamiliar topics from unfamiliar sources”. Chris Lewis (23) from Knowle, struggled with reading throughout school and college. He was volunteering at re:work in Filwood when he was put in touch with national charity Read Easy UK. It runs volunteer-led sessions at libraries and local venues, including The Park. Chris explains: “You start from the basics by learning the sounds, and then go on to reading... I’ve finished first level and going through second at the moment.” Though his learning to read is still

an ongoing process, Chris is in no doubt of the difference it has made to him. He is now a caretaker assistant and says it has “helped with the paperwork.” “It’s opened a whole new world… It used to stop me going shopping, reading newspapers and books and applying for jobs because I couldn’t fill out application forms. “I now read books including Harry Potter, comics, newspapers, magazines.... it’s good to read everyday and especially for the future if you have kids. It’s made me a lot happier and I’m not asking random people to read my texts… “I’d say to anybody not to be embarrassed about asking for help with reading.” Read Easy UK Coordinator Bristol, Alison Watt says: “Many of our adult readers struggle with dyslexia or other difficulties and they have often

found the classroom experience difficult... “With one-to-one help, they can progress at their own pace. We have readers from age 18 to 80…” To volunteer or for reading sessions contact Alison on 0792 265 4688. Visit

Disabled charity helps combat isolation

one socialising, and offers a door-todoor taxi service.

Luke, (18), who has watched the sci-fi show since he was five-years-old, says: “Doctor Who very much resonates with me… It has inspired me to want a career in acting…” The Doctor Who fan – or ‘Whovian’ – hopes to follow in the footsteps of his “favourite” Doctor, David Tennant. Luke says it is his “dream to meet” Tennant, who played the Doctor from 2005 to 2010. The budding actor’s bedroom, filled to the brim with Doctor Who merchandise, reflects his devotion to the sci-fi series. He estimates he has hundreds of products – action figures, DVDs, posters, etc. – associated with the franchise. In 2016, Luke was even lucky enough to meet the thenDoctor, Peter Capaldi, who was shooting scenes for the show in Bristol. The teenager, who has plenty of acting experience, is currently studying for a degree in Theatre and Performance at Plymouth University. Maybe his dreams of travelling in the Tardis will eventually become a reality – and the next Doctor Who will be from Knowle West…

By Community Reporter Kerrie Nicholson Growing up as a disabled person can present all kinds of challenges not the least is being able to actively socialise and make friends. Young and Free based at Filwood Community Centre offers a "buddying" and befriending service for young people throughout Bristol aged 16 -25 with physical and sensory impairments. It started in 2005, after its two founders Laura Whittle and Karl Lapins moved back to Bristol after attending residential college, wanting to combat loneliness. With the help of their mums, what started as a small group of friends getting together grew into so much more and in 2007 Young and Free received charity status, and continues to thrive. Project Co-ordinator Laura says: "We now have 40 plus members and a team of dedicated volunteers and everyone meets on a regular basis to help build confidence, self-esteem and friendships in a safe and relaxed environment…” Young and Free offers a wide range of activities - from bowling and theatre trips to meals out and discos. It also encourages one-to-

Laura says: “February will mark my sixth year in the role and I’m so proud of everyone involved for their hard work for helping to make the charity a success." Group member Dan says: "Young and Free has helped me a lot to socialise with my disability as I find it difficult to make friends. (It) has showed me that I can make friends with disabled and non-disabled people." To get involved with Young and Free as a member or volunteer visit:

The next Doctor Who from Knowle West? By Community Reporter Charlie Watts (18) Local resident Luke Dean has his heart set on starring as the Doctor in Doctor Who some day.

@knowlewestcc We had some visitors from a school near Shanghai in China come and visit KWCC today. They loved our environment,...


News from schools

Christ the King pupils meet Bristol City players Pupils from School of Christ the King had the chance to meet Bristol City players while competing in a football tournament. The ‘Robins’ celebrated a historic victory over Premier League giants Manchester United in December. But on this occasion it was the turn of the City players to congratulate the Knowle West team for winning matches in the school tournament. Year 6 pupil Salvatore Tardi (10) reports. On Wednesday 17 January, The School of Christ the King attended South Bristol Sports Centre to take part in a school football tournament.

The team included Year 5 and 6 children and we played six different games. An amazing time was had by all and we won two of our games. Goals were scored by Dupree Woodman, Chad Andrews and Tyler Venn. At the end of the tournament, we were all surprised and excited when two Bristol City players Callum O’Dowda and Lloyd Kelly arrived to congratulate us and they even signed our boots.

Chance to see new Children’s Centre site Knowle West Children’s Centre is now back at its newly improved site in Leinster Avenue – and opening up for the community to have a peek this March. Children and staff moved down to Inns Court Community Centre for a year while the work was being done. Now the refurbished site includes a large extension and landscaped gardens, with features such as a stream and bridges, outside cooking areas and tree houses as well as an old canal boat. Deputy Head Matt Caldwell says: “We are settling back into our old home on Leinster Avenue and have been enjoying all the new space.


