YOUR NEWSLETTER This is the thirteenth edition of the Knowle West Newsletter What an eventful summer it’s been for Knowle West! We have a packed newsletter for you; we’ve tried to squeeze in as much as possible but apologies for anything we have had to leave out. Don’t forget you can also visit the Knowle West website at: for more information about what’s happening in the community.
Hope you enjoy this edition of Knowle West News. Please contact the editorial group through: Anita Pearce, NR Steering Group, Filwood Community Centre, Knowle West Tel: 0117 908 4248 Front cover: (top) First day at school for Ilminster Primary’s reception class, (more pictures pg. 5) (bottom) Walking your way to health (page 9).
RECENT KNOWLE WEST HEADLINES Hundreds of residents young and old have been involved in sporting and leisure activities across the estate. Yet at the heart of the community there has been plenty of controversy and lots of media attention. We want to know how you feel about the events of the summer - the good and the not so good. How do you feel about the way the media portrays your community? We welcome your views on any issues that affect Knowle West but please remember that we can only print letters that have a valid name and address (which we can withhold if requested). We also reserve the right not to publish letters and to edit them for space restraints if necessary (no more than 200 words please).
LETTERS I am writing to the readers of the Knowle West News with regard to the recent allegations made against me at the Tribunal brought against the KWDT. I can assure you that in no way was I persuaded to vote for the closure of the Family Support Unit. As Treasurer of the Trust, I on behalf of the Financial Sub Committee had for some months asked the Board to continue to keep the unit open and to fund it from the Trust’s core funds until the bid from Neighbourhood Renewal was in place. It was not until we were informed that funds applied for from NR had not been secured, that the Financial Sub Committee of which I am a member, suggested to the board that the unit would have to close as there was no funding to support its continuation. The Family Support
Unit was closed due to no funding being secured and no other reason. The allegations made have upset me very much. The day the article was printed in the Evening Post I was contacted that evening at 9.00pm to be asked my comments on the article, which I had not read, and only given seconds to answer. This year should have been a time of celebration but is now tinged with sadness. In 1954 I started youth and voluntary work on the Knowle West estate and I am celebrating 50 years of service to the community this month. These allegations will not deter me from continuing with the organisations I am working with. God Bless you all,
G rr aa hh aa m G m EE BB ll aa cc kk ee rr
HEARTS AND STARS CEREMONY The closing date for nominations for the Hearts and Stars Awards is 29th October. Forms are available from venues around the estate, so get nominating! Tickets are now on sale for the Awards Ceremony. This will be held in Filwood Community Centre on Saturday 13 November at 7.00pm.
Phillip Charles will provide entertainment and awards will be presented by HTV’s Peter Rowell. Tickets cost £5.00 each, including buffet and are available from Denise Britt or Anita Pearce on 0117 908 4247. The event is ‘Black Tie’ so get your party togs on and join us!
.......STOP PRESS!...... The Employment Tribunal against Knowle West Development Trust about the closure of the Family Support Service published its decision as we were about to go to press. It found unanimously in favour of the KWDT. It firmly dismissed all accusations made against Trust Board members Denise Britt, Rose Manning, Carol Casey and Graham Blacker that “they might be pleased to see Family Support Service’s work shared out among the other organizations of which they are members”, as "utterly without merit, offensive and insulting to the members of the board who give up their time voluntarily
and who have, in some circumstances, served their local community on such a basis for many years".' Commenting on the Trust Board’s decision to close the Family Support Project, the Tribunal said: ‘We are satisfied that the project was closed for entirely legitimate reasons… that was a decision which it (the Board) was perfectly entitled to make and one that cannot be sensibly questioned.’ As the decision of the Tribunal is a public document the Knowle West Development Trust invites anyone who would like a full copy of the decision to contact them at Filwood Community Centre or phone on 9532957.
