Knowle West newsletter - Issue 23 Jul 2006

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JULY 2006

YOUR NEWSLETTER 2006 Summer has certainly arrived with ice creams melting in record time and holidays just around the corner. Lots of interesting things are happening locally and we have a special focus on some of the many ‘green’ initiatives that are taking place in Knowle West. Check out the ‘What’s on’ guide to summer activities for the kids and don’t forget to fill


out the Hearts and Stars nomination form. Have a good summer! If you want to contact the editorial group, please call the Neighbourhood Renewal office on 908 4248. Jackie Liddle front cover: Top – Street Reps Bottom – England flags in Torrington Avenue



Cover Story!

The residents of Knowle West Action Group (KAG) have been working hard to make a difference to the community in which they live. Following a public meeting with Housing, Police and Neighbourhood Renewal, a day was planned for a big community clean-up, to officially launch the Street Reps, and encourage people to sign up to a Good Neighbour Agreement. Find out how the day went on p7. below: Rubbish cleared from the community right: A local young person lends a hand

KWADS NEWS On Friday 9 June, Dawn Primarolo MP attended an open day at KWADS, along with professionals from all over the city who work with drug users and their carers. The aim of the event was to raise awareness of the changes here since our new funding was awarded, so that workers can signpost people to KWADS for all our open access, drop-in, groupwork, and one-to-one services. As a Patron of KWADS, Ms. Primarolo’s support has been invaluable during recent months as we were facing closure, and she acknowledged the importance of appropriate, well-funded, easilyaccessible support in the community for drug users and their carers. All our new services are now up and running and available to anyone concerned about their own or someone else’s drug use – look out for posters and leaflets around the area in the

Kate Croucher KWADS, Dawn Primarolo MP, Bob Francis KWADS

coming weeks. If you would like to know more about what we offer, or have any concerns you want to talk about, please feel free to drop into our building or give us a call on 0117 9533870. Lucy Delaney KWADS

IN THIS ISSUE Neighbourhood Renewal p4 Community News p4 – p7 Achievement p8 – p9 Hearts and Stars Nomination Form p9


Summer Activities p10 Police, Crime and Security p11 New Faces p12 Notice Board p12


Sizzling stir frys, scrumptious smoothies and delectable Danish pastries were just some of the tasty morsels on offer at the launch of Filwood Community Kitchen on 15 June. After an entertaining morning of hands on cookery demonstrations, Edward Shaw, Chairman of Bart Spices cut the ribbon and officially opened the kitchen. A tasty and healthy lunch followed, beautifully prepared by Chef Francine Russell and a team of 6 local women. Sue Moss, Community Development Worker at KWHA, was impressed by the way local people really got involved in the project. “People took responsibility for different things, they were keen to volunteer and there was a real willingness and enthusiasm to take part.”

for small children and for diet related conditions. Bart Spices have offered fantastic support, supplying goody bags for the launch and giving a commitment to supply all the herbs and spices for the life of the kitchen. The kitchen is funded by Neighbourhood Renewal, managed by Knowle West Health Association, and supported by Bristol S & W Primary Care Trust and a steering group which includes several local residents. For more information, contact KWHA on 0117 963 9569. Edward Shaw cuts the ribbon

Redesigned and fitted out with new equipment and utensils, the kitchen is for anyone in the community whatever their ages or interest, who wants to get involved in cooking alongside others in a friendly and informal environment. Funding is now being sought to employ a development worker to design courses and activities, such as cooking on a budget, cooking for one,

ENGERLAND! Well, we didn’t quite make it all the way but you’ve got to hand it to Knowle West – what a display. Streets lined with bunting, flags on cars, houses, vans, roofs, small dogs, Fantastic!

