Knowle West newsletter - Issue 22 May 2006

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MAY 2006



Want to try something new this month? Then take a look at some of the opportunities on offer for local residents. From free days out with Neighbourhood Renewal, to a film club for the youngsters, health and parenting courses, and a writing club; there’s plenty going on and we have all the information here for you.

A new youth motorbike club called REVVS has recently been set up in Knowle West, organised by Knowle Safe, the community safety project, and funded by Neighbourhood Renewal. It started as a pilot in January this year, and has quickly gone from strength to strength, culminating in an impressive certificate ceremony for 15 young people after only 9 weeks.

We also have news of the big Community Clean


Up day, Hengrove’s Ofsted success, and much more. If you want to contact the editorial group, please call the Neighbourhood Renewal office on 908 4248. Jackie Liddle front cover: Top – Birthday celebrations at Butterworth Court. Bottom – REVVS in action


SHAUNNI’S A WINNER! Shaunni Wright - winner!

appeared in Issue 17 of the newsletter. The article, called ‘Points of view…elderly vs the young’, talked about the fear and isolation that old people can feel in today’s society and called on us all to be responsible for their plight. Shaunni didn’t want her name printed when the article first appeared in the newsletter but on hearing of her daughter’s win, her mum persuaded her to accept the award and put her name to it. So, well done Shaunni on a brilliant achievement.

Congratulations to Shaunni Wright, winner of the Youth Content Award at the first ever Newsletter Awards for Excellence at Bristol Central Library. Shaunni’s winning article

Over 20 newsletters from across Bristol entered the competition and Knowle West won three awards in total (out of a possible 12!). We also won an Individual Judges Award when Richard Wyatt picked out the photo on the cover of Issue 18 (from the ‘As Time Goes By’ festival at the Park last year) as his favourite entry, saying it summed up for him what community spirit is all about. Jo Hansford who took the photo was thrilled to learn of the award. The third award to go to Knowle West was for the Inns Court Newsletter, ‘Inn the Know’ which won Best Newcomer. J a c k i e L i d d l e

The young photography group NLarge enjoyed a wet day out in Weston S Mare during the Easter break. The group is a partnership between Hengrove, Hartcliffe and Withywood Schools, Kickin Space Youth Project and Knowle West Media Centre. They meet every Tuesday evening at the Helen Bloom Centre in Hartcliffe from 6 - 8:30pm to practice their photography skills and discuss their commissioned work, which they undertake regularly.


Although our target audience did attend in the early days, they lost interest because we weren’t able to offer bike riding, just bike repairs. However, there was no shortage of interested kids, and we quickly filled our 3 sessions a week, each lasting 3 hours, with keen and talented learners from the streets around our base at Eagle House Youth Centre. We still strive to bring children in who are “at risk” and have had some success here. However, our pilot demonstrated that local young people have an incredible aptitude for mechanics.


Cover Story!

Revving up in the Chilterns

Young people of different ages worked together and supported each other and their confidence has rocketed through pride in their achievements. A well deserved trip was taken in April and the club could finally do some off road riding at a safe training site in the Chilterns. Present funding lasts until the end of June. So if you want to get involved, volunteer as a mechanic or just find out more, call Kathe Jacob on 908 4221.

EGGSCELLENT Children from Eagle House proudly showed off their creative skills when they designed and made some beautiful Easter bonnets for the Eagle House Easter Bonnet Parade. Gabrielle Quinn won the prize for the best bonnet, but all were winners. Each entry won a well-deserved Easter egg.

CHURCHES TOGETHER The Knowle West Churches Together events Roll up for NLarge

The prospects for the group are very exciting and new young people are always welcome to come along and join. If anyone would like any further information, please contact Paul Spooner at Knowle West Media Centre, on 0117 353 2745.

IN THIS ISSUE Neighbourhood Renewal p4 - p5 Health and Wellbeing p10 - p11 School News p6

The idea behind the REVVS Club was to attract young people who spend their time out on the street getting into mischief, anti-social behaviour and crime. It’s a place for young people to learn skills even if they don’t attend school.

