Knowle West newsletter - Issue 25 Dec 2006

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DEC 06

YOUR NEWSLETTER This is a packed Christmas edition, bringing you all the local news and developments. We have the latest on Neighbourhood Renewal’s Community Partnership plans, a focus on Project X, lots of exciting environmental news including a successful kids clean-up campaign, and much more.

The annual Hearts and Stars awards night was hugely successful but due to the very sad loss of Joyce Jenkins, who died shortly after this event, we will report on this in the next issue. A Very Happy Christmas and New Year to you all, from the newsletter team and all at Neighbourhood Renewal. Jackie Liddle

front cover: Top: Xmas lights in Knowle West, Bottom: Fresh 6 film crew




above: Joyce Jenkins at the recent Hearts and Stars awards

It is with great sadness that we have to announce the death of one of our valued resident members of the newsletter editorial team. Joyce Jenkins sadly passed away over the weekend after the Hearts & Stars Awards (18/19 November). Her knowledge of Knowle West and input into the KW Newsletter will be greatly missed. Joyce spent her last evening at the Hearts & Stars event where she greeted over 200 people at the door. With her friend Ann Smith, she raised £387 on the raffle that evening. Joyce also received an award for her exceptional volunteer work in Knowle West. Joyce was furthermore a very valued and active member of the Neighbourhood Management Resident Participation Group and sat on the Small Grants Funding Panel. She was also a member of the Liveability Group where her sense of humour will be deeply missed. We would like to think she is reunited with her pussy! That’s the sense of humour we’re going to miss.

We, as well as those residents that have worked with Joyce, will considerably miss her sparkle and character. We wish to extend our condolences to her family & friends.

We know Joyce will also be missed by the KWHA where she was a Director of the Board, and she played a pivotal role in the Over 50s club.

Anita Pearce and Rose Manning friends & colleagues


My Neighbour, My Friend

What can I say about Joyce? Well I’ll always remember, Her soft, calming voice.

I will never forget your smile and your laughter, The sound of your car in the morning, And your stair lift at night. You showed me such kindness in so many ways, A special place in my heart, your memory stays.

A neighbour, a friend, A third Nan to me, Her memory will always and forever be. Over the hedge, I’d see her there, Hanging up her washing including Yesterday’s underwear! I walk out into the garden to see, Two footballs just lying there, Waiting for me, They were the two that I had kicked over, Yesterday at about half-past three! No prizes for guessing Who had put them there, My neighbour, My human cuddly teddy bear… Joyce. By Mitchell Purnell (Age 12)


above: Silver Surfer Joyce

I wish you could have visited us as you planned to do, But I’m so glad I got to give you one last hug, Before we said goodbye. I know that you’re happier now, And your troubles are free, Surrounded by roses and your beloved family. You are, were and always will be like a Nan to me. You’ll never be forgotten by any of us. Goodnight Joyce. God bless you. Love Sophie-Anne (age 15 yrs)

IN THIS ISSUE Neighbourhood Renewal p4 Achievement p5 Community p6 – p9 Health & Wellbeing p10 – p11 Police, Crime and Security p11 New Faces & Notice Board p12


A group of young Hip Hop dancers from the Angel Dance Academy at The Park, are heading to Florida in April to represent the UK at the Hip Hop World Championships. Dark Angels, the senior dance squad, beat off stiff competition to win the UK Championship in July, crowning months of hard work and preparation. Dance Academy director Michelle Sergeant,

who runs the school along with choreographer, Charlie Bedford said “The group enjoyed an absolutely fantastic weekend of competition; when we heard we had won and would be going to America it was just amazing.” Charlie added “The group have done brilliantly in quite a short time, they are a great bunch to work with, very committed, and we are all ecstatic.” Gemma, who has been dancing with the group for 7 years, said “It’s so gratifying, I love to dance and it is fabulous for us to be successful. It’s good that anyone can come here, there are no try outs, everyone’s welcome.” The senior squad will be travelling with their families to Florida for the world championships in April. The group are looking for sponsorship and if you think you could help, or if you want more info about the dance classes, ring Michelle on 07788 640957.

