The Knowledge

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For the residents of Filwood and parts of

Knowle & Windmill Hill


Image Marcus Way


Filwood Fantastic Illuminations shine a light on Knowle West.

Have your say on new housing developments p3 Karate club wins international awards p5 New café for Melvin Square p5

Old cinema demolition

Knowledge under threat Welcome to our winter edition of The Knowledge. Due to funding cuts this issue is shorter but we’re grateful to Knowle West Media Centre (KWMC) and all our advertisers for their support in making it happen. We’ll be producing a February to May edition and then the future of the printed version in its current form is uncertain - unless sponsorship can be found. You can continue to get the latest news and longer stories on our website: We’re also looking for local volunteers willing to deliver issues in their street. If you can help, contact me on the details below. So much going on… This is always a busy time of year – and there’s so much happening in Knowle West. There are a lot of new developments planned for the area and it’s crucial residents know what is going on and have their say p 3. There’s also the chance to apply for small grants for any community project from Knowle West Alliance p 4 and for your local library p 3. We’re delighted local groups have once again been recognised with awards - from the karate club to local food organisations - and that there’s a café once more on Melvin Square p 5. Check out our Diary Dates for new groups and activities you can take part in next year on p12 and throughout this issue. Whether it’s volunteering to improve the area, being creative or getting healthier and fitter – there’s plenty to choose from.

Work started in September to remove asbestos from the old cinema on Filwood Broadway before it is pulled down in January. The building – which has lain empty for 21 years – first opened in 1938 and has fond memories for many residents. It was originally scheduled for demolition by Bristol City Council last summer but this was delayed to bring asbestos specialists in and for an ecological survey.

Over 1,400 homes for Hengrove Park Over 1,400 new homes are set to be built in Hengrove Park - after a new development was granted outline planning permission in October. Bristol City Council approved plans for the mixed-use development off Whitchurch Lane - which will include

City to ban diesel cars in centre Bristol has become the first city in the UK to introduce a diesel ban for private cars in the city centre and Harbourside area. The plans to help tackle illegal levels of air pollution were approved by Bristol City Council in November - and will now be submitted to the government. The ban would operate daily from 7am to 3pm and there would also be a wider Clean Air Zone extending from the city centre - where older commercial vehicles would be charged. If approved by the government, the deadline for the plans to be put in place is March 2021.

The demolition is part of the regeneration plans for Knowle West – with housing planned for the site. 1,435 homes, a new public park and investment into local community, business and education facilities. The decision follows a battle with residents worried about the amount of housing and loss of green space. The new plans now have a reduction in housing but not as much as local people wanted. For more information visit https://www.

100 years of Knowle West Style An exhibition has just been launched to celebrate the hidden heritage of Knowle West and mark 100 years since the first council estates were built. 100 years of Knowle West Style includes artworks, local residents’ stories and architecture. It opened on 26 November and will run until the end of April at Knowle West Media Centre. Image Ibolya Feher

THANKS TO: the Newsletter Steering Group and Knowle West Media Centre (Sue Mackinnon - Editor and Community Journalism Tutor, Bart Blazejewski - Designer). All articles express the views of individual contributors and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the Steering Group or KWMC.

Printed on recycled paper with vegetable inks by Doveton Press

A word from us

Crazy golf Filwood Community Centre is getting crazy golf in its courtyard – which proved popular with residents when trialled at Knowle West Fest. The crazy golf will be made by re:work and local young people out of recycled materials in the new year. It has been made possible by Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funding from Bristol City Council.

Get in touch: Call Sue on 0117 903 0444 or email Visit

University campus new opening date The University of Bristol’s £300 million Temple Quarter Enterprise Campus will now be opening a year later than anticipated in September 2023. The new campus will provide teaching, research and innovation space for 3,000 students, as well as 800 staff, business and community partners. For more information about the plans and progress view: temple-quarter-campus/

Editor - Sue Mackinnon


For full stories visit our website

News Two hundred factorybuilt homes for Knowle West Two hundred factory-built homes could be constructed in Knowle West - after Bristol City Council signed a partnership with Swedish housing developer BoKlok in October. The site earmarked for the new development is on Airport Road - not far from Filwood Green Business Park. Around 60 of the new builds will be for social rent and shared ownership. The scheme would be part of Bristol Housing Festival - and subject to planning permission and funding construction could begin in autumn 2020.

Community Business Challenge funding Two local organisations have just won funding and support from the Community Business Challenge for “transforming local economies.” Community in Partnership Knowle West (CIPKW) and Redcatch Community Garden were two of seven Bristol organisations selected by M&S and charity Power to Change. CIPKW which runs Filwood Community Centre scooped £6,000 and communications support. It will now launch a six-month outreach programme to grow awareness of what’s on there - and find out what local people want to see. Business Manager and Creative Director at Filwood Community Centre, Makala Cheung said: “This support will help us to stay true to what the community centre is all about –

Have your say on new housing Example of BoKlok housing. Image BoKlok.