TEA WITH THE QUEEN Representatives from Knowle West Media Centre have been invited to a Garden Party at Buckingham Palace to celebrate receiving The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service. The Award recognises excellence in voluntary activities carried out by groups in the community. KWMC was nominated for the award because of its work in using media as a tool to involve people in the regeneration of their communities, to build skills and create opportunities for participation on initiatives that promote social, cultural and economic development. KWMC will receive a certificate signed by The Queen, and a piece of commemorative crystal. Well Done KWMC!


NEIGHBOURHOOD RENEWAL NEIGHBOURHOOD MANAGEMENT Hello everyone! Well I have settled well in Knowle West and I want to thank everyone for the fabulous welcome I have been given, the amount of support from everyone I have met has been great. My team, Anita and Val, have also been very patient with the multitude of questions I have had to ask them and I thank them too. I have noticed that many people are confused and concerned about the new Neighbourhood Management pilot and what it will mean to the area. In short, NM is a government funded programme just like Neighbourhood Renewal. In time, Knowle West will have its own ‘delivery agent.’ This will not be one provider delivering Neighbourhood Management but will be made up of a variety of people, including residents, (who will be voted on to the board), statutory


agencies such as the police, and of course, the voluntary agencies in the area. We will be having three events in September to ask you the residents, and the agencies, to decide what the delivery agency will look like and who will be a part of its membership. This is to ensure that the delivery agent is a reflection of Knowle West, and who better to decide what is needed than the residents and people who work here. If anyone would like to have a chat about the delivery agent please call our office and arrange to come and see me. You could try popping in but I can't guarantee I will always be in the office! Please look out for your invitation, and posters about the events in September. I hope you all have a great summer. Mandy Shute NM Manager pictured: Mandy Shute, Moira Wallace, Jeff Foreman, Dr Hamblin, Colin Port & Pat Filer

Workers at the Neighbourhood Renewal office were on their best behaviour when top police chiefs dropped by for a visit. Moira Wallace, Director General for Policing, Crime & Anti-Terrorism, Colin Port, Chief Constable of Avon & Somerset and Dr Hamblin, Chair of Avon and Somerset Police Authority were on a fact finding tour around areas of Bristol to see for themselves some of the crime initiatives taking place in local communities. Also pictured are Jeff Foreman, Sector Inspector, Mandy Shute, NM Manager and Pat Filer, resident.

COMMUNITY NEWS WALK-IN CENTRE MOVE The Walk-in Centre will move to the Hengrove Park hospital site in 2008/9 where it will be expanded to form a Minor Illness and Injuries Unit. The expanded service will be able to diagnose and treat – still on a walk-in basis - a wider range of conditions than it can at present, meaning that more people in South Bristol can be treated locally and will no longer have to travel in to the city centre to the Bristol Royal Infirmary. Other health services at the Health Park such as the community sexual health service, the private dialysis unit, smoking cessation, continence clinics



and all the services at William Budd Health Centre will remain. Bristol South & West PCT and the Health Park Management have been working together to obtain local people’s views on what other health services they would like to see at the Health Park. A number of ideas have emerged for health services which meet the Health Park and PCT’s strategies, for example, rehabilitation and health education and children’s services. If you want any more info contact Gemma Collings at

Knowle West Website is being launched on 17 July. With loads of information about the area, local organisations, events and a message board, log on, take a look, leave a message and tell us what you think! Got an event coming up that you want to see promoted? Then call Martin on 903 0445

COMMUNITY NEWS SHAWNIE Based in Knowle West, using real street names and locations and written in the vernacular, Shawnie is an account of family life one summer in Knowle West. But this is no ordinary family; alcoholism, incest, child abuse and mindless violence are the everyday norm as the characters play out their parts in the story.

The book is written under a pseudonym by a social worker who has lived and worked in the area for a number of years. It is a work of fiction. We asked a panel of readers, from a teenager to a grandmother, what they thought of the book. These are some of their comments.

If the author wanted to portraytherealityofabuse it could have been done withoutsensationalisingitin anovel.Withhisexperience he could have produced an excellentnonfictiontoraise people,sawarenesstothe awful sadness that takes over many people,slives.