The piece consists of two oak trees planted on the mounds above the bmx track. One tree is planted in the conventional way; the other is planted upside down. As a whole the work is a challenging and thought-provoking piece that frames the beautiful panorama of Bristol as seen from the park. It’s difficult to predict how it will change – will the birds nest in the trees? Will the upside down tree sprout new growth? The piece was funded through a Regional Arts Lottery Programme grant awarded to the Art of Well-Being Project in 2001. This was money to be spent solely on an arts project. The grant programme was highly competitive, and we were very fortunate to receive this money. Please come and see this interesting piece for yourself. We welcome your views about it and there is a comments book at Reception in the . Walk-In Centre
There is a new public art commission recently installed at Knowle West Health Park: Life Cycle by Elpida Hadzi-Vasileva. The idea behind the work is to reflect the themes of regeneration, renewal, and rebirth. These are all ideas that are important in life in Knowle West as well as in the Health Park itself.
AA nnnn ii ee BB ee aa rr dd ssll ee yy Knowle West Arts/Art of Well-Being T: 0117 3772256
The artist Elpida Hadzi-Vasileva adds:
I became intrigued by the two earth mounds with BMX track in the middle, an artificial man made waste covering? By standing on the top of the mounds it feels as if you can see the world. Being uprooted and rooted again is like you have been given a second chance. The living tree will continue to grow and become a centre piece whilst the upsidedown tree will continue to age and regenerate.
LET’S ALL GO BANANAS! There was a whole bunch of fun to be had at the Baptist Church, Newry Walk, during the week long Churches Together Children's Holiday Club at the end of July. The church hall had been transformed to resemble a desert island, with larger than life plastic bananas suspended from paper palm branches hanging from the walls and ceiling. There was even a time machine standing in the corner! This year’s theme was based upon favourite Bible characters that magically appeared from inside the time machine to tell their stories. These were acted out with the help of two slippery characters: Ripe and Rotten! As well as drama there were plenty of noisy games, crafts, cookery, puppets, music, singing and much, much more.
By the end of the week over 30 local children were joining in the fun and chanting: “If you're happy or you're sad. If you're gloomy or you're glad - LET'S ALL GO BANANAS!!”
NEIGHBOURHOOD RENEWAL FEEDBACK ON AUGUST TOUR At the beginning of August the Neighbourhood Renewal team toured Knowle West. Thank you to all the residents that spared the time to give us their views about the clean-up of eyesore spots around the estate. This was part of the NR Environment & Housing group’s Knowle West ‘Spring Clean’.
“the skip was full within an hour”, “skips are brilliant”, “can we have skips in our road?” This information will help us plan other clean-ups and skip schemes in the future. YOU are being listened to and WE take notice and act on what you tell us. Residents were asked if they thought the skip scheme had been successful, if there were any other ‘hotspots’ that needed tackling and how this should be done. The main comment received was “there should’ve been more skips” other comments included “skip scheme should happen more often”,
If you are interested in getting involved you are welcome to attend the next NR Environment and Housing group meeting at Filwood Community Centre, Friday 29th October, 10am-12noon
AAnn ii tt aa PP eeaa rr cc ee NR N R EEnn vv ii rr oo nn m m eenn tt & &H H oo uu ssii nn gg G Grr oo uu pp
WORKING FOR YOU! The Knowle West Neighbourhood Renewal Partnership is made up of residents and service providers and brings both parties together to look at better ways of meeting the needs of local people. The Partnership’s staff are employed through Knowle West Development Trust – the manager, NR facilitators and administrator and financial management. It takes all its decisions about funding and priorities for the estate independent of the KWDT Board. This ‘arm’s length’ working arrangement has been agreed with Bristol City Council. The main focus of the Partnership’s effort right now is the future of one of the Trust’s main services: tthh ee SS tt rree ee tt W W aa rr d d ee n n ss .. The Partnership has consistently backed the warden service, arguing that for many people on the estate they are easier to talk to and get hold of than the police. NR part-funds the service but its longer
term future lies with Safer Bristol. Feedback is being provided about the wardens’ work, including comments from the 200 or so residents who took part in the IRIS survey. Many thanks to those who were part of this survey – your voices will get heard. The Neighbourhood Renewal office will be moving to 37 Filwood Broadway in October. Please feel free to drop by. We’re recruiting a Communications Worker to help us listen better to you and keep you more informed. We want to improve the estate’s links with local press, radio and television so that life in Knowle West gets reported more honestly and accurately. We’re particularly keen to employ a local person. If this is a job you think you could do we look forward to hearing from you!
