Knowle West newsletter - Issue 16 May 2005

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ISSUE 16 MAY 2005

YOUR NEWSLETTER 2005 Well, here we are at last, much later than originally planned. We had to delay publication till after the elections so apologies for making you wait for this edition of the newsletter. The next issue will be out as planned, at the beginning of June. Most of you will have been aware of our brush with Royalty in March – what a day that was and one that will stay in the memory of many. We have plenty to update you with in this edition; the newly elected Resident Reps. for the Building Communities project, the latest news on the S. Bristol Hospital plans, a new drop-in service at the Park, and a new gym and sports hall to name but a few.


Taking a walk at the Park

There have been some great community events such as the annual Good Friday Witness and International Women’s Day celebrations and a cracking drama production by youngsters at Filwood Broadway. We also say a final farewell to the Wardens who completed their last patrol on the 31 March. Please contact the editorial group through: AAnn ii tt aa PP ee aa rr cc ee ,, NR N R S S tt ee eerr ii n n gg G Grr o o uu p p ,, 37 3 7 FF ii ll w wo oo od d B B rr o o aa d dw w aa yy,, K Kn no ow w ll ee W W ee ss tt TTee ll :: 0 01 11 17 79 90 08 8 4 42 24 48 8 Front cover: top: Youngsters celebrate the opening of Connaught Sports Hall ( page 9) bottom: Snapping the Queen (see opposite page).


Letters We have recently received some really good letters but unfortunately cannot print them for legal reasons, as they have to be accompanied by a valid name and address. However, if you wish, we can withhold your name and address when we publish the letters so please remember this when writing – we really want to hear your views about any issues that might be relevant to Knowle West.

The dictionary definition of the word 'Witness' is: 'someone who sees, or has personal knowledge'. Did you witness a large group of people walking down your road on Good Friday morning, carrying a colourful banner displaying the words “Jesus Loves You”? And did you hear singing? Perhaps you joined in - we hope so. Because that's what the Knowle West Churches Together Annual Street Witness is all about. It's an invitation for you to join in. And you don't have to wait until next Easter to do so, either! There's a warm welcome waiting for you at any one of the Christian churches on the estate. We look forward to seeing you.


R ii tt aa AA ss hh m R m aa nn - On behalf KWCT

Creative talents were encouraged with silk flower arranging and flowerpot planting which could then be taken home for all the family to admire, whilst entertainment was provided by our very own home grown singing talent, Clair Charles.

Young and old from across Knowle West helped celebrate International Women’s Day on March 9th. A host of activities for the fit and not so fit were enjoyed by many, including arm chair keep fit, self-defence and belly dancing.

What? The Queen coming to Knowle West, you must be joking! Well, that was the reaction of many when they first heard of our planned Royal visit and we certainly were not joking. What a fantastic day for Knowle Westers. Not only did the Queen make an extensive tour of the Park, she took time to talk to many more people than she was supposed to, stayed longer than her official time and said she would like to revisit the site to see how things were progressing in the future! Local people turned out in their hundreds to catch a glimpse of the Royal visitor and many more were lucky enough to exchange a few words. Joy Pollard, who escorted the Queen on her tour said “It was a fantastic day and certainly one that both the Park and local residents will never forget.”

Catering students pass on a few tips

Cabaret fit for a Queen

Top to toe beauty treatments were provided by students and their tutor from the Park, and aromatherapy and massage sessions made many people feel fitter and more beautiful than ever.

Tasty Jamaican food was on offer for all to try and there was plenty of it! So for the 2nd year running, Eagle House Community Association and Youth Club together with funding from Neighbourhood Renewal put together a really memorable day. We really hope this will become an annual event (funding permitted!).

P aa tt FF ii ll ee rr EHCA P


A big moment for one local youngster



Building Communities Working together for the future of Filwood Broadway

The aim of the Building Communities project is to improve Filwood Broadway and in doing so create a sustainable neighbourhood centre for Knowle West. Over the next year the Project Board will be trying to work out how this might happen, who will be the best people to work with and how we can make sure that any changes have a lasting impact on the Broadway.