Very hard to read becauseofthedialect. It was disturbing and extreme. The author isprofitingfromhis jobexperiencewhich Ifindquestionable. Iwouldn,tadvise anyone to read the book,Ifounditawful. Ann,seniorcitizen

When you start reading it you don,t want to put it down. Itisrealisticbutyou don,twanttobelieve it.Ithinkitisthe waypeopletalk aroundhere.It,s based in Knowle West but it happens everywhere,notjusthere. Ididn,tliketheend; I want to know what happenstothecentral characters. Mandy aged 35

Victims of abuse should be helped,notusedtolinea socialworker,spockets. I will not recommend this book, and I feel ashamed that I have added to Ed Trewava,sroyalties. Kylie, aged 33

Ifoundthisbookdifficulttoreadasit was written in so-called Knowle West dialect. Some events in the book are factual and others are fictional, for some it may be difficult to distinguish between the two. There are many things people could spend their money on and I would not recommend this as one of them. Rose grandparent

It made you think about how parents could do that to their own children and how could a mother sit back and watch what was happening and do nothing tostopit. It made it sound bad for thepeopleinKnowleWest. Wearenotalllikethat. Zoe15yrs

CHANGES IN EARLY YEARS SERVICES IN KNOWLE WEST In response to the Government Programme, whereby Children’s Centres are being rolled out across the country, early years services in Knowle West are being re-configured. The Sure Start Local Programme is evolving to come into a new framework, which will result in two Children’s Centres for this community by 2008. The first of these is Footprints Children’s Centre based at The Park and this will be followed by Knowle West Early Years Centre by the end of 2007. This will build on the already strong relationship between the 2 centres with many staff working across both facilities.

Both Children’s Centres will offer: All year round full day care integrated with early education Flexible services including outreach services to meet the needs of parents/carers and children Childminders drop-in and training support Group activities, one to one advice and access to other specialist services For further information please contact Footprints Children’s Centre on 9039781 and the Knowle West Early Years Centre on 9030214.



COMMUNITY NEWS KNOWLE WEST GOES GREEN Look around and you may notice lots of ‘green’ initiatives operating in Knowle West at present. Local projects such as Re-store, Northern Slopes Initiative, Archimedia, Coffee House Challenge and Green Footprints at the Park, are all tackling environmental issues in different ways. Knowle West Media Centre is getting young people involved in looking at environmental

issues through the medium of film and video, and the Love Bristol Festival in July will involve 1000 volunteers in environmental activities. Get involved in the environment, come to the next Coffee House Challenge meeting, take part in the Love Bristol Festival or help build a straw bale panel for the new Media Centre on Leinster Ave!

GREEN FOOTPRINTS GARDEN CENTRE Green Footprints at the Park offer low cost whole foods, hanging baskets, and fruit and vegetables on sale from their allotments. A compost toilet, large poly tunnel to grow herbs and bedding plants, an orchard and a

Volunteers from KPMG

beautifully constructed green shop are all in the process of being created. Volunteers from city accountancy firm KPMG, have just planted 200 native British trees around the boundary of The Park. Mil Lusk, the driving force behind Green Footprints has her own Green Top Tips. These include: Cut hedges little and often, clippings can then just be swept under the hedge or mowed in with a lawn mower, the clippings will then compost quicker. Cut the grass once a week if needed but let it grow longer, it makes good mulch and can be spread beneath shrubs and hedges. Cardboard boxes make cheap and efficient temporary compost bins, this will also help the cardboard decompose. Shredded junk mail can be added to compost bins. Dog, cat and human hair can all be added to compost bins along with bedding from hamsters, guinea pigs, rabbits etc – no cat or dog waste though. Save water that you get when defrosting the fridge/freezer - good for watering house plants, rhododendrons or other acid loving plants. To find out more about Green Footprints ring Mil Lusk on 903 9782.