Funding for local libraries By Lewis Campbell Bristol Libraries has launched a new fund and is calling on residents to develop ideas for their local library. With an opportunity for organisations, groups and individuals to submit applications - the hope is for communities to lead on bringing new life to the service. The Libraries Innovation Fund fund of just over £100,000 will be split between Bristol’s 27 libraries. A consultation meeting was held at Filwood Library on 14 November where residents and representatives from local libraries, including Filwood and Marksbury Road, came together to discuss the funding and share ideas. These ranged from new activities and equipment to author visits and theatre groups. Applications for funding for organisations ends 13 December 2019 and for Friends Groups 30 September 2020. All projects must be completed by December 2020. Visit apply-for-funding-for-ideas-for-yourlibrary

By Knowle West Alliance Co-ordinator Lucy Holburn Local people are being asked what they think about early design and layout proposals for new housing sites in Knowle West. Residents’ feedback will help shape the plans as more detailed proposals are worked up for each site. Staffed public drop-in sessions on 5 December – everyone welcome. • Dance Studio, Filwood Community Centre from 2-4pm • Main Studio, Knowle West Media Centre from 5-7pm On display will be an overview of the wider housing and regeneration projects in Knowle West and early

New South Bristol recycling centre a step closer A new Household Reuse and Recycling Centre (HRRC) in Hartcliffe Way is a step closer – with plans submitted to Bristol City Council in October. The proposed development, on the site of the Street Cleansing Depot, will provide a recycling centre as well as a facility to restore and sell reusable furniture, electricals and household items. Proposals have been amended as a result of local feedback. The Street Cleansing Depot is moving to nearby Hawkfield Business Park so the whole

CIPKW team members receive their award. (Image: Lucas Sinclair, FareLight Productions)

being for the community and growing and responding to what the community wants us to be.” Redcatch Community Garden is a space for the community to learn about growing healthy food. It was awarded £8,000 which will be used to refit its commercial kitchen - so it can expand its food production and train volunteers. plans for three specific sites: • The old cinema, Filwood Broadway • Leinster Avenue (next to Knowle DGE Academy School) • Kingswear Representatives from the Bristol City Council Housing Delivery team and the design and planning teams will be available to answer questions and listen to public feedback. Plans will also be on display in other Knowle West Alliance venues, local libraries and online at uk/housing/new-council-homes from 5 December. Further consultation around the preferred options will take place early in the new year before the first schemes are submitted for planning in February/March 2020.

site can be devoted to the new centre - and traffic will be able to flow more easily. If approved work is due to start next year and should take six to eight months to complete. The centre would be fully operational by 2021. Visit Reference 19/05204/F Full stories Site visit at the Street Cleansing Depot.

@FilwoodCentre Knowle West Alliance and Filwood Community Centre have grants of £100 and £500 on offer for local community projects


Your community

Police Report: Burglary prevention By PC Hannah Fletcher


n the run up to Christmas burglary is often a concern for communities. Houses tend to be filled with more expensive goods and people are out of the house during dark evenings, going Christmas shopping or to parties. First off, it is worth noting that burglary in Filwood and Knowle remains low and is consistently falling year on year, (in the past 12 months there has been a 24.8 per cent drop in residential burglaries in this area). The best way to stop burglaries is to make your house look as unattractive to thieves as possible. Really easy and cheap ways to do this are: • Hide the boxes of expensive electronics - do not advertise what is in your house in your recycling bins. • Use timers to switch lights on in your house in the evening to make it look like someone’s home. • If you are away on the winter break, park your car/neighbour’s car on your driveway to make it look like you are home. To get more involved in your community and burglary prevention through Neighbourhood Watch, email trevor.wilmot@avonandsomerset.

Can Do Bristol Do you know anyone that likes to help out? Or are you that person making good things happen? 2020 is Bristol’s Year of Can Do, and Knowle West Media Centre would love to share “the amazing things local people are doing”. Get in touch by emailing Watch out for more details of the #WeAreBristol festival coming in March.


Knowle West Alliance Update

The Park football teams seek new members

By Community Development Worker Frances Coates

By Community Reporter Charlie Watts

I’m really pleased to have taken over Emily Smith’s role for Knowle West Alliance. I’ve worked in adult education as a teacher for many years - including Filwood Broadway when City of Bristol College had a centre there and with the Community Learning

A football club based at The Park Centre is looking for new members to join its teams. The Park FC has five ability teams for men and women with disabilities aged 16 plus. They train every Friday from 5-7pm. The teams cater for all abilities and levels – and are an opportunity for individuals with disabilities to play football in a supportive yet progressive environment. Chris ‘CJ’ Lewis (24) has played for one of the Park’s ability teams since he was 16.