Kee ii tt hh H K H oo uu gghh tt oo nn NR Manager
BUILDING COMMUNITIES UPDATE Funding has now been secured for the first phase of work on the Building Communities Project for Filwood Broadway. We will review the proposals for the Broadway including the neighbourhood building and confirm potential funders, occupiers and users. This will give the project partners a much clearer understanding of what sort of project can be delivered, whether it is financially possible, and how much money the Regional Development Agency can contribute. The first step will be to recruit a project manager and we hope to interview for this
post in October. Your involvement in the project is important. Keep an eye out for details of future meetings and developments in the Neighbourhood Renewal newsletter, your local shops, community centres, churches and surgeries. For more information about the project and how to be involved in the decision making process please contact Hannah Morgan on 9531329 or pop into the Community Work Office in Filwood Community Centre, Barnstaple Road.
TRUST GETS HEALTH CHECK The independent review of Knowle West Development Trust, undertaken by external consultants, GVA Grimley, will soon be completed. The review was held with the purpose of providing the Trust with an organisational ‘health check’. It has looked at the management arrangements and practices, the operating procedures, the financial planning and performance of the organisation and its future direction.
Council, which found the Trust’s finances to be well managed. The most important aspect of the review is in providing options for the future. The board will spend time considering these options and will report back to the local community in the near future. To find out more, you are welcome to attend A nn nn uu aall G G ee nn ee rr aall M M ee ee tt ii nn gg of the Trust, the A which will be held at 7 7p pm m,, T Th h uu rr ss d d aa yy 2 28 8tt h h O cctt o O ob b ee rr at Filwood Community Centre, Barnstaple Road. Community involvement is vital to the future of the Trust. You can support the Trust by becoming a member, and, if you wish, by joining the board. (See below).
While there have been no issues concerning the financial probity of the Trust, it has been noted that with such a financially complex organisation, stresses and strains can appear. However, the review supports the conclusions of the recent audit undertaken by Bristol City
A nn dd rr ee w A wM M cc G Grr aa pp hh Bristol City Council
Anyone in the community can become a member of KWDT. Membership does not commit you to anything you don’t want to do - it’s just a simple
way of showing you support the aims and ideas of the trust. Cut out the section below and return to the address shown.
PLEASE TICK EITHER OR BOTH BOXES AND RETURN TO THE ADDRESS BELOW Yes, I would like to get more involved in the decision making of the Knowle West Development Trust. Please send me some more information about joining the board. Yes, I would like to become a member of KWDT. Please send me some more information. Name ........................................................................................
Tel ..........................................................................
Address ........................................................................................................................................................................... Send this form to: KWDT, Filwood Community Centre, Barnstable Rd, Knowle, Bristol BS4 1JP
ACHIEVEMENT SCHOOL DAYS Children in Knowle West started school in great style - they looked very smart in their uniforms and quickly got to grips with exciting new activities and making new friends. (Ilminster Reception Class pictured top and bottom right.) Pictured below are children from Novers Lane Infants enjoying a range of exciting learning opportunities.
PROJECT X SUMMER ACTIVITIES The Project X multi-agency team ran a very successful 5 weeks of activities for young people during the summer holidays. Activities included sports, arts, DJing, kayaking, dancing and lots of fun sessions. We had over 200 young people attend the events aged from 8-16 years old, and took the roadshow to The Park, Novers Lane school and Hengrove school. We had about 52 young people attend each day and the staff look forward to welcoming even more to the future roadshows – next one October half term (venue to be confirmed).
JJuu nn ii oo rr LL ee aa dd ee rrss A group of young people aged 14+ from Hengrove school have been working towards their Junior Sports Leaders Award, with Positive Futures and Connexions staff. 6 of this group gave up over 220 hours of their time voluntarily to help support the summer roadshow, and learn leadership skills while assisting the Project X staff. The group also attended a residential weekend in Bournemouth,
focusing on the ‘Talk to Frank’ drugs awareness campaign whilst also organising a beach volleyball competition. Congratulations to this group and we hope to see them using their new skills to benefit the whole community.
