Knowle West newsletter - Issue 15 Feb 2005

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ISSUE 15 FEB 2005

YOUR NEWSLETTER 2005 As the evenings lighten and spring draws near, there will be a noticeable absence on the streets of Knowle West as the Street Wardens make their final patrol on 31 March – a huge loss to the community or an opportunity to embrace the new PCSO Service? What do you think? Let us know! Elsewhere, we have news of some great NR funded projects; community building schemes are gathering momentum, health initiatives are springing forth, art and media achievements are being showcased locally and on TV, and

loads more – read about it here first! We’re also planning a newsletter development day soon so let us know about any changes/ improvements you would like to see and make this newsletter yours! Please contact the editorial group through: Anita Pearce, NR Steering Group, 37 Filwood Broadway, Knowle West Tel: 0117 908 4248 Front cover: (top) Confidence building at the Create Centre ( page 7) (bottom) Leisurely Lunches (page 7).

THE END OF THE ROAD FOR BLAIR’S ANGELS Despite huge recognition and support both locally and nationally, the Street Warden’s Scheme will end on 31 March. Neighbourhood Renewal, the local police and the majority of residents were united in their support of the service and many examples of

its success were quoted at the public meeting on 17 January. So why is the scheme being scrapped and what is going to replace it? See article on page 4 for a report on the meeting and information on what is going to happen next.

EYE TO EYE Pupils from Christ the King School in Knowle West, got an insight into the art world when they went behind the scenes of the 152nd Art Exhibition at the Royal West of England Academy in Clifton. Working with the RWA and Knowle West Media Centre, children learnt about the selection and placing of art works, interviewed artists and had a go themselves at judging some of the work submitted in the exhibition. The children’s own work was then showcased itself at the Queens Road Gallery for all to enjoy. The pictures below and right represent the pupils ideas, thoughts feelings and interpretations of the images they selected from the exhibition.


Christ the King Pupil takes a closer look at “Sawn Fish” by Julian Meredith

AND THE WINNERS ARE.......... Well done to all the residents who helped brighten Knowle West this Xmas with sparkling lights and dazzling displays! The Street Wardens had the task – difficult as ever, of judging the winners so thanks to them too. Each of the following households received a £25 Asda Voucher: 54 Cossington Rd 11 Kenmare Rd 56 Kildare Rd 118 Newquay Rd 150 Creswicke Rd 141 Leinster Avenue 66 Throgmorton Rd

Prizes funded by Neighbourhood Renewal



Xmas lights winner Jane Channings, had an extra incentive this year as she was using the festive season to highlight and raise funds for the charity FOLO (For Our Loved Ones).

Local residents were quick to put their hands in their pockets and raise money for the victims of the Asian Tsunami. Eagle House Community Association organised a skittles evening and raised £1,270 which they then matched to make £2,540. The Over 50’s had an unwanted Xmas gift sale which raised a further £238 - total raised £2,778. Well done to Eagle House and all the residents who contributed so generously. If you know of any other local fundraising efforts please let us know.

Even though her charity box was vandalised and money stolen, she still managed to raise over £300 from passers by who stopped to admire her Xmas lights. Jane is working hard to try and raise a massive £147,000 to fund security fencing and CCTV cameras at South Bristol Cemetery. The Charity, FOLO was set up as a response to the vandalism and theft that is rife throughout the cemetery and she has already raised £4,000. She patrols the cemetery with a small team of volunteers and is looking for anyone who has a few hours to spare who could help her. A charity event on 7 May at Filwood Social Centre is being organised. Entertainment will be provided by Lee Saunders, opera singer and GWR winner and ‘The Joker’ Frankie Johns. Items are needed for a charity auction – please bring any unwanted gifts on the night. For further information contact Jane Channings at 66 Throgmorton Street, Tel. 977 2937.

BOGUS APPEALS WARNING Don’t be misled into giving your charity donations to bogus Tsunami appeals! The advice given is to donate clothes to a genuine charity shop and make any cash donations to an established appeal fund such as the Disasters Emergency Committee. Donations can also be made via most banks and building societies as well as online.