Team at the Park Centre. It’s been great coming back here again and I’ve bumped into many old friends as well as getting to know a lot of new people. Small grants The next round of small grants will be happening in the new year: Wednesday 29 January, 6 - 8pm, at Novers Club (general applications). Wednesday 4 March, 3.30 - 5.30pm, at Inns Court Community and Family Centre (schools and young people applications). If you’re a resident, organisation or school who’d like some money for a community project, get in touch for an application form. Projects I’m working with Filwood Library to get residents involved in choosing play equipment for babies, pre-school and primary-aged children. There’s a consultation on Friday 13 December, 2-4pm at Filwood Library for families to have their say - and the toys will hopefully be in the library by February half term. Planning A number of new developments are being proposed for the area and we want to make sure everyone has a chance to give their opinion. I’ll be knocking on doors to tell people who live nearby about them. Get in touch if there’s anything about Knowle West you want to have a chat about. I usually work Monday – Wednesday and am out and about in local venues. I’m also planning a weekly ‘surgery’ in the Park café, to be advertised on our Facebook page. Call: 07942 677131.

He says: “…It gives people the chance to make friends and meet new people. It has also given me confidence, and I think of my teammates as a family.” The club has just launched its new session for ladies aged 16 plus on Mondays from 5-6pm and is looking to attract more players, whether new to football or not. For more information contact Mike Alden on 0750 498 9716 or email

Big Tidy coming to Filwood The Big Tidy is coming to Filwood in December to tackle issues such as litter, overgrown footpaths and fly-tipping in the area. Launched in October, the 12-month project run by the city council and Bristol Waste is part of the city’s Clean Streets campaign to support local people to “revitalise their communities.” The project also calls on residents to make a pledge to play their part in looking after their neighbourhood. Visit: big-tidy-pledge See photo p 6.

@knowlewestmedia On a Sunday in September, Knowle West residents led sold-out tours of the area as part of #BristolOpenDoors. The team @ArchCentre have created this short film about the walks & the #HomesForHeroes100 programme. See if you recognise any people or places!

Karate club wins international awards

Local stories

Picture and story by Community Reporter Charlie Watts

Local food organisations scoop awards

Picture courtesy Crumbs Magazine.

Two food organisations based at The Park Centre have triumphed at the Crumbs Awards. Held at the Bristol Old Vic - these awards celebrate the local food scene and “recognise the people and businesses behind it.” Step and Stone Bakery – which works with young people with learning disabilities – won the Inspiration category and was then pronounced Winner of Winners.

Co founders Jane Kippax (left) and Jane Chong from Step and Stone Bakery with Andrew Chong at the award ceremony.

The bakery produces handmade lavosh flatbreads and helps the young people achieve the skills and confidence to gain employment in the mainstream catering industry. Co-founder Jane Kippax said: “…It’s such a huge boost for our work raising the profile of the great capability of our young bakers, everyone is very excited!” Charity Square Food Foundation (SFF) gained the trophy for Best Cookery School for the second year running. SFF delivers free and subsidised cookery courses and workshops for charities, schools and community groups. Visit and

Café Pod launched KnowleDGE Academy has just launched a new Café Pod to be used for school and community events – and provide work experience for pupils. The school on Leinster Avenue, for young people with additional needs, purchased an old catering trailer which the students, with staff support, designed and developed into the Café Pod. Head Teacher Darren Ewings said: “Over recent years, we have found it difficult getting suitable work


Knowle West karate club has been celebrating after some of its pupils won awards at a recent European Championships competition. The club, which practises the Shukokai style of karate, has been based at Filwood Community Centre for around four years and holds classes there twice a week. Brown belt Rhys McNiell (9) won a silver medal in the under-16s kata section of the World United Martial Arts (WUMA) European Championships, held in Worcester on 3 November. Twelve-year-old black belt Breanna Roberts also took home a bronze medal in the under 16s-kata – while Conner Sweet scooped bronze in the over-16s. The club is led by Val Davies – a sensei of 30 years’ experience. She said: “The club does very well in tournaments in both the adults and kids’ sections.

New café for Melvin Square By Community Reporter Claudia Koch A new café has opened its doors on Melvin Square - and is being supported by local people who don’t want to travel too far. Melvin Munch opened on 4 November on the site of the former Conoisseur Café which closed over a year ago. It is run by former resident Darren Pool (38), and his partner Sophie Crook (34), from Brislington – who hope the café will help draw people to Melvin Square. Darren says: “I was born and grew up in Knowle West, it’s coming back home… We’re trying to make it locally accessible and fairly priced…” Sophie who used to work in Belle's Café in Broadwalk said: “A lot of people were coming to Broadwalk as they said there were not many places locally to eat…” The pair say the early morning experience for our pupils to prepare them for life beyond school... “Our business plan is to market our Café Pod to other Academies…, local schools, festivals, markets and community events…”  The Café Pod had its first airing at a school fundraiser for Children in Need this November.

