ISSUE 17 JUNE 2005
YOUR NEWSLETTER 2005 Catch all the action with this edition of the newsletter. Did you make it to the launch of the KW Physical Activity Project (p2 and p9)? There’s no excuse now not to get fit! Find out how the NR Bournemouth trip went (p3), and check out the insert to discover where all that NR money goes. There’s lots of community news this month; the signing of the Inns Court Estate Agreement (p5), a new History Club, and a wonderful old photo to spark a few memories (p6). Some of the youngsters have been achievinggreat things with Positive Futures and Project X
(p8), and we have the latest on what’s happening at Broadbury Road Police Station (p11). Don’t forget to tell us of anything that’s happening down your way! JJ aa cc kk ii ee LL ii d d dd ll ee Editor Please contact the editorial group through:
EE ll ee aa nn oo rr SSii m mm m oo nn ss ,, NR N R SStt ee ee rr ii nn gg G G rr oo uu pp ,, 37 3 7 FF ii ll w wo oo od d B B rroo aa dd w w aa yy ,, KK nn oo w w ll ee W W ee ss tt TT ee ll :: 0 01 11 17 7 9 90 08 84 42 24 48 8 Front cover: top: Drop-in at The Park (see page 4). Bottom: Hengrove Boys and Positive Futures football success (see page 8).
Points of View.........elderly There is an ongoing battle that maybe the public are not aware of. This battle leads to isolation, destruction and fear. It is a battle that has reared its ugly head in more recent years. The victims of this battle are the elderly. Gone are the days when the elderly could walk through their own neighbourhood to the sound of “Hello!” and “How are you?” More likely today, they would hear the screeching of cars and motorbikes and the shouts of abuse. The result of this battle is often fear. Fear of crossing the road, fear of attack from gangs gathered on street corners and outside shops. This can often lead to isolation.
The elderly feel safer when locked in their homes, with themselves as the jailers. They can lose contact with friends and family and neglect themselves as their fear outweighs their hunger. The public can bury their heads in the sand and their ignorance can lead to destroyed lives. It is everyone’s responsibility to educate the ignorant and the naïve, these being the people that really believe that there isn’t a problem. This is a battle that effects everyone. It could be your grandma or granddad, mum or dad. We must all pull together and fight this battle united. A contribution from a 13 year old local girl (name withheld)
KW PHYSICAL ACTIVITY PROJECT LAUNCH The Physical Activity Project got off to a flying start at its launch party on Saturday 14th May. The fun began at The Park, with local resident, Jean Mills, cutting the ribbon, followed by demonstrations of cheerleading, football, rugby, martial arts and tours of the new fitness suite. At midday the launch party moved to The Health Park, for the official opening of several facilities including a floodlit games area and an under-’s play area. Kids got to enjoy a bouncy castle and face painting. For the adults, there were mind, body and soul treatments such as massages, and health group ‘It’s a Man Thing’ offered free blood pressure testing for men and women. There were also displays from various local groups. The Healthy Walking Group sang, while the WOW women’s group gave a cheerleading display. Parents and children from Sure Start did a dance. There was even a chance to try out bellydancing!
Denise Britt, chair of the Health Park steering group, said: “It was good that two groups from different ends of the estate worked together on this. Hopefully we’ll make it a success overall. It was a really great day.” More on page 9. EEll ee aa n n oo rr SS ii m mm m oo nn ss NR
Local girl, Casey Kissack cutting the tape at the Health Park. Photo by Kerry Froom
Btec students from the Park put their books aside in favour of buckets, cloths and lots of water when they staged a fundraising car wash in May. The students are working towards their final project – an end of term show – and as part of their award, have to plan, produce and raise funds for the show as well as perform in it. The performance, ‘Look b4 u leap 2’ is on Friday 8th July at 7pm, tickets cost £3.00. For more info phone Tracey Bedford on 903 9772.
BOURNEMOUTH TRIP - NR ON TOUR Young people from Knowle West were interested in Bournemouth’s community radio scheme. And other inspiring ideas included the ‘Blooming Marvellous’ awards for residents with well-kept gardens, and a forum for people with disabilities.