Oasis pupils at national awards ceremony Pupils from Oasis academies across the UK came together for a special awards ceremony celebrating outstanding individual achievements including 14 children from Oasis Academy Connaught. Pupils from Oasis Academy Connaught with teachers Kerry Bennett and Mark Thornton.

Rugby World Cup winner and England Star, Matt Dawson, hosted the Oasis Community Learning National Student Awards 2017 in Birmingham. The theme of this year’s awards was ‘Generation Celebration’ where pupils of all ages celebrate both current achievements, and their hopes and aspirations for the future. Principal of Oasis Academy Connaught, George Fraser, says: “…The Student Awards are a brilliant event where we do not just mark academic excellence but also celebrate our young people’s accomplishments outside the classroom – those who give back to their community, help their fellow pupils or raise money for charity. “I know that our pupils had a wonderful time, and they should be very proud of their achievements.” Wiktor Rowinski (10) received a medal for his team work in the Reading Gladiators, a group of pupils who champion reading. He said he felt “proud to be there.” “We want to thank all of our families for being so patient while we spent our year at Inns Court Community Centre and we also want to say how much we will miss the team over there. The children and families have been exploring the new Centre and the children have loved playing in our world-class outside environment…” The Children’s Centre is holding a grand opening at the Leinster Avenue site on 16 March at 2pm for the community to come and have a look for themselves. All welcome.

Charity gunge at KnowleDGE Year 8 pupils at KnowleDGE Learning Centre raised over £200 for charity - by taking part in a sponsored gunge bucket challenge.

Teachers - including head Darren Ewings - and students alike were gundged for the cause. All the money is going to Refresh Bristol, based in Bedminster, which runs a number of projects including a foodbank, meals for the homeless and a community café. @operasonic I spent #OperaDay creating a #HallontheHill scene with the Cosmos choir from #KnowleWest in #Bristol. What a joy! @stgeorgesbris #christthekingprimary


t's 100 years since some women in Britain had the right to vote – with activities and celebrations taking place across the country. Knowle West Media Centre (KWMC) is keen to make sure the women of our community are recognised for making things happen and their impact on the lives of others. It is launching a project Celebrating Women of Knowle West on International Women’s Day (8 March) to gather stories about amazing women from the area and

Community reporter Kasia Guzowska speaks to some women in Knowle West who have been making a difference… Women of Worth Denise Britt, started the Women of Worth Group (WOW) 15 years ago with the intention of “giving the women of Knowle a place to get together and talk.” Every week they have been getting together to take part in various activities - from flower making and ceramics to hairdressing and beauty.

The ladies of WOW have even taken trips down to Wales and taken part in Sign Language performances, but Denise says they also “enjoy just sitting and talking over coffee some weeks.” The group welcomes new members and is open to women of all ages.

Women’s Day Celebration back in Filwood International Women’s Day celebrations will be returning to Filwood this March – after a five-year break. Community in Partnership Knowle West (CIPKW) will be hosting a free event on 8 March at Filwood

creating a special gallery at The organisation wants to hear about: – women of all ages living, working or volunteering in Knowle West (past and present) – historical figures with a connection to Knowle West – groups of women To share a story get in touch with your name and contact details, the name of the woman / group and why they’re special to you (100 words or less). Email uk, call 0117 903 0444 or text 07520 634144. It meets Wednesdays from 6.308.30pm at Knowle West Health Park. Pat Filer and Chris Stone Pat Filer, (71) has been running the Eagle House group voluntarily for over 26 years - which had 100 members at one time! Activities vary weekly, from bingo and skittles to Bring and Buy tables. Over the years there have been various trips to Weymouth and Clark's Village as well as yearly celebrations of Women's Day where members could take part in cooking, gardening and henna art. Pat's late mother - Chris Stone started the 500 club, one of the first social groups on the Knowle West estate. Their mission was to make Knowle West a nicer place to live by helping with planting trees and giving people a hand with their gardening, as well as getting rid of rubbish from the streets. Community Centre – with local organisations coming together to offer tasters and information. These range from fitness dancing, nutrition and meditation sessions to counselling, pampering and stalls with details of local activities and courses. There will also be a guest appearance from Lucienne Boyce, author of The Bristol Suffragettes.

Illustration by Joff Winterhart

Local stories

Celebrating Women of Knowle West

Everyone who shares at least one story before 31May 2018 will receive a free photoshoot session. For further information visit Pat thinks her mum's work inspired her to start her own group. “We wanted to create a place where people could come and talk and where we could contribute towards our community.” The Eagle House group runs every Wednesday with members currently aged 50 - 90 and new people joining regularly. Local mums encourage healthy eating Three local mums have not been phased by faddy eaters - running a Cook and Play group at Knowle West Children’s Centre for families with pre-schoolers.

Janet Nawrocki, Kelly Harris and Tina Wilson also produced a cook book to help local parents encourage their children to eat healthily. They say: “Cook and Play gives children the opportunity to try new foods and also the time for parents to cook with their child… “We thought the book could help parents to encourage their children to eat a wide range of foods and also show that cooking from scratch can be quick, easy and delicious…” Cook and Play runs Fridays at The House, 12.45-2.15pm. Centre Manager June McNeill says: “I think it’s a really important year to bring it back as it’s 100 years since women first had the vote... The idea is to get the word out there about what people can access at the different organisations…” The event will run from 10am – 4pm at Filwood Community Centre in Barnstaple Road. For more information visit www. To have a stall call June on 0117 914 9216.