Resident Representative Elections Update

As you will be aware from the last issue, resident rep elections for 4 of the 6 places available for local residents to sit on the Building Communities Board were held in March. We are pleased to announce that the following residents were elected to sit on the Board.

Resident Rep Board Members: Paul Jenking, Larry Showering, Sally Hewish, Dave MacKenna, Jeff Dennis, Ken Jones

‘Cheers and Farewell’ from the Street Wardens:- Georgina Baber, Margaret Milkins, Carol Bowen, Mark Drake and Carol Donovan.

‘We’re feeling very emotional and unhappy that our scheme has come to an end. We’re going to miss the older people and the young people. We’re local residents ourselves but we’ve learnt a lot about what’s available to other residents’.

G eeoo rr gg ii nnaa & G &M Maa rr gg aa rr ee tt ,, Street Wardens

The Knowle West Street Warden scheme finally came to an end on 31st March. The Wardens worked to their last day, proud of their scheme and their achievements. And they deserve to be. Since the scheme ended they have been awarded the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister’s Quality Standards Award – the only Warden Scheme in Bristol to receive this mark of high quality. Their leaving do at the Cuckoo Club was both sad and a celebration. Carol, the Warden’s Community Safety Officer, summed up many of the feelings: ‘It’s been absolutely fabulous seeing the look on people’s faces when I gave them things like the personal alarms, front door alerts and light bulbs we were able to purchase through getting funds as the Warden Community Safety Officer. I’m very disappointed at not being able to continue the support’.

and that the Warden Scheme demonstrated this. Well done to all the Wardens, local residents on the Warden Steering Group and at Knowle West Development Trust and all the many people on the estate who helped the service do a good job over the last 3 years.

W hh aa tt N W N ee xx tt ?? The Kabin and Knowle Safe will continue operating over the next year because funding has been secured from Neighbourhood Renewal locally to carry on some of the work of the Wardens and Knowle Safe. This will include work with Hartcliffe and Withywood to try to secure funding for long-term Community Safety work in both communities. The new Police Community Support Officers are just starting to patrol in Knowle West. At the same time Matt Ayres, the local Sector Inspector, has been moved into another post. This is also a loss as he has worked hard to re-shape the policing team to deliver more neighbourhood policing in Knowle West. He has also been very committed to working with the community. We’ll miss him. We want to welcome Jeff Foreman, who is taking over as Sector Inspector.

The Warden’s work to support local businesses was also appreciated. Kye Horton from Filwood Broadway Bakers was very clear: ‘Every single member of the Street Wardens has been great for us around homophobic remarks. It was fantastic support – as a new local business they helped introduce us to local residents’. There is also uncertainty about the future: ‘I’m worried we’re going to get trouble back in the Newquay Road shops – my niece moved out when she heard the Wardens were going’ said Michelle Hazell, one of the Newquay Road shopkeepers I spoke with.

RR uu m mo o uu rr ss Finally, there is a rumour that a decision has been taken to close Broadbury Road police station overnight between 10.00pm and 8.00am. NO DECISION HAS BEEN TAKEN TO DO THIS AT THE TIME OF WRITING. It is one option being considered by Avon and Somerset Police because of pressure on their budgets.

The overwhelming feeling of people was that Knowle West can take care of its own needs

KK eeii tt hh H H oo uu gg hh tt oo nn NR Project Manager


In our next issue I’ll be reporting back on how NR Funding has been allocated and some of the achievements of projects Neighbourhood Renewal has funded.

Paul Jenkins Paul currently sits on the management committee of The Mede Community and Learning Centre and Knowle West Development Trust. He has an interest in the local community and is retired so has time to dedicate to the Building Communities Project. Jeff Dennis Jeff is currently the Chair of Filwood Sports and Social Club and has been involved with the committee for 10 years. He also lives opposite Filwood Community Centre and so will be a good link for neighbours.