GARDENING TIPS It is high summer and time to watch out for blight on your potatoes and tomato plants. At the first sign of any blight on your potatoes, you should cut down the stalks and dispose of them. This should prevent the tubers becoming infected. Tomatoes however, need to be pulled up entirely and burned – do not compost them. Continue sowing salads every 2-3 weeks for fresh produce throughout the summer and into the autumn. You might like to include oriental leaves, spring onions, lettuce, beetroot and radishes. Water conservation: Due to recent dry spells, your garden will probably require watering at least once a week. Remember, one weekly soak is better than a little every day. You should take measures to ‘recycle’ water where you can. Water butts can be filled with rainwater, or bath


water and washing up water used (provided you have used environmentally friendly detergents). A hosepipe uses over 500 litres of water an hour, while the humble watering can uses only 7 litres per trip and only goes where you want it to. Water wisely! Happy Gardening! Lesley Belgium


Cover Story! Jennison with kids signing Good Neighbour agreement

The KAG Community Clean-up day dawned sunny and warm with skips delivered to various streets before 7am. By 7.30am people were eagerly filling skips and by 8.30am they were full with over 250 tonnes of rubbish removed! I was overwhelmed by the response from the community and their willingness to help each other, as this was what the day was all about. Most residents within the zone received a knock on the door from housing, police, fire and environmental health officers. They were there to provide support, education and help, plus some enforcement work concerning untidy gardens

and untaxed/abandoned vehicles. They also offered a service from a Recycling Doctor! I cannot thank enough the residents and volunteers who helped with the litter picking event. pic above: Jennison Williams, Cllr Chris Davies & Michelle

Love Bristol, local children and Project X/ Positive Futures walked the streets filling litter sacks. It was fantastic seeing young people taking a pride in the community. It was also a big day for the Street Reps with their official launch; they will be out and about to help the community report environmental issues. Following all the hard work, a fun afternoon at Eagle House was organised by residents. Young and old joined in, including a PCSO on the bouncy castle! Under 21 England football player, Jennison Williams signed up young people to the Respect Your Neighbour Agreement and joined in with the football competition. Even the GWR black thunders turned up to join in. A great day was had by all - the community has joined forces! Michelle Bane Area Housing Manager


Rising sea levels, melting ice bergs, floods and droughts - more and more scientists and experts are starting to agree that our world is

changing and it will affect us all. Can we do anything to help this situation? Well, a group met at the Health Park in June to discuss how we can raise awareness of the problems we may all face in the future and what we can do on a local level. Topics discussed included raising awareness, educating young people, lobbying for changes to improve the environment and supporting initiatives already in place such as recycling. The next meeting takes place at the Health Park on July 25th at 5.30pm, anyone is very welcome to come and share their views.

FILM SUCCESS FOR KWMC Think or Swim, a film about Knowle West being evacuated from flooding caused by global warming, was shown at the Health Park Cafe on 20th June. Dave Harvey, Political Editor of BBC West, chaired an audience discussion about what we can do locally to protect the environment. Defeat The Heat was also premiered at this event, which shows a young person from Knowle West challenging his family and friends to live more sustainable lifestyles. Other recent film successes include The Fancier’s Foe featuring local, Bill Tucker and his pigeons. This was shown on BBC Points West and launches ‘Untold West’, a BBC competition

for local people to submit short film ideas. Paradise Found, a film made by a group of pupils from the School of Christ the King, was screened at Leeds Young People’s Film Festival in April and shall be shown at Showcommotion Young People’s Film Festival in Sheffield in July. Claire Simmons KWMC


ACHIEVEMENT THE OWL IS FLYING school, children from both schools spent 2 days with artist David Bowers of Mosaic Madness. They have created the logo as a large mosaic that will be put high on the outside wall of the Hall. A number of people have asked why the new school is not Novers Lane Primary. Headteacher Julia Skinner explained that:

As you know, Novers Lane Infant and Junior Schools are amalgamating to form Greenfield Primary School. The logo for the new school is an owl flying across fields. To mark the new

“This is a new school with a new vision and new facilities and a new name will help to emphasise this. The logo shows that we will be soaring to reach our full potential. It is also a memento of Novers Lane Infant school which had an owl as its motif.” Greenfield Primary School opens in September.