Nick Park & Carolyn Hassan at the premiere

FLUSHED AWAY David Sproxton of Aardman said: “We’re delighted to be able to help Knowle West Media Centre raise money with this special Premiere of Flushed Away. The centre is in urgent need of a new building and we’re hoping to raise as much money as we can.” Thanks to Aardman, UIP, Cineworld, and Dawn Primarolo, MP, for facilitating this event and for supporting KWMC in the development of their new building. Bristol – home to Oscar® winners Aardman – secured a real coup with a special premiere screening of Flushed Away, the brand new computeranimated comedy from Aardman Features and DreamWorks Animation.

If you would like to make a donation towards the Knowle West Media Centre building appeal, contact them on 0117 9030 444.

Even better was that the premiere was in aid of our very own Knowle West Media Centre, with money raised being used to help rebuild the media centre’s current home in Leinster Avenue. Carolyn Hassan, Director of Knowle West Media Centre said: “Thanks to the generosity of Aardman, UIP, DreamWorks and CineWorld, Knowle West Media Centre looks set to raise thousands of pounds through this Premiere.”

Excited audience at the premiere




Hello again everyone, well Christmas is almost here, can I take this opportunity to wish you all a peaceful and happy Christmas. By now, many of you will have heard of the new Community Partnership that we are hoping to create. Eventually we would like to have the same kind of partnership as Hartcliffe and Withywood - run by local people for local people - with support from the local providers who can offer advice and guidance. It will be a group of people who can make decisions about the area, support local initiatives and agree what does and does not get done in the area. It will be able to fund raise for projects that are needed, support other projects, and employ its own Neighbourhood Manager (doing what I do now) and its own team of workers, like Anita Pearce who is the facilitator for the area and who many of you already know. We will need YOUR help to create this partnership. We would like to have representatives from across the estate to help form this partnership and so we will be having elections in the area in April/May 2007. If you would like to be part of the partnership and be the rep for your area please let us know. We are going to need about 8-10 reps and we are starting to look for these reps now, so if you want to have a say in the running of YOUR community, now is your chance. We hope that the partnership will be formed about June/July 2007. I will be able to support the forming of the partnership and am funded to do this until March 2008, with the support of the Neighbourhood team, Anita and Val Talbot. I have been asked many questions about the partnership and have a list of the questions and answers if anyone would like a copy. Please contact Mandy Shute or Anita Pearce if you want to put your name down or would like to come and talk to us about the partnership. Mandy - tel: 9084350 email: Anita – tel: 9084248 email:

Street Reps Wendy Radford & Janet Henderson travelled to Birmingham to receive the Government Respect’s ‘Taking A Stand’ award on behalf of the Knowle West Action Group. Nominated for the award by the Area Housing Office, the Action Group has been very active in the community helping to establish the Street Reps and working to improve the environment.

CHILDMINDING INFO Every Thursday from 1 - 4pm there will be a ‘drop in’ session at Footprints Children’s Centre (behind The Park building). Childminders: Get your questions answered, discuss your business and get up to date info on training courses and just about anything you need support with. Parents: Come and talk about childcare and the benefits of using a childminder, and possibly meet childminders. Prospective childminders: If you are looking for a career where you can work from home and be with your own children, drop in and talk about the process of registration and the benefits of being a childminder.

CHRISTMAS LIGHTS! Ding Dong merrily on high, the Christmas lights are shining! It’s time again for the Knowle West light show to shine on and dazzle! Neighbourhood Renewal will be awarding prizes of Asda vouchers to the best displays on show this year. Judging the competition will be Health Walks volunteer, Karron Chaplin and her walking group.



Clean up gets thumbs up!

Fed up with having nowhere to play football, local kids took action to get a rubbish strewn field cleared up and made safe. They organised a petition and presented it to their tenant support officer; the Council’s

Neighbourhood Management Team responded by arranging a community clean-up day in October and over 50 people turned out to help. Local residents and young people, street reps and BCC partners worked together to fill skips and collect rubbish, with partnership agencies such as Safer Bristol, Tenant Participation, Contract Services and Project X all supporting the day. The sex and drug litter team were also there to make sure the area was safe. A presentation at the end of the day recognised the efforts of all involved, especially the young people who made the day happen. Cllr Chris Davies presented the certificates.