David Mackenna David is involved with youth football in Knowle West. As a resident of 34 years he would like to see that he is doing his part to help the community.

Larry Showering Larry currently sits on the management committee of Knowle West Development Trust and has recently joined the Neighbourhood Renewal Partnership as a Development Trust Representative. He was born and raised in Knowle West and Larry’s parents were both involved in the local community so he would like to continue this.

. These residents join existing resident Rep Board Members Ken Jones and Sally Hewish

There will be lots of opportunities to meet the resident reps and get your views across. We will be organising a variety of meetings that will run alongside board meetings so that you get a chance to have your say before any decisions are taken. So far we are planning to organise these for the following groups: l l l

Filwood Community Centre Users Filwood Broadway Traders and Stakeholders Filwood Broadway Neighbour’s Group

In addition to this we will be running public meetings for anyone who wants to find out more, or has a particular concern or interest that is not

covered in the list above.

1 or more resident reps will attend all these meetings and they will be publicised in future editions of the newsletter, local shops, community centres and churches.

It may also be possible to arrange for somebody from the Building Communities Project to come along to one of your groups to explain more about the project and get your views.

If you have any other ideas about how we can get as many people as possible involved with this project, or would like to find out more information about any aspect of the project please contact Hannah on 9531329 or email:


, So, now I m in control with regular saving and a, loan from Credit Union and I m off shopping! Uncomfortable, ugly and old......... no, not me, my settee! No wonder my friends prefer to sit on the floor.

Washing machine is on the blink, holidays are coming up...... more expense, more worry, more pressure.

COMING SOON... THE BRISTOL COMMUNITY HOSPITAL People in South Bristol have campaigned for a local hospital for 50 years, only to see previous attempts fail. They have given our South Bristol Community Hospital proposals overwhelming support. The new hospital will transform the way health care is provided in South Bristol and is a major focal point within the Hengrove Master Plan, which also includes housing, employment, and a major new sports and leisure centre. You can see the development plans online at: www. The level of interest from local people in being informed and involved in the planning process for the hospital and its services has been unprecedented. Through workshops and other forums local people continue to contribute ideas and suggestions about the hospital. South Bristol Community Hospital will bring hospital services nearer to the people of

South Bristol. It will make diagnosis and treatment quicker and more streamlined, and reduce the need for patients to make trips into the City Centre. The new hospital will provide three main services: A W A W aall kk-- ii nn SS ee rrvv ii cc ee ff oo rr M Mii nn oo rr IIll ll nn ee ss ss aa nn dd II nn jj uu rr ii ee ss Dealing with cases which currently have to go to Accident and Emergency, for example, assessment and X-Ray of injuries, plastering of fractured limbs and the treatment and stitching of wounds. O uu tt p O p aa tt ii ee nn tt C C ll ii nn ii cc ss ,, D D aa yy C C aa ss ee SS uu rr gg ee rr yy aa nn dd D D ii aagg nn oo ss ttii cc ss Providing full operating theatre facilities, and a diagnostic facility including XRay, CT-Scan and endoscopy - enabling patients to go home after their surgery on the same day. Local people will be able to have their conditions diagnosed and treated locally. Up to 80% of all planned (elective) surgery is day case.

SS ee ccoo nn dd SS tt aa gg ee C C aa rr ee aa nn dd RR ee hh aa bbii ll ii tt aa tt ii oo nn The base for the community services that support people at home (currently provided by Bristol General Hospital). Health and social services professionals will work together in integrated teams to look after patients with nursing and therapy needs. For more information about the South Bristol Community Hospital, please contact Laura Thomas at the Primary Care Trust Development Team on 0117 984 1521 or visit our web site at and follow the South Bristol Community Hospital links.


Local residents checking out the proposed site for the new S Bristol Hospital

Then my friend told me about Credit Union, a savings and loans co-operative, with amazingly low loan rates. Just think, £1,000 borrowed from a doorstop lender would cost me about £1,800 over one and a half years; borrowing from Credit Union would cost me just £1096 over the same period. A saving of over £700!