TAKING A STAND Local resident, Carole Casey, decided to take a stand against a petty crime in the neighbourhood and has won an award for her effort. Carole confronted the perpetrator of the incident and got them to apologise and redress the victim – community justice in action! By dealing with the crime effectively within the community, Carole was nominated for a Taking A Stand award and won £1000 for local causes. Carole will split the money between local groups, ‘It’s a man thing’ and the domestic

abuse project, and will fund a main prize at the annual Hearts and Stars awards. Carole says “The money goes back into the community so everyone benefits.” Knowle Action Group (KAG) also won a Taking A Stand award and a £1000 prize. The awards celebrate the bravery and courage of local people and organisations who have taken a stand against anti-social behaviour and are run in partnership with Crime Concern and the Co-op.

LIVE MUSIC COMES TO KNOWLE WEST Patients and staff at William Budd Health Centre and the Walk in Centre are set to enjoy free performances of live music, in a pilot project funded jointly by Awards for All and Bristol City Council Arts Development. The £6,000 project, dubbed Music While You Wait, will see groups of musicians from three different musical traditions give live performances in GP and health centre waiting rooms across South Bristol. Opening the project at Knowle West with a performance of Colombian panpipes will be artist Maurizio Velez, an active presence on London’s world music scene.

Bristol South and West PCT, Live Music Now! and Bristol City Council, will run between July and November 2006. Maurizio’s performance will take place on the 20th of July, between 9.30am and 10.30am in the South Bristol Walk in Centre and between 11am and 12pm at William Budd Health Centre. Classical and folk musicians are scheduled for September and November.

“I’m very excited by this initiative”, says Ruth Yudkin, project co-ordinator. “I’m confident that music in the waiting room will have a positive effect on the atmosphere for patients and staff, and will also introduce people to music they may not have heard before.” Music While You Wait, a partnership between

CRUCIFIX MAKER FOUND! We have found the maker of the large crucifix that hangs in St Barnabas Church (The Shrinking Church article by Ken Jones, Issue 22). Royston Perret, now a manager living in Birmingham, made the crucifix in the mid 1980s as part of an art project while attending Merrywood Boys School.


Royston was chuffed to bits to hear that the crucifix still hangs in St Barnabas and said he would make sure he pays a visit to see it next time he visits his family in Bristol.

ACHIEVEMENT KNITTING FOR OXFAM A group of senior citizens at Homemead Sheltered Housing have been busy over the last 6 weeks creating a huge range of colourful baby clothes for Oxfam. Edna Davies, Olive Ford, Joyce Bebbington and Rose Williams have spent their coffee mornings, evenings and spare moments chatting and watching TV, to the background of clicking needles. Olive said the project started as a result of her giving up smoking, “I picked up knitting needles instead of a cigarette” she said. “We knit, watch TV, have a laugh and sometimes a little drink!” Most of the ladies haven’t knitted for years and are proud of their efforts, “It feels like a great achievement” said Edna. Jackie Liddle pictured: Edna, Olive & Joyce

MEMBER OF THE MONTH The Park Health & Fitness Suite has chosen Anni Williams as their member of the month. Anni began coming to the Park Health & Fitness Suite as a GP Referral COPD Patient back in September 2005. On successfully completing the course, Anni has committed to improving her quality of life and has continued to attend the Health Suite 2-3 times a week. Anni is now completing over 15,000 steps a day using her pedometer, which is a fantastic achievement and well above and beyond what Doctors classify as active. You can contact the Park Health and Fitness Suite on 0117 377 3382.