Flags were waved, glasses raised and dancing and singing were the order of the day when Inns Court Over 50’s Club came together to celebrate the Queen’s 80th Birthday in April. Filwood Café provided a lovely buffet and a very pleasant afternoon was enjoyed by all.


The group has been in existence for almost two years and in that time has undertaken several professional commissions. More recently they have been negotiating a new 18 month project to work in conjunction with the arts organisation Reckless Orchid to document the changes that are going to take place in Hartcliffe.

Cover Story!

Police, Crime & Security p11 Community News p7 - p9 Notice Board p12

calendar is full of wonderful opportunities to join forces and celebrate the Good News of the Gospel. One such annual event is the Good Friday street parade. This year it was better than ever. A dull start to the day didn’t dampen the spirits and the sun began to shine as they sang their way from Holy Cross Church, Inns Court, through several nearby streets and back again. Hot cross buns were distributed to onlookers, and a story teller narrated the meaning of Holy Week. Correction! In the last issue of the newsletter the incorrect labels were attached to the ‘Eagle House Spreads Its Wings’ article. Dawn Primarolo was

All-in-all it was a great way to start the Easter weekend. Keep an eye on what’s happening at a church near you – you might be pleasantly surprised, too! Rita Ashman Churches Together

at Eagle House when visiting the project and the plans too were of Eagle House and not the Mede. Apologies for any confusion caused.






Hello everyone, I am sure I will have met many of you by now, and look forward to meeting as many people as possible in the near future. I am dedicated to taking forward the action plan that has been agreed upon with the local community and continue some of the excellent work that is already being carried out by many different groups in the area.

Neighbourhood Renewal has spent more than £860,000 over the past 2 years on local projects that aim to improve the life for people living in Knowle West. So, has the money made a difference? Has the community benefited? These were just some of the questions that project leaders were trying to answer when they made a series of presentations for local people at Filwood Community Centre in March.

There are bound to be some changes in the future with Neighbourhood Management coming on line but hopefully the changes will reflect residents’ needs and aspirations. I am looking forward to working with, and for you all. If you would like to contact me please don't hesitate to call or use my email address. Tel.0117 9084350

Karen Coward from the Domestic Abuse Project, talked about the various ways NR funding has helped establish a service which has been able to support over 90 local people since it began 2 years ago. Mandy Shute - new Neighbourhood Renewal Manager

RESPECT KNOWLE WEST - DO YOU? Last year, local residents formed the Knowle West Action Group (KAG), to tackle a series of issues affecting the area. On May 30th, the group will launch 3 key initiatives which they hope will bring about a real change to parts of Knowle West: Community Clean-up day The launch of Street Reps A Good Neighbour Agreement The start of the day will see a massive community clean-up operation with skips available for residents to get rid of rubbish cluttering up their homes and gardens. Staff from the Knowle Area Housing Office, various Bristol City Council departments, the Police & Fire Service and volunteers from the local community and beyond will be on hand to help and encourage residents to join in. In the afternoon, there will be a Fun Day based at Eagle House Community Centre with bouncy castles, music, food, activities for all the family and the initiative launches: The RESPECT KNOWLE WEST Street Reps Since October last year over 15 residents have signed up and trained to be volunteer Street Reps, monitoring a street near where they live on a weekly basis. They look out for problems like flytipping, dog fouling, broken pavements, graffiti, abandoned cars and faulty street lights, and report them to the relevant authorities. They can also provide information to their neighbours on topics like recycling. This will be invaluable to sustain all the good work undertaken during the clean-up earlier.