Street reps, community radio run by young people, an over-50s forum… These are some of the many ideas that Knowle West residents and paid workers brought back from a Neighbourhood Renewal trip to Bournemouth.
As well as making friends with our Bournemouth hosts, the Knowle West party got to know one another better. Many participants commented on how well the younger and older people got on together, and how interesting it was to hear about different groups’ activities.
More than 50 of us spent the weekend of 22– 24 April visiting community projects in the Boscombe West and Springbourne district of Bournemouth. The area is piloting a Neighbourhood Management programme, which aims to improve services by strengthening links between local communities and agencies. We met residents and Neighbourhood Management staff to share ideas and discuss initiatives which could work in Knowle West. We also toured the area to see the projects in practice. Many Knowle West people were inspired by the Street Reps scheme, in which residents volunteer to keep an eye on their local area and report any problems. “It could be a great focal point for our community” said one Knowle Wester.
“I didn’t realise what people were doing until today,” said one. Neighbourhood Renewal is now looking into some of the ideas we heard about in Bournemouth. Watch this space for more details! EE ll eeaa n n oo rr SS ii m mm m oo nn ss NR
ANGELA’S STORY Mede is giving me lots of ideas and support and we’ve got some funding from SPAN to help with setting up costs. I hope the group can do lots of different things- healthy eating, walks, talks, swimming, bike riding, massage, learning to relax, sharing life experiences, learning new skills – just having a laugh! In the next issue of the newsletter I’ll tell you how we are getting on, hopefully we will have had our first meeting by then – might even see you there!
Ann gg ee ll aa C A C aa dd dd ii cc kk Hi, my name is Angela Caddick and I live in Knowle West with my four children. I have been asked to tell you about a women’s group I am setting up in the area, what it’s all about and how I get on with it over the next year.
VE DAY AT EAGLE HOUSE The Young and not so young sharing memories and having some fun at the VE celebrations at Eagle House.
Why am I setting up the group? Well, I got fed up being stuck at home, lacking the confidence to go out by myself and try something different, something for me, so I decided to see if I could get a group going so that any woman - young or old - could come along and have some fun. I wanted to get out and do something, it makes me feel good and that reflects on the kids – they see me doing something positive and that’s good for all of us. At the moment I am designing a poster which I hope you will see around the estate, telling you a bit about the group. Mandy Hole from the
NEIGHBOURHOOD RENEWAL WHERE DOES ALL THE MONEY GO? Neighbourhood Renewal funding for Knowle West has totalled £868,330 between 2004 through to March 2006. This money has been focused on projects which are aiming to make improvements for Knowle West residents in the areas of Health and Well-being; Achievement; Anti-Social Behaviour; Supporting Families; Training, Work and Enterprise; Environment and Housing, and Participation. These issues were the ones which Knowle West residents and service providers like Housing, the Police and local schools identified as being major areas which need improving for residents and businesses in Knowle West, back in 2001 and 2002.
In the insert you will see details of how the money has been spent, the aims of the various projects, and the main organisations who have benefited from the funding. (see insert) In addition, we want to develop a Community Kitchen which can be used to develop cooking skills for a range of groups. As some projects have under spent we expect we will be able to afford this final project. The next question is how effectively these projects have improved life. We want to follow this through in editions of the newsletter over the coming year. Kee ii tt h K h H Ho o uu ggh h tt o o nn Neighbourhood Renewal Project Manager
KNOWLE WEST CRIME PLAN The Neighbourhood Renewal Environment & Housing group have successfully secured £134,845 investment funding from Safer Bristol (NR additional crime fund). The funding is to help tackle burglary, theft and vehicle crime. This money will go towards the following costs which have been highlighted through the Knowle West Environment & Housing Visual Audit, walk-abouts with local groups, and talking with residents on NR tours across the estate.
Lighting £16,500 Fencing £93,100 Skip scheme £6,245 Environment Improvements £19,000 If you would like to become involved with the NR Environment & Housing group contact Heather Barham 9531329. Catch up on the latest news from our 'Big Estate Walk-about' that happened on 27th May, in the next issue of the newsletter.