ARCHIMEDIA BALED OUT! Bristol City Council has committed to support the Knowle West Media Centre’s Archimedia project - to rebuild Leinster House. Support is also coming from Objective 2, Urban 2, the Arts Council and SRB6 to fund a £2,100,000 environmentally focused community media centre. Plans are already underway to finalise the design by the end of the year that will include walls made from straw bale panels that local people will be able to help build. If you would like to get involved, please contact Sandra Manson or Miles Ford on 0117 377 3161 or call in at KWMC.

HEARTS AND STARS AWARDS - NOMINATION FORM The Hearts and Stars Awards is an annual event celebrating the work done by local volunteers on the estate.

Please say why (in no more than 30 words):

If you would like to nominate someone for the People’s Choice Award and the Good Neighbour Award 2006, please enter the details below and return by 27th Oct. 2006. I would like to nominate:

............................................................. .............................................................

............................................................. for People’s Choice Award a n d

............................................................. Nomination forms can be placed in one of our drop-off points. Drop off points: Health Park, Eagle House, The Mede, The Park & Knowle Area Housing Office.

............................................................. Good Neighbour Award




SUMMER IN THE CITY Not got anything planned for the kids this summer? Fear not, there’s plenty going on locally for tots to teens. Knowle West Sure Start at The Park Age: under 5s and their families Summer timetable and trips out Contact: Sure Start on 903 3781 Knowle West Churches Together, Newry Walk Age: 5-11yrs From 21st -25th Aug, 1.30-4pm Cost: £1.50 for 1st child, £1 for others in family per week Crafts, drama, games, cooking Registration Sat 19th Aug Contact: Margaret Jones 963 3240 The Mede Community Centre Age: 5-11 yrs From 27th July – 25th Aug Cost: £3 full day, £1.50 half day, trips cost extra Sports, crafts, film & video work, cooking, karaoke and water fun days Trips include Animal Farm Country Park and Drayton Manor Contact: Maureen Cole 904 1220 Hengrove Community Arts College Age: 8-16 yrs Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri 10am-2pm Swimming, sports, arts & crafts, computers Cost: £1 per day for Hengrove students & new year 7s £2 per day for non-Hengrove students Trip days on Weds: 2 Aug – Bristol Play Day at College Green 12-4pm 9 Aug – Blaise Castle 10am-4pm 16 Aug – Bath Park 10am-4pm 23 Aug – TBC 30 Aug – Fun event at Hengrove Play Park 10am-4pm Book early to avoid disappointment! Contact: Andrea 07967 808 442

Project X and Positive Futures Age: 12+ Fishing, outdoor pursuits, sailing, golf and sports Most activities will be for groups of young people that we have been working with during the year. Contact: 377 3881 Football Festival Week at Broadplain YC Age: 10+ 7th -11th Aug, 12-4pm £1 per person per day Football coaching and fun tournaments/ competitions Contact: Positive Futures 903 9776


Eagle House Youth Centre Age: 13-19 yrs 31st July – 24th Aug, 10am-4pm Cooking, computers, circus skills, t-shirt printing, dance workshops, trips and much more Also babysitting course for 14yrs+ An accredited course, including first aid and how to respond in an emergency when babysitting. To successfully complete the course, you will need to attend for 30 hours. Contact: Eagle House Youth Centre 977 7795 Broadplain YC Age: 8-11yrs 26th July – 1st Sept, 8am-6pm daily £12 full day, £6 half day (8am-1pm, 1pm6pm) Sports, arts, computers etc