The day will also see the launch of the RESPECT KNOWLE WEST Good Neighbour Agreement. Members of the action group have developed a simple charter of the things they think all residents can do to ensure they and all their family are good neighbours. All residents, young and old, will be asked to sign an agreement to this effect. If residents don’t want to sign or breach the agreement there is no penalty – they will just be letting their own community down. And what is the point? As well as cleaning up the area and making it a safer place to live, it is hoped that crime and the fear of crime will also decrease, that everyone can enjoy the local environment and that all residents and their visitors can be proud to Respect Knowle West. With such a large project, only a section of Knowle West will be the focus of the day but, if successful, it is hoped to extend the initiative to other parts in the future. The streets affected are: Newquay Rd, Ilminster Rd, Newry Walk, Cossington Rd, Crediton Cres, Dunster Rd, Bodmin Walk, Tavistock Rd, Padstow Rd, Torrington Ave, Somerdale Ave, Teignmouth Rd. For more information please contact: Michelle Bane Knowle Area Housing Office on 971 3449 Anita Pearce Neighbourhood Renewal on 908 4248 Pete Heffernan Participation Support Officer on 903 9846

KAG’S A WINNER! Knowle Action Group (KAG) was nominated for the ‘Tacking A Stand Award’ and Michelle Bane (Area Housing Office) has just been notified by the Home Office that they have won a £1,000 award for the group! Two residents will be going to London soon to receive the award.


The School and Family Link Worker scheme which NR has supported, has been such a success that the scheme has now been mainstreamed and funding taken on by the Education Authority itself.

Carol Casey (Knowle West Health Assoc) has also won an award and will also be going to London to receive it. Full report in next issue of the Newsletter. Anita Pearce NR

Hilary Moran from Barnados

Many other projects currently supported by NR funding, such as Family Group Conferencing, Project X, Knowle Safe and Knowle West Physical Activity Project all had a chance to talk about their work in the community, and give local people the opportunity to ask questions. The projects themselves had a chance to find out about each other, skills were swapped and important contacts made. The young people from Archimedia gave a really accomplished presentation and will be liasing with Eagle House on presentation skills and getting young people involved. Thanks to all the projects that took part, they were well presented, informative and interesting. A DVD showing all the presentations will be available from the projects involved and the NR office. Tel. 908 4248. Anita Pearce NR

Andy Revitt from Connexions talks to local resident Angela Munford

DAY TRIPPER - FREE LEARNING DAYS & VISITS How the Council works and how to influence it Tues 23rd May (10.00–3.30) The Council House. Participants will find out how the organisation works, who makes the decisions and how to influence the people within it. Visit to Gloucester Thurs 25th May (9.00 – 5.00) This trip will take people on a tour of the ‘Community Counts’ Neighbourhood Management Pathfinder Scheme in Gloucester, hearing from local residents about the scheme’s workings, problems and successes. Tour of Bristol Neighbourhood Renewal Areas 2 Days - Weds 7th June & Weds 14th June You will meet residents from other Neighbourhood Renewal areas, see their achievements, learn about their difficulties and how they have tried to overcome them. In order to cover all the areas, we are running this event over two days. Shadowing Local Councillors This will be an ongoing opportunity for residents to shadow a councillor, or to receive mentoring from them, in order to learn more about how they work and how to influence them. Residents will work one-to-one or in pairs with a relevant councillor. Appraising Neighbourhood Renewal Small Grant Applications Date & Venue TBC. This day will help you make decisions about what projects to fund in your role as residents on Neighbourhood Renewal decision-making boards.

Involving more people in your community Group Mon 12 June (10.00–4.00). The Langley Centre, Gainsborough Sq, Lockleaze This day will help you increase the number and range of people in your organisation. It will include understanding the main barriers to, and rewards of, involvement; how to encourage and sustain involvement; and how to make sure all sections of the community are included. The Future: Neighbourhood Renewal, Neighbourhood Management and Community Partnerships Tues 20 June (10.00–2.00) St. Paul’s Family Learning Centre. This event will explore what these different regeneration structures are; look at the possible directions of them and help people focus on how to use them to improve their area. All these events are free and will include free lunch. We will also pay child-care, transport and other expenses. Places are limited and will be given on a first-come, first served basis. Residents in Neighbourhood Renewal areas will be given first priority but workers in these areas may be able to attend if there are sufficient places. Please book asap to secure a place. For more information or, to book, phone Karen Bell at Voscur. Tel. 0117 909 9949 or email or contact your neighbourhood facilitator at the local NR office.