STOP PRESS! The Archimedia Project has just appointed the architecture firm White Design for the new Knowle West Media Centre. The practice specialises in beautiful, but also practical, energy efficient, and environmentally sound buildings. We want to make sure that the new centre, which will also house small creative businesses, is part of the community. Your ideas of how it should look are crucial. So keep an eye out for details of how you can get involved in designing the new building.

KWMC have produced a bright and eye-catching calendar showcasing some of the work from the past year to help raise funds for the new Media Centre building at Leinster House. Calendars cost £3.50 each and are available from KWMC and various venues around the estate.


NEIGHBOURHOOD RENEWAL WHAT’S HAPPENING TO THE STREET WARDENS? ‘It’s not about power, it’s about respect’ – resident at Wardens meeting The public meeting on 17th January confirmed that the Knowle West Street Warden Scheme will come to an end on 31st March. The Wardens Scheme has been the main focus of the Knowle Safe Community Safety Project for the last two years. Most people at the meeting wanted the scheme to continue. But Rick Palmer, the Head of Community Safety and Drugs Strategy at Safer Bristol, was very clear that Bristol City Council has never made any commitment to take on funding Street Warden services after the initial seed money from the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister’s funding came to an end. Several residents were visibly moved as they talked very personally about how the Wardens have helped them sort out harassment and anti-social behaviour that had been making their life a misery. Denise Britt, Chair of the Knowle West Neighbourhood Renewal Partnership, has said: ‘Quite simply, we think our Street Wardens are irreplaceable. Neighbourhood Renewal has been part-funding the service since it was introduced two years ago. We would like to continue – but cannot do so without commitment from the main funders.’ But not everyone feels the same. Some felt that the Warden’s haven’t made much obvious difference for a lot of people on the estate and that the proposed Police Community Support Officer post that is going to be introduced to the Broadbury Road sector will be able to achieve more – partly because they have some actual powers. What happens next?: Police Community Support Officers Matt Ayres, the Broadbury Road Sector Inspector, talked about the Police Community Support Office (PCSO) Service. He will be getting 5 PCSOs who will be starting street patrolling in mid to late May 2005. The whole point of their introduction is to provide a presence on the streets. This was made very clear by a couple of the PCSOs from Hartcliffe and Withywood who started there recently. They were very confident in their focus on making good relationships with their residents and felt they were winning the trust of the local community.

The main worry which was expressed again and again from Knowle West residents was that people would not feel comfortable working with PCSOs and that they would struggle to win acceptance from Knowle West residents because of being a part of the Police. Matt Ayres made it clear that 5 PCSOs who will be trying to provide a service in Bedminster and Southville as well as Knowle West are not a direct replacement for the Street Wardens service but he wants to use them flexibly and hold onto some of the work the Wardens have pioneered. Finally, the sadness and anger which was undoubtedly present at the public meeting at the loss of the Warden Service will be a real issue for the new PCSOs in winning local confidence and support, and Matt Ayres was very aware of this. But PCSOs look like they are here to stay. They are shaping up to be part of the future of policing. More will certainly be coming into post over the coming years. The coming months are going to be a vital testing time for Knowle West residents and the Police in working out how this new service can genuinely respond to the needs in the area, keep the best aspects of the way the Wardens have worked and, hopefully, lead to a permanent improvement in people’s confidence in the Police Service and its ability to make life better for Knowle West residents. As one of the residents picked out to sum up the best that the Warden Service has been able to bring to the community, ‘It’s not about power, it’s about respect.’ Keith Houghton NR Project Manager

NEIGHBOURHOOD RENEWAL BME REFERENCE GROUP Neighbourhood Renewal (NR) is setting up a Black Minority Ethnic (BME) Reference Group to monitor the progression of NR Race Equality Work. The 1st meeting of this reference group will be held at the Black Development Agency in Redfield on Fri 25th Feb between 10am–1pm. BME residents and groups who live and/or work within the 10 NR areas are welcome to attend. Lunch/refreshments will be provided.


We will also be providing childcare, transport costs etc to the BME residents who will be attending in their own time. BME organisations are encouraged to bring along their BME residents who live within the NR area. To enable NR to organise food/refreshments and to know your access needs please contact Raquib Khanker, Neighbourhood Renewal Equalities Dev. Officer, Phone: 0117-9224059 email:

EQUALITIES TRAINING DAY Knowle West residents got to grips with equality issues on a training day delivered by NR (Raquib Khandker) and VOSCUR (Ruth Pitter). The training was seen as enjoyable and informative and the Trainers praised the work that Knowle West and the residents were already doing to promote equality in its work and training opportunities.