FF rree ee tt rraa ii nn ii nn gg aa ss aa SS pp oo rrtt ss LL ee aa dd ee rr Positive Futures will be organising a Community Sports Leader Award (CSLA) starting in October. The course is open to anyone aged 16+ and is aimed at developing leadership skills and empowering people to take a role (paid or voluntary) in running sports sessions in the area. The course will take place at the new Connaught Sports Hall on a Monday evening (approx 6.30-8.30pm). For more details please call Alistair on 903 9766 or 0773 664 0936. C aall ll ii n C n gg aa ll ll ppll aa yy ee rrss // pp oo ttee nn tt ii aa ll vvoo ll uu nn tt eeee rr ss the new season is about to start!!! Broadbury Park Girls FC Under 12 and 14 teams – training at Broadplain YC on Tues 4.30-6.30pm. Park Netball Team - training Weds, juniors 7-8pm, adults 8-10pm ….New members always welcome.
‘HI’ FROM THE NEW PROJECT X MANAGER Thanks for the welcome offered by all the friendly people working at The Park and here at Project X (funded by Neighbourhood Renewal). I have met people from the many different programmes and agencies working with us to offer support and services to families and young people of Knowle West and we are now gearing up for all the activity that accompanies a new school year. I especially have enjoyed my increasing contact
with Knowle West families and young people, directing them to the best person to help them. My co-workers at Project X are a great bunch of people dedicated to using their particular skills and talents in preventing kids from becoming excluded, socially or from school. It’s great to be part of all the good work going on in Knowle West.
Paa tt ss yy H P Hiigg nnee llll -- O O ffffii cc ee & & II nnffoo rr m m aa tt iioo nn M M aa nnaa gg eerr
EXTENDED SCHOOL PARTNERSHIPS The School-Family Link worker scheme has been extended to Hengrove through NR funding. The scheme originated in primary schools and focused on improving attendance and increasing parent/carer involvement in school life. The team is extending from 3 to 5 School-Family Link Workers, who liaise between parents and schools. This team of workers will build on some of the many successful “extended school” activities that are happening across the school cluster, including parent drop-in advice sessions and coffee
mornings, parent support and family learning courses, breakfast, lunchtime and after-school clubs and holiday activities. Alongside school teaching staff, the SchoolFamily Link Workers played a key role in the transition programme between primaries and Hengrove: arranging free transport for extra swimming and ICT “taster” days at Hengrove, putting together a pack of essential info for students and their parents and helping to organise a major welcome evening for over 200 parents and carers.
SUMMER FUN WITH SURE START Young children and their families enjoyed a summer full of exciting activities in Knowle West, organised by Sure Start staff and a keen group of parent volunteers. For some children it was their first sight of the sea at Weston which made it special, for others the chance to feed the lambs at Noah’s Ark Farm was not to be missed. One child talked non-stop about seeing ‘Nemo’ at the zoo, and other children got tired out flinging themselves down the adventure slide at Oldown Country Park, or exploring the varied activities on the Bristol Playbus. Nearer to home we all went across to Hengrove
School for a Mini Olympics and had great fun splashing about in their pool and trying out some new games and activities. Every week there was a picnic for families to enjoy, and mostly we had good weather…. until the day of ‘the great flood’ when we could have done with a boat to ferry people home! An amazing 95 families came to the events over the summer, including 135 children under 4 and their older brothers and sisters. We hope next year will be even more exciting for families and welcome any suggestions about places to go, or fun things for young families to do.