For full stories visit our website

"Breanna has been training six years with me and my students are as young as five. “We believe in self-respect and that if you respect yourself and others - then the world would be a better place.” Sessions take place at Filwood Community Centre on Wednesdays from 5-6pm and Sundays, 4-5pm. Call Val on 07939 805 097 to get involved. breakfasts and omelettes are proving popular and their menu also includes home cooked lunches such as pies and lasagne. Sophie adds: “We have our own allotment where we grow veg so we’ll be using some of it in the cafe, like salads, potatoes and corn.” The couple already have some gluten

free cakes and are planning to add more recipes. They are also looking into home deliveries - and hope to offer roast dinners on Sundays in the future. Melvin Munch is open from 7.30am 2.30pm, Monday to Saturday.

Pupils Corey and Nathan serving drinks in the Cafe Pod at the launch event.


1. Knowle West Fest’s popular headliners, 4. Staff and patients came together to reggae band Da Fucherman with young celebrate Marksbury Road Surgery’s fans. (Picture Marcus Way). first birthday with an open evening and commemorative plaque. The surgery moved from St John’s Road last 2. Circus skills led by Circomedia was just one of the attractions at Knowle West September. (Picture Sharon Perrett). Fest. Left to right: Lola (7), Phoebe (5) A young pumpkin carver who took and Spencer (5) have a go at hula part in a spooky Halloween workshop at hooping. (Picture KWMC). Redcatch Community Garden. (Picture 3. You don’t have to be a Jedi to take up Redcatch Community Garden). the Star Wars-inspired Light Saber From front page: A lantern parade Combat sport which has started at around the Broadway for Filwood The Park on Thursday evenings. Fantastic Illuminations was accompanied (Picture Josh Rockey, Ludosport Bristol). by live music. A Hollywood-style sign was also unveiled outside the community centre. See p 9. Send your pictures to (Picture Marcus Way).


Traders battled stormy weather for the first outdoor Filwood market launched in November. It will now take place on the first Saturday of the month (except January) on Filwood Broadway. L to R: Helen Watt and Lucy Harris on the plant stall. (Picture KWMC).

8. Big Tidy Community Engagement Officers Fritha Voaden (far left) and Hanna Johnson (far right) joined regular volunteers Caroline Hope (left) and Heather Pickford to cut back vegetation and litter pick at Inns Court. (Picture Inns Court Residents Association). 9. Members of Youth Moves Juniors Youth Club at The Park raising awareness of Children in Need. The organisation has been given funding by the UK charity to run its mentoring project. (Picture Youth Moves).

For the full stories visit our website

Debt centre looking for befrienders By Allotment Co-ordinator and

Community Gardener Fleur Handley A free debt support centre for South whichequinox launched year the is With Bristol the summer justthis around looking for more befrienders. corner - the days are at their longest and the Runfingers by Christians Against Poverty weather, crossed, is sunny and warm (CAP) is the new South Bristol CAP and nature Debt and Centre works with a team of blooming befrienders visiting people in their booming! It ishomes. now that you Anyone in befriending can will really start interested to give email thanksrachel.goodchild@severnvine to all call her on 0780 588 4734. the hard work or and Visit preparation you did centre in spring - as your helpand with debt contact the New beds, For flowers Client Enquiries veggies now have a Team on 01274 761 great911. headFull start. story JUNE • Hoe your borders regularly to keep on top of the weeds. • Your first early potatoes should be ready to harvest, along with early carrots, beetroot, radishes and a variety of salads and herbs. • Put those beautiful hanging baskets and flower boxes you started off in April outside to soak up the summer rays. Plant out

• PinchWest out side-shoots Knowle fitness coach Will on tomatoes waterresidents fulfil Jones will beand helping regularly. some of their New Year’s resolutions lettuce, spinach, - •bySow expanding his classes in the beetroot, radish, chard area in January. and seeds every Willcarrot (36) completed some of his three weeks - for a and already training at The Park continual supply of runs sessions around South Bristol, produce includingthroughout bootcamp the at Filwood summer. Community Centre.