RECYCLING HELP If you are disabled or an older person and If you need your household rubbish and recycling collected from your door rather than the kerbside, you just need to fill in a simple form - call 903 1221 or email: to get one sent to you.

Holidays or Hi Fi’s, DIY or disasters, whatever your needs, Credit Union puts you in charge of your finances and keeps local money in the community. To find out more telephone: 963 7505 – you can’t afford not to!


THE INCREDIBLE BULK Bulky waste collections normally cost £15 (for up to 3 items at once) but if you receive Income Support Benefit, Pensions Credit, Council Tax Benefit or Housing Benefit you are entitled to 1 free collection every 6 months. Just call 922 3838 to arrange.

SOFA SO GOOD Don’t forget Bristol’s re-use charities – they may collect your bulky item for free if it can be repaired or re-used. Tel: SOFA Project (954 3567), Emmaus (954 0886), Sue Ryder (924 4910), SPACE (955 5755) or the Kingswood Project (961 6226).

KERBING THE PROBLEM Do you have a problem getting about in Knowle West and need to have a kerb replaced with a slope for wheelchair use? Call the city council on 916 5052 and an engineer will come and see you.

A HELPING HAND If you are a disabled person or the parent of a disabled child and have any other difficulties in your local area, we can try to solve them for you. Please contact Anne Boothe and Tim Roberts, Bristol City Council Disability Equality Officers tel 0117 922 4446 or 07981 764264. email: textphone 0117 922 2661

The Gardening Club is a new group meeting at the Mede Community and Learning Centre every Wednesday from 10am to 12noon. Everyone is welcome - especially beginners, to exchange tips, help in the growing of plants and maintenance of the garden, to develop their knowledge of nature and their taste for healthy eating and to simply have a good time outdoors! The group has received a £500 award from Wessex Water which they are using to buy plants, seeds and tools. The group will be working with local people and the Out of School Club at the Mede and plan to grow a variety of flowers and vegetables.


ACHIEVEMENT YOUTH MOVES’ YOUTH CONFERENCE 2005 The conference was an enormous success and a tribute to the hard work of young people from the Knowle West Youth Forum who planned and organised the day. They worked with the Youth Moves Partnership, local schools and workshop providers to give over 100 young people the opportunity to get involved.

Dawn Primarolo being quizzed by a youngster

Dawn Primarolo, Bristol South MP opened the day by encouraging young people to have their say, get involved and be part of shaping their future. George Ferguson, Architect told us how his involvement in regenerating the Tobacco Factory was sparked off by 2 young girls asking him to help save it from demolition, and he encouraged the young people to get themselves heard by people who can make changes on their behalf.



Circus Skills (Circomedia) Southmead Youth Partnership Project (young people) l Stay Safe (Broadbury Road Police) At lunch time there was the opportunity to meet Bristol City Footballers, take part in circus skills, vee-jaying, voxpop, a big brother diary and T-shirt printing (Connexions), as well as the screening of the KW Trilogy films (produced by local young people with the detached team and Knowle West Media Centre), and displays from a number of organisations.

potential, it gives them something positive to do in the evenings and can really help their confidence and self esteem.”


The day finished with a plenary where young people asked the panel (The Police, Youth Moves, South and West PCT, and Neighbourhood Renewal) a number of questions including: ”” W Wh h aa tt aa rr ee tth h ee P Po oll ii cc ee d do o ii n n gg aa b bo o uu tt d d rr uu gg ss oo nn tt hh ee ee ss tt aa tt ee ?? ”” PC Deer stated that Knowle West has 2 community beat managers and 2 proactive officers tackling drug related crime and disorder issues. Drug offenders have been evicted from homes in the area. The Police depend on information they receive from the community and if anyone has information they can confidentially contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

One member of the group, Ryan Limb will be joining the Bristol Hippodrome in July on a work experience placement. He joined the drama group 4 years ago as a shy 11 year old and, as well as acting some of the major parts, such as Fagin and Mr Bumble in Oliver! also choreographed and produced the play.