P hh ii ll ii pp pp aa BB eeaa ll ee Deputy Manager Knowle West Sure Start P
PLAYCENTRE FUN K W Playcentre had a busy summer holiday; around 150 children and young people took part in activities that ranged from arts, crafts and sport to paintball and horse riding. Weekly trips included Legoland, Thorpe Park and Chessington World of Adventure. The Ten to Teens and 8-9 yrs groups enjoyed trips out every day. Many Bristol attractions were visited such as laser quest, ice skating, @ Bristol, local cinemas and parks, as well as trips to Bridgewater, Weston and Brean. The 4-7 year olds had fun at the Playcentre where we did painting, modelling, cooking and games and also visited Hengrove Park, the cinema and Planet Kids. We all had a fun-filled summer and we are looking forward to October half term! For more information about the Playscheme or Afterschool Club please contact Becky or Julie on 0117 9631737
SPORTS FOR HALL! Connaught Primary School Sports Hall is nearing completion! It seems a long time since 1999 when we received money from Sports England to improve our sports facilities. We also wanted a crèche so the Head and Chair of Governors secured extra funding for this from the Seed Project. In September 2003 building work commenced, however, alterations to the original plans meant finding more money. Acting Headteacher Angela White and the Chair of Governors, applied to Neighbourhood Renewal for a grant to help with this shortfall. This application was successful. There has been a lot of hard work done over the last 4 years and I would like to thank all those people who have helped us to achieve our goal. In particular, Gill Chasemore for her inspiration in starting the sports hall project and Angela White for continuing with it until she left Connaught to be Headteacher at Brentry. It has been an honour and privilege to have worked with Gill and Angela. I would also like to thank Bristol City Council, the Seed
Project, Neighbourhood Renewal and The Park for without their help things may not have materialised. When the sports hall is complete, I hope the pupils of Connaught School will use it to its full capacity, and the Knowle West community will take the opportunity to use this hall during the evenings, weekends and during school holidays. To use the Connaught Sports Hall please phone Joy at The Park on 0117 9039770.
Grr aa hh aa m G m EE BB ll aa cc kk eerr Chair of Governors
HEALTH AND WELLBEING DRUG USER SUPPORT We are really pleased to have Debbie Williams join the team here at the William Budd as a drug liaison worker. Debbie’s post has been funded by Neighbourhood Renewal and she works with both BDP and KWADS. Since she started working with us, the waiting time for someone with a drug problem seeing a drug worker for the first time here at the William Budd, has come right down to as little as a week.
with the doctor, they stand the best chance of becoming clean. If you have concerns about drugs yourself, or if someone you care about is affected by drugs, do contact your doctor. Most practices in South Bristol have drug workers. Help and support is also available at KWADS 953 3870 and Bristol Drugs Project 987 6000 D rr T D Tr re ev vo or r D De ea an n The Merrywood Practice 0117 9449750
It is really important for a drug user to get expert counselling and support. Just going on to methadone or subutex for example, without the support of a drug worker, has been shown to lead to failure. On the other hand, if a drug user has the support of a drug worker working
COMMUNITY WORKER COMMENT Debbie Williams is the Shared Care Worker at Bristol Drugs Project:
I am involved in supporting people who are struggling with substance misuse issues, predominantly opiate users who are keen to make substantial changes in their lives. Being based at the William Budd Centre enables me to see people in their own surgery on a regular basis. Essentially, my job involves engaging with individuals, enabling them to work towards their goals and ambitions and managing any substitute medication necessary. New sessions have been added to the service and about 40 extra people are receiving support around their substance misuse.
One day a week I am based at KWADS. I am familiar with local community services and encourage people to use them. This means that a person can have familiar support around any additional issues such as housing needs. By re-engaging with local services they will be supported after their treatment at the health centre finishes. Word of mouth is slowly spreading the news that there is no longer a waiting list for treatment and I have been able to make contact with people who are contemplating making that first step towards tackling their substance misuse.
Photo: Andrew Jackson Photography. Courtesy of Bristol City Council Sport Services
FIT KNOWLE WEST pitch and 2 netball courts, along with a new community health & fitness studio. At the Health Park we are looking to provide a variety of outdoor play equipment for all ages including adventure/fitness trail for 6 – 12yrs, rebound games wall, refurbishment of existing BMX track, life trail equipment for older people and a measured walk & cycle path. New employment opportunities will be created for fitness centre staff at The Park. A full-time Physical Activity Development Officer will also be employed, who will work within the community to promote the benefits of a healthy and active lifestyle. Both the Knowle West Health Park and The Park, in conjunction with Bristol City Council Sport Services are in the final stages of securing funds from Sport England and the New Opportunities Fund. The overall aim of the project is to encourage residents in Knowle West to become more physically active.