In January he will also be starting JULY groups twice a day at Knowle West • Keep a good eye on Healthy Living Centre. These will your plants and their range from bootcamp and circuit watering needs, training to a Monday morning ‘mood especially if drought motivator’ class and boxercise. periods occur. • Deadhead bedding Alive Health plantsMan and repeat-flowering perennials to ensure their continuous Support Group flowering throughout the summer. Many plants will be Group in full proA •new Health Support for men duction now so get creative in the is starting in -December to provide and enjoy thefor fruit of your akitchen confidential space them to labour! Pickabout thosetheir courgettes before talk openly physical and they become mental health marrows. conditions. • Mow lawnrun weekly. The group by Man Alive will be • Clear algae, blanket weeds held on the second Monday of and each debris from ponds, and keep them month, from 11am-1pm at Knowle topped up for the frogs! West Health Park. Next dates are, 9 December and 13 January. jack. AUGUST • Watering is probably a daily task or call 07739 649841. Visit www. now, and doing it with recycled knowlewesthealthpark/man-alive greywater or rain-stored water is

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Will says his sessions are suitable for all levels and exercises can be “modified to suit individual needs and levels of fitness”. He says: “…I love seeing the journeys starting right back to no exercise to how far they have come, everyone has a goal and it’s my passion to help them reach it…” For details of new January classes visit Facebook Will Jones Fitness, call 07880 491190 or check the Knowle West Healthy Living Centre website: www. knowlewesthealth

Bereavement group encouraged. Give specialsupport care to containers and new plants. for parents • Deadhead flowering plants regularly. • Harvest sweetcorn and other A local resident has just started a new vegetables that become ready. If you have support group in Knowle for parents who an abundance of something maybe try have lost a child. pickling, blanching and freezing it? Cowles Precious Life’s •Emma Feed soils thathas areset nowupbare with green Support Group which can offer bereaved manures, to replenish them over the mums and the chance to come and autumn and dads winter. have a chat and know “every parent in thereworks will know how they areHealth feeling.” Fleur on Knowle West She says: “I hope my group can Association’s Let’s Grow project at offer some support, continued understanding Springfield Allotments. Contact her by and friendship.” email at or on The095 first4568 meeting is 4orDecember at Knowle 0794 to visit get involved Community Centre on the Square, from with this community space. 12-2pm. Please bring a photo of your son or daughter.

Take control of your medication with our dosette or orbital box systems With a dosette tray you don’t need to worry about forgetting your medication as you can see at a glance which tablets you have taken. Benefits to you: Safe & easy to use Light & compact Medication clearly visible Medication times clearly stated You will be in control of your medication. Please ask your pharmacist about moving to a dosette tray or orbital box.

Feeding coming up...with a campaign to help 11,000 hungry @BetterFoodCo Really great to see two of our@BristolLive favourite Bristol But institutions on Bristol Crumbs'are list of Fabulous @BristolStep and @squarefood - wellchildren done yougoing megastarz 16 in Bristol this summer. “This should not be accepted in one of the country’s most successful thriving cities.”


Health Gardening Column

Local fitness coach running new flowers. classes summer bedding


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On the first day of Christmas... In the run-up to Christmas, we have the chance to win £1,000 to support our work in the community. 120 charities will receive £1,000 from 12 prize draws taking place in December as part of the Ecclesiastical 12 Days of Giving campaign. The more times a charity is nominated the greater their chances of winning - please consider nominating Knowle West Media Centre! You can nominate us at, using our charity number 1092375. Donations and funds are gratefully received at KWMC and will help us offer more activities to more people - particularly those who have had limited opportunities. Thank you! We’re looking for five households (with two or more people aged 18+ living there) where someone has Type 2 Diabetes, to take part in a new research project in partnership with University of Bristol. If you’re interested in developing and testing technology for the home to support people living with Diabetes, the research team would love to hear from you! Call 0117 428 4259 or email rachel.eardley@


Making Filwood fantastic

arlier this month we installed a brand new sign on the railings outside Filwood Community Centre - the result of a collaboration between local people, the Community Centre, our team at KWMC: The Factory and Priormade. The giant FILWOOD letters were designed and built as part of the Filwood Fantastic project to welcome people to the area and celebrate the community's creativity. The layered coloured letters showcase street art and illustrations by local residents, and the white letters facing the street are covered in reflective paint. Bring your torch (or mobile phone light) to the Broadway in the evenings and use its beam to leave a temporary message on the sign!

Leinster Avenue, Bristol BS4 1NL

Forthcoming events

Events take place at our Leinster Avenue site unless otherwise stated. For details about any of these activities call 0117 903 0444.

Silver Screen Film Club Christmas Event Tuesday 10 December, 12.30pm (ages 50+) *Novers Park Community Centre, Novers Park Road (behind KWMC) Enjoy a movie and meet new people at our monthly film club. Membership just £5 per year. The special Christmas event includes a buffet for £3.50.

Community Journalism Tuesdays, 1 – 2.30pm (term time only, free) Learn how to research and write articles and see your work published in the Knowledge and on knowle No journalism experience necessary.