A plea from the kids of Knowle West… We’re a group of kids who are football mad, We play in the street But get told off by the neighbours Who think we’re bad. We can only go up the park with Our mums and dads, Cause we’re only young Not old enough to go alone. We’re only allowed in our street Outside our home. There’s a piece of ground at the bottom of our street Where we would like to play, Somewhere for us to meet. All it needs is to be cleared up, The grass cut and a fence and a gate To keep it shut. Is it too much to ask for, Somewhere to play? We got our own football team, Could be famous one day. We could play for England Cause we’re all quite good, And we could say “Thanks” It all became of having somewhere To train and play In Knowle, our neighbourhood!

Thanks to everyone who turned up to make the day a great success. A special thanks to Lisa who provided refreshments for all, and Ben, Julie and Kevin who delivered all the flyers with the skip information prior to the event. Not forgetting thanks to all staff at Area Housing Office for the use of their canteen for lunch. This event was funded by Knowle West Neighbourhood Renewal. A n i t a P e a r c e

FILWOOD HOPE Filwood Hope celebrated its tenth anniversary on December 2nd with a special service at the Baptist Church in Newry Walk. Members, friends and volunteers joined together to thank God for all that has been accomplished over the past 10 years. Filwood Hope was opened on Filwood Broadway by the local churches in the community, in partnership with Network Counselling of Bristol. It is a drop-in centre where people can come and off load over a tea or coffee, find help to fill in forms,

write letters, have help making difficult phone calls to utility suppliers and statutory agencies etc. We also have specialist advisors in debt advice, housing advice, benefit advice, and other generalist advice. Recently a specialist counselling agency has joined us to offer counselling for those who have an unexpected pregnancy or need help following a termination or loss of a baby. General one to one counselling is also available. We are open Monday - Friday 9.30am -1.00pm. Please call for further details 963 4566.




What is Project X? Put simply, Project X is somewhere you can go when you have concerns about any young person (aged 0-19 years old) and what is happening (or not) for them at that particular time in their life. The main aim of the project is to get the best out of the young people in the Knowle West community. We aim to do this by getting all of the agencies and services who could provide some support or a solution together - as early as possible - to start talking and planning their work together, and by having ongoing contact with the young person and their family. What does the project do? The services and staff talk to the family, the young person, and one another, and come up with an agreed way forward. A lead person will make and maintain contact with the young person and their family. The plan is then carried out and a review is held to see whether it has made any impact on the young person and their situation. Who can the project work with? Anyone aged 0-19 years old and their family, as long as they have a strong link with the Knowle West area. Young people are referred to us from a number of places such as schools, housing, youth clubs, Connexions, social workers etc, but we also support a number of parents/carers and young people who come directly to the project asking for help.

What support could be provided? Anything ranging from: Group activities to get them involved in something they are interested in e.g. bikes, art, drama, dance, or sport, and to teach them new skills that perhaps they have never tried before Contact with schools and agencies to sort out the best type of educational place One-to-one contact with a young person to look at issues such as anger management, dealing with bereavement, drug or alcohol misuse Support for the family in living together and communicating Better access to services available for them Someone to talk to Better understanding of services so that people from Knowle West get the best value out of them How do I get in touch with Project X? By any of the following: Call the main office number on 377 2641 and we will either invite you to the office or come out and visit you at home. Pop in to see us at The Park, just come into reception and ask for Project X. Speak to any one of our staff. Alistair Dale Project X

FAREWELL JACKIE! We are sad to be saying good-bye to our newsletter editor, Jackie Liddle. For the last two and a half years, Jackie has helped local people to have major input into this newsletter. The editorial team has been guided by her and we all feel the newsletter is a better read for everyone in Knowle West. We would like to wish Jackie all the very best for the future and say thank you for all your help.


The Editorial Team



The web team

Confused about computers? Having problems with your internet access? Then we can help you. Knowle West Web is a community broadband service based at The Park, Daventry Road, that provides affordable, high speed internet access to the residents of Knowle West.