HENGROVE MEASURES UP! An Ofsted inspection report published this month confirms that Hengrove Community Arts College has improved significantly. The headteacher is providing effective leadership and management, and has created a new sense of energy and direction. The report finds that over half the teaching is good quality, and is satisfactory overall. Attendance has improved, pupils behave well and feel safe, and bullying is down. The school is orderly and calm and the pupils appreciate the opportunities their education offers them. Inspectors recommend that the school should now focus on improving students’ capacity for independent learning and continue the focus on


numeracy and literacy. Headteacher Stephen Murtagh said: “I think we have a more confident school now, and that is reflected in the positive mindset of our students. We intend to maintain this momentum and look forward to seeing the new culture reflected in exam results.” Heather Tomlinson, Bristol City Council’s Director of Children & Young People’s Services, said: “We are delighted for the college. Hengrove hasn’t just come out of Special Measures – it has come out with flying colours.” For a full copy of the report visit or call us on 0117 377 2800.

Getting Things Moving Start to revise as soon as possible Do a revision plan – break the day into hourly sessions, fill in your daily commitments, then plan revision times as well as something for yourself ie. seeing friends, watching tv. Take regular breaks. Vary your subjects. Exercise regularly! Fresh air improves your concentration! Have some fun in your breaks. RELAX!! Keep to your routines! Eat, sleep and work in the normal way. Do your best! Don’t compare yourself to anybody; stick with what works for you. Why not arrange to revise with a friend who also wants to take revision seriously? It will be harder to get out of AND you can encourage each other to stay with it!

I came to Bristol as a 15 year old to look for work and lived in the Staple Hill district. It was here I met my husband Ron at Kingswood's Whit Sunday Parade. We eventually married and moved to Knowle West with our first 3 children in 1960. We had 4 more children making 7 in all. For many years I concentrated on bringing up


Feeling under pressure? Then check out our ‘top tips’ for helping you achieve your best.

My name is Ann Smith and I live in Knowle West. I haven't always lived here as I was born in 1939, in the Welsh village of Goodwick near Fishguard in Pembrokeshire.


our family, joining the over 50s club when it first started. Then in 2002 I was widowed. With my family grown up and finding myself with plenty of time on my hands, I started to become involved with various local groups. I got involved with Neighbourhood Renewal and attend the Funding Group and also the Participation and Partnership meetings. I also became a Director of the Knowle West Health Association. With my renewed confidence I have been involved with employment interviews and am a member of the Newsletter Steering Group and the Hearts and Stars committee. In November 2005 I was so proud to be presented with the Hearts and Stars Senior Citizen Award, to recognise the work I do in Knowle West. Ann Smith


In the Exam… Carefully read the whole paper. Underline the key words in questions. Go back through the questions. Get some sense of how well you can tackle each question. If you’re given a choice, select and ring the question numbers. Work out how much time per question. Looking Forward! Remember that no matter how badly you think you might have done, life goes on! Whatever happens in your exams, you’ll have choices at every stage of your life. The worst that can happen is that you have to consider a different set of options than you’d planned, or choose to retake your exams, to get the results you need. If you’ve given it your best shot, nobody can ask for anything more from you. Good luck from Hengrove Community Arts College!



Information for students starting Year 7, Sep 2006 If you have any questions or would like to visit Firstly we would like to welcome you and your the school, please contact Karen on child to our school. Your child’s Head of Year 07977458183 or 0117 3772800 (ext 275). will be Mrs S. Smith and our School & Family Link Worker is Karen Jones.

If you are flying into Bristol Airport over the next few weeks, look out for a photography exhibition showcasing some unusual images of Clifton Suspension Bridge. Created by pupils of Hengrove School using pinhole cameras, and supported by Knowle West Media Centre, the project is part of the citywide Brunel 200 celebrations.

The main aims of the group are to encourage writers to develop and share their ideas and to support each other in putting ideas on paper. Anyone can come along and there is a real mix of abilities in the group. We do more than just write; recently, the Knowle West Media Centre worked with us on creating individual digital stories. We also have a book club where we discuss a chosen book what we liked, style of writing, similarities to other books etc. The group is run by a college tutor called Kate and meets on Mon 9.30 – 12noon at the Mede. Kate can also give support with further training. If you are interested, ring Kate on 07967 740 334 or come in to the Mede and ask at reception.