Make your own laser-cut jewellery Saturday 1 February, 10am – 2pm (ages 16+, £55) *KWMC: The Factory, Filwood Green Business Park Learn how to design and make pieces of laser-cut jewellery in wood and acrylic. Book at

Regular activities

Exhibition: 100 Years of Knowle West Style Monday to Friday, until end of April 2020 (free) Our autumn/winter exhibition explores the hidden heritage of Knowle West and marks 100 years since the first council estates were built in Bristol. Discover what the area has meant to people for nearly 10 decades, through artworks, stories, music, architecture and memory.


The Filwood Fantastic team are also running some free drop-in making sessions on Saturday 30 November to explore ideas for new furnishings for the main hall of Filwood Community Centre. Drop in to the Community Centre between 11.30am and 2.30pm and try your hand at furniture upcycling, re-upholstery and pattern design, and have your say on what should be made for Filwood! All ages are welcome but under 16s must be supervised by an adult. When the designs have been decided, we’ll be running more sessions on Tuesday 10 and Thursday 12 December (1pm – 4.30pm) to make the furnishings. Contact thefactory@ or call 0117 403 2306 if you’re interested in getting involved.

0117 903 0444

Jump into…Half Term 2020 Contact our Jump Studios team to find out what we’ve got coming up for young people during the February school holiday. E-mail enquiries or call 0117 903 0444 and ask for the Jump team. Project Night Meet-Up Every two months; last Thursday of the month A regular meet-up for anyone who makes art or creative projects in the community. Meet others and enjoy food together. Contact martha.king@ for the next dates. We Can Make Meet-Up Thursday 5 December, 9 January, 6 February, 5 March, 5.30 - 7pm *The We Can Make test home, corner of Barnstaple Road and Marwood Road Drop in, meet others, and find out how We Can Make is supporting local people to create affordable homes - and how it could help you!

photo: Hywel George


Knowle West Healthy Living Centre For more information call: 0117 377 2255 email: Knowle West Health Park, Downton Road, Bristol, BS4 1WH

Mental Health & Keeping Active (for adults) Wellbeing New outdoor and indoor classes starting January 2020.

Gentle Exercise Class Gentle body conditioning to music. If you struggle to attend more ‘mainstream’ classes then come and join us. Monday 9:45–10:45am. Hips, Bums and Tums Two friendly groups to help you tone up. All sizes, all abilities, no experience needed. Tuesday 6—7 pm & 7 - 8pm | £3.50 Tai Chi Movement for Wellbeing Give yourself the gift of relaxation and let your mind and body release tension and stress Wednesday 10.30 -11.45am | £4 Step Aerobics Meet new friends and burn those calories Thursday 6 - 7pm | £3.50 Stretch & Roll Workout Womens exercise class with an introduction to Jiu Jitsu & Ginastica Yoga. Call: Adrienne 07962 914002 Thursday 7.30 - 8.30pm | £3 Walking Groups Friendly, regular walking groups to suit your level of walking. From short, very gentle walks through to whole morning walks and monthly social walks. Supported by our welcoming, trained volunteer Walk Leaders. Rockfit A heart-pumping, fist-bumping combination of dance, cardio and toning set to classic rock and metal music. Friday 5.45 – 6.45pm l £5.

Healthy Eating Waist Watchers Mon 9.30 - 10.30am & 4 - 5pm FREE Drop In: Weekly weigh-in, plus advice and support on how to lose weight and keep it up.

Art Ease Group   (Tuesday & Wednesday morning) Are you feeling stressed, experiencing low mood, feeling lonely or caring for someone else?  Our art group is for people with mild to moderate mental health needs. Benefits can include improved self-confidence, learning new skills and making new friends.  No previous experience needed.  £1 a session (call for referral).

Social Prescribing (SPEAR) Your doctor isn’t the only person who can help you feel better.    Addressing difficult issues sometimes needs extra time and support. Our social prescribing link workers can help you look after more than just your health. We can work alongside GPs, and nurses to help you get extra support.     Together we can discuss issues you’re facing, explore what is important to you, find local activities and services to help, and give you support to access them. Free, confidential 1 to 1 service. Self-referrals welcome.

Ear Acupuncture (11 - 12 pm Friday) Gentle and relaxing therapy which can relieve a range of health issues, from general aches and pains to stress and anxiety. £5

Social Prescribing for Physical Inactivity                    For people who want to get active, but don’t know where to start. Get one to one support and advice, and find out how activity can be made part of daily life to improve your health.

Man Alive Breakfast (first Friday of the month) A welcoming group for men where you can meet and make new friends.

Children’s Activities

Lip Reading Class (10 - 12pm Friday) Supportive, friendly weekly class £4.00 a session. Fit & Fab (10 - 12pm Thursday). A women's only support group: Encouragement from others to help you build self-esteem, confidence and improve your health. Call Sally 0117 903 0024 to find out more.