OFSTED praises Footprints “A skilled and committed staff team.” Just four days after re-arranging the rooms and fully integrating the nursery and crèche we had an unannounced OFSTED inspection having reregistered under our new name. Even though it was the very first day for two new team members, the inspector said that “Children appear happy and relaxed.” This led to the inspector finding the setting to be “Good” in every area. The inspector was impressed by how “Staff interact very warmly with babies… provide lots of cuddles, physical contact and stimulation. Non-mobile babies have their own area partitioned off to allow them to snuggle, stretch, wriggle and crawl in safe and soft surroundings.” He also observed how “Children in the over twos play enthusiastically…They independently choose to bounce on the trampoline and clearly enjoy the experience as they spontaneously count the jumps and squeal with delight.” We are all very proud to have done so well as a newly formed team. We look forward to continuing to build on this high standard in the future. A full version of the OFSTED report is available from the Children’s Centre or from the website; If you would like to enquire about having a place in the nursery or would like to use the crèche while you are at the Park, call Sara or Julie on 9039781.

Kevin and his wife Diane volunteer and run this small community project. They work closely with local education providers and businesses to provide affordable, refurbished computer systems suitable for the beginner ( as well as computer training courses at various levels. They can also offer work experience and accredited opportunities to people considering a career in the computer services industry. Spares and repairs are ‘cheaper than mainstream prices’ and they offer technical support 24 hours a day. You can even go in and use their computers to do coursework, while they fix your computer! Kevin and Diane hope to stabilise a link with the new media centre, once it is built, to give more people internet access. Knowle West Web 0845 009 00329

JSLA AWARD Every Monday evening from 4 - 6pm, Positive Futures run a Junior Sports Leader Award (J.S.L.A) at The Park, for kids aged 12 to 16 years. Are you interested or know someone who might be? Then contact Julie Milkins on 07795 315289 or James Edwards on 07810 506962.

YOUTH MOVES FUNDING UPDATE Youth Moves is pleased to announce that it has secured additional funding to deliver youth work through to the end of this financial year. Regrettably this funding is less than required to sustain all of the current provision, and has resulted in some service reduction, with the closure of one part-time youth centre and a reduction in detached work across the estate. Alongside this short continuation, the Youth Moves Board - in partnership with funders and other organisations - will develop a more detailed forward strategy document based on service priorities and the needs of young people.

A strategy group has been set up, tasked with moving this forward and will meet on a regular basis. It is anticipated that the outcome of this detailed strategy will enable Youth Moves to access sustainable funding after March 2007. Youth Moves remains positive about the future of youth provision across the estate. The Youth Moves Board would like to thank all those individuals and organisations working on its behalf over the past months, and for the positive support given in recent months. For more information please contact Phil Cotgreave on 903 9796. Susan Smith Chair of the Youth Moves Board



Cover Story!

Young people try out new skills

full of excited young Mouth of the South media hounds from Knowle West making their way to the Watershed; kitted out with microphones, cameras and notepads, the roaming reporters were raring to go, much to the amazement of the slightly dishevelled and still rather sleepy staff!

This years Fresh Film Festival showcased the best short film and digital media produced by young people in the South West. Fresh 6 packed 3 days (9-11 Nov) with film screenings, workshops, filmmaking and drop-in labs. Saturday started bright and early with a minibus

Highlights of the day included screenings of Think or Swim and Paradise Found, Dance Mat Disco, Totally Frank doing a ‘meet the maker’ session, and a Q&A session with the Director of ‘Scenes of a Sexual Nature’. The day was rounded off with several slices of pizza and some much deserved punch at Baja Bar. Many thanks to everyone involved in making Fresh 6 the roaring success it was, here’s to Fresh 7. Watch this space! Katie Taylor KWMC

Mark Kidel, Producer and Director of Tricky film ‘Naked & Famous’ at Fresh 6

INTRODUCING THE SOUTH BRISTOL TIME BANK This is an excellent new project starting up at the Mede for people who often give up their time for free by helping neighbours, supporting organisations and generally just being there for someone when needed. Maybe you take your friends and neighbours shopping, or help out with chores around the house (e.g. such as ironing, sewing, painting, simple repairs etc) and sometimes think “I would really like some help myself as I have loads of work I need to get done.” Well, now you can get some help, by getting your time back!