ACHIEVEMENT SANTA CAME TO KNOWLE WEST On a chilly day in December, young children joined with friends and families for the Knowle West Sure Start Christmas Cracker. The sports hall at The Park was transformed with sparkly lights, silver streamers and inflatable snowmen. Children enjoyed storytelling, face painting, decorating crowns, icing biscuits and dancing, while waiting for the star of the show to arrive. Finally, Santa appeared! Children gathered around him and each went away with a gift for Christmas. Let's hope he comes back next year as well! Sure Start gets a new image! Knowle West Sure Start now proudly boasts a new reception area at its main offices at the Park on Daventry Road. Visitors will be able to chat to staff in the comfortable new waiting area, with its deep sofas and children’s corner, and anyone wanting to find out more about what Sure Start can offer is welcome to drop in anytime.

Spring fun for young children! A new music and movement session is starting after nursery in the sports hall at the Park. The sessions will take place every Monday from 3.30-4.15 pm. Brothers and sisters up to the age of 8 are welcome to come and join in the fun.

Grandparents event - for under 4’s and their families Once a month, Sure Start put on a Saturday event for under 4’s and their families and next month we’re particularly inviting grandparents as well. So, bring your grandparents along on Saturday 5th March 9.30-11.30 and enjoy some planting activities in our lovely garden at the PAL house at the Park. For more details of Sure Start activies and services, Tel: 0117 903 9781.

NEWS FROM PROJECT X New Tae Kwon Do sports club at Connaught school, Thursday evenings starting Feb 24th 67.30pm. Run by a coach who has taken national squads to the Olympics in the past, but now wants to get back to grass roots and teach beginners. Any age from 8-adults. Turn up in a tracksuit or loose fitting clothes, taster sessions free. Football Fantastic - Positive Futures day out

12 of the Positive Futures Under 14’s football team recently enjoyed a fantastic day trip out to Chelsea Football Club. They watched the Carling Cup semi-final game with Manchester United and spent the day with ex-Chelsea player Dave Lee.

James Edwards who organised the trip said "This was a great opportunity for the group and it was nice to reward the young people for their involvement with Positive Futures." Positive Futures is starting an Under 12’s football session - open to boys in school year 6 or 7, this session takes place at Connaught school on a Tuesday evening from 7.30-8.30pm. The team will be training with the aim of entering some local and national 5-a-side competitions and potentially going on trips like the one to Chelsea. For further information contact Alistair Dale Tel: 903 9766


Building Communities Working together for the future of Filwood Broadway The first phase of work on the Building Communities Project for Filwood Broadway is about to get underway and there are 3 remaining places on the Project Board for residents of Knowle West! The Board is made up of representatives from Bristol City Council, the Regional Development Agency, local residents, elected members and other stakeholders in the Broadway. The Project Board is responsible for steering the project and so it is vitally important that the views of local people are represented on it.

What will Resident Representatives have to do? Resident Representatives will be asked for a minimum commitment of 8 hours per month, (approx. 2hrs reading paperwork and 6hrs attending meetings). The Project Board currently meet every 2 months and all representatives will be expected to attend these meetings. (The first of which will start at 6pm on 7 April). In addition, there will be a variety of monthly community meetings that will require resident rep attendance. Decisions about who will attend which meeting will either depend on personal interest or a rota system. The Resident Representatives will work this out when they meet.

Who can stand for election? If you are a resident of Knowle West (as defined by the Knowle West Development Trust area of benefit) and over the age of 18, you will be eligible for election. Candidates will need to be nominated and seconded by fellow residents and be prepared to represent the estate as a whole – not only personal or organisational interests. They will be asked to attend a Public Meeting on Wednesday 16th March from 6pm-8pm at Filwood Community Centre to give a short speech outlining why they are suitable for the position.


Who can vote? Any resident of Knowle West as shown on the electoral register.