A Seascape Wreathed in mist and icy Tentacles of dew. They walked among the sand dunes Where the clammy sea-winds blew, And threw their pebbles, one by one, Towards the dark, satanic view. Desolation did enshroud them As they walked along the shore; Seeking a refuge from the weather, From the gales and the furore: And wandered foot-paths near the cliff tops Where the giant breakers roar. The evening sky was dimly lighted: A tiny slice of frosted moon Hung, huddled in the storm clouds Of the chilly sea and dune; And not a single word was spoken As they listened to the tune – Which was the sighing of the shingle And the crying of the spray, As it caressed the lonely beach Before it turned to go away. Reluctant still, it to abandon; Like a lover in dismay. The wind mourns the loss of summer As night rides, along the beach: And the sea fog casts its haloes Round the street lamps in its reach. And the seascape, veiled and muffled, Is asleep and void of speech. By Lesley Belgium, Mede Writing Group


Photo by Cheryl Martin, see feature overleaf


COMMUNITY NEWS LIGHTS! CAMERA! ACTION! AT KWMC featuring Christ The King pupils, was also screened. After the films were shown, pupils and parents who were involved gave a talk to the audience about their experiences during the productions.

Film club fun at KWMC

Pupils from the School of Christ the King were in for a treat at the end of March when Knowle West Media Centre visited and transformed their school hall into a cinema! Pupils and parents attended a premiere of the short film ‘Paradise Found’ which was made with some pupils from the school and was filmed in Pembrokeshire. Aardman animations were also involved in the making of the film, which involves an animated sequence. ‘Pets & The City’, a short film produced by KWMC and

Budding young film makers attended KWMC’s first ever Film Club for teenagers at the Media Centre during the Easter Holidays. The workshop set the challenge to create a short film idea in a day, with no editing – just shoot ‘n’ go! The day was a great success and there are plans for more workshops in the future. More members are welcome, so if you are aged 13 to 17 and would love to learn about making short films contact Claire Simmons at KWMC. Tel 0117 3772828 or email Young people aged 10-17 are also invited to attend KWMC’s drop-in Media Club sessions on Weds from 4.30-6pm. Our facilities will be available for use with the assistance of KWMC staff. So if you have a picture you want to digitally enhance, or a piece of video you want to edit, or just want to find out more about what you could do then come along. For more info contact Dani, or Sandra,, Tel 0117 3030444. Claire Simmons KWMC


KWADS NEWS KWADS has secured funding jointly with the Southmead Project to continue for another two years to provide services across the city and locally. A few last details are still being finalised, but at the time of writing, these are the local services available for residents of Knowle West: Where? KWADS, 49 -51 Filwood Broadway When? Mon – Thurs 9am to 5pm (plus weekly evening crisis support TBC) What’s available? Advice & information, crisis support, one-to-one support, referrals, drop-in, at least 2 ear acupuncture clinics (days & times

The Shrinking church

Who is it for? People concerned about their own, or someone else’s substance misuse, residents of any area of Bristol If you are concerned about someone else’s substance misuse (ie. a parent, partner, sibling, etc) there will also be specialist one-to-one support, weekly drop-in support group, Saturday one-toone/crisis support service in central Bristol and an evening 10-week group running twice a year in South Bristol. For further info and updates on services, call KWADS on 0117 953 3870. Ken Jones & the crucifix

Have you ever heard of a ‘Shrinking Church?’ Well this is what the Evening Post called St Barnabas in 1980 - read on to find out why.

St Barnabas’ origins were humble. It started out in 1933 as a temporary wooden building, initially called St Patricks and re-named St Barnabas in 1936. In 1937 the foundation stone was laid for a new church and St Barnabas was officially opened in 1938 with the Rev Norman F Herbert as its first Minister. By the mid 1970s the congregation had dwindled and running costs for the 600 seat church were high. The decision was taken to think small and downsize the church, hence the 1980 Evening Post article.