For every hour you give helping someone through the Time Bank, you will be given one time credit. With this time credit you can ‘buy’ help from someone else for something that you might need a hand with. You can also exchange your time credits for training opportunities or ‘freebies’ from local businesses which support the Time Bank. Anyone can join, even organisations, it is for all ages and abilities and the list is endless on what help and support can be offered and returned. For further info call the South Bristol Time Bank on 9041220 or just pop into the Mede at Inns Court.

BOTTLED OUT They’re all around, teasing me, tempting me, QUICK there’s another, is anyone around as I look furtively about? Stoop, bend, pick-up, yes a good one. As I walk on, there’s another, it’s peeping out of a black box, I walk by, somebody’s coming – I walk back again, stoop, bend, grab, this one’s better than the last one. I feel good as I continue to walk. I come to a stop, laying in wait in a garden, I see it. Can I sneak in without anyone seeing me –


what if they open the door? Is it a good one? Is it worth the risk? No I can’t; I feel sick as I walk away from it. But wait, I’m in luck, walking in front of me, Kids - they have some. Are they going to be good or not? NOT. I wait, then, stoop, bend, pick-up. Two in one go! I’m getting good at this, too good! I just hope I can break the habit later when I don’t need plastic bottles to make birdfeeders for Knowle West’s Going Green Event. Karron Chaplin A serial plastic bottle hunter!

COMMUNITY KNOWLE WEST GOING GREEN Over 100 local people turned up to take part in an environmental awareness event at the Health Park in October, arranged by Knowle West Going Green group. The day kicked off with a healthy walk, followed by a welcome from Knowle West Media Centre, who gave locals info on how to take part in building the new media centre.

Locally made environmental films were screened by KWMC. Stalls included Restore (furniture restoration), Walking the Way to Health, a clothes swap shop and a ‘make your own bird feeder’ stall. Locals also enjoyed a design a t-shirt competition and paper making in the studio. Bristol City football players, Adriano Basso and Bradley Orr thrilled the youngsters, signing autographs and handing out signed footballs to the penalty shoot out winners from earlier that afternoon.


Building a straw bale panel

On November 10th, Knowle West Media Centre was granted planning permission by Bristol City Council to press ahead with the redevelopment of Leinster House. For the past 3 years, local young people have been instrumental in the plans to knock down Leinster House and rebuild it as a new Knowle West Media Centre built from straw bales!

Paper making

Guest speakers from Resource Futures and the Centre for Sustainable Energy talked about how we can achieve the goal to make Knowle West the greenest place in Bristol.

Comments from the day included: “It was very good, especially for the family and children.” “A great afternoon, good community spirit, with everyone willing to learn.” Thanks to those who donated prizes including Bordeaux Quay, @ Bristol, Bristol Zoo, Leigh Court Farm, Sawdays publishing.

EXSTRAWDINARY Join us in building the NEW Knowle West Media Centre. No experience necessary! Local people young and old, local builders and sponsors – we want you to be part of this truly community focused building. Come and help us construct the straw bales that will make up the panels which, once rendered, will form exterior walls. We are also looking for local people and businesses to sponsor a panel – be a part of history and have your company name and logo displayed in one of the largest eco-friendly buildings in Europe! For details contact Miles Ford or call 0117 903 0444.

YOUNG GREEN GROUP By the end of November the funding package will be in place and in early January the demolition team will be on site to start work. The main contractor will begin in February and by this time next year we will have a new community media centre Knowle West can be proud of. The media centre is documenting the process by which the new building takes shape, so if you have any memories or photographs of the old William Budd Health Centre and would like to feed into this exciting story, please contact KWMC on 0117 903 0444.

Young people in South Bristol are invited to join the Knowle West Young Green Group. Regular meetings are held Thursdays, 4-6 pm, in Archimedia, at the Knowle West Media Centre, Leinster Avenue. Anyone aged 10-18yrs who is interested in helping the environment can come. For more info contact Sandra: 0117 3773161 or email: If you are 18 plus, then you can join the Coffee House Challenge environmental group. For more information contact Heather: 0117 9030444 or email


HEALTH AND WELLBEING COOKING FROM SCRATCH Two five-week courses are now planned for January. If you are 14-18 years or a local mum/dad these might be the courses for you!