Talented youngsters from a Knowle West drama group wowed the audience as they sang, danced and acted their hearts out in their production of Oliver! Gloria Tucker who has run the group for nearly 15 years, has seen many a quiet and under confident child develop into a budding starlet. “Children can do as little or as much as they like and are encouraged to fulfil their individual The group meet every Tuesday evening at Filwood Community Centre to sing, act, play games and generally have a great time. With a big show each year to star in and variety shows in between, the children aged from 5-14+ years, are encouraged to develop their abilities, gain confidence and have a ball at the same time.

““ W W hh aa tt ii ss bbee ii nn gg ddoo nn ee tt oo ii m m pprr oo vvee ss ee xx uu aa ll hh ee aa ll tt hh ss ee rr vvii ccee ss ff oo rr yy oo uu nn gg ppee oo pp ll ee ?? ”” Anne Barwell, from the PCT, confirmed that there is a specific young people’s drop-in at the Walk-in-Centre at the Health Park in Knowle West on Tuesdays from 3.30-5.30pm.

Circus Skills with Circomedia

W ee ll ll -- B W B eeii nn gg aann dd RR ee gg ee nn ee rraa tt ii oonn was the theme for the workshops that young people attended:

Youth Moves would like to thank the funders of the conference - Urban 2, SRB6, Bristol City Council and Neighbourhood Renewal, and of course the young people of the Youth Forum, everyone involved in planning the day and providing workshops, and all the young people who attended.


Drugs Awareness (KWADS) l Understanding bullying (Bristol City Council’s Young People’s Services) l Art using recycled material (Arnolfini) l Regeneration of the Knowle West Media Centre (Archimedia) l Sexual Health (Knowle West Sexual Health Clinic) l Special Edition Conference Magazine (Mouth of the South)

The group are looking for new members at the moment so if you would like to join in the fun, just pop in on a Tuesday evening or tel. Gloria on 953 2986.

CONNAUGHT SPORTS HALL OFFICIALLY OPEN! Soccer stars present and future joined in the fun and games at the official opening of Connaught Sports Hall on 22 March 2005. A mini Olympics was held the following day to familiarise the school children with their new facilities and medals were duly awarded.

The sports hall, conference room and crèche are all available for public use and some local football teams and clubs are already taking advantage of these fantastic new facilities. To find out more or make a booking ring Connaught School on 9144307.

Bristol City Team mates Louis Carey and Ryan Harley doing the honours.

photo by Kerry Froom

Arnolfini artworks

NEW GYM AT THE PARK The new ‘state of the art’ gym at the Park is now open and ready for business. It offers a wide range of cardiovascular and strength machines, as well as a selection of cable and free weights. Group activities will cover a variety of classes for all ages, levels and abilities and will include favourites such as step, boxercise, stability ball, street dance, ante/post natal and chair based classes. The new flood-lit multi use games area will be key to the local development of football and netball leagues and many other outdoor activities. No joining fees, FREE inductions and personal programmes, and fully qualified staff.


An assortment of memberships is offered to suit individual needs ranging from Gold (all inclusive) to Green (pay as you go). Students, singles and couples, GP referrals and teenagers (14-16 years) can all be accommodated. Prices range from £20 a month (unlimited gym usage) to annual membership of £50 and £2.50 a session (pay as you go). Savings are available on one off payments. Opening times: Mon-Thurs 8am to 9pm Fri 8am-8pm Sat and Sun 9am-4pm Tel: 377 3382




One of the most exciting additions to the Sure Start reception is the Warm Line Telephone. This is a free telephone line that anybody can use, for as long as they like, to talk to a number of organisations:

Project X recently held a coffee morning to give local residents the chance to meet families who have received support from the YISP (Youth Inclusion Support Panel) process and to discuss at first hand exactly how the YISP part of Project X is making a difference in the area. This meeting allowed parents to say exactly what they thought of the support they receive and if or how they thought it could be improved.