@jesslinington It's been a making kind of week... Down @kwmcthefactory we've had mum's from Knowle West Children's Centre designing & making items for KWCC's new building! #ourdigitalBristol #makersgonnamake


Berry Maze complete and ready in 2019 From an idea over a year ago – the Berry Maze has finally came to fruition and was planted up at the end of last year on Malago Greenway. Volunteers worked tirelessly to clear the overgrown piece of land between Marksbury Road and Parson Street to create a maze with 15 types of berry for local people to forage. A grand opening event is planned for 2019 – as it will take two years for the 234 root canes and bushes to reach full size. The project is the brainchild of Raluca McKett of the Malago Greenway team, which raised over £4,000 through crowdfunding and has been supported by local businesses, groups and Parson Street Primary School. Facebook @TheBerryMaze2017. See picture p11.

Roots Café to re-open in spring

Lin's Leisure Trips is a Community Interest Company offering leisure outings for both able bodied and disabled people from Bristol and surrounding areas.

0117 937 2364



* A shelled walnut rubbed on damaged brown furniture will help darken scrapes and scratches. S. Evans

Beef and Salad pockets Ingredients:

500g of ground beef (typically 10% fat) 1 small red pepper 1 small yellow pepper (both deseeded and finely chopped) 4 salad onions (finely chopped) 1 pack pitta bread lettuce leaves cherry tomatoes

Preparation time : 15 minutes Cooking time : 15 minutes Instructions: 1. Light the barbecue or preheat the grill to high. Place the ground beef in a bowl and stir in the chopped peppers, salad onions.


Season and mix well to combine. Divide the mixture into 8 and shape into small burgers. 2. Cook the burgers on the barbecue for 10-15 minutes, turning once, or under the grill for 5-7 minutes on each side until the burgers are cooked through and there is no pink meat. 3. Warm the pittas on the barbecue or under the grill, then make a slit along one side and open up to form a pocket. Stuff with lettuce and chopped cherry tomatoes, then add a burger. Serve straight away, *Cook's tips: Make with pork, lamb,or turkey mince as an alternative OR replace meat with veggie mince. Supplied by Kevin Williams, Connoisseur Café.

@GoodBrainGang The Guardian: "Our diet has a huge effect on our mental #wellbeing" #dementiawellbeing


Roots Café which opened last summer at Redcatch Community Garden will be re-opening in the spring. The trailer café will be back selling drinks, cakes and food from garden produce. Tina Badley, a volunteer at the Community Garden says: “As it’s run entirely by volunteers, we’ve had to take a short break and closed it while we plan for the future… “Until then, we’re busy sorting out some indoor seating space, an expanded menu, as well as more community learning events... ” For details visit Facebook @redcatchcom munitygarden


1. Testing their strength: Year 3 pupils from School of Christ the King enjoyed a trip to Avebury in January to learn more about the ancient stone circles. (Picture School of Christ the King).

4. Local grandmothers and grandchildren who took part in the Grandmother’s Footsteps project came together for an exhibition of their work in January. (Picture Misty Tunks).

2. The Berry Maze planted with over 200

5. Nineteen trees have been planted in

fruit canes and bushes was completed by volunteers in November. It will be ready for public foraging in 2019. Raluca McKett from the Malago Greenway celebrates the finished maze. See p 10. (Picture Malago Greenway team).

Knowle West to replace those removed for the MetroBus route. Volunteer Tree Champion Jim Smith with one of the replacements. See p 6. (Picture supplied by Jim Smith).

3. A double celebration for Skemer Winters of The Park Knowle Boxing Club. His son professional boxer Duane (30) won a Vacant International Challenge Belt and grandson McKenzie Hand (11) won a Muay Thai exhibition bout. (Picture Skemer Winters).

sioner Sue Mountstevens (centre) came for a visit to Inns Court Residents Group - and helped members Carol Casey, Ken Jones (centre) and Ted Bowden with a litter pick in the area. (Picture KWMC).

6. Avon and Somerset Police Commis-

7. Flipping marvellous: Kevin Williams made

pancakes for customers at Connoisseur Café with help from Shaun and Robert Lock. (Picture Emmeline Rodman).

8. Former Knowle Wester Tony Maggs with wife Linda at the Race 4 prize giving for the Clipper Round the World 2017-2018. He is currently competing in the All-Australian Leg. (Picture Clipper Round the World). 9. Young cricketers from Wicketz Bristol at The

Park had some surprise visitors – when local PCSOs Richard Higbey and Vinnie Mair came to join their session and took part in a match. (Picture Wicketz Bristol).

For the full stories visit our website

@emmrodman Great day at Connoisseur Cafe in collaboration + @knowlewestmedia we offer free tech advice and today only pancake flipping skills #kwestnews #ourdigitalBristol 2018 #pancakeday


Staying Steady

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Take control of your medication with our dosette or orbital box systems With a dosette tray you don’t need to worry about forgetting your medication as you can see at a glance which tablets you have taken. Benefits to you: Safe & easy to use Light & compact Medication clearly visible Medication times clearly stated You will be in control of your medication. Please ask your pharmacist about moving to a dosette tray or orbital box.