KEEP is ‘Knowle Early Education Partnership’ and is a group for parents and carers and their children, aged 1-3 (siblings welcome). It supports parents and carers as their children’s first and most important educators. It focuses on how to make the most of everyday life at home – listening, talking, playing, singing, sharing books – and having fun!

TBC), free herbal teas (for detox, lungs and sleep)

When building work was complete, the church was less than half its former size. Services were now held in what was the old sanctuary and

the transept was used as the Institute for community events. At the time of the re-opening, a young student at Merrywood Comprehensive had made a large crucifix as his art project. The vicar saw it and asked the school if it could be put in the church, where it still hangs today. We don’t know who the young student was but it would be nice to find out – let me know if you have any idea! Ken Jones KW History Society. Tel. 9668761

St. Barnabas as it was in 1938 and right: as it is today

Parents who have come to the group say: “I feel more confident as a parent since joining the KEEP group” “I’ve learnt more about the different stages of development of my child”

icing biscuits. There will also be a book borrowing service.

“We sing, we do sticking and messy stuff and the routine stays the same although the songs and activities will be different each session”

The group meet at Footprints Children’s Centre Nursery, The Park, on Mon 3.30-5.00pm. New parents/carers and children welcome!

From ‘An Evaluation of KEEP 2005’

For further details on K.E.E.P.s groups and daycare provision at the nursery, contact Julie on 0117 3773610.

Activities for children next term will include puppet and book making, face painting and

SNAP HAPPY Cheryl Martin, our local Healthy Walks Co-ordinator, is also a keen and talented photographer. Some of her images, taken on her walks are on display now at Filwood Library. Come along, take a look and be inspired!


GARDENING TIPS Now is the time to think of summer colour. You can use bedding plants, or grow your own from seed. Given the cold start we had this year, it will be alright to sow summer flowers in May/June. You may also like to plant your autumn bulbs – why not plant some in containers? In the vegetable garden, crops planted earlier in the season should be well established. With tender varieties, harden them off and wait until the risk of frost has passed before you plant them out. However, salad crops can be put in now. Sow things like spring onion, beetroot, radish and loose-leaf lettuce every 2-3 weeks until

September – this will ensure a continuous supply of fresh salad for you. In May you should plant your french runner beans. Grown originally for their attractive flowers, one such red and white variety is ‘Painted Lady’. Plant marrows, squash, pumpkins, carrots, courgettes and spinach. Maincrop potatoes should also be in before the end of May. June is a good month to sow early peas for the autumn; swede and sweetcorn go in this month too. Here’s to a good harvest. Happy Gardening! Lesley Belgium


HEALTH AND WELLBEING QUIT TRIP TO HARTLEPOOL Next morning we were given a presentation by the local Primary Care Trust. They believe that the Hartlepool service has been so successful because it has gone out into the community to meet people at venues in which they feel comfortable. It was also important that they were able to offer prescriptions for NRT from each of the venues that they used. After lunch and a quick trip to the Museum of Hartlepool it was time to head back to Bristol. It had been a very inspiring and informative trip. The trip was funded through Knowle West Neighbourhood Renewal and People Power. For more information please contact ‘It’s a Man Thing!’ at Knowle West Health Association Tel: 0117 9639569 Sue Moss K.W.H.A

Been bitten by the creativity bug? Our Batik workshop starting Thursday May 11 will give you the opportunity to try out new things. For more info call 377 2256. DIY Massage Would you like to learn how to give a personalised aromatherapy massage? Then join our Saturday course on Indian Head Massage (3 June). There is also the 10-wk Indian Head Massage Course starting Saturday 26th May.


Progress continues with the hospital due to open during 2008/09. Having secured outline planning approval last year, Bristol South and West Primary Care Trust and the Local Improvement Finance Trust (LIFT Co) are working closely with Bristol City Council and other partners on the next stage in the planning process. In particular this involves looking at how the hospital will link with the rest of the developments planned for the site including the major new sports centre and pool for which the council has been allocated nearly £30 million in private finance initiative (PFI) funding.