Ann ii tt aa PP eeaa rr cc ee NR A
COMMUNITY DROP-IN DELIGHTS Cover Story! The new drop-in at the Park, Daventry Rd, is up and running and growing in numbers. There is a great social atmosphere generated at the drop-in as well as a good blend of structured courses and activities. The aim is to provide adults with a learning disability a safe place to meet new and old friends, to provide support and opportunities in the community and break down barriers through communication, which may prohibit this. For more information phone Matt Moore on 377 3872/0784 0978695
Maa tt tt M M M oo oo rr ee South Bristol Drop-in Relaxing at the Drop-in
Discovering new talents
COMMUNITY SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED At last, the day had arrived when the Inns Court Estate Agreement was to be signed. This agreement is a document put together by local residents and service providers who carry out work on the estate.
the other members. Everyone was then taken on the sparkling clean Mede Sprint around the Inns Court Estate. After this it was back for tea and coffee and on to the main focus of the day - the signing of the Inns Court Estate Agreement. An Evening Post photographer took photographs, which were published on the following Monday evening.We thoroughly enjoyed the day and it was great to finish it all off with the unveiling of a plaque in memory of the late Ian Marshall by his widow. Ian was a founding member of the Inns Court Action Group and was instrumental in many of the improvements on the estate. Thanks to everyone concerned for making it an extra special day for Inns Court. Te T ed d B Bo ow wd de en n ICRA
It aims to give residents more say on the upkeep and appearance of their neighbourhood without asking them to take on too much themselves. The agreement is not a legal document, but is put together in trust and mutual co-operation between residents and service providers. As Chair of the Inns Court Residents Association (ICRA) I felt very nervous on the morning of the event but the support I received from other members of ICRA soon put my nerves to rest. The Lord Mayor arrived and was greeted by Mandy Hole who introduced him to me and
The Mede Sprint is a community bus service available to residents in Knowle West. It can take you not only to the Health Park, but also anywhere you want in Knowle West - even to Asda in Bedminster on Saturday mornings! The service is available to individuals and groups up
to 16 and provides child and baby seats. The bus has a disabled access facility and fittings for 2 wheelchairs. Just pick up a membership form from the Mede or the Health Park and send it or bring it to the Mede. Membership is free and a book of 5 tickets will cost you £2.50; 50p per trip one way, £1 return. 24 hours notice is required for non-emergency appointments. Try one of our special trips to different destinations! The next one is to Harry Ramsdens for a meal and entertainment on 25th July. To book your journey or for any further information, call the Mede Sprint Line on 904 8215.
SPONSOR A CHICKEN! Bristol Smallholders Group was founded in October 2004 by a group of local people interested in growing their own vegetables and keeping small livestock. In the first few months, with the support of Neighbourhood Renewal, the group visited a local smallholding, and Lawrence Weston Community Farm. They also held workshops on making compost and growing vegetables, including a seed swap. The visit to the smallholding was very popular and gave the group the idea of setting up their own community smallholding in Knowle West. They now have an allotment and have initiated a ‘Sponsor a Chicken’ scheme! The group has
connections with Bristol City Council Allotments Office, Buried Treasure and the Northern Slopes Initiative. Most recently, they went to the North Somerset Show at Wraxall, where they enjoyed a variety of activities with a farming theme and got to taste ostrich and kangaroo burger. The group will be starting work on their allotment later this month and will be holding a workshop to build an ark for their chickens. The Smallholders welcome anyone interested and would also gladly accept any donation of unwanted gardening tools. Contact Lesley or Severine at the Mede on 9041220. Se S ev ve er r ii n ne e C Co ou up pa ay ye e The Mede
COMMUNITY NEWS HISTORY IN THE MAKING Are you interested in old photographs or maps? Want to meet and chat about the early days of the estate? Have you a story or something that should be kept as part of our history? (you may have dug up something in the garden such as a Roman coin or clay pipe), then come and join our new History Group at Filwood Social Centre. I have recently set up the group with a grant through the Greater Bristol Foundation from the Neighbourhood Renewal Community Chest. Two other well known, local people with a lot of knowledge of the history of the area - Ken Jones and Graham Blacker are involved and together we make up a team which has a lot of experience in running and being involved with local organisations. We have called the group the Filwood Chase History Society, and it is properly constituted,
with Ken being the secretary, Graham the treasurer, and myself as chairman. This new group will continue the work of the Knowle West Local History Group (which originally started in 1985) - researching and recording the history of the Knowle West area from ancient times to the present. Our history room in Filwood Social Centre will act as the office, a meeting room for members, a place to do research, etc., and everything we find out about the Knowle West area can be saved here in archives. If you are interested and would like more information, then contact Ken Jones on 0117 9668761. II vv o o rr G G rr ii m m ss tt ee dd Chairman, FCHS.
