3 minute read
Residents enjoy the strains of live jazz and
from The Knowledge
by Knowle West
Award and lease for Skemer
Skemer Winters has a lot to celebrate – he’s not only won an Outstanding Community Effort Award but has just had the lease on his boxing gym renewed for ten years.
His award from Mogul Minded Group was from public nominations for his work at Skemer’s Boxing Gym on Wedmore Vale, which he moved into last year after a long search for a new base.
Skemer, who runs a range of classes including anti-bullying, did not attend the ceremony but received his award last December.
He says: “I can’t believe all the hard work which has been done over the years has been finally recognised. Thanks for everyone who has helped at the gym and and let's keep up the great work… the kids are our future.”
The renewed lease from January will mean he finally has the security to know he can stay put for a while.
Skemer adds: “It’s a lot easier because hopefully in April we can get funding and grants, because at the moment I do it all myself. We can carry on with our work keeping the kids off the streets in Knowle.” For more information, visit Facebook: Skemer’s Boxing Gym or call him on 0759 472 6905.
Martial Arts School of the Year
A local martial arts school has won an acclaimed Bristol Prestige Award which recognises businesses that offer a “highquality level of service and experience”.
Gracie Barra Knowle, which holds classes in Brazilian jiu jitsu for all ages at Filwood Community Centre, was told in January it had won Martial Arts School of the Year. Resident Jamie Horsman who runs the school has featured previously in The Knowledge for his achievements, alongside his daughter Frankie, a double world champion in the sport.
Acommunity gardener “who makes Knowle West beautiful” has been selected for a photographic exhibition which celebrates Bristolians who have made a difference.
Don Jones (77), who has lived in the area for 37 years is part of You Make Bristol which launched at M Shed on Harbourside on 26 February.
The display is updated every three to four years and features everyone from Olympic medal winners, musicians and models to community workers and campaigners.
From nearly 200 people nominated in a public call last year – the list has been whittled down by a panel to just 40 people and groups.
Don’s work in Knowle West has included introducing hanging baskets to Filwood Community Centre and brightening up the garden area -“to create a wow factor”.
He was also the driving force to get benches and planters to enhance Filwood Broadway in 2017, in his Boulevard project.
He told The Knowledge: “This is not all about me, this is about the community, it was all their positive encouragement that gave me the faith to take the next steps. I wanted to share that with everybody…” Don’s photo which appears in the exhibition at M Shed by Kirsty Mackay.

Tribute to two ‘lovely ladies'
By Denise Britt
Some very sad news that two very lovely Knowle West ladies have passed away.
Floss Moulton and Georgina Baber both worked very hard for many years in our community. Floss, who was 82, was on lots of boards:
Knowle West Development Trust, Knowle West Health Association, the Credit Union and others.
Georgina (63) was one of a group of mums that started Knowle West Against Drugs (KWADS) and she did a lot work with the youth club at Eagle House and lots more.
I would like to say thank you to them both and am very proud to say that they were my friends.
The community of Knowle West will miss you both.
He says: “I was over the moon – it's not just me, everyone has chipped in to make it what it is.
“It’s the fact that we haven’t got the facilities, it’s the extra hard work and what we’re doing for the community is the reason why we won.
“It keeps growing and growing and we want to continue to get more kids off the streets and do something positive.”
One of the parents, Naomi Trickey says: “My son Joe has been coming for 18 months and he eats, sleeps and breathes jiu jitsu and was awarded for being the Most Valued Student of the Year.”

Gracie Barra Knowle runs classes on Tuesday and Friday evenings from 6-7pm for kids and teens and 7-8pm, fundamentals. For more information call 0793 980 5097. www.graciebarraknowle.co.uk