Victims of Domestic Abuse A new support group has been set up for people who have a family member or loved one who have experienced Domestic Abuse. LODA stands for Loved Ones of Domestic Abuse. The group’s Facebook is: LODABRISTOL Telephone: 0756 8486947 or email loda_bristol@ Next Link provides a telephone helpline for victims staffed by women 8.30am – 5.30pm Mon to Fri and Sat 9.30-1pm: 0117 925 0680. Text: 07714 290 011 or email: It offers a number of services including safe house service, a crisis service and community outreach service. It co-ordinates a Freedom programme and Sexual Violence service which can work with men, women and children and has a children’s team. Live chat is available on the website from 1-5.30pm. Visit

Get in your stride for Bristol Walk Fest Bristol’s annual celebration of walking is back - with a month-long festival across the city during May. Bristol Walk Fest is now in its sixth year – promoting a love of healthy exercise for all abilities. People can can take part in a variety of walks - from gentle park strolls, history trails and urban exploring to walking sports or vigorous uphill hikes. This year the team co-ordinating the festival is Active Ageing Bristol, a collaboration between Bristol Sport Foundation, The Anchor Society and St Monica Trust. They are working in partnership with the LinkAge Network and Bristol Ramblers and have funding from TravelWest. Active Ageing Bristol Manager, Karen Lloyd, said: “Walking is a great way to be active and by getting out just once a day for a stroll can make such a difference to your health and wellbeing. I hope that we see more people than ever before getting out and taking part this year.

Free group bike rides for people with wellbeing issues will be starting from Knowle West Health Park this April – offering “good company, fresh air and exercise”. The Bike Minded project is led by local charity Life Cycle UK, which also offers bikes to borrow and free one-to-one sessions for those who want to learn to ride or haven’t cycled in a while. Bike Minded Coordinator, Viv Maginnis, says: “Our Bike Minded project brings the benefits of cycling to anyone in Bristol experiencing stress, anxiety, depression - or any other condition that affects your wellbeing. You are welcome to self-refer or be referred by an agency or your GP…” To find out more or volunteer contact Viv at, call Life Cycle, 0117 353 4580 or visit You can also call Life Cycle or visit the website to book a one-to-one session.

Good Brain Gang needs volunteers A local organisation which specialises in working with people living with dementia as well as their family and friends is looking for volunteers. Good Brain Gang offers daytime sessions for learning, arts and wellbeing at The Park - aiming to improve quality of life and create a setting for healthy ageing. They are looking for volunteers who want to “enjoy themselves while

Alive ‘N’ Kicking A free healthy lifestyle and weight management programme for children and their families will be running at The Park from April. Alive ‘N’ Kicking will be working with children aged two to 16. Families will be learning about healthy eating, how to read food labels and to make their shop healthier. They will take part in food preparation sessions - making healthy wraps, smoothies and fruit Photo courtesy of LinkAge Network


Bike Rides starting at Health Park

"Thanks, must go to the many local walking groups for supporting the 2018 Bristol Walking Festival." For more information visit

learning” and develop their professional profile. The organisation needs people with skills such as arts and crafts, cooking and theatre or storytelling - as well as those who can play a musical instrument or speak a foreign language. If anyone is “really chatty” or has other skills and passions they would like to share, they should get in touch. Volunteers will receive specialist training. Anyone interested should email or visit to find out more. kebabs and receive weekly recipes to try at home. To take part call 0117 942 2602, visit or email bristol@ank.

No Smoking Day National No Smoking Day is on Wednesday 14 March – and for those looking to ditch the cigarettes help is on hand at Knowle West Healthy Living Centre. The Centre offers both one-toone and group support plus lots of helpful tips for success. The Public Health offer includes Nicotine Replacement Therapy, Champix and vaping vouchers to help people quit the habit. For more information call 0117 377 2255.

@squarefood Cooking Connections, our social cookery group for adults with learning disabilities is back in session today! Contact us if you would like to join our new cohort from April 16th- June 25th! #CommunityEngagement #cooking


sphere p on lina r (IR y C)

How could technology help us stay healthy at home?

ci dis ati EPS nter Res RC I llabor earch Co


Healthcare is changing and more conditions need to be managed outside hospital. SPHERE is working with homes across Bristol to explore this challenge and test an exciting new solution. SPHERE sensors are placed in the home to create a picture of how we live – from eating and sleeping to how active we are. Other sensors will measure room humidity, temperature and energy use. This information will help clinicians and researchers improve healthcare at home in the future - by spotting early warning signs of medical issues such as strokes and predicting falls. It could also help manage other conditions including obesity, depression, diabetes and asthma.

100 homes in Bristol can trial the technology. Would you like to find out more? If so, the SPHERE team at University of Bristol would love to hear from you. E-mail or call 0117 331 5689.