A TRIP DOWN MEMORY LANE We got this great image from Martin Ashman whose dad, Ted, took the photo some time between 1942 and 1945. He thinks the location is Lisburn Road but can't remember what the
occasion was. Does anyone look familiar to you? Maybe someone in your family recognises something about the image. Let us know if it triggers any memories. Call NR on 907 6893.
600 CLUB CHANGES Changes are underway at the Bristol 600 club for elderly and disabled people. The number of places at the daycare centre on Langhill Avenue has been cut to 30 per day. The club has also moved downstairs, to a refurbished room. The upstairs room will now be used for Social Services training. . The cuts have caused anger and sadness among users of the centre. Pamela James has been going to Bristol 600 for about 20 years. She was badly injured in an accident when she was 18, and became very isolated for several years afterwards. She has kept her place. But she is worried that the cutbacks mean that others will suffer.
“Going to Bristol 600 helped me mix back into the community again. It gave me the confidence to speak up, and it was the only place I made friends,” she said. “It was a brilliant place for people with strokes and so on. There are lots of people worse off than me there. The cutbacks just don’t make sense.” Pam Cook, of Bristol City Council, said the changes were due to new government guidelines about who can get daycare. She said that all users who lose their places can appeal against the decision. “We are giving people support in finding alternatives to Bristol 600,” she said. “We have been successful in a lot of cases.” EE ll ee aa n n oo rr SS ii m mm m oo nn ss NR
CHARITY BASH FOR CASH Saturday 7th May saw locals gathering at Filwood Broadway for an auction to raise funds for a charity close to many people’s hearts. FOLO (For Our Loved Ones) is hoping to raise a massive £147,000 to provide security fencing and CCTV cameras at South Bristol Cemetery. Lisa Knights from HTV opened the event and there were comedy turns from Lee Saunders and ‘The Joker;’ Frankie Johns did a great job as auctioneer. Jane Channings who organised the charity auction said she was over the moon to find they had raised more than £1,400. “It was a fantastic night and everyone pulled together and made a real effort to raise as much cash as possible.” Jane wanted to say a special thank you to Marlene Cousins who provided and paid for the buffet herself and Jane’s daughter Kelly, who put a lot of effort in to make the event a success.
“Thanks to everyone who helped and all who contributed on the night” added Jane. Look out for further charity events to help raise cash for this appeal – a tandem skydive on 17 June and another auction in November in Hartcliffe. JJ aa n ne e C Ch ha an nn nii n ng gs s FOLO
WONDERFUL WIRELESS WEB "I think this concept is very exciting and will give people who feel isolated, a means of communication to the outside world" Jenny Lester (Local Resident). The next few weeks will see an ongoing programme to link members of the S Bristol community to the internet using a "wireless" network similar to the one established in Easton and in other parts of the country. Donated computers are being refurbished and repaired by volunteers at the Park. These will be given to isolated members of the community so that they have an opportunity to communicate online, and gain access to learning, online shopping, banking etc from their homes.
‘On-line’ links may also be created with other local ‘wireless’ networks in Bristol and Bath, creating a community-wide virtual neighbourhood. Other possibilities include the development of a home security service and reduced rate telephone calls. ‘Knowle West Web’ will initially run until 31 July 2005. We are looking for members of the local community to test and evaluate the system and become involved in this worthwhile community project. (Tel. The Park on 0845 0090329) This project is aimed primarily at the residents of Filwood Ward, although we welcome enquiries from everyone. Do D on n JJ e en nk k ii n ns s, Project Leader Knowle West Web
The Eye to Eye exhibition by pupils of Christ the King school (featured in issue 15) is now on show at Filwood Library together with their latest collaboration, The Panorama Project.