Election process Nomination Forms are available from Janet or Hannah in the Community Work Office at Filwood Community Centre. Call in or phone on 9531329. Nomination forms should be returned to the Community Work office by 4pm on Friday 11th March. A Public Meeting will be held on Weds 16th March 6-8pm at Filwood Community Centre as an opportunity to find out about the candidates and cast your vote. Ballot Boxes will be placed at the following venues on Thursday 17th March. You will also be able to get information about the candidates at these stations. St. Barnabas Church 1pm – 6pm Daventry Road The Mede Community 9am – 4pm and Learning Centre, 1 Marshall Walk Filwood Community Centre 9am – 4pm Barnstaple Road The Sandwich Box 8am – 2pm Melvin Square

Other ways to get involved Becoming a Resident Representative on the Project Board isn’t the only way that you can get involved in the decision making process. Everybody that is involved with this project is really committed to including local residents at all levels. Please call Hannah Morgan on 0117 9531329 to find out how.

HEALTH AND WELLBEING LUNCHING AT LEISURE The Knowle West Health Park Lunch Club is open to people age 60+ and those with physical disabilities/health problems. The Lunch Club meets on a Wednesday between 12 noon and 2.30pm at the Walk-in Centre Café, Downton Road. We sit down and enjoy a healthy, freshly cooked meal, dessert and refreshments. This is followed by a pleasant and interesting activity session eg. arts, speakers, quizzes etc. Cost of the above is £3.00. If you live in Knowle West, the Mede Sprint community bus door-to-door service can be arranged to pick you up and take you home again for a small fee.

If you would like to join us and become a lunch club member or helper, please contact Cheryl, Tel: 377 2576 email:

CONFIDENCE BUILDING AT THE CREATE CENTRE Neighbourhood Renewal, aimed at helping the students gain confidence in personal aspects, such as the way they looked and how they present themselves in daily life. The students explored the impact of colour in their lives with a colour therapy session and actors were used to show the students the importance of body language and the messages this can give.

Young people from Positive Futures joined up with students from the Beauty & Holistic Therapy Course at the Park to enjoy a fun and informative day aimed at ‘Building Confidence’ at the Create Centre in Bristol. The day, funded by

NR Facilitator, Denise Buchan said ‘It was one of the best courses I’ve ever organised’ . ‘Absolutely brilliant’ responded one student when asked about the experience. If you are active in the community and would like to know how NR could help you or your group tel: Denise on 0117 9084229

BRISTOL 600 CLUB The club is still operating although it is being reviewed under the new government guidelines ‘Fair Access to Care.’ We offer a range of activities for a maximum of 30 elderly people and young people with physical disabilities who qualify

under the new guidelines. Work has started to move the club to a bigger space and we will let you know when these renovations are complete. In the meantime, if you have any queries about the 600 Club you can phone Pam Cook on 0117 377 2541

HANDY INFO THE BRI 9 2 3 0 0 0 0 24hr THE BRISTOL ROYAL HOSPITAL FOR CHILDREN 9 2 7 6 9 9 8 24hr NHS WALK-IN CENTRE Mon-Sun 9am – 9pm Based at Knowle West Health Park: Downton Road, Knowle West, Bristol BS41WH 903 0000 DOCTORS - William Budd Health Centre Dr Dean TS and Partners Mon-Fri 8.30am - 6.30pm 944 9750 Dr William C and Partners Mon-Fri 8.30am - 7pm Sat 8.30am – 11am 944 9700 DENTISTS Bristol South NHS Dental Access Centre Mon-Fri 9am - 5pm 9 4 4 9 7 6 9

PHARMACIES Lloyds Pharmacy Mon-Fri 9am – 7pm Sat 9am – 12 noon 966 3632 RC Davies Pharmacy 45 Filwood Broadway, Knowle 963 5253 NHS DIRECT 0 8 4 5 4 6 4 7 24hr LIBRARY 9 0 3 8 5 8 1 POLICE 9 4 5 5 4 6 6 KWADS 9 5 3 3 8 7 0 ONE STOP JOB SHOP 9 2 3 1 1 0 1 THE KABIN 9 0 8 4 2 2 1 YOUTH FORUM 9 0 8 4 2 4 3 / 4 THE PARK 9 0 3 9 7 7 0