Alongside this, the development of the new models of care for services to be provided at the hospital is gathering momentum as clinicians, the PCT and UBHT look at how the future delivery of services to patients can be further improved and developed. We hope to announce details of how local people can get involved in the design of the hospital shortly. In the meantime, if you would like more information about the hospital or would like to get involved in this development please contact Tony Watkin at the Primary Care Trust on 900 2389 or by email


STOP SMOKING! The Neighbourhood Renewal Resident’s Funding Group, (made up of local residents who together consider funding applications from community groups), gave ‘It’s a Man Thing’ £2000 towards its smoking cessation project. We asked the group how the money had helped. Ken Jones who is part of the project said “The project is aimed primarily at encouraging men to take responsibility for their health. The money from NR has given us the means to effectively put the message across about smoking and its effects on health. We hope to take the equipment bought with the money into clubs and venues across the estate.”

WHAT’S ON AT THE HEALTH PARK SPRING 2006 Got a spring in your step? If so, you can do the 1 Heart Health Walk, Measured Mile Walk, Step Aerobics, Fitness Classes for Larger People, Seated Exercise and/or Tai Chi. And remember, the first session is free!



Smoking - the facts, in Hartlepool pub

On 29th March a group of men from local clubs and the ‘It’s A Man Thing!’ project (accompanied by a few women to keep them in order!) made the long journey to Hartlepool to find out more about how to help people give up smoking! The Health Services in Hartlepool are the best in the country at getting people to quit smoking and we wanted to find out why?! Wendy from the Teeside Smoking Cessation service met us and took us to a community centre in Hartlepool where a ‘giving up smoking’ drop in was in full swing – advisors were interviewing clients and supporting them in their choices about the best way for them to give up smoking. Prescriptions for nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) were available from the nurse prescribers who were also present. The service was obviously popular as several people came and went in the hour we were there. Next we visited the Fens Pub and another ‘drop in’ session which was being held in the corner of this busy ‘local’. It was really interesting to see this in action and to hear that the landlord had been very supportive.


Family Massage Course, 27 April – 8 June A basic hands-on course focusing on using massage in the home to help lower stress levels and increase a sense of well-being. For more info call 377 2256. Trying to lose weight? Find out about healthy eating and ways to increase physical activity in a friendly, supportive group - Get the Balance Right - on Tuesdays. Is Childcare a problem? That’s on offer on Weds and Thurs from 9:3011:30am. Plus, it’s free if you are referred by a health care professional. Call 377 2664 one week in advance to book a place. Anything else? These are just some of the highlights but if you call 3772255 we’ll give you the rest.

There has been a lot of activity from the Police over the past month or so within Knowle West to address a number of concerns that have been raised with us by residents and people who work in the area. I thought I would take this opportunity to update you with what has been happening. Truancy Sweep A total of 7 Truancy Sweeps occurred between 2-15 March within the Knowle and Filwood Wards - this was in direct response to comments made during the Knowle Action Group Meetings. A total of 58 people were stopped by the Police and Education Welfare Officers. These Officers also visited homes where suspected truants were believed to be. Of this, 11 children were absent from school without authority. The other 47 had a legitimate excuse. Further Truancy Patrols are planned with potential to issue penalty notices for persistent truants. Visual Audit Police officers, council staff and others, recently started a visual survey of roads surrounding Newquay Road, looking for broken street lights, road signs etc. The list of work that is required will be circulated to the responsible people and will contribute to the Community Clean Up Day at the end of May. Filwood Park Work is due to start at the entrance to the park at the bottom of Filwood Broadway in an attempt to restrict access to motorcycles etc. Funding for this has been secured by the Police and Council and compliments work being done by Neighbourhood Renewal to better secure gardens that back onto the park.