SPHERE - Sensor Platform for Healthcare in a Residential Environment



became a School Crossing Patrol (lollipop lady) back in February 2005 - as the School of Christ the King, didn't have one. I was already working there as a dinner lady and cleaner so I put my name forward and got the job. My morning starts at 8.30am and finishes at 9.05am - or just after if I'm waiting for the late ones to arrive. I've got to know the usual ones and if I haven't seen them, tend to wait just a little bit longer. In the afternoon my duty starts at 3pm and finishes about 3.35pm. No matter what the weather, come rain or shine, you’ll see me standing there in my bright yellow coat and hat and lollipop stick. But it’s got to be the rain I hate the most - there's nothing I can do about it but get wet. I love to see the children on a morning greeting them with a “Hello” or

A Day in the Life of a School Crossing Patrol “Good Morning” and knowing most of them by name. I see the ones happy to go into school and those that aren’t some days. I’ve seen new children start in reception at age four and go all through school to year 6 – and I'm now starting to see past pupils bringing their children to school. Another thing I love is at Christmas and the end of the school year, when the children and parents/carers give me gifts they’re very much appreciated, so thank you to everyone. I try to encourage the parents/ carers to cross with me with their children - as sometimes I see them trying to cross on a corner or in between parked cars. You can see the child trying to tell them: “No - use the lollipop lady!” When I see this happen I always say “well

By Carina Harvey

done” to both child and adult. Last year, due to council cuts, it was suggested we’d lose our School Crossing Patrol. Thankfully, after public consultations, parents/carers filling in the online forms and backing from the Head Mr Condon and myself, more funding became available - and it was decided I would remain at the school. So I thank everyone involved for keeping our children safe.

Opinion Young people have their say Interviews and photographs by Ben Griffiths-Hammond and Charlie Watts What do you want to see in Knowle West for Young People?

Cameron (15) "I would like to see more parks for young kids, bigger parks and more equipment in the parks. I would also like to see more outdoor gym equipment, like the equipment that is next to the Walk-In Centre, so that people can exercise without paying for a gym fee."

Ellie (15) “There should be more parks/ activities. I do badminton, but not round here.”

Oliver (10) "I would like to see more places to play more parks, fields and open spaces."

Amyleigh (12) and Mille (12) "We would like to see more shops and wooded areas."

Dylan (12) "I would like to see more drone flying and more tech based clubs in the area."

@InfoYouthmoves Our @StreetGames session on Filwood Broadway last night engaging young people on the streets. Great to get our @WeAreCoachCore #sports #apprentice Beth involved in the session.


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Local Services

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Leaflets >> Newsletters >> Brochures >> Mailing >> Folders >> Books

NEW! Extra Opening Hours MONDAYS 4PM – 8PM

Rooms for hire at KWMC. Quote "SPRING18" for Special Offers. Call 0117 903 0444 for details

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Web: 16 Want to advertise your business? Call Sue on 0117 903 0444 TheCut_DovetonAD.indd 1 12/9/12 13:13:27 Phone: 0117 9660078

Free jewellery making course This April we’re running a free jewellery making course in the workshop at KWMC: The Factory. Over four sessions you’ll meet other makers and learn how to design and make laser-cut jewellery. You could even explore how to set up your own small jewellery business in the future… Sessions will take place on Fridays and Saturdays (6, 7, 13 and 14 April) from 10am - 3pm, and the course will finish with the opportunity to sell your work at a central location in Bristol! The course is free for 18 - 30 year olds but spaces are limited. Find out more and sign up at makeitjewellery18. or call 0117 403 2306 to register your interest.


Amazing, affordable homes for Knowle West

s your current housing situation not working for you? Do you have skills in the construction trade? Or would you like to learn? We Can Make is a new housing initiative, led by KWMC, that’s supporting people in Knowle West to create the homes they want, need and can afford. You might have read about it in previous issues of the Knowledge or seen the test home next to Filwood Community Centre. Over the last year we’ve worked with architects White Design, local people and community groups to find out more about people’s housing needs.

Music Studio available for hire Our music rooms are perfect for audio recording and mixing, voiceover work, tuition and audio mastering. If you’re looking for somewhere to make music or hold tutoring sessions we’d love to welcome you to KWMC. For more details or to organise a tour call 0117 903 0444 or contact Lewis: lewis@

Regular activities Control Alt Delete Mondays, 4.30-6pm (term time only, ages 10-16, free) Jump into technology! Explore new techniques such as robots, Virtual Reality, 3D printing, Microbits, drones and coding. Creative Hub Wednesdays, 5-7pm (term time, ages 10-19, free) Jump into creativity! Explore filmmaking, technology, gaming, animation and music as you develop your own creative projects and ideas. Silver Screen film club 13 March, 10 April, 15 May, 1.15pm This friendly film club for over 50s takes place every month at the Novers Park Community Association (behind KWMC).


Many people in Knowle West have told us they’re struggling to get the housing that they and their families need. Over 500 families locally are on Home Choice, the official council waiting list.