ARTS AND MEDIA WILD WEST Wild ideas is a project funded by Bristol Natural History Consortium. Six films have been made in the South West. Pets and the City has been produced by Knowle West Media Centre in collaboration with six young people from Christ the King School.

application of digital technology in communicating about science and nature to new audiences. It was supported by a series of professional workshops, delivered in-kind by the BBC. Bristol Natural History Consortium is a collaboration between At-Bristol, BBC, Bristol Zoo Gardens, University of Bristol, University of West of England, The Wildscreen Trust and WWF-UK. The young people take us on a journey around Knowle West (by horse and cart) to visit their unusual pets and plants, from a spirited Staffy and greedy chinchillas to eagle owls. The films will be screened at the Health Park, shown at the Imax cinema and have been accepted into the Wildscreen Festival. The aim of the project was to increase access to and participation in filmmaking activities for young people living in the south west and at the same time demonstrate a new, experimental

THE GOOD LIFE - KNOWLE WEST ON BBC 1 A new short film showing how people are bringing a little of the rural life to Knowle West is to be shown on BBC One in March.

The film focuses on Steve and Lesley Belgium as they live 'The Good Life' in Knowle West, complete with chickens in their back garden. Steve talks about how he learned skills like fishing from his father and how he is passing on this knowledge to his own children. Lesley outlines the family's plans to leave the area to set up their own smallholding. The film also features other local countryside lovers like Bill Tucker, who keeps pigeons, and Alex, who keeps a hawk. Tune in to BBC One at 7.30pm on Monday March 7 to hear their stories.

'Home Farmers', made by the Knowle West Media Centre with involvement from local people, will be shown as part of BBC One's 'Inside Out' series. It looks at local people's links with the countryside, and how these have changed over the decades.

YOUNG PEOPLE WANTED We are looking for young people who would like to be involved in the planning of the Arts and Health Festival on 27th September 2005 at the Health Park.


If you have some good ideas or just want to get involved and gain some valuable experience we would like to hear from you. Contact Annie Beardsley Tel: 377 2256


If you have visited the Walk-In Cafe recently you will have seen Jo Hansford's exhibition 'Time to Eat'. Jo received a grant from Arts Council SW to shoot this exhibition on the theme of how new technology affects family meal times. She wanted to compare a community in the UK with one in Europe, and she chose Knowle West and Oporto in Portugal. Jo is a familiar face around KW. She has been working as a Development Worker at the Media Centre for several years. She has made several visits to Oporto, Bristol's twin town, with young people from the Media Centre/Mouth of the South, and she decided this would be a good focus for her project.

Come to the Walk-In Cafe and have a look at the exhibition. The photographs are wonderful to see. You may recognise some of the families, and be interested in the difference between family mealtimes in KW and Portugal. The exhibition will run until the end of February, and is open Mon-Fri, 10am-3pm. Catch that Pigeon! The next exhibition we have planned is of prints and photos of racing pigeons. These were originally in The Venture Inn, and they have been loaned to AWB for this exhibition by R&M Properties. If anyone recognises any of the birds, we would like to hear about it!

LIFE PULSE Look out for a new artwork at the Knowle West Health Park called ‘Life Pulse’ which registers visitors heart rates via their hands and broadcasts them around the building using ever-changing rhythms and patterns of lights. This pulse rate will be maintained until a new pulse rate is read

and each column light will be able to read and broadcast a difefrent pulse rate. This artwork is part of the Fitness project. For further information contact Annie Beardsley Tel 0117 377 2256

COMMUNITY NEWS WALKIES! Are you tired of your pooch pulling at the lead? Does the dog in your life need a dose of good manners? Then get down to the Park on Wednesdays

at 8pm and turn your furry friend into a perfect pet. General obedience, ring craft and much more on offer for owners and pets. Just turn up or ring the Park for further details Tel: 903 9770


COMMUNITY NEWS MOUTH OF THE SOUTH Calling all young people in and around Knowle West. If you're aged 11-17 you could join our team of writers and photographers. No experience necessary. Meet new people and get to write about the things that matter to you, you're in charge. You’ll learn new computer skills, and get your work published in our mini-mag that’s seen all over South Bristol. We meet every Wednesday 4-6 after school, at the Media Centre, Leinster House, Leinster Ave, Contact us: 0117 9030444

CONNEXIONS Connexions is a service for young people aged 13 to 19. We are based in Colston Avenue in the Centre and have links to a variety of educational settings and in the community. We offer a range of services to young people, which include information and advice on careers, job search, housing, health, relationships and personal development opportunities. You may have heard of Connexions and even had some contact with us. However we want to make sure you know who we are and how to contact us. The South East Community Team is a group of 10 Personal Advisors, two Key Workers and a Team Leader. We have two Personal Advisors who work in Hengrove School but they also meet with young people in the community.