Stone Throwing First Bus have been the target of a number of youths who are throwing stones at buses in the area. This is extremely dangerous and could ultimately lead to the death of a passenger or pedestrian. This issue is being addressed by the Police and First Bus. As a result, a plain clothes officer will travel on several routes at key times along with uniformed staff. They will be supported by others who will be in the area on foot/bikes to catch any offenders. Please talk to your children to point out the implications of stone throwing. Bikes We now have officers trained to ride the offroad motorbikes and they will be out and about on a regular basis. If you own any motorcycles, scooters, gopeds etc, please ensure that they are being ridden correctly and not in parks, on pavements etc, we have the power to seize them and it can cost you in excess of £150 to get them back from us! Public Satisfaction Survey Please ensure that you complete these (they were sent out in the last issue) and return to Broadbury Road Police Station. If you have any concerns/issues please raise them with your Neighbourhood Team PC 1223 Jon Duncan, PC 2781 Lee Kerslake, PCSO 8607 Mitzi Bland or PC 7727 Siful Ullah on 0845 456700. Jeff Foreman Sector Inspector Broadbury Sector.

Tel 0117 9455470



The Urban Key Fund is once again offering grants of up to £1,000, to 10-30 yr olds living in Hartcliffe, Withywood and Knowle West who fulfil one or more of the following: Improving skills and job prospects Getting involved in community decision making Improving the environment and reducing crime Applications will only be accepted from groups (two or more people) and application forms are available from the Key Fund Development Worker. Call 0117 3773669 on a Thursday or Friday or email

The Grand Opening of the newly refurbished

FILWOOD COMMUNITY KITCHEN will take place on Thursday 15th June 2006 at Filwood Community Centre, Barnstaple Rd Cookery demonstrations by local chefs between 11.30 am and 3pm Official opening by special guest at 1pm followed by a buffet lunch Come along, see the kitchen and hear about plans for its use! Contact Sue Moss Tel: 0117 9639569 (Refurbishment funded by Knowle West Neighbourhood Renewal in conjunction with Bristol South and West PCT and Knowle West Health Association )

CREATE CHANGE Do you want to grow in confidence? Are you ready to make some changes?

WALKING THE WALK Knowle West Healthy Walking Group is now based at: Knowle West Health Park Downton Road, Knowle West, Bristol BS4 1WH. Tel: 3772255 Mobile: 07810 506737

Then join our free, 10 week personal and career development course. The course covers confidence and assertiveness, presenting yourself positively, your rights and responsibilities and gaining direction. There are two, 3 hour sessions each week at The Park and a number of free childcare places. Call Katherine Mann or Tina Carroll at HWV on 978 1708



New Drop - in When? 6.00pm - 7.30pm Tuesday evenings Where? South Bristol NHS Walk-in Centre

Filwood Library welcomes new readers. There is no charge to join – simply come along to the Library with some proof of address and fill in an application form. We have a range of books for all ages, videos, audio and large print books, and magazines. Free internet, e-mail and computer use are also available.

Pop in for a chat - no appointment necessary. For more info call Karen on 01179639569 or 07785220159.

BRISTOL CITY WALK-IN TO MOVE The Bristol City Gate Walk-in Centre, in Broad Street, will move to the Bristol Royal Infirmary (BRI) Emergency Department (ED) for a six-month trial period from Monday 15 May 2006.

Pre-school storytime is every Monday during term time from 10.00-10.30am and there are also school holiday events. Opening times are Mon – Fri 9.30am–1pm and 2-5pm, Sat 9.30am-1pm only. We are closed on Wed.

The pilot will not affect the South Bristol Walk-in Centre, at Knowle West Health Park.

The Library is on Filwood Broadway, Knowle West, Tel 0117 9038581

The City Gate move will provide the same walk-in service alongside the Emergency Department at the Bristol Royal Infirmary.


THANKS TO................ The Neighbourhood Renewal Newsletter Group: Anita Pearce, Marguerite Jordan, Denise Britt, Joyce Jenkins, Ann Smith and Rose Manning. NR Manager Mandy Shute. Paul Spooner for photos All at KWMC, who facilitate the production of this newsletter Editor: Jackie Liddle Design: Rowena Dugdale

Our bumper holiday activity guide and all the action near you. Issue 23 due out mid July. Newsletter Contact Number – 908 4248 All articles express the views of individual contributors and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the Neighbourhood Renewal Steering Group.

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