New kitchen in action

Whether you have cooked before or not, do not miss this opportunity to come and have some fun in the kitchen with our trained chefs. All ingredients will be supplied and the courses are FREE! Recipes will be supplied so that you can try them again at home. Watch this space for more courses to be announced in the New Year.

Filwood Community Kitchen kicked off with a series of one-off cookery workshops this autumn. Pizzas, Thai curries, burgers, soups and smoothies have been produced by young mums, dads and teenagers.

Crèche facilities will be available on request, and early booking is strongly recommended as not many places are available. For dates and further information please call Ian or Francine at Filwood Community Centre 0117 963 9569.

START REFLEXOLOGY! A new course is starting in the New Year at the Health Park - Reflexology for Beginners. What is Reflexology? A special type of massage to stimulate the pressure points on the feet. Each point treats a part of your body, leaving you feeling relaxed and refreshed. It is also good for stress related problems, breathing difficulties, an aching body and many other health issues. These workshops will teach you how to do reflexology on your friends and family. Starts February 2007 for 10 wks, from 10am to 12.30pm in the Therapy Room, (KW Health Park). Tutor: Sally Clements Cost: £20 (unwaged/benefits), £30 (part-time) £50 (full time). To book: Call (0117) 377 2255.

PATHWAYS TO HEALTH. Five free support sessions helping you to make lifestyle changes. For more info call KW Health Park on 377 2255.



Come and join us at the Gym! We offer a variety of membership packages to suit your needs. Concessions are available to anyone on benefits, OAPs, and students. No joining fees, free instruction on equipment, health and fitness assessments plus personalised programmes (including GP referral classes). Try us out for free with the cut-out voucher!

Come and see a traditional pantomime with a bit of a twist! Goldilocks’ ASBO and the Three Bears is being staged by a group of local volunteers with the help of Community Safety Worker, Emily Smith.


Costume designer Sue Walker said: “I was inspired to put it on by the production of Snow White last year which was staged through Sure Start. They didn’t have the money to stage one this year and I didn’t want people to be disappointed.” Sue, who obtained the majority of funding through the Community Champions fund, said the other aim of the show was to encourage more people to come forward and be involved in voluntary work. Free performance on Fri 15 Dec in the hall at The Park, Daventry Road, from 6.30 - 7.30pm. Tickets available from Rachael Furnivall, in the Safer Communities Team, on 0117 9031788. The Community Champions funding has been obtained through the Scarman Trust with additional support from Knowle West Sure Start and The Park.

WINTER GARDEN TIPS Get your spring bulbs in by Christmas! A little bit of frost will make your parsnips taste sweeter!


HEALTH AND WELLBEING KWADS STILL GOING STRONG The KWADS Annual Report (April 2005 to March 2006) was presented at their meeting, this October, and was brimming with a story of struggle to success. In the first 9 months of the year almost 300 people came to the team for various kinds of support, as they were concerned about their own or someone else’s drug use. The report mentions how KWADS was threatened with closure in January due to reallocation of funding across Bristol, so most of their services had to wind down. Daniel, a local person who has benefited from their services, told his story of how he became free from Drugs: “I first contacted KWADS for support when I wrote a letter from Prison in 2002. A worker from KWADS visited me in prison and provided support by letters throughout my sentence. I continue to receive acupuncture and one-to-one support. I would just like to say thanks to all the KWADS workers for helping me to get where I am today.” Kate Croucher, Chief Executive, said: “It [Daniel’s story] certainly puts all our hard work into perspective – and reiterates our belief in our services – that we recently had to fight so hard for.” Kate added: “The one main positive aspect of this whole period, however, was the overwhelming

support we received from other professionals, the media and Government – through our Patron, Dawn Primarolo. Even more to the point, however was the support we received from our local community, who were not only saying that there was a need for our services, but were campaigning for it to remain – on their doorstep – and local. We will never forget this. So to all those who supported us either publicly or privately – thank you.” Dawn Primarolo, KWADS Patron, and MP, said: “KWADS has a unique role to play in tackling addiction in Knowle West. Despite the expansion and change, KWADS has remained true to its core values and ethos, and continues to be rooted in the local community. It is absolutely clear to me that Knowle West, and Bristol, would be worse off without KWADS.” The report also looks to an exciting future, as KWADS has joined in partnership with the Southmead Project in North Bristol. They have been commissioned to continue to provide some services for drug users, and several more specialist services for the carers of drug users, such as a 10-week group programme and a 5step one-to-one service. If you are concerned about your own or someone else’s drug use, please call KWADS on 0117 9533870.