We are currently setting up ‘ADVICE SESSIONS’ at the Park, which will be on Tuesdays between 10 -12 noon. We will also have Personal Advisors available at Youth Centres in Knowle and at The Mede in Inns Court (details next issue). We hope this will make our service more accessible to young people. If young people or parents have any concerns about education, training, employment, or any other issues, you can phone either Caroline Darrall or Rosemary Baragwanath (Team Leaders – job share). The best way of getting us is to phone our Team Administrator Kimberley Brathwaite on 9074460. We hope to hear from you and would welcome any feedback about our service. Rosemary Baragwanath and Caroline Darrall Team Leaders SE Community Team

CREDIT UNION Bedminster & Knowle Credit Union LTD would like to wish all its members in Knowle West a Happy New Year. We continue to offer safe, easy to use saving accounts, low interest rate loans and a Christmas Club to anyone living or working in Knowle West and other areas of South Bristol. The Union had a lively

year and grew fast, ending with over 200 members we expect to grow even more this year! If you would like to know more then please ring our Credit Union office. 8 Filwood Broadway Tel: (0117) 9637505

EVERY CHILD MATTERS The consultation on changing services for children and young people in Bristol ended in December. There was an enthusiastic response from staff, parents/carers, children and young people and the general public and feedback on the outcomes and recommendations will go to the City Council Cabinet and NHS Boards in February and March. Support for improving joint working across agencies and providing more child and family focused services delivered locally was clear. Parents and carers have also highlighted the need for greater

involvement of adult care services particularly around transitional planning and prioritising the needs of young carers. More detailed feedback and information on future participation events will be available in the next issue of the newsletter. For further information contact: 922 4689or Useful websites:

EASTER CHURCHES Come out and help celebrate this Easter with Knowle West Churches Together - and remember...


Whether the weather is wet, Or whether the weather is not, Whatever the weather,

We're marching together Whether it's sunny or not! Don't miss the Annual Good Friday street witness during the morning of the 25th March! Starting at St Barnabas Green, Daventry Rd, at 11am.

FAMILY SUPPORT IS CHILDMINDING FOR YOU? Do you enjoy being with babies and children? Would you like a job that fits in with your family? Can you provide a caring, stimulating environment in your home? Then Childminding may be the career for you. Denise Tovey is one of four Childminding Support Partners based at the Children’s Information Service and is responsible for supporting all childminders in the South of Bristol. She also has special responsibility, based at Sure Start, for childminders in Knowle West and Filwood and is recruiting new childminders in the area. Childminders are self employed, professional child carers. It is a busy and rewarding career that easily fits in with family life. If you want more details, an informal chat, or to attend an

information meeting, please contact Denise at CIS 0845 129 7217. (There is a ‘warm phone’ at The Park, Sure Start that provides a free direct call to CIS.)

HELPING HAND FOR FAMILIES Neighbourhood Renewal are funding a Project Co-ordinator to develop a new service in Knowle West that will give support to families who have to make difficult decisions about their children. It might be that a child is going to be excluded from school or is starting to get into trouble with the police. It is often the case that there are many professionals involved who may have different ideas about what is needed for the child or young person. But the family will also have some ideas, and possible solutions too. A Family Group Conference is a way of working with families that puts them in charge of decision making about the child or young person. All

members of the extended family are invited to come together with an independent, trained co-ordinator, who helps them to talk over the situation together and come up with a plan that will meet the child’s needs. The service will be provided by Barnardos who are completely independent of any other services in this area and who have lots of experience of setting up these sorts of projects. The support should be available from March 2005: Anyone wishing to find out more about the project should phone 0117 903 9781 after this date, and ask to speak to the Knowle West Family Group Conference Project Worker.