Jobseekers Direct Single Parent’s Hotline, for benefit, job and training advice Bishopsworth Job Centre South Bristol Social Security office Tax Credit Helpline Bristol Children's Information Service, for advice on childcare, employment and child care training One Stop Job Shop, advice and guidance on general employment and training opportunities

The telephone is available from 8.30am-4.30pm Mondays-Thursdays and 8.30am-4.00pm on Fridays. No appointment is necessary, so if you need to talk to anyone from the services above, why not use the Warm Line, and let us pay the bill!

JUNGLE JIM! Jump like a monkey, crawl like a lion, slide like a snake and march like an elephant at Jungle Jim – a music and movement session for sure start families. Mondays 3.30-4.15pm term time only in the sports hall at the Park, Daventry Road. At the same time a new 'Gym Club' is being set up for older children aged 5-11 years run by a qualified gym coach. For information telephone: Helen Richards for Jungle Jim on 9039781, or Natalie for Gym Club on 0779 53515267.

DROP IN AT THE PARK Are you, or do you know an adult with a learning disability who is able to independently access public transport. Do you need advice on employment, housing or benefits? Would you like to get involved in a community project or activity? Maybe you would like to take part in one of our activities such as pottery, holistic therapies, computers, sports or cooking? You can choose any of the available courses or activities on offer and can come and go as you please within the opening times. You can find us above the reception at the Park and we are open most days from 9am till 3pm. For more info please Tel: 377 3872 or 0784 0978695 M aa tt tt M M M oo oo rr ee South Bristol Drop-In


CHILDMINDING Are you interested in becoming a childminder? Are you looking for childcare and considering using a childminder? On Wednesday 18th May at 9.30am – 11.30am we are holding a ‘drop in’ session for parents and childminders and anyone interested in becoming a childminder at Surestart, The Park, Daventry Road, Knowle. Wh W ho o ss h h oo uu ll dd ccoo m m ee aa nn dd w whh yy ?? Parents looking for childcare will be able to talk to childminders and observe them with their minded children.

Some of the families who have been supported by the YISP told of their very personal and difficult experiences to help explain how the YISP works. These were balanced with some more lighthearted stories! Many thanks to those who attended, we will keep you informed of future Project X coffee mornings.

BIG BREAKFAST! Eggs, bacon, tea and toast were just some of the tasty options on offer to local residents and staff who breakfasted together to raise money for Cancer Research on 22 March at the walk-in centre café.

Ho H o ll ii dd aa yy RR oo aa dd ss hh oo w wss !! During half term 96 children and young people came along to participate in the popular Project X roadshows. There were sporting and arts activities including football, basketball, mosaic making, drama and drawing. The next Roadshow is 31 May and 1, 2, 3 June at the Park, Daventry Road from 2 to 4pm. £1 for a 2 hour session, parents get a bargain and kids get a lot of fun - just turn up on the day! Info on the August Roadshow coming soon! Watch this space. Information will also be sent home through the schools at the end of the Summer Term.

Paa tt ss yy H P Hii gg nn eell ll ,, Project X

READING FOR ALL If you enjoy reading and discussing books and would like to be part of a new book club for sighted people and people with a visual impairment then come along to Bristol Central Library on the third Wednesday of every month between 11am and 12.30pm.

Anyone wishing to become a childminder will have the opportunity to talk to childminders, and members of the Children’s Information Service childminding support team will be available to answer questions and supply information. Childminders in the area can meet other childminders.

Funded by Neighbourhood Renewal, working in partnership with Bristol Libraries and the Royal National Institute of the Blind, the book club will organise for all books to be available on tape or in print using the Calibre audiobook service and Bristol Libraries will refund people’s travel costs where needed.

For further information please contact Denise or Sarah at the Children’s Information Service Tel: 0845 129 7217 (You may make a free call using the ‘warm phone’ located in the Surestart reception area.)