Contact: Cath Fisher 964 9774 Calling all girls who love football! During July, Broadbury Park Girls will be signing on U12s, U14s & U16s ready for the new season. Interested? Then drop into Broadplain YC any night during July between 7-9pm. You will need a £5 registration fee. Don’t forget, the Youth Club is also open MonFri, 7-9.30pm, only 50p a night. Inns Court Youth Project Age: 10+ Mon, Wed, Fri, 1-4pm, costs only 50p Green woodworking, drumming workshop, cooking, arts and sports Trips include: Deep sea fishing – 16-19 yrs at £25 10 pin bowling – 10yrs+ at £3 Camp & Alton Towers – 10yrs+ at £20 London – 10yrs+ at £20 Babysitting course: 14yrs+ beginning week of 21st Aug Contact: Mark or Sandra 953 2049 Detached Project (PAYP) Age: 15-18yrs ‘Closed group’ day trips on Tues 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th Aug for existing contacts. We will also be working with Positive Futures to offer a series of ‘youth worker versus young people’ sports activities, with a BBQ to follow, on Thurs 10th, 17th, 24th and 31st August from 6.30pm. Open to all young people from 13-19yrs and it’s free. Contact: 0797 1039 665

POLICE, CRIME & SECURITY Your Policing Team Filwood Ward’s new Neighbourhood Policing Team has been in place for a few months. The final touches in constructing this team have resulted in the appointment of a new sergeant for the area of Filwood and Knowle. PS Jon BANE will be heading the team for the foreseeable future.

Knowle West Clean Up This was a day of mixed emotions. The day itself was a perfect illustration of the heart of the Knowle West Community. The amount achieved in such a small space of time was nothing short of miraculous. This was the culmination of a great deal of hard work and planning spanning months.

Whilst there is still further PCSOs to come, we have set about dealing with many of the issues raised to us from members of the community. We thought we’d take this opportunity to update you with some of the progress made thus far:

However, the tragedy that followed the event left a deep feeling of sorrow. Our greatest sympathy goes out to the family and friends of Barry Wilson. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the members of the community who came forward to assist us in the investigation. In the light of such tragedy it was another testament to the spirit of the community.

Anti Social Behaviour We have continued our bus patrols, with both PCSOs and PCs travelling around Filwood on First Group buses to stamp out Anti Social Behaviour. Please spread the message, if you engage in such activities you run the risk of being arrested. The team have been looking to vastly increase the amount of time spent patrolling the area on foot. This has hopefully meant that you will have seen far more of your local bobbys! If this is not the case please let us know. We value your comments and if you have ideas on how we can improve the service we give to you, tell us. We are also travelling around the beat on mountain bikes. This is another feather to our bow and has been very successful in the fight against Anti Social Behaviour. Drugs We have often been told that this is a main area of concern for many residents. Since the beginning of June our team alone have executed over 15 warrants and pre-planned operations relating to drugs on Filwood Ward. The pro-active team, which works alongside your beat managers and PCSOs are dedicated to seeking out the sources of drug related problems in your community. Their success is very much dependant on help from the community which they serve. If you have any information which is linked to any criminal activity please let us know, either by calling our main switchboard on 0845 4567000 or crimestoppers on 0800 555111. You do not have to give your name. Hi, my name is Neil Burwell and I am the new Community Safety Development Worker employed by Safer Bristol. My role is to work with residents, community groups and professionals to reduce crime and make the area a safer place to live and work. I have been involved in tackling crime work for more than 12 years, and am very excited about starting my new job. I am looking forward to learning from local people and working with residents and professionals to make the area a safer place.

You can contact us by: Phone: 08454 567000. Ask to be put through to one of the Filwood Beat Managers at Broadbury Road Police Station. Web: click on the local pages, where you can leave a message for us. Post: Filwood Beat Manager Broadbury Road Police Station Broadbury Road Knowle Bristol PC2781 Kerslake Filwood Beat Manager Broadbury Road Police Station

pictured: PCSO Mitzi Bland, PC Duncan, PCSO Silful Ullah, PC Kerslake

My name is Rachael Furnivall. I was brought up in Knowle West and previously worked here for 5 years before going to work in Hartcliffe and Withywood as a Community Safety Development Worker. I am now pleased to be back in Knowle West working with your neighbourhood policing team. My role is around reducing low level crime and fear of crime, particularly anti-social behaviour, by community engagement and other alternative methods. Call me or Neil on 0117 903 1788 if you wish to discuss any of the above.