Current proposals for The Park include a new floodlit synthetic turf
A display and comments book for the proposed project can be found at The Walk-in Centre or The Park. If you have any questions you can contact either: Jonathan Amphlett, Sport Development Manager (Health) 0117 922 3639 Michelle Peachey, Acting Health Park Manager 0117 903 0000 Watch this space for an update!
KWADS IS 10 YEARS OLD! It was 10 years ago that a number of local parents first began KWADS. Their aims were to get the problem of drug use recognised and addressed in Knowle West, and to open a service for users and their families in the local community. In the decade since then, so much in this community has changed for the better and KWADS, along with drug treatment nationally, has also evolved in tremendous ways. We felt it was time we reflected that evolution and have taken the 10th Anniversary as an opportunity to re-name KWADS as Knowle West Alcohol and Drug Service. Over the past few years the original founders have moved on to new challenges and projects and a committed team of skilled and experienced workers has gradually joined the agency. In an ordinary week we now hold around 50 counselling sessions in 7 different locations in South Bristol. Appointments on some days range from 9am to 8pm! The only day we don’t offer a service is a Sunday but we’re working on it! We also offer more complementary therapies and continue to be well known and respected across the city, and even the country, for our work with parents and carers of drug and alcohol users. Along with other drug services in Bristol, KWADS forms part of citywide schemes such as the Relapse Prevention Project and the Criminal Justice/Resettlement Project. This 10th Anniversary probably finds us at our most successful point ever. Increased client numbers show that more people both within and outside this community are choosing to address how drug and alcohol misuse affects their lives,
and how to make the changes necessary for a healthier, safer, and more fulfilling life. They are choosing to do it with the support of KWADS. To mark the 10th Anniversary we are working to: l l
paint a mural in one of our buildings to give a warmer, more welcoming feel display inspirational comments and poetry in the building from service users to reinforce the positive changes that can be made from seeking our support produce a video for use in schools, youth clubs and other settings to enhance the range of educational and preventative work we offer the community arrange for past and present service users to speak at our AGM about how their lives have changed through having the courage to ask for help, and having a local agency available to provide that help.
Anyone interested in attending the KWADS AGM (Weds 13th October) can obtain an invitation from Lucy on 953 3870. For more information about KWADS you can find us at 49-51 Filwood Broadway, or call 953 3870.
WALKING YOUR WAY TO HEALTH For people of Knowle West whatever your age or walking ability, we are a friendly group and our walks are short, fun and FREE! For further information about our autumn programme of walks please contact Cheryl Martin, Health Walks Worker on 0117 377 3461or visit the website at
SOUTH BRISTOL COMMUNITY HOSPITAL UPDATE Yes, it’s still happening and on schedule to open in 2008! An outline planning application is due to be submitted in Jan 2005. Ideas are being developed about services offered and local people including patients and carers are being involved in this planning process. It is hoped that some local people will also be involved with more specific parts of the planning process ranging from developing the models of care through to the design of the building itself. Next month will hopefully see the launch of a newsletter and there will be further public sessions to keep people up to date. B een B n B Be en nn ne et tt t Director of Development Bristol South and West Primary Care.
TRAINING AND FUNDING SURE START VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Knowle West Sure Start offers services that help improve the social and emotional development, learning and health of young children and their families, whilst also leading childcare initiatives and strengthening communities. Are you keen to acquire new skills and experiences? Would you like to contribute to the community, meet new people and have fun at the same time?
Knowle West Sure Start are looking for people who can offer as little as a couple of hours of their time. In return we can offer many different exciting opportunities for volunteers - doing anything from assisting parents and children at Sure Start activities or helping the marketing team to starting up completely new projects. For further information, please contact: Alix Fairbairn on 0117 3772647 or 07771 632974
SRB6 GRANTS UP FOR GRABS! STARTING A BUSINESS? Do you represent local people and their views? Or do you provide a service for people in your area? Do you require assistance to develop your organisation, or to research local needs? If you have answered Yes, and your organisation works in at least one of the most deprived wards in Bristol, you may be eligible to apply for a grant. For more info please contact Jo Arnold on 0117 903 6978 or email: Further info can be found at Closing date for applications is 3rd Dec 2004.