If you would like to join or just want some more information, please contact Asif Khan on 903 7342 or Ray Raine on 953 7750

POLICE, CRIME & SECURITY PCSOS ON PATROL Broadbury Road Police are training the first of five PCSOs who will be working from the station. These officers are not Police Constables, have only limited powers and will be used primarily as officers who perform high visibility foot patrols in areas identified through intelligence. They will be wearing a uniform that is similar to, but quite different from Police Constables and I would encourage you to talk with them should you see one passing by. With the demise of the Knowle West Street Warden Scheme it is important to make the point that the new PCSOs are not a replacement for the wardens. The five officers based at Broadbury Road will be deployed across the Sector, which includes Bedminster and Totterdown and not

just Knowle, but it is hoped that you will see a greater uniformed presence in your community. Whilst on patrol they will be able to deal with low level issues, which can have a great impact on the local community such as issuing fixed penalty notices for littering, removing abandoned vehicles and dealing with minor acts of anti-social behaviour. Finally, when you are next passing Broadbury Road Police Station have a look over the public entrance doorway where you will see a fine mosaic made by local school children in the new Bristol District colours.

SSee rr gg ee aa nn tt SS tt ee vv ee W W hh ii tt ee Broadbury Road Sector



D rr PP hh iill C D Chh iiss nn ee llll

- Merrywood Practice

D aa vv ee M D M aa cc kk een n nnaa -- Resident Rep, Building Communities Project Board.

Do D o uu gg C C oo oo m m bb ss - Chief Executive, Knowle West Development Trust

NOTICE BOARD STREET CAFE Congratulations to former Street Wardens Margaret Milkins and Georgina Baber who have just taken over running the Cafe on Filwood Broadway. We wish them all the best in their new career!

SEW 4 FUN CRAFT CLUB Fancy a few hours of creative fun and chat? Then come and join our cross stitch and knitting club on Wednesday evenings 6.308.30pm at Sew 4 Fun on Filwood Broadway. It’s fun, friendly and free and everyone is welcome from complete beginners to experts. Got a problem with a project? Want to swop some patterns or charts, need a bit of advice? Just pop along or give Alison a ring on 0793 0835453

DISTRIBUTORS URGENTLY WANTED! Do you want to be part of the team? Because we need you urgently. This newsletter goes out to all the households on the estate – that’s over 6,000 in all and we need a team of distributors who are fast, efficient and most of all, reliable. So if you want to help deliver the ‘Best newsletter in the West’ (well, that’s what we think!) please phone Eleanor on 907 6893 for more info.

OFF THE RECORD Confidential counselling for young people. We now have a counsellor available on Wednesdays 2 – 6pm at Knowle West Healthy Living Centre for local young people aged 11 to 30. The service is free for residents of Knowle West. To book an appointment phone 903 0000.

NOT GETTING ENOUGH FROM YOUR COMPUTER? The City of Bristol College has recently opened a BIZTEC Centre in Filwood Broadway to help local residents access college IT courses in the community. Courses available include: CLAIT, CLAIT Plus, ECDL Level 1 & 2, and TEXT processing levels 1, 2 & 3.Why not pop in to see which course would suit you and try our FREE 6 hour taster course.

Coming Soon… Share the Bournemouth experience as we report on NR’s visit to the South Coast, get fit with the Knowle West Activity Project, find out about your local Crime Action Plan, and all the latest on community projects near you. Issue 17 of the newsletter due out at the beginning of June.

For more information tel: 923 1140/312 5670

THANKS TO................ The Bristol Objective 2 programme is part financed by European Community (ERDF)

The Neighbourhood Renewal Participation Group: Anita Pearce, Sister Joanna, Margaret Jordan, Denise Britt, Joyce Jenkins, Ann Smith, Rose Manning,and Hannah Morgan NR Manager Keith Houghton. Jo Hansford and Kerry Froom for photos All at KWMC, who facilitate the production of this newsletter Editor: Jackie Liddle Design: Rowena Dugdale


All articles express the views of individual contributors and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the Neighbourhood Renewal Steering Group.

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