BPAC is to stage Sweet Charity at the Park on 21st, 23rd and 24th June at 7.30pm. Come and see what some of the local kids get up to in their spare time! Tickets £5.00/Adults, £2.50/children/ Concessions. Please ring 0117 9039777 for more Ho op pk k ii n ns s BPAC information. SS uu H
KW Arts/AWB are sponsoring digital photos created by the Lunch Club with artist Amanda Harman. They will tour the library, walk-in café, and possibly the Park early this summer. Look out for the ‘Life Pulse’ installation coming soon. Mosaics mark a one mile walk around the perimeter of the Health Park, starting at ‘Life Pulse’. Check you pulse before and after your walk! Bristol Creative Neighbourhoods have appointed a Lead Artist, Ricjahrd Layzell, for an arts project that will take place in Knowle West, Easton, Barton Hill, St Pauls, and N Bristol. Knowle West is in for a creative time over the summer! Finally, please let us know if you have any info on the birds or owners featured in the racing pigeon prints at the Health Park Café! Ffi. Annie Beardsley on 377 22556 ww w ww w .. a ar rt to of fw we e ll ll b be e ii n ng g .. c co o .. u uk k
ACHIEVEMENT HENGROVE BOYS DO US PROUD! Cover Story! A group of boys from Year 11 at Hengrove School have successfully completed a 2 year scheme with Positive Futures and Project X. A while ago some of the lads were on the verge of exclusion from school but with the support of teachers, families and staff at Positive Futures and Project X, they have not only been successful in school, but have also achieved amazing results with the project, working hard to gain sports leadership, football and coaching qualifications. Staff at Positive Futures and Project X were so impressed with the boys’ performances that
they were given the chance to work alongside the staff, gaining additional qualifications in Child Protection and First Aid, and working with other youngsters on the estate. Julie Milkins from Positive Futures said, “These lads have done fantastically well, not only have they achieved a huge amount personally, they are also engaging with other young people in the community as role models and mentors they are an inspiration to others and we are all really proud of their achievements.” JJ uu ll ii ee M M ii ll k k ii n ns s Positive Futures
POSITIVE FUTURES Our under 14’s football team played in the Young Bristol Cup Final on 9th May. Dressed in new kit supplied by Gerry Holmes of Concorde Couriers (whose son, Chandler was team mascot), the team did Knowle West proud, losing 2-1 in a closely fought game. Even the referee said that the better team had lost!
Well done and thanks to the team, the managers James and Paul, and some of our CSLA students who helped with the warm-up and coaching.
Thanks to all the parents and relatives who supported the team and the project - this community support is fantastic and we would welcome anyone who might like to help with the project. Our under 16’s 5-a-side team took part in a national football competition in Derby on 14th May. The games were tough with the team battling it out with sides from all over the UK and although they didn’t make it to the final, the team played really well and won 2 ‘Fair Play’ awards. Well Done Lads! A new Sports Leaders Course is starting for young people aged 13+, wanting to gain experience of leading sports coaching sessions and possibly looking for a career in sports or leisure. Mondays 5-7pm at the Park Sports Hall, starting 6th June. All sessions including course fees, paid by the Positive Futures project. For more info. call Julie Milkins on 07795 315 289 or Positive Futures on 903 9766
MAKEOVER FOR BROAD PLAIN YOUTH CLUB Wow! Over the past 12 months the club has undergone a complete internal refurbishment and redecoration and now offers some great new facilities for young people to enjoy. These include: enlarged gymnasium with a new floor, disabled toilet facilities, a new computer room and office space, an upgraded kitchen and WC, new front doors and audible entry system (not yet finished).
A new building at the rear of the club offers home & away changing/shower facilities plus separate referee’s room.
These changes have made such a difference to the young people who use the facilities; although still grotty looking on the outside, the inside is a different matter - as someone said “It’s like Dr Who’s Tardis.” With thanks to the funders for enabling these improvements to take place: Neighbourhood Renewal, Young Bristol and Broad Plain House Trust, Sure Start and Vera Collins (a local resident). Our opening times are: Mo M on nd daa yy tto o T Th hu ur rs sd da ay y Youth Club Sessions.