We are holding a number of roadshows to bring free, confidential and independent expert business advice to you. Locally these will be held on: Tues 26th Oct Avonmeads Retail Park, (St Philips Multiplex 12-8) Thurs 28th Oct Windmill Hill City Farm (9-5) well as other locations in central Bristol. For more information please call Justin Ricks on 0117 908 4232
SHOPPING FOR JOBS Shop for Jobs, the retail training, advice and job placement project, is reaching out to people in Knowle West wanting to work in the retail sector. Shop for Jobs’ free training lasts up to 8 weeks and includes practical help with drafting CVs and filling in application forms, interview technique and presentation, job searching, careers advice and work tasters. Since setting up in January the project has trained over 100 people for retail work and most of them have found jobs as a result. Liz, a Knowle West resident, found work with WH Smith after a work taster there. After being out of work for several months, Liz needed a
way to boost her confidence. She found the course did just that. “I found the work tasters very valuable because they gave me a chance to prove myself in the work place,” says Liz. Providing clients fulfil Shop for Jobs’ eligibility criteria, benefits are not affected. Most people find work through the course and continue to receive support from the project for a further 6 months. Those who don’t leave with jobs, have 3 months further support to find suitable employment. If you are thinking of a career in retail, why not visit Shop for Jobs at 7-11 Broadweir (by Quaker’s Friars) or telephone 9468690
THE URBAN KEY FUND Young people aged 13-30 years will be able to apply for grants of up to £5,000 if they apply as a group or £1,000 if applying as an individual. Applicants will need to show that they fit one or more of the Urban Key Fund themes. The three themes are: l Developing skills, learning and improving employment prospects l Improving the environment and reducing crime l Taking an active part in community decision making The Urban Key Fund is a small grants pot for young people. The fund is managed by and assists young people to get access to money which can help improve their quality of life and their community. There is a total of £80,000 to be given out by March 2006 to young people living, working or attending a youth project/youth club in the Urban 2 area. The Urban 2 area includes Knowle West, Hartcliffe, Withywood, Whitchurch Park and parts of Highridge, Bedminster and Headly Park.
The Urban Key Fund Committee is a group of young people who manage the grants pot and meet on a monthly basis to assess applications. They make the decisions about who gets the funding and have received training in grant making. If anyone is interested in applying for a grant or getting involved in the Key Fund Committee contact the Key Fund Development Worker, Alex Willis on 0117 3773669. Alex is based at the Urban 2 Office, The Park, Daventry Road, Knowle, Bristol, BS4 1QD.
POLICE, CRIME & SECURITY LEAVE A LIGHT ON Why do we let the burglar know when we are not at home? With the onset of winter comes the cold dark evenings, flu bugs and those annoying people who keep reminding you how many more days there are left until Christmas. It’s not just the chilly drafts that find their way into your home, there is a very real prospect that a burglar will be looking for an opportunity to find his way in also. It is a fact that the incidence of burglary increases at this time of year, but there are many ways to make your home less appealing to the opportunist burglar. Make your home look like it’s occupied even when you are out. Put lights on timers to turn on and off at random during the evening (from dusk till about midnight). Put a radio on another timer again to go on and off during the day and evening.
Place the light and timer on an upstairs landing, this light can usually be seen from many angles outside but it is not so easy to see straight into the house. These are just a couple of the simple measures you can take that may just put that small seed of doubt into a burglar’s mind and could make them think twice about entering your home. Remember crime reduction is about introducing a package of measures and reducing the opportunity many crimes are preventable with a little thought and planning.
CATCH A COWARD on the inside of your phone using an ultra violet pen (available from any police station). Report the number of your stolen phone to your network operator and the police as soon as you can, the phone can be cancelled similar to a stolen credit card.