Beatz Street Dance Class Regardless of age or ability, come and try street dancing. Age 4-15 years (term time only) Wednesday 5:15 -6:15pm. £4

Women of Worth (6.30 - 8.30pm Wednesday) Friendly support group for local women with a range of activities Community Access Support Service CASS works with community, equalities and faith groups (big and small) in Bristol.  If you’d like information about how to support the emotional wellbeing of your group members and local communities, contact: dan.lewin@

One to One Advice Free NHS Health Checks If you are aged 40 - 74 years old book yourself a free ‘Health MOT’. To be eligible you must be: aged 40-74 years registered with a Bristol GP not receiving treatment for a cardiovascular condition (diabetes, heart or kidney disease, high blood pressure or high cholesterol)


Stretch ‘n’ Grow Lots of fun and games for pre-schoolers Age 2-5 years (term time only) Tuesday 9.45 - 10.15am. £1

Other services The Green House Rape and sexual abuse counselling for men & children (under 18 yrs). 0117 935 1707 Thyroid Support Group Last Thursday of each month (1-2.30pm). 0117 377 2255 Bristol Tranquilliser Project 0117 950 0058


The Park has a friendly gym with treadmills, stationery bicycles, rowing machines, cross trainers, free weights and a range of workstations for weight training and all levels.


Personal trainers are available for advice and training programmes. There are membership or pay as you go options to use the gym.

Work off your Christmas indulgence and make the most of our gym membership offers in the New Year. For further information contact Ben Pollard on 0117 903 9770 or email

Can you help Youth Moves to inspire young people in South Bristol? Young people in communities like ours have been hit harder by government cuts than most - but there is a growing recognition that youth work can help to address many of the issues young people face. We work across South Bristol and are based at The Park and if you think you can help us then just get in touch. Volunteer for us

Daventry Road, Knowle, Bristol BS4 1DQ

• There are many reasons people volunteer – whatever that reason we have an opportunity for you. • Helping run one of our youth clubs, using your skills to share with young people – sports, arts, cookery, photography, computing etc, or support us by becoming a trustee are just some of the ways you can help. • Hours to suit you, we can be flexible and training opportunities provided you could just do one session a week or only during school holidays - every little helps.

• This could be through corporate volunteering schemes, skill sharing or sponsoring e.g. our minibus for a year, or one of our amazing Break Free holiday hunger projects.

Fundraise for us or donate directly

Work in partnership

• We are always grateful of any donations we receive, and every penny goes to improve the lives of young people in South Bristol. • So if you wanted to run a Half Marathon, fall out of a plane, or get involved in climbing a mountain, you can do so and raise money for Youth Moves. • To do so go to Local Giving https:// or give us a call.

• Our world revolves around working together and we are always looking for new ways to improve what we do. • If you wanted to discuss an idea or opportunity then please get in touch.

• Have some time on your hands, want to re-train or get back into work after some time out? Link up with us as a business • Want to give something back to or ‘sponsor’ a programme we run your community or make a difference • We are always looking for opportunities in the world? to work with local businesses.


Hire our Roundhouse • This amazing facility provides a unique facility to host e.g. - An alternative meeting venue for a business - A great place for a kid’s birthday party - Team-building or business planning away day. Contact us for more information about any of the above: email, call 0117 903 9796 or via our website or social media.



Issue 87 (Feb – May 2020). Copy deadline: Fri 31 January Delivered from Fri 28 February.

Knowle West Future

Fri 6 December, 7pm, St Barnabas Church.

Third Wed of month 5-7pm, Filwood Community Centre. knowlewestfuture@gmail. com

Filwood Market


Carols in the carpark

First Sat of month (except January 2020) from 11am-2pm, next one 7 December on Filwood Broadway.

Christmas Community Carols

Sun 8 December, 4.30pm at Redcatch Community Garden.

Christmas Lunch

Thurs 12 December, 12.30-2pm at Inns Court Community and Family Centre. Call 0117 904 1220.

Learn something new

Free local courses for age 19 plus. Visit or contact Lucy Fieldhouse, 0117 903 9763/0778 835 3446. Facebook - The Learning Community Team.

Live Jazz and Swing

First Tues of the month, 2pm, main hall at The Park.

Play equipment consultation

Light Saber Training

Messy Christmas

Bristol Credit Union

Fri 13 December, 2-4pm at Filwood Library. Fri 13 December, 3pm, St Barnabas Church.

KnowleDGE Christmas Fair Wed 18 December, 10.30am-12pm at KnowleDGE school, Leinster Avenue.

January sale

Sat 4 January, 12-4pm, Inns Court Community and Family Centre 12-4pm. Call 0117 904 1220.

Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition

M Shed, Harbourside. Free tickets at Filwood Library.