POLICE, CRIME & SECURITY CHRISTMAS TIPS Make your Christmas safer and happier by taking a few simple steps: Do not leave Christmas purchases visible in your car – lock them safely in the boot. Do not carry too many purchases at any one time – you may be more vulnerable if your hands are not free.

Make sure you have locked all doors and windows at home when you go out or before going to bed. Do not leave candles unattended. Switch off all Christmas lights before you go to bed. Fit smoke detectors or replace the batteries in your existing ones.

Be careful when using cash dispensing machines – check who is around, do not count your money in view of other people. Do not put Christmas presents in front of the window at home – burglars might go window shopping too. Do not put the large packaging in which your new computer, TV or game console came in out by the bin – it advertises to burglars that you have got lots of exciting new stuff! (Don’t forget to recycle paper, cardboard and your real Christmas trees).




Cheryl Martin Healthy Lifestyles Co-ordinator

Vicki Morris Chief Executive of Health Park Company

NOTICE BOARD ARE YOU....... Thinking about starting a business or becoming self-employed? In selected areas of Bristol (including Filwood and parts of Hengrove), the New Entrepreneur Scholarship could offer you: Business Training & Advice A grant of up to £1,500 The opportunity to gain a business start-up NVQ Level 3 qualification The next programme starts in Jan 2007 and applications must be at BRAVE as soon as possible. To find out if you qualify and how to apply, contact Moira Hibbard on 0117 944 5330 or email BRAVE Supporting Small Business

CAROLS An annual event which always draws a good number of local people is the K.W. Churches Together Christmas Carols evening. This year, for the first time, it is going to be held at The Park on Daventry Road on Monday 18th December at 7 p.m. We are once again delighted to have the Salvation Army Band there to accompany the singing, plus a short nativity to be presented by local children. To round off the evening there will be refreshments – including mince pies and punch! All free! All welcome!

THANKS TO................ The Neighbourhood Renewal Newsletter Group: Anita Pearce, Marguerite Jordan, Denise Britt, Joyce Jenkins, Ann Smith and Rose Manning. NR Manager Mandy Shute. Tanya Hazell, Amanda Harman and Terri McKenny for photos All at KWMC, who facilitate the production of this newsletter Editor: Jackie Liddle Design: Rowena Dugdale

I a n B o r l a n d - Development Chef at Filwood Community Kitchen

The Childcare Management Group

Invite you to attend their ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING TO BE HELD ON WEDNESDAY 14TH FEBRUARY 2007 at Footprints Children’s Centre Commencing from 1.00pm until 2.30pm THERE WILL BE A GUEST SPEAKER Together with displays from outside organisations

If you would like further information please e-mail Mary Wright at: Change 4 Children OR, Telephone: 0117 903 9786 The Park, Daventry Road, Bristol BS4 1DQ Nominations for the following posts are invited:


RELATIONSHIP WORRIES? The Knowle West Domestic Abuse Project is holding a drop-in at the South Bristol NHS Walk-in Centre on Downton Road in Knowle West every Tuesday evening from 6 – 7.30pm. No appointment is necessary. Pop along if you would like someone to talk to or would like some information about your options: housing, benefits, police, solicitors or anything else. For more information tel: 0117 9639569

SATURDAY ART CLUB Art of Well-Being has received funding from Quartet Community Foundation for Saturday Art Club sessions. There will be a Christmas session on Dec 16 and a further 4 sessions in Jan and Feb 2007. All art lovers welcome! The sessions run from 2-4pm, in the Healthy Living Café at KW Health Park, but come early as space is limited. Contact Annie Beardsley on 377 2256

Issue 26 due out February Newsletter Contact Number – 908 4248 All articles express the views of individual contributors and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the Neighbourhood Renewal Steering Group.

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