We Can Make provides a new way of creating new homes: one that’s powered by the skills and resources of the community. It offers: • A range of affordable options: homes delivered where and when people need them. • An opt-in approach: open to both Council tenants and people who own their own homes. • Local skills and jobs: homes would be made in Knowle West using local materials and working with local tradespeople. • High standards: homes built to the same standards as traditional brick houses, with strong environmental credentials to keep energy bills low. If you’d like to find out more or discuss whether We Can Make could help you, give us a call on 0117 903 0444 or drop in to KWMC. There will also be a range of events at the test home this spring: local residents can spend the night there for free, and everyone is welcome to pop in every Thursday afternoon (2 – 6.30pm) for a cup of tea. See ‘Forthcoming Events’ for more details.

Leinster Avenue, Bristol BS4 1NL

Getting To Know Computers Tuesdays, 10 - 11.30am (term time only, free for six weeks then £3 per week) A friendly and informal drop-in class for adults to learn more about computers and the internet. Learn at your own pace and bring any technology you’re having trouble with! Community Journalism Tuesdays, 2 – 3.30pm (term time only, free) Learn how to research and write your own articles and see your work published in the Knowledge. No journalism experience necessary. For details about any of these activities call 0117 903 0444.

Forthcoming events The Knowle West Tiny Film Club 26 March & 26 April, 6.30pm (free) Comfy couch, tasty snacks and a hand-picked movie: come along to the We Can Make test home beside Filwood Community Centre (Barnstaple Road) for a monthly movie night! To reserve place call 0117 903 0444.

0117 903 0444

Photography Test Space: Filwood is 80 Monday 19 Feb - Monday 30 April (free) Filwood Community Centre is celebrating its 80th birthday this year. Our photographers in residence will be documenting and celebrating eight decades of this community gem. Drop in to KWMC to see what they’ve discovered and add your memories and stories. Tours and Tea at the We Can Make Test Home Every Thursday 2-6.30pm until the end of March (free) Have you seen the We Can Make test home next to Filwood Community Centre and wondered what it’s like? Drop in for a tour and a cup of tea and find out! Jump Studios presents…Give a Gig Wednesday 21 March, 5pm Do you sing, rap, DJ or play an instrument? Are you aged 10-19? Come and perform live at KWMC as part of Youth Music’s Give A Gig week! Sign up before 28 February and take advantage of weekly rehearsal opportunities before the gig. Contact Dot on 0117 903 0444 for more details.


Knowle West Healthy Living Centre For more information call: 0117 377 2255 email: Knowle West Health Park, Downton Road, Bristol, BS4 1WH

Keeping Active (for adults) Gentle Exercise Class For people with reduced mobility who want to stay fit. Monday 10 – 11 am | £3.50 Hips, Bums and Tums Two friendly groups to help you tone up. All sizes, all abilities, no experience needed. Tuesday 6—7 pm & 7 - 8pm | £3.50 Tai Chi Movement for Wellbeing Give yourself the gift of relaxation and let your mind and body release tension and stress Wednesday 10.30 -11.45am | £4 Step Aerobics Meet new friends and burn those calories Thursday 6 - 7pm | £3.50 Stretch & Roll Workout Womens exercise class with an introduction to Jiu Jitsu & Ginastica Yoga. Call: Adrienne 07962 914002 Thursday 7.30 - 8.30pm | £3 Boot Camp—Military Style Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday (mornings and evening) Call: Jason 07855 465872. Walking Groups Friendly, regular walking groups to suit your level of walking. From short, very gentle walks through to whole morning walks and monthly social walks. Supported by our welcoming, trained volunteer Walk Leaders. Bike Rides Starting at the Health Park from April 2018. See website for ride dates and times

Healthy Eating Waist Watchers Mon 9.30 - 10.30am & 4 - 5pm FREE Drop In: Weekly weigh-in, plus advice and support on how to lose weight and keep it up.

Mental Health & Wellbeing Art Ease Group (Tue and Wed morning). Are you feeling stressed, experiencing low mood or depression, coping with change, feeling lonely or caring for someone else. Our art group is aimed at people with mild to moderate mental health needs. Improve your self confidence, learn new skills and make new friends. No experience needed. £1 a session (call for referral).


Ear Acupuncture (11 - 12 pm Friday) Gentle and relaxing therapy which can relieve a range of health issues, from general aches and pains to stress and anxiety. £5 Man Alive Breakfast (first Friday of the month) A welcoming group for men where you can meet and make new friends, find out what is going on in the area, learn a new skill ,or join in with others to get a little fitter. Lip Reading Class (10 - 12pm Friday) Supportive, friendly weekly class £4.00 a session. Fit & Fab (10 - 12pm Thursday). A women's only support group: Encouragement from others to help you build self-esteem, confidence and improve your health. Call Sally 0117 903 0024 to find out more. Women of Worth (6.30 - 8.30pm Wednesday) Friendly support group for local women with a range of activities Community Access Support Service CASS works with community, equalities and faith groups (big & small) in Bristol. If you’d like information about how to support the emotional wellbeing of your group members and local communities email

One to One Advice Social Prescribing (SPEAR) Social Prescribing is an approach that seeks to improve your health by looking at social, physical and emotional wellbeing. We offer a free, confidential 1 to 1 service. The support will enable you to access social or community activities and resources in your local area. Working alongside your GP we will support you to address social and practical issues to improve your health. Self referrals welcome.