POLICE, CRIME & SECURITY THE MOTORISED MENACE Having recently begun the New Year many children would have received a scooter type vehicle for Christmas. There is currently a large selection of petrol and electric scooters available to buy. The majority of these scooters are purported to be toys. They are, in fact, not toys.

These scooters are classed in the courts as MOPEDS. A moped can only be used on a road providing the rider is 16 years old or over, has a driving license for that class of vehicle, and the scooter is registered with the DVLA and is taxed and insured.

What does the Law say? The courts have decided that a motorised scooter, electric or petrol driven is a motor vehicle for the purposes of the Road Traffic Act 1988.

These scooters can be very dangerous to innocent members of the public, other road users and also for the scooter rider themselves.

These scooters are commonly known as mini-motos, gopeds, buzzboards and electric scooters. These scooters cannot be used on the public highway; this includes the road, pavement, cycle paths, verges, public parks or any other place the public have access to. These scooters can only be used on private property. Some scooters have been issued with an EU type approval, if this is the case then the scooter will be marked or be fixed with a plate number. The number will start with EU/92/61 and have several numbers after that.

The Avon and Somerset Constabulary has recently invested in buying police off road motor bikes which are ridden by police officers. These police officers have completed a vigorous off road motorbike course. These officers regularly patrol parks, roads and green areas. They have a power on occasions to seize the scooters and apprehend the riders who do not comply with the law. In order to help Operation Biker tackle the unlawful and inappropriate use of such scooters. Please report any offenders on: 0845 456 7000 Ross Hale and Inspector Matt Ayres



Julie Macdonald

- Pipa Project

K a t i e B r o w n - Training and Employment Advisor, Job Shop. photo: Kerry Froom

Michael Derrick

- Father, Christ the King,

Karen Rais

INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY Come and help celebrate International Women’s Day on Wednesday 9th March at Eagle House from 10-3 pm. Brilliant fun, food and activities for women, young and old. All welcome!

- Learning Skills Council

Jane Dollin

- School and Family link worker

E l e a n o r S i m m o n s , Communications Worker NR



Dougie Coombs has just been recruited as the new Chief Executive for the Knowle West Development Trust. Photo and more details in the next newsletter.

In our overview of the new developments at Filwood Broadway in the last newsletter, we forgot to mention Mrs Robert’s garage which has been operating for over 40 years and is open for Mot and services.

GOODBYE AND THANKYOU As you all might have heard, due to the Government funding for the Street Wardens running out and other major agencies not willing to mainstream the Wardens, the last day of operations for the Knowle West Street Wardens will be the 31st of March. After this day there will no longer be a Street Warden Scheme in Knowle West. We would like to thank everyone for their help and support throughout the last 3 years, especially through our difficulties in the summer of last year. We hope that when we are gone we are not forgotten and that Knowle West has benefited from our presence and work here. So from all the Knowle West Street Wardens we thank you and bid you a fond farewell!

Farewell - A poem from the Streetwardens Some people did say, that it wouldn’t last, They’ll all be gone double quick fast, To all of them doubters, I believe we did say, They were all wrong, ‘cos we’re here to stay Well, 3 years now have come and then gone, In all honesty, it doesn’t seem that long. Our time in the west has been fun, good, and sometimes a bit mad, and now the end is near a little bit sad. We’ve made friends a plenty, even converted a few, but alas there’s just one thing left to do, Take pride in the fact, that here in Knowle West, Your Street Warden scheme throughout the city was best, So do not forsake us, and remember us with pride, As we all say thankyou and a very fond goodbye.

THANKS TO................ The Bristol Objective 2 programme is part financed by European Community (ERDF)


The Neighbourhood Renewal Participation Group: Anita Pearce, Sister Joanna, Margaret Jordan, Denise Britt, Joyce Jenkins, Ann Smith, Tracey Poole, Heather Barham, and Hannah Morgan NR Manager Keith Houghton. Jo Hansford and Kerry Froom for photos All at KWMC, who facilitate the production of this newsletter Editor: Jackie Liddle Design: Rowena Dugdale All articles express the views of individual contributors and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the Neighbourhood Renewal Steering Group.

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