7 – 9.30pm (ages 8-19)
Mo M on nd daa yy tto o FF rr ii d da ay y After-school child care Mo M on nd d aa yy Learning Through Football T uu ee ss d T d aa yy Girls only football training
3.30 – 6pm (ages 10-14) 4.30 – 6pm (ages 12+) 4.30 – 5.30pm (ages 8 -12) 5.30 – 6.30pm (ages 12+) 4.30 – 6pm (ages 8 -11)
Girls only football training W ee d W dn ne es sd da ay y Learning Through Football
For more information phone Cath Fisher on 9649774/9402090
KW PHYSICAL ACTIVITY PROJECT - an estate wide initiative This project will provide activities for the whole community, from the youngest to the oldest, from the fittest to those struggling with health problems. It aims to get you, your family & your friends more active, helping you lead a more fun & healthy life, to enjoy everyday tasks, get stronger and fitter & look fabulous! Being physically active will show you a brighter side of life!
The first ever UK Outdoor Life Trail has been installed at the Health Park. It has stations for all abilities, is free to use, and you can visit anytime & do as many or as little of the stations as you like - you can even do the measured 1 mile walk as part of your workout! Junior fitness/sports equipment, football kick walls & a basketball hoop are all available to help the youngsters work off some of their energy and have fun at the same time. Ffi. call Tracy on 07810 506 725 or Camilla on 07795 445 848.
W hh aa tt hh aa ss hh aa pp ppee nn ee dd ss oo ff aa rr ?? W A brand new ‘state of the art’ Gym has opened at The Park providing personalised programmes for all abilities and special sessions to encourage a more social atmosphere. These include over 55’s mornings, single sex sessions, youth sessions, a GP referral scheme & more. A body conditioning or gym session is available with a crèche on a Monday morning for only £3.50.
The Knowle West Physical Activity Project is funded through Active England along with Bristol City Council, Neighbourhood Renewal, Surestart, South Bristol Primary Care Trust, Knowle West Health Park and The Park Local Opportunity Centre.
C aa m C m ii ll ll aa BB rr ii gg gg ss KW Activity Project
Come down & visit the Gym, bring this article with you to receive a FREE trial session. Tel: 377 3382 Gym Opening times: Monday to Thursday: Friday: Saturday and Sunday:
8.00am - 9.00pm 8.00am - 8.00pm 9.00am - 4.00pm
LATEST NEWS FROM YOUTH MOVES EE aa gg ll ee H H oo uu ss ee YY oo uu tthh C C ee nn tt rr ee N ee w N wH H ee aa ll tt hh D D rroo pp -- II nn In partnership with the PCT and BROOK, Youth Moves will be running a trial Health Drop-In at Eagle House Youth Centre. Starting from the 9th June the service will be available weekly on Thursday nights from 7-9pm. The service will offer free and confidential advice to under 19s on all health related issues. Our youth workers are able to offer general health support and advice, whilst the Brook nurse can offer confidential contraception and sexual health advice and services.
B rr ooaa dd PP ll aa ii nn H B H oo uu ss ee YY oo uu tt hh C C ll uu bb AA fftt eerr SScc hh ooooll C Chh ii ll dd C Caa rree ff oorr 1 10 0--1 14 4 yy rr ooll ddss A new scheme for 10-14yr olds that aims to target working parents and those in training or looking for employment - but all are welcome.
Mon – Fri (term time only) 3.30-6pm, £3 a day (includes drink and snack) Registration is required. For more info contact Cath Fisher on 964 9774 / 940 2090.
P rree ss ee nn cc ee oo nn tt hh ee W P W oo rr ll dd W W ii dd ee W W ee bb Look out for our new website at featuring our logo as designed by Carly, Danielle and Louise who attend Broad Plain House Youth Club. Log on to check out our services, events, reports, updates and to provide feedback and comments to us (positive or negative!). For more info call 903 9796, email:, on-line at: or at The Park, Daventry Road, Knowle West, BS4 1QD. FF ii o o nn aa RR oo ss kk ii ll ll yy Youth Moves