Street robbers are cowards - ‘Help us to catch a coward’ – here’s how. A mobile phone is a valuable item to a thief. There are a number of things you can do to prevent it being stolen in the first place and also to help us if unfortunately it does get stolen. Register your phone with your network operator so that they know who the phone belongs to. Record the electronic serial number for the phone (IMEI number), dial the following into your phone and the number will be displayed, press * (Star) # 0 6 #. Write the 15 digit number down and keep it in a safe place, it may be used by the service provider to disable the phone – it’s never too late to register your phone, do it now! Make your phone identifiable to a police officer on the street, we all carry pocket sized Ultra Violet readers and stop-check people all the time. Write your postcode and house number
Remember if we can identify a stolen phone in the possession of someone on the street they will have some difficult questions to answer and the chances are they will be paying a visit to the police cells. Security features are built into your phone, please activate them. There are various P I N codes that can be used to prevent casual use by unauthorised users, refer to the handbook before you experiment as too many mistakes using this feature can lock the phone. Do not leave your phone unattended in the car, on your desk at work, on the table in the pub, etc. Don’t flash your phone in public, you might as well be waving a wad of bank notes in the air, it’s all the same to a criminal. Please help yourself, the police and the mobile phone industry fight mobile phone theft. For further information and advice please contact: PC Andy Boulton, Crime Reduction Unit, Broadbury Road Police Station Tel: 0845 456 7000.
STREET WARDENS SNIPPETS Knowle West Street Wardens are now holding surgeries for residents at the Kabin Filwwod Broadway on Fridays between 11am and 12 noon. Look out for the bumper wardens newsletter in the autumn. The wardens have lots of Xmas ‘freebies’ to give away in Xmas competitions.
NEW FACES FF rr oo m m tt oo pp ll ee fftt :: H eeaa tt h H h ee rr PP ii cc kk ff oo rr dd Administrator, KWMC
P aa tt ss yy H P H ii gg nn aa ll ll
Project X Manager
JJ aa cc kk ii ee LL ii d d dd ll ee
KW Newsletter Editor
A ll ii xx FF aa ii rr bb uu rr nn A
Volunteer Co-ordinator, Sure Start
K aa rr ee nn JJ oo nn ee ss K
School Family Link Worker, Hengrove School
FAREWELLS A sad farewell to 2 Knowle West Development Trust (KWDT) workers. Julie Maunder had been with the Trust from the beginning and was a great support to many new workers coming on to the estate. A helping hand not only to professional workers but to anyone who needed help or advice. Good luck in your new job.
Michael Webb joined the Trust in January 2001 and made such a big impact on the running and The over 50’s had 3 outings this year to Weston well being of the Trust, he gave his all. It was -Super-Mare, Weymouth and Paignton. Everyone more to Mike than just work; he put his heart said how much they enjoyed themselves. The into his job to try and make everything that weather was a bit unpredictable but nobody had been promised to Knowle West come true. seemed to mind very much! We were very sad when he said he was leaving. Pictured: (Driver) John, Joyce Jenkins, May Roach, Emmy I (Pat Filer, local resident) collected 300 signaDerrick, Mabel Young, Vi Mitchell, Ann Mitchell and Olive. tures from people giving Mike support for all he has done. Everyone wishes him well in his IRISH EXCHANGE new job, he will be a great asset to anywhere he goes to work. A BIG THANK YOU! to you both.
The Park based group Broadway Performing Arts Company has returned to Knowle from its Summer Exchange to Ireland. BPAC visited Newbridge in Co. Kildare to study Irish Theatre and Drama. The Exchange was funded by Irish Causeway and the Irish group from Kildare Youth Services will be visiting Bristol in October. The group is looking for self catering accommodation for a week in half term for 15 Staff and Students. If you can help please ring Su Hopkins on 0117 9039777. The Bristol Objective 2 programme is part financed by European Community (ERDF)
THANKS TO................ The Neighbourhood Renewal Participation Group: Anita Pearce, Sister Joanna, Margaret Jordan, Denise Britt, Joyce Jenkins, Ann Smith, Tracey Poole, Heather Barham, and Hannah Morgan NR Manager Keith Houghton. Jo Hansford and Rorston Smith for photos All at KWMC, who facilitate the production of this newsletter Editor: Jackie Liddle Design: Rowena Dugdale All articles express the views of individual contributors and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the Neighbourhood Renewal Steering Group.