Free NHS Health Checks If you are aged 40 - 74 years old book yourself a free ‘Health MOT’. To be eligible you must be: aged 40-74 years registered with a Bristol GP not receiving treatment for a cardiovascular condition (diabetes, heart or kidney disease, high blood pressure or high cholesterol) Smoking Cessation Get help to stop smoking. One to one sessions offering support to stop smoking or switch to vaping. Call: Stella 07739 649839

Children’s Activities Drop in and Play with Stretch ‘n’ Grow Lots of fun and games for pre-schoolers Age 2-5 years (term time only) Tuesday 9.30 - 11.30am. £1 FREE Play Session - open access A wide range of activities games, arts and crafts, camp fire cooking (with Learning Partnership West). Age 8 -12 years. Wednesday 3 - 5pm Outside at the Play Pod Inferno Beatz Dance Class Regardless of age or ability, come and try street dancing. Age 4-11 years (term time only) Wednesday 5.30 - 6.30pm | £4

Other services The Green House Rape and sexual abuse counselling for men & children (under 18 yrs). 0117 935 1707 Diabetes UK Support Group for anyone affected by diabetes. 07494 849739 Off The Record Young Peoples Counselling 0808 808 9120 Thyroid Support Group Last Friday of each month. 0117 377 2255 Bristol Tranquilliser Project 0117 950 0058


The Park & Youth Moves New Year look

We began 2018 with the refurbishment of our café area thanks to a donation from the Big Lottery Fund. We have free Wi-Fi for visitors - so why not pop in for a coffee and take a seat in one of our comfy new armchairs or join a friend on the sofa? Food is served all day and it’s a favourite space for an informal meeting.

Daventry Road, Knowle, Bristol, BS4 1DQ 0117 903 9770

Will you be Beach Ready?

It may feel a long way off - but summer is around the corner!! To help you get ready for sunny days we have a special gym offer. A £75 one-off payment will get you six months’ gym membership, including support from our amazing gym instructors who can help you with a personal fitness plan and keep you motivated. Don’t miss it – that’s only £12.50 a month! .

ParkFest 2018

It’s back by popular demand! Our free arts festival for all the family will be open to everyone on 21st April between 12 and 5. There will be graffiti artists, performers, kids’ fun, music, art workshops, pizza oven and café/bar. See you there!

try, including sports, Forest School, team games, arts/crafts, music, drama, possibly even trips out and much more.

Book Now for 2018 Holiday Camps for 8-13 year olds Want something amazing to do during the school holidays? Looking for high quality activities at an affordable price? Want to try new things and spend time with your friends? If so, then Youth Moves’ new holiday camps are just what you are looking for. We have worked with a range of brilliant partners to provide fantastic holiday camps for young people aged 8-13 years old across 2018. We will be running camps at The Park this Easter and then again in the summer, as well as camps at Bridge Learning Campus and Bedminster Down schools. There will be a range of activities on offer each day, so lots to do and


10am - 2pm at The Park Tues 3rd - Fri 6th April only £1 per person We are also looking for older young people to help volunteer and run these camps and for adults as well, so if you have something you can offer or just some time please get in touch. Places will book up quickly so if you want to secure a place on this amazing camp please contact us via our Facebook page - Youth Moves or by calling 0117 903 9796. Keep an eye on our website for more info and details/ dates

A Helping Hand in 2018

Would you like help building a better future for yourself in 2018? The Park has a friendly, experienced team, supporting people wanting to work who have been unemployed for over a year. If you, or someone you know, would like free help and advice to develop skills and confidence, and then find paid or voluntary employment, get in touch. You can call us – 0117 903 9770, drop into The Park or contact us via our web site This service is available to anyone in South Bristol who is over 16 and has the right to live and work in the UK. It is called West of England Works and it is available until the end of 2019. * *West of England Works is led by Weston College. It is funded by The Big Lottery Building Better Opportunities Fund. Interested in producing your own music? Want to learn how to DJ? Our Music Studio at The Park is free to any young person aged 1019 years old! Open from 2-8pm every Tuesday and Wednesday. Contact Joe via our website to book your slot or just call in at The Park and say hello.

Music Studio at Youth Moves Think you could be on X Factor, Britain's Got Talent or The Voice - or would you just like to record a song for a loved one? Our Music Studio can record to industry standard.




International Women’s Day

Group Cycle Rides

Thurs 8 March,10am-4pm, at Filwood Community Centre, For a stall contact June on 0117 914 9216. Visit www.filwood

Jobs and Apprenticeships Fair

Thurs 8 March, 12-5.30pm at South Bristol Skills Academy, Hengrove. For info (0117 953 3575).

Asset mapping in Knowle West Tues 13 March, 1.30-4pm and Wed 4 April, 10am-12.30pm – KWMC. Contact Alex: 0758 530 7354, email: alex.north@bristol.

Opening of KWCC site

Fri 16 March at 2pm, at Knowle West Children Centre, Leinster Avenue.

Melvin Square residents’ group

First meeting 19 March, 12-1pm at the Hub, Oasis Connaught School. All welcome.

Easter Fair

Sat 24 March, 12-4pm, at Filwood Community Centre. To book a stall contact June on 0117 914 9216.