Filwood Fantastic Music Nights

Urban Music Nights, 2nd Fri of the month, 6.30pm – 10.30pm. Songsmith Music nights, last Fri of the month. Details TBC.

Mede Sprint trips

Visit www.theinnscourtcommunity or call Lisa on 0117 904 8215.

Free pet clinic

Thurs at The Park Centre in Daventry Road. For an appointment call 0117 972 4567.

Inns Court Residents Association (ICRA)

Second Mon of the month, 12 noon, Inns Court Community and Family Centre.

Melvin Square Neighbourhood Group

Third Mon of month,12 noon -1pm  at Filwood Community Centre.

Thurs 7.30pm at The Park. Ages 13-70. Facebook Ludosport Bristol. Fri 10-11am at re:work, 16 Filwood Broadway.

Free Debt Advice

Mon 11am-12 noon. Drop-in at The Park, Daventry Road; call 0800 138 3422 or email

Volunteer Group

Tues 11am-3pm for over 18s at The Roundhouse, Springfield Allotments. Gardening, cooking and  bush craft. Call 0117 903 9796, email ben.carpenter@

Open allotment sessions

Mon, 11am-2pm at Springfield Allotments. Drop in or call 07940 954 568.

Tea, chat and stories

Fri, 11.30am-1pm at Filwood Library. Free drop-in. Contact samanthaweaver@  or call 07812 238 532.

Filwood Chase History Society

Tues and Wed 1-4.30 pm at The Park, Daventry Road. Call Ivor on 0785 676 9285, email filwoodchase@gmail. com

Wellbeing Sessions

Wed 1-3pm at Filwood Community Centre with ACE service. No need to book. For info and support call the ACE helpline on 0117 239 8969.

Free Counselling

Mon - Thurs by appointment at Knowle West Health Association, 49b Filwood Broadway. Contact Tricia Horne, 07340 079316, email counsellingcoordinator@

Green Gym

Thurs 10.15am, Northern Slopes - meet next to 105 Wedmore Vale. Just turn up.

Coffee Mornings

Last Sat of the month at Filwood Library,10am. Tues 10am–12 noon, at Inns Court Community and Family Centre. Thurs 10-11.30am at St Barnabas Church.

Knit and Natter

Tues 3-4pm Marksbury Road Library. Wed 1-3 Filwood Library.

Women’s Football

Mon 5-6pm at The Park, age 16 plus for all abilities. Contact Mike: 07504 989716.

Tai Chi

Tues 11am - midday at Filwood Community Centre. Seated or standing. Call Teresa 07913 598816.

Community Cooking Classes

My Wild Child

Wed 10-11.30am (term time only), Northern Slopes. Meet Bommie entrance,105 Wedmore Vale. Outdoor activities for under 5s. Visit

Art Group

Thurs 10.30am-12.30pm, Filwood Community Centre (in the Gallery). Parents and toddlers aged 3-5 years. CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE

Tobacco Factory theatre classes

Tues 6-7.30pm, main hall at Filwood Community Centre.

Urban Escape

Tues, 5.30-7.30pm at the Roundhouse, Springfield Allotments. For 13s-19s. Contact shakira.evans@ youth or Urban Escape Bristol Facebook page.

Bristol Playbus

Second Saturdays at Inns Court Community Centre. Sessions for children with additional needs. 10am – 12noon – 5-8 year-olds. 12.30-3.30pm – 8-12 years. Email

Inclusive Youth Group

Thurs, 7-9pm, Filwood Community Centre. For 13-18s. Call Matt on 07795 446317, matt.peall@wecil. or turn up to register.

Mon 1-2.30pm at Knowle West Health Association, Filwood Broadway. Open to all. Call 0117 963 9569.

Free cricket sessions


Filwood Community Centre

Breathing Space

Mon 1-2.30pm at Inns Court Community and Family Centre. Time out for parents. Crèche available. Term-time only. Call Jen from ACE on 0783 417 7485.

Toy Library Sessions

Fri 2-4pm at Oasis Academy, Marksbury Road. Visit www.

Baby Bounce and Rhyme Wed 11.30am, Filwood Library Thurs 10.20am, Marksbury Rd Library.

Pre-school Story Times and Craft

Tues 10.30 – 11am Marksbury Rd Library. Fri 11.45-12.15pm, Filwood Library.

Tues 4.30– at The Park for girls and boys aged 8-11. Contact Sam. has regular groups including drama, dance, martial arts and boxing. Visit

Girlguiding Groups

Tues 5.45pm at Connaught Oasis Community Hub. For Rainbows contact Sophie at or for Brownies,

Scouting groups

Wed 5.15-8.15pm – Beavers and Cubs Thurs 7-8.45pm - Scouts Filwood Community Centre. Call: 0737 825 7936.

Chess Club

Sat 12.30pm, at Marksbury Rd Library (all ages welcome).

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