CONDOLENCES We would like to offer our condolences to the family of Barry Wilson who tragically lost his life in an incident in Knowle West on 30th May. The Editorial Team

DO YOU LOVE BRISTOL? Then it’s your chance to show it at the Love Bristol Festival on 26-29 July. 1000 volunteers from across Bristol will be taking part in a range of community action projects which could be anything from graffiti removal to painting a mural. Come up with ideas and let’s make it happen! If you want to get involved or can suggest a project, download a form or phone 377 3393 for more details. Hengrove Park will be a hub for community events all weekend with an amazing Free Community Festival on Sunday 30 July, 12 noon -10pm. Local bands, artists and DJs will showcase alongside a sport zone, demos from Skate Pros and a family zone packed with fun including inflatables, face painting, tug-of-war, live cabaret, hot air balloon rides plus much more. For this and details of other competitions visit Listen In: LBFM 87.7 FM community radio will broadcast events starting on air, 17 July. Don’t forget to tune in!

DANCE MAT DISCO KWMC presents Dance Mat Disco at Ashton Court Festival, 22nd-23rd July in the Blackout Tent (down the bottom of the hill on the left). Three Workshops on Saturday at 1pm, 2pm and 5pm - going round the festival site making videos of what’s going on. Workshops are free and open to all ages. Disco 5pm-5.30pm on Sunday - all ages. The material collected from the first day will be used to make great music and video stuff using 6 dance mats. The dance mats will be in the audience so you can jump around on them and mix up the festival on the screens and speakers. Please come to this and tell everyone you know about it. The more people that want to dance the better. Dani KWMC

HELP NEEDED! New recruits wanted for this year’s Panto, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, to be performed to locals and children on Fri 15th Dec. The group is run by residents and we are looking for people to help in a variety of roles, such as acting, helping backstage, curtains, scenery, costumes, lighting, sound and makeup. If you are interested or can help please ring Kay on 07748522839 or Sue on 07891654918.

THANKS TO................

Chris Jackson

- New Labour Councillor

First of all, can I say a huge 'THANK YOU' to everybody who voted for me on 4 May - and if you didn't, please still contact me if you have a problem that you need me to help sort out. It was great talking to so many local residents during the campaign and on the day. I promise to work hard on your behalf to deal with your priorities, as told to me on my walkabouts. Safer streets - I want to improve policing in the area and think we should take a tougher line on antisocial behaviour and drug dealing. Improved facilities - I am supporting local organisations’ efforts to improve Knowle West, and will back their efforts to bring funding into the area. Cleaner neighbourhoods - I am campaigning for the end of the £15 charge for bulky waste removal, and want to see tougher action and a faster response to fly tipping. These were just some of the things YOU told me that needed addressing. I also pledge to keep in touch through regular newsletters and advice surgeries, but if you need to speak to me in the meantime, you can call me on Tel: 3533163, email me at: or write to me at the council house. Chris Jackson Labour Councillor for Knowle West

FUN ON BROADWAY! On September 9th on Filwood Broadway, residents, Traders and Agency Workers are organising a great day out: entertainment, cart race, tea dance, music stage, dog show…and more! If you would like to help us organise the event or take part on the day, please contact Iris on 953 0689.

Issue 24 due out October Newsletter Contact Number – 908 4248 All articles express the views of individual contributors and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the Neighbourhood Renewal Steering Group.

The Neighbourhood Renewal Newsletter Group: Anita Pearce, Marguerite Jordan, Denise Britt, Joyce Jenkins, Ann Smith and Rose Manning. NR Manager Mandy Shute. Paul Spooner for photos All at KWMC, who facilitate the production of this newsletter Editor: Jackie Liddle Design: Rowena Dugdale

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