Tea, cake and piano sing-along

29 March, 2-3.30pm at Knowle West Healthy Living Centre. For info 0117 377 2255 or to book transport 0117 904 8215.

'The Noise' family fun day Sat 7 April, 12-2pm, at Oasis Academy Connaught. www.the


Sat 21 April 12-5pm at The Park, Daventry Road. Art exhibitions, graffiti art, music, workshops and food.

80th anniversary party

Sun 22 April, 12-3pm at Filwood Community Centre. Call 0117 914 9216. Visit www.filwoodcommunity Issue 80 (May – August). Copy deadline Fri 13 April. Delivered to your door from Mon 21 May.

Starting April from Knowle West Health Park.

Learn Something New Free courses in the local area - open to ages 19 plus. Visit www.communi or contact Lucy Fieldhouse, 0117 903 9763/0778 835 3446. Facebook Page - The Learning Community Team.

Free Debt Advice

Mon 11am-12noon. Drop in at The Park, Daventry Road. Call 0800 138 3422, email uk

Weekly Adult Volunteer Group

Tues 11am-3pm for over 18s at the Roundhouse, Springfield Allotments, Andover Road. Learn about gardening, cooking and bushcraft. Contact Ben, 0117 903 9796 or email ben.carpenter@

Adult Volunteering Day

Thurs between 10am and 3pm at Springfield Allotments. Just drop in or call Knowle West Health Association on 07940 954 568.

Tea, chat and stories

Fri, 11.30am-1pm at Filwood Library. Contact or call 07812 238 532.

Coffee Morning

Last Sat of the month at Filwood Library, 11am.

Wellbeing Sessions

Wed 1-3pm at Filwood Community Centre with ACE service. No need to book. For info and support call the ACE helpline on 0117 239 8969.


Mon, Tues and Thurs, free one hour sessions by appointment. Contact Tricia Horne, 07340 079316 or email counsellingcoordina tor@knowlewesthealthassoc.

There are lots of great things happening in our community - to add your organisation or event contact Sue, on 0117 903 0444.

Green Gym

Thurs 10.15am on the Northern Slopes - meet next to 105 Wedmore Vale. Just turn up.

Cooking Connections

New programme 16 April – 25 June. Every Mon 1.303.30pm, The Park. Cooking group for adults 19+ with learning disabilities or mental health issues. Visit www., call 0117 904 6679 or email info@squarefoodfoundation.

Over 50s Dance Group Mon 1.45-4pm, Filwood Community Centre. Just turn up or call Jackie Crook on 0117 9721 424.

Knit and Natter

Wed 1.30-3pm, Filwood Library. Drop in or contact or ring 0787 681 4604.

Sew Clever

Tues 1-3pm and Fri 10am12pm at 4 Filwood Broadway. Bring your own project or start one. FAMILIES

Parenting Groups

Ilminster Avenue Specialist Nursery School and Children’s Centre has lots of groups running. “Like” them on Facebook to see timetables.

Toy Library Sessions

Fri 2-4pm at Oasis Academy, Marksbury Road. Visit www.southbristoltoylibrary.

Filwood Library

Term times only • Baby Bounce and Rhyme Wed 11.30am. • Pre-school Story Times and Craft Fri 11.30am.

Wild Play Toddler Sessions

Wed 1-2.30pm on the Northern Slopes (meet Bommie entrance,105 Wedmore Vale). Outdoor activities for 2-4 year olds. Visit avonwildlife mywildchild

Little Beacon Parents and Toddler Group

Fri (term times only) 9.30-11am at Salvation Army Hall, Padstow Road. For 0-3s but older siblings welcome. Contact Charlotte on 0117 966 1369. CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE

Free cricket sessions

Tues 4.30– at The Park, Daventry Road. Run by Wicketz Bristol for girls and boys aged 8-11. Contact Crispin Shingler on 07398 211 596 or email crispin.shingler@

NEETs Career Advice

Mon12-2pm at Filwood Library. Advice and guidance for young people not in education, employment or training, from Learning Partnership West.

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Tues 7.30-8.30, future champions kids; Fri 6.30-7.30pm, mixed adult and children. Filwood Community Centre. Call Jamie on 0793 980 5097.


Mon and Thurs, 7.30-8.30pm at Filwood Community Centre. Call Bobby Jones 0777 577 3686.


Wed 5-6pm at Filwood Community Centre. Cal Val on 0749 592 9659.

Girlguiding Groups

Tues 5.45pm at Connaught Oasis Community Hub. For Rainbows contact Sophie at connaught. rainbows@outlook.comor for Brownies, 1stconnaughtbrownies@

Scouting Groups

Just started at Filwood Community Centre. Wed 5.15-6.15pm, Beavers and Cubs. Thursday 7-8.15 pm, Scouts. Call 0737 825 7936.

Tap and Drama Group

Knowle West Art Promotion Group for ages 5 plus (and parents). Tues 5-8pm at Filwood Community Centre. Contact Gloria Tucker 0117 953 2986 or 0751 358 8416.

All dates are subject to change – keep an eye on the Knowledge website for definite dates. Printed on recycled paper with vegetable inks by Doveton Press

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